A cesspool is one of the most popular and sought-after cesspool installations used for collecting household waste.

Naturally, this installation requires regular maintenance, otherwise it will lose its effectiveness or, even worse, completely fail.

All this can lead to household waste floating to the surface.

In addition, the bottom may be flooded and the walls of the pit may become contaminated with fatty deposits; accordingly, an unpleasant odor will appear and the pit will begin to fill more quickly.

You don’t have to think long about how you can clean the pit, because you can do it yourself if you don’t want to resort to the help of specialists.

So, how do you understand that a pit already needs cleaning, and what is the best way to do it?

In fact, there are several ways to clean a cesspool in a private home. This must be done systematically, at least once a year.

The very first sign that a pit needs cleaning is the appearance of an unpleasant odor, the accumulation of silt at the bottom of the pit and midges on the surface.

In addition, you will notice that the water in the sink begins to drain much more slowly than usual.

There are several options for cleaning a cesspool with your own hands:

  • using biological products;
  • with the help of special chemicals;
  • using a pump.

Cleaning a cesspool without pumping using biological products

If you are wondering how to clean a cesspool without pumping it yourself , then you should pay attention to such an option as the use of biological products.

This option is optimal if there is an accumulation of feces, fats and other various household waste.

This method works in such a way that after using biological products, you will not be pumping out household waste and fecal matter, but a completely safe liquid.

For example, if the capacity of your cesspool is about 2 cubic meters, then you will only need to dilute half a glass of the biological product in 10 liters of warm water.

After stirring the product in water, leave it for 2 hours in a warm place.

This is necessary in order to increase the activity of the solution and the proliferation of bacteria.

After the specified time, the solution can be poured into a toilet or cesspool, since the resulting liquid is an ideal product for country toilets and cesspools.

Calculation of the required number of spoons of biological product for a cesspool with and without drainage:

Number of spoons

Cesspool with a volume of up to 2 m 3

Without drainage volume m 3

With drainage volume m 3

6 12 18 4 8 16
Single dose 2 — 3 12 16 20 10 12 16
Monthly 2 3 4 6 12 3 4

And yet this method has both its advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, before giving preference to biological products, carefully study both.

The main advantages of cleaning a cesspool through the use of biological products include:

  • biological products have absolutely no effect negative impact on Construction Materials, that is, they are not capable of leading to the destruction of brick, plastic or concrete;
  • Thanks to the characteristics of these substances, it is possible to eliminate the unpleasant odor from the cesspool after only 4 hours of their action.

As for the disadvantages of biological products, these include:

  • bacteria that can act exclusively under certain conditions temperature conditions. The ambient temperature should be from +4 to +30 degrees. That is, this method is only possible in warm weather, but not in winter;
  • In addition, biobacteria are not able to process inorganic materials. In this case, construction and household waste, plastic bags, plastic bottles and so on.

The point that deserves special attention is that biobacteria categorically do not tolerate household chemicals.

If you use powders, dishwashing detergents and other chemicals, then you should avoid this method of cleaning a cesspool.

Otherwise, you simply will not get the desired result.

If you used biobacteria for their intended purpose and followed all the recommendations, then these substances will turn the substance in the pit into an odorless, cloudy liquid, which can be used to water the garden beds.

Cleaning a cesspool using chemicals

Chemicals for cesspools have been used for a long time. A few centuries ago, people used a chemical in the form of formaldehyde, which was an excellent way to clean the pit from household waste.

Recently, formaldehyde has been very difficult to find, since this drug has practically disappeared from sales due to its high content of carcinogens and its toxicity.

This chemical was replaced by other, no less effective substances:

  1. oxidizing nitrates, which contain surfactants. Surfactants are capable of breaking down any organic substances; in addition, they are not afraid detergents that end up in cesspools;
  2. bleach, but today it is very rarely used due to its very strong negative impact on the human body. In this it is very similar to formaldehyde;
  3. ammonium compounds - these agents can do an excellent job, but they have not been studied at all regarding their effect on environment. Experts also say that these quaternary agents do not function well in drains containing household chemicals.

If you choose ammonium to clean the cesspool, then you should not pour the resulting liquid onto the soil, it must be taken to the proper place.

Chemicals are best used in winter time when it is not possible to use a harmless option - biological products.

In addition, of all chemicals, it is best to give preference to the safest chemical reagent - a nitrate oxidizer.

It is similar to fertilizer in its own way. That is, you add it to the pit, it begins to actively act, namely, it dilutes sludge, reduces the volume of household waste and eliminates odor.

The main advantage of this particular product is that it is able to operate even in aggressive environments when chemical waste is present.

Features of cleaning a cesspool using a pump

How to clean a cesspool without pumping with a sewer truck and without the services of specialized workers?

First of all, you will need a special container, the volume of which should be identical to the volume of the cesspool and a fecal (water) pump.

Self-cleaning is relevant if a small number of people live in the house, or if there is a crowd of them, say, in the summer.

So cesspool It fills quite slowly, which allows you to pump out household waste yourself.

After pumping has been carried out, it is necessary to rinse the cesspool, which will slow down the process of formation of rocky growths on the walls.

It is worth saying that this process is quite complicated and not particularly pleasant, so it is recommended to use it only when absolutely necessary or if it is impossible to use another option.

Even the simplest type of sewage system with cesspool can significantly increase the level of comfort in a suburban area. However, this solution has a significant disadvantage - the container for the accumulation and primary processing of wastewater requires periodic removal of the contents. Agree, cleaning of cesspools must be carried out according to the rules so that no damage is caused to the environment.

For owners of private houses and summer cottages not connected to centralized sewer networks, we offer scrupulously verified, systematic information about the methods and specifics of cleaning. With our help you can choose best option disposal of sewage accumulations and learn how to implement it.

A detailed description of the methods used in practice is based on personal experience household owners. The requirements of utility standards are taken into account. The information is confirmed by photo and video applications.

Removing accumulated sewage

A cesspool works simply - wastewater flows through a sewer pipe into a container intended for it and accumulates in it. If this is a sealed version of the structure, then it fills up quite quickly.

In the case of using a cesspool with an absorption well connected to it, waste removal will not be needed so often, since part of the liquid waste flows through its filter walls and bottom filter, being processed inside the soil.

In any case, these non-aromatic accumulations, which accumulate at the bottom in the form of insoluble sediment, must be periodically disposed of.

Modern summer residents and homeowners have three main ways to do this:

  • removal of sewage by pumping;
  • use of preparations for biological decomposition of waste;
  • chemical cleaning.

When figuring out how to effectively clean a cesspool, you should consider the specifics of using each of these methods. Depending on the situation, only one of them may be needed, but often it is necessary to carry out cleaning activities in combination. For example, after using biological drugs, additional pumping of sewage may be necessary.

When should cleanup activities begin? The work strategy should be thought out at the stage of creating a sewerage system, for example, by providing access roads for a sewer truck.

There is no need to wait until the drains fill the last cubic centimeter of the container. Excessive filling of the cesspool increases the likelihood of contamination of the area several times. If two-thirds of the tank is occupied by wastewater, it is time to reduce its level using available means.

#1: Emptying and pumping out the sump

If desired, the cesspool can even be cleaned manually, using an ordinary bucket on a rope. Owners of small summer cottages do just that. This work is extremely unpleasant and requires preparation. First, you should wear a protective suit or other clothing that you don’t mind getting dirty. This is necessary in order to protect the skin, the drains can be quite aggressive.

For mechanical cleaning of cesspools, special machines are used - suction pumps, which pump out the contents of the container and take it away for disposal.

Then you need to take care of protecting the respiratory tract, and it’s not just the characteristic stench. The fumes emanating from the sewer contain methane, the inhalation of which is extremely dangerous for humans. For the same reason, it is not recommended to carry out cleaning work alone, especially if work is planned inside the cesspool.

If the one below becomes unconscious from the toxic fumes, a partner will be able to help him. In addition to a protective suit and respirator, you need to wear high rubber boots or shoe covers, as well as gloves. You will also need a sealed container into which the contents of the cesspool will be disposed of. Later, this sewage must be taken to the place designated for its disposal.

The distance between the sewer truck and the cesspool should be no more than four meters. This point should be considered when choosing a location for the sewer system, as well as during further redevelopment of the site

Manual cleaning is a long, dangerous and unpleasant task. If your budget allows, it is better to use a special fecal pump to pump sewage into a container rather than a bucket. Things will go much faster, there will be significantly fewer dangerous contacts with a lot of wastewater. But in this case we must not forget about security measures.

To clean the cesspool with your own hands, you can use a fecal pump. This pump needs to be flushed periodically as it becomes clogged with solid waste.

It is much more convenient to clean the cesspool using specialized equipment, for example, a sludge sucker. This is a machine that drives up to the site and pumps out wastewater through a special wide hose. The distance between the suction pump and the cleaning object should be no more than four meters. This technique does not service pits more than three meters deep, but such deep structures are usually not found.

For the sake of safety, when manually cleaning a cesspool, it is better to perform all procedures together: one works below, and the second insures it from above

Even when constructing a pit, you should take into account this nuance: vacuum cleaners charge not for the volume of pumped out waste, but for each visit. In order to reduce costs, it is necessary to calculate the volume of the cesspool so that a quantity of wastewater that is a multiple of the capacity of the suction pump is intended for pumping. At the same time, you need to remember that pumping begins if the pit is two-thirds full, and not “to capacity.”

#2: Biodegradation of wastewater

The process of recycling wastewater using microorganisms is widely used in various septic tanks and VOCs industrial production. But today, even for cesspools, a line of biological products has been developed that can do what is not possible when emptying cesspools - reduce or completely eliminate the unpleasant odor characteristic of sewers.

Depending on the form of release of drugs for biological treatment their preliminary preparation may be necessary. Usually the granules or powder just need to be dissolved in a small amount of water

The sewage disposal truck leaves, and a suffocating sewer spirit hovers over the site for several more hours, or even days. The use of biological drugs significantly improves the situation. To do this, you need to choose a suitable product and use it in accordance with the instructions. Bacteria for cesspools are produced in the form of gels, liquids, powders, granules, etc.

Microorganisms decompose the contents of the sewer into water and environmentally neutral sludge. From the permeable pit, water flows into the surrounding soil, and silt gradually accumulates. Naturally, the degree of such purification is lower than that of high-tech VOCs; the water cannot be used for irrigation, and the sediment cannot be used as fertilizer. But the speed of filling the cesspool is reduced significantly.

Of course, the sediment from the sewerage structure itself will not go anywhere; it also needs to be removed or pumped out using the method described above using sewer trucks. There is one more important nuance- not all wastewater can be processed using bacteria.

Special preparations are intended for biological cleaning of cesspools. Some of them are designed to recycle toilet paper dissolved in drains

Inorganic waste that enters the sewer accumulates at the bottom and reduces the amount of free space in the drain. storage capacity. Aggressive household chemicals, such as those containing chlorine, can create an environment that is harmful to microorganisms. Owners of washing machines and dishwashers one should be careful in this regard.

#3: Using chemicals

If biological treatment is just a holiday for the environment, then the use of chemicals can pose a threat. To remove waste from cesspools, the following are most often used:

  • formaldehyde preparations;
  • nitrate oxidizers;
  • ammonium salts.

Even those who are far from chemistry know that formaldehyde is a dangerous substance. Its only advantage is its relatively low price. This drug is toxic and can cause cancer. For these reasons, formaldehyde is practically not used to clean cesspools.

Cleaners based on nitrate oxidizers are much safer in terms of safety. best characteristics. Their composition is close to the components of fertilizers of this type, i.e. If the dosage is correct and the instructions are followed, this cleaner is completely safe. These drugs have a high price, which is fully justified by their high efficiency.

Ammonium salts are an effective chemical for cleaning cesspools, but such chemicals must be used with caution in accordance with the instructions

When added to the sewer, the drug effectively dilutes waste, while simultaneously neutralizing unpleasant odors. After the effect of the drug ends, the processed contents of the cesspool can be quickly pumped out and disposed of.

Another useful property nitrate cleaners are that their effectiveness does not decrease upon contact with even the most aggressive household chemicals. Products of this type are suitable for cleaning not only the pit, but also the entire sewer system.

There is currently no accurate data on how safe drugs based on ammonium salts are. Therefore, when using this product, like any aggressive chemical, you need to carefully study the instructions and follow them exactly. The presence of chlorine-containing agents in wastewater may weaken the effect of using this drug, but according to reviews, it copes well with unpleasant odors.

Waiting until the septic tank is filled to the top is a bad strategy. Cleaning should begin when the amount of sewage is 60-70% of the container volume

When choosing a sewer cleaning method, you should take into account your specific situation. For example, if you need to clean a cesspool under a separate toilet, you should pay attention to products that can dissolve not only drains, but also toilet paper.

Solving the siltation problem

Siltation is a serious problem for both a permeable filter well and a sealed cesspool. In the first case, the liquid part of the sediment will not be able to enter the ground due to the dense silt layer that covers the internal walls of the structure. In the second case, sewage will have to be pumped out more often, since deposits will reduce the volume of the container.

One of the signs that sludge is forming inside a cesspool is the appearance of a characteristic unpleasant odor - hydrogen sulfide vapor. When figuring out how to clean a silted cesspool, you must remember that in this case you need to do more than just neutralize the waste or pump out the contents.

If your cesspool fills up too quickly or often silts up, you may want to consider upgrading it with an additional container and overflow

All plaque should be removed from the walls and bottom of the container. To do this, chemicals or chemical cleaning methods are used, but a combination of these methods is often most effective. During mechanical cleaning, the bulk of the sewage is first pumped out. After this, you need to supply water under strong pressure using a hose into the container.

The inner surface of the cesspool is treated with a jet in such a way as to break up the silty sediment and dismember it into individual small particles. Processing is carried out until the container is filled by approximately 25%. After this, the contents are pumped out with a pump or sludge extractor and then disposed of.

To chemically clean a silted structure, chemical cleaners are used that are designed to dissolve solid inclusions - the nitrate oxidizers already described above. They usually also cope with silty deposits. After some time, all or almost all of the contents will become liquid and can be pumped out without problems.

It is worth noting that the use of chemicals will be much more expensive than emptying by pumping, but this operation is easier to perform and will take less time. In the process of physically removing sludge, you will have to put up with a large amount of dirt, which is usually accompanied by this procedure.

In cesspools without a bottom, you will also have to clean or update the sand and gravel filter located below. The safest thing to do is to remove the entire contents of the filter and re-install the clean components: a layer of sand, crushed stone or gravel about 40 centimeters thick.

To prevent siltation of the cesspool, it is recommended to drain water from it to a filtration field. It is best to do this at the stage of creating the structure, but if desired, you can perform this operation later. To do this, you need to install a horizontal sewer pipe at about half the height of the cesspool to drain liquid waste.

If the cesspool is silted, it should be immediately pumped out and the walls cleaned using a scraper or chemicals, such as nitrate oxidizers

To install a filtration field, you need to excavate the soil to the level of laying the outlet pipe. A layer of agrofibre is laid down, and crushed stone is poured on top. A pipe coming out of the cesspool is laid on this “cushion”. The pipe must be perforated; you just need to make holes in it at equal distances.

Another layer of crushed stone is poured on top of the pipe, and then covered again with agrofibre. It turns out that the pipe is surrounded on all sides by filter materials. This will ensure rapid removal of liquid contents from the cesspool and its safe disposal in the soil.

If problems with the cesspool begin to occur more often, it makes sense to improve the operation of the structure in accessible ways. Some install a cesspool with an overflow, which functions like a septic tank. To do this, next to the existing container, they arrange another one, approximately the same.

The first container should be sealed, and the second should be permeable or without a bottom. It is possible to make the second container airtight, but then provision should be made for the juices to be discharged to a filtration field or to a drainage well. The overflow between these two sections is installed with a slight slope in the upper third of the containers.

First, the wastewater will flow into the first compartment, where it will settle, solid waste will sink to the bottom, and the liquid component of the sewer content will overflow when it reaches the desired level. The second compartment will receive mainly liquid waste, which will quickly move to the filtration field for further disposal. As a result, the pit will have to be cleaned much less frequently, and the likelihood of siltation of the structure will noticeably decrease.

Freezing of sewer pipes occurs most often due to flaws during installation. If this happens, the pipe needs to be heated to restore the sewer system.

In winter, the drainage in the cesspool may freeze, which will lead to problems in the operation of the sewerage system. To correct the situation, the frozen mass must be thawed. Traditionally this is done using heat gun or its homemade equivalent. If there is no power supply, fires are lit next to the frozen pit, a blowtorch is used, etc.

For craftsmen who have at least a little experience working with electricians, another method of defrosting a cesspool is available - heating directly using electric current. A metal pin is driven into the middle of the frozen cesspool to approximately the freezing depth. Then you need to take an electrical cable of a suitable length. Its end is stripped and connected to the pin, and 220V power is supplied to the opposite end.

It may take quite a lot of time to completely defrost the structure, sometimes you need to wait about a day, it all depends on the size of the pit. When performing this type of work in mandatory Electrical safety requirements should be followed, for example, use protective rubber gloves, shoes, etc.

If it is not the pit that freezes, but the sewer pipe leading to it, this indicates flaws in the laying of communications, for example, the trench was not deep enough or there is no insulation. These problems can be corrected in the summer, but during cold weather, care should be taken to defrost the pipes.

Electric current can also be used for this. At the end of the cable you need to strip a section equal to the circumference of the pipe. To calculate this value, you simply need to multiply the pipe diameter by 3.14, i.e. to the number “pi”. The protected wire is then wound around the frozen pipe. Power is supplied to the cable; after a couple of hours of such heating, the contents of the pipe will melt and the operation of the sewer system will resume.

Useful video on the topic

A practical option for cleaning a silted cesspool is presented in this video:

Here we demonstrate the procedure for pumping waste out of a cesspool using a fecal pump, which should be washed periodically:

The process and result of using a bioactivator to clean a cesspool can be seen in this video:

Although the cesspool is very simple option devices autonomous sewerage, it requires proper maintenance and timely cleaning. Modern means allow you to get rid of waste accumulated in the building quickly and efficiently.

How do you know when it’s time to clean out a cesspool?

A cesspool is one of the most popular and sought-after cesspool installations used for collecting household waste.

Naturally, this installation requires regular maintenance, otherwise it will lose its effectiveness or, even worse, completely fail.

All this can lead to household waste floating to the surface.

In addition, the bottom may be flooded and the walls of the pit may become contaminated with fatty deposits; accordingly, an unpleasant odor will appear and the pit will begin to fill more quickly.

Such contamination of the pit is not allowed

You don’t have to think long about how you can clean the pit, because you can do it yourself if you don’t want to resort to the help of specialists.

So, how do you understand that a pit already needs cleaning, and what is the best way to do it?

In fact, there are several ways to clean a cesspool in a private home. This must be done systematically, at least once a year.

The very first sign that a pit needs cleaning is the appearance of an unpleasant odor, the accumulation of silt at the bottom of the pit and midges on the surface.

In addition, you will notice that the water in the sink begins to drain much more slowly than usual.

There are several options for cleaning a cesspool with your own hands:

  • using biological products;
  • using special chemicals;
  • using a pump.

Cleaning a cesspool without pumping using biological products

If you are wondering how to clean a cesspool without pumping it yourself, then you should pay attention to an option such as using biological products.

This option is optimal if there is an accumulation of feces, fats and other various household waste.

Biological products for cesspools photo

This method works in such a way that after using biological products, you will not be pumping out household waste and fecal matter, but a completely safe liquid.

For example, if the capacity of your cesspool is about 2 cubic meters, then you will only need to dilute half a glass of the biological product in 10 liters of warm water.

This scoop should be enough for a cesspool of 2 cubic meters.

After stirring the product in water, leave it for 2 hours in a warm place.

You need to pour the biopowder into a bucket and mix thoroughly

This is necessary in order to increase the activity of the solution and the proliferation of bacteria.

After the specified time, the solution can be poured into a toilet or cesspool, since the resulting liquid is an ideal product for country toilets and cesspools.

Biological products are also available in tablet form.

Calculation of the required number of spoons of biological product for a cesspool with and without drainage:

Number of spoons

Cesspool with a volume of up to 2 m3

Without drainage volume m3

With m3 drainage

Single dose 2 - 3 12 16 20 10 12 16
Monthly 2 3 4 6 12 3 4

And yet this method has both its advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, before giving preference to biological products, carefully study both.

How to use biological products depending on the type of biological product carrier

The main advantages of cleaning a cesspool through the use of biological products include:

  • biological products have absolutely no negative impact on building materials, that is, they are not capable of leading to the destruction of brick, plastic or concrete;
  • Thanks to the characteristics of these substances, it is possible to eliminate the unpleasant odor from the cesspool after only 4 hours of their action.

As for the disadvantages of biological products, these include:

  • bacteria that can act exclusively at a certain temperature. The ambient temperature should be from +4 to +30 degrees. That is, this method is only possible in warm weather, but not in winter;
  • In addition, biobacteria are not able to process inorganic materials. In this case, construction and household waste, plastic bags, plastic bottles, and so on are not subject to their influence.

The point that deserves special attention is that biobacteria categorically do not tolerate household chemicals.

If you use powders, dishwashing detergents and other chemicals, then you should avoid this method of cleaning a cesspool.

Otherwise, you simply will not get the desired result.

Before and after using biological products

If you used biobacteria for their intended purpose and followed all the recommendations, then these substances will turn the substance in the pit into an odorless, cloudy liquid, which can be used to water the garden beds.

Cleaning a cesspool using chemicals

Chemicals for cesspools have been used for a long time. A few centuries ago, people used a chemical in the form of formaldehyde, which was an excellent way to clean the pit from household waste.

Recently, formaldehyde has been very difficult to find, since this drug has practically disappeared from sales due to its high content of carcinogens and its toxicity.

Chemicals for cesspools

This chemical was replaced by other, no less effective substances:

  1. oxidizing nitrates, which contain surfactants. Surfactants are capable of breaking down any organic substances; in addition, they are not afraid of detergents that end up in cesspools;
  2. bleach, but today it is very rarely used due to its very strong negative impact on the human body. In this it is very similar to formaldehyde;
  3. ammonium compounds - these products can do an excellent job, but they are completely unstudied regarding their impact on the environment. Experts also say that these quaternary agents do not function well in drains containing household chemicals.

If you choose ammonium to clean the cesspool, then you should not pour the resulting liquid onto the soil, it must be taken to the proper place.

It is better to use chemicals in winter, when it is not possible to use a harmless option - biological products.

In addition, of all chemicals, it is best to give preference to the safest chemical reagent - a nitrate oxidizer.

Nitrate oxidizer for cleaning cesspools

It is similar to fertilizer in its own way. That is, you add it to the pit, it begins to actively act, namely, it dilutes sludge, reduces the volume of household waste and eliminates odor.

The main advantage of this particular product is that it is able to operate even in aggressive environments when chemical waste is present.

Features of cleaning a cesspool using a pump

How to clean a cesspool without pumping with a sewer truck and without the services of specialized workers?

First of all, you will need a special container, the volume of which should be identical to the volume of the cesspool and a fecal (water) pump.

Self-cleaning is relevant if a small number of people live in the house, or if there is a crowd of them, say, in the summer.

This way the cesspool fills quite slowly, which allows you to pump out household waste yourself.

After pumping has been carried out, it is necessary to rinse the cesspool, which will slow down the process of formation of rocky growths on the walls.

It is worth saying that this process is quite complicated and not particularly pleasant, so it is recommended to use it only when absolutely necessary or if it is impossible to use another option.

When constructing small suburban or country houses Most homeowners solve the problem of sewage drainage simply - they dig a cesspool, into which all the waste of the residents is drained through pipes. But the time “H” comes and the accumulated sewage reminds of itself with a pungent odor. This means it’s time to get down to the not-so-pleasant job of pumping out the contents and removing them. How to clean a cesspool without pumping? Current advances in technology make it possible to do this without spending money on hiring professionals.

Why is cesspool cleaning necessary?

Unlike a septic tank, a cesspool is a primitive storage facility without any signs of sewage treatment. And all its contents are stored there in full until the moment of pumping out. And it’s not just stored: the explosive mixture of feces, food waste and detergents is a potential threat to human health if it gets into the soil. This is why timely cleaning of toilets and cesspools is so important: overfilling them leads to environmental contamination.

In addition, a drainage pit filled to the brim emits a very unpleasant odor, which can negate the delights of living in nature.

Advice: To avoid force majeure, care should be taken to clean the cesspool at the dacha when it is two-thirds full.

Cleaning methods

Cleaning the drain pit can be done in three ways:

  • pumping out the contents with its subsequent removal;
  • treatment with special chemicals;
  • with the help of bacteria.

Do you know what could happen? country toilet without a cesspool? Details in a separate article.

A relatively inexpensive alternative to a cesspool can be a Mole septic tank. Wide the lineup will help you choose the right drain cleaner.

Pumping method

Cleaning cesspools and septic tanks using special equipment

This method is classified as traditional and is the first one that comes to mind when answering the question of how to clean a cesspool in a private house. The operation can be entrusted to an organization that has sewage disposal equipment. A machine equipped with a pump and a container for collecting sewage quickly copes with the task. And for an additional fee you can order washing of the internal surfaces of the drainage pit.

However, pumping out cesspools is justified only if the cesspool has a significant volume, and the owner has taken care of organizing an access road to it. It is not economically justifiable to clean small sewage collections (for example, in a country house) using expensive equipment. Here the owner can easily cope with the work himself, armed with necessary equipment for pumping out cesspools:

  • fecal pump;
  • container for collecting the pumped out substance.

Important: Do-it-yourself work on cleaning a cesspool should be carried out in special clothing and with protective equipment respiratory organs(respirator or gas mask). Clothing must be rubberized, shoes must be rubber, hands must be protected with durable waterproof gloves.

The pump for pumping out cesspools is selected according to its performance depending on the volume of the cesspool. It is better to buy a plastic container with thick walls, equipped with a neck for pumping liquid and a lower drain hole for emptying it.

Gilex pump for pumping out wastewater

Biological method

Anyone who has encountered mechanical cleaning of a toilet or cesspool knows that this is an unpleasant task. It is not surprising that the owners of private houses are interested in the question of how to clean cesspools without pumping.

You can declare “biological war” on sewage. It is carried out using special bacteria that can decompose organic compounds. As a result of their work, the contents of the pit are transformed into a substance harmless to human health and life. The volume of fecal matter is reduced by at least half. They turn into a cloudy liquid without an unpleasant odor. After this treatment, it can be used to water the beds.

Another way to remove the smell from a cesspool and clean it is to use the biological product Doctor Robik

Before you clean the drain pit without pumping, you need to know that biological products used to clean cesspools and septic tanks do not tolerate household chemicals. If chemical detergents and washing powders are used in the house, biological wastewater treatment will have to be abandoned.

Chemical cleaning

Chemicals for cleaning cesspools and toilets have been used for a long time. The most accessible of them has always been formaldehyde. However, recently it has practically disappeared from the public market due to its carcinogenicity and high toxicity. In addition to formaldehyde, the following are used for chemical wastewater treatment:

  • nitrate oxidizers: they contain surfactants that are able to break down organic matter. They are not afraid of detergents falling into drain holes;
  • ammonium compounds (quaternary): They do their job well, but from the point of view of their impact on the environment they have not been studied at all. In addition, these drugs do not work well in wastewater containing household chemicals;
  • bleaching powder: like formaldehyde, it is rarely used nowadays due to its harmful effects on living organisms.

If you use ammonium to clean a cesspool, do not pour the resulting liquid onto the soil. It’s better to call specialists with a sewer truck: they will pump it out and take it to the appropriate place.

Russian drug for septic tanks and cesspools

Fighting odors

One of the most unpleasant aspects of local sewerage is its ability to spread a specific smell around. Pumping out feces does not help from it either: after visiting the site of a sewer truck, the “aroma” can last for several days.

How to remove odor from a cesspool? Using the same biological products. They are supplied to retail chains in the form of powder, liquid or tablets.

Liquid formulations have a high concentration, which has a significant impact on the homeowner’s wallet: a small amount of concentrate can cope with a fairly large volume of waste.

Powders, unlike liquid products, require preliminary “revitalization”. They require water to activate. The powder, diluted according to the manufacturer's instructions, is ready to combat sewage odors.

Summer residents liked it most drugs available in tablet form. They are convenient to use - the tablet does not need to be dissolved in water. It is enough to throw it into a cesspool.

What are live bacteria for sewage and how they work we described in a separate article.

You can read about the features of organizing drainage pits in a private house here. The choice of materials and construction site.

At the stage of building a bathhouse, it is important to properly drain the water from it. This is our separate article.

When choosing how to clean and how to remove the smell from a cesspool, you need to consider the following points:

  • the use of chemicals harms the metal components of the local sewer system;
  • The presence of a dishwasher and washing machine in the house requires the use of detergents that make the use of bacteria that clean drains useless. They will quickly die from contact with household chemicals. As a result, you will waste money and not clean the drain hole.

From this point of view, the most universal is still mechanical method removal of sewage, but the use of special preparations will significantly reduce the number of calls for sewage trucks.

Speaking about how much it costs to pump out septic tanks and cesspools - the price here can be in the range of 700-900 rubles per 1 cubic meter and also depends on the volume of the required machine.

How to pump out a cesspool using a pump is shown in the video.

Cleaning cesspools with antiseptics

Sooner or later, the time comes to clean the cesspool on the site of a private house. An unpleasant odor appears in a private home, and the risk of sewerage spills increases, and hence soil contamination. Of course, if possible, the hole can simply be filled with earth. To make it turn into compost faster, you need to add a special chemical to it in advance to speed up the process. Before cleaning the cesspool in one way or another, analyze the nature of the household waste in drainage system Houses. Don't forget to first disinfect the environment by adding antiseptic for cesspools.

Pumping out is not always possible

Sooner or later the time comes to clean the cesspool on the site of a private house

You can, of course, pump out wastewater. But it is not always possible for a sewage disposal truck to approach. Carrying out pumping yourself using a pump is often also difficult. Finding a place to drain wastewater is difficult, because the risk of soil contamination is high. In addition, silty sediment remains on the walls of the drainage pit, which must be cleaned out.

Therefore they are often used various methods purification of sewage water without pumping, which can be done independently - on your own. These methods include chemical and biological treatment.

Chemical cleaning agents

Chemicals are sold in tablet, granule, or liquid form or in powder form.

How to clean a cesspool without preliminary pumping? Such cleaning methods sewer pit in a private house they have general principle: decomposition of aggressive impurities into organic compounds, their neutralization.

Formaldehyde and quicklime, previously used, are now prohibited for use as environmentally hazardous and harmful to human health.

  • Ammonium compounds (quaternary substances, HOURS) are safer. But if the water contains household chemicals (washing powders, detergents), then their effectiveness is significantly reduced. They are cheap, but draining them into the soil is not recommended. Their disadvantages: it is not recommended for use in pits with metal elements due to the threat of their rapid corrosion. Such substances can be toxic to people and pollute the environment. After pumping, wastewater will also have to be disposed of off-site.
  • Nitrate (nitrogen) oxidizers are the safest, although they are expensive. They are similar in composition to nitrogen fertilizers used in agriculture. They are not sensitive to household chemical residues in sewer water. In addition to the decomposition of biological impurities, they also neutralize unpleasant odors and are practically free of disadvantages.
  • The action of acidic cleaners is similar to that of nitrate ones. They dissolve sludge and solids in drain tanks and then neutralize harmful bacteria. They cannot be used in tanks with plastic walls or open pits.

Chemicals are sold both in the form of tablets, granules or liquids, and in powder form, which is pre-diluted in water and discharged into wastewater. The tablets are immediately placed in the pit sewer, which is very convenient in a private home. Approximate consumption: 1 piece per cubic meter of water.

Biological cleaning methods

Here, instead of chemicals, natural methods of processing waste with bacteria are used.

Here, instead of chemicals, natural methods of processing waste with bacteria are used. Such biological products are divided into 2 types:

  1. Septic tanks. As a result of their vital activity, bacteria decompose sewage into a cloudy, odorless liquid.
  2. Antiseptics. This product only sanitizes cesspools.

All commercially available bacterial agents are divided into aerobic and anaerobic. The first need access to free oxygen for life. Therefore, it is necessary to provide air supply to the waste pit.

Anaerobic bacteria. on the contrary, they do not require oxygen. Therefore, they are used in initial, sealed septic tanks. Additional purification of water (transformation into sludge) occurs in subsequent reservoirs by aerobic organisms. This water can already be used for irrigation using a regular water pump without a filter. garden plants Location on. The soil serves as an additional filter in this case. The frequency of cleaning tanks with a sewage disposal machine increases significantly.

Biological methods of cleaning a cesspool are effective at positive ambient temperatures (not used in winter). However, at air temperatures above +30°C, the neck of the pit must be shaded to prevent the death of beneficial microorganisms. Bacteria (except for some rather expensive types) are sensitive to household chemicals. Those that contain chlorine are especially dangerous for them.

Important! It is worth noting that most washing powders are now biologically non-hazardous.

They are usually sold in powder form, which must be diluted in a certain amount of water before use. To clean a cesspool in this way, you can simply drain the solution into the sewer system through the toilet.

In any case, before buying an antiseptic for cesspools, read the attached instructions. Consider the composition of the cesspool drainage, its design, and the material of the tanks. Try not to buy suspicious products from little-known companies.

Secrets of cleaning cesspools

Cesspools are fairly common engineering structures used in suburban areas. Such pits are built not only as a sewer element, but also as a traditional addition to street toilets.

The pit requires regular cleaning of waste accumulated in it.. You can do the pumping yourself using pumping equipment or other available means. Cleaning work cannot be called an easy or pleasant task. Therefore, many owners resort to the help of vacuum cleaners, which use a special machine to pump out waste water and fecal matter. The procedure is repeated annually. And if the pit is actively used and has a small capacity, it has to be cleaned several times a year, which is an additional expense for the family budget.

Correct operation

The size of the cesspool should be determined depending on the intensity of use and the number of family members.

For a summer toilet, of course, the dimensions of the pit can be much smaller. Outdoor toilets are used exclusively in the warm season. No other sewage waste is discharged into them. The pit fills quite slowly. In order not to have to clean it, you can move the toilet a few meters and dig a new storage well. A bacterial preparation is thrown into the old pit to process fecal matter, and a thick layer of soil is poured on top. After about a year, compost will form - the place will be ideal for planting any fruit tree. On such fertile soil it will produce high yields.

If a pit is used to drain sewage water and fecal matter from a residential building, pumping must be carried out frequently. Particular attention is paid to siltation of the bottom and the appearance of fatty deposits on the walls. Solid fractions must be washed away with clean water and pumped out with a fecal pump, achieving maximum cleanliness of the cesspool. If this is not done, an unpleasant odor will appear. A pit that is not cleaned in time threatens the floating of household waste and even flooding of the bathtub or toilet.

Major pollution

The first sign of a pit overflow is an unpleasant odor and slow drainage of water from sinks, sinks and toilets. If you go to the location of this structure, you can see midges circling over the pit, and the smell of sewage has intensified.

Having opened the hatch, use a dipstick to assess the level of silt deposits at the bottom. A large accumulation of bottom silt can block the sewer drain if it is located too low. In this case, a blockage forms - a fat plug, and if used carelessly, anything can accumulate in the pipe - feminine hygiene items, toilet paper, hair, pieces of fabric, food waste.

Of course, such barbaric use of sewers is very rare. Any owner strives to ensure the uninterrupted operation of the sewer system.

If the pit has a sufficient volume, and all household waste is not thrown into the sewer, the main contaminants are:

  • fecal matter;
  • fat deposits;
  • hair caught in the shower or bathtub drain;
  • small particles of thread from washing machines;
  • a small amount of food waste washed from kitchen sinks.

Cleaning methods

Before carrying out sewage treatment work, it is necessary to clarify some important points:

  • what kind of waste flows into the pit;
  • is there free access to it (access area);
  • what is the total volume of this structure;
  • Is the tightness ensured (the pit is sometimes built according to the drainage type - with a filter bottom).

If the volume is small, the waste can and should be pumped out with a household fecal pump. A unit with a chopper will avoid possible problems– the pump knives can easily cut even pieces of cellophane or large pieces of paper. In addition, a fecal pump will help get rid of bottom sludge.

Particular care is taken when working with drainage wells equipped with a bottom filter. When pumping, the drainage may be damaged, and this leads to filter replacement, which means additional work.

It is preferable to clean large holes using biological products!

However, this method also has its pitfalls - bacteria die from aggressive chemical substances(chlorine, phenyl, alkalis and acids).

If self-cleaning does not satisfy the owners, it is better to resort to the help of vacuum cleaners. These specialists will help you quickly and efficiently restore the sewer system.

There are three popular cleaning methods.


The easiest method to implement, but its use requires a sludge extractor or fecal pump. The sludge extractor is installed on the machine, and work with it is carried out by vacuum cleaners. Fecal pumps are suitable for self-cleaning, but they do not always cope with sludge deposits at the bottom. The disadvantages of the method include:

  • the appearance of an unpleasant odor during work;
  • and the mandatory installation of an access area.

The hose length of the suction pump is only three meters. For additional attachments, owners will be required to pay separately.

Sewage pumps cope more effectively with the task when stationary installed in a pit on special guides. The pump turns on automatically and pumps out the liquid into a pre-prepared container, which is regularly removed.

Vacuum trucks are called out from two to four or more times a year, depending on the size of the pit. The cost of the service is from 300 rubles per cubic meter. There are companies that offer to pay for the call of specialists, and not for the volume of liquid pumped out.

Chemical method

Involves the use of aggressive chemicals that adversely affect the environment. Such substances are designed to get rid of unpleasant odors and accelerate waste decomposition processes. They do not get rid of silt deposits. Chemical treatment almost always has to be combined with mechanical pumping of wastewater. The active substances used are:

Complete pumping of the pit is carried out depending on its filling, but at least twice a year (spring and autumn). Nitric acid costs from 60 rubles per kilogram. Regarding the amount of chemicals required to clean the pit, you should consult with specialists. Overdose is dangerous for the environment!

Biological method

Today the safest and effective method cleaning cesspools. It consists in using special aerobic or anaerobic bacteria (usually a mixture of both types). Bacteria act quickly and effectively, destroying odors and turning waste into sludge and water that is safe for humans.

Part of the water is absorbed into the ground if a bottom filter is provided. The disadvantage of this method is the dependence of bacteria on oxygen and ambient temperature. At temperatures below +3 degrees, bacteria go into suspended animation, and without oxygen they die within a week. There have been cases of colony death within 6-12 hours.

The use of bacteria reduces the number of mechanical pumping of cesspools to once or twice a year.

  • powder - from 1,200 rubles per kilogram (French Septifos);
  • tablets - from 900 rubles per 85 gram tablet (Weist, USA);
  • liquid concentrate – from 600 rubles per 1 ml (“Weist”);
  • gel for toilet bowls - from 450 rubles for 750 ml (Septifos).

How to disassemble a water jet pump correctly and without problems?

What problems the hydrosphere has faced and what ways out of the difficult situation in which it finds itself you will learn in our article.

You can read how to properly dispose of such complex and large equipment as buses at the link.

How to reduce the number of cleanings

This issue worries many owners, because additional cleaning work increases the burden on the family budget.

Savings will result from:

  • use of biological preparations for cleaning sewage disposal facilities;
  • correct calculation of the volume of the pit - the larger it is, the less often the contents are pumped out.

Resourceful owners save money in the summer by using outdoor showers ( summer shower) and toilets. But not every summer resident will like such methods.

Cleaning a cesspool in a private house

If at the dacha or in country house If there are no usual amenities, then some difficulties arise associated with comfortable living. To avoid such inconveniences, you need to make a functional sewer system. Most often, a cesspool is dug for these purposes, but there are other options that will cost more.

Many summer residents have often encountered the problem of old cesspools, so they know firsthand what troubles the downtime of such a sewerage structure brings.

There are several effective methods that will answer how to clean a cesspool in a private house:

  • you can use a pump or other available device;
  • use drugs of chemical or biological origin;
  • use the services of a sewer truck.

Cleaning a cesspool with a vacuum cleaner

Do-it-yourself cleaning of old cesspools

Perhaps the most popular local sewage system is a conventional cesspool. It can often be found in dachas or plots country houses. Compared to alternative systems, this option does not require high costs. The main problem lies in another feature altogether, namely in choosing an effective method for cleaning it.

Cleaning using a pump or other device has some features, namely:

  • a bad smell often appears;
  • you have to buy a fecal pump or special filters that are inserted into a simple pump to eliminate the risk of equipment clogging;
  • to clean the pit using this method you do not need to spend a lot of time and effort;
  • Pumped out contaminants and waste must be transported off-site.

Of course, you can use a simple bucket and shovel, but such actions are considered very difficult and unpleasant.

It is better to purchase an airtight container in advance large sizes for subsequent removal of wastewater.

If the cesspool is actively used on the farm, it is recommended to purchase automatic pump for pumping out water filling the cesspool.

Self-cleaning of cesspools with a pump

Cleaning a cesspool with a suction pump

In any case, when constructing a cesspool, it is regularly cleaned, that is, pumped out. You can do this yourself, but it’s not particularly pleasant or easy, so the question of how to clean a cesspool without pumping becomes less relevant. It is best to contact a company that specializes in such actions. Thus, you can be sure that the structure will be thoroughly cleaned and free of contaminants.

By using modern methods, equipment and devices have become more convenient and easier to maintain cesspools. It is not necessary to do all the dirty work yourself, as there are special devices, complexes and devices that reduce manual labor.

There is a wide variety of drugs that cause waste to decompose much faster. It also eliminates unpleasant odors due to the processing of microbes.

If the work is carried out by specialists, then you can be calm about the result, since only proven materials are used, Newest technologies and modern equipment.

Sludge cleaner for cleaning a septic tank

Cleaning a cesspool using a sewer machine

Today it is not difficult to find an organization that deals with the disposal of liquid household waste. A service such as ordering a suction pump is suitable for those who do not want to spend their efforts on cleaning the cesspool. A special machine will quickly and easily pump out any volume of liquid waste.

Using a sludge sucker, vacuum cleaning of wells, sewer pits, as well as storm systems. As a result, all waste, sludge and other contaminants are transported to their destination.

Such machines consist of:

  • a vacuum pump equipped with a drive;
  • tanks;
  • hydraulic system;
  • electrical system;
  • pneumatic system;
  • suction boom.

The machine can be controlled using a remote control. The sludge is unloaded after the tank overturns.

The disadvantages of this method of cleaning cesspools include the fact that over time the earth begins to poorly absorb water, so it has to be pumped out more often.

Important! If you plan to pump out waste using a sewer truck, then you need to provide access to it. A distance of four meters is sufficient, while the depth of the structure should be no more than three meters.

If the structure is to be used exclusively in the summer, with little water consumption, the cesspool should be cleaned of sludge using a sewer truck once a month. If a family permanently lives in the house and actively uses the shower, washing machine, dishwasher and other appliances, then you will have to call a special machine at least 3-4 times a month.

Naturally, this service is not cheap, but this method of cleaning pits is quite effective. Thus, it becomes possible to quickly solve the problem associated with waste disposal.

Using a vacuum truck when cleaning a pit

Use of biologically based drugs

To clean cesspools, you can also use chemical or biological preparations, but before purchasing them you need to consult with a specialist about the required volume of the product for a particular pit.

To disinfect the contents of a cesspool, you can use a special antiseptic.

Important! As a result of the use of chemicals and biological agents, fecal matter and other waste are converted into liquid. It is odorless and does not pose any danger. In any case, a sediment forms, which must be pumped out with a sewer truck.

Like any other drugs, biological products should be used taking into account certain features:

  • Such preparations are able to effectively process fats, solid waste, feces and vegetable waste. When using special compounds, the volume of waste is significantly reduced and cleaning pits are disinfected;
  • Compared to chemicals, biological products are practically not dangerous for the materials used to build a cesspool. This way, plastic, metal, brick, cinder block and concrete are not damaged;
  • as a rule, such bacteria are not intended for processing materials of inorganic origin, as well as household and construction waste, plastic, polyethylene and bottles;
  • preparations of biological origin are afraid of contact with chemicals. For this reason, it is prohibited to pour water containing, for example, washing powder or detergent into the cesspool. As a rule, the bacteria used are not able to act in an aggressive environment, so the risk of their death is high;
  • preparations of biological origin activate their activity two hours after they are poured into liquid. After four hours, the unpleasant odor disappears;
  • the optimal temperature for bacteria to work effectively can range from +4 to +30 degrees;
  • Before using the biological product, it is recommended to read the instructions. Some substances are sold in liquid form, and some drugs are sold in the form of granules; they need to be diluted in water immediately before infusion;
  • Using preparations of biological origin, it becomes possible to restore the drainage of the cesspool, in other words, it is possible to improve its throughput. There is often a need to use the drug after pumping out waste using sewage machines, when drainage is disrupted.

Sometimes drainage functions deteriorate during the operation of the cesspool. This often occurs due to the accumulation of organic waste at the bottom of the pit, as well as due to the build-up of waste on the walls of the structure or the appearance of a fat plug. Using biological products, you can quickly and effectively restore drainage and return the bottom and walls of the sewer septic tank to their original state.

Important! There are cases when, after using the suction pump, the unpleasant odor still remains and persists for two weeks. To solve such an unpleasant problem, you can use a biological product.

Before you clean the cesspool with your own hands and use special preparations, you need to make sure that these products will not only help effectively eliminate the unpleasant odor, but will also not harm the environment. The composition of such biological products includes microorganisms and bacteria that do not have a dangerous effect on the environment.

Biological product for cleaning cesspools

Chemical preparations for cleaning cesspools

Despite many advantages, biological products have an important drawback: they do not function in winter. Of course, this feature is not important for country houses, which do not provide for year-round stay, but for country houses where people live permanently, this problem is relevant.

In such cases, a suitable option would be to use chemicals, which also have their own advantages:

  • products of chemical origin are not afraid of low temperatures and their sudden changes. Also, these drugs are resistant to the influence of household detergents and aggressive environments;
  • chemicals promote decomposition different types waste and do an excellent job of eliminating unpleasant odors;
  • Despite some benefits, chemicals are considered hazardous to the environment.

Chemical cleaning of cesspool

Previously, formaldehydes were used to clean cesspools; despite their effectiveness, they are quite toxic and harmful. As for ammonium compounds, their effect has not been fully studied, so products with this composition should be used with extreme caution.

According to experts, it is more advisable to clean cesspools using nitrate oxidizers, since they are less hazardous to the environment. The composition of such products is similar to fertilizers; they are not capable of harming humans and plants.

Which method of cleaning a cesspool to choose will depend on the specific case. When choosing a particular product, it is important to consider not only its effectiveness, but also its level of safety.

A cesspool is a convenient, self-contained installation that is used to collect waste from residents. In order for the system to work as long as possible, it must be properly maintained. In the absence of proper care, the cesspool will fail and all waste will float to the surface. There are several ways to clean a cesspool, most of which you can do yourself.

Indications for cleaning a cesspool

If there is an unpleasant odor in the air and midges fly over the installation, this indicates that it is time to clean the cesspool. If this is not done, then sludge will accumulate at the bottom of the sewer system, and this will lead to rapid clogging. To avoid problems, it is recommended to clean it at least once a year.

You can pump out cesspools yourself, and you don’t have to call a sewer truck to do this. First, you need to purchase a special container, the volume of which should be equal to the volume of the pit, and a fecal pump.

Self-cleaning can be done if the sewerage system is used by a small number of people. In this case, the pit fills more slowly, and there will be no problems with pumping. After the procedure, the cesspool should be rinsed to slow down the formation of rocky deposits.

DIY cleaning methods

There are three main ways to clean a cesspool:

  • pumping method;
  • cleaning with biological preparations;
  • chemical cleaning.

Pumping out contents

The very first and traditional method is pumping. You can carry out the process either independently or with the help of special services. Calling specialists will be necessary if the hole is of a decent size, since this service is not cheap.

If the installation is small, e.g. summer cottage, then the owner can cope with the task of eliminating sewage himself. This will require caution. When cleaning cesspools, you should wear appropriate protection:

  • rubberized clothing;
  • respirator;
  • durable shoes;
  • latex gloves.

You should not carry out cleaning with a pump alone, since methane is formed inside the cesspool. This gas is very dangerous for humans, so there should be a person nearby who can quickly come to the rescue in case of poisoning.

Use of biological drugs

Biological preparations are an excellent solution for cleaning a cesspool. The principle of operation of biological products is that under their action feces and waste are converted into liquid. It is odorless and safe for humans. Advantages of using biological products:

  • the products break down fats, feces, toilet paper, and disinfect cesspools;
  • when cleaned, they do not have a negative impact on building materials (metal, brick, plastic);
  • the drugs begin to work actively after 2 hours, and after 4 hours they eliminate the unpleasant aroma.

Despite the advantages, this method has a drawback - the products cannot work at low temperatures, and their use in winter is excluded. This is where chemicals come to the rescue.

Chemical method

To clean a cesspool chemically, use the following products:

  • nitrate oxidizers;
  • ammonium compounds;
  • bleaching powder.

Such products are not afraid of cold weather, but are extremely toxic. They cope well with various types household waste and are resistant to aggressive environments. Chemicals have one significant disadvantage - they are unsafe for the environment.

For mechanical cleaning, a vacuum cleaner and a suction pump are used. To use such equipment, you only need to provide it with unobstructed access to the cesspool.

A vacuum cleaner is a special machine that has Vacuum pump. With its help, the contents of the installation are removed. This method is considered the most convenient, since pumping out cesspools is carried out quickly and efficiently. If desired, you can ask for the unit to be flushed for an additional fee.

Like previous methods, the vacuum cleaner has a drawback - it only sucks up waste in liquid form. To remove solid waste, it is wise to use a suction pump because it can turn it into liquid and easily pump out the dirt. But it also has a disadvantage: after using such a device, the pit will no longer absorb moisture, and you will have to call specialists more often.

To keep your cesspool functioning as long and efficiently as possible, you can use a few simple tips:

  • If it has been noticed that there is an unpleasant odor in the air, it is necessary to place special means in the cesspool ( liquid formulations or powders) that speed up the decomposition process.
  • The condition of the system must be constantly monitored and subjected to mechanical cleaning. If the sewer is full and it rains, then all the unwanted waste will float out, and this is fraught with an unpleasant, persistent odor.
  • To drain the soil faster, make a hole in the bottom of the hole and insert a plastic pipe into it.
  • If ready installation cannot cope with the incoming waste, it is advisable to dig another hole and connect them with a pipe.

When it was noticed that pumping the cesspool began to be required more and more often, it would not be superfluous to restore the operation of the installation using available methods. Usually problems begin in winter, when the drains begin to freeze, and the situation can only be corrected by defrosting them.

Usually a heat gun or its homemade version. The method requires power supply, but in its absence, the use of fires, blowtorches, etc. is allowed.

There is another method, but it is only suitable for those people who have at least minimal experience in working with electricity. The essence of the method is that a long metal pin is driven into the middle of the cesspool, a stripped electrical cable is connected to it, and a current of 220 V is supplied. When working, you must follow safety precautions and wear rubberized protective equipment. The entire procedure may take 24 hours, it all depends on the size of the sewer.

Often, when constructing a private house or cottage, the owner of the estate has to install a local sewerage system on the site. If the family is small, then a simple cesspool in the form of a tank in the ground is sufficient. It is not difficult to equip it yourself. It is also extremely simple to maintain. What and how to clean the cesspool at the dacha as quickly as possible and without unnecessary dirt will be discussed.

A cesspool is a simple septic tank designed to collect and accumulate wastewater. home sewer, which, after filling the tank, must be pumped out by vacuum trucks.

The cesspool will have to be cleaned regularly

Structurally, the cesspool can be equipped:

  • without bottom (with drainage);
  • with a sealed bottom (exclusively for pumping).

In the first case, the wastewater is clarified and partially drained into the ground, and the residues, along with the resulting sludge, are pumped out. In the second, sewage gradually accumulates in a sealed tank for subsequent pumping as it fills.

Important! If the cesspool of a house or toilet is not cleaned, it will overflow and a “compote” of food waste, feces and household chemicals will spill out. Nothing good man and this does not bode well for the nature around.

When filled to the brim, the cesspool begins to exude a sewer odor. Living outside the city in nature instantly turns into life in a garbage dump. Therefore, the cesspool should be cleaned when it is two-thirds full. With a smaller volume of sewage, cleaning will have to be done too often, and with a larger volume, everything will have to be done in an emergency manner.

In addition to unpleasant odors, numerous midges around the container are a sign of impending problems. Also, the need for cleaning is indicated by a slower flow of water from the sink into the sewer pipe.

You need to clean out the sludge from the cesspool and pump out the accumulated wastewater at least once every six months. It is best to do this in spring and autumn. A sewer sump can only be used if wastewater is removed from it regularly.

Safety requirements! All work on cleaning the sewer system should be carried out wearing protective clothing, rubber gloves, a gas mask or a respirator.

Pumping out sludge and sewage from the cesspool

The process of cleaning a cesspool is an unpleasant task. It is better to entrust it to the vacuum cleaners, but you can do everything yourself. Fortunately, there are several sure-fire ways to clean a cesspool in your country house yourself.

Pumping out with a suction pump - quickly and efficiently, but expensive

The most effective cleaning method is to pump out the accumulated mass in the tank and remove it from the site. The easiest way to do this is with a silage sucker. You can also use a fecal pump and a special container where sewage will be pumped out.

Advice! Calling a sewer truck costs a lot. To save money, it is better to order for two or three houses at once. Vacuum trucks charge money for their visit, and the barrel on their truck is capable of holding wastewater from several sewer sumps.

After pumping and cleaning, be sure to rinse the pit with water. And if there is drainage made of crushed stone at the bottom, then it should also be washed. In addition, dense sediment often accumulates on the walls of the cesspool, which is difficult to remove without chemicals.

When pumping yourself, it is better to use a fecal submersible pump with a solid particle grinder. A conventional pump for pumping water cannot cope with sludge.

If for repairs or additional manual cleaning it is necessary to go down into the cesspool, then this should only be done in the presence of a second person. Methane may accumulate inside, someone should stay outside for backup.

How to clean a cesspool without pumping out drains

Pumping out with a suction pump is a rather expensive procedure. But the periods between calls for vacuum cleaners can be increased by using special drugs:

  1. Aerobic and anaerobic bacteria.
  2. Chemicals.

Both options allow you not only to clean the cesspool, but to reduce the volume of solid waste in it due to their complete dissolution. In this case, the water simply evaporates or is pumped out for irrigation.

The chemicals used to clean drain pits are aggressive and cope well with all household waste. But these chemicals also successfully corrode the metal of pipes. But bacteria can only work at above-zero temperatures. For each country house you will have to look for your optimal remedy.

Chemistry - fast and dangerous for humans and the environment

Among the variety of “cleaning” chemistry, it is enough to mention:

  • nitrate fertilizers;
  • ammonium salts;
  • bleach;
  • formulations with formaldehyde.

All of these options allow you to clean the cesspool clean. They quickly eliminate the remains of household waste, silt and greasy deposits. They can even handle polyethylene and construction waste.

There are many chemicals for cleaning septic tanks and they are all aggressive.

However, the use of any aggressive chemicals in everyday life is an additional burden on the environment and a direct threat to the health of people living in the home. Chemicals are cheap, but toxic and carcinogenic.

Advice! To clean a cesspool without risk to health, you should use all possible chemicals using nitrogen oxidizers, which are almost identical in composition to fertilizers of the same name.

Biological products are effective and safe microorganisms

Various bacteria are increasingly being used to clean septic systems. They are absolutely safe for humans and nature. Everything happens naturally, repeating the processes occurring in the soil, but only in an accelerated form.

For cesspools and septic tanks, biological products with bacteria are used:

  • anaerobic (do not require oxygen);
  • aerobic (they die without oxygen).

Bacteria quickly eat organic matter without harming the sewer pipes and septic tank body

If you plan to use aerobes, the cesspool will have to be equipped with a compressor for constant air pumping. This option is more suitable for two-chamber septic tanks. It is more rational to use anaerobes to clean the cesspool.

Important point! Microorganisms of many biological products die upon contact with household chlorine chemicals. Therefore, you will have to spend money on purchasing chlorine-resistant bacteria or gentle household chemicals.

After the bacteria work, the wastewater is separated into clarified process water, carbon dioxide and sediment, which can later be used in the garden as fertilizer. The volume of sewage is reduced several times and at the same time disinfected.

Video: pumping out a cesspool with a fecal pump

Using the above methods, you can clean a cesspool in a toilet, near a private house and in a country house. There is nothing complicated about using live bacteria and chemistry. You just need to choose the right medications. But these are rather half measures; you still cannot do without mechanical pumping of the silt and clarified water that settles at the bottom. Sooner or later, the cesspool will fill with silty sediment, which you will have to invite sewer trucks to pump out.

Compared to modern septic tanks, conventional cesspools require timely cleaning. To completely eliminate contamination of a structure, various means and methods are used. There is a wide variety of such drugs, so choose suitable option not easy.

The main chemicals for cleaning cesspools include:

  • nitrate oxidizing agent;
  • formaldehyde;
  • quaternary ammonium salt.

Chemicals for cesspool

In the past, research has been conducted to determine methods for controlling unpleasant odors. Based on this, it was concluded that the most gentle, inexpensive and effective is the oxidation of substances that cause unpleasant odors. Thus, a powerful oxidizing agent such as ozone was often used. A little later, they began to treat cesspools using liquid products:

  • these are drugs using nitrate oxidizing agents;
  • solutions based on ammonium compounds.

cesspool cleaner Doctor Robik

It should be noted that biological drugs are not able to function normally in cold conditions and this is a significant drawback. To solve the problem under such conditions, experts recommend cleaning the cesspool with chemicals. To their distinctive features worth mentioning:

  • resistance to aggressive environments and agents;
  • efficiency during temperature fluctuations;
  • the ability to quickly decompose waste of various origins and quickly eliminate unpleasant odors.

The disadvantage of using chemical products is that they are not safe for the environment.

As practice shows, formaldehyde is the most popular drug used for wastewater treatment. Despite this, it is worth saying that products based on these substances are toxic to both people and the environment.

Of course, ammonium compounds also affect the environment, but exactly how is not yet known. Based on this, they must be used extremely carefully.

Many experts recommend using nitrate oxidizers designed specifically for cesspools. Such products are the safest; their composition is even somewhat similar to fertilizer. They are not harmful to vegetation and human health. As for other products containing chemicals, they may cause side effects. Many substances are very toxic and can accumulate in nature. As a result of this phenomenon, the anti-corrosion resistance of metal structures decreases. In addition, some chemical products have Negative influence on the microflora, while the number of harmful bacteria increases.

pumping out a cesspool using a hose and a fecal pump

Substances that are formed as a result of the chemical breakdown of waste cannot be used as soil fertilizer.

You can't do without chemistry

Despite their advantages and disadvantages, substances such as formaldehyde, ammonium compounds and nitrate oxidizers are the main components of chemical products for cesspools. Formaldehyde is one of the most inexpensive means. Previously, it was used quite often to clean toilet stalls, but now it has been discovered that it is carcinogenic.

Ammonium compounds are a kind of disinfectants that are good at eliminating bad odors. Such preparations are often used to clean mobile toilets. The effect of these chemicals on nature has not been fully studied. To use them you need to lower waste water from the tank in specially designated places, this can be an isolated ditch, sewer system or other structure.

preparing the cesspool and adding chemicals to initial stage her work

As for nitrate oxidizers, they are practically not harmful and are quite effective, which is why they are more expensive. In addition to this feature, the advantages also include the presence of surfactants in the composition. Due to this, drugs:

  • insensitive to drainage of detergents;
  • provide liquefaction of organic waste;
  • have excellent cleaning abilities.

It should be noted that none of the listed substances are able to transform feces. As a rule, to obtain fertilizer in compost heap bioheating must occur. Regardless of what means are used, waste must be collected into a general compost mass or concentrated in the sewer. Waste that rots into compost pit, after bioheating are converted into good fertilizer, which:

  • promotes the death of weed seeds;
  • helminth eggs;
  • in the future will not possess pathogenic microflora.

Waste disposal will depend on whether the fecal matter is subsequently used as fertilizer.

Bioseptics for cesspool

An autonomous sewer system provides for the biodegradation of organic waste through a natural process. If the system is installed correctly, then nothing will need to be added. An unpleasant odor can only occur if there is a leak due to subsidence. In such situations, it is advisable to use preparations for cleaning cesspools based on nitrate oxidizers, which:

  • neutralize siltation and blockages;
  • eliminate unpleasant odor;
  • effectively clean the sewer.

As for bacterial agents, they do not give much results, since the detergents are drained. There are special products for septic tanks and pits that are used to liquefy fecal matter. As a result, they can be easily pumped out using a household or industrial pump.

Chemicals have to be used due to the compaction of fecal matter during storage, and such measures will also help neutralize the unpleasant odor. Before using the fecal pump, you need to pour approximately two liters of the drug per cubic meter into the pit. After waiting one day, you can begin pumping the waste into the compost heap.

use of microbiological products to clean cesspools

Microbiological products

For the purpose of cleaning cesspools and dry closets, it is proposed to use only two types of products, namely chemical and microbiological origin. The latter type includes bacterial products and enzymes, but they cannot quickly and completely form carbon dioxide and liquid from feces.

At making the right choice bacteria for a cesspool can significantly speed up the process of processing organic components, in addition, unpleasant odors are eliminated. It is worth noting that even small amounts of bacteria multiply in a short time if normal conditions are met, so recycling feces can be effective.

Using such preparations, it is impossible to obtain ready-made fertilizer. This is explained by the fact that sewage is not disinfected. As a result, pathogenic microflora and helminth eggs are not destroyed. Basically, all products of this type are incompatible with the use of detergents that are removed from washing machines and dishwashers. Also, these drugs are not recommended for use in frosty weather.

As a rule, microbiological products have an incubation period. Their effect begins after a few hours, and in cold weather it is necessary to wait several days from the moment of application.

Since complex technology is used to produce such products, their cost cannot be low.

The biological method of cleaning cesspools has the best results only under positive temperatures in the approximate range of 4-30 degrees.

In winter, experts recommend using chemical-based products, which also give excellent results. In this case, the formation of a chemical reaction is provided. Chemical antiseptics for cesspools have the following qualities:

  • effective dissolution of almost all substances in waste;
  • The effect is excellent both in summer and winter.

Working with drugs based on chemical compounds, it is important to follow generally accepted rules.

Should I choose chemical or biological products?

Today on sale you can find a wide variety of chemical and biological preparations that effectively clean sewage tanks, cesspools and septic tanks, among others. With their help, high-quality processing of feces and waste is carried out. They are disinfected and the waste is converted into sludge. The water that is formed as a result of processing is pumped out when it reaches a certain level or simply passed into the soil through a drainage well.

use of chemicals for concrete cesspools

Preparations used to clean cesspools have positive and negative qualities:

  • chemical-based products can work at any temperature; as for living bacteria, they function only in a certain range of positive temperatures;
  • chemicals work well in hard water and aggressive environments, even if there is an admixture of chlorine and antiseptic components. Microorganisms are weaker in this regard; under such conditions they are not able to fully perform their function;
  • chemistry has a negative effect on sewer pipes made of metal and plastic. In the first case, corrosion may occur, and in the second, deformation with disruption of the structure. Biological agents do not harm the sewer pipeline, regardless of what material it is made of;
  • chemical-based products have a bad effect on nature, as they contain harmful components and carcinogens. When they enter the soil, beneficial biological substances are destroyed. After chemical treatment of the cesspool is completed, its contents cannot be used as fertilizer;
  • biological products are able to decompose waste without releasing harmful substances into the air, since they are effectively recycled. They are non-toxic and environmentally friendly.

All chemicals intended for cesspools are very aggressive, and their use significantly disrupts the ecological state of nature. It is important to use them with extreme caution using personal protective techniques. If chemical antiseptics come into contact with the mucous membrane or skin, poisoning and burns may occur. Sewage that decomposes under the influence of chemicals, when released into the soil, can accumulate harmful components that can cause environmental contamination.