It is no secret that most of the male population loves to go fishing. Special pleasure brings fishing on a boat and therefore many dreams of acquiring this object, and some make it with their own hands.

Boat manufacturing materials

The Internet is eating a variety of creativity ideas that can be easily implemented. Entering any request in the search engine, a person quickly gets his answer.

And deciding to build a means for swimming on water, you will easily find a lot of ideas that can be implemented if desired. So what can make a boat? It can be made of:

  1. Tree.
  2. Plywood.
  3. Bottles.
  4. Aluminum.
  5. Rubber.

Each listed material is characterized by complexity in use, because the density is different, and respectively quality too. But it is worth remembering that each material has its pros and cons. Therefore, the choice of material directly depends on the period of further operation of the funds:

  • For example, most durable material is a tree. It is more adapted for a long swimming on water and can serve seven years. It is worth remembering, you need to take a durable tree. It is best to use oak. So there is a high probability of quality manufacture.
  • Plywood is no longer so reliable than a tree. This will be determined in its subtleties. But if you are not very often chosen for fishing, you want to save on the manufacture, the plywood is an excellent choice.
  • As for bottles, many are asked a completely logical question: how to make a boat from bottles? Many will think that this is not real at all. But despite all doubts, the result will be awesome. It will be easy. But in the case of the manufacture, it is necessary to maximize the result of your work that your work is not collapsed while climbing water.
  • Aluminum is also great as a matter. He is reliable, can serve a long time. But production from such a material will take a long time, forces. Therefore, many prefer a wooden foundation.

The last material is very common. After all, all purchased swimming facilities are made precisely from rubber. It holds well on the water and is able to withstand a lot of weight.

But in production you need to be neat, because one puncture will spoil it. Time, effort, money will be spent in vain. The process requires complete concentration, maximum attention.

Wood base

Many centuries in a row, people used a tree like a means of movement along the water surface. At first, these were simple facilities in the form of small platforms, the boat of which occupied for a long time appeared later.

After all, it should be high quality for safe transportation of cargo. Now in our time, if desired, any person can reproduce the remedy at home.

Plain step-by-step plan Teach how to do wooden boat.. In advance, it is necessary to prepare long, wide boards that will serve on the boards of the Chelny. They must be dry, even, not to have cracks.

After the preparation of the main material, it must be processed for convenient bonding. The edges of the boards must be cut into exactly so that when collecting, the boards tightly touched each other. Next, begin to make a means of movement. Start you need from the bow. Cut out an extra board, which in the middle will keep the side.

After the end of work on the sides, you need to build seats. The process is very simple, so it does not take much time. Wooden boards, you need to nail to sides. After that, the bottom should be installed. It can be iron.

Cut out the necessary shape from the iron sheet, thanks to the densely scored nails kpripim to wooden based. The boat is practically ready. It remains to attach the iron chain, which will serve as the basis for anchor.

Manufacture of plywood boats

Construction plan How to make a boat from plywood will be slightly different from the previous one. How to make a boat with your own hands the drawings and the description will be reliable assistant during the process full information The drawings can be found on the Internet.

Take a large sheet of plywood, draw the contours of the product on it, relying only on the drawings. After that cut out. Magnet is ready, it remains only to fix everything correctly. The job exactly needs to be started with sides.

If you want to attach a motor, the back board must be strengthened. After high-quality bolt bolt, attach the bottom. Use glue, resin. It is not necessary to sorry to inflict the listed funds, but also should not be removing. Applying them, you need to wait until complete drying. Here the Chelny is almost ready, you only need to paint at your discretion.

Rubber boat

Answer to the question: how to make a boat with your own hands the drawings will be the first answer. Thanks to them, the product will be the right form. Therefore, the first thing should draw drawings, calculating the slightest details.

After that, cut out from the sheet of plywood boat of the specified sizes. Additionally, we will need boards for reliable fittings, tarpaulin for coating. These materials must be combined with each other with all the same glue, resins. Be sure to give time to stick glue, otherwise the design is harvested. And your efforts will be spent in vain.

After that, cover the product with a tarpaulin, attaching it tightly to the boards. Remember, the design should be wide. So it turns out a homemade boat. It will not greatly look like a rubber, which is sold, but soft, convenience, she will provide you.

For a greater understanding of the manufacturing process, you can see how to make PVC boat with your own hands. There, on a visual example, the principle of work will be explained. After all, read and see an example, repeating actions, these are completely different things.

Air boat

Seeing photos on the Internet about how they make a boat from bottles, many are surprised by asking a natural question: how to make homemade boat of plastic bottles Or how long can it be used?

The principle of manufacture is so simple that even a ten-year-old child can construct it. For the production you need a lot of plastic bottles. They should be in perfect condition, without cracks, holes, in order not to pass water.

The amount depends on the desired sizes of the vessel. Also, on bottles, there must be a lid that the water does not enter into the inside, did not make them harder. The carrier material must be put in the form of a vessel, carefully attacked glue among themselves.

Here is a means for swimming ready. It is very cheap in production, but not very high quality. It is highly likely that a bottle can be broken over the branch, thus damaging the design.

Aluminum ship

Having learned the principle of production of previous boats is not difficult to guess how to make an aluminum boat. The difference is only in the material from which the ship will be done. By strength, it can be safely put in second place after the tree.

And subject to quality work, it can serve a lifetime.
Doing, remember that it is necessary to attach materials with high quality, tight. Because life depends on the quality of work.

Anchor do it yourself

Anchor is the main element of the floating agent. After all, it helps for a long time to hold in one place, not allowing the flow to carry the ship. In order to attach anchor, it is necessary to drill a hole in the back of the boat, stretching the iron chain that will become the basis for anchor.

Next you need to attach the cargo itself. It should be a big piece of iron that can stop the boat. It will be necessary to attach to the chain, using welding. Ten minutes - anchor is ready. This is the easiest way to make an anchor for a boat with your own hands.


Some simple ways help learn how to make a boat with your own hands from different materials. Even if the attempt is not successful, the experience of making the vessel on their own it is accurately remembered.

But if you still get a good boat, it will certainly come in handy for fun for walking on the river and fishing. Therefore, do not miss the opportunity to try to make a boat with your own hands.

Video about how to make a boat with your own hands

Plastic bottle is a very convenient material for the construction of a homemade boat. To break through such a bottle, it is necessary to try and this is why the use of empty bottles of beer and carbonated drinks is so convenient for the manufacture of a small homemade boat.

The first thing to be done is to free the containers from drinks. You can, of course, buy empty bottles, but it is not sports. Much more pleasant to sail on a homemade boat from plastic bottles, drinks from which you used during a certain period.

So, for example, the entire winter you can harvest the material for the construction of the boat, the devastation of the bottle from under beloved beer, and in the spring begin to build.

Of course, for a serious campaign better suitable PVC inflatable boat, but it is possible to organize a weekend alloy on a boat from plastic bottles.

How to build a boat from plastic bottles

In the construction there are two options - more complex can be seen in the photo above, the bottles are made "linen" in the length of the boat.

For this, the neck is cut off and the bottom of the bottle, the sequences are inserted into each other on the adhesive, and the seam is turned out from the outside with a transparent scotch.

Such a connection keeps an increase in internal pressure to 6-8 atmospheres, so even a sharp blow of the bottom of the reservoir will not break the "log" boats.

The second version of the construction can be seen on the video below - the bottles are binding to each other with the help of the tape and the grid. The self-made boat made from the bottles of less OSTOCHEV made in this way, but, nevertheless, suitable for small alloys.

You can use the option with a frame - then plastic bottles are attached from below in 2-3 layers and boards are made of them.

Here is another video in which it is shown how this homemade can swim, pay attention - even the motor installed on it!

By the way, on such technologies during the USSR, self-made rafts were made for alloys, only instead of bottles used balloons, they were inflated and placed in specially stitched covers. Today, the balls can be replaced with empty bottles - after all, the bottles are much more resistant to mechanical loads, which means the raft for the alloy will be more reliable.

Look at the photo above, it is just collecting a similar raft. Bottles are combined into bags, and they are already fixed below homemade fleet. On water, such a raft will stand exactly and have high load capacity.

By the way, there is a real yacht in the manufacture of which plastic bottles were used. Plastiki is the name of this ship. 12.5 thousand plastic bottles went to its manufacture and processed successfully Pacific Ocean Passing from San Francisco in Sydney.

If you decide to make such a homemade boat, pay attention to the article.

For fishing or just walks along the river or lake, you need a small boat, but very often there is no funds for the purchase of a factory boat. In this case, the manufacture of a boat from plastic bottles can be a good way out. Make it easier than it may seem at first glance.

Of course, you can make a boat from plywood or a small raft from wooden logs. However, in this case, you will have to spend money on materials (albeit not much). But the main thing is to design the focus in this way you need to have certain skills and have enough time in stock. If you make an error in the calculations, all work will be carried out in vain.

The boat from plastic bottles is designed much easier to wooden, and the costs are practically no need. In essence, only plastic bottles in large quantities will be required. Where to take them, a separate question. You can assemble them for a while, put in a public place a box for collecting, ask for friends and so on.

Required materials for boats from plastic bottles

Of course, in order to build a boat from plastic bottles. a large number of These most plastic bottles. It is better to choose a bottle of a large capacity, because in this case they will go less, and the boat assembly will be easier. In addition, the plastic bottle boat will be more reliable, stronger and more durable.

In addition to plastic bottles, a wide tape will need, good large scissors or a sharp knife, a thin and durable wire, cross-plywood; wooden boards or light pipes.

You can also find and prepare any material for the final trim of a boat from plastic bottles. If necessary, it can be seen, for example, thick plywood, and then paint the waterproof paint and apply a logo on one of the sides.

Step One: Preparation of plastic bottles for boat

Plastic bottles in the usual condition are sufficiently soft, which reduces their effectiveness. In order to make plastic bottles more dense and rigid need to be gasped with air under pressure.

Of course, there is no such possibility, but this can be done at home with simple principlewhich works when the temperature drops.

If you put plastic bottles in the freezer, they will raise cold air. Then, plastic bottles are firmly twisted with covers without getting out of the freezer. Now that plastic bottles pull out into the room or outside, the air inside them will warm up and expand, thanks to physical laws, well known to everyone from the school program. And as a result, the bottles will become rigid and elastic, which it was necessary to achieve with their own hands for the design of the boat.

Also, bottles are better to wash well before use and dry. You need to remove all labels and stickers. If necessary, the remnants of the adhesive substance are removed by solvents or by any detergent.

As experience shows, the bottle during operation is not depicted and the boat can serve quite a long time, without losing its floating properties. But in order to be restred, plastic bottle caps are better to put on a good waterproof glue. In this case, the boat from plastic bottles will be much more reliable.

Step 2: Making logs from plastic bottles for boat

Plastic bottle boat consists of a kind of logs, as can be seen in the photos presented in the article. Make such logs for the boat is very simple, you only need to follow certain principles and schemes.

However, nothing special does not have to do. Start work with a compound of two bottles prepared properly. They are connected by fines. At the same time, the protrusions of the bottom of a plastic bottle are inserted into the bottom of the bottom of the plastic bottle. A medium part of the bottle is used as a connecting material, which is pulled by the connection.

Then, all the joints of the joints are flushed by several layers of wide water-resistant tape. You can also use some waterproof glue suitable for gluing plastic. Then the boat from plastic bottles will be very reliable, durable and will last for many years, without needing to repair.

So, as a result of previous manipulations, a fragment of a log of plastic bottles will be fragment. In essence, it's just two bottles connected by donkeys. From both of the ends of such a simple design will be sealed bottle necks.

Now you need to take two more bottles and cut off the tops from them - the necks. These parts are tightly planted on the workpiece and again flushed with a preliminary disorder suitable for the case of glue.

After that, it turns out a blank with bottoms from both ends. Other bottles are attached to them - Dysheko to the bottom, as in the very first case: the protrusions of the first plastic bottle should get into the removal of another plastic bottle. When it is ready, the middle part of the other bottle pulls onto the connection, everything sits on glue and flies with dense waterproof glue.

Here are from such logs and consists of a boat from plastic bottles.

Step Three: We make floats for boats from plastic bottles

So, after the individual logs from plastic bottles for the boat are ready, they are fastened in the float. In one float there should be eight logs.

The main thing about all the correctly calculate the boat from plastic bottles is reliable, and it could be confidently feeling.

Bashed logs for a boat with a fine, but durable wire, waterproof tape and polyethylene. You can also use some good and waterproof glue.

Step Four: Collect the boat from plastic bottles

Now, from the obtained floats, you can easily construct the plascent. The easiest way to make a raft or catamaran. Also easy to make a boat or even a yacht. It all depends on personal preferences, desires and quantities of available plastic bottles to create their own boats with their own hands.

Floats are fastened with, for example, crossbar that can be made of metal tubes or wooden bars. Then, it is already possible to mount the bottom of the thick plywood. metal sheet or plastic. Here, again, it all depends on the preferences of each.

In principle, give some recommendations here is unlikely to make sense, since the structures of boats made of plastic bottles can be as much as the people who design them. The main thing is to take care that everything is very reliable and firmly.

Step five (optional): We make a plastic boat trim

In general, a boat from plastic bottles is ready, but it can still be finished to improve it appearance and aesthetics. For example, it is possible to strip it with a waterproof tissue, a solid multi-layer plywood with subsequent painting or thin metal sheets.

In this work, it is better to trust its intuition and a particular, as well as to recall forgotten creative abilities. You can see and decorate and decorate, then you can like the finished boat from plastic bottles as you like and none of the boats will not look like another.

Step Fifth: Water Test

It is unlikely that you can comment on something. The boat from plastic bottles is ready for its first test!

Bottles and foam - the sea by knee!

The owner of a friendly k. environment The hotel on the island of Fiji came up with a boat for tourists from ordinary plastic bottles, which always accumulates with an excess in such establishments. " Construction material"It was fastened with special foam and glue. Plastic coatings were used for seats and gears. The most amazing thing is that the boat is withstanding three people.

Flushing manufacturing technology is approximately the following. Take bottles with a capacity of one and a half, two or even five liters. For one boat, it is desirable to use the tanks of the same diameter. The amount is calculated based on the weight of the load and passengers. For a person weighing 50 kg, departing with any equipment, you will need about 50 double-liter bottles.

Then stitches the housing of the plaeliness from rubberized material, tarpaulin or cloak. The designs give rigidity, for example, with the help of wooden rails and fix the bottle tested for tightness.
Having installed a simple sail - straight or Bermuda boat, whisters and steering wheel, it will be possible not only to enjoy fishing, but also study in rowing and management of a sailboat. Well, if you do not cope with the design of the boat, try your hand in the manufacture of a simpler swimming facility - a fleet of plastic bottles, which also built resourceful owners.

The owner of the hotel continues to refine the design, but claims that already now on such a boat, you can not only swim tourists on the river, but also to local farmers - to allocate the harvest downstream straight to the market. The inventor hopes that the Fijians will follow his example and get rid of the country from plastic, which is emitted annually in huge quantities.

On canoe - across the river

Industrial engineer Federico Blank long dreamed of crossing the Argentine River Parano on a canoe, built from reusable raw materials. For some time, he collected plastic bottles from under soda, then glued along, creating a simple, strong and ecologically clean boat. Magnificent swimming age of blue color It differs not only to external attractiveness, but also reliable: canoe can carry up to two people plus a small container for products or a sensible fish.

Catamaran - across the oceans

Surely, some will come to mind the question - how reliable and durable are structures from plastic bottles. To demonstrate the possibilities of this material, which can not only clog the ocean, but also be effectively used, the leaving from the British Banker family David de Rothschild built a small boat, but a whole ship called "plastics". Filing with a crew in six people could take a trip to the Pacific Ocean, having done the way from San Francisco to Sydney duration of 128 days.

The 18-meter "plastics" were collected from twelve and a half thousand plastic bottles, bonded by natural glue from sugar cane and cashew nuts. Mast made from old aluminum pipepreviously served in irrigation systems. Provided the crew required energy installed on the vessel solar panels And windmills. To diversify the diet of the team, consisting mainly of canned and concentrates, on board also planted a small vegetable garden with vegetables and greens.

You will need
  • Plastic bottles of the same container (1.5; 2; 5) liters
  • Wooden rails, Scotch, Bolts, Nuts
  • Capron thread, fishing line or soft wire
  • Additional components (plastic, steering wheel, sail, shelters)
  • .1

    In order to make the swimming agent itself, yes for free, you need to show the effort and connect fantasy. It is known that plastic bottles filled with air are not shatter. In addition, they are in great numbers go to the emission. Is it better to use them for good purposes?

  • .2

    To begin with, determining the length and width of the bottom of the root, you need to prepare wooden slats. There are three long specks. Across put little rails at equal intervals. Between themselves should be bolted with a bolt. Drill drill holes at the crossing of the rush strips. We bind the bolts with a diameter of 12 mm. Wooden frame Ready.

  • .3

    And how to make a boat from bottles? And you need to do the following. Large polyethylene bags of the same size, filled with plastic bottles, are tied by kapron ribbons to the bottom of the frame below. Knit bags better. Tool is ready to stay on the water. It can be used as a fleet.

  • .4

    For ease of use of the raft, you can make a bottom of plastic, a small board. On such a raft can be fused necessary materials, fish, transport people (depending on weight). Frame from Geria can be done using a fishing line without using bolts. After that, the bottles (5l) also bind consistently after each other. Applying 81 bottles, you can make a rack with a loading capacity of 120 kg. The bottles are attached for the neck and in the middle of the volume, lined up in one line.

  • .5

    What is a boat from plastic bottles? It is for a boat that you can use plastic rher. Carnate bottles to plastic can be used. Scotch tape does not fit. Such a boat weighs a little and looks beautiful. For the boat you can make sides, adjust the steering wheel, complicate the design. It is possible to provide seats from plastic. Applying your own fantasy, you can use additional devices for beauty and convenience. Such a boat will take an honorable place in the farm. Applying bottles of different colors, you can create beautiful patterns, which will give the boat aesthetic appearance.

  • The improvised raft boat or shestbot can be built from conventional plastic bottles from fruit and mineral water with a capacity of 1.5 to 2 liters. It is good to learn how to manage and rowing in calm water, descent for the river flow, sailing swimming ...

    Bottles for the fleet can be taken different in length, but the same in diameter. Their number is calculated according to the Act of Archimedes, based on the weight of passengers and the cargo, which takes into swimming. If you weigh 50 kg, you will need 25 bottles with a capacity of 2 liters and as much as the shipping and weight of the vessel design. In total, it became, 50. This amount is multiplied by the number of passengers.
    Of two cloths, we sew the housing of the fleet. Any rubberized fabric is useful - children's oilcloth (sold in a pharmacy), the old cloak of the Bologna type, the Fabric "Silver", a military tent. A simple tarpaulin or cloak fabric will come down. The canvas are fluttered with parallel seams with a distance between them equal to half the length of the bottle circumference (see Fig.). These shell pipes are charged with bottles in a checker order for stiffness design- and so that it is still stronger, use bottles different lengths, Posing them in the neighboring stripes of the neck to the throat. Then tightly laugh with a shell with a rope through the holes at the edges of the canvas. The rope is tightened with a cloth on the nose and theft of the root, fixing the bottles inside the shell.

    Naturally, it is first necessary to check the bottles on the tightness, lowering them for a day with a wrapped plug in a barrel or bathroom and giving the cargo. If the water does the inside, it is necessary to smear the neck with rubber glue, tighten the cork again and immediately immerse in the water for a day.

    Having done a shell, it is necessary to give the stiffness of the structure using a frame collected from old ski sticks, aluminum tubes, wooden rails or clamshell parts

    Plastic bottle assembly scheme .

    For each type of frame, it is necessary to make a detailed projection of the shell and in the bend places to sew ribbons with holes for lacing. When assembling interfering bottles, remove.

    You can build the simplest straight or Bermuda sail on the raft, put the whisters and the steering wheel.
    The speed of the fleet due to hydraulic resistance will, of course, is small. Gunning boat, the body of which is covered with a shell, charged with bottles. Bermuda sail is also placed on it, Swedz, steering wheel.

    Due to the reduction of the wetted surface, the speed of the boat naturally will increase, and thanks to the keel - it will be possible to avoid drift from the wind.

    Baller steering wheel, tiller and feather are made according to the drawing. Sheverts are strengthened on the transverse bar. The fever of the steering wheel and the pillows are carried out manually using rope cables missing through blocks, on the role of which coils from under the thread will completely come. The axis of rotation of the shelters and the steering wheel make a brass or copper wire.

    The center of the mast must be located closer to the nose relative to the geometric center of the boat, and the rake with the swirls rotating on it between the fifth mast and the geometric center closer to the mast. The optimal position on the running tests will be found, shifting the transverse bar with whisters along the boiling boat.

And somewhere in Indonesia !!!

No one is batted for fastening bottles !!! The most interesting thing is that it is not just a boat-wreck, it is a fishing boat! On it go to the sea!


Spring - the traditional time of the fishing season. And what fishing without a boat? About how to make a boat from plastic bottles, you will learn from this article.

Necessary materials

In order to start making your boat, collect all the appropriate material. It consists of about these basic elements:

1. Plastic bottles. They need to collect as much as possible. Well, if they are large.
2. Scissors or a sharp knife.
3. Scotch for fastening bottles.
4. Thin wire.
5. Coasts of wood or plywood.

Stages of work

We gradually tell you how to make the boat yourself. The first one includes the preparation of bottles to use. Wash them, clean from the stickers and the glue itself, if necessary, using the solvent. Then fill the air bottle under pressure so that they are not deformed.
Bottles are placed in the freezer. After they are filled with cold air, you need to screw them with covers. When moving bottles from freezing chamber Air expansion occurs in heat. Thanks to this, the bottles are no longer exposed to strain. When all the procedures are made, put on the glue cover of bottles, and it is better if the glue is waterproof.

So, when describing the second stage, everything will become somewhat clearer. You will need to collect plastic bottles in the so-called "logs". The first two bottles are bonded by the bottoms: the protrusions of one are connected to the palm of the other. The third bottle is used for their connection, the frame of which is tensioned into two others. Scotch tape connects the places of butts of tanks. At this stage you already become clear how to make a boat. You see that it is simple and inexpensive.

To continue, you still need two bottles to cut the neck. Each of them is put on already bonded bottles for their part. The joints of the joints are connected and sealed with scotch and glue. As a result, a billet with races at two ends was obtained. As in the first stage, connect the excavations and protrusions. Thus, you can get whole "logs" of plastic bottles. Surely the question of how to make a boat yourself, you now do not scare.

The third stage begins with the connection "logs" in the float. In one float there should be eight. The "logs" is fasten with the help of tape, wire, you can also use waterproof glue.

Now, when the work is almost completed, you yourself can brag about friends and tell them how to make a boat yourself. Only one step separates you from victory. It remains to collect the boat itself from component parts. They are bonded by crossings. Assembly and frame circuits are very different. It depends on what kind of swimming model you are going to do. If desired, the boat can be hammered by plywood sheets, paint it or draw it or something.

Now you know how to make a boat from girlfriend. It does not require large costs. Most often make rafts or simple boats, but from plastic bottles you can even make a yacht. Categories fantasy and make your boat unique, such, with the form of which your friends and relatives will be delighted.

Plastic bottle is a very convenient material for the construction of a homemade boat. To break through such a bottle, it is necessary to try and this is why the use of empty bottles of beer and carbonated drinks is so convenient for the manufacture of a small homemade boat.

The first thing to be done is to free the containers from drinks. You can, of course, buy empty bottles, but it is not sports. Much more pleasant to sail on a homemade boat from plastic bottles, drinks from which you used during a certain period.

So, for example, the entire winter you can harvest the material for the construction of the boat, the devastation of the bottle from under beloved beer, and in the spring begin to build.

Of course, an inflatable boat from PVC is best suited for a serious campaign, but it is possible to organize a weekend alloy on a boat from plastic bottles.

How to build a boat from plastic bottles

In the construction there are two options - more complex can be seen in the photo above, the bottles are made "linen" in the length of the boat.

For this, the neck is cut off and the bottom of the bottle, the sequences are inserted into each other on the adhesive, and the seam is turned out from the outside with a transparent scotch.

Such a connection keeps an increase in internal pressure to 6-8 atmospheres, so even a sharp blow of the bottom of the reservoir will not break the "log" boats.

The second version of the construction can be seen on the video below - the bottles are binding to each other with the help of the tape and the grid. The self-made boat made from the bottles of less OSTOCHEV made in this way, but, nevertheless, suitable for small alloys.

You can use the option with a frame - then plastic bottles are attached from below in 2-3 layers and boards are made of them.

Here is another video in which it is shown how this homemade can swim, pay attention - even the motor installed on it!

By the way, on such technologies during the USSR, self-made rafts were made for alloys, only instead of bottles used balloons, they were inflated and placed in specially stitched covers. Today, the balls can be replaced with empty bottles - after all, the bottles are much more resistant to mechanical loads, which means the raft for the alloy will be more reliable.

Look at the photo above, it is just collecting a similar raft. Bottles are combined into bags, and they are already fixed from the bottom of the homemade fleet. On water, such a raft will stand exactly and have high load capacity.

By the way, there is a real yacht in the manufacture of which plastic bottles were used. Plastiki is the name of this ship. It was about 12.5 thousand plastic bottles and it successfully crossed the Pacific Ocean walking from San Francisco to Sydney.

If you decide to make such a homemade boat, pay attention to the article.