Making a plasterboard box for heating radiator, the advantages of the selected material, the preparatory stage, the design layout of the design, the manufacture of its framework, plasterboard covering and the finishing of the product.

The content of the article:

Battery box is an excellent solution for disguising the heating device. It is especially true if the appearance of the radiator leaves much to be desired and violates the harmony of the interior. Made with your own hands Battery box can be adapted to the color of the furniture, just paint, go with wallpaper, arrange a decorative stone or tiled. About how to do it with plasterboard sheets And metal profiles, we will tell you today.

Advantages of plasterboard box

In order to beautifully issue heating radiators, today there are plenty a variety of options. Widely used mounted screens with lids and without them, flat screens and attachment boxes. The finishing of the heating devices is made by metal, glass, plastic, wood, MDF and GCL. However, many prefer to use precipitated plasterboard, as the shearing of radiators in this case is easy to perform independently.

In addition, the material is great for working due to its unique properties:

  • It is environmentally friendly, and therefore safe in terms of long-term exploitation.
  • It has excellent physico-mechanical characteristics that allow it to be used both in residential rooms and in wet rooms with appropriate processing.
  • The installation of GLK is simple enough, any domestic master can cope with it.
  • The material is quite affordable.
  • Made of drywall Battery box, if necessary, can be easily dismantled.
  • The sheathing of radiators allows you to arrange access to their valves and other shut-off valves.
  • Plasterboard box can have a different configuration due to the material ability to take any forms.
  • On the surface of the GLC never accumulates condensate.
  • Functional shelves and niches can be envisaged to the box design, which will enact it in any interior.

Preparatory work before installing the box from GLK

Before making a battery box, it should be cleaned from old paint. And to divert, because after the installation of the structure it will be impossible. Enamel will protect the radiator from corrosion and extends its service life. The box will occupy a place slightly more than the heating device itself. Under the windows, the design can be placed both with the installation on the floor and in a hanging position like a wall cabinet.

For the construction of the box, the measuring and working instruments will be needed: the perforator and the car with a diameter of 6 mm, metal scissors and a screwdriver, construction level, pencil and roulette, a stationery knife, stapler and a rapid mesh.

Materials will be needed: GLC wall, corner perforated, galvanized UW 27X28 and CW 60x27 profiles, ribbon -erpian, screws for fastening the frame elements and its trim, dowel-nails 6x40 mm and gypsum spacing.

Further work will include several stages: applying marking for the installation of the box, the manufacture of its metal frame, the construction of the design with plasterboard sheets, putting it with its surface and installation in the finished product of the heat grid.

Marking under the plasterboard box for the battery

Before applying markup, you should pay attention to the location of the window sill console relative to the outer plane of the heating radiator. It must hang over the battery at least 30 mm. If this is not a window sill too narrow, it should be replaced wider.

To do this, the old board needs to be dismantled, cut out a new window sill with appropriate sizes and install it in the base. window Rama. At the same time, the windowsill must be in a strictly horizontal position, which can be checked by a building level. The cavity between the board and the base should be filled with mounting foam. After it is frozen, you can continue working on the box.

His future dimensions depend on the size of the heating radiator. In any case, the distance from the side surfaces of the device to the walls of the box should be at least 100 mm. It is also the smallest to be able to install on the front part of the design of the removable screen.

The charge markup on the heating battery should be performed in this order:

  1. First you need to determine the position of his bottom. If it is a bit rise above the floor, then at this level the horizontal line should be conducted along the wall and check it with the construction level. If the box will stick with the floor, then three lines should be applied to the coating: two of them are lateral, will indicate the depth of the structure, and the third, connecting the ends of the previous lines - the boundary of the face of the metal frame.
  2. After that, the inner ends of the side lines of the markup need to be built onto the wall with the help of the coal and bring them to the desired height to the base of the windowsill. The verticality of the two lines received should be checked. Then their upper ends must be combined with a horizontal segment.
The result of the markup should be a rectangle or square on the wall depending on the length of the heating device. When the bottom of the box on the floor of its boundaries, one more additional lines are determined.

Frame manufacturing Battery box from GCL

Mounting the frame should be started with the installation of UW 27X28 guide profiles. They should be located on the markup lines marked on the wall, floor and under the windowsill. In order to create a box depth, UW 27X28 profiles should be attached to the adjacent surfaces with open parts outwards.

The process of their installation looks like:

  • The guide profile must be applied to the markup line and through it with a small drill with a drill or a screwdriver outline several fasteners on the wall. After that, the profile should be removed.
  • Then, by labels, drill holes under the plastic dowel, using the perforator and the car with a diameter of 6 mm.
  • In the resulting holes, you must insert a dowel, applied to the line guide profile with both shelves outwardly before the coincidence of the holes and fasten it with the screws with the screwdriver.
  • The mounting step should be 150-200 mm, fix better at the beginning of the edge of the profile, and then its middle part.
  • Similarly, you need to secure UW 27x28 mm profiles on the floor and under the window. To install a profile under the windowsill, use screws with a length of not more than the thickness of the board.
  • When installing the guides between the base and the outer part of the profiles, it is necessary to make a shock-absorbing tape, which will extinguish the vibration of the design and maintain its reliable fastening on the screws.
After installing UW 27X28 profiles, you need to install CW 60x27 chambers, providing the depth of the box. Work is performed in this order:
  • CW 60X27 profiles should be cut on parts of the required length.
  • In the places of folds at both edges it is necessary to perform cuts by 4-5 cm.
  • Then the middle of the profile must be bent down, and it is cut off to the width of the shelves.
  • After that, the segments of the channels should be connected at right angles with the edges of the vertical guides. The ends of the segments must be addressed inside the room.
At the final stage of the framework of the frame, the free ends of the upper and lower sections of the channel need to be connected by the CW 60x27 profiles. The fastening of all metal parts of the base of the box must be made with small screws for metal type "Klop" with tips made in the form of drill. The finished frame must have the necessary rigidity and not vibrate from the slightest touch. If it is not enough, the design should be additionally enhanced by intermediate profiles around the perimeter and diagonal side sides.

Plugging Box Frame for Battery Plasterboard Sheets

The process of installing HCL on the frame of the box is absolutely not complicated. It is performed in such a sequence:
  1. The sheet of plasterboard should be alternately to apply to the sides of the frame, rubbing them with a pencil and making it on GLC markup places of its cut.
  2. After that, the sheet must be cut into parts of the corresponding forms and sizes. It is convenient to make an ordinary stationery knife using a metal line.
  3. Finished parts should be fixed with screws on those parts of the frame, under which they were cut from the sheet. Glk fasteners must be performed in 100-150 mm increments.
  4. In order not to get confused with the design of the corners of the box, it is recommended that each carved item immediately install in its place.
  5. In front of the box, you need to provide a place for the heat screen. His standard dimensions - 600x600, 600x900, 600x1200 mm. The hole in the wall should be slightly smaller. The screen is inserted into the box after its completion is completed.
Making fastening sheets to the frame, you do not need to make excessive effort when screwing into screws, their caps should be slightly recessed into the thickness of the material, but not more. Damage to the outer shell of the sheet will reduce its attachment and the subsequent destruction of the material in this place.

Features of the trim of plasterboard box for the battery

After completing the assembly of the battery, you can proceed to its finishing finish. To begin with, it is necessary to separate the seams between the drywall sheets, to be primed up and then sharpen using the sickle reinforcing tape.

After that, the outer corners of the box must be enhanced by a perforated metal corner. Its installation is carried out using a gypsum putty and makes it possible to give the corners of the design beautiful and correct shape. Deetensions on the surface of the box, left by coarse hats, should also sharpen.

When the makeup will dry, the location of the corners, recesses from fasteners and joints of the GCC should be pulled out by an abrasive fine grid, and then clean from plaster dust.

After that, the entire box must be primed to ensure the adhesion of the base with finishing materialselected for product design. The resulting surface is quite suitable for pasting with wallpaper or tile facing.

If the box is planned to paint, then it should be completely covered with a layer of start-up, and then finish fine-grained putty. After its drying, the design surface must be brought to the perfectly smooth state by grinding, then rebuilt and paint the enamel in 2-3 layers.

After finishing the finish finish, you need to install a decorative screen. To fix this lattice, you can use various latches or fasten it with a point application of liquid nails, calculating it so that the screen does not disappear spontaneously, but if necessary it would be easy to remove it.

How to make a box for a battery from plasterboard - Watch on video:

When assembling the box and its finish, it is important to take into account that he not only masked the heating radiator, but also served as a full element of the interior. Therefore, the design of this item must correspond to the style of the room. Good luck!

Minor shortcomings can even spoil the highest quality repairs. There are things that are very difficult to embed in the selected design. They primarily include radiators of heating: even modern, less primitive than Soviet cast iron, looks enough of the slaughter and disturb the entire elegant composition. Nothing better invented, except to close the battery itself. And one of the most successful options that can ideally enter the unattractive element in the design, it will be equipped around the radiator plasterboard design.

Frame for housing

The one who gathered to make a battery box with their own hands, first of all, should pay attention to the windowsill over it. It can cover the entire design of the design entirely, and even act a little behind her edge. This requires not only the aesthetic side of the case, but also practical: the box sticking out from under the windowsill will constantly drop by home, and therefore the service life will be reduced. To embody the ideas, we will need:

  1. plasterboard thickness of 12 mm;
  2. profiles of two dimensions: 60x27 and 27x28;
  3. serpenta;
  4. perforated corners;
  5. fasteners: Self-tapping screws for metal and plasterboard, dowels 6x40;
  6. putty.

Selection of sketch design

Before developing a sketch, think exactly how you are going to close the battery of plasterboard: to build a "locker" only under it or close the entire wall on the windowsill, making a kind of shelf. The second method is somewhat wasteful than materials, but it helps to solve the problem with too narrow windows: it is simply embedded in the upper surface. At the same time, the question is removed how to close the heating pipes in the room - they are hiding behind the trim. True, it is permissible only for metal-plastic pipes with crimp fittings: the rest is too high a breakthrough risk.

Algorithm of action when installing a box

  1. Measurements are performed. When calculating the box for the battery from the drywall, it is necessary to take a bunch of front and sides of about 2 cm so that its walls do not come into contact with the radiator.
  2. The carrier elements of the frame from the profile 27x28 are installed. Before fastening the level, their verticality / horizontal is checked, after which it is fixed by a dowel to all adjacent (windowsill, sex, wall). A shock-absorbing tape is paved between the profile and surfaces.
  3. After installing a frame skeleton, jumpers from the 60x27 profile are mounted.

In the finished form, the lamp should be a strong, non-separating. If it is observed, you need to add transverse stubborn slats.

Covering battery plasterboard

Practically does not have differences from the facing works of other areas.

  1. GLC is cut according to exact size. For this use the stationery knife.
  2. The elements are screwed onto the profiles with self-assemblies with a frequency of 3-4 pieces on the temporal meter. It is necessary to draw the caps by 1 millimeter so that they become flush with a sheet, but did not break the cardboard coating.

The difference in the case of the box from, say, the niche exists only one thing: to close the battery with plasterboard, but not to lose the overwhelming amount of heat produced by it, they need to drill in sheets ventilation holes. They can be done a drill with a crown nozzle. The recommended hole diameter is 5 cm, but such "holes" may not look too attractive. Alternatively, you can choose one of the two directions:

  1. Chill a large number of smaller holes. The diameter is less than centimeter is nonrenized: the heat will be with difficulty, and the holes themselves will be quickly clogged with dust and will need clean.
  2. Make in the box of a kind of windows and insert plastic ventilation grids in them, which are used in the bathroom and in the kitchen.

Alternative ideas solution solving

There are other ways to close the batteries in the room. Among them can be mentioned:

Thus, knowing how to close the battery in the room or in the kitchen, you can choose the appropriate option during repair. By the way, discussing this issue, it is still possible to conclude that many choose a plasterboard box as the most practical way.

Being engaged in the improvement of one's own housing, any owner wants to create the most cozy and comfortable design in it. There are a lot of opportunities and nuances that allow you to implement this task - but there are a number of difficulties that arise in the process of creating an interior and impeding it to arrange.

One of these difficulties is related to the use of cast-iron heating batteriesThe external data of which always violate the measured and concise interior of the room. To solve this problem, various variants of screens and boxes are used to disguise unsightly looking heating devices. About how to close the batteries in the room with your own hands, and it will be discussed in this article.

Ways to mask batteries

To hide the heating devices, you can use in one of the following ways:

  1. Acquisition of radiators S. individual design. This method, by and large, is a preventive solution to the problem - radiators, the style of which corresponds to the style of the room, simply do not need to be hide. The disadvantage of this method is the very high cost of unique radiators, and not every owner these devices will afford.
  2. Installation attachmentFully hiding working surface Radiator.
  3. Arrangement wooden elementwhich will be installed on top of the radiator.
  4. Creating a plasterboard box that provides a full-fledged battery disguise.

The last method is most popular among users, which is caused by the simplicity of installation and low-cost materials used. However, the drywall box for the radiator cannot be called the most the best optionSince it completely covers radiators, and if necessary, the box will have to be disassembled.

Before closing the heating batteries with plasterboard, you need to carefully examine all the elements of the heating system that will be closed. All pipe connections and batteries must be reliable and high-quality. If there are old batteries and pipes in the heating system, they are recommended to be replaced before the box is installed.

A plasterboard box for masking radiators must meet two important requirements:

  • The heat generated by the battery must be unhindered to the room, i.e. The box should not delay the preheated air masses;
  • Each cranes and other communication elements should ensure unhindered access at any time.

Tools and materials

Before making a box of drywall for the battery, you need to prepare the following set of tools:

  • Drill with impact function;
  • Building level;
  • Plumb;
  • Construction corner;
  • Spatulas;
  • Roller;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Roulette;
  • Scissors for metal;
  • Stationery knife;
  • Mixing nozzle on a drill.

Defined materials will also be required:

  • Profiles;
  • Plasterboard sheets;
  • Putty;
  • Perforated corner;
  • Saves and fastenings.

Before you close the battery with plasterboard, you need to purchase such a number of materials that will be enough to fulfill the entire amount of work. To guess the materials, it is desirable to have a box in your hands and understand how many such boxes will be required for all radiators in the dwelling.

Mounting Gypsum Country Mounting Technology

The sequence of work required for the arguing design for radiators includes several stages:

  • Preparation of the foundation;
  • Design design;
  • Frame assembly;
  • Installation of the frame;
  • Finish finish.

Each stage of work has its own characteristics - for example, in the process of preparing the base, it is necessary to carefully remove the old coating and eliminate any contamination. If on base wall There are certain drops, it must be aligned to the perfect state using gypsum plaster. Also before hiding the heating batteries with plasterboard finally, it is worth covering the wall, because after installing the box the ability to perform this work will not be.

Design box

The design of the masking structure always begins with the selection of its device. So, there are two main types of structures - plasterboard box and drywall decorative WallBehind which the radiator will be hidden. Each design has its own features and scope of application.

The arrangement of the plasterboard box makes sense if the radiators are installed on the walls. You can mount such a box very quickly, and there is a lot of other advantages - for example, the free space of the room from such structures is almost not reduced. The drywall box for the battery allows you to close only the battery itself.

Dimensions of the box must be selected depending on the size of the battery itself, which will be masked. When choosing, it is necessary to consider that the edges of the design should be located at a distance of about 15 cm from each side of the battery. The box can be installed on the floor or attached to the wall, which also needs to be considered in advance.

The soaring box, fixable on the wall, is set as follows:

  • From the lower edge of the battery, a certain distance is measured, on which a straight line is performed, denoting the lower edge of the box;
  • With the help of the construction corner, the sides are also drawn (the distance of 15 cm between the battery and the box should be observed);
  • All perpendicular and parallel lines are connected, after which they must be checked.

The box installed on the floor must be placed from the top and remove all other lines down. When designing and marking, it is necessary to take into account that each side of the structure must be removed from the radiator at least 15 cm. Floor Corobes are optimally suitable for hiding radiators that are deepened in wall niches.

With a great desire, at the design stage, you can consider more full-fledged options for changing the design of housing. For example, a rather interesting and popular option is a solution in which not only radiators are masked, but the other elements of the heating system. For the implementation of such a scheme, foxes are used made of drywall. Of course, the cost of work in this case increases significantly, but if the goal is to create an derogated style, then these costs will be justified.

Assembly of the carcass

The next step that allows you to close the battery of plasterboard - mounting the frame of a plasterboard box. For assembly of the frame, metal profiles with a circus coating are used.

The drywall frame for the battery is going on the following technology:

  1. First, the profiles are summarized to the lines marked on the walls. Profiles are attached to the walls using nails and a perforator with a step of 20 cm. Fastened items must be checked for alignment.
  2. Then the second level of the frame is mounted. Profiles are cut off to the required length and are cut through the edges of 5 cm on the collapse. The extreme parts of the profiles are cut off, and the cuttings are bend to a 90-degree corner so that they can be attached to the wall profiles.
  3. The last stage is to install vertical frame parts on its front side.

If all the work was performed correctly, it turns out a durable and pretty hard frame, with which you can work further - i.e. engage in its trim and forming a masking box.

Installation of plasterboard to close the batteries

The next installation step is cutting plasterboard sheets on a piece of suitable size. To enjoy the battery of plasterboard, you need to attach the sliced \u200b\u200belements to the frame of self-drawing with a step of 15 cm. Spin the screws need very carefully - with a high speed of the screwdriver, drywall damage can occur. In addition, the fasteners hats can simply fall into the material and thereby bring it into disrepair.

However, if working carefully, then no problems will arise - with drywall it is very easy to interact. The equipped box will remain an empty outdoor part, inside which will be visible the battery. The formed window is closed with a decorative screen, which provides full heat transfer to the room.

Finish trim box

First you need to spend black finishwhich includes the following operations:

  • All gaps between different parts of the material and the hts of fastening elements are appleed;
  • When the spacing dried on the gaps, you need to shock the entire design twice;
  • After pouring the putty, the box is sliced.

The rough finish on this is completed, and you can proceed to finishing. For cladding, any materials that do not break the functionality of the design can also be used and will suit the specific selected visual style.


The question of how to hide the heating batteries can have several correct answers. To disguise the heating devices, several types of structures are used, each of which has its own characteristics, both functional and visual. The choice is pleased suitable option Directly associated with the planned room design.

Any communications that have been laid or are placed in plain sight have always been a problem. It is very difficult to enter them in common interior premises. But it is often worth the problem - how to close the heating battery in the room. After all, you need to save important condition - Nothing should be a barrier for a good heat recoil.

There are many ways that allow you to close the heating radiators and at the same time provide a comfortable temperature mode.

If there is no such possibility, then the screen creation options are perfect. Namely - the design of the radiator different waysthat allow him to hide. Several options should be selected:

  1. Installing the mounted screen.
  2. Creating a wooden - removable element.
  3. Use plasterboard plates - for box.

It should be noted that the last item is the most popular today. At the same time, it cannot be considered as the most perfect. The fact is that the creation of a solid box is a rather controversial solution. After all, with any breakdown, leakage - you have to disassemble it completely, which is very uncomfortable.

Therefore, the first thing you need to carry out a revision of the heating system. Check the place of the joints and connections, inspect the radiator to leak or break. Only after such prophylactic work and replace damaged areas are the direct installation of the design, which will close the battery.

The design to hide the radiator must respond to the following parameters:

  • Threads warm air Do not meet the obstacles in its path. This ensures uniform warming of the whole room.
  • Everything threaded connections And air and water reset cranes - must be easily accessible.

Attention! Very often the option is allowed that you can meet in some apartments. It lies in the fact that heating radiators are completely hidden by HCL plates. This is unacceptable.

Screen for battery

This option is the simplest and most popular. Screens can be different external view. Often there are designs made of metal. Severe two types:

  • Hanging. They are simply superimposed on the battery without having any additional fastening. Therefore, with any contact may fall.
  • Embedded. Inserted into specially prepared boxes of wood or drywall. Very convenient option. In addition to manufactured from metal - there are plastic, wooden and from HDF (high-density wood fibreboard).

Which option to select depends on the specific situation.

Creating a box from GCC for an embedded screen

This option is most common. It is quite convenient to do the box during the trim of the walls of plasterboard, then you can immediately create a frame for it that will be included in the overall design.

Stage First: Preparation

Before hiding the heating radiator, it must be prepared. It is very convenient when modern batteries are used, but with cast iron - you have to tinker.

  1. With the help of an iron brush remove the old layer of paint.
  2. The surface is degreased.
  3. Check the connections, nuts and seams. If necessary, tighten or change.
  4. Color the surface with a high temperature threshold with paints.

Usually, through the holes in the closing design battery, it is still partially visible, so it is impossible to leave the finish of the device itself

Prepare the necessary tool:

  • perforator with a brown or hammer drill with drills;
  • screwdriver, scissors for metal or jigsaw;
  • construction knife and level;
  • sandpaper with bar;
  • hacksaw;
  • tassels;
  • capacity and set of workshops;
  • rule (roulette) and pencil.

The following materials will be needed:

  1. Plasterboard plates.
  2. Perforated corner.
  3. Metallic profile.
  4. Grid - Serpenty.
  5. Self-tapping screws and dowels.
  6. Primer.
  7. Putty.

On a note! Sew the battery plasterboard is not as easy as it seems. At least a minimum work experience with a metal profile and plates of GKC is required.

Stage Second: Marking

Defined how the box will look like - hang in the air or stand on the floor:

  1. When the box is fitted with a sex coating, then they immediately measure and mark the three main lines - two side and facial.
  2. If it is hanging, then beaten off the distance from the floor. On the wall marked the line and check it in terms of the level.

Then make markup on the walls. They do not forget that from the edge of the elevated box to the edge of the radiator - should be at least ten centimeters.

As a result, it turns out a rectangle that will indicate the edges of the fastening of the future design.

Stage Three: Creating a frame

Frame from the profile for the box

To do this, use a metal profile. Installation technology:

  • The guide profile is applied to the lines designated on the wall. They are cut in advance at the desired height. The drill is drilled by several mounting holes. Make it so that the mark remains on the wall.
  • According to these points, the holes are drilled in which dowels insert.
  • The profile has places of attachment and fastened with screws.
  • Thus, all parts of the metal frame are installed. Do not forget to fasten them with connecting elements.

Tip! Between the metal profile and the surface should be provided for laying a special depreciable material.

Must happen metal carcasswhich will be securely attached to the base. It is better to immediately close the heating pipes - for greater amenities, a removable option is thought out.

Stage Fourth: Overall

The further process will be completely simple, if compared with those works that have already been carried out.

The sequence is as follows:

  1. To close the heating point in the room, make a markup in advance on the sheet of plasterboard. Using hacksaw (electric jigsik) cut it into the desired items. Small parts can easily cut the construction knife.
  2. Immediately calculated and place under the screen. He can be different size, most often use 60 * 90 cm and 60 * 120 cm. It is better to measure the selected option via an internal frame. From the result obtained, a couple of millimeters are removed.
  3. For greater convenience, each carved area is tagged with an invalible side. Or do differently - immediately produce their installation.
  4. Details closed the necessary places. For this use selflessness. They are screwed into fifteen centimeters.
  5. Screws screw in a closure with a surface.

Stage Fifth: Finish

The final stage of the finish begins. It lies in the fact that the created box is treated with putty. You need to close all the seams. The process looks like this:

  • The seams are slightly expanded, for this, a construction knife is suitable.
  • The sections are ground.
  • Perforated corners are imposed on the corners.
  • External seams are labeled with a mixture and impose a grid-sickle.
  • The finishing layer of putty is applied to the surface.

It turns out a design that has a "window" in which the screen is inserted. Thus, it is possible to close any heating battery.

On a note! It is often possible to create a fairly large box that can be used to store unnecessary things.

If the room is more suitable wooden design, it can be done completely removable (shown in the photo below). So, it is possible to close the radiator of heating and not to carry out numerous works.

Do the following:

  1. Marking is removed. Consider pipe supply places.
  2. A structural box is made, which is immediately equipped with an external crate.
  3. At the external perimeter, corner hooks are installed, the mounted part of which is screwed to the wall.

Now it remains to put the box in your place. It will also be easy to remove it.


To close any heating element use special screens that can be made independently. The main thing is to correctly calculate the size of the structure and perform the framework.

Having come back at home and looked around the room, the eyes stopped on ugly cast iron rabrah batteries, which were already shuffled and instead white color Bought a dirty gray shade.

I decided not to postpone this problem for a long time and began to think how to do.

Someone will think that the manufacture of screens for radiators independently, these are extra efforts. After all, you can buy a decorative screensaver and thus solve the problem. But not always the finished products are suitable for your battery. I have two long houses hung metal ScreenAnd still one sticking up aside, since the size did not quite fit for radiators.

Making screens for batteries This is not such a difficult thing, the design is quite simple. You can install yourself, it will be inexpensive. The most suitable material is plasterboard. It is easy to use, it is easy to cut and cut it. In addition, all the necessary connecting elements are available at any construction store. There will also be no complex construction tools, usually they are in the house.

Preparation of material

Since drywall is still a material that is susceptible to dried under the influence of temperature, it should be prepared to pre-prepare.

Preparation will be to process drywall glue PVA from two sides. This will secure the material, will not allow him to crack and dry.

Such a prepared surface will be better painted or glued on it.

Formation of carcass

Finish treatment

After the box is assembled, all seams are closed, the angles are strengthened with the help of corners, grids and putty. Puttail is applied, then the corner is fixed, the grid, then the shplanke. After drying, the surface is maintained by sandpaper. The final stage will be painting or pasting with wallpaper of your screen.

In some apartments, it is possibly more expedient not to install the screen, but to completely close the heating battery with pipes together with pipes.

Look at the video as the installation of such a false wall is performed.

It is not necessary to independently install the screen on the battery can be performed to order, and yours to be only.

Perhaps the purchase screen will be bad to fit into your interior, and the drywall will compose a single integer.