Nowadays they are quite varied. However, Venetian plaster rightfully takes the place of the most beautiful of them, with which you can create truly amazing things. But there are many nuances in working with it that need to be dealt with. Today we'll look at how to create the perfect finish and what Venetian plaster is. Photos of interiors made with its help will help you decide, and an analysis of the characteristics will help you choose the material.

Looking back, it can be noted that initially the material, which today is called Venetian plaster, was prepared quite simply. It contained only lime, water and natural dyes. Nowadays, the only natural components left in it are granite, marble or stone chips. Everything else is synthetic. However, the beauty and unusualness of the coating made with such a mixture is impressive.

Venetian plaster imitating marble or granite is quite complex from the point of view of work. Sometimes even experienced master cannot say how many layers will have to be applied to the surface to achieve the desired result. Sometimes one application may be enough, or perhaps 4 or 5 will be required. However, the result is worth the effort spent on it.

Surely the dear reader will be interested to see how it looks in the interior. We invite you to familiarize yourself with examples of applied . A photo of this truly amazing finish is below:

What are such mixtures made from: the composition of the decorative finishing material

The main component is marble, stone or granite dust or fine chips. It is this that gives the coating its special structure. The binding materials are acrylic or other similar substances. The third ingredient is dye. It can be understood that in general form the composition has not changed. Only natural ingredients have been replaced with their synthetic counterparts.

Helpful information! Based on the opinion of experts, we can confidently say that when making Venetian plaster with your own hands, it is better to use natural quicklime. In this case, marble or granite will give exactly that shine and structure, which cannot be replicated using synthetic additives.

How to make a similar finishing mixture yourself

A self-made composition will allow the home craftsman to achieve a unique structure. In addition, it will cost much less than buying a ready-made mixture. To prepare, mix three parts marble or granite sand, one part construction mixture and three - plaster. All this is mixed with water until the consistency of thick sour cream. It is fashionable to use a primer instead of water - it will add the necessary viscosity.

To determine the size of the fractions in the mixture, you can dilute a small part and try on a separate section of the wall how it will fit. By adding coarser sand, you can get a clear texture of the pattern; with finer sand, the pattern will be softer. In any case, the choice here depends only on the wishes of the home master.

The main characteristics of such decorative finishing material

Regarding the color of the applied material, the manufacturer provides complete freedom here. You can add any color to ready mixture just before applying it to get the desired shade. You can plaster any surface with this mixture, be it wood or wood. But each surface requires certain preparation. Otherwise, there is a risk that the entire finish will collapse over time, or, when plastering unprepared brick wall, it will take a lot of material, and the price of Venetian plaster cannot be called low.

Marseille wax: this coating is also suitable for damp rooms

Imitation of Venetian plaster: use of structural wallpaper

This option is suitable for those who do not have the financial ability to finish with natural stone or Venetian plaster, but at the same time want the walls to look like they are covered with stone. And working with wallpaper is much easier. You can buy Venetian plaster in any specialized store or through an online store, of which there are now plenty on the Internet.

Helpful advice! To bring the external view If the room is to be decorated with Venetian plaster, you should choose non-woven wallpaper. They can be easily wiped with a damp cloth; it will not harm them.

Preparing the walls is no different from working with ordinary wallpaper, just like the finishing itself, and therefore, probably, there is no need to describe the algorithm of actions step by step. But you shouldn’t expect wallpaper to be perfectly identical to more expensive materials. Still, the differences will be visible.

Venetian plaster in the interior: photo examples of its use in various rooms

It is clear that the color and composition of the mixture will be selected based on the area of ​​application. It is for this purpose that we will try to consider various rooms where Venetian plaster can be used. A photo of the interior of the apartment will give a more complete understanding of how it should look.

Using Venetian plaster in the kitchen: photo examples of interesting solutions

Most suitable look there will be Marseilles wax here. This material perfectly tolerates increased heat, which may be present in such rooms during cooking. Venetian plaster also looks great on the ceiling. Below is a small photo gallery from which you can roughly understand the beauty of this finish:

Living room decorated with Venetian plaster

The living room is a room where such decoration looks out of place. If Marseilles wax is good for the kitchen, then in the hall it does not matter what type of mixture is used. Here everything is limited only by the flight of imagination of the home craftsman. Here are some photo examples of solutions for the living room:

Decorating the hallway walls with Venetian plaster

For such people, the type of finishing decorative mixture also does not matter. However, it is worth noting that the colors for the corridor are usually chosen somewhat darker than for the living room. This is dictated by practicality reasons - a dark surface gets dirty less.

Bathroom: nuances of finishing rooms with high humidity

Again, Marseilles wax comes to the rescue. This will be the most practical finishing material For . Many people advise not to use Venetian plaster for finishing rooms with high humidity, but experts say that Marseille wax is in no way inferior to other materials. However, humidity does not affect its service life in any way.

Video lesson on preparing and applying Venetian plaster with your own hands

In order to make it easier for the dear reader to understand how the work of preparing the mixture and subsequent plastering of surfaces with it is carried out, we suggest watching several video lessons on this topic. After all, it is clear that it will be quite difficult to explain all this in words, and even more difficult to understand. But in the video example everything looks more clear. We invite you to watch a video about applying Venetian plaster with your own hands.

Venetian plaster: video tutorial on applying to the wall

Of course, for correct execution All work will require some tools. Yes, and you can’t get by with plaster alone. We will now figure out what needs to be on hand during the finishing process, and how to carry out this or that work.

Tools needed to apply Venetian plaster

Photo and name of the instrument What function does it perform?

Using this tool, the mixture is applied to the surface. The surface structure is also formed with a trowel.

Japanese spatula

They are inflicted wax coating. It also helps to lay out the plaster on the trowel.


Removing protruding stones and leveling the surface. Apply sandpaper after each layer has dried.

Various containers

They are used to mix the mixture. Also, the plaster can remain in containers for some time until the master uses it up

With polishing disc

Pre-finish polishing of the applied mixture and final polishing of varnish or wax after drying

Mixer with attachment

Used for mixing the mixture. A hammer drill can be used as a mixer, but this is not recommended. A regular hammer drill is not designed for this kind of work. With large volumes of plaster it may fail

What color to use

In fact, only one can answer this question himself. House master. It all depends on what preferences the person doing the renovation has and in what style the interior design is planned.

Good to know! The intensity of the shade will depend on the amount of color added. For this reason, it makes sense to add it little by little. After mixing, the color becomes clear. If necessary, you can add more paint and then mix again.

If you need a clear structure, you can finish it without any color at all, but with a clear finish. If you then paint the wall with a hard, short-nap roller, the structure will appear quite clearly.

Preparing and priming walls before finishing

The walls should be carefully inspected. If there are obvious protrusions, you can get rid of them using a grinder with a diamond blade. We expand deep cracks with the same grinder and. You can ignore minor irregularities - Venetian plaster will hide them perfectly.

Next, the walls are generously saturated with deep penetration soil, which is applied using a roller. It would be a good idea to wait until it dries completely and reapply the primer - this will increase adhesion. The primer is applied to a clean wall that is free of debris and dust.

How to apply wax to a finished plastered surface

Wax is applied after the decorative plaster has completely dried. This usually takes about a week. To apply the composition, use a metal spatula or a special woolen mitten. However, a spatula is much more convenient for such work, especially for beginners. The wax composition is applied in a circular motion. You should not use a large amount of it at once - problems with uniform distribution may occur. The wax is rubbed into the surface until a characteristic shine appears. After the work is completed, the wax is given 2-3 weeks to completely harden, after which it is already possible to polish the wall using grinder or grinders with a special disc.

Payment for work with Venetian plaster: price per m2

The cost of specialist services is quite high. It may vary depending on the region. The cost of Venetian plaster for work per 1 m² also depends on the material with which to work. In the table below we present several options for such finishes.

Photo Name of product Cost up to 20 m 2, rub. Cost 20-90 m2, rub. Cost more than 100 m 2, rub.

Sand coating “BREZZA” or coating with mother-of-pearl “LUCETEZZA”550 450 400

Decorative coating with silk shimmer "SETA" or coating with velvet effect "VELLUUTO"600 500 450

Decorative paint with the effect of antique walls from the Renaissance period "ANTICI" or material with the effect of cracked paint "CRAQUELUR"550 450 400

Classic Venetian plaster on acrylic base STUCCO VENEZIANO750900 with wax650800 with wax600750 with wax

What is the price per kg of Venetian plaster and where to buy it

The easiest way to buy Venetian plaster is on the Internet. Its cost will be lower. But it is not always possible to find it in construction stores, especially in small towns. The thing is that despite the high cost of Venetian plaster, the demand for it is quite low. For this reason, sellers do not want to deal with such a product. Let's look at the prices for this finishing material in Russia.

Choosing a material for wall decoration is not easy. It must be beautiful, practical, durable and, preferably, inexpensive. Venetian plaster meets almost all of these requirements. It is beautiful - it looks like natural marble, it is practical - the waxed surface can be washed repeatedly, it is durable - if you do not scratch it on purpose, it is not damaged, it can be applied to any surface - smooth, curved. Just the perfect finishing material. But, as usual, there is a “but”. She is expensive. This is the first minus. Second, it’s difficult to apply it with your own hands. Or rather, it’s not difficult to apply, it’s difficult to get without experience beautiful surface. But you can try or hire a professional. But before concluding an agreement, ask for customer contacts. If you succeed, see the results of the work yourself, or call and ask about your impressions.

What is Venetian plaster and its composition

If the wall is appearance resembles a marble surface, but there are no seams on it, it is finished with Venetian plaster. This finishing material was invented centuries ago in Ancient Rome. When someone came up with the idea of ​​mixing marble dust and slaked lime. The result was an elastic composition that looked like natural marble on the walls. For a clearer pattern, natural dyes were added to the mixture.

The most popular was clay. The walls had reddish or pinkish (depending on the color of the clay) stains, which made the decoration more similar to natural marble. To make the coating durable, the plastered surface was covered with a layer of wax, which was then polished. The walls were indistinguishable from marble. Only there were no seams.

And only centuries later, during the Renaissance, Venetian plaster appeared in Venice, where it began to be used instead of marble slabs. The technique for applying it was not simple, but working with Venetian plaster is much easier than adjusting and polishing marble slabs. Because this type finishing has become very popular. It was used to decorate walls, ceilings, and columns in palaces. The finish was beautiful and durable, and did not respond well to changes in humidity and temperature, which, in the high humidity of Venetian canals, led to literally widespread use of this material. The popularity was also facilitated by the fact that marble dust is easier to import and is cheaper. The remaining components were added locally mined. The fame of this beautiful finishing material quickly spread among merchants, and they called it Venetian plaster. Since then it has been like this.

The composition of Venetian plaster described above - marble dust, slaked lime and coloring additives - is still used today. Absolutely natural finish. But there are compositions in which synthetic dyes (acrylic) are added or modern binders are used instead of lime. There may also be sap from rubber trees, crushed granite. Whether all or some additives are contained depends on the manufacturer, but this material is also called Venetian plaster, since the main component - marble dust - remains the same.

Application technology

Applying Venetian plaster with your own hands is a difficult task. The problem is that this is a creative process and there are a lot of ways to apply it. Different movements result in a different surface appearance. Without experience, it is impossible to predict what you will succeed. You can only find out which movement will lead to which result through experimentation, that is, you have to try. But. Venetian plaster is not cheap at all, so the experience turns out to be expensive. Although, you have to study somehow...

The only thing I can recommend is to plaster a piece of plywood with an area of ​​at least 1 square, or better yet 2, sand it, coat it with a primer and try to apply Venetian plaster on this surface, perfecting the technique. It is not recommended to start finishing immediately. Most likely, you will have to remove everything and redo it all over again, which is annoying, expensive, and time-consuming. If you're lucky, you can find dealers who teach you how to work with Venetian plaster. They provide materials and a stand for work, and show how to do it. But this rarely happens.

Preparatory work

The base on which Venetian plaster is applied must be perfectly level. It is pre-puttyed and leveled until absolutely smooth. Use latex putty. If you apply the composition to uneven wall, it will only highlight the shortcomings and increase the consumption of the Venetian. You can level it with a base layer, but such leveling will be very expensive.

A flat wall is coated with a deep penetration primer. Preferably in two layers. This will ensure good adhesion of the finish, remove dust that remains after sanding the plaster, and prevent the development of fungi. After the wall has dried, you can begin work.

Mixing and tinting

Venetian plaster is sold in buckets and has a pasty appearance. The basic version is white, colors are added to obtain color, for different effects There are decorative additives - mother of pearl, sparkles, etc. You can color the composition in the store or yourself.

For tinting yourself, you will need a drill with a mixing attachment. In some cases, Venetian plaster is coated with a layer of water to prevent it from drying out. In this case, before use or coloring, the water is drained. Then, using a drill attachment, the composition is mixed until smooth. And only after that the dye is poured into the mass, mixed for several minutes (5-10) using a drill and nozzle.

When mixing, be careful: the composition often does not stain near the walls of the bucket. After removing the nozzle, take a clean wooden block small section, run it along the walls. Most likely, there are places where the dye did not get into. Run the block along the walls several times, ensuring that the walls have painted material. Mix the mixture again with a drill until the color is uniform. This procedure can be repeated again to be more sure. There is one more nuance: some manufacturers recommend waiting 12 hours after staining.

When tinting yourself, you must remember that some compositions change color when drying (not all). Therefore, to determine the future color, you need to make tests: apply a couple of strokes and wait until it dries. Based on the results, either add dye or an untinted composition.

Also remember that if you hand-tint, you won’t be able to repeat the same color. The new batch will be different. Therefore, the material must be painted in larger quantities than expected consumption: it is better to have something left than not enough.

Rules for applying layers

When applying Venetian plaster, there can be from two to ten layers. It all depends on the desired result. And the correspondence between the “desired result” and the actual one is a matter of experience.

You can make this beauty with your own hands... if you practice beforehand

The layers are applied in different ways, but each of them is leveled and sanded until smooth, each one must be allowed to dry. And only after the latter has been applied and dried, the surface can be covered with wax - beeswax or synthetic. Depending on the type of wax, the result is either a glossy surface (beeswax) or a matte surface (synthetic based). Walls coated with a synthetic protective composition also become water and moisture resistant, so if you want to decorate the walls in the bathroom with Venetian plaster, use synthetic wax.


The first layer is the base. It is applied evenly, according to the rules for applying ordinary plaster - it needs to be even. It can be tinted, or not. Depends on what background you want to have - white or colored. If 2-3 layers of material are applied, it will shine through them. If there are 5 or more layers, most likely it will not be visible (again, it depends on the type of composition).

Second and subsequent

The second layer of Venetian plaster, and all subsequent ones, are applied with chaotic strokes. The composition is taken on a flexible thin metal spatula or a special Venetian trowel. The composition is applied to the edge of the spatula/trowel and applied to the wall in small strokes in different directions. In this case, you must try not to show the mark from the first touch of the tool to the surface. The subsequent stroke, as it were, closes and lubricates this place. Moreover, it is not necessary to achieve uniformity. The whole point is in the randomness of directions, shapes, lines, bends. About the same as in natural marble.

Application of the second layer - chaotic or in one direction - depends on desire

Venetian plaster dries in 1-10 hours, depending on the composition, manufacturer, temperature and humidity. See the packaging for the exact time. After drying, the surface is rubbed with a dry trowel. At the same time, all differences that remain after applying the layer are smoothed out. The next layer is applied to the cleaned surface, dries, and smoothed. And so on until you get the desired result. And the result is usually this: darker stripes appear through thin layers in those places where, during application, the composition lay more densely. The depth and brightness with which the stripes “shine through” depends on the number of layers applied.


The last layer of Venetian plaster must be applied with a thin metal spatula. The technique is called “scraping” and the layer turns out almost transparent. Take a small amount of the compound on a spatula, apply it to the wall, pressing the blade tightly and collect the compound back from the wall. This leaves a very thin layer of material on the wall. At this stage, you need to try to keep the surface level. Small irregularities will be removed when grouting, but you have to try.

This is a tool for applying Venetian plaster - a special trowel


We do not completely dry the last thin layer of Venetian plaster. After 20-50 minutes we begin ironing the surface. Please note that some compounds need to be ironed in small areas. Venetian plaster was applied to a small area (about half square meter), erased. Other manufacturers allow a longer period of time. You really need to look at the packaging or ask the manufacturers.

The ironing process itself is grouting with a dry, clean metal surface. We take a clean Venetian trowel, without rips, scratches or other defects, and smooth the surface in a circular motion. In the process, the design appears, shine appears, and gradually the Venetian plaster acquires “depth” and layering, which is what distinguishes natural marble.

When ironing Venetian plaster, you must carefully ensure that scratches and abrasions do not form. To do this, there should be no grains of sand, grains of material, etc. on the trowel. You also need to smooth the wall with the flat of the trowel, without touching it with the edges. We process a small area at a time, when a pattern appears on it, we move to another area, not forgetting to pay attention to the boundaries of the two areas.

Ironing of Venetian plaster may be the last step. You can leave the walls or ceiling in the rooms in this condition. For hallways, bathrooms, kitchens, required protective covering wax.


The wax is applied after the Venetian plaster has completely dried. To be sure, it is better to wait a day. The wax is applied with a wide spatula in a thin layer “to scratch”. A thick layer begins to peel off and flake over time, so we leave a minimum on the wall.

Approximately 30-50 minutes after application, we begin to polish the wax. A fluffy attachment on a drill or grinder is suitable for this. The pile of the nozzle should be short and soft, and should not fray. We set the speed to no more than 3000 rpm. At higher speeds, the wax wears away rather than polishes. Polishing continues until you achieve the desired level of gloss (depending on the type of wax).

It takes about two weeks for the wax to dry completely. Only after this time can you wipe/wash/rub. If we're talking about About the bathroom, it is better not to exploit it too much (if possible).

Several application methods

Filling the bumps with Venetian plaster yourself is an expensive undertaking. At the same time, it is almost impossible to understand from the description what and how to do, how to apply strokes is incomprehensible, the phrase “in a chaotic order” does not explain anything at all, because there is still no complete chaos. There is some order or bias in application. So, to make it easier to find your own way, we’ll tell you at what angle to apply strokes in each layer. So there is a chance that after a couple of tests “on plywood”, self-installed Venetian plaster will make you happy.

Method one: the drawing is not too bright, not very clearly expressed, smooth lines, without sharp transitions. Apply layers like this:

Not a bad option with a good effect. Not too heavy a technique gives hope that Venetian plaster will look fine even if it was applied by a beginner without skills. But first test everything on plywood.

Method two: with a colored base, multidirectional strokes in each layer. The application procedure is as follows:

This method is also not bad if you manage to master multidirectional movements. At the same time, do not forget that the strokes should be thin. In general, let's try.

Venetian plaster: video tutorials on application techniques

A lot of techniques and materials are used in decorating walls, among which the most effective is Venetian plaster. It is the marble flour in its composition that creates a magnificent picture on the surface of the walls.

They knew about the Venetian back in Ancient Rome. Nowadays, it has acquired slightly different features - different shades have appeared, methods of use have improved. Let's talk about this in more detail.


Venetian plaster consists of the remaining waste after processing marble or materials such as malachite, granite, quartz, etc. The substance of such plaster is different sizes particles, and the smaller they are, the smoother the surface will be.

In parallel with the raw materials, it is purchased special remedy for finishing and protective layer. Beeswax is most often used as such; cheaper analogues are also acceptable. Coating with beeswax will create a stunning gloss effect.


To get the expected effect, you need to approach the process competently. Marble plaster is a fairly expensive material, which differs in some subtleties and nuances of use. In this case, the services of a master are not cheap, so many people prefer to do the work themselves. But if you do everything according to the rules, you can create a finish that is indistinguishable from the work of a professional.

Tools and materials

To decorate the interior with Venetian plaster, you will need:

  • a primer containing quartz filler (to prepare the surface);
  • water for the solution to set;
  • plaster mixture;
  • colors to create different shades;
  • fine-grained sandpaper for sanding and grouting;
  • paste or liquid wax to protect against dirt and dust, as well as to obtain a glossy effect;
  • roller or spatula for primer;
  • trowel for distributing the mixture;
  • rubber spatula for wax;
  • rags for wiping tools, floors, etc.;
  • containers for liquids and mixtures.

Application of Venetian plaster

Preparatory processes will depend on the type and composition of the panel. When brickwork you need to pre-process it - level it and sand it thoroughly. If you plan to decorate plasterboard construction, you can get by with just starting putty.

Make sure that the surface on which the marble base is laid is as smooth and even as possible, otherwise imperfections will appear through the coating.

The next stage is primer. It must contain quartz. It is necessary to prepare a 20% solution from water and primer in a separate container, and then apply it to the wall using a roller or spatula. Allow the surface to dry thoroughly.

Next is the turn of the mixture itself. Dilute the mixture with water according to the proportions indicated on the package. To give the surfaces any shade, it is at this moment that you need to add color. When choosing a color, remember that marble is natural material, so give preference to more natural tones.

Application should be done in 4 steps:

  1. The base must be solid and even, applied using a trowel or roller. The first layer must dry completely. Typically this takes about 8 hours.
  2. The texture is applied with loose strokes, then smoothed. This layer must also dry.
  3. The result depends on the quality of the final layer. At this stage you need to be very careful. As you know, marble has streaks and veins. Therefore, to achieve the desired effect, use a solution of the same color, but different (preferably two) shades. It is spread over surfaces with a trowel. It is important not to spoil the decor. The third layer should be applied in strokes or wavy movements, but not all over. Wait until everything dries (at least a day). When there won't be any wet spot, use fine sandpaper to sand out all imperfections.
  4. The final stage is the application of wax, which will give the Venetian a gloss. It is applied in a continuous layer using a rubber spatula, then rubbed with a woolen cloth. It is enough to do this once.

Features of Venetian plaster

Like any other material, Venetian plaster has its pros and cons. The disadvantages include a fairly high price and difficulties in the process of performing the work. But all this is offset by positive qualities:

  • safety - this plaster has high environmental performance. It contains exclusively natural ingredients, so the Venetian does not cause allergies and is not toxic;
  • durability – the service life of the coating is more than 15 years. Over time, only the wax layer can be renewed;
  • aesthetics - the magnificent effect that marble powder creates is wonderful in interior design. Due to its multi-layer nature, plaster manifests itself in a special way and enhances any interior.

Venetian plaster in the interior

Venetian, unlike marble itself, can only be used for interior decoration. However, such plaster cannot be used in bathrooms and other rooms with high humidity.

Marble chips enhance any interior; they look great in the living room, hallway or bedroom. When it comes to style, it is very important that decorative panel conceptually did not contradict the overall design. This type of finish can often be found not only in residential premises, but also in the design of hotels, offices, and cafes.

When decorating the interior, Venetian plaster, in addition to wall decoration, designers like to use to decorate individual parts of the room - columns, cornices and others. It is advisable that an object with such a coating should be exposed to artificial or daylight to create the effect of a charming play of light. You can appreciate such decor only by seeing all this beauty with your own eyes.

Decorative Venetian plaster is a finishing material that is not easy to work with. Its unique composition makes it possible to obtain a structure that has a high degree of similarity to natural stone, both in terms of external signs, and to the touch. Below we will provide in detail the classification of Venetian species and describe the nuances of interaction with the composition of the material.

Decorative plaster, called Venetian plaster, is a special mixture used for finishing the surfaces of ceilings and walls indoors. For exterior finishing it is not recommended to use it, since it does not have the necessary qualities of resistance to environmental factors.

The ingredients may include stone chips of natural origin (from granite, marble, quartz) and a latex or acrylic-based binder, as well as marble flour, gypsum or lime as a filler. The result of mixing these components is a thick, creamy paste with a translucent effect, to which color is added to obtain the desired shade.


One of unusual varieties Venetian finishing involves applying a plaster composition through a film stencil made of dense polymer. Its advantage is the ability to do the work yourself by choosing a stencil with suitable graphic motifs in a store selling goods for construction and repair.

Finishing with Venetian plaster is considered the best method than traditional whitewashing or painting and is often used in premium interior design. This composition can be used to coat various types of surfaces - wood, brick, concrete, and also based on plasterboard sheets. You can choose glossy or matte textures.

The plaster mixture is not used for leveling the base plane. This is purely a decorative coating.

Main views with photos in the interior

The general name “Venetian plaster” can be understood as different kinds compositions, the classification of which is given below. The form of the composition can be ready for use or dry, requiring dilution in the required proportions.


The artistic type of Venetian decorative plaster is distinguished by its combination large quantity color and shade combinations - there must be at least four of them. In this case, the decisive factor is not the raw material for the production of the material, but its finishing to be polished. The skill of the master who will have to use instead of ordinary paints is also important. decorative plaster

in different shades to create a picture.

The use of artistic technology for applying the composition will allow the surface to be given a color and texture that is practically indistinguishable from natural stone due to the richness of the color texture and the presence of various inclusions, veins, and cracks.

The cost of finishing this kind is comparable to the price of painting walls by hand.


This mixture contains marble granules, which, when applied to the surface being treated, form potholes and grooves that give the coating texture and volume.

Smooth A smooth surface can be achieved by applying a lime-based plaster composition. Such the mixture is produced exclusively in light pastel shades

and requires experience and special work skills from the master.

By method of application to walls and other surfaces

According to the application method, Venetian plasters are classified as follows.

Mother of pearl

This type of plaster coating is distinguished by the presence of optical effects, since special particles are added to the mixture, creating a play of color and giving it depth when drying. The coating with mother-of-pearl glaze has the most interesting appearance. The application is made using the technique of small strokes, which are then carefully leveled. A similar composition can be applied to any surface.

When treating a wall or ceiling with a pearlescent coating, you can enhance its water-repellent properties by adding a top layer consisting of transparent wax. This technique allows you to apply compositions with mother-of-pearl even in rooms where humidity significantly exceeds the norm without loss of quality.



To create a luxurious coating that completely imitates the pattern of natural marble, lime-based Venetian plasters are used. Such mixtures have a transparent texture. which does not hide the color of the internal layers and demonstrates the patterns characteristic of natural stone.

The marble effect is achieved only by strict adherence to the technique of applying the material, which allows not only to achieve visual similarity, but also to recreate the structure itself, resembling stone. architectural elements rooms or wall fragments. Exactly marble chips different fractions allows you to create an optical illusion that focuses attention on a specific object.


The classic variety has its own main feature application using traditional multi-layer technique. The coating is not only attractive, but also durable.. This recipe was developed about one and a half thousand years ago and has not changed during this time. Classic Venetian plaster necessarily contains lime, enriched with magnesium and slaked for three years, as well as natural marble chips and other binding components.

This material undergoes a carbonization process, due to which, a month after application, it becomes as hard as natural stone.

The advantages of classic plaster coating include:

  • high level of environmental safety;
  • no harm to human health and pets;
  • non-susceptibility to fungal infections, which allows the composition to be used for treating rooms with large crowds of people - hospitals, schools and kindergartens;
  • translucent texture that allows you to create the effect of a unique pattern of natural marble.


Textured plaster provides its own application technology, different from others. In this way, you can recreate not only the structure of the stone, but also skillfully imitate wood coating or animal skin. The identity of the texture will depend only on the degree of professionalism of the craftsman doing the finishing.

With marble chips

Imitating a natural marble finish requires filigree work and is not recommended for beginners. For high-quality detailing, it is necessary to apply plaster in several thin layers, made in different color scheme, and then manually draw the veins and shade them.


The technology is most often used to design individual interior or architectural elements and is very painstaking. As a result, the resulting material does not differ in appearance from natural marble, and also has special strength characteristics.

By composition

Depending on the main element in the mixture, Venetian plasters are classified as follows.


The mixture consists of the following components:

  • lime;
  • cement;
  • quartz crumbs.

The main advantage is high permeability to water vapor and resistance to mold. This type of coating can even be used for exterior finishing, unlike the others, since it is frost-resistant, practically does not become dirty and resists the appearance of cracks. Currently, it is almost impossible to find a completely lime-based material on sale.

Its low popularity is due to significant difficulties in operation:

  • risk of significant lightening, up to five tones;
  • the impossibility of accurately matching the color;
  • Possibility of painting only in light shades;
  • the presence of a staining effect in certain areas of the treated surface.

Modern compositions in mandatory contain a cement component to improve the properties of the final mixture.


The recipe involves the addition of a water-based latex component. The inclusion of this substance in the composition, coupled with treating the surface with wax at the final stage, will significantly increase the quality of the water resistance of the plaster layer. This composition is perfect for finishing swimming pools, baths, bathrooms and other wet rooms.

There is also a “Venetian”, which is based on acrylic resins, which give the coating strength, improve the degree of adhesion to the base and allow it to withstand temperature changes. This composition can even be applied on top of metal or MDF.


The only disadvantage of acrylic plaster is the difficulty in recreating the pattern of natural stone, which requires serious experience in such work.

The advantages include the following coating qualities:

  • the high degree of elasticity of the composition allows it to remain unaffected by the formation of cracks, thanks to which such finishing can be carried out even in new houses;
  • the material is plastic, which simplifies and speeds up the process of working with it;
  • restoration and repair of the coating are carried out without special effort after removing the wax layer.

Colors and design

Masters who are professionally engaged finishing works They know many techniques for working with Venetian wood, allowing them to obtain different textures of the finished coating. Smooth surfaces are less popular than textured ones. Popular design styles are described below.


It involves applying a large number of layers of plaster - there can be from 8 to 12. The peculiarity is that the game being created halftones, which look especially impressive in the sun or bright artificial lighting. Plaster has a complex, multi-component and multi-tone composition.

The master has to select at least 4 harmonizing tones and the same number of contrasting shades. The result is a skillful imitation of rare Carrara marble, which is practically no longer found in its natural form. The stone is distinguished by its iridescence and play of colors of extraordinary beauty.


This word means recreating the effect of antiquity, which consists in the formation of a network of small cracks. Coatings with this effect look unexpectedly attractive in interiors. various styles– from baroque and classical to modern loft and hi-tech. To create cracks in plaster, the final layer of coating should be a specialized varnish coating for craquelure with different effects.

Some allow you to get thin cracks that look like threads, others - larger and larger ones. Due to the fact that such varnishes have a long drying time, they tighten the surface during the drying process. promoting the appearance of cracks. The coating is dense and durable, since the use of craquelure enhances the qualities of the protective layer.


Imitation of marble with a smooth or moderately embossed texture.


The dried coating is matte and resembles velvet with glossy veins. This plaster can change its shade and color depth depending on the intensity of light.


A special technique involves applying plaster in at least 10 layers (maximum 12). The result is a high-quality imitation of natural travertine, a rock ideal for interior decoration in vintage or baroque style.


The finished finished surface resembles matte granite. To enhance the effect, wax can be used as a finish.

Wet silk

Walls finished using this technique seem to be upholstered in expensive, exquisite fabric. The compositions that contain large silk fibers look most luxurious.


Gold-colored pigment is added to the plaster composition., which produces a play of light when illuminated. Ideal for decorating a room in vintage or art deco style.


It is an imitation of a stone plane, permeated with a network of veins illuminated from within. The material usually contains malachite, onyx or marble chips.

Venetian plaster can be realized in various colors and shades. White, blue, beige, greenish, brown and blue tones. To obtain rich accents, bright green, black and others can be used color solutions. At the same time, the color of the finish does not fade for a long time.

Applications and examples of use

Without a protective coating, Venetian plaster can only be used in production interior work in dry rooms. If you use a protective composition, the material is suitable for application in a kitchen or bathroom.

In rooms of significant height and area, it is recommended to use relief plasters, and in small rooms it is worth choosing glossy versions of light, pastel colors.

Venetian plaster is used to decorate not only residential, but also office, public and commercial premises. It can be applied to walls, ceilings, columns and other interior and architectural elements.

An interesting combination of traditional material with brickwork, natural rocks, and wood is possible.

The best manufacturers

The most common world-famous manufacturers of decorative plaster include the following brands:

  • Ville Veneto;
  • Paladio;
  • Caparol;
  • Veneziano;
  • BauMit;
  • Vincent Decor;
  • Ceresit;
  • Tex-Color;
  • Palermo.

On the market for repair and construction products, you can find many ready-to-use mixtures with coloring pigments already added to the composition to the desired degree of intensity.

If you purchased the mixture in white, it is important to check that the mixture and coloring composition correspond to the same manufacturer and batch.

Expert advice on how to apply the composition yourself

There are a number of small but important nuances, which should be remembered when working with Venetian decorative plaster of the classical type:

  • Adding more dye to the mixture may cause the final shade to differ significantly from that indicated on the package.
  • Ordinary paints can be used as a pigment.
  • It is not recommended to dilute the wax used for the finishing coat of the plaster layer.
  • Work is carried out exclusively on a leveled surface, otherwise all flaws will be emphasized.

Other types of coatings, the style of which is closer to artistic, will have their own characteristics when applying the composition:

  1. First of all, a thin starting layer is applied, which is carefully leveled after drying.
  2. All layers must be applied using special flexible spatulas using wave-like movements.
  3. Each subsequent layer is applied only on top of the dried coating.
  4. The number of layers can be from 4 to 15.
  5. You can use both contrasting and similar colors in one palette. But each layer must be different in color from the previous one to create a special play of light.
  6. After stripping the last plaster layer, it is necessary to apply a protective wax coating, which will prevent moisture from affecting the composition. It is not recommended to use varnishes, as they tend to become cloudy over time. The exception is a special craquelure varnish for the cracking effect.
  7. Lastly, polish the surface with a soft cloth.


You will be able to fully use the premises approximately a week after finishing work is completed.

Unlike ubiquitous wallpaper, Venetian plaster is not building material mass demand. This is facilitated by the complexity of working with the composition and its high cost. This type of finishing can be classified as emphatically elite. Each fragment of the wall, finished in this way, is unique and inimitable.

The color nuances that arise during the design cannot be copied and used in the future, therefore Venetian finishing is an opportunity to give the room a special, individual look.

Based on the components it contains, Venetian plaster is divided into 2 types:

1. Classic. The recipe for this mixture was invented 15 centuries ago and has remained virtually unchanged since then. It still consists of magnesium-enriched lime with a 3-year slaking life.

During the carbonization process, the material acquires very high hardness levels, and is not inferior in strength to natural marble. The Venetian coating becomes optimally strong within a month.

The advantages of classic plaster include:

  • environmental safety and absolute harmlessness to humans and animals;
  • impossibility of infection by fungus. Thanks to its asepsis, it can be used to treat premises through which many people pass: healthcare institutions, kindergartens, schools;
  • optical transparency, with which you can create a unique marble pattern identical to natural.

2. Acrylic. Its formulation includes water-based latex, which, in combination with protective wax, increases the water resistance of the coating tenfold.

Considering the characteristics of this type of Venetian plaster, it is recommended to use it for interior decoration the most humid areas.

Unlike classical, acrylic Venetian decorative plaster does not allow achieving a marble pattern with the same ease. And using it to create a truly realistic-looking coating requires some experience.

Advantages of acrylic plaster

  • due to its high elasticity, the finishing material can be used on walls prone to cracking - in new houses and new buildings;
  • the plasticity of the material makes it easy to work with, due to which the finishing time is reduced and the cost is reduced;
  • The coating is easy to repair and restore - you just need to remove the layer of wax using improvised means (hot steam and a spatula) and start updating.

Both acrylic and classic Venetian plaster in the interior will last at least 15 years. They have excellent sound insulation characteristics. And the desired shade can be chosen from several thousand options.

What rooms is it suitable for?

In numerous photos, Venetian plaster can be seen in various types premises. It feels like it can be used anywhere. And it’s true: the strength and durability of granite, combined with ease of use, environmental friendliness and hygiene, make it a universal material that is suitable for finishing premises:

  • with high traffic (corridors, halls, lobbies, hallways, living rooms, halls);
  • with moderate load on the walls (bedrooms, children's rooms);
  • with high humidity (bathrooms and shower rooms).

But, if classic Venetian plaster is suitable for the first two options, then in the latter case it is necessary to use an acrylic-based plaster mass coated with a two-component polyurethane varnish. A more suitable material for decorating “wet” areas cannot be found.

What to choose? Calacatta, Emperador or white marble?

The magic of gold and the flirtatiousness of mother-of-pearl: did you know that Venetian plaster in the interior can be made to shimmer with the silver of mother-of-pearl or shine like gold of the highest standard? The application technique is quite simple: it is necessary to introduce a metallic or mother-of-pearl pigment into the composition of the Venetian plaster itself and into the protective wax.

The next effect is known as "craquelure". It involves cracking the marble finish to artificial aging and is able to create an aura of noble vintage. For a casual viewer, a room with cracked walls will make him feel as if he is in a medieval castle: neat craquelure on the walls will create openwork patterns worthy of the brush of a Renaissance artist. The already luxurious interior will sparkle with new colors thanks to the golden hands of the master and a special cracking composition.

Imitation of polished marble. To create a luxurious coating that completely replicates the marble pattern, it is better to use Venetian lime plaster in the interior. Its transparent texture reveals the inner layers, revealing the fantastic patterns of natural stone.

forged Venetian plaster. Its transparent texture reveals the inner layers, revealing the fantastic patterns of natural stone.

Moroccan plasters. Showcase amazing optical illusions and make it possible to see the farthest layers of the coating due to the “collapsed” upper ones. Unlike traditional Venetian plasters, they create the effect of mini-craters up to 0.2 mm deep, but the surface of the coating remains smooth.

Marmorino. On the walls, Venetian plasters of this type “lie” like a solid marble sheet. It feels perfectly smooth to the touch and has a matte or slightly glossy appearance. In Italy, Marmorino is also used for facade work, and in Russia it is widely used for interior design. So that the coating pattern can please the eye of a sophisticated esthete, in addition to lime and marble powder, the Venetian decorative plaster (photo below) includes calibrated marble chips measuring 0.5-1 mm. The color range of natural stone particles is uniform, usually 3 similar shades: white, beige and gray.

Venetian encausto plaster is created to add a “spice” to an already sophisticated finish. Marble particles form the most delicate specks, which gives it grace and additional charm. To create amazing ripples in the deep layers, a fine-grain base is applied to the walls before covering with Venetian plaster.

For true connoisseurs of beauty, an artistic way of decorating walls is suitable. It is used to completely copy a marble pattern and involves a detailed drawing of the stone pattern, down to the finest veins.

3 steps to the perfect wall covering

The Venetian plaster, the photo of which you see on our website, was installed by a professional, so it looks “expensive.” But even if you do the finishing yourself, you can achieve excellent results: a wide range of easy-to-use mixtures will allow even a beginner to cope with the creative task.

The material is demanding on the surface. If it is applied to an unprepared wall with unevenness and other defects, then the quality of the finishing layer will be low.

The first step should be careful preparation of the base: the protrusions are ground down, chips with cracks are masked and sanded. After completing work with defects, the surface of the wall is puttied, and when the layer dries, it is primed.

On preparatory work it will take time, because the manipulations described above will not be enough: after the primer dries, the walls need to be puttied again, sanded and primed.

The second step is to apply Venetian plaster of the desired color to the wall. This is the first one base layer. It is mixed with the color of the desired shade and applied to the wall as a solid.

All subsequent layers, and there should be no more than 6 of them, should be applied thinly, with ragged movements and immediately rubbed, and then compacted. A trowel is used to sand each of the dried layers.

Following a simple technology will give an amazing result: with each layer, the pattern on the wall will more and more resemble marble. The fact is that all previously applied translucent layers have different tones, and when compacted, the lime changes shade. Repeated layering makes the drawing more realistic and multifaceted. And careful compaction of the final layer helps level the surface to a mirror smoothness.

The third and final step is to apply the wax. After 3 weeks, the Venetian plaster will carbonize, harden and be completely ready for waxing.

A bathroom coating is unthinkable without a waxing procedure, during which the walls will acquire a mirror-like shine and will be protected from the destructive effects of moisture and water.

How to care for it so as not to spoil it

Venetian plaster with wax can be cleaned with a cloth slightly dampened with water. To remove serious contaminants, it is better to use gentle detergents without abrasives, alcohol and ammonia.

The main rule for caring for an untreated wax coating is that it cannot be washed, because it will lose color and streaks and stains will appear on the surface. For care, only dry soft cloth can be used.

To restore the rich color of Venetian plaster, buff it with cotton or wool fleece to restore its shine. The fastest way to do this is with a drill or polishing machine with a special attachment.