In construction it is impossible to do without alignment and sealing of gender. This procedure may have different purposes and consist of inhomogeneous materials.

To properly form a mixture for fill, we suggest you take advantage online calculatorohms for calculating the light tie required components. As a result, a reliable result of the composition of the solution and the required materials for it will be obtained.

Online floor tie calculator

Preliminary considerations. According to the standards of SNiP, the thickness of the floor screed must be at least 4 cm. To create wet screed Can be used ready for sandbeton stores. His main disadvantage is a high shrinkage rate. Because of this, the thickness of the screed layer cannot be less than 3 cm, otherwise it quickly covers cracks.

Another option is self-preparation Mixtures with cement composition of grades 150 or 200, for which cement grades M 400 or Mo 500 mixed with sand in proportions 1: 3 or 1: 4, respectively, and with the addition of water in an amount of 0.3 - 0.7 from the weight of cement, depending on the requirements for Floor screed quality. In this calculator, this ratio is accepted as 0.5.

It should be borne in mind that from 1 m3 (cubic meter) of the cement - sandy mixture after pouring it with water, approximately 0.7 cubic meters of solution is obtained. For reference: bulk weight of 1 cubic meter of cement is about 1300 kg, and sand - 1600. The required amount of water can not be recommended with sufficient accuracy, as it strongly depends on the humidity of the sand, the use of plasticizers of concrete, etc.

When using the finished (purchased) mixture, the need for it is determined from its passport data. To improve the characteristics of the screed, it is reinforced with a metal mesh or fibrovolok. The fiber is added to the solution at the stage of its preparation in the amount of 0.3-0.9 kg per 1 m3 of concrete, depending on the requirements for it. In the calculator is provided 0.8kg.

With the help of our online calculator, you will calculate the following parameters:

  • Room Square (M2).
  • Screed volume (m3).
  • Calculated cement volume (kg).
  • The estimated amount of sand mass (kg).
  • The amount of water (liters).
  • The amount of fibrovolock for reinforcement (if used)

Purpose and types of finishing of sexual coating

These devices are intended to solve various tasks in the construction of their own housing or execution overhaul in the apartment:

  • aligning the plane of the base surface of the floor, which, as a rule, consists of carriers concrete slabs with their inherent irregularities and gaps at the joints;
  • sealing pipelines, especially if the flooring is provided with warm floors;
  • uniform load distribution on the layer of thermal insulation;
  • creating slopes in rooms where water is often used - bathrooms, kitchens, toilets and others.

These elements are usually made of sandbetone. As can be seen from the name - it consists of two components. The ratio of their following;

  • the sand is made 2/3 of the composition;
  • cement - 1/3.

The qualitative indicators of the sandbetone largely depend on the sand fraction used, they are:

  1. Small agricultural, in which the size of the grains is less than 1.2 millimeter.
  2. In medium sands, the size of individual granules is allowed to 2.5 mm;
  3. Coarse-grained compositions have grades size up to 3.5 millimeters.

The separation on the fraction is made according to the presence of a component of a certain size - if there is at least one large sand in the weight of the sand, it will be carried out to the fraction of coarse-grained.

Accordingly, the qualitative indicators of the finished compositions are different. Thus, concrete with a fine-grained fraction has increased abrasion resistance, so it is used for the surfaces of exceeded passability - tracks, corridors in buildings and so on like.

All of these features are taken into account in our calculator for calculating floor screed.

Property area of \u200b\u200bsandbetone

Different varieties of this material are applied in accordance with their main properties.

  1. The fine-grained solution is used for thin layers of the floor coating with a thickness of 50-60 millimeters. It can be used as a masonry solution when working with brick or blocks, since it exhibits high strength during vertical loading. This is essentially the most durable view of the sandbetone. This species Practically does not apply for thick coatings.
  2. The M300 M300 Magniform Material Material is suitable for 10-20 centimeters with a thickness of 10-20 centimeters. it perfect option For application on warm Polits. It is also used when installing pavers or paving slabs.
  3. The coarse-grained solution is used for a thick layer device with a thickness of up to 20 centimeters, as well as in the manufacture of building bases. The finished surface from this material is rather rough and requires an additional leveling of the leveling screed.

Calculation of sand-concrete for web screed is an online calculator, gives the most accurate data for the formation of the mixture.

How to make a screed

For the device screed on a concrete slab, you can use the following technology:

  1. Thoroughly nimble the surface of concrete slabs and make a wet cleaning indoors.
  2. To lay waterproofing from a thick plastic film, to wrap its edge onto the wall and glued with construction tape. Accommodation joints on 15 centimeters and also sink scotch.
  3. On the perimeter of the walls, to put a damper tape with a thickness of 12-15 millimeters, fasten with scotch.
  4. Paper on the floor over the film Thermoly insulating layer from the plate.
  5. On top of the insulation, lay the reinforcement wire mesh with a cell of 50 or 100 millimeters at a distance of about 50 millimeters from the previous layer. To do this, you can use "chairs" of broken bricks installed under the grid.
  6. Set lighthouses from wooden planks or trimming profile pipes To form a layer of sandbetone of the desired thickness.
  7. Using an online calculator to calculate the need for sandbetone on the floor tie, prepare a solution and pour it over the reinforcement. The solution layer needs to be thoroughly dissolved, to be treated with a vibrator to obtain maximum density. Top layer align in lighthouses. In the future, they can be left in the screed, if they do not need for further work.
  8. After 2-3 days, you can additionally align the surface of the floor tie grout.
  9. Final drying to produce within 27 days from the date of laying.

Further actions depend on the nature of the finishing coverage provided for the premises. Perhaps you have to do a leveling layer.

In order for the surface of the overlap was perfectly even, a high-quality cement fill is needed, for calculating the volume of which the floor screed calculator is used.

Is it possible to do without proportions?

What will happen if you take a grinding of cement, pour there a bag of sand and as much gravel, and then dilute with water straight from the hose? Undoubtedly it will be concrete mixBut what brand it is difficult to say even a professional, since no rules were respected, especially with regard to liquid. In addition, it is not a fact that the resulting volume is enough for a screed for the entire premises, and the layer will be either very subtle, or sufficient, but only half the room.

It should be remembered that the fill thickness should be at least 8 millimeters on any part of the floor (by default - in the highest point), otherwise cracks will go. But, let's say, we know approximately how many cubic meters need to make an area of \u200b\u200b20 squares with a screed thickness in a half-meter. The required amount of materials purchased, and again pops up the initial question - can a solution be misunderstood without knowledge of proportions?

It is possible, but the result will definitely be unexpected. For example, it is likely that the frozen screed is cracking, despite the thickness, or, on the contrary, you will eventually work out a heavy concrete, which is poured in industrial premises, which will mean reserved funds. Also, they will also have to write down the remaining excess cement, which after half a year loses 30% of its strength.

Calculate the upcoming volume of fill

Before calculating our screed, take the same area of \u200b\u200bthe floor, which was previously given for example - 20 m 2, it is not difficult to calculate it, it is sufficient to multiply the length of the walls that have a common angle. Even if the room has a complex form, there is almost always a plan of the house, where it is indicated which area of \u200b\u200bthis room is. Next, we define for yourself the thickness of the floor screed, let it be 0.05 meters, then, moving the two existing values, we obtain 1 cubic solution.

It should be noted that when pouring a dry mixture with water, the smallest particles, entering into a fluid reaction, fill the existing emptiness, which is why the real volume is slightly less calculated by the number of materials. Therefore, we multiply the resulting result on the consumable coefficient, which is 1.2. As a result, we obtain the volume in the same 1.2 cubic meters, and this will definitely be enough for the planned fill. The irregularities of the floor in the form of the difference in heights in this case will not be calculated, since they are usually insignificant in compliance with technologies in construction.

Calculator tie.

Specify the size of the floor.

Determine the proportions of the mixture

As you know, cement and concrete are positioned by brands, although today it is also customary to talk about classes. Accordingly, to obtain the necessary degree of fill strength, it is necessary to take a certain cement brand. For news screed, M400 is required, and in no case is not a lower class. To find out the consumption of the main component, you can refer to SNiP - according to them, 1 cubic meter of screed should take 490 kilograms to obtain a high-end concrete. If you need to calculate the average (more budget), you can refer to the table below:

Other components are easy to calculate if you already know what kind of proportions you will lay out fillers. Options There are quite a few providing, for example, only the cement-sanding ratio or the use of gravel or rubble as an additional component. In the latter case, the mixture will not be simple construction solid, and full concrete. The proportions for the calculator screed are always compiled in such a way that the cement in them is one share.

The standard Cement ratio of 1: 4 or 1: 3, however, the fraction of a small filler may be less if large bulk materials are added, that is, crushed stone or gravel. In particular, a rather common proportion is the option 1: 2: 4. It is also quite commonly used by another ratio between components 1: 3: 6. In general, it is precisely how much and in which fractions is placed into a solution, a concrete brand depends, this is seen from the table below:

It is important to know that the more sand and water is contained in a solution per share of cement, the lower the strength of the screed and more likely the occurrence of cracks.

Ready bulk floors

If the calculations using the floor screed calculator, you still seem too complex (there is no tendency to mathematics and proportions are completely incomprehensible), you can simply take a ready-made mixture. In this case, no calculations will be required, it is enough to measure the amount of water specified in the instructions and to intervene the solution using special nozzles On a drill turning it into a mixer. The only minus of this option is its price, ready for nothing at all.

True, and here you need to remember some subtleties, in particular, that the dry mixture is more air, that is, it has emptiness, and with the addition of water is pretty decreased in volume. That is, if you take a cubomener of the finished composition and dilute it with liquid, we will eventually work out about 0.85 cubic meters of solution. You need to take about 30% with a stock. And one more nuance: it is better to knead the composition in the bucket (it is convenient to work with a mixer), first pouring water, and only then pouring a dry mixture. Mixing with a shovel in a large tank or on metal sheet It is excluded because the quality of such a kneading will be extremely low.

To accurately determine the time of the work on concreting and the number of consumable material, calculations should be carried out, this will help an online calculator for calculating the volume of concrete.

The concrete volume calculator will independently calculate the required amount of solution for you, providing the most accurate figures. Consumption is taken into account in cubic meters.

Calculate the volume of concrete foundation plate or screed

Calculator below produces calculation of concrete on slab foundation In accordance with the construction norms and rules. To calculate the slab foundation, it is necessary to know the area and the thickness of the plate, because The stove is an ordinary rectangular parallelepiped.

The slab foundation is a closed reinforced concrete solid monolithic plate, which is stacked under the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe house, thereby distributing the load along the entire length.

Enter your data in the calculation fields:

Correctly calculate the cubature of concrete in this case is much more complicated: the length of the structure, which includes a perimeter from the outside and the length of all partitions between the rooms, we must multiply on its height and width (provided that the foundation tape has the same cross section along the entire length).

Be sure to take into account the depth groundwater, landscape, soil and other factors when calculating the foundation height.

Calculation of the volume of concrete on piles foundation

In the column of I. pile Fundamit Used piles or piles as supports. This type of foundation is used to erect light buildings on intumery soils or with a deep occurrence of the carrier layer.

Cement screed, or as it is also called the "traditional screed", rightfully considered the most reliable and economical in terms of cash costs. It is very often used in premises of various purposes, for example: in apartments, country houses, cafes, offices, shops, garages and so on. As the basis of such a cement-sand screed, a dry mixture is used (sandbetone) M-150 or M-300. And how much should this mixture need for a screed? Calculation of sandbetone on the floor tie Presented below.

Calculation of a floor screed mixture

First of all, it is necessary to measure the room. With the help of a laser level and roulette, we freeze-measure the entire room and look where what kind of differences. We calculate how many m 2 we need to do, then consider the entire building material necessary for work. It is especially important to correctly calculate the number of necessary dry mix.


We need to make a screed in the room area 25 m 2. Thick 5 cm .
On the 1 m 2. With thickness 1 cm It goes about 22 kg Mixtures.
Multiply 5 cm Screeds on 22 kg Mixtures (5 x 22 \u003d 110). So 110 kg Will weigh 1 m 2. Our 5-centimeter screed.
Now 25 m 2. Multiply by 110 kg Mixtures (25 x 110 \u003d 2 750). So 2 750 kg will weigh the screed 5 cm on the area of \u200b\u200b25 m 2.
Further 2 750 kg Delim on the weight of a dry mix bag (2 750kg: 50kg \u003d 55). So 55 bags of mixture weight 50 kg We will need.

The rest of the material is considered easily on the floor area.

For the device screed, we will need:

  1. Profile for lighthouses;
  2. Dry mix M-150 or M-300;
  3. Primer or concrete contact;
  4. Reinforcing grid (applied on loose-based basis);
  5. Edge tape;
  6. A vapor barrier film (on the second or third day it is necessary to shed a screed with water and cover with a film for 7 days). The process can be repeated again.

Note that a higher mixture brand says that the mixture contains more cement. Clean cement is marked with M-500. Consequently, than the brand of dry mix above, the screed will be stronger.

Cement Sand screed hardens (gaining strength) for 30 days, during this time you can only lay tile, the rest floor coverings can be installed after 30 days. The fact is that the moisture that is in the screed is absorbed and will spoil the coating. If the thickness of the screed is more than 5 cm, then it is recommended to use clamzite to use the bottom layer. It is lightweight and will remove the total weight of the screed, therefore, the load on the slab slab will be reduced.

When sand-concrete for a ball screed and other material is calculated and brought to the object, the master is starting to work. First of all, the slab overlapping to the pouring of the screed is prepared, that is, cleaned from all sorts of garbage and is ground. When the primer gets free, fasten the edge ribbon to the wall, it is needed to remove the tension of the screed. We establish beacons with a pre-extinted high. If you need to use the reinforcing grid, it must be lifted and fixed below the center of the floor screed itself.

Cooking the mixture: 10 kg of dry mixture should be filled with 0.8 - 1.3 liters of clean water and stir up to a homogeneous mass without lumps by a construction mixer. It is necessary to use the mixture for 1 hour.

We pour the finished mixture and tighten it with a smooth rack along the beacons, until the premises are fully filling. 2-3 days after filling the screed, it is necessary to shed water and cover with a film. Withstand the screed 30 days and the screed is ready for further use!

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