On modern construction market In Russia, the greatest demand is for the construction of houses and cottages made of brick. This is more than 70% of all objects. At the same time, brick is used not only for the construction of load-bearing walls, but also for cladding buildings constructed from other materials. Such reliable solutions have been tested over years of operation. Our company offers brick finishing of the facade of a house at a cost of 950 rubles. for 1 sq. m (01.10.2014).

Brick facade of a new house

Why do our customers choose brick finishing?

We have systematized the main factors that distinguish brick walls from other materials:

  1. High strength - on average three times higher than the strength of foam concrete blocks.
  2. Absolute fire safety - the fire resistance of brickwork is beyond doubt.
  3. Environmental safety - no chemicals. Brick is a completely natural product, for which clay, sand and water are used.
  4. Unsurpassed durability - brick objects last 100-150 years. If you also choose clinker facing material for finishing the facade, then you will not have to repair the external walls.

Examples of brick facade finishing

But this finish also has some disadvantages caused by the high strength and reliability of brick materials:

  1. The high weight of the structure requires the construction of a massive foundation or strengthening of the existing one.
  2. Work on finishing brick facades cannot be carried out year-round.
  3. The high cost of a brick structure when compared with paneling or plaster.

Finishing technology

We use two methods of constructing brick facades: when building a house and when cladding completed objects. If houses are built of wood, then we pre-impregnate such walls with antiseptics.

In each case, craftsmen firmly attach the brick cladding wall to the base of the building. To do this, use the special connections tab. The craftsman selects their length, taking into account the thickness of the load-bearing walls and brick cladding, as well as the required ventilated gap and the thickness of the insulation.

Fastening a wall made of facing bricks to the load-bearing base through insulation

Important! Between facing and load-bearing wall Be sure to leave an air gap of at least 3 cm. Also, to ensure ventilation of the brick facade, we leave special slots in the bottom and last row.

Craftsmen perform brick finishing of facades from the bottom up, checking the evenness of the installation using a level. According to SNiP, vertical joints of brick cladding should be 12 mm, and horizontal joints - 10 mm.

Execution of work

Important! To avoid the appearance of efflorescence on the brick facade, our craftsmen use mortars from special building mixtures for masonry.

Advantages of our company

  • The best finishing materials. We use clinker bricks for projects, which are characterized by the highest strength and frost resistance. These parameters are 3-4 times higher than those of ordinary M100 brick.
  • Modern technologies for finishing brick facades. Our craftsmen comply with all the rules and regulations for performing these works. We guarantee that cracks and efflorescence will not appear on the walls of the house. Warranty - 5 years.
  • Original architectural solutions. We carry out finishing of brick facades according to individual projects.

The video shows examples of finishing house facades with brick.


By contacting us, you will be confident in the quality of the brick finishing, which will increase the durability of the facade, increase its thermal insulation and create a presentable appearance of the house. Call us, we will clarify the prices for the work and answer all your questions!

Among the many outdoor finishing materials brick still occupies one of the leading places in its popularity. It is preferred not only by conservatives faithful to traditions, but also by people who want to make their home durable, reliable, solid and warm. And facing buildings with bricks is perfect for this.

If the idea of ​​such finishing of a house arises at the stage of its design, architects immediately produce everything necessary calculations, taking into account the load from the brick cladding on the foundation and other supporting structures, its thickness and method of laying.
If it is planned to brick an old house for its external renovation, insulation and protection from atmospheric agents, the building must be prepared for such restoration. And the cladding process itself should be carried out differently than when finishing a new house during its construction.

Preparatory work

Brick is a heavy material. The cladding of a one-story building with an area of ​​about 100 m2 gives a load on the foundation equal to forty tons. It is clear that if the base is not designed to support such additional weight, it may not support it.
In addition, the thickness of the walls with such finishing increases by about 20 cm, which means that the width of the foundation and the offset of the eaves of the roof must correspond to the new parameters of the building. What if this is not the case?

  • First of all, calculations are made bearing capacity existing foundation, taking into account its depth and the type of soil underneath it.

  • If facing a residential building with bricks does not create a maximum or exceeding the design load, it is necessary to measure the protrusion of the foundation on which the brick will rest. The protrusion of the cladding beyond its edge is allowed no more than 1/3 of its thickness.

Note! When determining the required width of the foundation protrusion, it is necessary to take into account the unevenness of the walls and the need to leave a ventilation gap of 2-5 cm between them and the masonry. And if insulation is required, then the thickness thermal insulation material.

  • If the width of the base is insufficient, it is increased with steel corners secured with anchor bolts. Or they arrange an additional one close to the main one strip foundation from concrete blocks or reinforced concrete.
  • Lengthen eaves overhang Without reconstruction of the roof it is more difficult, but it must be done, otherwise the masonry, which is constantly getting wet from the flow of rain and snow, will quickly collapse.

Time and labor costs for preparatory work, and also their price can be very high. If you think that this is not economically profitable for you, but do not want to give up your idea, you can go the other way.
Facing brick buildings with clinker tiles or thermal panels is visually completely indistinguishable from real brickwork, but it does not require reinforcement of the foundation and slightly thickens the walls.

How to do cladding

There are no fundamental differences in how monolithic, wooden or frame buildings are faced with brick. But some nuances and differences are still present. First of all, they relate to the insulation of load-bearing walls and the attachment of facing masonry to them.
But let's start with the general processes, namely the preparation of materials and tools:

  • The amount of required facing brick is calculated based on the area of ​​the walls minus the openings, but 10-15% is added to it for scraps, scraps and products with defects.
  • For masonry mortar you will need cement, lime and sand in proportions 1:1:4, and also clean water.
  • You will also need fasteners for installing insulation and connecting the cladding to load-bearing walls.
  • Necessary tools: trowel, building level, tape measure, fishing line, hammer, hammer drill.

For reference. The list of materials and tools may vary depending on the wall material.

The masonry is laid with an offset of half a brick. It is very important to lay out the first row evenly; the correctness of further laying depends on this. To do this, first the corners are laid out dry, a fishing line is stretched between them, and its position is checked with a level.
But before you start cladding, you need to insulate the walls yourself. The choice of thermal insulation material and the method of its fastening depends on what the house is built from.

  • Wooden walls are first cleaned of rot and mold, soaked in an antiseptic solution, and then a lath lath is attached to them. Their thickness should be equal to the thickness of the insulation, and the distance between the slats should be equal to its width minus 1-2 cm.
    Insulation ( mineral wool) is placed spaced between the laths of the sheathing, a vapor-permeable film is stretched over it, which is attached to the sheathing with staples. Then the insulation and vapor barrier are additionally attached to the walls with dowels with a wide head.

  • To stone, brick or concrete walls the insulation is fastened with disc-shaped dowels with preliminary drilling of holes for them. Or, if the surface is flat, the thermal insulation can be glued to the walls with a special adhesive solution. Before installing the insulation, all cracks and cracks should be sealed.

To prevent moisture from accumulating on the insulation and the inner surface of the cladding, the instructions require installing a ventilation gap several centimeters wide between them. As well as the installation of so-called vents in the lowest and upper (under-eaves) rows of masonry.
Vents are made in vertical joints between bricks, without filling them with mortar. To do this, every 3-4 bricks, a brick is temporarily inserted into the gap between them. wooden slats about 1 cm thick (seam thickness).

Next, brick cladding of buildings is carried out as usual, but it must be fastened to the main wall. For this purpose, stainless steel anchor bolts are used - for monolithic and brick walls, or long nails (pins) made of galvanized steel - for wooden walls.
Anchor bolts are pre-installed drilled holes opposite the seam of the brickwork and are driven in partially so that about 8 cm of the bolt is secured in the mortar. IN wooden walls the pins are simply driven in with a hammer.

To make the masonry beautiful, neat and reliable, follow the following rules:

  • Before laying, briefly place the bricks in water to wash away dust and soak them in moisture. Dry stone draws moisture from the mortar, which reduces the quality of adhesion.
  • Do not carry out work during rain or at sub-zero temperatures.
  • When preparing the solution, sift the sand to eliminate the presence of large particles, plant debris and soil.
  • Apply the solution evenly, maintaining the same thickness of the joints (1-1.2 cm) and controlling the level of each row.
  • If the solution gets on the front side of the masonry, remove it immediately, without allowing it to harden.

Before starting this work, we also advise you to watch the video to better understand the technology of facing masonry.

Imitation brickwork

Today there are many finishing materials that very realistically imitate brickwork. With their help, you can give your home the desired look, spending much less money and time. What are these materials?

  • Clinker tiles. It is made from the same raw materials as clinker bricks, therefore it has all its properties and characteristics.
  • Fake diamond . It is made from a mixture of cement with various fillers and dyes. In addition to brick, it can imitate various breeds natural stone.
  • Thermal panels. These are panels made of polyurethane foam, which themselves are excellent insulation. Their front part is decorated with stone chips or clinker tiles.

  • Siding. Vinyl, metal or fiber cement - any of its varieties can imitate not only wood, but also brickwork.


The desire to have not only reliable and durable, but also beautiful house, is inherent in every person. And everyone chooses the type of exterior decoration that suits their taste and wallet.
Brick cladding of reinforced concrete buildings or wooden buildings- not the best a budget option, but it clearly indicates the solidity and thoroughness of their owners, which is why it is very popular even despite the emergence of new technological materials.

The facade of a house is like a person’s appearance; it is used to form an impression of the owner. Despite the variety of options presented on the construction market, cladding the facade of a house with brick has been and remains the most solid and popular way to decorate a home.

Today we have accumulated sufficient experience in carrying out this procedure, and we will talk about it.

Facing brick and rules for its use

The building block used for cladding buildings is not an ordinary building brick. This material has a number of distinctive qualities: regular shape, a certain surface texture, workmanship and decorative properties. For construction load-bearing structures this material is usually not used.

Another one distinguishing feature facing material - this is its price. This material is much more expensive than ordinary brick, so it is used to a limited extent.

Most often, ceramic building blocks, double silicate bricks M 150, foam concrete, various building blocks. Next, the walls are in one layer, and you can use insulation, or you can discard them.

Even an ordinary building with the simplest architecture after cladding takes on a completely different look, becomes more expensive, more beautiful, more solid.
Moreover, this material is combined with almost any design style and architectural trends, from classic to modern styles.

Among other things, when using cladding, you should remember the load on the foundation that it will create. Therefore, when designing a structure, this point must be taken into account. Old houses can be clad, which perfectly imitates brick finishing and does not create such a significant load on the foundation.

Brick facade structure

As can be seen in the diagram, brick cladding of the facade of the house is carried out using a certain technology:

  • The cladding layer rests on the foundation;
  • A ventilation gap is left between the cladding layer and the load-bearing walls, as in a ventilated façade to remove condensate;
  • The cladding layer is tied to the load-bearing walls using wire or metal fastenings as rigidly as possible, at least 5 connections per square meter;
  • A special hole is left in the masonry at the bottom to drain condensate;
  • There is also a hole at the top for air circulation;
  • The masonry is done in a special way: ventilation gaps are left in it.

It becomes clear that facing facades with bricks should be done experienced craftsman, which will be able not only to place each block beautifully and geometrically flawlessly, but to maintain the row design features this procedure.

Laying this layer with your own hands without the appropriate experience is unwise, since you simply cannot lay out the layer beautifully and correctly without some practice.

Ventilation gaps

Another feature of the facing material is the need for ventilation windows when laying it. Cladding the facade of a house with brick without such measures can lead to a greenhouse effect, since this material does not allow air and steam to pass through well.

Gaps are left in every 3-4th vertical seam by not filling these seams with mortar. Also, do not forget about the holes at the bottom and top of the wall for air circulation and condensate drainage. These measures will help make the walls breathable, which will extend their service life and increase the comfort of living in the building.

Stages of cladding work

The instructions for carrying out work on facing a building with bricks assume the following sequence:

  1. First you need to accurately calculate the required amount of material., since you can’t buy more of it afterwards - the tone will be different and the house will be ugly. 10% for defects is added to the calculated quantity;

  1. We make a trial laying: lay out no more than 1 m² of wall, checking the texture of the mortar and determining how to fill the joints;
  2. Determine the recipe for preparing the solution. Changing the solution during operation is not recommended, and categorically! Otherwise, different areas will differ from each other, which will spoil the appearance of the building;
  3. It is better to use regular masonry mortar with a thick consistency. Refrain from working in cold weather and other antifreeze additives, they can lead to efflorescence on the walls;
  4. In order to make sure that the corners are bandaged correctly and not to make a mistake when calculating the quantity, you can lay a trial row dry, i.e. without solution;
  5. For color uniformity, material from different pallets should be used simultaneously;
  6. Before laying, each block is immersed in water. This allows you to clean its surface from dust and at the same time saturate it with water, which will lead to normal solidification of the solution. The fact is that dry brick quickly draws water from the masonry mortar, as a result it crumbles and dries out;
  7. Take breaks from work. This will allow you to observe the process from the outside and promptly detect defects or shortcomings.

The technology of facing the facade of a house with brick has a number of nuances, knowing which the master can cope with the work much faster and more efficiently, and the result obtained will be much better. We will tell our readers about this below.

Brick cladding gives the house a beautiful look.

External installation around already finished walls is carried out in the following cases:

  • during reconstruction or major renovation building;
  • during work on insulating the facility;
  • for decorating external walls.

Let's look at each of them. The first option is used when the house is in a dilapidated condition, but rebuilding it or building a new one is impossible. In this case exterior decoration brick façade will strengthen existing wooden or stone walls.

Modern ceramic bricks are produced in a hollow version, which increases its thermal insulation properties. At the same time, the soundproofing qualities of the material have been improved. Therefore, lining the walls with bricks reduces heat loss in the house and allows for even better protection of its inhabitants from street noise.

Manufacturers have launched the production of a wide range of decorative facing materials. Thanks to this, owners have the opportunity during the construction process to make the appearance of the house more attractive and its design unique. This will be helped by lining the walls with ready-made ceramic blocks. At the same time, the cladding technology is somewhat different from conventional masonry, which we will discuss below.

What brick is used for cladding?

Manufacturers have launched the production of various types of monolithic and hollow blocks, differing not only appearance, but also the materials from which they are made.

In addition to traditional ceramics, sand-lime brick is also used for wall cladding. However, it has more weight compared to clay, which requires additional strengthening of the foundation. And this leads to increased construction costs.

Therefore, clinker bricks are the most popular. They have excellent physical properties, which are incorporated into them during the manufacturing process. This:

  • hardness;
  • durability;
  • UV resistance;
  • frost resistance;
  • immunity to dampness.

In addition, the aesthetic appeal of the material and variety color scheme make clinker one of the most popular materials for cladding houses.

Features of the foundation of walls for cladding

Even hollow ceramic bricks have a certain weight. And in total, the load on the foundation of the house after finishing the walls increases significantly.

The width of the foundation for wall cladding is taken taking into account the fact that between the main wall and its cladding there must be a technological gap necessary for ventilation of the internal space. Constant air movement will prevent the formation of dampness, which can cause mold and mildew.

When calculating the dimensions of the base, it must be taken into account that the material used for finishing should not protrude beyond the edge of the foundation by more than 1/3.

If the wall finishing is carried out for an already finished object, then the foundation should be further strengthened. To do this, a so-called substructure is created, which is created adjacent to the existing one and is additionally strengthened with compacted soil.

What is needed for facing work?

The cladding technology is reminiscent of conventional brickwork, so standard tools are also needed for the job.

To do this, the master will need:

  • concrete mixer;
  • shovel;
  • trowel (trowel);
  • bushhammer;
  • construction pickaxe;
  • jointing for processing seams.

In addition, you will need measuring tools such as a tape measure, level and square.

For laying bricks, use a standard mixture of cement and fine river sand in a ratio of 1:3. It should not be liquid; it is recommended to bring its consistency to the thickness of sour cream.

Brick cladding starts from the base. In this case, it is recommended to start the row from the corner, bringing up several rows taking into account the displacement of the bricks. Typically, a half-block shift is selected, which ensures reliable ligation of the row.

When laying hollow bricks, the mortar should not be applied to the entire surface, otherwise part of it will fall into the existing voids and be lost.

The seams are processed as each row is ready. Excess cement must be removed immediately so that it does not harden.

As noted above, when finishing walls, a technological gap of 20-30 mm is left between the outer and outer layers. And in the wall itself during the masonry process, holes are left - suffocation holes. There shouldn’t be many of them, just a few at the bottom near the base and at the top. They will ensure air movement and prevent it from stagnating.

The cladding of the house is completed before one row of bricks reaches the roof. This makes it possible to remove air from the technological pockets provided during construction. The internal empty space will be protected from rain and melt water by the overhang of the roof slopes.

To outer wall did not depart from the inner one; metal rods or self-tapping screws are used during the masonry process. They are introduced into finished wall so that the protruding part falls between 2 rows facing materials. Such clamps will make the structure more reliable.

To clad a house, it is better to use Portland cement M400 or M500. Impurities containing salts should not be added to the solution, otherwise a white coating will appear on the bricks over time.


Work should be carried out only at above-zero air temperatures. If it starts to rain during laying, the bricks should be covered with plastic film so that the water does not wash away the cement that has not yet completely hardened.