The cultivation of cucumbers in bags is the newest reception in vegetable growing, which has already found recognition from many summer residents.

Nuances to know

For the normal development and growth of cucumbers, they need high-quality and wet primer. This approach allows us to provide a layer of nutrient soil of the required thickness and with the corresponding level of moisture content even in the most heat.

In addition, cucumbers are sensitive to the temperature of the soil. Growing in the bag ensures the warming of the soil, which favorably affects the development of the plant.

Also, culture negatively reacts to direct lighting, preferring scattered. Bags in this case are much easier to move to half-directed places than other types of tanks.

Positive and negative sides

This agricultural admission has a lot of advantages:

  • Its use will save space and reduce the amount of garbage to a minimum.
  • The use of this landing option will allow you to get a high harvest with a small area.
  • It takes a minimum amount of effort to care for cucumbers in bags.
  • The method allows you to grow vegetable not only in the open soil, but also in the conditions of the apartment.
  • Easy harvest cleaning.

Since with such a method of cultivation, the cucumbers are not in contact with the soil, they will be stored longer. This is another advantage of bags like landing capacities.

The disadvantage is considered to maintain a permanent temperature and humidity mode for the soil.

Rules of cultivation

To grow plants in bags, black, transparent or white bags of polyethylene or packaging from flour or sugar are suitable.

One bag standard size May accommodate from 5 to 7 plants. And if you take the capacity of the larger diameter, then it can be safely put up to 15 pleti. In the south it is better to give preference to bags light shades, and for the northern regions to stay on dark tones.

To prepare the ground, you will need to mix leafy ground, humid and sawdust in proportions 2: 1: 1. To the resulting mixture you need to add ash (2 handstone), superphosphate (20 g) and potash feeding (no more than 10 g).

Here are the nuances of filling bags:

  • Do the drainage holes in the bag.
  • Place a layer of sawdust or hay on the bottom.
  • Next, fill the bag with a ground by 1/3 of its height.
  • Insert the support and secure it safely.
  • Tension the wire so that you can continue to be easily located.
  • Wrap the sides so that the soil is not poured.

Curl seasions in bags

If you live in the south, then put the cucumbers using this method, you can be seeds and already in May. If your region is in the north, it is better to use the method of growing through seedlings.

What option for planting cucumbers in bags you would not have chosen, first of all, the seeds need to pour water to soak. This will help to identify suitable specimens. Be sure to sprout those that will be devastated to the bottom.

We will analyze the sequence of actions, how to plant cucumbers in bags:

  • Set bags and fill them with soil.
  • Pour some land outside for more reliable fixation.
  • Place the supports and secure the wire.
  • Thoroughly paint the soil.
  • Treat and harden the seed material.
  • Put the seeds, deepening them by 3-5 cm.
  • Stick bags from top to film for better seed germination.

If you gathered to grow seedlings, then each seed should be placed in a separate container with a pre-prepared substrate.

Before transplanting in a bag, the land in pots must be moistened. The reset procedure itself needs to be done carefully not to damage the root system.

Subtleties of care

Cucumbers require the following care:

  • Maintaining constant soil humidity.
  • Making organic and mineral fertilizers.
  • Forming a row.
  • Holding preventive measures against pests and diseases.
  • Weeding weeds and attaching a row to supports.
  • Cleaning mature vegetables.

Remember that the collection of cucumbers should be done daily, otherwise they will overrere and their taste worsen. In addition, if you remove the harvest in a timely manner, it will increase the duration of the fruiting plant.

Follow the advice described above and you will get a high crop of cucumbers.

Stock Foto Growing cucumbers in bags

Tannik's cherished dream - to fit on 6 acres all vegetable cropsYes, and the flower garden is broken, and plant trees. The desire to economically use the area of \u200b\u200bthe plot leads to experiments, such as growing cucumbers in bags. This technology has been repeatedly tested by gardeners, and everyone marks a long period of fruiting and excellent harvest.

Cucumbers, like most melting crops, are demanding of the soil: it must be fertile, loose, moderately moistened and well-hot - just such as in the landing bags. In such conditions, the roots of cucumbers are developing rapidly and penetrate into a greater depth, obtaining a maximum nutrient for the growth and formation of fruits.

Soil for cucumbers fertile, moderately loose

In the ground - on the garden or in a greenhouse - to create a fertile layer of more than 20-30 cm is difficult, and even more difficult to warm it up and saturate with oxygen on a greater depth. Therefore, the root system is obtained superficial, in the heat quickly overheats and dries. Gentle suction roots when loosening are often damaged, and the plant is under stress. This leads to a decrease in the harvest, and sometimes to the death of plants.

In addition, cucumbers relate to cultures that, with high humidity, quickly amazed with fungal diseases, so in greenhouses and greenhouses it is important to carefully follow the population of landings. With the usual way to landing on a square meter, you can place a maximum of the four roots of cucumbers formed in one vertical stem. When landing in bags on the same area, you can grow 10-15 plants without thickening weave, rot and diseases.

Preparation of bags and fertile soil

What do cucumbers love? Even a novice gardener knows - they have a tutorial, overwhelmed by manure, compost. All this needs to be mixed, add a comprehensive fertilizer containing potassium and phosphorus, or oven, then mix with the same amount of soil.

Approximate soil composition for cucumbers for a bag of 50-70 liters Located in the table.

Bags for growing cucumbers can be used polyethylene - dense, 70-90 liters, or wicker, from under sugar sand.

It is necessary to consider that polyethylene in the sun becomes fragile and destroyed, so it is better to take two bags and put one in another. Prepare bags so.

After preparing the bags, you can start planting cucumbers with seeds or seedlings.

In bags there must be a support for a woven - vertical stick

Preparation of seeds

Seeds for planting cucumbers are also prepared in advance.

In winter, after purchase, you need to open the package and inspect the seeds, as well as explore the information on the packaging. If the seeds are already processed by stimulants, it is not necessary to wrap and warm them up - such seeds are sowing dry into wet soil. You can distinguish them not only according to the package, but also in color - they can be green, pink or red.

Not treated seeds are prepared in advance by such technology.

Important! It is impossible to exceed the dosage of the stimulator! This can lead to the opposite effect - the seeds will not sprout, or shoots will be depressed.

Sowing cucumbers in the bag seeds

The method is suitable for southern regions, where spring comes early, and the plants have time to grow and give fruit before the onset of cold weather. The prepared bag is discovered, 3 wells are made on the surface. Their bottom is slightly adjusted and watered, placed there seeds and sprinkle soil.

On the side surfaces of the bag make 7-12 cuts with a length of 5-7 cm, the polyethylene is slightly flex and placed there seeds. The soil in this place is slightly pressed. Shoots appear within 5-7 days.

Seeding seeds

In the northern regions, grow a full harvest of cucumbers without seedlings is difficult - the plants will start massively give Zeletsy only in July, and frosts are possible in August. Therefore, to speed up the fruiting, all thermal-loving cultures are grown by a seaside.

Seedling cucumbers very badly tolerate roots damage, so you need to carefully choose the cups for it. Landing in peat pots does not always lead to good results - peat is acidifying the soil, and the cucumbers do not tolerate the acidic medium. Therefore, it is better to use plastic glasses with a capacity of 0.5 liters with two or three holes in the bottom.

Cucumbers seedlings are almost always pulled out, even with organized lighting. Therefore, when landing, the glass fill only by half halfway, so that there was an opportunity to plunder her after germination.

Growing seedlings of cucumbers in glasses - soil scheme

Sequence of seedlings of cucumbers

  1. The surface of the soil in the glass is slightly tamped and watered with warm soft water. Gently put on her seed and fall asleep with moderately damp loop soil, you can mix it with sand 1: 1. It is not necessary to water it from above. This technique allows you to simultaneously provide seeds humidity and air access.

  2. Cups with a seedy put in a warm place, you can without access light - before the appearance of shoots, it is not needed by plants. After the occurrence of the kettop shoots, they are exhibited on the illuminated windowsill or under the lighting lamp. The first two or three days the plant should get the maximum of light, then it will not deteriorate and start actively growing.
  3. After the deployment of the seedlock leaves, there is almost to them, it stimulates the formation of new roots and the best height. In the phase of two leaflets, plants can be filled with a complex seeding fertilizer.

  4. Sitting seedlings of cucumbers after the appearance of the third sheet. It's not worth pulling up with disembarking - it's not worth it - too large seedlings are not good, sick and as a result later will begin to be fron.

Tip! Some gardeners plant two seeds into a glass, and then a weaker plant pluck. For large quantities planting material This method is justified, for expensive hybrid seeds with a high germination - no, since it is almost impossible to plant one plant from another without damaging. As a result, half of the seeds are undeservedly rejected.

Rechazzle seedlings in the bag

To put in the bag seedlings are somewhat more complicated than to make seeds. The main complexity is to remove the plant from the glass and put it without damaging the roots. To do this, the seedlings are abundantly watered a few hours before landing.

In the soil make recesses in the size of a glass, it is convenient to use the capacity of a similar size for this. On the bottom of the wells poured a bit of warm water.

Gently remove seedlings from the cup. Do not pull it for the stem - it is easy to damage thin suction roots. It is better to put one hand on the top of the glass so that the stem is between the fingers, turn the glass and the other hand gently tapping on his bottom.

Insert a seedling in my hole and sprinkle soil

At the same time, the whole earthen com, braided roots, will be in hand, and will only remain gently place it in the prepared hole. After that, the soil around the wells pressed to the earthenone to the earthlings, and also beyond the top of the seedy leaves.

Locked cucumbers watered and dialed for 3-4 days until they get used to new conditions. If this is not done, even in cloudy weather, leaves can get a burn. Spending cucumbers can be loyal, spandbon or shallow mesh, tulle.

Video - planting cucumbers.Nogo

Video - planting

Formation of bush

A good harvest is impossible without the formation of the correct shape of the bush. The cucumbers give a lot of lateral weaves, and if they allow them to grow, then you can not wait for active fruiting - the plant will delete their strength and give all the reserves of nutrients to grow shoots.

They form cucumbers when growing in the bag so that the main stem climbed up the twine tied to the sixth, and the side processes descended down. They leave from three to five leaves and intersals, which formed fruits. All third-order shoots are removed.

The formation of bushes is carried out regularly, not allowing the growth of long weaves - when they are ruling, the plant brakes in growth. Better in time to pinch young tops of shoots.

Watering and fertilizer

Watering the cucumbers with this method of planting it is necessary to drip using perforated tubes. You can wear the hose on the ends of the tubes, the other end of which is connected to the container with antensed water. It is better to do it in the evening - the water is warm in the day, and the roots will not experience stress. The periodicity of watering depends on the weather, it is usually required no more than three irons per week.

Fertilizers in the bag are supplied in the same way. You can equip the tubes with a funnel or cut and an inverted bottle and pour nutrient solution Through them. If on plastic bottle Apply divisions, it will be convenient to dose fertilizer.

Fertilize cucumbers with a cowboy or herbal "tea" every 7-10 days. Also necessary several times over the summer to perform an extra-corner feeding by microelements by spraying the leaves.

Tip! Drainage and several holes in the barn donkey will help avoid the convergence.

Harvesting and improving the productivity of bushes

To get the maximum return from each bush, the garbage collection must be carried out regularly, best every day. Even one missed cucumber slows down the growth of the strings, so it is important not to tighten with the collection of fruits.

Beelandic varieties and hybrids in cloudy weather are poorly tying fruits, in such a situation they can be sprayed with special drugs, such as "urins", or sweet water - they will attract insects.

For varieties with a predominantly female style of flowering, experienced gardens advise to plant one bush of cucumbers with a lot of male flowers - it will improve pollination and increase the harvest.

Diseases and pests

The cucumbers grown in bags are less likely to get sick and damage pests, but they are still not insured against trouble. Therefore, it is important to notice the first signs of disease in time and take action.

In the table collected major diseases and methods to combat them.

DiseaseSigns and reasonsMethods of treatment and struggle

White spots on the leaves, similar to flour. Fungal disease, occurs at low temperatures and high humidity.Spraying with special compositions: fungicides, copper chlorokis, colloidal gray. Folk remedies: Spraying with acidic milk in a mixture with water or a solution of economic soap

Small yellowish spots are gradually increasing and lead to drying the sheet.

Brown or olive stains on the leaves and fruits.Spraying the chlorokis of copper or borobo liquid, as well as complex drugs.

Fools or shoots appear foci of rot.Delete damaged shoots. Treat fungicides.

Plants come to full drying. Roots when removing look rot.Try to roigate healthy vacations and change watering mode.

Fruiting with this method of cultivation continues until autumn, the diseases rarely occur, since there are no main enemies of cucumbers - elevated humidity and cold soil. Compliance with all these rules in the cultivation of cucumbers in bags will allow you to completely enjoy the excellent crisp crisp crumbs.

Video - Cucumbers in the bag. Small tricks for a large harvest

The concept of vertical beds is known about 20 years. In this way, greens, strawberries, tomatoes are grown, and, of course, cucumbers. Most often, trellis or agricultural seals are used to form a vertical bed. In addition, very good results can be achieved, growing cucumbers in barrels and bags.

Growing in polyethylene bags

This cultivation method is extremely convenient if pricework It is small - 6-8 acres, and the harvest, nevertheless, I want to get decent. The practicality of the way is obvious:

  • square is significantly saved;
  • no need to dig a bed;
  • there is no need for spinging and destroying weeds;
  • harvest is not difficult;
  • the cucumbers ripen before, since the optimal microclimate for cultivation is formed in the bag.

Only preparatory work can be attributed to the disadvantages of the method: packing the ground bag with fertilizers.

True for the beds are polyethylene bags of high capacity - from 70 to 120 liters, as dense as possible. Perfect for these purposes garbage bags. Polyethylene uses for their manufacture low pressure, characterized by greater strength and resistance to mechanical damage. You can use salting bags, but with the highest density, which corresponds to the thickness of the film in 100 microns. And other data is indicated in the article.

From under sugar

Capacity for vertical beds can serve also bags from sugar. They are made of polypropylene sleeve tissue - with weaving. The density ranges from 48 to 115 g / sq. M. m. If plastic bags with a capacity of 70 liters are calculated for a load of about 30 kg, then products for bulk products are withstanding from 50 to 100 kg. Growing in a barrel video and other data are indicated in.

It is for sale with simple white bags with the highest density - up to 200 g / sq. m, and recycled products - they are marked with gray or green. For strength and resistance to moisture, they are inferior to "white collections", but for the cultivation of cucumbers, these characteristics are not so important. The cost of taras from recyclable is noticeably lower. What are the indicated in the article.

Landing in bags with slots

The vertical bed is formed as follows.

  • In the bag, filled with the earth, not more than 3 cucumbers disembark on top.
  • On the sides, the bag is caught in a checker order so that the incision for forming a kind of pockets.
  • Sprouts are planted in a slot. On average, 12-15 cucumbers are growing in one container.
  • Thus, it turns out a bed with a height in the length of the bag. It is necessary to make slots after filling in the soil.

Sprouts are usually planted in a slot on bags.

Description of the step by step procedure

To create a vertical bed, besides the bag, you will need a 2-meter wooden stick with a rope on top - the ropes will be attached here, and 4 segments of the hoses or other hollow tube, a length of about 1 m. In sections, drill holes in checkers - they provide soil drainage . What is specified in this article.

On video - growing cucumbers in bags:

Preparation of Grokery

Cucumbers - plants are thermal-loving, but they do not like direct sunlight. For their cultivation, it is advisable to find the shaded place. The bag can be placed directly on the ground, pre-dug a small recess - for stability. If you do not want to mess around with a rolling around the vertical beds, you can position the bags on some flooring - a sheet of old plywood, the door from the chipboard. What self-polished varieties for the greenhouse are best used, you can find out.

  • The wooden pole is installed in the bag and filled with soil. For cucumbers fits light soil. Chernozem clay soil And even the peat is too heavy and in the bag are joined. Fall asleep in layers in the ground: it is better to put dry leaves on the bottom, then overwhelmed dung, and then light soil - forest, for example, or purchased. Layers of manure and land alternate. On average, 5 layers are obtained in a bag of 1 m height.
  • During the soil mounds at a distance of 10 cm from the pole insert 4 segments of the hose with holes.
  • The last 15-20 cm are not filled, but they are separated by forming a side.
  • Ropes or fishing rope are attached to the nail at the top of the poles and fasten on Earth so that it turned out a kind of "shalashik".

On video - growing cucumbers in bags of sugar:

Preparation of seeds

You can plant both seeds and seedlings. 2-3-year-olds are most suitable as seeds: they give more female colors. If the seeds last year, it is desirable to heat them before landing about 2 hours at a temperature of 50-65 C.What looks, indicated in this article.

  • Seeds are soaked in warm water. The pop-ups immediately remove - they are empty.
  • Material must be hardening. For this, the seeds are left in warm water for a day, and then the container with them is placed in the refrigeration chamber for 3 days.
  • Seeds germinate and planted in a vertical bed.
  • If fresh cucumbers want to get to deep autumn, the plants of different growth are put on one bag - the early, medium and late-lies. If we use seedlings, only strong seedlings with three real leaves are suitable for landing.
  • Sowing at the end of May. After landing, the garden is abundantly watered.

On video - growing cucumbers in bags with slots:

Care for cucumbers

For good crop needed right watering And feeding. Water and feeding are served through hollow tubes. What the best seeds for the greenhouse must be used, specified in.

  • Water "bags" cucumbers less often than planted in the ground - about 1 time every 3 days. Polyethylene is perfectly holding water, and the vertical bed is almost losing it.
  • Check moisture, immersing the finger into the ground. If you use a transparent bag, then the condition of the soil can be seen through the film.
  • Watering water should be warm - about 23-25 \u200b\u200bC.

If irrigation through the tubes is not enough - too much seedlings or crop abundant, then the roots of the cucumbers will begin to germinate through the slits. In this case, the bag must be reinstalled onto the pallet, and to the latter to pour water so that the plant can get an additional moisture. How to grow

The feeding is carried out up to 5 times in the period of growth, and then 1 time in 2 weeks. The solution is poured through the tubes, as well as water . The composition of the feeding depends on the period. When putting cucumbers in a greenhouse from polycarbonate, you can learn from.

  • For seedlings, a solution of a mixture of superphosphate, ammonium nitrate and cow's litter are used. It is possible to use special fertilizers, which are not included with nitrate nitrogen.
  • During growth and flowering, the proportion of cow litter decreases, and in addition to the superphosphate, potassium sulfate is added in the mixture.

Phosphorus cucumbers need constantly, but in small doses. Its lack affects the development of the root system and the green mass, which ultimately leads to poor fruiting. The transaction causes the dedication of the sheet. How to grow good harvest Cucumbers Find out.

  • When fruits appear in the composition of the feeding should include potassium, magnesium and nitrogen. The source of elements is usually served by a potash salter.
  • Growing cucumbers should be taped. The first garter is carried out when 5-6 leaves are formed on the sprouts. For this and mounted ropes to the sixth. Each plant should have its own knitting.

Cucumbers, if late-leaky, can be fruit until October. The roots of the plants are reliably protected, therefore, even the first frosts are not terrible.

Probably, many experienced gardening gardeners will be surprised, having learned about this innovative approach to planting cucumbers. However, the cultivation of cucumbers in bags is one of best ways Get a good harvest and on open beds, and in greenhouses, and even on the balcony or veranda. Applying this method in the country, it is possible to significantly save space on a garden for other crops or stylishly draw a corner of the garden. On the secrets of growing cucumbers step by step and will be discussed in this article.

Cucumbers - culture, which is very demanding of the quality and humidity of the soil. With this method of landing, you can easily provide a layer of nutrient soil in 20-30 centimeters And the necessary humidity is even in the hottest and dry weather in summer.

Also, cucumbers are sensitive to the temperature of the soil. Landing in bags allows you to warm up the ground to a significant depth, which allows plants develop faster.

As seedlings and adult plants do not like the impact of direct sunlight.

Provide sufficient number The scattered light can be placed by placing bagproof tanks in the shadow of the veranda, on the contacted sections in the garden, on the balcony or loggia.

Advantages and disadvantages

The method has many advantages. The main among them are:

  • significant saving places and lack of garbage;
  • the opportunity to grow many plants on a small area;
  • minimum costs of strength when care for plants;
  • opportunity to get big crop on the balcony, veranda, loggia, greenhouse;
  • easy collection Harvest.

An essential advantage is also the possibility of retaining the collected vegetables longer, since when cultivated they did not touch the Earth.

When transporting cucumbers remain clean and do not rot.

The disadvantages of this method include:

  • the need to maintain a constant temperature in bags to avoid overheating and death of the root system of plants;
  • the complexity of maintaining the required level of soil moisture.

It is necessary to observe strict irrigation regime, since with a lack of moisture, the fruits can become bitter, and when it is excessive roots, the plant will dying.

How to grow cucumber step by step

Preparation of bags and soil

For growing cucumbers, you can use durable polyethylene bags (transparent, black, colored), and conventional from under sugar or flour. It should be borne in mind that the wider bag, the more plants you can grow in it.

So in a standard bag, it will be comfortable to feel 5-7 pole cucumbers, and with a diameter of 1.5 meters - from 10 to 15 plants. In the southern regions and on well-lit plots it is better to use white and transparent bags in northern latitudes and on the pronted balconies and verandas - dark, gray and black shades.

For the preparation of a nutrient mixture for one bag (50 kg) the necessary ingredients are:

  • 2 buckets (12 liters) of soil;
  • 1 bucket humus;
  • 1 bucket of straw, hay or sawdust;
  • 20 grams of superphosphate;
  • 2 hassle of wood ash;
  • up to 10 grams of potash fertilizers.

It is necessary to fill each bag in such a sequence:

  1. In Dn. do several holes To circulate air and remove excess moisture.
  2. Fit the bottom with steamed sawdresses, hay or straw.
  3. Top to place well mixed with humid, ash and fertilizer soil.
  4. Fill on 1 \\ 3 part of all height (As the plant grows, the soil should be constantly plundered).
  5. In the middle to stick a stick-support for a long up to 2 meters and secure it.
  6. Tighten the wire, grid or durable thick threads for subsequent placement of the cucumbers.
  7. Run flights to the desired height so that the ground does not fall down.

How to plant

In the southern regions of our country where warm weather Installed in early May, cucumbers in bags or boxes can be planted from seeds. But for the northern regions, where frosts can occur even in early June, preferably grow seedlings.

Regardless of the plant landing method in open sadBefore planting, the seeds should be soaked in a small amount of water and preferably transparent capacity. Only those seeds that sank to the bottom are suitable for landing, and those that float on the surface must be thrown away.

Seed seeds should be when the temperature at night ceases to fall below 15 degrees and freezes are stopped on the surface of the soil and in the air.

The seed planting process consists of:

  • installation of bags on the site and filling their soil mixture;
  • supplements of the soil outside for stability;
  • arrangement inside bags of pellets and fixing the mesh or wire for cucumber;
  • moisturizing soil;
  • processing and hardening seeds;
  • seeding seeds into the ground to a depth of 3-5 cm;
  • closing the surface of the film before the first germination appears.

With a seedy method of growing cucumbers, each seed is better to plant in a separate plastic cupfilled with half the nutrient mixture. As the seedlings grows the land in the cup must be added.

For transplanting to a bag of an earthen whom in a glass should be well moistened. Having a seedling should be careful (in no case do not pull over the stem) so as not to damage the root and the plant itself.

Plant care features

Care care works are reduced to such activities:

  • regular watering;
  • feeding organic (chicken litter, herbal infusion) or chemical (nitroposka, superphosphate, sulfate potassium) fertilizers;
  • the formation of bushes in order to increase the intensity of the formation of Zelentsov;
  • prevention of diseases and damage to pests;
  • removal of weeds and garter of growing braid;
  • harvest.

It should be noted that the cucumbers need to be assembled every day without allowing their overheating. Timely collecting Zelentsov allows the bustle to form a new marking, which means that the period of fruiting increases.

Problems when planting cucumbers in bags and boxes

One of the main problems with this method of cultivation of cucumbers is uniform and sufficient soil moisturizing.

Many gardeners in our time use drip watering, which allows rationally to spend water. At the same time, the soil is not overwhelmed and does not dry, which is very important for the normal formation of the bush, abundant flowering and getting a quality harvest.

Another problem can become excess sunlight , More precisely, the impact of direct sunlight on the plants. Therefore, it is better to choose a place to accommodate the bags better in the root shadow of trees, living hedges, near buildings, on an open pronted veranda.

Growing cucumbers on the loggia or balcony, it should be ensured by plants scattered sunlight.

The next problem with which gardeners may encounter - excessive landing density. It is important to remember that the normal development of each bush requires a certain space.

If you put a lot of seeds or seedlings in one bag - they will weakly develop and badly fruit. Therefore, it is better to grow five full plants than fifteen - but without a good harvest.

If you comply with all the rules and recommendations for the cultivation of cucumbers in bags, you can get a rich harvest of early cucumbers. Using this advanced technologyThe inhabitants of cities will be able to taste with tasty vegetables with a vertical bed to the balcony. And the summer houses - to receive invariably high yields, regardless of the weather becoming.

In bags - a way that allows you to grow vegetables in a cold climate and in a small garden plot. This method increases the number of landings on one square meter 4 times. Preparation for planting seed labor, but care for the bushes will become easier.


What is the success of this way of landing?

In order to get a rich crop of cucumbers, the garden need to fill the bed with a fertile soil for 30 centimeters in depth. In bags it is simpler: the land in them will be extremely fertile. So the roots of the cucumbers will not be shame on the surface, but will be able to penetrate the bag.


  • the land is better warmed;
  • no need to loosen;
  • on one square meter up to 15 plants planted;
  • the risk of the development of fungal diseases is reduced;
  • you can grow cucumbers in bags on the balcony.

Method disadvantages:

  • the ability to overlay the plant;
  • it is difficult to understand how much wet soil.

It should be strictly observed a scraper chart so that the earth does not dry in the bag.

Suitable grade cucumbers for growing in bags

For landing worth choosing hybrid varieties - They are resistant to weather changes and have good fruiting. You also need to plant a few species: from early to later to collect harvest vegetables all season.

Cucumbers different varieties Put in different bags.

Optimal season for landing

Seeds are usually planted in the spring: in early May. But the dates of the landing will depend on the variety of vegetables and the region of residence. In southern cities, plant seeds begin in the second half of April, in the Northern - in early June.

Preparatory actions before landing

Need to prepare for landing:

  • seeds;
  • priming;
  • bags;
  • tubes for drip watering;
  • peers for garter - 2 meters.

To start in bags from the earth you need to insert two-meter sticks. This is done before landing seeds so that the roots of the plant are not damaged.

Now you need to install a drip watering system:

  1. Take 2 plastic tubes that are 20 centimeters above the bag.
  2. On one part of the tubes is drilled by one hole for every 15 centimeters.
  3. The opposite ends are installed adapters to attach the hose.
  4. Stop tubes in bags drilled holes Inside, on different sides of the support.

Preparation of bags and sowing material

For planting cucumbers typically take bags white colorMade of food polypropylene fiber. They are used for packing bulk products, such as sugar.

The advantages of polypropylene bags:

  • non-toxic substances;
  • high strength;
  • resistant to temperature difference;
  • they do not develop rot.

In the southern regions it is best to use white bags. In the cold - it's worth buying black.

Bags must be a volume of 50 liters and more. Bay with a diameter of 1.5 meters accommodates up to 15 plants. If there is a desire to grow plants in some bags, you need to buy small ones. New bags do not need to process. And those that have already been used, disinfected special powder or Fungicide: Phytosporin. On the bottom you need to do the holes for ventilation.

White polypropylene bags - 24 rubles. Dark bags - 12 rubles. Black cellophane bags - 5 rubles

Cellofanic bags are heated stronger than polypropylene and land in them is susceptible to rotting.

Preparation of soil

One bag of 50 liters need to be prepared:

  • 12 liters of soil;
  • 6 liters humoring;
  • bucket straw or sawdust;
  • 4 tablespoons of ash;
  • 10 grams of potash fertilizer.

The soil is stirred with fertilizers and humus. On the bottom of the bag with a straw salt and only then to the height of 1/3 packters put soil. As the plant grows, it will be necessary to plunge the earth so that it covers the entire stem to the first leaves.

Preparation of seeds

Hybrid cucumbers varieties do not need to handle, on packs of such seeds there are symbols - F1. The remaining seeds, from ordinary packs and assembled by hand, need to be processed.

Technology training seed:

  1. Seeds need to be removed from the pack, wrap in natural fabric and put on the battery for 3-5 weeks.
  2. If there is no time to warm them up a few weeks, there is another way. Seeds put in hot water: 65 degrees, for 1-2 days. Water should be pouring into a thermos and change to a hottest 2-3 times a day.
  3. After heating the seeds, you need to take a glass with water and pour 3-4 tablespoons of salt there. Seed material pour into this water. Those seeds that will have the best harvest. Typically sit only them.
  4. Now you need to temper the seeds: on 1 day they are put in the refrigerator.
  5. After quenching, it is necessary to germinate the seed material: put the cloth moistened on the plate, moistened in the root-forming solution, and put seeds on it. The dishes need to be wrapped in polyethylene and put in a warm place until the roots are sprouting at cucumber seeds.

Singing Technology Seeds in Bags

Planting seeds in bags step by step:

  1. Set the bags on the desired area of \u200b\u200bthe garden. The place is chosen solar, without drafts.
  2. Outside, they can be chopped by earth or stones so that the bags stood stably.
  3. Now you should pour the soil so that it is all soaked with water and started out the holes at the bottom.
  4. Close seeds in the ground need to be at a depth of 5 centimeters.
  5. Close the bag with a film to create a greenhouse.
  6. The film can be opened immediately after the appearance of germs.

Care rules

Plant care is:

  • regular watering;
  • removing weeds;
  • forming bushes, their pruning;
  • garter Lian;
  • preventive measures of protection against diseases and pests;
  • timely feeding.


Watering a plant through the installed tubes - hoses are joined to them. Regularity: 2-3 times a week 4-5 liters of water per 1 square meter. In the hot period, it is worthwhile by watering up to once every 2 days. During the period of fruiting the volume of water should reach 10 liters per 1 square meter.

Drip watering with a dropper on the channel "Valeriy Zhdanov".

Making fertilizers

Schedule feeding:

  1. After the appearance of the first leaves on the stem - nitrogen fertilizers.
  2. Start the formation of umbins, during the flowering of the bush - potash and superphosphate.
  3. During fruiting - potash and phosphoric fertilizers, as well as nitrogen with the addition of sulfur.
  4. 2 weeks after 3 feeding - potash and phosphorus.

Most popular fantasics for plants:

Nitrogen 45 rubles
  • nitrogen;
  • humic acids;
  • magnesium;
  • calcium;
  • iron;
  • copper;
  • zinc.

Mineral element:

  • needed to form healthy, green leaves;
  • participates in the formation of barriers and kidneys.
Superphosphate 100 rubles
  • phosphorus;
  • sulfur;
  • manganese;
  • iron;
  • calcium;
  • fluorine;
  • magnesium.

Complex actions:

  • needed for the development of roots;
  • improves metabolism;
  • increases frost resistance;
  • accelerates harvest.
Potassium sulphate 130 rubles
  • potassium sulfate;
  • magnesium;
  • sulfur;
  • calcium.

Fertilizer actions:

  • enhances plant growth;
  • promotes the development of fruits;
  • increases immunity to viral diseases;
  • participates in the circulation of nutrients;
  • provides metabolic processes at the cellular level.
Ammonia Selith 25 rubles
  • nitrogen;
  • sulfur.

Fertilizer actions:

  • increases plant growth;
  • increases yield;
  • sulfur helps to absorb nitrogen;
  • increases the stability of the plant to diseases.

The substance is explosive.

Fertilizers contribute in liquid form through the tube. Dose Fertilizers is different, this information can be found on the back of each pack.

Once a week, you need to water the cucumbers with a tincture of a cow (1: 2) to enrich the soil with organic substances.

Formation of bushes

The main stem gives a lot of lateral shoots, if you do not limit their growth, then the crop will be small.

Rules of formation:

  • only the main stem should be climbed by a stick, side processes - descend;
  • on lateral shoots, up to 5 leaves leave;
  • third order processes are removed (steps on shoots);
  • in the center of the length of the stems should not exceed 20 centimeters;
  • at the top of the bush - 40 centimeters.


It is necessary to start tapping the cucumbers on which 5-6 leaves appeared. The top bar is installed at a convenient height to be able to collect fruits.

Protection against diseases and pests

The main diseases of the cucumbers:

  1. Puffy dew. White spots on the leaves that grow through their entire area. Fungicides to combat fungus: Topaz, Hom.
  2. Brown spotty. Dark spots on the leaves, it seems as if the leaf burned down. Helps collecting patients with leaves and spraying the entire plant by burgue liquid.
  3. White rot. Rotten fruits, less often develop at the base. Fungicides: phytosporin and burglar liquid.
  4. Gray rot. Strikes the plant from the roots. Bushes cease to receive food and moisture and die. Sick cucumbers need to be removed and removed from the site. The place is treated with burgundy liquid. Develops from the oversupply of moisture - it is necessary to reduce watering. Healthy bushes spray phytoosporin.
Topaz 35 rubles
One-component agent based on penganozole. He stops the reproduction of the fungus and kills the dispute.

Applied against:

  • mildew;
  • fruit rot;
  • rust.
Bordeaux liquid 187 rubles
This is a solution copper Kaper In hazed lime. Defensive plants and kills fungal microorganisms.

Applied against:

  • rust;
  • spotty;
  • phytoofluorosis;
  • mildew;
  • flashing;
  • fruit rot;
  • anthrand;
  • septoriosis;
  • peronosponosis.
HOW 49 rubles
Copper has copper. The fungus penetrates into the cells and destroys it from the inside. Specifies in 100% of cases and is not addictive. The same spectrum of diseases is defeated as borodic liquid.
Phitosporin 55 rubles
The preparation is based on bacterium, which is able to destroy some kinds of fungi. Harmonized for humans and animals. Strengthens the immunity of plants. Fruits can be eaten after spraying, phytoosporin does not contain chemicals.

Serves as prevention and struggling with diseases:

  • puffy dew;
  • phytoofluorosis;
  • scab;
  • bacteriosis;
  • risoctonyosis;
  • alternariasis;
  • rot;
  • fusariosis.


Harvesting should take place daily, starting with the maturation of the first fruit. Rested cucumbers are tasteless, they also inhibit the development of the bush.

Errors of gardens when growing cucumbers in bags

Basic cultivation rules not to make mistakes:

  • optimally use one small bag for each plant;
  • in 1 bag - 50 liters, it is impossible to plant more than 15 seeds;
  • do not inhibit the development of the main stem, only side shoots are plugged;
  • Bags with cucumbers in a greenhouse


    Growing cucumbers in bags on the channel "Lie in the garden".