It is possible to guarantee a long service life of a building's roof only if compliance with all stages of construction according to instructions. Laying an underlayment carpet under soft tiles correctly means passing one more step on the way to a good result - building a durable house.

What is its purpose?

In the process of laying a flexible coating, the question inevitably arises whether this material is needed as a base, or whether it is possible to do without it. Desire to save money on one of the important stages construction work will cost you dearly in the future. The base under the roof has a purpose - leveling roof planes and masking of irregularities.

This must be done so that the material lies on the underlying surface, so as not to bulge and form depressions in some places. Moreover, the final shape will be visible only after the material shrinks under the influence of climatic factors - precipitation and wind. If defects appear over time, they will be difficult to smooth out. It is better to immediately complete the work efficiently and in a timely manner so as not to waste extra time and cash for roof repairs.

Another important property of the lining carpet is providing roof waterproofing. It is needed in order to, in case of urgent need, transfer part of the unfinished work on laying the material to another time or day and not be afraid that rain or snow will wet the house.

The soft roof is glued together over 2-3 years under the influence of high temperatures to become a completely waterproof coating. Until this moment comes, the base under it protects the roof from leaks and excess moisture.

With the help of a carpet, the pressure on particularly fragile areas of the roof is distributed equally. This allows you to extend its service life if you follow the instructions for laying the base. Without it, the roof will not be able to withstand external influences for long.

Features of roll sheets

Highlight 4 types of underlying coverings under soft shingles, depending on the fastening option. Each product is 1 meter wide and is made from fiberglass or polyester fabric.

The characteristics of the material differ from different manufacturers.

Pros and cons of using

Underlay carpet soft roof has its advantages and disadvantages. Its advantages:

The disadvantages of the material include the following:

  • high cost, but the quality directly depends on the price - the higher it is, the longer the service life.
  • if the coating is a guide, there are inconveniences with its installation - you have to use construction hairdryer, which is not very convenient when working on the roof.

Step-by-step instruction

The process begins with laying the flooring from OSB boards, plywood or boards. Its thickness depends on the spaces between the rafters.

Preparatory stage

This step includes laying the base, as well as checking it for smoothness and hardness. The underlay carpet for a soft roof is selected depending on its type. All flooring elements are joined above the supports and rafters. Gaps are made between them in order to reduce pressure on the roof when the boards expand under the influence of moisture.

To prevent mold or mildew from appearing, which over time will contribute to deformation of the roof structure, it is necessary to ensure good ventilation of the roof. You can’t do without it, even if the wood base gradually evaporates moisture. Ventilation is equipped so that the hood is located as high as possible, and the recesses for air intake are under the roof.

The main stage of construction work

Each packaged roll comes with instructions for use depending on the type of material. Main requirements for correct installation reduced to a single list. Installation is carried out as follows:

  1. Done under cover.
  2. Beginners are advised to use regular chalk to make markings on the board covering in order to use the material more economically and make the flooring even.
  3. The first roll is laid parallel to the cornice starting from the bottom of the roof. Then, when the material is overlapped and upward, moisture will drain from the surface without stagnating on it. Make sure that folds or bends are not visible throughout the entire area of ​​the canvas.
  4. Rolled fabrics are stretched as much as possible so as not to create sag or bumps.
  5. The edges are secured with galvanized nails, seams are sealed with bitumen mastic.
  6. Stacked second stripe parallel to the first one, so as to slightly overlap it - by 8-12 cm.
  7. The next rows of flooring are laid towards the ridge, still parallel to the cornice.
  8. For the first row of coating you need attach metal cornice elements. They are fixed with special nails or screws with a flat head. The distance between them is 10 cm. It is recommended to drive nails in a zigzag manner.
  9. At the ends, instead of metal cornices, they are attached slats triangular shape or wooden planks.
  10. The roll covering is applied to the ridge along the slope line.
  11. The excess is cut off and the top is fixed with nails.
  12. On the other hand, the skate overlapped by 15 cm and glued to the surface with bitumen.
  13. The end, valley, chimney, joints and skylights if available.
  14. Check whether all the canvases overlap and how tightly they adhere to the previous layer and the surface of the wooden base.
  15. Along the valley, the canvas is laid from one slope to another, starting from the area with minimum slope to more. Excess parts are cut off along the valley. The material is secured with glue and nails.
  16. If the dimensions of the canvas turn out to be smaller than the roof surface and unsealed areas remain, this oversight must be corrected immediately so as not to violate the tightness of the roof.
  17. A triangular wooden strip is nailed to the bottom of the chimney pipe, a canvas is laid on top of it, coating the seams with bitumen glue.
  18. Fixed with rubber cable seals for air conditioning systems and antennas.
  19. When the entire flooring is distributed over the roof surface and fixed, the tightness of its fit and the tightness of the joints are checked again.

Instructions given suitable for laying rolled material on surfaces with steep and gentle slopes. The only difference is that a roof with a steep slope is not covered horizontally and parallel to the eaves, focusing on the ridge, but vertically, moving from the end part and further, taking into account the direction of the wind. The main thing is that the joints of the seams are well coated with glue.

In order for flexible roof tiles to serve for a long time, it is important to install them correctly, in compliance with all requirements and standards. The process involves laying a special lining carpet. It is purchased separately and costs a lot of money, but without it the roof will be unreliable. Do you need an underlay carpet? flexible tiles and how is it installed? We answer these and other questions in the article.

To understand the features and necessity of using underlay carpet, it is important to understand what kind of material it is and what functions it performs. Underlayment carpet is a kind of membrane that performs a moisture-repellent function and helps protect the roof from leaks and the interior of the house from flooding. The carpet is roll material, which is made from bitumen and polymers. Usually the structure of the material contains fiberglass or a base made of polyester fabric. This part of the carpet is covered with polymer compounds (usually bitumen-based), as well as fine quartz sand or fine chips. The bottom of the carpet may have an adhesive film that helps secure the material to the base. Crumbs or sand ensure that the surface of the carpet is not slippery - the material is always laid with the abrasive side up.

In general, the structure of the roof, which is covered with soft tiles, has the following layers, when viewed from top to bottom:

  • directly the flexible tile itself;
  • carpet lining;
  • base (for example, OSB board);
  • layer of waterproofing material;
  • insulation layer;
  • rafter and sheathing system;
  • film providing vapor barrier.

Only a roof that has all these layers will be reliable and will not leak throughout its entire service life.

Functions of underlay carpet

The lining carpet has two main functions - leveling the base and waterproofing the roof. Using this material you can easily make invisible joints between the sheets of material that cover the sheathing. It will also help compensate for differences in roof level.

On a note! The underlayment will also prevent air bubbles from forming under individual roofing elements.

The waterproofing function is especially important in vulnerable places - for example, in the area of ​​eaves, valleys, and the junction of the roof with pipes. The material will also prevent the formation of condensation inside the roofing system during air temperature fluctuations. And the carpet in regions with a lot of snow acts as a shock-absorbing substrate when a large number of precipitation forms on the roof.

Due to the fact that the lining carpet provides excellent protection wooden structure roofs from moisture, it will last as long as possible, as it will not begin to rot. After all, even wood treated with various protective agents is still prone to destruction if it is constantly exposed to moisture.

On a note! The underlay carpet can be used as a temporary roof - it is so reliable. In rainy regions, the material plays an important role in protecting the building under construction from moisture. It is always installed first.

Prices for lining carpets

Underlay carpet

In general, the following advantages of lining carpet can be distinguished:

  • strength;
  • tightness;
  • good moisture-proof function;
  • heat and sound insulation of premises;
  • leveling the roof base;
  • ensuring protection of the interior of the roof from condensation.

The main disadvantage of underlay carpet is its considerable cost. The material is sometimes compared in price to the softest tiles.

With a slight slope of the roof slopes, the coating is laid on the valleys and ridge. The carpet should be laid in rolls from bottom to top. The overlap is usually 20 cm

Is underlay carpet required?

Many people ask how justified the use of lining bark is. After all, waterproofing can be done in other ways, and the base under the tiles can be made as even as possible. Is it worth spending money on this expensive material? The answer from experts is unequivocal - it’s worth it. And all the positive aspects of using underlay carpet are described above. The most important thing is that the material will extend the service life of the roof as a whole for many years.

There are also cases in which it is impossible to refuse a carpet under any circumstances. For example, if the roof slope is very small (up to 18 degrees) or, conversely, too high (over 60 degrees), then you will still have to use this material. Otherwise, the store where the soft tiles were purchased will not even provide a guarantee for their products.

On a note! If the desire to save money is great, then on medium-sloping slopes you can not lay an underlay carpet, but use it only in particularly vulnerable places.

Which carpet to choose?

If the decision to purchase carpet underlay is not worth it, then it is important to decide what type of product to purchase. The material is always produced in rolls 1 m wide, but, depending on the manufacturer or some features, it may differ. First of all, carpets are divided into two types according to the method of fastening:

  • self-adhesive, which is fixed by an adhesive strip applied at the factory to the wrong side of the material and sealed with a protective film. This is the most common variety;
  • without adhesive base, which is fixed only with galvanized self-tapping screws or roofing nails with a pitch of 20 cm. The edges of the sections joining each other are additionally connected using bitumen mastic.

There is also a so-called combined type, which is fixed in the lower part of the canvas with an adhesive base, and in the upper part with the help of fasteners. There are also weldable materials that are fixed by heating with a construction hairdryer.

Important! When purchasing an underlay carpet, you need to make sure there are instructions for use for it. And during installation you will have to act strictly according to it.

Self-adhesive carpet is the most popular among all types. It is produced in rolls measuring 1x15 meters or more. During installation, it is unrolled and glued to the base of the roof parallel to the overhang of the eaves. Individual strips are laid with an overlap of 10-15 cm. The service life of the carpet is on average 15-25 years and will directly depend on several factors - design features roofs, climatic conditions region, compliance with installation rules.

Advice! In areas where leakage is most likely, it is recommended to lay the underlay carpet in two layers.

Table. Manufacturers of underlay carpets.


Finnish-made material, which, depending on the type, can be fixed in different ways - mechanically, with glue. Prevents the formation and accumulation of condensation. The material is of high quality.

Russian manufacturer. The company produces lining carpets that can be fixed to the base using screws or glue. The material is of high quality.

One of the most famous manufacturing companies. It produces several types of underlay carpets that can be used for various types of roofs.

Material made from non-woven polypropylene. Suitable for arranging cold roofs, for laying under bitumen shingles, for standing seam metal roofs. Can act as a temporary roof. Production - Germany.

The material is produced in Russia. The base is fiberglass coated with a bituminous composition, sometimes with the addition of polymers. Suitable for roofs with a slope greater than 11.3 degrees.

On a note! The lining carpet purchased for work must be stored in a dry place at a temperature of no more than +30 degrees. It is best to place the rolls in a vertical position. They cannot be placed near heating radiators.

Installation subtleties

Installing underlay carpet is relatively simple, but during work you should adhere to certain rules and follow recommendations. Then the material will serve for many years without complaints, reliably protecting the roof from leaks. When installing underlay carpet, it is important to ensure that the material is well stretched. Usually the covering spreads horizontally, starting from the lower edge of the roof. But if the roof has a large slope, then the rolls can be laid vertically.

The pitch of the self-tapping screws, if a material that requires mechanical fixation is used, is approximately 10-20 cm. Roofing fasteners can also be used for additional fixation of the self-adhesive coating. All joints and seams must be well sealed with bitumen mastic, and the width of the adhesive strip should not be less than 10 cm.

The main condition that must be observed when laying the underlayment is the evenness of the base, which is created on top of the sheathing or roof rafters. The following materials can be used as a base for underlay carpet.

Attention! When installing a flat base under the carpet, it is important to ensure that there are gaps between the individual sheets of leveling material. Their width is 2-4 mm. Otherwise, the material may deform over time due to thermal expansion or humidity.

Prices for moisture-resistant plywood

Moisture-resistant plywood

Installation of underlayment on the roof is carried out at air temperatures from +5 to +25 degrees. If it is necessary to trim the material, use a sharp knife and a board, which is placed under the area to be trimmed. This will prevent damage to other layers of material.

Step 1. To lay underlayment under soft tiles you will need a number of tools, as well as some materials. This is bitumen mastic, a small metal spatula, sharp knife, pencil and tape measure, pliers, hammer.

Step 2. The rafters are covered with leveling material ( OSB boards). A gap of several millimeters must be left between the individual elements of the base. Next, the cornice strips are installed. They are fixed along the perimeter of the roof on its edge. In this case, in the valley area, two separate planks are laid overlapping.

Step 3. The eaves strips are nailed down with galvanized roofing nails in a checkerboard pattern in 15 cm increments. The fasteners are not driven in too close to the bend of the eaves strip.

Step 4. In the valley area, the planks are joined so that the small remaining tongue of the previously fixed plank is under the next plank. Then the connection will be neat.

Step 5. Installation of the underlay carpet begins. A piece of carpet 1 m wide is laid on the valley so that there is 50 cm of covering on both sides of the valley axis.

Step 6. The carpet is carefully leveled on the surface, while it should not reach the edge of the eaves strip by about 2-3 cm. smaller angle and the length of the roof slope, the smaller the indentation.

Step 7 The protective film is removed from the back surface of the carpet. For convenience, one part of the carpet is turned away, the film is removed from it and put away under the other part of the carpet.

Step 8 Half of the carpet with the film removed is placed back and smoothed to the surface of the base by hand. Exactly the same procedure is performed with the second half of the carpet.

Step 9 The underlayment carpet is spread over the rest of the roof horizontal stripes. A distance of 1-3 cm is also maintained from the edge of the cornice.

Step 10 The material is laid overlapping the previously laid piece of carpet on the valley. The overlap must be at least 15 cm.

Step 11 Gluing starts from the edge of the roof. The protective film is torn off from the extreme section of the carpet and tucked under the other edge of the material. The coating is spread on the base and glued.

Step 12 The rest of the roll is rolled into a tube. During gluing, simultaneous removal occurs protective film and gluing the carpet to the roof surface.

Step 13 The rest of the roof can be covered with mechanically secured carpet. A piece of the required length is laid with a longitudinal overlap of 10 cm. The carpet in the upper part is nailed with galvanized fastening material in increments of 20-25 cm.

Step 14 All carpet joints are coated with bitumen-based mastic. The layer of applied adhesive should not be more than 1 mm.

Prices for bitumen mastic

Bitumen mastic

Video - Installation of underlay carpet

Video – Nuances of installing a TechnoNikol carpet

Video – Lining carpet Shinglas

Installation of underlay carpet is not difficult, the main thing is to comply with all the rules and requirements. Only in this case will it be possible to prevent mistakes that could become fatal and spoil the reliability of the roof.

The roof is important part Houses. When conducting roofing works You should pay attention not only to the quality of the materials used, but also to the correctness of their installation. When laying flexible tiles, the question most often arises about the need to install an underlayment. Some craftsmen suggest using roofing felt, thereby saving money. But is this really so, because the durability of the entire house depends on the quality of the roof.

Underlayment carpet for flexible tiles - what kind of material is it?

Laying the roof and organizing the roofing pie must be approached responsibly. So what is an underlayment carpet for flexible tiles? This is a rolled material that is made on the basis of bitumen-polymer materials. Most often, fiberglass or polyester material is used as a base. Which is covered on both sides with a layer of fine quartz sand and secured with polymer solutions. Such a carpet under flexible tiles allows you to create an additional waterproofing layer. Which will protect your roof from moisture getting inside, as well as the formation of condensation due to temperature changes.

Types of underlay carpets

Which underlayment is better for flexible tiles: when installing a roof, you need to choose based on the area and design of the base to be covered.

Depending on the type of fastening, the following types of underlay carpets are distinguished:

    fixed carpets are attached to the base of the roof using special nails, thereby creating a monolithic covering;

    Guided carpets are laid and attached to the base of the roof using a construction hair dryer, but recently this type of installation is practically not used due to the complexity of its implementation;

    self-adhesive carpets are fixed with an adhesive layer, which is removed from the protective film before installation;

    combined carpets combine the advantages of fixed and self-adhesive coverings. They have a special adhesive tape, the end of which is attached to the previous sheet of covering. Additionally, nails are used for greater reliability.

Important: To protect the nail fastener from the action environment they must be treated with a special bitumen-based mastic.

The main advantages and disadvantages of the material.

The main advantages of the lining carpet are its:



    water resistance;

    sound insulation;

    thermal protection;

    protection of the roof base from moisture;

    creating an even coating, smoothing out unevenness;

    help to avoid the formation and accumulation of condensation in the inter-roof space.

The disadvantages most often include the cost of the carpet under the tiles; often it can be equal to the cost of the tiles themselves.

Installation of underlayment under flexible tiles

The installation technology will depend on the type of lining and roof structure. It is carried out accordingly by continuous covering of the entire roof, or individual areas requiring additional sealing.

Important: it is necessary that the carpet and shingles be made by the same manufacturer, which allows you to create the most durable roofing material.

So, on roofs with a slope angle of less than 20 degrees and more than 60 degrees, a continuous covering with an underlay carpet is required. Also, if the roof has a complex structure - many slopes, kinks, then a continuous covering is also required.

Laying the lining carpet under soft tiles can be done both horizontally and vertically. Horizontally lining carpet is laid on roofs with a slight slope, complex structures and the presence of valleys. In this case, installation begins from the bottom up. The overlap between layers should be 10 cm. If the roof structure has a valley - an internal corner, then installation begins with it. Vertical laying is used on roofs with a steep slope; this avoids the formation of folds, which can affect the final result.

Important: should not be carried out installation work in the cold season, as the plasticity of the material is lost.

The basic nuances of installation raise more and more questions among the consumer. How to lay underlay carpet under flexible tiles? Work should be performed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Here you should pay attention to a number of features, among which it is necessary to carefully prepare the base. It must be solid, made of moisture-resistant plywood, particle boards, softwood boards with a gap of no more than 5 mm between them.

Important: The fastener must be installed before installation. drainage system, to prevent water from flowing in.

Laying of the fixed underlay carpet is carried out under tension so that there are no air gaps that could affect appearance roofing, as well as its properties. Fastening is done with special nails, which are placed at a distance of 20-25 cm from each other. The edges of the material are secured with special glue. The laying of the underlayment is carried out from bottom to top, as well as the installation of the tiles themselves. Self-adhesive underlayment is used when it is necessary to cover a large surface, since its installation is much simpler than a fixed one. First, all the valleys are glued with a continuous cloth to make them more tight and reliable. After this, all the eaves overhangs are glued.

For greater reliability of the roof, special eaves strips are installed on the eaves, which are attached directly under the waterproofing material. The end strips are installed on top of the lining carpet. All this allows us to strengthen the roof structure.

Laying of the lining material in the area of ​​the ridge or chimney is carried out lengthwise, so that there is an overlap on the opposite side of at least 15 cm. All edges are glued and reinforced with strips for greater reliability.

Installation work should be carried out in good weather at an ambient temperature of at least 5 degrees Celsius. Failure to comply with these conditions can lead not only to poor-quality results, but also to traumatic situations.

Underlay carpet allows you to extend the service life soft tiles, and also guarantees safety from water entering the room. This will allow you to get a quality roof that will last you for many years.


Today it has become fashionable to use modern Construction Materials, especially flexible roofing made from bitumen-based tiles.

It allows you to cover roofs of complex shapes and geometric shapes, obtain a scaly roof pattern and a variety of colors, thereby giving the building a noble appearance.

This type of tile is cheaper than analogues made from other materials, has a relatively lower dead weight, which helps reduce costs due to reduced loads on bearing structures. flexible tiles require strict adherence to the manufacturer’s instructions, the use of related materials, including underlay carpets. So, which underlayment is best for shingles?

An underlay carpet under soft tiles is necessary for and protection of problem areas, components and roof parts. In the case, this may be areas of organized drainage - gutter, valleys, as well as ridge and ridge. If exceeded a certain roof angle a continuous underlay carpet is required. Depending on the requirements, there are 3 options for its installation:

  • if the angle is more than 18°– laying of underlying carpets is limited to ridges, valleys, eaves and gables of roofs;
  • if the inclination angle is more than 11.3°, but less than 18°– the carpet is laid continuously over the entire area;
  • at a roof pitch angle of less than 11.3°– continuous laying of the underlying carpet is combined with additional covering of ridges, valleys, cornices and gables, as indicated in the first option.


Important! For sufficient protection of the building from precipitation and high-quality installation of waterproofing, it is necessary strictly follow the rules securing lining materials using gas burners and a device using hot air.

What types of carpets exist and which is the best?

If previously reinforced roofing was used to protect problem areas of the roof laying roofing carpet in several layers, and their fastening with homemade parts from scrap materials, today the market offers a variety of roofing carpets, special parts and devices for their fastening.

Underlayment for flexible tiles can be several types and they vary in size, thickness, strength, weight per square meter and other indicators. The most popular are various modifications of underlay carpets:

In addition, ICOPAL, KATEPAL, TEGOLA, Docke models of underlay carpets with a width of 1.0 m and a length of 15 to 40 m deserve attention.

Problem areas of the roof installation sites are considered, such as valleys, ridges and ribs located at the junction of slopes, as well as overhangs of gables and cornices, roofing exits of ventilation shafts, where protection by means of a lining carpet is indispensable.

underlayment for soft tiles

Calculation determining the required number of rolls of material depends on the installation method and carried out in two ways:

  • when laying over the entire roof area with a coefficient of 1.15:

n = S * 1.15 / Sroll, where Sroll is the area of ​​the carpet in one roll;

  • when installing areas of probable leaks:

n = (L end + L carn + L end + L skates + L approx.) / Srul.

Preparing the sheathing for carpet installation

Installation of roof sheathing for a continuous base and laying of lining material is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Fastening the beams sheathing to load-bearing roof elements. Work should be carried out from the bottom up.
  2. Necessary secure the bottom sheathing right behind the cornice board. This is necessary to securely fix the first row of tiles.
  3. Laying the under-roof tape, positioned horizontally, oriented in the direction of the ridge. The first strip is laid at the cornice, then the subsequent tapes are laid overlapping up to the ridge.
  4. To ensure a normal ventilation gap, the under-roof strip is fixed through the rafters and sheathing bars.
  5. The initial batten of the sheathing is attached to the edge of the rafters at the eaves.
  6. The next block is fixed behind the lower edge of the first at a distance of 30-35 cm.
  7. Subsequent bars are attached in increments of 37 cm, and the last block is attached to the ridge board using nails at a distance of 20 cm.

Sheathing for tiles

To ensure the reliability of the sheathing and its fastenings, you should strictly observe ensure that all the bars are positioned horizontally and maintain a gap between them.

How to properly attach underlayment to sheathing

To install self-adhesive underlay materials, you must arrange a continuous and even base from OSB, edged boards or moisture-resistant plywood.

In addition, it is necessary to install ventilation gaps.

For quality production waterproofing work requires strict adherence to the installation rules recommended by the manufacturer of the underlay carpets.

Laying underlay carpet under soft tiles

For clarity, we will consider the installation of underlay carpet using the example of laying ANDEREP step by step at a roof pitch angle of 11 to 18 degrees:

  1. Laying self-adhesive material ANDEREP ULTRA or ANDEREP BARRIER in the valley. It is necessary to ensure that the carpet is laid in the center of the valley.
  2. Installation of underlayment under soft tiles cornice along the eaves a, the end of the roof to the width of their overhang with the addition of 60 cm from the inner surface of the wall. Self-adhesive underlay carpet is installed with a gap of 20-30 mm to the bend of the cornice strip.
  3. Laying carpet at junctions with chimneys and skylights.
  4. Next, the lining material is installed in other areas. Carpets are laid with an overlap of up to 10 cm, the edges are fixed with nails in increments of 20 cm, then the seams are sealed with glue.

To attach an organized drainage system, it is necessary to provide installation special brackets necessary for laying the underlay carpet.

When the roof slope angle exceeds 18°, about a third of the total roof area is covered, mainly the most expected areas of leakage: eaves and pediment overhangs, valleys, abutments, ribs and ridges at the junction of the slopes.

Unlike the first option, ANDEREP PROF or ANDEREP GL measuring 1x1 m is installed on the remaining sections with a width of 500 mm, under the roof exits along the entire perimeter of the building.

In areas where the roof meets walls and pipes, the insulating material should be installed to a height of up to 0.15 m.

Laying underlay carpet under a soft roof

It must be borne in mind that one of the important elements of the roof valley, the heaviest loads occur: from precipitation, wind, not to mention the possibility of leaks. Therefore, when installing valleys at the junction of slopes, you should adhere to strict rules for the installation of these sections.


Materials must be selected carefully, especially since manufacturers provide release more durable materials for such problem areas. Errors in design can lead not only to leaks, but also to the threat of roof collapse due to non-compliance with load strength requirements.

Useful video

I recommend watching the installation of underlay carpet in video format:


It is difficult to describe all aspects of the problem within one article. It is impossible to embrace the immensity. In addition, when independently attempting to install such a specific material as underlayment, and even more so tiles, errors and miscalculations are inevitable, not to mention compliance with the technology. People say: “The master’s work is afraid.” Therefore it is possible the best solution The problem may be transferring the case into the capable hands of a professional specialist.

In contact with

The use of underlay waterproofing membranes is an objective necessity when installing roofs with any type of covering. Underlay carpet for soft tiles is no exception. The roof of the house takes on all climatic adversities. Alternate freezing and thawing, wind and slanting rain, moisture condensation on the inner surface of the covering and the accumulation of ice on the eaves of the roof constantly test the strength of the roof. Every roof has weak spots, and water will certainly find them. This is where additional protection comes into play in the form of a waterproofing membrane, which prevents moisture from entering the wood of the roof’s supporting system and its gradual destruction.

The underlay carpet for soft tiles is a rolled material consisting of a base (fiberglass or non-woven polyester fabric, polyester fibers, polypropylene threads and other strong and lightweight polymer fibers) and various types of bitumen-polymer impregnations. Some materials have a protective coating on one or both sides, some materials have an anti-condensation layer. Modification of bitumen with polymers, in contrast to standard oxidation, gives the bitumen exceptional plasticity and flexibility, and prevents its cracking. As a result, applied in a thin layer on a durable base, modified bitumen is excellent waterproofing, while maintaining the low weight of the membranes and outstanding physical and mechanical properties. Modern lining membranes are mostly universal materials and can be used as a waterproofing layer when installing pitched roofs with coatings and metal profile sheets, composite, natural tiles and bitumen shingles. Based on the installation method, lining materials are divided into two groups:

  1. Underlay carpets with mechanical fastening.
  2. Lining membranes with adhesive fastening (using adhesive mastics, guided materials, self-adhesive).

Application of underlay carpet

Firstly, the underlay is used for additional protection of “weak” areas of the roof, such as valleys and eaves, attic and dormer windows, external corners of the roof, ventilation passages, chimneys, adjacent to the walls. Secondly, with a roof slope of up to 30 degrees, laying a layer of underlay waterproofing along the entire roof plane is mandatory. Otherwise, asphalt shingle manufacturers do not provide a guarantee for their products. Moreover, many manufacturers recommend installing a continuous waterproofing carpet on any slope. The series of underlay carpets for soft tiles includes a valley carpet, although, strictly speaking, it is an element of the top covering, and after installing bitumen shingles on top of it, part of it remains visible. Valley carpets have a more durable base compared to ordinary sheets of soft tiles. Replacing a flexible valley carpet with steel sheets for constructing a valley gutter is strictly prohibited, since due to the huge difference in the linear expansion values ​​of metal and bitumen shingles, the entire roof structure experiences excessive stress, which leads to its destruction. Some types of underlayment, which have a reinforced base and mineral coating, can be used as a temporary roof covering.

For example, if it is necessary to postpone the installation of the roof covering until the next construction season, and at the same time ensure a sealed contour of the building, laying the Safety SBS 3 membrane (Tegola) will help.

Major manufacturers of underlay carpets Lining market waterproofing materials
  • is continuously growing and developing. Today, every manufacturer of flexible tiles has in its arsenal several types of underlay carpets.
  • The largest of them will be listed below. Finnish manufacturer Katepal produces three types of additional waterproofing:
  • Roll material Katepal K-EL (PrimeBase) with mechanical fastening.

The Russian manufacturer Ruflex produces one, but very high-quality lining material of the same name, Ruflex. The material provides mechanical fastening and an adhesive layer along the edges. Tegola produces a line of waterproofing materials for pitched roofs under the Safety brand. The materials include membranes and tapes with both mechanical and adhesive fastening.
TechnoNIKOL produces underlay carpets trademark Anderep. Among them, Anderep Ultra is a self-adhesive material with increased strength, Anderep Proof and Anderep GL are materials with mechanical fastening. Moreover, Proof can be used on all types of pitched roofs.
The American company Tarco has a leading position among manufacturers of roll roofing materials in the USA, produces a very wide range of lining materials. Among them, the most famous in Russia is Easy Lay, a rolled lining material with mechanical fastening to the base. Self-adhesive backing roll material MS 300.

How to attach underlay carpets

Climatic conditions: outside temperature from +5°C to +25°C. Installation of waterproofing materials is carried out on a finished solid base. The following materials are used as a base for bitumen shingles:
  • Oriented strand board OSB-3. The thickness of the slab depends on the pitch of the rafters. In the snowy region of Moscow, for example, it is a minimum of 10 mm with a rafter pitch of up to 700 mm, and a minimum of 18 mm with a rafter pitch of 1200 mm.
  • Moisture-resistant plywood sheet thickness from 10 mm. The dependence of the thickness of plywood sheets on the pitch of the rafters is similar to OSB-3.

When installing a solid base made of sheets, it is necessary to leave gaps between the sheets (not differences) of 2-4 mm. Tongue and groove boards with a moisture content of no more than 20%. The minimum thickness of the boards is 25 mm. With a rafter pitch of 1200 mm, the board thickness is 30 mm. Edged boards with a moisture content of no more than 12%. Board thickness from 30 mm. If the distance between the rafters is such that there is a slight deflection in the middle of the span, one board should be tacked in the middle of the span from the inside of the roof parallel to the rafters. This board will ensure uniform operation of the continuous sheathing of boards and reduce deflection. After checking the prepared base, you can begin installing the underlayment.

Installation procedure

  1. Lay the roll in the valleys ( internal corners roofs).
  2. Roll out the rolls parallel or at right angles to the cornice.
  3. Given that mechanical fastening, fasten the underlay carpet with tar paper nails. The distance between the fastenings should be 200-250 mm. Gradually roll out the self-adhesive membranes, removing the inner film. The horizontal seams between the rows should be 100 mm, the vertical seams should be 50 mm.
  4. Additionally, coat the joints between the rows of waterproofing with bitumen-polymer glue (sold together with rolls of underlay carpet).
  5. If it is necessary to trim the material, cut it with a construction knife on a backing made of plywood or other material that prevents damage to the underlying layers of the membrane.
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