If you want to give your interior of unusual, interesting and modernity, then semicircular ceiling - it is optimal and original solution for this venture, since this design will help to find unique style With all its popularity.

The characteristic advantage of such ceilings are light passing lines, pleasant to the eye that do not create the effect of the point, but, on the contrary, provide the opportunity to relax look, without focusing on the corners, as it happens when creating square rooms.

Design of round ceiling

It is impossible not to mark the process designing round ceilings. This is nozzy process, but thanks to the availability of materials in our time is quite executable. As a rule, to get a decent ceiling design without a bitch and zadorink, you need to use elements that repeat the potential bends of the ceiling. To do this, use several materials (selectively 1-2 depending on the intended design): wood, glass, drywall, etc.

If the creation is planned to be implemented independently, without consulting and helping the specialist, then you need to take a very carefully to choose the material, because without a certain skill to operate it is very difficult. In addition, the choice of a certain material affects the method. Mounting round ceiling.

One common basis can be considered a framework - the support for which, as on the thread, the elements of the future round ceiling are rolled. You should not exclude the possibility of combining materials, we can talk about some winning moments: more hard material (drywall) goes on the ceiling levels and more flexible and lightweight material - as a sheat, to impart lightness and smooth design.

In order to emphasize the relief, in the right places use backlight and colors that cover the surface of the ceiling. In addition to the correct combination of more dense and more lightweight materials, the decorating component is important when creating the ceiling. It is inlaid, storage, highlighting, etc.

Don't forget that round ceilings- This is a volumetric capacious design that requires space. If the room is small, then it is worth thinking about the option that would come more than the round ceilings.

Montage of a round ceiling

Installation round ceiling It implies the preliminary marking of where the framework will be and what form it will take. Before applying markup on the ceiling area, you need to perform exactly the same action, but on paper to pre-calculate the risks and visually notice some drawbacks. To begin with, you can try to install a round ceiling in the center of the ceiling, because its installation, offset from the center, requires experience and packed hand.

If the experience in montage Round Ceilkovthere is no such kind, but you want a diversity, you can try to install ceilings with diverging circles. But there is one nuance: you need to be very scrupulously refer to the markup of the figures on the ceiling. In addition, experts even consider even the details of the interior that will complement it, and the placement of furniture. As a rule, in standard marking rooms, round ceilings intersect with each other in the location of the chandelier - this is the center of the room.

  • you can use homemade braid tools that facilitate the process of drawing circles (applied molds, pre-prepared, corresponding to the sizes of the planned ceiling);
  • you can take the screw to which the rope is tied equal to the radius of the circle, and on the other hand, to tie a pencil that will outline the circle with the selected radius.

For fasteners of the elements of the round ceilingcan be used:

  • dowel nail;
  • butterfly dowel;
  • self-tapping screw;
  • connecting "crabs";
  • suspension.

Before proceeding to installation of a round ceilingIt should be dealt with the material from which it is made: if it is concrete or brick, then you need to pre-prepare holes for fasteners using a perforator. After installing fasteners, you need to do points in which the markup lines intersect. Susisons are installed at these places.

In the houses of the old building or completed by individual design project It is often used by rounded joints between the walls and the ceiling in order to visually increase the area. If you knocked down the thick layer of plaster, there will be a round reinforced concrete beam under it, which is difficult to destroy. Many masters have learned to repair rounded constructions qualitatively, without destroying them. Also used design solutions, Furniture, volumetric 3D paint mirror type is selected. Options for how to repair such rooms, a lot, it all depends on the financial capabilities and the presence of free time.

Moreover, rounded joints arise between the walls and the ceiling

  • So built some buildings

Round concrete columns were laid on the bearing walls of the walls, to which the reinforcement was tied ceiling overlaps. The main purpose of such a building structure is to provide niche for laying communications, cable tracks. The concrete joints should not be shot down and align at a right angle, you can destroy the tool, but not achieve the desired result.

  • Unfair builders who closed the ceiling seams by rounding

If the plasterers decided to close the seams, then the rounding will be insignificant, not uniform. To do this, used cheap plaster plaster or sand-cement mixture. Surely slightly to hit the hammer on the roundabout. If there are cracks, then it needs to be shot down. If a small dent remains, then you should suffer and squeeze the rounding. It can look beautiful in the interior.

JPG "ALT \u003d" (! Lang: repair ceiling with rounded corners" width="600" height="450" srcset="" data-srcset="https://remontcap.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/i-2525..jpg 300w, https://remontcap.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/i-2525-174x131..jpg 70w" sizes="(max-width: 600px) 100vw, 600px">!}

  • Way to hide wiring, pipe communications

In some new homes you can find roundings that go on one side of the room. Made from drywall or fiberglass under heating. It is possible to break, but it is not worth it, then it will then close the pipes and can damage the power wiring.

These are the main possible reasons, Because of which rounded corners are formed in the rooms. If you destroy and align the surface, then the repair will be classic. But you can make the repair of the ceiling with rounded corners. There are many options and technologies.

JPG "ALT \u003d" (! Lang: repair ceiling with rounded corners" width="700" height="525" srcset="" data-srcset="https://remontcap.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/foto6-4..jpg 300w, https://remontcap.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/foto6-4-174x131..jpg 70w" sizes="(max-width: 700px) 100vw, 700px">!}

How can you separate the ceiling and walls if rounded angles are in them

The first and main stage is the level alignment.

Do it with gypsum plaster and rubber flexible spatula. You can pre-apply antibactericidal primer to the surface and leave to dry at least 12 hours.

Then the first layer of plaster from top to bottom is applied, but not horizontally. Align neatly butt, leave to dry. It is desirable to apply the plaster in two or three layers, especially if you need to paint with water-mounted paints or glue baguette.

Options for finishing rounded joints:

  • Painting

You can use water-emulsion paint with dyes, and you can buy expensive paint under surrounding. It is applied with a roller, the joint itself is processed with a brush in one layer. You need to start from the junction, and then paint the surface itself.

  • Sticker baguetov

Baguettes are bought polyurethane, polystyrene foam is not suitable. From the back side, a smooth channel 10-15 mm wide is cut out, the plinth is expanding and pasted on plaster or glue.

  • Use of plasterboard

With it, you can smooth out the large corners of the turn of the joint, but pleasure is expensive. On the other hand, due to an increase in the rotation radius, it is possible to provide places for the installation of halogen lamps or diode tapes. Plasterboard often can be aligned too extended ovals.

  • Repair ceiling with rounding tiles

This type of repair appeared relatively recently, designer decisions are often used, the practicality of the solution is difficult to overestimate. In most cases, a convex multicolored mosaic is used for roundings, which is glued to conventional tile glue. To improve the waterproofing of the tile seam, a white, matte, silver spacing is used.

The ceiling in the kitchen, not only should be aesthetic and beautiful element of the interior, but also correspond to the atmosphere of this room, to withstand the temperature differences, the effects of steam and humidity.

  • The ceiling in the kitchen is better separated by practical materialsthat will meet all the requirements of the kitchen space.
  • For a kitchen with low ceilings in Khrushchev type apartments, more accurate and simple designs in light shades.
  • Overall, bulky and volumetric multilevel models are desirable to use only in the kitchen with high ceilings.

Options for finishing the ceiling

The most popular types of ceiling finishes.

Stretch ceiling

A fairly functional, durable and externally attractive version of the design, with which you can easily get the perfectly smooth surface of the ceiling. In addition, stretch models are the most acceptable option for the ceiling space with a gas column.

Suspended ceiling

Such frame structures Have a lot of advantages, they suggest building different modular lamps and allow you to hide communications.

From drywall

With the help of plasterboard products, you can create a flawlessly flat plane, a stepped surface or construct a variety of complex radius protrusions. Suspended models GOK is characterized by a huge number of decorator opportunities.

On the photo Little kitchen with plasterboard ceiling in white-beige colors.


The ceiling design from the rails in the interior looks very original and in terms of design is the best option for the kitchen.

In the photo Rush hanging gray design in the kitchen interior.


Decorative modules or cassettes are pretty easy way Installation and dismantling, possess a rich color palette and a wide selection of design solutions.

Wooden ceiling

Eco-friendly finishing option is characterized by aesthetic appearance. Natural I. natural materialsThanks to the beautiful texture look really luxuriously.

  • Lining.
  • Laminate.

In photo Kitchen with ceiling, trimmed with wooden clapboard white color.

Ceiling tile

This ceiling design has a low price and diverse color solution. Ceiling tiles You can easily paint water-emulsion paint Any shade depending on the design of the room.


A modern way of decor, which provides an excellent opportunity to give the ceiling space an aesthetic look, without excess preparation.

Plastic (PVC)

Plastic products are very popular in the kitchen finish. PVC panels are resistant to moisture and have multiple textured and color solutions.

From wood

Wooden panels have a higher cost and exquisite appearance. In addition, they are distinguished by high noise insulation qualities.


The metallized surface has, not only the original type, but also perfectly combined with various chrome-plated and glossy details of the interior.


The best choice for the kitchen having a very long service life, high moisture resistance, wear resistance and a fairly simple installation.

Grid (Grilyato)

Such a ceiling model, due to an unusual geometric structure, is distinguished by special architecturality. However, the lattice structures are not advised to install in the kitchen, because dust, fat and other types of contaminants will be seen, which cannot be cleaned without damaging the decorative layer Grilyato.


Thanks to unusual appearanceIn combination with additional lighting, glass transparent ceiling products complement the interior and give it completeness. Before mounting the design, you should install a very powerful hood or ventilation.

In the photo complex glass ceiling construction in the kitchen, made in beige tones.


Painting is a traditional, practical and wear-resistant design option, with which you can paint the ceiling absolutely in any color.


Cracked models will become a worthy view of the decor for high rooms in apartments, such as Stalinka, which have a large area.

In the photo of the Cement Ceiling Design with Illuminated in the kitchen interior.


Allows you to visually change the space, deprive its borders, fill the situation with light and bring some mysteriousness into the atmosphere.


Pretty interesting interior solutionwhich simultaneously can add a room like rigor and amazing elegance.

From Siding

Moisture-resistant, resistant temperature drops The finishing material, characterized by very easy care, has many positive characteristics and therefore perfectly suitable for design of the kitchen room.


Ceiling wallpapers possess an infinite assortment, from economic option, to expensive and exclusive. For this room, it is better to choose washable types of cloths.

In the photo, spacious kitchen and wallpaper with a plaid print on the ceiling.

Decorative plaster

Via decorative plaster You can give the ceiling plane of volume and depth, and turn it into a real masterpiece. This finish allows you to hide various small defects.

Varieties of ceiling structures

Based on the number of levels, the designs are divided into three types:

  • Single-level.
  • Multi-level.

Types of texture

There are three main varieties of surfaces.


Looks like an ordinary smooth ceiling plane. Matte invoice does not have shine and looks very harmonious and concise.


Gloss creates beautiful reflections and perfectly reflects the light, due to which a certain mirror effect is obtained. In addition, the glossy surface significantly increases a small-sized room in size.


It has an impeccable aesthetic look and has a shallow texture. Models from satin unusually shimmer into the world and at the same time do not create bright glare.

Kitchen ceiling design ideas

Interesting ceiling design for decoration of kitchen space.


Hidden neon lights Creates an effect of a soaring ceiling, which in turn gives the room, not only a unique appearance, but also gives it the volume and spatial depth.

Carved (perforated)

The sophisticated and stylish perforated double canvases may have cutouts of the most diverse shape and location.

With beams

Decorative beams made of wood or fishebalki from other materials will undoubtedly become the most outstanding and memorable decor of the entire interior.


Two-color black and white, red-white or other combinations, always look much more interesting and original. They also perfectly cope with the separation of zones and allow you to profitably emphasize certain areas of the premises.

Pictures and patterns

They, not only decorate the ceiling space, but also ask him some dynamicity. Pictures and patterns give the surface of the composite completion.

In the photo with a white two-tier ceiling, decorated with vegetable patterns.

Combined ceilings

Thanks to a variety of textured, color or other combinations, combined models Open extensive decorator capabilities and can easily turn the kitchen into the original and unique design project.

With photo printing

Photographic with 3D images, due to its realism, allow, not only to refresh the interior, but also create in it additional element Decor.

Stained glass

Always looks just excellent, transforms the room in best side And adds a special charm to him. The uniqueness of the patterns is distinctive feature Stained glass structures.

With stucco

With the help of stucco, you can create certain accents on the ceiling, highlight the desired zones and give the interior of special solemnity. Such an original stylistics of the ceiling plane is also distinguished by practicality and durability.

In the photo interior classic cuisine With ceiling, decorated molding ornament.

Examples of figured ceilings

Figure structures make it possible to change the atmosphere of the kitchen space and make it truly individual.

  • Geometric shapes (circles, squares). Always actual geometric figures Have a simple and pleasant perception.
  • Wave-like forms. Perfect wave-like lines significantly soften the geometry of the room, making it more harmonious and thoughtful.
  • Complex figures. With the help of complex figures, it is possible, not only to form in the room a bold and extraordinary design, but also to place bright accents in it.

Colors of ceiling

Color solutions for ceiling design.

The black

Laconic black color is the perfect and luxurious background, which makes the interior graphically clear.


It gives the room visual space, brings light and freshness to it.

On the photo of a white ceiling surface in the kitchen in a Scandinavian style.


Juicy red adds cheerfulness, liveliness and volume in space, and a burgundy shade makes it more fashionable and spectacular.


Noble and presentable brown, designed to create a cozy, harmonious and comfortable setting.


Salad shades always improve the mood, revitalize the room by hanging out its special brightness and juiciness.


It has a pronounced individuality. Yellow causes associations with sunlight and brings positive energy to the atmosphere.


Allows you to add in the room of tenderness and romanticity and form a refined and sensual design in it.

In the photo kitchen with a ceiling painted in a gentle pink shade.


Moderate and harmonious gray shades are a rather taste. They contribute to the formation of an elegant and serene interior.


Aristocratic and exquisite lilac, makes the atmosphere in the space mysterious and a little mystical.


Fills the situation with notes of charm and emphasizes a specially sophisticated beauty.


Maximum harmonious and natural beige coloris a good design option for many interesting style solutions.


It is considered a rather original designer stroke, which creates very spectacular, winning and stylish accents, allowing the interior to play in a new way.

On the photo Little kitchen with stretch matte ceiling of blue.


It gives the placement of brightness, solar positive mood and forms a non-standard and interesting design in it.


Add to coolness and freshness. Heavenly or turquoise shades will bring in an atmosphere of airiness and purity.

Ceiling light selection in the kitchen

Competently chosen lighting devices will allow you to form an appropriate comfortable atmosphere.

With backlit

With the help of different backlight, you can create a beautiful and muted light.

In the photo, a two-level white-brown ceiling with backlit in the kitchen.


They are an excellent source of light, which can be used, both optional and the main one. Spotlights will help to highlight and emphasize certain areas of the room, for example above the working area, an angular headcard or stove.


Chandelier kitchen table Allows you to create beautiful accents in the room and form a pleasant and comfortable atmosphere in it.

Flat lamps

They will become an excellent option for rooms with low ceilings. Due to the dense fit to the ceiling surface, such light bulbs flawlessly illuminate space.


Using a rotary device of spots, you can send the light stream to any desired point, and thereby highlight certain interior fragments. SPOTS provide excellent bright lighting.

In the photo kitchen and a seating ceiling, located above the working area of \u200b\u200bthe headset.

Ceiling design in various interior styles

Decorating the ceiling for a variety of stylistic directions.


The ceiling design in white or gentle natural colors, decorated with beams or restrained stucco patterns, will allow the cozy atmosphere of Provence.


Traditional for classics and neoclassics Neutral colors, such as white, dairy or light gray, will look especially exquisite. Lepunina, baguettes, carved plinths or nonsense elegant patterns will become an excellent addition to this style.


Laconic design in the form of the right forms or the most simple one-level or duplex structureswill be practical and convenient solution For modern style.

In the photo two-color suspended ceiling In the kitchen in a modern style.

High tech

For high-tech high-tech, functional modern decoration Materials With clear geometric proportions and spectacular appearance.


Here will be particularly relevant rough finish, in the form of decorative plaster or concrete surface. Such a decor will create a sensation of massiveness and monumentality.

In the photo, the concrete surface of the ceiling in the kitchen interior in the Loft style.


Wooden ceiling or natural wood beams in Natural color palettewill give the interior in the style of Country and homely.


For minimalism, a high-quality ergonomic finish is suitable, such as plastic, metal, wood or glass. Especially here will be adjusted stretch products with various species Lighting.

Non-standard kitchen solutions

Unusual solutions in the design of the ceiling.

Kitchen-living room

Multi-level structures will greatly cope with visual zoning of the kitchen combined with the living room. With the help of height differences, different color Gamma., textures or lighting is obtained harmoniously divide the space in the studio.

On the picture two-level ceiling White color visually zonizes the kitchen space, combined with the living room.

Small kitchen

Ceiling models in light dairy, snow-white, creamy or alabastric colors will be introduced into the room of additional space. Bunk or soaring ceilings will not look too cumbersome and overload space.

In a wooden house

For kitchen B. wooden house Most. optimal option Facing are environmentally clean materials. For example, the plane can be seen MDF panels, lining or wood. They will provide the opportunity to save a favorable microclimate in the room.

Kitchen-dining room

Ceiling design in the form decorative beams or multi-level designs from GLCs with various volumetric elements will allow to divide the space and highlight the desired zones.

Cuisine with bar counter

Over the bar stand you can create a lighting box that will become a spectacular part of the entire interior. This decor element can be made of one color with a ceiling or highlight it with contrasting shades.

In the photo kitchen and plasterboard designMixing the ceiling zone over the bar counter.

Mansard kitchen

Simple I. practical design In bright shades, without unnecessary patterns, parts and accessories, will not overload the beveled inclined ceilings.

With Erker

With competent accounting for the form of the archer protrusion, you can create an optimal ceiling design that will win in the kitchen space.

Photo gallery

A competently chosen method of finishing the ceiling in the kitchen will allow, not only to give a room of uniqueness, originality and identity, but also to solve a huge variety of functional tasks.

If your ceiling has irregularities throughout its plane, cracks, stains that are difficult to paint, decorative plaster is a worthy solution to the problem. The varieties of decorative plaster is such a quantity that everything is difficult to list. But basically they can be divided into two types: relief and smooth. Which to choose? It is already necessary to push out from the idea of \u200b\u200byour interior and the degree of ceiling. Before applying the coverage on the wall, ask for a test plot for you at least with a sheet of format A2 and attach it to the ceiling. When choosing a color, take a little lighter than I want, because on a large ceiling area the color will look darker and rich. Do not forget that the more uneven the ceiling you have, the more texture should be plaster. And pay attention to lighting. Lamps need to pick up so that they benefit from the ceiling finish. For example, if the coating is smooth, with overflow and beautiful transitions of light, it can be highlighted with straight rays - with the help of a chandelier, the light from which goes to the ceiling, and then it is reflected from it, or with the help of spotlights of directional light. If the plaster turned out to be very embossed, it is not worth highlighting it, it will not look hard on it. Then you will suit chandeliers and lamps, the light stream of which is directed down and on the sides, and the ceiling is highlighted only by the reflected scattered light.
