If in the billing month consumption turned out to be less than social norm, then the unused saved kilowatt-hours are not accumulated and are not used in the following billing periods. This number is serviced by operators at the specified time work time. Outside working hours, the subscriber can automatically perform the following actions:. By further using the website, you agree to the use of cookies. Information disclosure. Nizhny Novgorod Region.

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Social norm for electricity: calculation rules and application prospects

Students who successfully complete the program are issued certificates of the established form. Students who successfully complete the program are issued certificates of the established form.

The electrification of our country, which began in the 1920s, has long since brought results, and now the majority of Russians have access to electricity. However, new times have given rise to new problems - today electricity is consumed uneconomically by citizens and organizations. According to the Russian Ministry of Energy, annual losses of electricity as a result of irrational consumption account for about a third of the total volume of electricity used.

This forces the legislator to look for new ways to encourage careful consumption of electricity. Comprehensive work in this direction began in the year with the adoption of the Federal Law of November 23. Important framework documents in this area also include the State Program Russian Federation"Energy efficiency and energy development" approved.

The social norm for the consumption of electrical energy and power is a certain amount of electrical energy that is consumed by the population and equivalent categories of consumers, within which and beyond which supplies of electrical energy are carried out at various regulated prices, tariffs Art.

This is the same goal that has affected many Russians. new order calculation of payment for electricity - using the social norm of consumption, decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 22. The essence of this innovation is that consumers pay a certain amount of electricity within the social norm at a reduced cost, and electricity consumed in excess of the norm costs more. The Cabinet of Ministers established that tariffs are calculated based on electricity prices applied from July 1 of the year: within the social norm, the tariff should be below this level, and excess consumption, on the contrary, should exceed this level.

This practice has long been introduced in the West - thus, EU member states are recommended to cancel those initiatives on electricity tariffs that unreasonably increase the volume of distributed or transmitted energy 1, and the CIS member countries have pledged to develop economic mechanisms that stimulate increased energy efficiency 2.

Let's consider how a social norm is established and which regions have already been affected by the innovation. Establishment procedure. The size of the social norm is determined by the regions, focusing on selective data on the volume of electricity consumption per year by consumers who do not have a kitchen electric stove, in an amount of at least 10 thousand.

Household - a group of consumers registered in a residential premises in accordance with the established procedure or living in a residential premises of a specialized housing stock.

Type of residential premises - a category of residential premises, determined depending on the location of the residential premises in urban or rural settlements, its equipment in the prescribed manner with stationary electric stoves for cooking, and or electric heating installations, and or electric heating installations for the purposes of hot water supply. When calculating the social norm, the so-called group of households is determined.

There are six such groups in total - the first one has one consumer registered in a residential premises, the second has two registered consumers, etc. The fifth group of households assumes that five or more consumers are registered in a residential premises, and the consumers of the sixth group include those living in residential premises of a specialized housing stock in cases when they are not united by joint farming p.

Another indicator that influences the size of the social norm is the type of living space. There are also six of them - three for urban and three for rural settlements, depending on the equipment with electric stoves or electric heating and electric heating installations. The lower limit of the additional volume of electricity is not fixed. When calculating the social norm, the electricity spent on centralized hot heat and water supply is not taken into account, however, if it is not available in the residential premises, the corresponding allowances are also applied:

In addition to allowances, the size of the social norm may increase depending on the condition of the living space, taking into account the following increasing factors:. Benefits are also provided to old-age or disability pensioners living alone. For them, in the first year of application of the social norm, the amount of payment for the entire volume of electricity consumed is calculated according to the social norm tariff. And starting from the second year, an increasing factor of 1.5 is applied to the social norm for such households.

These include cases of payment for the entire volume of consumed electricity at an increased tariff above the social norm - there are two of them:.

Penalties are also provided if individual device the electricity meter was lost or broken down, and the consumer did not replace it within two months. In this case, a reduction factor of 0.9 is applied to the social norm during the first six months of electricity consumption in the absence of a meter. Then every six months this coefficient will decrease by 0.1, but not less than 0.7 until a new meter is installed.

It should be noted that the courts have already declared it illegal to meter electricity using faulty devices or devices from which the seals have been broken, the ruling of the Seventh Arbitration Court court of appeal dated October 22. Social norm for utility premises. Quote Alexander Grigoriev, Head of the Fuel and Energy Complex Research Department, Institute for Problems of Natural Monopolies “The thesis about the irrational use of electricity by the population has no evidence base.

In terms of average annual per capita household electricity consumption, we lag far behind developed countries: in Russia this figure differs from the EU countries by 1.0 times, from the USA by 4 times! Whether citizens will comply or not is left to the local authorities, who will set specific parameters. So far, the existing experience of social norms, which have existed for a long time in several regions, suggests that most likely it will be extremely difficult to meet the social norms. Without increasing the transparency of the tariff setting process and establishing order in this area, any experiments on standards will most likely not give the effect that their authors expect."

Six federal subjects are participating in the pilot project for the application of social norms for electricity, which was launched on September 1 of this year. Initially, it was planned that the experiment would extend to another region - Samara, but at the last moment the regional authorities refused to participate in it. Whether the indicators of the social norm are sufficient for the habitual use of electricity can be determined after simple calculations.

In addition, in Russian homes today you can often find dishwashers, boilers, heated floors, very energy-consuming air conditioners and other appliances and devices that significantly increase electricity consumption. At the same time, it is obvious that in most cases, electricity consumption will not fit into the social norm, which has already received the nicknames “light by card”, “electric rations” and “Luchina tariff”. If now the pilot project has been launched only in six regions, then From July 1 of this year, the social norm will begin to apply throughout the country.

Of course, this will require appropriate regulatory regulation at both the federal and regional levels. Irkutsk region up to 7.27 rubles. Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, 6 rubles. Magadan Region, 5.73 rub. Kamchatka Territory, etc. In the future, the dissemination of this experience is also possible in relation to water consumption - Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Kozak stated this at a meeting of the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev with his deputies, which took place on July 29 of this year.

As the Deputy Prime Minister noted, a corresponding experiment for some regions will be organized already in next year, and starting this year, social standards for water consumption will apply to all Russians. About what measures of influence on debtors are used by management companies and how legal they are, read our material “Collecting debts for housing and communal services today and tomorrow.”

The corresponding bill is now being considered by the State Duma 5. Thus, if the annual debt for electricity is, for example, 5 thousand. In addition, the bill tightens responsibility for unauthorized connection to infrastructure networks and unaccounted consumption of electrical energy and other energy resources.

For citizens the amount administrative fine for this offense can range from RUB. The rational use of electricity is “in trend” today, and not only because of its high cost, but also due to the desire not to harm the environment through excessive consumption of electricity.

On Earth Day, celebrated during the spring equinox, residents of many countries, as well as organizations and authorities, spend one hour without electricity at the scheduled time. But also in Everyday life you can regularly save on this resource - for example, by using energy-saving lamps, which consume electricity five to six times more economically than conventional incandescent lamps. Let us remind you that since January 1 of this year, incandescent lamps with a power of more than W or more hours have been prohibited in Russia.

In addition, when choosing new household appliances, we recommend paying attention to the energy consumption class - for example, on European appliances it is marked with letters from A to G in order of decreasing degree of energy saving. The Russian Ministry of Energy provides interesting figures on its official website. The same amount of energy can be saved:. You can independently calculate the energy losses when household appliances operate in standby mode in your home, determine the effectiveness of using energy-saving lamps, and also calculate how much electricity can be saved depending on the glazing area and air permeability of windows on the website of the Russian Energy Agency project "Energy Efficient Russia".

The introduction of the social norm for electricity caused a serious public outcry - this is largely due to the lack of discussion of its size with representatives of society and the lack of information for the population as a whole. The authorities emphasize that the innovation will stimulate rational energy consumption, and will also allow low-income citizens to save on electricity. However, many experts doubt the latter, pointing out that it is Russians with low incomes who cannot afford to purchase household appliances with a higher energy saving class and even energy-saving lamps.

In general, the problem of reducing the volume of unsustainably consumed electricity should, of course, be comprehensive and not be limited to establishing appropriate measures only for citizens. About a quarter of those currently in use household refrigerators was purchased over 20 years ago.

The state has yet to solve the problem of updating the infrastructure of the energy complex and introducing energy saving standards in the design and construction of new facilities, but Russians will have to get used to using electricity efficiently today. Advanced training program "On corporate orders" Federal Law from News and analytics Analytical articles Social norm for electricity: calculation rules and application prospects.

Social norm for electricity: calculation rules and prospects for application October 30 Margarita Gorovtsova. Household - a group of consumers registered in the prescribed manner in a residential premises or living in a residential premises of a specialized housing stock Type of residential premises - a category of residential premises, determined depending on the location of the residential premises in urban or rural settlements, its equipment in the prescribed manner with stationary electric stoves for cooking, and or electric heating installations, and or electric heating installations for hot water supply purposes.

These include cases of payment for the entire volume of consumed electricity at an increased tariff above the social norm - there are two of them: not a single tenant is registered permanently or temporarily in the residential premises; facts of unauthorized connection of consumer's in-house equipment to in-house equipment were discovered engineering systems or facts of unauthorized interference in the operation of metering devices, for example, meter indicators are twisted. Incentives or restrictions?

Prospects for the application of social norms for electricity. Your move The rational use of electricity is “in trend” today, and not only because of its high cost, but also due to the desire not to harm the environment through excessive consumption of electricity.

The same amount of energy can be saved by: turning on the air conditioner with the doors and windows closed; timely descaling of the electric kettle and refilling it as needed for boiled water; installing the refrigerator as far as possible from the heat source, radiator, sun rays, etc. Documents

Light / Electricity Tariffs

The social norm for electricity consumption is a certain amount of electrical energy consumed by the population and equivalent categories of consumers, within which and beyond which electricity supplies are carried out at various regulated tariffs in accordance with Article 3 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Electric Power Industry”. That is, in simple words, this is the volume of electricity that is paid at a lower preferential tariff.

In the Nizhny Novgorod region, the social norm for the consumption of electrical energy was introduced back in 2004 in the amount of 40 kWh per person registered in a residential building per month. Two years later it was increased to 50 kWh. For the majority of the population, it remains so today.

The current single-rate tariffs for the population living in houses with gas stoves, are set at 5.04 rubles per kWh, and for electricity consumed within the social norm - 2.83 rubles per kWh. That is, if, for example, there are three people in a family, and 170 kWh have been “burned up” in a month, then 20 of them must be paid at an economically justified tariff, and 150 at a reduced tariff within the social norm.

For city residents whose apartments are equipped with electric stoves and electric heating systems, as well as for rural residents, these figures are respectively 3.53 and 1.98 rubles.

Let us remind you that electricity tariffs are set by the Regional Tariff Service (RST) of the Nizhny Novgorod region.

Social norm in the Nizhny Novgorod region: who is entitled to more than 50 kWh?

For individual categories population, the social norm is more than 50 kWh. According to the decree of the government of the Nizhny Novgorod region No. 425 “On amendments to the decree of the government of the Nizhny Novgorod region of May 28, 2012 No. 310” dated June 25, 2014, from July 2014 the established value of the social norm for the consumption of electrical energy has been increased by 35 kWh for persons living alone in a residential building, that is, it became equal to 85 kWh per month. And from September 1, the social norm for electricity consumption for households containing families consisting of recipients of old-age or disability pensions (families of pensioners) has been increased by one and a half times. That is, for such households it became equal to 75 kWh per person.

In addition, from July 1, 2014, the social norm for the following households was also increased by one and a half times:

— in which live families classified in accordance with the regulatory legal acts of the Nizhny Novgorod region as large families;

— in which live families that include disabled people, including disabled children;

In which live families classified as substitute families, including children left without parental care.

Who does not need to submit documents?

The Nizhny Novgorod sales company informed us that information about certain groups of beneficiaries was centrally received by the company in the form of registers of recipients of monthly cash compensation. Energosbyt uses this register of beneficiaries to generate accounts, taking into account the decree of the government of the Nizhny Novgorod region No. 425, which was mentioned above.

The Nizhny Novgorod sales company received data on the following preferential categories of citizens:

About large families
. about families containing disabled people,
. about families with disabled children,
. about families classified as substitute families containing children left without parental care.

Information about people living alone in residential premises is already in the Energosbyt database. In August, these consumer groups already received bills for energy supply services, generated taking into account the increased size of the social norm.
In addition, recipients of old-age or disability pensions who have already submitted documents to change the amount of the social norm do not need to do this again.

To whom should documents be submitted to determine social norms?

Other consumers with benefits, for example pensioners who did not submit documents last year, need to make sure that their increased social norm is taken into account in the calculations. To do this, you need to contact the Energosbyt subscriber point with the following documents:

- passports of everyone registered in an apartment or residential building, including temporary arrivals who are old-age or disability pensioners. It is necessary to submit the original document and copies of the first page of the passport (with photograph and all data) and the page with the latest registration at the place of residence;

- original certificate of family composition for citizens living in apartment building, or the original extract from the house register for private residential buildings.

- original and copies of pension certificates of all registered in the residential premises (taking into account the current registration of temporary departure and temporary arrival); for disabled people in the absence of a pension certificate, it is allowed to submit the original and a copy of a certificate confirming the fact of disability.

Please note that in the family composition certificate for residents apartment buildings The last names, first names, patronymics of all registered in a particular residential premises and the type of registration (permanent or temporary) must be indicated. For permanent registration, the registration date must be indicated, and for temporary or temporary disposal registration, the start date of the registration or disposal and the end of the registration or disposal.

The certificate must contain the name of the body (organization) that issued it and the signature of the official, certified by a seal. This certificate can be issued house manager organization (DC, HOA, housing cooperative). If the house is under direct management, the certificate can be issued by a service organization if it is authorized to carry out the functions of registering citizens with the Federal Migration Service, or by the administration of a territorial entity (city, town, village council, and in Nizhny Novgorod - city district administrations).

Residents of private houses must submit an original extract from the house register, which contains the last names, first names, patronymics of everyone registered in a particular residential building and indicates the type of registration (permanent or temporary). For permanent registration, the date of registration must be indicated, and for temporary registration or registration of temporary disposal, the start date of the registration or disposal and the end of the registration or disposal.

Certificates containing the name of the body (organization) that issued it, with the signature of an official certified by a seal, are accepted. Extracts from the house register have the right to be issued only by the administration of a territorial entity (city, town, village council, and in Nizhny Novgorod - by the administration of city districts).

As for pension certificates, they are of the following types:

- old-age pension certificate, on the cover of which it is written “Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. Pensioner's ID";

— a disability pension certificate, on the cover of which it is written “Ministry of Social Protection of the Population of the Russian Federation. Pensioner's ID".

More detailed information about tariffs within the social norm and above it - not only for single-tariff, but also for multi-tariff meters - can be found on the websites of the PCT or the Nizhny Novgorod Sales Company in the section “To the Population”.

The beginning of 2019 began with good news for Russians - they decided not to introduce the social norm for electricity consumption of 300 kWh per connection point. But residents of some Russian regions have been living with this standard since 2014.

So, over the past six years, these restrictions have been in effect in five constituent entities of Russia. At one time, the authorities decided to test the program according to the social norm in these regions. The experiment is carried out in the following areas:

  1. Vladimir region.
  2. Nizhny Novgorod Region.
  3. Oryol Region.
  4. Rostov region.
  5. Transbaikal region.

Now let's look at what electricity tariffs are in effect in each region and whether there are currently any limiting levels.

Vladimir region

This region has been living with social standards for electricity since 2005. It was on the residents of Vladimir that they once wanted to test the system before introducing it throughout Russia, but the idea remained stuck. In the Vladimir region, social norms were last increased in 2014. Now, according to the basic tariff, one person has 100 kW/hours per month, the second - 60, the third and subsequent ones - 40. 80 percent of the population of the Vladimir region fits into these standards.

Nizhny Novgorod Region

Currently, the social norm in the Nizhny Novgorod region is 50 kWh per month per person. Moreover, if one person is registered in the room, then the social norm is 85 kWh.

The social norm is equal to 75 kWh for households in which privileged categories of citizens live:

  • large families
  • disabled people
  • disabled children
  • foster families or children left without parental care
  • families consisting of recipients of old-age or disability pensions (families of pensioners)

At the same time, the majority of the population of the Nizhny Novgorod region does not fit into existing social norms.

Calculation of social norm

If the premises are equipped with a two- or three-tariff meter, then according to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 614 of July 22, 2013, the social consumption norm is distributed in proportion to the electricity consumed by zone of the day. If in a billing month consumption turns out to be less than the social norm, then unused kilowatt-hours are not accumulated and are not used in subsequent billing periods. Information on the value of the established social norm for electrical energy consumption for groups and types of residential premises is contained in the resolution of the government of the Nizhny Novgorod region.

Oryol Region

In this region, the most lenient social norm applies, so for one person 190 kW*hour, two people 240 kW*hour, three - 260 kW*hour, and for 5 or more there was already a limit of 300 kW*hour. Supplements were also provided for various categories of the population.

Rostov region

Here, too, the social norm is still in effect and no one has canceled it

Transbaikal region

It also introduced electricity consumption standards in 2014: 65 kWh per month per person. No one has canceled the social norm in this region.

With the help of social norms, the state hopes to encourage the population to save energy resources. And those who consume more than the norm and will not reduce their consumption will pay much more for light.

7. Are there any additional measures social protection for large families, families with disabled people or children of disabled consumers, as well as for families classified as substitute families?

Answer: When clarifying or changing the composition of the household, the consumer sends the utility service provider written statement, to which copies of one of the following documents are attached, depending on the basis for such clarification or change:

Social norm

If the premises are equipped with a two- or three-tariff metering device, then according to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 614 of July 22, 2013, the social norm of consumption is distributed in proportion to the electricity consumed by zone of the day.

Information on the value of the established social norm for the consumption of electrical energy for groups and types of residential premises is contained in the Decree of the Government of the Nizhny Novgorod Region dated 05/28/2012 No. 310 (as amended by the Decrees of the Government of the Nizhny Novgorod Region dated 08/14/2012 N 546, dated 09/11/2013 No. 633, dated June 25, 2014, No. 425, as amended by the decision of the Nizhny Novgorod Regional Court dated February 13, 2014, No. 3-13/14).

Social norm for electricity in the Nizhny Novgorod region: to whom, when and how much

Certificates containing the name of the body (organization) that issued it, with the signature of an official certified by a seal, are accepted. Extracts from the house register have the right to be issued only by the administration of a territorial entity (city, town, village council, and in Nizhny Novgorod - by the administration of city districts).

The certificate must contain the name of the body (organization) that issued it and the signature of the official, certified by a seal. This certificate can be issued by the organization managing the house (DC, HOA, housing cooperative). If the house is under direct management, the certificate can be issued by a service organization if it is authorized to carry out the functions of registering citizens with the Federal Migration Service, or by the administration of a territorial entity (city, town, village council, and in Nizhny Novgorod - city district administrations).

The value of the social norm for electricity in Nizhny Novgorod

This page contains the text of the resolution of the Government of the Nizhny Novgorod Region on the establishment of a social norm for electricity consumption in the territory of Nizhny Novgorod and all other settlements in the region. Using this standard, regional residents make payments for consumed electrical energy.

3. The social norm for the consumption of electrical energy by the population, established by paragraph 1 of this resolution, is applied when providing measures of social support for paying for living quarters and utilities certain categories of citizens.

It became known in which regions they forgot to cancel the social norm for electricity consumption

If the premises are equipped with a two- or three-tariff meter, then according to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 614 of July 22, 2013, the social consumption norm is distributed in proportion to the electricity consumed by zone of the day. If in a billing month consumption turns out to be less than the social norm, then unused kilowatt-hours are not accumulated and are not used in subsequent billing periods. Information on the value of the established social norm for electrical energy consumption for groups and types of residential premises is contained in the resolution of the government of the Nizhny Novgorod region.

In this region, the most lenient social norm applies, so for one person 190 kW*hour, two people 240 kW*hour, three – 260 kW*hour, and for 5 or more there was already a limit of 300 kW*hour. Supplements were also provided for various categories of the population.

TNS energo NN" explains what the social norm for electricity consumption depends on

If the premises are equipped with a multi-tariff meter, then the social norm is distributed in proportion to the volume of consumption in the corresponding zones of the day (i.e., in which zone of the day they consumed more electricity, the social norm will be charged more to that zone of the day).

For example, in the Nizhny Novgorod region a single-rate tariff for city residents, whose houses are equipped gas stoves, is RUB 3.71 per kWh - within the social norm, and 6.45 rubles. per kWh - above the social norm.

TNS Energy Nizhny Novgorod: social norm

….Residents of private houses must submit an original extract from the house register, which indicates the full names of everyone registered in a particular residential building and the type of registration (permanent or temporary). For permanent registration, the date of registration must be indicated, and for temporary registration or temporary registration, the start date of registration or retirement and the end of registration or retirement.

There are known groups of beneficiaries, information about which will be centralized to Energosbyt (Nizhny Novgorod and the region)
This register of beneficiaries will be used by the company to generate accounts taking into account Resolution No. 425 adopted by the Government of the Nizhny Novgorod Region on increasing the social norm for electricity consumption for certain categories of citizens.
The Nizhny Novgorod sales company will receive data on the following preferential categories of citizens:
about large families,
about families containing disabled people,
about families with disabled children,
about families classified as substitute families containing children left without parental care.

Social norm for electricity consumption

Each region independently sets the size of the social norm, while the calculation procedure (formulas and coefficients) and the procedure for applying the social norm are completely determined by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 22, 2013 No. 614.

With a single rate tariff the cost of 1 kilowatt/hour does not depend on the time of day.
With a one-rate tariff differentiated by two zones of the day(Day-Night), tariff applies Day and Night.

Social norm for electricity: calculation rules and application prospects

The state has yet to solve the problem of updating the infrastructure of the energy complex and introducing energy saving standards in the design and construction of new facilities, but Russians will have to get used to using electricity efficiently today.

More 90% capacity of existing power plants, 83% residential buildings, 70% technological equipment of electrical networks and 66% heating networks were built before 1990, and about a quarter of currently used household refrigerators were purchased more than 20 years ago.

Social norm for electricity consumption in 2019

The profitability or unprofitability of introducing a social norm for electricity consumption in 2019 will depend on the methodology for determining tariffs; this calculation is not fully indicative of the proposed three-stage system. It is also necessary to take into account that in the regions different data will be taken for calculation.

Important! It is proposed to establish a step-by-step tariff system: those who consume electricity at an increased rate (owners of luxury real estate, first of all), will pay for electricity in excess of the social consumption norm at increased rates.

Does the social norm for electricity apply to temporarily registered

Among other things, consumers are required to pay money for general household needs, regardless of whether they used electricity in their living space or not. Access to the flow meter is limited. Often, citizens install metering devices in their apartment, which makes it difficult for an inspector to take readings from the electric meter.

After finding out all these indicators, the fee should be calculated by multiplying the numbers together. In this case, it will be more expensive to pay for energy resources, because you will have to calculate according to current standards, and you will not be able to save money.

Social norm for electricity

Law No. 261-FZ “On energy saving and increasing energy efficiency and on introducing amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation”, which establishes the principles of rational consumption of electricity;

According to the draft Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation, social norms on light, currently in force in some regions, should be abolished from 07/01/2016. Instead, there will be two new options for calculating the cost of electricity. If you have a special meter, you can pay for it at a three-zone tariff, when three periods are allocated in a day: peak, half-peak, night and the cost of electricity is “tied” to them. Or choose another scheme, according to which the amount of payment depends on how much electricity was spent per month. In this case, for 150 kilowatt-hours it will be possible to pay at the minimum tariff.

Benefits for pensioners on electricity Nizhny Novgorod

Registration of all these benefits requires time spent on collecting and submitting documents to the appropriate authorities confirming the right to receive discounts. However, you will not waste your time, since thanks to assistance from the state you will be able to significantly reduce your mandatory monthly expenses and use the money for more useful purposes.

Social Standards for Electricity Nizhny Novgorod Region

So, a social norm for electricity consumption is being introduced in Russia. From September 1, 2013, as an experiment, in seven pilot regions, in other constituent entities of the Russian Federation - from July 1, 2014. Gardening partnerships and individual gardeners (individual gardeners) are subject to the new rules for payment for electricity.

Article 12, paragraph “a”: “The social norm is calculated in accordance with the methodology for calculating the social norm in accordance with Appendix No. 4 in relation to the following groups of households and types of residential premises:
a) groups of households:
the first group of households - with one person registered in the residential premises in accordance with the established procedure;
the second group of households - with two persons registered in the residential premises in accordance with the established procedure at the place of residence;
the third group of households - with three persons registered in the residential premises in accordance with the established procedure at the place of residence;
the fourth group of households - with four persons registered in the residential premises in accordance with the established procedure at the place of residence;
the fifth group of households - with five or more persons registered in the residential premises in accordance with the established procedure at the place of residence;
the sixth group of households (per resident), which includes citizens living in residential premises of a specialized housing stock, in cases where they are not united by joint household management"

Benefits for pensioners for electricity in Nizhny Novgorod

  1. Improving living conditions. It should be noted that the improvement program living conditions began its work in 2002, but never became stable, especially this point concerns certain regions of the country. Despite numerous obstacles, she completed her job 65%.

In the Nizhny Novgorod region, local government bodies made a decision regarding benefits for citizens of retirement age and labor veterans. According to it, benefits for pensioners will be provided in 2018, but with some amendments.
They had to be involved due to the unstable economic situation in the world, which affected every sector of life, including the social sphere of the country. What benefits remain for labor veterans and citizens of retirement age? Pensioners and labor veterans of the Nizhny Novgorod region will be able to enjoy the following benefits:

Social norm for electricity: how to distribute it

Based on Russian Government Decree No. 614, a new procedure for establishing and applying social norms for electricity consumption was introduced on September 1 of this year. According to the decree, this social norm for citizens who are not pensioners (disabled people) living alone, and families consisting of such categories of citizens, is indicated in Appendix 6 to Resolution No. 614 (formula No. 4).

In “VR” for October 30, 2013, the “Help Service” described what documents preferential categories of citizens should provide to management companies or Energosbyt subscriber points; at what tariff they will be charged for electricity.

  1. A benefit is a reduction in pay due to belonging to a special category.
  2. The subsidy depends on the ratio of income and payment for housing and communal services.
  3. Preferential preferences are not legally linked to income. They are established for socially vulnerable or deserved citizens.

This means that bills are coming to absolutely everyone, and they need to be paid on time. After this, the state transfers compensation in the amount of 30, 50, 70 or 100 percent of the deposited amount to a specially opened bank account. The procedure for applying for benefits for electrical energy A citizen who belongs to one of the categories of beneficiaries listed above must exercise his right to a discount.

Social norm for electricity in the Nizhny Novgorod region: to whom, when and how much

The certificate must contain the name of the body (organization) that issued it and the signature of the official, certified by a seal. This certificate can be issued by the organization managing the house (DC, HOA, housing cooperative). If the house is under direct management, the certificate can be issued by a service organization if it is authorized to carry out the functions of registering citizens with the Federal Migration Service, or by the administration of a territorial entity (city, town, village council, and in Nizhny Novgorod - city district administrations).

For certain categories of the population, the social norm is more than 50 kWh. According to the decree of the government of the Nizhny Novgorod region No. 425 “On amendments to the decree of the government of the Nizhny Novgorod region of May 28, 2012 No. 310” dated June 25, 2014, from July 2014 the established value of the social norm for the consumption of electrical energy has been increased by 35 kWh for persons living alone in a residential building, that is, it became equal to 85 kWh per month. And from September 1, the social norm for electricity consumption for households containing families consisting of recipients of old-age or disability pensions (families of pensioners) has been increased by one and a half times. That is, for such households it became equal to 75 kWh per person.

TNS Energy Nizhny Novgorod: social norm

Passports of everyone registered in the residential premises, including temporary arrivals who are old-age or disability pensioners. You must submit the original document and copies of the first page of the passport (with photo and all data) and the page with the latest registration at the place of residence;

— From July 1, an increasing factor of 1.5 is applied to the value of the social norm, established at 50 kWh per month, for households in which large families, families with disabled people live, as well as families classified as REPLACEMENT FAMILIES, who have in their composition of CHILDREN WITHOUT PARENTAL CARE.

The social norm for electricity for those living alone may be increased in the Nizhny Novgorod region

“We are not participating in any experiment - our system has been working for a long time, since 2006. We then established 50 kilowatt hours per person living in a family,” the head of the region noted, emphasizing that 70% of all payments are made at preferential rates within the social norm.

“Some say: they established an energy ration. No energy rations! – he added. – Today the reduced tariff is 2 rubles 72 kopecks. Everyone pays this, regardless of income level. Next comes a system of targeted protection for those with low incomes – the so-called preferential categories. We have one million out of three million - who either do not pay at all or pay only 50% of this reduced tariff: disabled people, all war veterans, all pensioners, all large families. And the third safety net: even if this remaining payment after all these reductions is over 18% of the family's total income, the family pays about 18%. The rest is paid by the budget.”

Housing and communal services issues

It turns out that from April 1, 2014, the volume of electricity paid according to the social norm for families that include disabled people and disabled children, for large families and families with children left without parental care increases by 1.5 times. In addition, for these categories of families, in the first year after the start of the application of the social norm for electricity, all electricity consumed is paid according to the social norm. Previously, this provision applied only to pensioners living alone.

Somehow it turns out that our press and housing and communal services organizations do not advertise the issue of providing benefits for paying for housing and communal services very widely and willingly. Although for the latter this is a direct responsibility established by the Rules for the provision of public services and other documents. So the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 25, 2014 No. 136 passed unnoticed for me. However, this resolution is of some importance for disabled people and single pensioners, of whom there are quite a lot in our country, because it helps them save even small amounts on electricity bills.

Social norm for electricity: calculation rules and application prospects

The state has yet to solve the problem of updating the infrastructure of the energy complex and introducing energy saving standards in the design and construction of new facilities, but Russians will have to get used to using electricity efficiently today.

This forces the legislator to look for new ways to encourage careful consumption of electricity. Comprehensive work in this direction began in 2009 with the adoption of Federal Law No. 261-FZ of November 23, 2009 “On energy saving and increasing energy efficiency and on introducing amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation,” which established the principles of rational consumption of electricity. Important framework documents in this area also include the State Program of the Russian Federation “Energy Efficiency and Energy Development” (approved by Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 3, 2013 No. 512-r). One of its indicators is to reduce by 2020 the energy intensity of Russia's gross domestic product by no less than 40% in relation to the level of 2007.

Benefits for paying for electricity in 2020

On average, each category has a 50% discount. However, for liquidators it applies to all family members. Their close relatives (if they live separately) use it only themselves. For families with many children, preferences vary depending on the region. Their value varies from 30 to 70%.

Since the end of 2020, citizens have been relieved of the obligation to document their lack of debt when preparing an initial or repeated package of documents for applying for benefits. Such information will be requested by officials themselves through their interdepartmental communication channels.

Benefits for pensioners for electricity in Nizhny Novgorod

They had to be involved due to the unstable economic situation in the world, which affected every sector of life, including the social sphere of the country. What benefits remain for labor veterans and citizens of retirement age? Pensioners and labor veterans of the Nizhny Novgorod region will be able to enjoy the following benefits:

Electricity discounts are not automatically provided. You must declare your right to the relevant company providing the service. Who is entitled to benefits It is necessary to understand that part of the payments falls on the budget. For example, if a citizen is given a preference of 50%, then the state is obliged to reimburse the service provider.

Social Norm for Electricity in the Nizhny Novgorod Region for People Living Alone

Answer: Yes, because By Decree of the Government of the Nizhny Novgorod Region No. 310 of May 28, 2012. “On establishing the size of the social norm for the consumption of electrical energy by the population (regional electricity limit)” the norm for the consumption of electrical energy by the population is set at 50 kWh. per 1 registered person per month.

Answer: In the absence of an individual, common (apartment) or room metering device when calculating the payment for a utility service for electricity supply to the volume of electrical energy consumption determined on the basis of consumption standards for a utility service for electricity supply, the social norm is applied with a reduction factor “K”, with the exception of cases of provision consumer of an inspection report confirming the absence technical feasibility installation of a metering device in the appropriate residential premises.

The value of the social norm for electricity in Nizhny Novgorod

This page contains the text of the resolution of the Government of the Nizhny Novgorod Region on the establishment of a social norm for electricity consumption in the territory of Nizhny Novgorod and all other settlements in the region. Using this standard, regional residents make payments for consumed electrical energy.

- members of horticultural, gardening or dacha non-profit associations of citizens, non-profit organizations established by citizens on a voluntary basis to assist its members in solving general social and economic problems of gardening, horticulture and dacha farming.

Benefits for paying for electricity at 2020 tariffs

  • participants of the Second World War. This group includes not only veterans of the Great Patriotic War, and also people who worked in the rear, survived the siege of the city of Leningrad, visited concentration camps, disabled people of the Second World War, and some other categories;
  • disabled people This includes disabled people of all groups and people who received disabled status from birth. Benefits apply to the entire family;
  • other categories. These are low-income families, large families, liquidators of the Chernobyl accident, labor veterans of retirement age, combatants;
  • orphans, heroes of Russia or the USSR, citizens who have the Order of Labor Glory.
  • complete exemption from utility bills. Heroes get 100% discount Soviet Union, Russian Federation, children who have lost their parents and holders of the Order of Labor Glory;
  • 50% discount. Most beneficiaries receive it, for example, disabled people and WWII veterans;
  • 30% discount. Parents with 3 or more children or low-income families can count on it.

Social norm for electricity consumption 2020 in Nizhny Novgorod

After cities, towns and others settlements will test the effect of social norms for electricity consumption, they will be given the right independent decision about the need for the permanent existence of such a principle of payment for utility services. Thus, citizens must take into account their income, local climate, state of the housing stock and other criteria. According to Dmitry Medvedev, the total and mandatory introduction of these innovations cannot be allowed, since the program needs to be studied, tested, tested, and appropriate analysis carried out, including in the long term.

Electric power industry on this moment requires intensive injections into the industry due to physical and moral wear and tear. Privatization in the 90s made itself felt: public funds flow to private enterprises in extremely meager amounts. Electricity tariffs, although they grow periodically, are at a relatively slow pace due to administrative restrictions and the low level of income of the population. The growth of tariffs is constrained by increased rates for industrialists and entrepreneurs, and this constrains the flow of investment into the industry.