The advantages of a separate dressing room are not only in the clothing storage system, but primarily in functionality. In such a room you can store absolutely everything, from gloves to bedding. Right choice furniture will significantly save precious centimeters of space in your apartment. Also, it is aesthetics and cleanliness, when all things are arranged in groups it is not only convenient, but also visually looks aesthetically pleasing. This frees up a huge amount of time in searching for what you need, and also preserves the ability to use your things longer.

Dressing room in the hall: photos and ideas

Not everyone can afford to dedicate an entire room to a dressing room, so there are options to combine the dressing room with the rest of the rooms in the house. A storage room can be used for this; most often it is located in the corridor near front door, which makes her quite attractive for this role.

A glazed and insulated loggia can also be used as a dressing room, but most often this is not entirely convenient due to the narrow space of the loggia itself.

Some use it as bedroom dressing room, in which a place is allocated for it either with a curtain or a partition. But a dressing room in the bedroom is not entirely convenient, since the whole family will constantly visit this room in search of the necessary things. Therefore, it is possible to make a dressing room in the living room.

It can be of two types:

  • Dressing room in the hall;
  • Dressing room in the hall.

What's the difference? The very idea of ​​​​making a dressing room in the living room is already good in itself, this is basically the largest room in the apartment and all family members have access to it, which does not create any inconvenience for anyone.

Convenient dressing room in the hall: layout options

A dressing room in a hall is usually represented by a closet that includes all the functions. It has shelves, drawers, and clothes hangers. Most often, it occupies the entire wall and sets the interior of the entire living room. Such a cabinet can be either picked up in a store or made to order.

You can also use built-in furniture as a dressing room, then the space of the living room itself will be reduced, but if you use mirrored sliding doors, this can just allow you to visually increase the space of the living room. In this case, an open type of dressing room is used.

The dressing room in the hall is different in that it is just that: a room. In the living room, with the help of a small redevelopment, a wall is installed, behind which our dressing room is hidden. It could be like plasterboard construction, and just sliding doors. This separate room can be furnished to your liking and the style does not overlap with the design of the living room. For such dressing rooms, a closed type is used.

Living room design with dressing room

As already mentioned, there are two types of dressing rooms: open type and closed type. The open type is our dressing room in the hall, where personal belongings are always in sight, because of this the room remains visually quite spacious. But you must always keep order so that the living room looks neat. A built-in wardrobe is easier to use.

The closed type is a dressing room. You can store not only personal belongings in it, but also shoes, accessories and other household items. In such a room you can not only store things, but also take care of them on the spot, try them on, without disturbing any of the family members at all.

There are four styles of dressing rooms:

  • Corner style;
  • Linear;
  • U-shaped;
  • Parallel.

The first two are of the open type. In the corner style, open types of racks and shelves are used. In the linear style, one wall is highlighted, which in style are more reminiscent of wardrobes, since large space is given not only to chests of drawers and shelves, but also to hangers.

The next two refer to closed type. In the U-shaped style, the design of the shelving is in the shape of the letter U, but the arrangement of shelves, chests of drawers and hangers is designed to your liking. The parallel style uses two similar cabinet systems that are stacked against each other, duplicating each other. The latter style can also be used in an open type, since its location allows it to complement the passage room, where there are two parallel entrances.

Arranging a dressing room in the living room (video)

Having analyzed the differences between a dressing room storage system in a hall and a dressing room in a hall, it is concluded that everything depends on the area of ​​the room and your taste, and in this case there are many design options!

The presence of a dressing room in the house helps to free the living space from bulky furniture, optimizes life and allows you to quickly find the right thing. You can equip such a room by turning to professionals and ordering a ready-made storage system made to individual sizes. Less expensive and at the same time interesting solution– DIY dressing room: drawings, diagrams and photos with useful tips on arrangement will help make the process easy and fast.

For those who intend to assemble a wardrobe system with their own hands, it is necessary to pay attention not only to the size of the room itself, but also to the possibility of compact and efficient internal filling. To achieve maximum accuracy, it is recommended to first develop drawings and diagrams of the future storage system. Ready-made design projects of dressing rooms with your own hands, photos and diagrams will become a clear example when creating your own version.

The uniqueness of the corner layout lies in the fact that for a dressing room you can use places that are usually not used in any way and are difficult to access. For example, this could be a corner where doors or windows are located in the walls that form it at a short distance from the center of the corner. Such space is usually empty, so dedicating this area to a corner dressing room is the most successful and practical option.

Depending on the area allocated for the dressing room, the corner space can be separated from the main room in several ways. If there is enough space, they arrange plasterboard partition, and in the case of minimal dimensions, the project will do open system storage Many people use a corner wardrobe in the hallway, which is a worthy alternative to a separate room. Photos of do-it-yourself dressing rooms will serve as a clear example of creating a storage area.

Helpful advice! When cutting off a corner for a dressing room, it is best to use plasterboard slabs: this material is quite light, it cuts well and is easy to install.

If you prefer a corner dressing room in the hallway, which will be separated from the main room, then you can arrange the interior in two ways: along one or two walls. The scheme of the first option is a storage system compactly assembled along one wall. It is recommended to leave the racks and shelves open, which will save space. The remaining space is used for movement around the dressing room, as well as a fitting room.

In the second option, the location of the filling is planned along two walls. The main advantage of this filling is its compactness with maximum capacity. However, it is worth considering that you can simply enter such a dressing room, but you will not be able to use it as a fitting room. This filling method is suitable for families of several people, where the main task is to fit the belongings of each member of the household as much as possible. For filling, storage systems with a set of corner components are used, which provide good ergonomics in a small space.

Corner dressing rooms in the hallway can be fenced off using swing doors, accordion doors or lightweight sliding partitions However, it is worth considering the features of the hallway. If the room is quite modest, the swing option is absolutely not appropriate. Radius sliding systems look impressive, the contents of which are selected in unison with the overall interior.

Arrangement of a dressing room in the bedroom

Photos of DIY wardrobe systems installed in the bedroom indicate that this is one of the most common and convenient options. The feasibility of creating a dressing room in the bedroom can be determined by calculating the area of ​​the sleeping area. If the size of the bedroom significantly exceeds this parameter, you can safely proceed to self-construction dressing room.

There are several schemes for organizing the internal space in a dressing room. This could be a project linear system storage, arrangement of modules in the form of the letter “P” or “G”, as well as parallel placement of racks and shelves. The most optimal version is a U-shaped dressing room. This layout maximizes the filling of the room and at the same time allows you to leave room for movement around it. As a rule, U-shaped dressing rooms require enough square footage, however, they can easily fit in modest areas.

Helpful advice!An interesting idea is to arrange a dressing room in the bedroom behind the head of the bed: it is separated by a light stationary partition or sliding systems.

For small bedrooms, where it is not possible to isolate 1.5 - 2 m from the room, they are limited to a wardrobe in the bedroom. Such furniture is compact, it does not take up much space and is distinguished by well-thought-out filling. Methods for filling wardrobes can be found in catalogs of websites that sell and manufacture furniture. Ready-made kits storage systems with narrow specialization for clothing, shoes and accessories are characterized by unsurpassed ergonomics.

If the layout is such that the dressing room is a walk-through, it is impossible would be better suited diagram of parallel placement of storage systems. Do-it-yourself drawings of racks and shelves in the dressing room indicate that with this filling method it is not difficult to move around the room, and the storage system can accommodate everything you need. The most convenient combination is a bedroom-dressing room-shower room. But there may be other options.

Related article:

Projects of small rooms. Storage space in the bedroom and hallway. Projects of rooms 3 sq.m. Storage systems and furniture for dressing rooms.

Design of a dressing room from a storage room 1.1 by 1.5 m

Many professional designers believe that using a space smaller than 2 sq.m. for a dressing room is inappropriate. However, photos of dressing rooms from small closets indicate that this is small space can be successfully planned for functional system storage It is in such work that the professionalism of designers is tested. After all, it is necessary not only to transform the pantry into a dressing room, but also to take into account the interests of everyone who will use it, given the lack of square meters.

Projects and drawings of such dressing rooms require accurate calculations and optimal internal content. Shallow shelves are very relevant for filling a dressing room measuring 1.1 x 1.5 m. If you do not fence off the room with a door, the shelves can be moved outside the pantry and then they will become part of the furniture of the room and effectively complement the interior. In this case, shelves and racks are designed in such a way that they flow smoothly from the dressing room into the room.

A photo of small dressing rooms from closets clearly illustrates the options when the entire length of one of the walls is used for a storage system. With such a project, you can carve out additional space so that you can enter the dressing room to find the things you need. However, in order to make maximum use of the mini-wardrobe space, it is recommended to arrange them as a niche, which is separated from the main room by an accordion door or a sliding sliding door.

Helpful advice! When filling a small dressing room, you should place things so that the most frequently used ones are located in the middle part.

Dressing rooms in Khrushchev instead of a storage room

The main difference between modern dressing rooms and storage rooms is the presence of an ordered system of shelves, mezzanines, drawers, hangers and other components for convenient storage of not only personal belongings, but also items and equipment of various shapes and purposes. In addition, such systems are designed in such a way that all objects and things are visible and easily accessible. There are hundreds of options for dressing rooms, the layout and content of which depends on the area and budget of their owners.

Before making a dressing room with your own hands, it would be useful to familiarize yourself with the basic planning solutions dressing rooms. The fact is that in large apartments, as a rule, separate rooms are already provided for dressing rooms. The owners can only equip them with suitable storage systems. But in apartments of the old housing stock, storage rooms are allocated for such needs, the dimensions of which are quite small.

To organize the space as correctly as possible small room, designers offer various techniques for arranging dressing rooms from storage rooms in Khrushchev-era buildings. Many different projects are offered for independent implementation. You can choose the most suitable one by reading the drawings, diagrams and photos of dressing rooms in a Khrushchev-era building instead of a storage room.

If initially there is no storage room in the apartment layout, a dressing room can be arranged anywhere. This can be a combination of a dressing room with a bedroom, hallway, hall, nursery and other rooms. Experts recommend dedicating several areas for storage systems, for example, in the bedroom and hallway, if possible. In an ordinary Khrushchev-era building, the space for a dressing room is determined at the stage of redevelopment, which is pre-approved by the relevant authorities.

Depending on the location in the apartment, configuration and area, the dressing room can be arranged along one wall, formed at an angle, or given an L- or U-shape. Newest technologies make it possible to plan the optimal storage system for any, even modest, dressing room. After all, the main advantage of internal filling is a huge range of components for every taste.

Schemes of dressing rooms from storage rooms: photo examples

How to make a dressing room out of a closet? A photo selection of various transformation techniques demonstrates many options for arranging storage rooms. There are two main conversion methods. The first is characterized by dismantling the pantry partitions and installing a cabinet of the appropriate size in this place. Typically, such cabinets are equipped sliding sliding doors, which have a mirror filling.

Another option involves completely emptying the contents of the pantry and equipping the room with modern compact storage systems. Updating the internal content will allow you to make maximum use of the pantry space with racks, shelves, baskets, rods and other elements of various shapes and sizes. The presence of many special hooks and holders will increase the level of comfort of the former pantry and extend the life of many things.

Before you make a dressing room from a pantry, you should carefully think through and draw up a diagram of its filling. Having made the appropriate measurements, it is necessary to calculate the number of shelves, trays and drawers for small items, special holders for trousers, ties, hats and other accessories. Having a detailed project will help you avoid mistakes and unreasonable consumption of materials when converting a dressing room from a storage room with your own hands.

Helpful advice! You can make your dressing room as comfortable as possible by using a metal frame filling system, thanks to which you can adjust the height of shelves, baskets and trays.

The choice of a suitable dressing room project depends on the layout of the apartment itself. In many Khrushchev buildings standard layout The apartments have a storage room in the bedroom. This room is formed by enclosing part of the bedroom with a partition across the entire width of the room. The entrance to the pantry can be from the bedroom or from the adjacent living room. In some apartments, the pantry is located at the end of a long corridor, part of which is fenced off with a partition. For example, on the Internet you can find many suitable projects and photos of dressing rooms from storage rooms in Khrushchev-era buildings.

How to make a dressing room from a pantry with your own hands

Before you make a dressing room in a room from a storage room yourself, you should choose the optimal project for such an area. In addition, the choice of option depends on the number of residents whose things will be stored in the future dressing room. You can find drawings and diagrams that suit the dimensions of your room by looking at a selection of photos of dressing rooms from the pantry. The drawings provide all the necessary dimensions, as well as samples of internal filling systems.

Do-it-yourself refurbishment of a dressing room from a storage room: photo ideas

For those who want to become the owner of a spacious and comfortable dressing room with minimal financial investment, the option of refurbishing the storage room to suit these needs is suitable. To get the job done, you will need a set of tools that any owner probably has in their arsenal:

  • construction tape, level, pencil;
  • screwdriver, hammer, pliers;
  • drill or hammer drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • jigsaw;
  • self-tapping screws

The selection of material for the interior filling of the dressing room depends on the intended storage system. It is calculated according to the drawings and diagrams of your project. Typically purchased for these purposes:

  • furniture pipes (metal and wood) for installing a wardrobe rod or frame;
  • durable lumber for shelves, mezzanines, cabinets (you can use, for example, chipboard with a laminated coating);
  • furniture fittings: guides, connection corners, handles, hinges, etc.;
  • drawers, baskets, boxes for storing things.

At the first stage, it is proposed to dismantle the entire contents of the pantry: remove the old shelves, remove all hooks, hangers, nails and other devices. Clean the walls from old wallpaper or paint, and then carefully level them. For a new wall design, you can use paint in bright hues or wallpapering. In the photo there is a dressing room in the pantry, which has swing doors, it is shown that they can be used to fix a large mirror on the inside.

Helpful advice! If you have a project with drawings and diagrams of the interior filling of the dressing room, assembling a storage system is not difficult at all.

As soon as the design of the walls is completed, production and installation begin. internal systems storage The purchase of materials is carried out according to the developed drawings and sketches. They are used to calculate the required amount of chipboard, furniture pipes, fittings, fasteners, screws, as well as additional elements storage systems.

Assembling a wardrobe system with your own hands: basic principles

Filling the wardrobe storage system depends entirely on the specific requirements of its owners. In addition, the budget allocated for these needs also plays a role. The filling of a dressing room can have several design options. Those who have certain skills in assembling furniture can independently assemble and install cabinet modules in the dressing room. Most often, such filling models are made to order according to individual sizes.

The cabinet structures are quite spacious, fit perfectly into the space and facilitate neat storage of things. Elements of housing modules have standard sizes. They are equipped with a choice of various accessories, which are assembled according to the type of construction set. But it is worth considering that cabinet-made shelves and racks are quite bulky and take up a lot of space, which is why they are not recommended for filling modest-sized dressing rooms.

For small dressing rooms, the assembly of mesh structures is suitable. This type of filling is compact, light and transformable. The design elements are easy to install with your own hands, do not visually overload the space and are inexpensive. For those who choose such filling, it is worth considering that cellular storage systems cannot be overloaded with too heavy objects.

Frame storage systems are appropriate both in small dressing rooms and in rooms with significant dimensions. The assembly diagram consists of metal racks that are mounted between the ceiling and the floor. Further, shelves, drawers, racks and crossbars are attached to them, which practically “float in the air”. This filling is characterized by ease of installation, lightness and strength of the structure itself.

Helpful advice! Whatever storage system you choose, in order to achieve maximum comfort when using the dressing room, you must follow the principles of ergonomics.

You can see photos of do-it-yourself wardrobe rooms using various storage systems on the Internet, where users share their works. In addition, it will be useful to ask about filling options from professionals.

Basic rules for organizing storage of things

Not only a quick and convenient search, but also their service life depends on how correctly things are placed in the dressing room. Therefore, it is very important to properly organize the interior space of the dressing room. To do this, it is necessary to plan in advance the storage areas for various things and objects. It is recommended to divide the wardrobe into several functional areas:

  • lower compartment - shoes, small accessories (umbrellas, bags) and trousers should be stored here. The height from the floor should be no more than 70-80 cm. It is better to store shoes on special inclined pull-out shelves (height about 30 cm for summer shoes, 40-45 cm for winter shoes);

  • middle compartment - used primarily for storing frequently used items. There are rods, pantographs, and pull-out shelves for storing small toiletries. Depending on the length of the items, the height of the middle zone varies from 140 to 170 cm. Approximately 100 cm is allocated for compartments for storing shirts and jackets. Knitted items are conveniently stored in baskets and boxes installed on shelves;

  • upper compartment - equipped with racks for storing bulky items and seasonal items: blankets, pillows, tote bags, suitcases, as well as sports and household equipment.

Modern storage systems are hard to imagine without innovative components. These include various holders for trousers and skirts, belts, ties, scarves, boxes for various small items, textile holders for bags and much more. The press hanger for trousers is very convenient to use: it is equipped with hangers for a jacket, a hanger for a belt and a tie. All holders are equipped with special soft clips that do not leave marks on clothing.

Self-conversion of the pantry allows you, with minimal investment, to acquire a practical and functional dressing room for storing necessary household items and items. In addition, the personal transformation process will provide the opportunity to implement a personal interpretation to meet individual needs.

A separate room, which in some cases can be made in the form of a niche in the wall in an apartment, is called a dressing room. Layout with dimensions, layout tips and options ready-made plans presented in this material. In this article you will learn the following:

  • what are the purposes of dressing rooms and what design problems do they solve;
  • how to choose the right layout and what types there are;
  • tips for home improvement and options for ready-made layouts.
In a country house

Purpose of a dressing room in an apartment

Very convenient and rational decision is to have a dressing room in the apartment, but for now some people consider this overkill. Many people simply don’t know how much useful space they can save, because in this room you can store all your shoes and clothes, as well as other things. Everything will be in one place, so you can find what you need easily and quickly.

For husband and wife

In each individual case, the layout of storage areas, the presence of several tiers, the layout of the dressing room and its dimensions are determined separately, depending on the size of the space allocated for it and the wishes of the apartment owners. Even in a small room you can find a place for a dressing room; with it you can do away with cabinets, bedside tables, various shelves and get additional free space.

Having a dressing room solves the following problems:

  • frees up free space in the apartment;
  • the ability to store clothes, shoes, hats and other things in one place;
  • you can store household appliances: hair dryer, iron, curling iron and others;
  • V big room You can make a fitting room.

Dressing room - layout with dimensions and optimal layout

Storage area - a set of shelves, hangers and drawers that are located along the wall and various things are stored on them. Depending on the height of the room, it can be one, two, three-tier, etc. layout, that is, shelves and hangers are arranged in one or more floors.

1-tier layout

In this case, there is only one bar on which hangers with clothes are hung. It is located at a height of 1.7-2 m from the floor. But this option is inconvenient, since it does not allow storing a large number of clothes and is used very rarely.

One tier

2-tier layout

Such a dressing room (layout with dimensions below) can be of two types: both tiers are intended for storing clothes, but they must be the same height, with the upper tier at a height of 2.2-2.4 m, and the lower one very close to the ground , and the clothes will reach the floor. This is an inconvenient solution, so it is more rational to make the lower tier at a height of 0.5 m from the floor and store shoes in it, and the second tier at a height of 2 m, and clothes on hangers will be stored on it.

Two tiers

In rich and large apartments, duct ventilation is almost always installed to take air from the street, clean it and supply it to the room; it is located under the ceiling and takes up quite a lot of space. Usually it is installed in a separate room in the center of the apartment, and the rest of the space, the height of which is about 2.1 m, is occupied by a two-tier dressing room.

3-tier layout

This option is considered the most convenient. It consists of three tiers: the bottom one is for storing shoes, the second one is for clothes, and the third one stores hats, scarves, etc. If we talk about sizes, the optimal height for the lower tier is 50 cm. The clothes rail is located at a height of 2 m, and an additional shelf is installed at a height of 2.1 m.

Three tiers

4-tier layout

This option assumes that shoes will be stored on the first tier, then two tiers for clothes and an upper shelf for hats, scarves, etc. are installed. This arrangement is only suitable for short clothes, the top rod is located at a height of 2.2-2.4 m, and the shelf is at a height of 2.3-2.5 m, so it will be inconvenient to use them.

4 tiers

The depth of the shelf for shoes should be 30-45 cm, since it is stored in one row and is located perpendicular to the wall, it is irrational to make it larger; the depth of the middle tier and the top shelf should be 60 cm.

Comparative table of advantages and disadvantages of all types of tiers

Type of tiered wardrobe Advantages Flaws
Single-tier ● simplicity ● irrational use of free space
Bunk ● more rational use of free space;
● you can make two options: top and bottom clothes, top clothes - bottom shoes;
● allows you to install a duct ventilation system
● the first option allows you to store only clothes; using the second tier will be inconvenient
Three-tier ● convenient location;
● saving free space;
● allows you to store shoes, clothes, hats at the same time
● there must be sufficient room height
Quadruple ● the ability to store a large amount of clothing;
● entertainment, usually used in stores.
● the room must have a large height;
● it is inconvenient to remove shoes from under the bottom row of clothes;
● the second tier and shelf are located at a high height, so they are inconvenient to use.

Tips on how to properly arrange a dressing room with your own hands

In order to make the most efficient use of the entire area of ​​the dressing room, the layout with dimensions should take into account what things you are going to have and in what quantities. Only after this can you proceed to planning the size and number of shelves, niches and drawers.

In the apartment

For the convenience of storing things, there are several storage systems:

  • The cellular system looks like a rail that is fixed to the wall; drawers, shelves and other elements are installed on it. This is very convenient, since elements can be swapped and supplemented. If the need arises, such a system can be expanded or dismantled;
  • if you want to create a unique dressing room design, then install mesh systems trimmed with wood. They are just as functional, but look more beautiful;
  • more budget option is a mesh structure finished with chipboard. Boxes and shelves made of chipboard are practical, convenient and inexpensive.

As a rule, rods, shelves, drawers, baskets and other elements are installed that allow you to store both things and shoes. It is also very popular to have drawers.

Important: A retractable bar (pantograph) allows you to lower and raise things; you can hide up everything that is used only in a certain season. This is very convenient, but the cost of such a device is high.

In addition to functionality, it is worth paying attention to appearance elements used. Beautiful and practical baskets, shelves trimmed with fabric, wood - such elements can be either stationary or sliding.

In red

When creating shelving, provide for the possibility of moving it so that you can change the height of the shelves. There are special shelves for storing shoes, which are called “shoe racks”. For belts, ties and trousers, you need to install special hangers.

If you have a large dressing room, you can store not only shoes and clothes in it, but also other items, for example, household appliances, for which a separate place is provided.

Video - storage systems in the dressing room

Wardrobe layouts and their optimal sizes

The first step is to draw up a layout with dimensions. Dressing rooms can be one-sided, in which case the storage area is on one side of the passage, L-shaped, two-sided, three-sided and four-sided.

Advice: Don't forget that the purpose of creating a dressing room is to save as much free space as possible in the room and at the same time make it convenient to store things.

View from above

The following types of layouts are distinguished:

  • one-sided;
  • L-shaped;
  • with two sides;
  • tripartite;
  • 4-sided.


The length of this room can be any, it all depends on the size of the room. The optimal width is 1.35 m, with 10 cm needed for edging the doorway; if a 60 cm door is used, then it needs 70 cm width. There remains 55 cm, but when installing the door they will increase by 5 cm and you will get 60 cm for a niche, shelves for shoes and hats.

If there is little free space and there is no wall next to the door, then the flanging can be reduced, and when the trim inside is cut, it can be completely removed. In this case, the door is located close to the wall, but the width of the dressing room is reduced to 1.25 cm.

One side

Often people choose the specified layout and simply shorten the room by 1.4 meters and install a wall, but this is irrational. In this case, you can simply install a cabinet, and you will not need to take away 70 cm of width in order to organize an approach to it. This option can be chosen in the case where another cabinet can be placed on the side of the room, but it can be implemented if the length of the room is at least 5 m, and this is very rare.

This option is usually used in apartments with an open plan, as it allows you to adjust their shape.

Important: The maximum width of a one-sided wardrobe layout option is 1.45 m; if it is 1.5 m, then it is already possible to make shelves 0.3 m deep on the other side of the aisle.


This option is used if there are problem areas in the room, when it is impossible to make shelving along parallel walls. In this case, the racks are made so that they back wall was turned towards the living area, which avoids creating a partition. Then the entrance is left open or hidden behind a curtain or mobile screen.


If you have a blank wall, it is better to make “loft” shelving rather than classic shelving. Such a dressing room is usually made in a separate room and combines storage space and, for example, an office or another room; in this case, the shelves are made from floor to ceiling and they are closed.


If you have the opportunity to allocate 1.75 m of room width, then in this case you can make a double-sided dressing room. The minimum width of the passage is 0.55 m; for two storage areas you will need 0.6 m each, that is, 1.2 m. If with a one-sided layout the door usually opens inward, here, for ease of use, it opens outward. If it is not possible to make a door that opens outward, then make it open inward, since safety is more important than comfort.

On both sides


In this case, the minimum width of this room is 2 m. Its layout requires obligatory overlapping of the racks, otherwise you will have unused corners and the space is used irrationally. In order for you to be able to reach things in the corners, you will have to move the clothes on the hangers. The length of such a dressing room must be at least 0.8 m.

Three walls

Important: If you have mostly right-handed people living in your house, then the overlap is done counterclockwise, first the right side is made, it overlaps the middle, and only then the left.


The minimum width here should be 2.6 m if the auxiliary area is located to the left of the door, and 2.8 m if it is located to the right. If the width of the dressing room is large, as in the layout with the dimensions below, then you can make a three- or four-row layout when the racks are installed in parallel.

Four sides

Important: The correct choice of dressing room layout will allow you to rationally use the space allocated for its creation.

Comparative table of advantages and disadvantages of different wardrobe layouts

Layout option Advantages Flaws
One-sided ● takes up little space;
● ease of creation;
● the ability to rationally use space in open-plan rooms
● things are only on one side, so you won’t be able to place a lot of them
L-shaped ● can be installed in rooms with problem areas ● little space;
● if there is an open entrance, it does not look very aesthetically pleasing
Double sided ● convenient layout;
● ability to store a lot of things
● if it is not possible to make a door that opens outward, then when opened inward, it will block free access to things
Tripartite ● the ability to rationally use the allocated space;
● you can store a lot of things
● the presence of overlapping racks creates inconvenience when getting clothes located in the corners
Quadruple ● the ability to rationally use all the space in the room;
● you can store a lot of things
● the need for large free space

Video – dressing room or wardrobe?

Ventilation in a dressing room without a window

To properly store things in the dressing room, it is necessary to provide ventilation. It ensures the supply of air from outside and organizes its removal through exhaust ducts.

With ventilation

Usually there are no windows in this room, so it is necessary to make an exhaust duct. Air enters the dressing room indirectly, that is, from adjacent rooms. So that he can get inside this room, there are gaps in the doors. In the absence of an exhaust duct, the dressing room will not only have an unpleasant odor, but also increased moisture, which will create the preconditions for the development of fungus and mold.

There are several options for organizing ventilation in a dressing room without a window:

  • when creating a room, you need to make an exhaust duct, then air comes inside from neighboring rooms through the gaps between the doors;
  • if one of the walls borders the street, fresh air can be obtained through wall valves, with the help of which the air flow is regulated;
  • Wall valves are used to receive air, and a transfer valve is used to remove it; it is installed at the top of the wall, opposite the supply valve.

Advice: For organization forced ventilation, in the dressing room they make a separate exhaust duct in which an exhaust fan can be installed.

What can a large and expensive dressing room look like?

To store beautiful and luxury items, there must be a large and expensive dressing room. The layout and dimensions should imply greater functionality and practicality of the room.

All elements of this room must be combined in style, material, color and texture. Typically, luxury furniture is made from natural materials, it can be wood, but it can often be replaced with high-quality MDF boards.

In the house

All hinged drawers and doors must have closers, which makes them easier to use. In addition, an elite dressing room must have a mirror. It has sockets for turning on a hair dryer, curling iron or other household appliances. Availability good lighting is a prerequisite, because it is not only a place to store things, but also a fitting room and a place where they change clothes. Not only room lighting is organized, but also separate lighting of shelves and drawers, using built-in lamps.

Options for ready-made layouts for a dressing room

When choosing the layout of a dressing room, after you have decided on its dimensions, you need to decide what their placement will be and think through all the details in detail. Even in a small room, the size of which is no more than two square meters, you can equip a spacious and comfortable dressing room.

Important: In order for you to use the dressing room conveniently and comfortably, it must have high-quality lighting not only on the ceiling or walls, but also in niches and drawers.

Regardless of the size of this room, ventilation must be provided in it, otherwise there will be an unpleasant odor and humidity may increase.

Dressing room - layout with dimensions 2x2

Even in the layout of a small dressing room with dimensions of 2x2, each family member should be allocated a separate place to store things to avoid confusion. Things that are rarely used are placed in the far corners; buy covers for storing suits and dresses. Even if there is a window and natural light, you still need to provide artificial light, since you will use this room not only during the day. It is better to install not a switch, but a motion sensor, then in the dark you will not have to look for where the light turns on.

area 2 sq m

Even in such a small space you can fit all the clothes you have at home. One of the layout options is to install a closet with shelves in the center, and rods for hanging clothes with clothes on both sides.

If the room is small, then you can place shelves under the ceiling on which various things will lie. For greater practicality of such a dressing room, it is recommended to place many small shelves on one side, and a cabinet with drawers on the opposite wall.

Layout of a dressing room 3 sq m

This is the most common size of wardrobe rooms that can be installed in most of our apartments. In this case, shelves are used to store things. different sizes, drawers, hangers, rods, which can be either stationary or retractable. Convenient when there are niches for small clothes.

For three squares

If the room is 3 m2 in size, then it is recommended to use a hanger rod built into the shelf. This will save space, since you will place clothes on the shelf and store things on hangers on the bar. You can also equip the closet with drawers and regular shelves. A niche for hangers with clothes is made on the side.

Layout of a dressing room 4 sq m

With a room size of 4 m2, in addition to the fact that things will be stored in it, there is already enough free space to organize a place for changing clothes in the center. In addition, in such a dressing room you can separately place a cabinet for storing shoes.

Four square

Although a room measuring 4 m2 is not very large, you can store a lot of different clothes, shoes and other things in it. When choosing the layout of such a dressing room, you need to immediately decide what kind of things you will save in it and, depending on this, make more shelves for small clothes or more hangers for suit dresses.

A dressing room in an apartment is a great convenience, but, unfortunately, desires do not always coincide with our capabilities. In some apartments, a dressing room is provided for by the design; in others, it will have to be allocated usable area and think about how to decorate the dressing room so that it is as comfortable and presentable as possible.

Optimal dressing room sizes

So, let's decide where the dressing room will be in your apartment and how to correctly determine its size. What are the criteria for doing this? As you know, a dressing room is intended not only for storing things, but also so that these things can be put on at any time. This means that, firstly, a large amount of clothing should hang on hangers, and secondly, a significant part of it should be in plain sight.

The classic dressing room stores:

  • casual wear,
  • seasonal clothes,
  • underwear,
  • socks,
  • shoes,
  • bags,
  • handkerchiefs,
  • accessories and decorations.

In general, all things used for daily wear. In addition, large household supplies and household appliances, such as a vacuum cleaner, ironing board, etc., often find their place in the dressing room, which is located in the apartment.

The area of ​​the dressing room should ideally be 10–12 m2 for each person living in the apartment, and a feature of its arrangement should be a large number of open shelves. Agree, not everyone can afford such dressing rooms. Not only is this the area of ​​a standard living room, but they also require frequent cleaning, which takes a lot of time. Owners with good incomes usually entrust this work to a housekeeper.

It is clear that in an ordinary apartment the dressing room will be much smaller. But, nevertheless, let's decide on the sizes. It would be good to allocate at least 3–5 m2 for the dressing room and leave a small space free so that you can change clothes comfortably. It is advisable to make a fairly spacious entrance to the dressing room. Its width should be at least 1 m. It is best to choose compartment doors to save space in both the dressing room and the adjacent room.

It is important to make the main elements of the dressing room so that those who will use it feel comfortable:

  • the shoe shelf should be on average 40 cm deep and 50 cm from the floor level;
  • the clothes rail is installed on average at a height of 170–190 cm;
  • the additional shelf is located at a height of +10 cm from the height of the rod.

The height of the bar and the top shelf may vary depending on the height of the person.

For ease of use of the shoe rack, it is necessary to place shoes in one row perpendicular to the wall.

It is advisable that there is ventilation in the dressing room.

Knowledgeable people advise choosing built-in furniture for your dressing room rather than free-standing cabinets. The advantage of such furniture is that dust does not accumulate in the cracks between cabinets, and the structure itself can be securely fastened to the wall.

Video: about dressing rooms and pantries

Ways to organize space in a dressing room

The placement of cabinets in the dressing room can be one-sided, two-sided or three-sided.

A one-sided layout is preferable in very small walk-in closets, where the closet is located along the longest wall.

The arrangement on two sides is convenient for a corner dressing room or a medium-sized dressing room.

And finally, owners of large dressing rooms can afford wardrobes along three walls. Of course, this option will allow you to accommodate a much larger number of things, but it is not suitable for everyone.

In ordinary apartments there are no spacious dressing rooms and most often there is nowhere to organize them, which means you will have to find places to store things and organize single-tier, two-tier or more storage, depending on the height of the ceilings.

A single-tier dressing room is an ordinary hanger bar, at a height of approximately 1.5–1.7 meters from the floor. In essence, this is a slightly more spacious wardrobe. But such arrangement of a dressing room is unprofitable.

The two-tier layout is much more convenient. It comes in two versions. The first option is when two tiers are occupied by clothes. The first tier is for long clothes, the second for short ones. The second option is much more interesting and practical. Shoes are stored on the lower tier, and clothes on the upper tier. The upper rod is at a height of 2 m, which is very convenient to use, the lower rod is 1 m.

One of the most convenient layouts is considered to be a three-tier layout. Bottom tier for shoes, middle for clothes, extra space on top.

Video: corner small dressing room/pantry

Storage devices in the dressing room

The dressing room has several storage areas.

Items that are rarely used are placed in drawers installed in cellular shelves.

To store linen, it is convenient to use drawers with internal divisions.

It is convenient to store things in mesh pull-out baskets. To find out what lies there, you don’t need to look into each one.

Special shelves for storing shoes, so-called shoe racks, are also used. With this placement of shoes, the dressing room looks neater, however, twice as many shoes will fit on ordinary shelves.

Trousers are used to place trousers. They also look presentable, however, they do not save space.

To optimize space, you can use vacuum bags to store various things. Any item folded into such a bag, with the help of pumping air out of it, is reduced in size and folded in the lower part of the dressing room.

Dressing room from the pantry

Sometimes, of all the options, organizing a dressing room in a closet is the most preferable. In this case, the old pantry must be cleared of everything, we throw out the trash, and leave only the walls. We do the repairs ourselves, then order shelves to fit the dimensions up to the ceiling, hang a mirror and tidy up the floor. The most important thing is ventilation! There are many options for arrangement. Even such a small dressing room can be decorated comfortably.

Video: design and assembly of a mini dressing room

Arrangement of a dressing room in the bedroom

Dressing room in the bedroom – perfect option. But according to all classical laws, it must be separated by a wall or partition that reduces square meters. If you don’t refer to building codes, then you don’t have to build a wall. Simply order floor-to-ceiling modular designs. Baskets, drawers and other accessories that come with wardrobes can be kept open. The bedroom is a closed place where unauthorized persons are prohibited from entering, so you can always hide literally everything here.

You can place a dressing room in a niche, if there is one, or along the wall, separating this part with a sliding door; you can also divide the bedroom beautiful curtain. The design of the dressing room can be varied, it all depends on the size of your bedroom:

  • The corner dressing room looks original, the entrances to which are located on both sides.
  • If it is small, then install a mini-wardrobe where the most necessary things will be located and nothing superfluous!
  • The doors of the dressing room can be made mirror smooth, with a sandblasted pattern, or stained glass. Design is, of course, important here. It should be in harmony with the bedroom design.
  • In a spacious dressing room, place a mirror in full height, it wouldn’t hurt to have a dressing table where you can put yourself in order in the morning, getting ready for work, while, for example, your spouse is sleeping.

Choose bright lighting. With the advent of new technologies in our lives, the choice of all kinds of lamps is simply huge.

Video: features of organizing a dressing room in the bedroom

Decorating a dressing room on the loggia

The loggia serves as additional space in the apartment, so arranging a dressing room on it is a great idea! Should be carried out preparatory work before installing a dressing room:

  • it is necessary to insulate the loggia;
  • level the floor;
  • make electrical wiring.

When this work is completed, you should begin purchasing or making your own narrow wardrobe. At self-production cabinet spare parts and components can be purchased in specialized stores. You can install a mirror on the cabinet door. Under the window, place a cabinet with retractable drawers, shelves or baskets, and also place a special trouser rack.

The loggias in new houses are large; you can fit a lot here. If you don’t want to use special equipment for your dressing room, you can get by with little: metal hangers, horizontal bars, shelves for shoes, a rug, a mirror - that’s all you need.

You must independently choose the option that is acceptable to you. Lighting on the loggia can be done using halogen bulbs, LED and decorative fiber optic lamps - there are many options, it all depends on the design. Vases, flowers, paintings, glass tinting, you can even connect the loggia with the living room and install beautiful arch with flowers and shelves.

This is how you can decorate a dressing room in an apartment. We hope that from the proposed options, you will choose something suitable. See a selection of photographs that can serve as a source of new ideas.

Photos of dressing rooms

Having a separate room for clothes and things is an affordable pleasure that definitely improves the quality of life. Despite its utilitarian nature, the design of a dressing room can provide not only functionality, but also external aesthetics. Although getting the maximum benefit from such a solution, especially when the area is small, is a top priority. It is necessary to take into account the specifics of finishing and internal content at the planning stage. How to create a beautiful dressing room - inspiring photos will tell you, and the latest modern solutions and modifications to storage systems will help make full use of the allocated space. Regardless of the volume of things and features, universal tips and interior innovations will eliminate mistakes.

Design starts with...

An undoubted advantage of filling the dressing room and the storage systems offered by manufacturers is that it is easy to remodel, adapting it over time to additional needs. But changing the input will be more problematic, and therefore it is worth making a choice doorway, taking into account the features of its location. In addition to the classic ones, what non-standard techniques are offered:

  • sliding structures;
  • corner entrance;
  • accordion door.

The door will occupy an important place in the interior perception of the dressing room, standing out on both sides of the room. When the content is standard, the canvas is able to express the necessary idea, transforming the area in the desired stylistic direction.

A trendy mixture of textures can be realized using an unusual design door leaf and accessories:

  • Adding leather inserts to the monolithic array.
  • Weaving like decorative option, complemented by dressing room filling, for example, storage baskets.
  • Modifications with enamel and glass inserts, decorated with crystals - a feminine version.

Small dressing room

The small size of the room is not a death sentence; on the contrary, architectural features are often played up with a non-standard approach, using:

  • niche, storage room;
  • corner of the room;
  • insulated loggia;
  • attic, attic.

Equipping a small dressing room is given no less importance. Which design solutions tested in practice, can cope with cramped or non-standard configuration of the allocated space:

  • Pull-out ironing board.
  • Attaching short rods under clothing perpendicular to the wall.
  • Open shelves without bulky drawers and hinged doors.
  • Spiral hanger - for a significant amount of clothing on hangers.
  • Rails and hooks for accessories - everywhere where a shelving unit won’t fit, even on the door.
  • Opening fake mirror - the reverse side is used for jewelry and other small items.

For a small room, you may have to sacrifice a full dressing and fitting area with a large mirror, pouf, and separate dressing table. But even small ones mirror surfaces will correct the situation, changing the space for the better.

Filling: choice of preferences

Any complex task you will find your own solution, especially if you make furniture to order, which will allow you to take into account any nuances without complex selections. Although the products of the giants of the furniture industry offer good options. The U-shaped layout is considered the most ergonomic when space allows. It will easily accommodate shoe cabinets that take up a lot of space.

The internal content is selected taking into account the needs, but standard sizes The height of the shelves for clothes hanging on hangers is considered to be:

  • top, dresses: 1.5-1.3 m;
  • short: 1.1 – 0.8 m.

The depth is usually 0.5-0.55 m. Open shelves with baskets and boxes for storing small items are ideal for any size. Filled cell sections with a specific type of clothing for each pair of shoes will require pedantry, but this will pay off in a quick time spent finding the right item. It is worth considering in advance the location of electrical outlets and a USB output if necessary.

The upper part, depending on height, and the base are equipped behind closed facades, for rarely used things: seasonal shoes, bed linen.

New Look: Luxury Elements

It is possible to transform a dressing room not just into a functional place for storing things, but to add sophistication and status to the entire room as a whole, with a more impressive footage. There is an opportunity not only to do it laconically, but also to add interior chic, turning the dressing room into a stylish space.

Some design solutions like those in the photo will require space:

  • Display cabinets behind glass.
  • A central island chest of drawers is a great way to organize the storage of jewelry and accessories.
  • Pouf or small sofa with expressive upholstery.
  • A full-length mirror in a beautiful baguette is a very feminine option.
  • Art objects, natural greenery.

All this will add splendor to the room. But in addition to additional decoration, ways to store clothes can emphasize aesthetics and a fashionable, technological approach, especially if there is a lot of it. They are not always budget-friendly, for example, elevators. Such mechanisms have proven themselves, especially with high ceilings, in contrast to a conventional stepladder.

What other opportunities does an unlimited budget and space open up:

  • specialized boxes for ties and small items;
  • organizers in drawers;
  • transparent shelf fronts;
  • retractable modules for vacuum cleaner and steamer;
  • models of shoe racks with an inclination.

Relevant. Completely closed cabinet models in the dressing room may require additional time to find the necessary item.

Color palette

The most common option remains White color, and not only for a small area, because this is the most neutral background for clothes and jewelry. A combined option of white shelving and a wooden base background, or vice versa, cabinets and shelves made of wood on a neutral background are alternative solutions. Will add some color to modern look, adding coziness to the design.

But if you want a non-standard solution, a creative approach can transform your wardrobe:

  • Colorful bright background that will be visible through open shelves(fashionable turquoise, purple) - will make the room memorable, and your favorite color - inspiring.
  • Part of the wall surface is covered with wallpaper with the same pattern and shades that are the main line in the design of the entire apartment or house, for example, a certain floral print.
  • Grey, steel, contrasting black, natural dark wood - a brutal masculine version that will benefit from extreme systematization of things.

Subtleties of finishing

General trends in the selection of environmentally friendly materials are spreading across modern design projects and on the interior of dressing rooms. On the other hand, materials of artificial origin often benefit from the point of view of wear resistance and budget savings. But this part of the house is an object active use, and microclimate is a necessary parameter. Considering the design of a dressing room from the point of view of a natural finish is a good investment that will definitely pay off in the necessary atmosphere.

Experts advise choosing a design that can combine practicality and decent aesthetic qualities. Again, it is necessary to provide for individual moments - marks from heels on floor covering are unlikely to decorate any design, so among the most likely materials it is worth choosing sometimes non-standard solutions, such as cork flooring.

Relevant. Good system ventilation is a prerequisite for a dressing room without a window.

Stylistics: secrets of transformation

If you want to create an expressive room from a storage space that supports general design housing, then owners of small square footage should focus on filling. Shelving systems also set a certain interior tone.

For classics - full-fledged facades, cabinets, and not frame structures. Color schemes such as brushed champagne are timeless sophistication.
Wood with minimal processing will emphasize eco-style.
Calm Provence, light country - easily adaptable with the help of wicker baskets, fabric elements - curtains.
For the laconic modern styles– glossy MDF.
More urban, innovative design options suggest the dominance of metal and glass.

Lighting: important and fashionable

If your choice is to look perfect, then a dressing room without natural light It is definitely worth equipping one that will meet any needs. Thus, the location of the dressing table for applying makeup is the auxiliary light on the sides of the mirror. See all color palette your own wardrobe in an undistorted form is the main task of lighting. This will help:

  • LED strips;
  • lighting of shelves, floor;
  • track lamps and sconces.

The window, as a rule, is decorated minimalistically, for example, with neutral roller blinds. If complete privacy is required and location window opening this does not provide - day-night varieties or classic tulle will do.

Alternative Approach

Combining a dressing room with a living room is quite feasible solution, and the photos confirm this. The interior should be adjusted to personal needs, and therefore creating a so-called open dressing room ceases to seem like a bold step. Most often they are combined with a bedroom, a study, or turned into a full-fledged recreation room.

A mobile partition is relevant when there is a shortage of free space in open-type apartments. You can place a modification of a linear type behind the head of the bed by building a stationary partition, for example from plasterboard (leaving it not occupied by shelving from the inside).