Over time, individual parts of the home's heating system wear out, and it is necessary to carry out repairs or change the design to a new one. Today there are many materials from which pipes for heating systems are made. And one of the most popular is polypropylene for space heating. The main advantages of polypropylene pipes, what you should pay attention to when choosing which manufacturers to give preference to - this article will tell you about all of this.

Polypropylene pipes are used quite widely. And this is due to the presence of a number of significant advantages of this type of structure. Among the main positive aspects a high thermal conductivity coefficient can be distinguished. This allows heat loss to be kept to a minimum. Such products have welded connections. And this is much more reliable and durable when compared with collet connections. And it allows you to significantly extend the service life of the product. It should also be noted that the price of PP heating pipes is low. Almost anyone can install a polypropylene pipeline.

Polypropylene structures can be conventional or reinforced. Ordinary susceptible negative impact high temperatures: when heated, the size of the product may change. Therefore, equipping heating with natural circulation It is better to choose a reinforced version from polypropylene.

How to choose polypropylene pipes for a heating system?

Many, planning to replace the heating structure, wonder what types of polypropylene pipes for heating there are, how to choose the best? To get an answer to this question, we need to consider the main characteristics of polypropylene and the factors that need to be taken into account when choosing.

As mentioned above, polypropylene has such a feature as a change in physical properties under the influence of high temperatures. For example, at a temperature of +140 degrees, the material begins to soften. And at +170 degrees, pp pipes for heating begin to melt.

The maximum permissible temperature for operating polypropylene products is +120 degrees.

Of course, some manufacturers, for reinsurance, indicate a lower temperature indicator in the product data sheet - about +95 degrees. It should be noted that the polypropylene heating pipe is different high coefficient thermal expansion. For example, if the product is 3 meters long, then at a temperature from +20 to +90 degrees the pipe will lengthen by several centimeters.

The main factors for choosing polypropylene pipes include:

  1. Operating pressure. This parameter is indicated in the product labeling after the letters PN. For example, PN25 means that the PPR pipe for heating is designed for a working pressure of 25 atmospheres.
  2. Temperature. It is also indicated on the product labeling. For example, 90C. It may also indicate that the pipes are for hot water.

  3. Reinforcement. Is highly desirable. Because it means that the pipes are more tensile strength and have a lower coefficient of thermal expansion compared to conventional polypropylene products. This raises the question of which polypropylene pipes are better for heating: those reinforced with fiberglass or aluminum. But, as a rule, the choice has more to do with personal preferences. If the manufacturer is well-known and has a good reputation, then no matter how the product was reinforced, it will be of the same quality.

  4. Diameter. This indicator should not be less than the internal cross-section of the risers. If you are replacing heating pipes in an apartment with polypropylene ones, you must remember that the wall thickness of a polypropylene product is greater than that of a steel pipeline. For old buildings, pipes with an outer diameter of 2.6 cm are preferable. In the private sector with a single-pipe or two-pipe wiring diagram, pipes with a diameter of 3.2 to 4 cm are suitable. You can read about a two-pipe heating system. Batteries with a pipe diameter of 2 or 2.6 cm can be inserted into the wiring.
  5. Price. The price per meter for polypropylene heating pipes is indicated; this must be taken into account when choosing. It is very important to correctly calculate the required length of the product. Of course, you shouldn’t rely only on price when choosing. Models that are too cheap from little-known companies may be of low quality and are unlikely to last long or cause serious problems during operation. Many people wonder how to choose polypropylene pipes for heating; the price fluctuates in a wide range? It is better to choose products that have an optimal price-quality ratio.
  6. Manufacturer. It is better to give preference to well-known companies that have been operating on the market for a long time and have positive reviews from customers. Naturally, German companies are the leaders in the production of high-quality polypropylene pipes for heating. For example, companies Wefatherm, Banninger, Rehau and Akwatherm. Pipes from the Czech Republic are also of excellent quality. For example, the companies FV-Plast and Ekoplastik. But the products of these brands are highly expensive.

Turkish manufacturers produce PP pipes for heating, the price of which is more affordable for Russian consumers. The quality of the products is at a sufficient level high level. Here you can name the companies Kalde, Pilsa, TEBO, Jakko, Firat, Vesbo. Kalde products are in greatest demand. Therefore, it is worth considering the pipes of this manufacturer in more detail.

Kalde products

The Calde company produces pipes and heating components made of polypropylene, which are easy and quick to install. Thanks to this, each user can carry out the installation on their own, even without the knowledge of performing construction work.

Among the main advantages of the polypropylene composition of the Calde company are:

All this allows you to operate Kalde heating pipes at any temperature conditions and temperature changes. Such pipes are suitable not only for heating structures, but also for sewer and street systems. If liquid freezes in the pipes, polypropylene pipes will not rupture. They will just increase in size a little. Due to this property, there is no need to use antifreeze or propylene glycol for heating systems.

After defrosting, pp products restore their original appearance and become ready for use. Also, modern models of Calde pipes are characterized by low heat loss. If we compare with classical metal structures, polypropylene products have much lower thermal conductivity - about 25%. Therefore, the pipes retain heat longer. You can buy such propylene pipes for heating on the manufacturer’s official website or in a specialized store.

Installation features

There are a number of requirements in accordance with which heating must be created. They are spelled out in a special document - SNIP. Following the rules of snip, internal heating networks will be equipped correctly.

Before equipping a heat supply system, it is important to familiarize yourself with the SNIP document.

Since polypropylene pipes have good performance parameters and affordable cost, many people prefer to install just such structures. It should be noted that installation is very simple. Even a person who has not previously carried out work on replacing heating pipes can learn how to solder such pipes.

Before soldering polypropylene pipes for heating, you need to purchase necessary equipmentwelding machine or a soldering iron and attachments of the required diameter. You will also need a grinder or special scissors for cutting pipes, a marking tool, a pencil or marker. If fastening to the wall will be done with clips, you will need a drill or hammer drill. The quality of the result depends on how accurately the technology for welding polypropylene heating pipes is followed.

The installation algorithm consists of a number of actions:

Thus, PP pipes for heating are a worthy alternative to other types of pipes. There are a number of factors to consider when choosing pipes. Due to the fact that polypropylene products are characterized by high performance characteristics, today most residents of city apartments and the private sector prefer to install them.

A variety of materials are used for laying communication systems necessary for heating air in residential and business premises. It is worth carefully considering one of the most popular options - polypropylene pipes for heating.

They are in some ways inferior to steel and metal-plastic products, but in a number of indicators they surpass their characteristics. In this article we will take a detailed look at the existing types of polypropylene pipes, features of their marking, advantages and disadvantages of use.

We will also pay attention to the installation of a polypropylene pipeline and focus on the secrets of welding pipes made of this material. In addition, consider the best manufacturers supplying the market with quality products at reasonable prices.

Polypropylene (PP) is a polymer that is part of the group of thermoplastics, that is, substances whose properties change depending on temperature. environment.

At 140 °C, products made from this type of plastic soften, and at 170 °C they melt. The maximum temperature for their use is 120 °C.

However, to be on the safe side, manufacturers usually indicate permissible temperature 90-95°C, since the combination of elevated temperature (115-120°C) with high pressure 6-7 kgf/m2 can be dangerous

When using PP products, it is important to consider that this type plastic has pronounced thermal expansion. At high temperatures, polymer parts can expand significantly, for example, the length of a three-meter pipe increases by 3 cm.

Advantages of polypropylene pipes

Products made from this type of polymer have many advantages:

  • have a complete structure without a longitudinal seam;
  • plastic parts do not corrode;
  • are light in weight, facilitating transportation and storage;
  • can be used even at high pressure;
  • easy to install, which allows you to assemble the structures yourself, without the involvement of professionals;
  • polypropylene products can be used for a long time (50 years or more);
  • the cost of such elements is lower than their analogues (steel, metal-plastic);
  • have low thermal conductivity, which reduces heat loss to a minimum;
  • do not freeze at sub-zero temperatures;
  • they create virtually no hydraulic resistance, which allows the water flow to move without noise and vibration;
  • polypropylene products are considered environmentally friendly, they do not emit harmful substances, and the water does not acquire foreign odors;
  • such elements are hygienic: polymers do not contribute to the development of single-celled plants and microbes;
  • products made from polypropylene have an aesthetic appearance, they do not require painting or other finishing.

However, to take advantage of all these benefits, you must have the right or.

GOST for plastic pipes

Although there is no separate standard for polypropylene pipes, their quality and characteristics are noted in a single GOST R52134-2003. It lists the standards relating to installation elements (pipes and fittings) made of thermoplastic materials that are used for heating communications and hot water supply.

These standards apply to products made from the following types of polymers:

  • polybutene ( PB, PB);
  • polyethylene ( P.E.,PE);
  • chlorinated ( PVC-C, CPVC) and unplasticized ( PVC-U,uPVC) polyvinyl chloride ( PVC);
  • cross-linked polyethylene ( PE-X,PE-S);
  • polypropylene, polymers of the same group (block copolymer, homopolymer, random polymer).

The document also regulates the dimensional characteristics of pipes, conditions of use and various technical qualities, such as safety factor, maximum temperature/pressure indicators (they determine the category to which a particular product belongs).

GOST R 52134-2003, the development of which took into account international standards and requirements for thermoplastic pipes, can be used to assess the quality of polymer elements.

The standards are also useful for calculating the wall thickness of products: knowing the required operating conditions and the service life of the pipe, you can find out which parts are suitable in a particular case

It should be noted that GOST R 52134-2003 in no way contradicts GOST 18599(PE product standard) and GOST 51613(standards for PVC), but complements them.

PP pipes are used for various construction works:

  • when installing centralized heating;
  • organization of boiler installations;
  • cold/hot water supply installations;
  • installation of risers;
  • installation of "warm floor".

In addition, such elements can be used in agriculture for structures drainage systems and drainage of soil water, as well as in industry for transportation chemical substances, including aggressive environments.

Types of propylene pipes

Since products made from this type of plastic are produced in a wide range, there are several types of classifications.

Various colors

The range of polypropylene pipes includes products of different colors. The most common mounting elements are white, green, gray and black.

As a rule, the shade of products is chosen arbitrarily and depends on the design of the pipes and manufacturers (some enterprises traditionally produce pipes of the same color, for example, green).

When choosing polypropylene pipes, you should also pay attention to the color of the products. This criterion is especially important if you are planning a device open system in living rooms or service areas (bathroom, kitchen)

The only exception is plastic products of a radical black hue. As a rule, this color is an indicator of the maximum level of ultraviolet protection.

Constructions of various types

Based on their internal structure, all polypropylene pipes can be distinguished into two fundamental categories:

  • single-layer, consisting of one layer of plastic;
  • multilayer (reinforced) from several shells, which consist not only of plastic, but also of materials that strengthen the structure, creating a durable frame.

Reinforced structures are preferable to single-layer ones, since in this case the thermal elongation of the pipe is significantly reduced.

Types of multilayer pipes

There are several options for multilayer pipes. The most commonly used reinforcement materials are aluminum and fiberglass.

And also follow a few simple rules:

  • All work must be carried out at positive temperatures (>5°).
  • Polypropylene elements should be protected from contact with open fire.
  • Threading on PP parts is prohibited.
  • Before starting work, it is necessary to carefully inspect the product to prevent contamination and damage.

Since polypropylene has linear expansion, when installing parts it is necessary to provide for the use of expansion joints, which are made of the same material as the pipes. Such elements are installed in places hidden from view, which are best selected in advance.

Particular attention should be paid to connecting pipes to a tee. Since there are no metals in plastic structures, there is no need to worry about the precipitation of hard salts, making the fasteners almost monolithic

If, when laying a large section of communications, installing a compensator is difficult due to lack of space, it is advisable to provide in the diagram a gap of 5-10 mm, provided for linear expansion.

It should be noted that the expansion coefficient is lower for aluminum-reinforced pipes than for their fiberglass counterparts, but the latter never breaks.

Welding of heating pipes

To weld elements, you must use a special soldering iron, the regulator of which is set to 270 °C.

Features of choosing soldering temperature

When soldering, it is important to take into account the ambient temperature: if the process takes place outside or in a cold room, the nozzle will cool down quickly.

Step-by-step instructions for welding pipes

To solder two sections of pipe made of polypropylene, it is necessary to perform a number of operations.

To cut polypropylene pipes, you can use special scissors, as well as a hacksaw or electric jigsaw(in the latter case it is important to remove the chips)

First of all, you need to measure bottom part pipes, and then cut it off with a special tool -. If a part reinforced with aluminum is used for installation, it is necessary to first remove the top and middle layers. Burrs are also removed from the cleaned and cut end of the element.

Using a marker on the pipe, the depth of the planned insertion of the fitting is marked. To prevent narrowing of the passage, it is necessary to provide a small (1 mm) interval between the protrusion and the end of the fitting. The connection point is marked with a marker on the surface of the pipe and the fastening component.

The elements are simultaneously placed on two nozzles of the welding machine and heated up for 5 seconds (the period can be increased when using large parts). After they are sufficiently heated, the workpieces must be removed from the nozzles and connected according to the applied marks, pushing them towards each other and pressing evenly (but not screwing them in, as this may damage the layer).

It is important to control the fasteners from all sides to prevent distortions in the radial/axial directions. The coupling should smoothly reach the side, as a result of which an annular bulge, the so-called flange, will appear on the pipe.

The seam cools down for 10-30 seconds, during which it is necessary to check the uniformity of the flanging and, if necessary, make a small correction of the connection.

After this, you can proceed to another stage of work, the plan of which is best developed in advance.

The use of PP pipes that are unsuitable for the heating system or the wrong choice of diameter can lead to fatal consequences - rupture of the product

When carrying out welding work with plastic pipes, it is important to prevent overheating of the workpieces, which can be easily determined by the darkening of the material. At excessively high temperatures, polypropylene can melt and clog the pipe, blocking the inside.

To avoid mistakes when soldering and disastrous consequences as a result, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with.

Manufacturers of polypropylene pipes

Polypropylene mounting elements are produced by various domestic and foreign companies.

The products of German companies are especially famous: Akwatherm, Rehau, Banninger, Wefatherm, which is distinguished by the highest quality and excellent design. There is only one drawback - the price is too high.

Czech brands are no less popular FV-Plast, "Ecoplastic". Users on the forums are distinguished by the special elasticity of such products, which makes it easier to process (for example, trim) pipes of these brands, and in some cases even allows you to adjust the size of the cut section, stretching it by a couple of centimeters.

On Russian market Turkish manufacturers are also widely represented Vesbo, TEBO, Jakko, Firat, Pilsa, Kalde.

The cost of Turkish pipes is significantly lower than that of analogues made by European manufacturers, while the quality is quite high

Among the numerous Chinese products, it is worth paying attention to mounting elements Dizayn, Blue Ocean. They have excellent performance characteristics and a budget price.

You should not ignore the products of Russian companies. Company products "Polytek", Heisskraft, RVC, PRO AQUA, Santrade We are pleased with both quality and price.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

The presented video will tell and show you how to navigate a wide range of plastic products, intended for heating communications.

When choosing products made of polypropylene, you need to get acquainted with their characteristics in order to accurately determine how well a pipe of one type or another suits the purpose you need.

As a rule, product descriptions contain specifications products, and their intended purpose is also indicated, which allows you to make an error-free choice.

Or maybe you have theoretical knowledge on the topic of the article and want to supplement the material we have presented? Leave your comments, add recommendations - they will be useful for beginners.

Increasingly popular for heating systems construction market acquire modern polymer analogues metal pipes. We will discuss in detail below how to choose polypropylene pipes for heating and what you should know about their properties and characteristics.

Installation of heating systems involves the use of high-quality materials that have proven themselves in operation. Despite the long experience of using steel pipes, today they are increasingly choosing to use polypropylene heating pipes.

Providing worthy competition to their predecessors, they combine affordable price and fully meet all the necessary requirements. Next, we will talk about what polypropylene pipes are and talk in detail about their distinctive properties.

Polypropylene pipes for heating: types, characteristics, properties

More recently, when installing heating systems, they began to use pipes made of ordinary polypropylene, or, as they are also called, PPR pipes. However, over time it became clear that this material was not entirely suitable for these purposes. Under the influence of pressure and high temperatures, PPR heating pipes became very susceptible to deformation.

Today, the following types of reinforced polypropylene pipes are distinguished:

  • with aluminum– they are made using aluminum foil, which, depending on the manufacturing technology, can be located on the surface of the pipe or between layers of propylene (the so-called sandwich technology) and prevents the pipes from the negative consequences of excessive thermal expansion;
  • with fiberglass– in the manufacture of which a monolithic structure is achieved due to a durable, cast connection of polypropylene and fiberglass. This, in turn, gives the pipes special strength and does not lead to delamination either during installation or during further operation.

It is important to consider that polypropylene heating pipes with aluminum reinforcement require preliminary thorough cleaning in order to avoid delamination at welding points and during subsequent use.

Pipes with fiberglass reinforcement do not have this drawback, so they do not need to be stripped before welding.

To minimize the purchase of counterfeits and avoid issues associated with low quality pipes (for example, severe delamination), you should choose products only from trusted manufacturers and reliable suppliers.

Unfortunately, the technology for reinforcing polypropylene pipes is not able to completely prevent the influence of thermal expansion and the subsequent deformation caused by it. Therefore, a choice in favor of one type of product or another should be made based on available material resources and individual preferences.

Also, it is very important to know that pipes made of polypropylene will be most suitable for heating systems. The fact is that pipes made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) or polyethylene low pressure(HDPE) due to their excessive softness, are more suitable for organizing cold water supply or, in some cases, sewerage. In this regard, the advantages of polypropylene pipes, such as lightness, strength and reliability, are obvious and serve as an additional advantage in favor of their purchase.

The main technical characteristics of polypropylene pipes for heating include:

  1. Pressure resistance. This property completely depends on the temperature of the coolant - the higher it is, the lower the pressure in the system is permissible. Thus, most polypropylene pipes can withstand pressure in the range of 4 - 6 atm at a coolant temperature of 70ºC.
  2. High temperature resistance. As a rule, polypropylene pipes can easily withstand short-term fluctuations in coolant temperature up to 95ºC. Obviously, such differences for residential heating systems are rather an exception. Since the softening temperature of the polymer is 110 - 140ºС, and the melting point is 140 - 170ºС, this once again confirms the advisability of using polypropylene pipes for heating (read also: " ").
  3. Corrosion resistance. The lack of reaction to constant contact with water, the presence of smooth surfaces that prevent the accumulation of salts, make polypropylene pipes worthy competitors compared to other products.
  4. Low thermal conductivity. Therefore, condensation does not form on the pipes, and the surface temperature will be almost the same as the temperature of the coolant.
  5. Long service life. According to manufacturers, the permissible service life of polypropylene pipes is about 50 years, while for steel pipes this figure ranges from 20 to 30 years. Of course, on this property The design of the heating system, the operating pressure, and temperature changes of the coolant will also influence.

Also, the efficient and reliable operation of the heating system is directly influenced by both correctly selected accessories, fittings, and the dimensions of the pipes themselves. Next, we will talk about which polypropylene pipe for heating to choose based on its main parameters.

Choosing a polypropylene pipe: what to look for

The primary parameter that you should pay attention to when choosing polypropylene pipes is the diameter. This is because in each system the pressure indicators are different, and accordingly, the pipes must be suitable for each specific case.

Based on the dimensions of the internal section, PP heating pipes are:

  • up to 16 mm– according to their parameters, they are optimal for heated floors, and adapters can be used to compensate for the lack of flexibility of the products;
  • 20 –25 mm– excellent for installing heating systems in private houses or apartments, it should be taken into account that pipes with a cross-section of 20 mm are suitable for a simple heating system, while pipes with a cross-section of 25 mm should be selected for risers;
  • 25 –32 mm– optimal for installing centralized heating systems in apartment buildings;
  • from 200 mm– find their application in heating systems of large stores, hospitals, schools and other socially significant facilities with a fairly large number of visitors.

So, according to the marking, the following types of polypropylene pipes for heating are distinguished:

  • PN10– for them, the maximum permissible pressure is 1 MPa at a coolant temperature of 20ºC for hot water supply systems, and 45ºC for heated floors. Due to the rather thin walls (up to 10 mm), they are not recommended for use in residential heating systems;
  • PN16– for this type, the maximum permissible pressure value is 1.6 MPa at a coolant temperature of 60ºC. The wall thickness of these pipes is usually more than 3.4 mm, however, sudden increases in coolant temperature can significantly reduce their service life. In this connection, it will be much more reliable to install more durable pipes for the heating system in a house or apartment;
  • PN20– indicates the possibility of use in systems with a pressure of 2 MPa at a coolant temperature of 80ºС. If the wall thickness of such pipes is in the range of 16–18.5 mm, they can be safely chosen for organizing hot water supply;
  • PN25– can be used in systems with a maximum permissible pressure of 2.5 MPa, are produced only with a reinforced layer and have excellent characteristics. Consequently, they are the most optimal for installation of various types of heating systems.

After you have studied the rating of polypropylene pipes, and managed to decide which polypropylene pipe for heating is best suited, you can proceed to the actual installation and installation of the system. Next, we will consider in detail the process of creating heating systems in houses and apartments with our own hands.

Heating system in an apartment: instructions for its creation

Sometimes situations arise when it may be necessary to replace heating pipes in an apartment. Despite the complexity of such events, provided that the rules are followed and the strict installation algorithm is followed, it is quite possible to carry out this work independently, without resorting to the help of specialists.

Initially, you need to think about the type of system that should ultimately be installed. Not only the final cost, which is determined by the number of radiators, pipes and mounting hardware, but also the quality of the heating depends on whether it is single-pipe or double-pipe. So, when installing a two-pipe system, you may need a large number of radiators, and if you plan to install more than 8 of them, pipes with a cross-section of 32 mm will be optimal in this case.

Installing a single-pipe system will be cheaper, but with this wiring configuration there is a high probability that the coolant temperature in each radiator will be lower than in the previous one. To minimize this effect, it will be necessary to install thermostats to regulate the power of each radiator.

Regardless of the type of system chosen, it is extremely important to provide for the installation of Mayevsky valves in the upper part of the radiator to bleed air. The lower holes should be sealed with plugs, having previously cleared the inlet hole of possible contamination and paint deposits. This point applies to new radiators too.

You should select fastening accessories (fittings, clamps, plug couplings, tees, adapters) in accordance with the selected heating scheme.

Having previously cleaned the foil of aluminum-reinforced polypropylene pipes, you can begin to connect them using a special welding machine. In this case, it is important to observe the required time interval, which is usually different for each type of pp heating pipes. So, to melt pipes with a cross-section of 25–32 mm, 7–8 seconds will be enough.

To achieve efficient and high-quality operation of the system, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the following action plan:

  1. Coordinate restoration measures with the relevant utility services in order to be able to shut off the water and discharge it.
  2. If possible, notify residents whose apartments are located on the floor below and above. However, if due to circumstances it is not possible to completely replace the riser, you can use special adapters from cast iron to plastic pipes.
  3. Dismantle old communications of the heating system, using extreme caution and accuracy. It is advisable not to neglect safety precautions and wear safety glasses and a respirator. The fact is that with prolonged use, cast iron becomes very fragile, and with careless or sudden movement, its fragments can get into the pipe and disrupt the movement of the coolant.
  4. Proceed with the installation of the new system, installing new heating radiators along the specified perimeter.
  5. Assemble polypropylene pipes and connect radiators to them (more details: " ").
  6. Check the system for integrity and tightness. In this case, you should pay attention to the fact that if the newly installed system is two-pipe, then when checking, the coolant should move in the opposite direction. And the pressure, if checked, should be approximately 1.5 times higher than the usual initial one.

Heating system in a private house: approximate action plan

Installation of a heating system in a private house, similar to the previous option, also requires careful planning and preliminary preparation. Note that in this case, the option with two-pipe wiring is more preferable. To begin with, you need to decide on the type of heating element (boiler).

As a rule, they are:

  • solid fuel;
  • gas;
  • electric

Solid fuel boilers are quite difficult to maintain, and it is better to entrust the connection of the heating system to them to professionals. The use of gas boilers is relevant if there is a gas pipeline connected to the house. Compared to previous options, the installed electric boiler in this case is the safest.

An important factor in the situation with installing heating in a private house will be the type of coolant movement in the system.

The generally accepted division is into circulation:

  • natural (gravitational);
  • forced (pumping).

In the first case, the heating system design must include an air vent and an expansion tank to prevent sudden pressure changes. Wherein, expansion tank It is recommended to install in a warm room to prevent the coolant from freezing.

It should also be taken into account that, despite relatively simple installation, systems with natural coolant circulation have some disadvantages. So, they take a long time to put into operation, and their total length should not exceed 30 m.

An important aspect when installing a reliable heating system is the correct placement of the so-called pipe - a vertical section of pipe that is connected to the boiler. When choosing a polypropylene pipe of suitable size for it, you can focus on the following values: for example, if the diameter of the supply pipe is 32 mm, then for the nozzle you should choose a pipe with a cross-section of at least 40 mm.

Once you have decided which polypropylene heating pipes are better, you can proceed to the next step: connecting them to radiators.

To do this, choose one of the existing methods:

  • lower;
  • side;
  • diagonal.

The option with a bottom connection (this scheme is also called “Leningradka”) involves connecting both the supply and discharge pipes to the bottom of the radiator. This system is not recommended for multi-storey buildings. But it can be effective in a private home, especially since, if desired, the lower wiring can be hidden in the space under the floor.

In the case of a side connection, the supply and discharge pipes are located on one side of the radiator, one at the top, one at the bottom. This scheme is most often found in apartment buildings and is quite effective.

The diagonal type of connection involves connecting the supply pipe to the upper radiator pipe, and the outlet pipe to the lower pipe. This scheme will be optimal for fairly long circuits, in the case of installing 10 or more radiators. It should be noted that heat losses with such a scheme, as a rule, do not exceed 2%.

To summarize, we can safely say that polypropylene fittings and pipes for heating are not only affordable, but also high-quality and reliable components. Excellent characteristics of thermal conductivity, heat resistance and long-term operation make them worthy competitors of steel pipes. And the most reliable of the presented types polymer products, reinforced polypropylene pipes will become. Happy shopping!

Polypropylene pipes for heating, the technical characteristics of which may vary, are presented in a very wide range on the modern market. Their popularity is high, and there is a tendency towards its constant growth. This demand is explained by the ease of installation and the wide range of possibilities for their use: depending on the type, they are used from the usual installation of water supply to the creation of heating circuits. They, of course, do not have the pronounced flexibility of metal-plastic pipes, but if necessary, they can be given a smooth bend.

There are many varieties of polypropylene pipes, and each of them has its own scope of application. To understand which type is most suitable for a heating circuit, you need to take a closer look at their structure and technical characteristics.

Criteria for choosing polypropylene pipes for heating

The heating system will last as long as possible without failures or repairs if the right components are selected for it that meet a number of specific requirements.

All elements and components of the heating system, even during normal operation, experience quite serious loads. These are, of course, very large temperature changes and pressure surges, which are also aggravated by the aggressive chemical effects of low-quality coolant, especially if the home (apartment) system is connected to central heating.

Polypropylene pipes– the material is quite ambiguous, and is offered for sale in many types, differing in wall thickness, the presence or absence of reinforcement, material quality, resistance to temperature and pressure loads, ultraviolet exposure, and linear expansion characteristics. Therefore, when planning to update the heating system circuit, you need to know very precisely what qualities the pipe material should have.

Compare which ones are better from a new article on our portal.

For installation in a heating system, it is necessary to select polypropylene pipes that meet the following basic characteristics:

  • Since the standard temperature of the coolant in a central heating system is usually 70–75 degrees, but sometimes it can be even higher, pipes for it must be selected so that their heat resistance has a certain margin, up to 90–95 degrees of heating. Pipes should not deform, bend, or “float” when heated at high temperatures, and their thermal expansion should not exceed certain limits.

  • In addition to elevated temperatures, uncontrolled pressure surges and water hammer occur in the central heating system. They are especially likely during the period of testing activities before the start of heating season. Hence the conclusion - pipes must withstand high pressure loads.
  • The material from which the pipes are made must be inert to aggressive substances that may be present in the coolant. The walls should not be subject to corrosion, and polypropylene fully possesses these advantages, therefore it is excellent for heating systems.
  • In order to achieve normal coolant circulation throughout the circuit, without creating dirt plugs in it, the internal surfaces of the pipes must have ideal smoothness and maintain it in its original state for as long as possible. Unlike metal pipes, polypropylene pipes will not be corroded by any of known species corrosion, and irregularities in which dirt and limescale usually accumulate will not appear on their inner walls.
  • The coefficient of thermal expansion of the pipe material for the heating system must be minimal, otherwise when heated on long straight sections the pipes will begin to sag.
  • The service life of the pipes must be at least not lower than the service life for which other elements of the heating system are designed.
  • It would seem that this is an insignificant characteristic, but it should also be kept in mind. When the coolant moves through the pipes, if they have an uneven internal surface, noise can be created that seems imperceptible at first, but gradually causes irritation. Polypropylene is able to ensure almost silent circulation of liquid, unlike metal, since strong turbulence and, therefore, resonant sounds are not created in polymer pipes.
  • A circuit made of polypropylene pipes is always more aesthetically pleasing than a metal one, and does not require periodic painting.

Modern polypropylene pipes are produced using modern technologies production of plastic and composite materials, and the additional equipment of some varieties with reinforcement makes them ideal for heating systems. Thus, polypropylene pipes for systems in contact with hot water, are manufactured in multilayer versions with a reinforcing layer, which significantly reduces thermal expansion and makes the walls more durable.

For example, polypropylene pipes of the Lammin brand for use in heating systems, cold and hot water supply, and also as process pipelines for liquids and gases that are not aggressive to the pipe material. Production is carried out according to GOST 32415-2013, in three versions:

  • single-layer;
  • fiberglass reinforcement;
  • aluminum reinforcement.

Lammin pipes and fittings are produced only from primary raw materials from leading suppliers. This is an important advantage when choosing. The quality of raw materials greatly affects the quality of finished products, which undoubtedly affects the durability of heat and water supply systems. Subject to regulatory requirements during the design, installation and operation process, polypropylene pipes can last up to 50 years without requiring repairs or complex maintenance.

When choosing polypropylene pipes for organizing or repairing heating and water supply, you need to ensure the environmental friendliness and quality of the products. It is important that not only finished products, but the raw materials were also certified for compliance with Russian standards, and the absence of defects in the batch was controlled by quality control specialists. It is this approach to production that is supported by the LAMMIN plant, one of the leading enterprises producing polypropylene products in Russia.

Lammin polypropylene pipes undergo mandatory testing in the plant’s own accredited laboratory, as well as in laboratories of independent organizations. The integrity of the manufacturer gives the consumer the opportunity to purchase high-quality pipes that are responsible for the reliability and durability of the engineering system.

Please ensure that the pipe is marked! It is through marking that the manufacturer transmits to the consumer all the necessary technical information: brand, color, material, type, pressure, production date and other parameters.

One of the most important parameters when choosing, determining the purpose of a polypropylene pipe, is the PN parameter - this is the designation of the nominal pressure. Pipes different types have different PN indicators! Since in different engineering systems, be it heating, cold or hot water supply, liquid carriers are supplied at different pressures, the pipe must strictly comply with this indicator. Otherwise, the system is at risk of rupture and leakage.

Based on the type determined by PN, the following types of polypropylene pipes are distinguished in the Lammin assortment:

  • PPR PN10 pipes (single-layer). The pipes are designed for low pressure liquid carrier, which is supplied in low-rise buildings (one or two floors). Due to the lack of additional reinforcing layers, this pipeline option is not used for heating or hot water supply.
  • PPR PN20 pipes (single-layer). They have thicker walls than the previous type, which means the pressure for which the pipe is designed will be higher. As for the purpose, use for hot water supply will be optimal.
  • PPR pipe PN20 (fiberglass). Designed for the same pressure as the previous one, but equipped with an additional layer of fiberglass reinforcement. This layer makes the polypropylene pipe more resistant to high temperatures, which means that this type can already be used for heating in low-rise buildings, as well as in hot water supply pipelines. An additional advantage is the increased flow area compared to the previous type.
  • PPR pipe PN25 (fiberglass). Multilayer and high PN parameter make it possible to use this type of pipe for organizing heating systems in apartment buildings with central heating, where pressure and temperature indicators are higher than in low-rise buildings, as well as in hot water supply systems.
  • PPR pipe PN25 (aluminum layer). Particularly durable polypropylene pipes due to aluminum reinforcement. This layer prevents deformation of the pipe from constant contact with a very high temperature coolant. Purpose – heating systems. Installation of such pipes requires professional knowledge and experience.

Before purchasing, study information about the manufacturer, types and purpose of polypropylene pipes so that engineering systems in the house were reliable and durable!

Please note that to connect the pipes you will need fittings and welding equipment (if you install the system yourself). Lammin has both.

Installation of both reinforced and non-reinforced pipes is carried out using fittings. Soldering and joining polypropylene pipes is a process that requires care and precision. It is prohibited to solder the same parts twice (after making a technological error), however, the low cost of the products allows novice craftsmen to thoroughly practice on samples before assembling a heating or water supply system in an apartment, house, or country house.

Prices for polypropylene pipes

Valfex polypropylene pipes

Since the duration of trouble-free operation and the quality of polypropylene pipes for heating and hot water supply systems directly depends on the composition of the materials from which they are made, various options should be considered.

Types of polypropylene pipes

Polypropylene (accepted international designation - PP) has been used for quite a long time for the manufacture of pipes as a base material. However, only the development of modern technologies has made it possible to obtain such products that can be used for hot water supply and heating systems.

Polypropylene itself is characterized by its pronounced inertness to the chemical effects of a possible liquid coolant medium. However, in terms of heat resistance and strength Various types may differ significantly from each other.

So, pipes made of this material are divided into three main types, which have their own designations:

  • RR-N - This is the first type of polypropylene pipes, inert to chemical influences, but not resistant to elevated temperatures. Therefore, they are intended for cold water supply, sewerage, drainage systems, ventilation and other applications where elevated temperatures are not expected. Very often, this type of pipe is prevalent for industrial production lines, as it is highly resistant to increased internal pressure.

The range of possible applications of PP-V pipes is somewhat wider, but for heating they are still “weak”
  • RR-V- this is the second type of polypropylene pipes, which has all the same advantages of PP-N, but, in addition, has the ability to withstand temperature loads of low amplitude. Therefore, they can be installed on separate main sections of “warm floor” systems. And also in hot water supply circuits, provided that the water or coolant does not heat above 50 degrees.

However, the main scope of application of RR-B is different. Most often, such pipes are used for sewer systems, since the material from which they are made has a sufficient degree of impact strength and heat resistance for this area.

  • PPRC, PRR or PP-3- this is the most advanced type of pipes that is used in hot water supply and heating systems, that is, where temperatures can exceed 50 degrees and there is a possibility of increased compression loads. Increased heat resistance and mechanical strength are achieved thanks to special production technologies, in which ethylene molecules are introduced into the molecular lattice of propylene during synthesis.

PPR - pipes that are most widely used in domestic conditions, as they have a pronounced resistance to internal pressure and temperature changes.

Polypropylene pipes (PPR), used in domestic conditions, in turn, are divided into several types, depending on resistance to baric loads: PN -25; PN -20; PN -16; PN -10. Their main characteristics are given in the table:

Type of polypropylene pipesNominal working pressureScope of pipe use
MPatechnical atmospheres (kgf/s²)
PN-101 10.21 Connection to the "warm floor" circuit, the coolant in the system of which has a temperature of no higher than 45 ° C, or cold water supply.
This type of pipe is designed for a system pressure of no more than 1 MPa.
It is the most affordable due to its rather low performance characteristics.
PN-161.6 16.32 Cold and hot water supply with a temperature of no more than 60˚C and a pressure of no more than 1.6 MPa.
PN-202 20.40 Cold and hot water supply in autonomous system with low pressure and no water hammer.
The coolant temperature for this type of product should not exceed 80˚C, and the pressure should not exceed 2.0 MPa.
PN-252.5 25.49 Hot water supply and heating with coolant up to 90÷95˚С, including in the central heating system.
The pressure for which they are designed is 2.5 MPa.

Each type of pipe is produced in a fairly wide range of diameters, internal and external: on which the wall thickness depends

Internal Ø, mmThickness
walls, mm
Internal Ø, mmThickness
walls, mm
Internal Ø, mmThickness
walls, mm
Internal Ø, mmThickness
walls, mm
16 - - 11.6 2.2 10.6 2.7 - -
20 16.2 1.9 14.4 2.8 13.2 3.4 13.2 3.4
25 20.4 2.3 18 3.5 16.6 4.2 16.6 4.2
32 26 3 23 4.4 21.2 5.4 21.2 3
40 32.6 3.7 28.8 5.5 26.6 6.7 26.6 3.7
50 40.8 4.6 36.2 6.9 33.2 8.4 33.2 4.6
63 51.4 5.8 45.6 8.4 42 10.5 42 5.8
75 61.2 6.9 54.2 10.3 50 12.5 50 6.9
90 73.6 8.2 65 12.3 60 15 - -
110 90 10 79.6 15.1 73.2 18.4 - -

Naturally, the values ​​of diameters and wall thicknesses directly affect the resistance of pipes to temperature and pressure, which, in principle, determines the duration of their possible operation in certain conditions:

Coolant temperature ˚СService life, yearsPipe type
Permissible excess pressure (kgf/cm²)
20 10 13.5 21.7 21.7 33.9
25 13.2 21.1 26.4 33
50 12.9 20.7 25.9 32.3
30 10 11.7 18.8 23.5 9.3
25 11.3 18.1 22.7 28.3
50 11.1 17.7 22.1 27.7
40 10 10.1 16.2 20.3 25.3
25 9.7 15.6 19.5 24.3
50 9.2 14.7 18.4 23
50 10 13.9 17.3 23.5 21.7
25 8 12.8 16 20
50 7.3 11.7 14.7 18.3
60 10 7.2 11.5 14.4 18
25 6.1 9.8 12.3 15.3
50 5.5 8.7 10.9 13.7
70 10 5.3 8.5 10.7 13.3
25 4.5 7.3 9.1 11.9
30 4.4 7 8.8 11
50 4.3 6.8 8.5 10.7
80 5 4.3 6.9 8.7 10.8
10 3.9 6.3 7.9 9.8
25 3.7 5.9 7.5 9.2
95 1 3.9 6.7 7.6 8.5
5 2.8 4.4 5.4 6.1

The data presented in the tables is the result of long-term testing of pipes under various conditions, which even theoretically may arise during their operation, so it is worth taking them into account in the process of selecting the required material.

Polypropylene pipes can have different colors, but when choosing them you should not pay special attention to it (perhaps only from an aesthetic point of view) since the external color does not in any way determine the characteristics of the products and does not affect their quality.

A red or blue stripe may be applied to the surface of some pipes - it serves as a specific indicator of the purpose of a particular type. So, Blue colour is applied to cold water pipes, and red indicates the ability of the products to withstand elevated temperatures in the hot water system or heating circuit.

In addition to colored stripes, the pipes are marked with letters, which indicate their characteristics and intended purpose for installation in certain water supply or heating systems, and you also need to pay attention to it. The meaning of the marking indicators corresponds to the information given in the tables.

As can be seen from the presented characteristics, PN-20 products are optimally suited for the heating system, but ideal option Nevertheless, PN -25 pipes will become available, which have a pronounced resistance to elevated temperatures and pressure, even with a good margin.

Reinforced polypropylene pipes

Due to the fact that “pure” polypropylene itself does not have a pronounced resistance to elevated temperatures and expands significantly when heated, reinforcement is used for pipes used in systems where contact with hot water is implied. Several materials are used to strengthen these products - aluminum foil, fiberglass or a composite mixture.

  • Reinforcement of a polypropylene pipe can be carried out with a layer of solid or perforated aluminum foil having a thickness of 0.1÷0.7 mm, which is placed between layers of the base material and fixed with a layer of special glue.

Their durability will also depend on the characteristics of the adhesive composition used in the production of pipes, since in low-quality products, delamination of the walls can occur, where moisture will inevitably penetrate, which will negatively affect the overall strength of the pipe, significantly reducing its service life.

In addition, pipes differ in the area where the reinforcing layer is located.

Thus, the aluminum layer can be located in close proximity to the outer surface of the pipe or located closer to the middle of the wall thickness.

In addition to the fact that the aluminum layer significantly reduces the thermal expansion of polypropylene pipes, it helps protect the coolant from the penetration of oxygen from the surrounding air into it, since the polymer itself does not have such qualities.

If pipes that do not have such protection are installed in an autonomous heating system, then with the constant penetration of oxygen into the coolant (diffusion effect), corrosion processes on the metal elements of the circuit, including in the boiler structure, can be activated. Oxygen also promotes the appearance of aerobic bacteria, which will multiply over time, clogging the internal space of the pipes with waste products, which will significantly slow down the circulation of the coolant.

Many manufacturers of polypropylene pipes, trying to get rid of these shortcomings, use metal or chemical-organic layers.

If there is an aluminum layer in the pipes, the marking PP-RCT-AL-PPR is placed on their surface, which indicates that several materials are used in this product:

— PP-RCT is a random copolymer or modified polypropylene with high thermostatic properties;

— AL - reinforcing aluminum layer;

— PPR - outer polypropylene layer;

- adhesive layers.

  • Another reinforcement option that restrains thermal linear expansion is glass fiber, which is laid between two layers of polypropylene. However, this reinforcing material is not able to protect the coolant from the penetration of oxygen into it.

If the pipe is reinforced with a layer of fiberglass, the letter designation PPR-GF-PPR and PPR-FR-PPR is installed on its surface. As can be seen from the markings, this type of pipe consists of three layers - outer and inner propylene (PPR) and middle fiberglass (GF). Fiberglass can only be located in the middle between layers of polypropylene.

The same can be said about composite material, which consists of fiberglass mixed with propylene. If you look at internal structure pipe in cross-section, you can see that its walls are monolithic, only different in color. The effect of their integrity is created thanks to reliable layers, which prevents their delamination.

The table below provides information on the specific features of single-layer and multi-layer polypropylene pipes in terms of linear temperature expansion and the degree of oxygen diffusion:

Types of polypropylene pipesDesignationCoefficient of thermal expansion, m×10⁻⁴/˚СOxygen diffusion indicators, mg/m²× per day
Single layer pipes:
PPR1.8 900
Multilayer pipes:
Polypropylene, glass fiber reinforced.PPR-GF-PPR0.35 900
Polypropylene, reinforced with aluminum.PPR-AL-PPR0.26 0

From the above, we can draw a logical conclusion that the most the best option for the heating system there will be PN -25 pipes made using a reinforcing layer of whole sheet aluminum This design has minimal linear expansion and maximum oxygen diffusion.

Installation of polypropylene pipes

To install the heating circuit, you will need not only the polypropylene pipes themselves optimal type, but also various connecting elements - angles, tees, bushings, holders, adapters, threaded fittings and other parts. All these components are purchased simultaneously with the pipes and are matched to them according to their outer diameter, according to the developed heating circuit diagram.

In addition, you will need a special welding machine with nozzles supplied with it, necessary for installing pipes different diameters. Such a device is not cheap, so if you do not plan to do such work in the future, you can rent it for a few days.

This photo shows a kit consisting of a soldering iron and all the necessary attachments and additional elements. On the heating sword-shaped part, small holes are clearly visible for installing working elements - a mandrel and a coupling, with the help of which the pipe sections and connecting parts will be heated before fastening. The set of tools often also includes special scissors (cutter), which can easily help you cut pipes of different diameters.

In addition to this set, you need to prepare measuring instruments - a tape measure, building level, mark. You may need a construction hair dryer, with which, if necessary, it will be possible to give smooth curved shapes to individual sections of the pipe.

Pipes can be given bends by heating them with a hairdryer. But you shouldn’t get carried away with this - it’s better to use specialized components

For work, you must have protective construction gloves on hand, since when working with a soldering iron or hair dryer, which heats up to very high temperatures, you can get a very serious burn.

Prices for Kalde polypropylene pipes

Kalde polypropylene pipes

To prepare for welding pipes with aluminum reinforcement, you will need a special tool - a shaver. It can be in the form of a screwdriver attachment or manual.

Manual shaver - a tool for stripping pipes with aluminum reinforcement

To understand how this happens, you need to look at it specific example step by step.

  • The installation of the circuit is carried out according to a pre-drawn diagram.

In accordance with the drawing and control measurements carried out “on site”, pipe sections of the required length are cut using special scissors. In addition, all connecting elements are prepared and laid out - taps, bends, tees and other shaped parts. If necessary, areas that will heat up should be degreased and wiped with alcohol for better adhesion of the material.

  • Pairs are installed on both sides of the working part of the soldering machine heating elements- couplings and mandrels having dimensions corresponding to the diameter of the selected pipes. The soldering iron, as a rule, has holes for heating two or even three pairs of elements, therefore, if the circuit is supposed to use pipes of different diameters, you can immediately install the appropriate nozzles.

  • Next, the soldering iron is turned on for heating, and the desired temperature is set on its thermostat - for polypropylene, 260÷265 degrees is considered optimal. Some devices are already equipped with regulators that indicate the temperature for welding pipes made of certain materials.
  • When the device reaches the desired temperature, the heating indicator light should turn off.
  • If the circuit will be mounted from a PN-2о and PN-25 pipe, which has aluminum reinforcement, then the edges must be cleaned of the top thin layer of polypropylene and foil.

Stripping is carried out at a distance from the edge, which will be equal to the penetration depth. Usually the shaver is designed for this installation length. The pipe is inserted into the cutting part of the shaver, then it is rotated, gradually removing the layer of polypropylene and aluminum. The result is a cleaned area that exactly corresponds to both the mounting length for soldering and the required diameter.

For pipes that do not have reinforcement, or are reinforced with fiberglass or a composite composition, such stripping will not be required. On them, you only need to mark the depth of penetration with a marker.

The table below shows the main parameters for welding polypropylene pipes:

Pipe outer diameter in mmPipe heating depth during welding, mmWarm-up time of mating parts, secondsTime from joining the elements to complete polymerization of the seam, minutes
20 14÷166 2
25 15÷177 2
32 16÷208 4
40 18÷2212 4
50 20÷2518 4
63 24÷3024 6
75 26÷3230 6
90 29÷3540 8
  • It is recommended to immediately determine the relative position of the parts. To facilitate further work, you can use a marker to put the corresponding longitudinal mark - during final assembly, all that remains is to align the marks.
  • When the soldering iron is completely warmed up, the prepared section of pipe is inserted into the coupling (to the depth of the stripped area or to the penetration depth mark), and one of the connecting parts is put on the mandrel until it stops. The elements must be heated evenly.

Therefore, the time indicated in the table presented above must be recorded. After this time, the elements are quickly removed from the soldering iron and perfectly smoothly connected to each other - the pipe is inserted into the connecting part to the heating depth and held in this position for approximately 15-20 seconds until the connecting unit sets.

Prices for popular polypropylene pipes

  • The connected elements cannot be rotated relative to each other, since they must copolymerize and not be screwed into one another.
  • Sometimes, the circuit is mounted in blocks, which are assembled on a table and then connected to each other at the installation site of the heating system.

  • The work must be carried out extremely carefully, since if the connection fails, it can only be corrected by cutting off a section of pipe and installing a new unit. Therefore, before you start installing the circuit, it’s worth practicing, “getting into your hands” - for this it is recommended to purchase a few extra couplings or corners.
  • If any connecting unit gives rise to certain doubts, then it is better not to take risks, but to remake it - shaped parts are inexpensive, and if the system is not fully assembled, replacing one unit should not present any difficulties.

The main reasons for choosing polypropylene pipes for the heating circuit

The reasons, which, in fact, are the advantages of polypropylene pipes are as follows:

  • Polypropylene has a distinctly low weight, which greatly simplifies its delivery to the work site and installation itself - no special devices or equipment are required.
  • In the presence of the necessary tool, polypropylene pipes are easy to install, and techniques can be learned very quickly..
  • The manufacturing material is absolutely harmless for residential premises, since it does not change its chemical composition even with strong heating, it does not emit toxic fumes into the air.
  • Thanks to the stabilizers included in polypropylene, pipes can withstand water hammer and thermal loads, and even freezing of water inside without rupture.
  • The smooth inner walls of the pipes promote uniform, turbulence-free and noise-free circulation of the coolant.
  • Both the pipes themselves and their components are inexpensive. A wide selection of components allows for installation of a circuit of any complexity.

A little training and any owner can carry out independent installation
  • A circuit made of high-quality pipes, if installed correctly, will last at least 20–30 years.
  • The aesthetic appearance of the pipes makes it possible not to spoil the interior, and the contour itself usually does not require either painting or additional decoration.

So, polypropylene pipes with a reinforcing aluminum layer are excellent for heating circuits of autonomous and central systems. In addition, the installation of this material is quite simple and feasible even for people who have no experience in such work. After several training sessions on the installation of individual components, the assembly process and the entire circuit can be carried out on your own.

Video: useful information on choosing polypropylene pipes and components

If not so long ago polypropylene pipes for heating were considered something exotic, today such pipes have become quite widespread, and the reviews about them are positive. This material is superior to other similar materials in almost all its indicators. The main question that interests us is whether polypropylene heating pipes can be used for heating systems.

Polypropylene pipes for heating

Features of this material

Is it effective to use polypropylene pipes in heating? If we take such a characteristic as density, then for polypropylene it is only 0.91 kg/cm 2. However, this material has good abrasion resistance and is quite hard. You don’t have to worry that the abrasive particles present in the coolant will quickly wear out propylene pipes for heating.

The advantages of this material also include the following:

  • High resistance to various aggressive substances. Destruction of the surface of a heating pipe made of polypropylene can only be provoked by prolonged heating or exposure of the material to concentrated acid. Polypropylene is also not afraid of pieces of slag and sand contained in water.
  • The mechanical strength of polypropylene pipes will depend on the speed at which the force was applied. If the pipe is bent sharply, then most likely it will simply break. You can apply the same force, but gradually, and then the pipe will simply bend. Since operational loads will be directly related to linear expansion during heating, such loads will be applied to the material slowly.

  • Polypropylene has good frost resistance. PP pipes for heating can withstand temperatures down to -15 degrees. However, when the heating system is operating, the temperature must drop to at least 0 degrees, and during normal operation it must coincide with the temperature of the coolant.
  • The material can withstand high temperatures. It will begin to melt at 160-170 degrees, and at 140 degrees it will only begin to soften.

Polypropylene is a material whose coefficient of thermal expansion is quite high. However, this is already a disadvantage of such a system as floor heating with plastic pipes.


Pipe reinforcement is the simplest solution to a problem such as thermal expansion. A material whose coefficient of thermal expansion is slightly lower will act as a stabilizer and, as a result, thermal expansion can decrease by a factor of five.

There are two main methods of pipe reinforcement (examples in the photo):

  • Using aluminum foil. An aluminum reinforced pipe is a sandwich of three glued layers, between which there is an aluminum layer. This layer is very thin. It is very important to pay attention to the quality of such pipes. And if the technology is violated, they will quickly begin to delaminate.
  • PPR pipes for heating, reinforced with fiberglass. Such pipes are a monolithic type structure. The fiber layer is located directly in the thickness of the polypropylene pipe. Such pipes are good because they will not delaminate. Also, if you use a welded joint, you will not need to strip the reinforcing layer.

In the video you can see how the reinforcement is carried out. Both types of reinforcement are suitable for heating systems. However, it must be remembered that reinforcement will only reduce the thermal expansion of polypropylene, and will not completely eliminate this property.

Coolant temperature

Surely everyone knows that rarely the temperature in the heating system corresponds to that indicated in regulatory documents. There are several main factors that influence the interaction between the temperature of the coolant and pipes:

  • Many manufacturers guarantee that heating made from polypropylene pipes can withstand coolant temperatures of up to 95 degrees.
  • In our country, such a coolant temperature can only be noticed in severe frosts. However, if the temperature in the heating system reaches 95 degrees, then in the heating pipeline it can reach 140 degrees.

Sometimes, for reasons such as severe frosts, a violation of the temperature schedule, or for other reasons, the nozzle, which regulates the temperature of the coolant in the system, is pulled out of elevator unit, and the suction is muffled. In this case, the water that comes from the heating main goes directly into the heating radiators and risers. It enters the system at a temperature that is not just dangerous for polypropylene, but destructive.

Criteria for choosing polypropylene pipes

So, what should you pay attention to when choosing polypropylene pipes?

  1. Pressure

The marking of polypropylene heating pipes of type PN** will be directly related to the operating pressure. The two numbers that follow the letters will tell you what maximum operating pressure the product is designed for. The operating pressure is indicated for a coolant temperature of 20 degrees. If the coolant temperature in your system is 80-90 degrees, then you can divide the value by three. The most popular pipes are marked PN20.

  1. Temperature

The pipe marking will also tell us what maximum temperature polypropylene heating can withstand. For reinforced pipes, almost all manufacturers indicate a temperature of 90 to 95 degrees.

  1. Diameter

In order to calculate the required diameter, builders use very complex formulas. Moreover, factors such as thermal load, roughness coefficient of the material from which it is made polypropylene heating, temperature difference between supply and return.

On the practical side, you need to remember at least two simple rules:

  • In an apartment, during heating installation, the polypropylene pipes that we use should not reduce the clearance relative to such an element as a heating riser made of polypropylene pipes. In new buildings, risers made of pipes such as DU20 are most often used. This means that heating a private house will be required with polypropylene pipes with an outer diameter of 2.6 cm. In Stalin buildings with inch risers, it is better to use pipes with an outer diameter of 3.2 cm.

  • In a private house with a total area exceeding 250 sq. meters, the most efficient heating system would be the Leningradka. For the ring you will need a pipe with a diameter of 32-40mm. To insert radiators you will need pipes with a diameter of 20-26mm.