Square wells are an excellent option for any garden plot. They blend harmoniously into the surrounding landscape due to the presence of wooden structural components. Decorative wells made in the shape of a house do not take up much space and attract with a unique appearance.

Wells made in a non-standard solution.

Decorative wells made in non-standard solutions, always look organic in the courtyard of every home. Such designs can hide the imperfections of the landscape and emphasize the advantages of the layout. It is best to place the above options close to vegetation.


Hexagonal wells made of wood with a gable roof are an elegant design that fits perfectly into the style of the estate. Such decorative objects can be additionally coated with paints and varnishes, which will give the well even more sophistication.

In the form of a mill

If you want to create an unusual atmosphere on your site, you should pay attention to a well in the form of a mill. This will give your estate originality and uniqueness. This design is best placed in the garden.

Small wells

If you don’t have a lot of free space, you shouldn’t deny yourself the luxury of a well. Small decorative wells do not take up much space in the yard. At the same time, such wells can significantly transform appearance any courtyard and garden.

Wells with flower beds

Decorative wells made in the shape of a flower bed can add elegance and uniqueness to any estate. To make the bottom row of such wells, you can use timber or wooden boards. On top of the above building materials a slab complemented with flowers is installed. These types of wells look wonderful in the garden. They highlight the style of the decor and give it uniqueness.

Country style

Wells created in a rural style will help add originality to any country house. They are the personification of Slavic traditions, which look great against the backdrop of trees and flowers. For this reason, it is better to place such products in the garden.

Ancient wells

the wood of this well is designed to look antique; the paintwork plays an important role in this design

Old decorative well represents good decision to transform the courtyard in a private house. They can be installed in cottages and expensive houses. They will not spoil the surrounding space with their appearance. On the contrary, such wells give a peculiar charm and sophistication. Your guests will definitely appreciate your resourcefulness and individuality.

Japanese style

If you want to achieve original decor in your garden plot, you can install a well made in Japanese style. This design can be supplemented with traditional plants characteristic of Japan. In particular, the deck will look great against the background Japanese cherry blossoms Sakura. Such structures can be painted white or red. Also attract attention classic options, complemented by paint and varnish products.

Decorative well with a crane

A decorative well with a crane is a wonderful option for transforming a private home for a number of reasons. First of all, such decorative objects are traditional in nature. After all, our ancestors used wooden sculptures of cranes to decorate wells to preserve the well-being of the family. In addition, such designs are distinguished by their originality.

Assembly and installation of a decorative well with your own hands from start to finish

You should not place a wooden well in a place that is hidden from view. In order for its outlines to look harmonious in the surrounding environment, you need to take care of the landscaping of the area, this can be bushes, flower beds, etc. Also, such a well will not go badly with some kind of stone landscaping... This decorative element can transform the landscape of any estate. With its help, you can paint any garden with your own hands and add originality to your yard.

Video instruction

If you decide to build it with your own hands, you should know that a large container is needed as a base for such a well. A large tank or barrel will do just fine. The above structural elements are installed deep into the ground. First, a layer of sand is poured onto the bottom of the dug hole. After installing the container, the gaps should be filled with earth or crushed stone.


  1. Using a carpenter's square, mark the position of the cutouts on the boards for the walls.
  2. On a fine-tooth saw, use double-sided adhesive tape to mark the depth of the cuts, and only then make two identical cuts in the marked places.
  3. Use a chisel to remove the gaps between the cuts.
  4. The surface of the grooves is cleaned with a file, and a cutter is used to round the boards.
  5. After this, the wall is assembled by inserting the boards with grooves into one another.
  6. Every second board must be sawn lengthwise into two halves and at the top crown.
  7. Using glue and screws, wooden trims are attached to the top boards.
  8. Parapet boards require cutting.
  9. The boards are connected with glue, and to the overhead walls with screws screwed in from below. In the parapet boards, from below, you need to select four grooves where the frame posts will be attached.


  1. Take pine boards measuring 20 by 96 mm. Draw the outlines of the rack parts on them. It is best to cut using a jigsaw.
  2. There may be unevenness on the bends. They are removed using a grinding roller, which is secured to a drill stand.
  3. Ledges are made on the racks; the roof will be attached to them. The corners are marked with a carpenter's square.
  4. Holes for dowels are drilled at the ends of the supports for the collar.
  5. Holes for the axles are drilled in the gate supports. The racks and supports connected with glue are temporarily held together with clamps, and spacers must be placed between the supports.
  6. The racks are fastened with cross braces only not on four, but on two on each side.
  7. On the inside, the well posts are connected with bolts in the corners of the walls.
  8. If the material is large, the jigsaw may move to the side. In this case, it is best to make vertical cuts.

Ideas for decoration and improvement in photo illustrations

Every day among lovers of country holidays there are more and more people who want to transform personal plot using a decorative well. They truly are a bright addition to any patio. But for this they must fit harmoniously into the style of the landscape. For this reason, you should take a responsible approach to the design of this decorative object.

A decorative well can not only add style and originality to your site, but also hide planning flaws. In particular, the correct design of this design allows you to hide pipes and other communications. In addition, using wells you can protect water containers from contamination.

The main task of any decorative element is to achieve an aesthetic appearance for your garden. At the same time, every home craftsman can decorate it as he pleases. The better the imagination, the greater the chances of making your personal plot original. If you don't have any specific ideas, you can use the following guidelines.

The design of any well depends, first of all, on its location. If you decide to install it in the garden, it can be additionally equipped garden paths, alpine slides, flowerpots, a small wooden fence. Such a well will transform any garden. Also, the registration process depends on the type of well. After all, if it is made in an ancient form, modern jewelry and accessories will not look so harmonious against its background.

decorating a well with burlap - old unnecessary pieces of material from furniture or other woven products

But for wells made in the form of a gable roof, unique accessories are quite suitable. Their appearance can be transformed by adding classic style a sculpture of a crane, a windmill, or just interesting flowerpots with flowers. Wells in the shape of a house (teremka) also look interesting. It can be additionally equipped with interesting carved details.

If we're talking about about a well made in oriental style, then it is better to match the style. Nearby you can plant Sakura or other plants characteristic of the East. Naturally, if they get along in the existing soil.

Finally, I would like to note that decorative wooden wells can fit into the style of any composition. They can be decorated with a variety of flowers, plants, stone extensions and a variety of accessories. In the process, the main thing is to achieve harmony and originality. At the same time, you should not abuse many decorative elements.

Many people try to equip their summer cottage with everything they need, including a well. The construction of a well allows you to always have clean water both for drinking and for watering plants. But the arrangement of this structure is one thing, but here’s how to decorate them, because this element should become the main decorative accent of the entire site. Therefore, wells in a dacha and their decoration, photos of which are collected in a selection, will force you to take a design approach and come up with something original, unusual, and unique. For its cladding, you can use a variety of materials, from bricks to flowers. Of course, this matter can be entrusted to professionals, but they often demand a lot of money for their work. Therefore, it is worth learning to do it yourself.

To finish a well, you can use almost any material, the main thing is that it gives it beautiful view, and also protected from negative influences.

Features of finishing material:

  • for decoration you can use wood, natural or artificial stone, brick, flowers;
  • if wood is used for their finishing, then you should give preference to hard varieties that can withstand various negative influences;
  • the material must have high wear resistance;
  • to improve quality, it is better to cover the material with plaster or paint after finishing;
  • the main requirement is that the base of the material must resist the impact high level humidity.

But to pick up good material, it is worth considering the properties of each type in more detail. In advance, you can see photos with finishing options for various bases.

Types of finishing of a well in the country

To finish the well, the most various materials. It is worth taking a closer look at the characteristics of some of them.


Brick is often used to finish a well. Any brick can be used. A simple silicate with a red color is perfect. The red brick cladding gives these products an unusual look and makes them a striking object in a summer cottage. Ceramic bricks are also often used. Brick with a ceramic structure is a universal material with which you can veneer a ready-made concrete shaft head or build a completely brick shaft head.

Advantages of ceramic bricks:

  • high strength;
  • dense structure;
  • high resistance to various mechanical damages;
  • presentable appearance;
  • buildings made from a brick base can last a long time;
  • The use of different colored materials will create a unique design for the product.

However, this material absorbs moisture, so in order for it to last for a long time, it is better to treat the entire surface with special hydrophobic varnishes after laying. If this is not done, then after a while the ceramic material will begin to crack, and eventually it will simply collapse. The brick cladding method is simple; for greater clarity, you can see a photo with the complete laying procedure.

Features of brick wells:

  • To work with your own hands, you need to purchase a brick with a solid structure. Then it can be placed lying down or on the edge;
  • usually masonry facing bricks made with your own hands in a round shape. This cladding method allows you to save the amount of consumables;
  • usually the thickness of brick walls does not exceed 25 cm;
  • to improve properties, the surface must be plastered;
  • It is advisable to iron the cladding; this will increase the service life of the cladding. To do this, cement is rubbed into the not completely dry plaster.


Wood is a traditional material used for finishing mines. Using this material you can make a variety of decorative finishing. Even in ancient times, a well pillar and head were made from it. And with the help of carvings they made various patterns and drawings that decorated the support post and the roof.

Do-it-yourself wood finishing has some important features:

  • Wood cladding is often done with your own hands due to the fact that this material is quite easy to work with;
  • as a result you can get beautiful designs, which will stand out against the general background of the entire summer cottage. But at the same time, their design will harmoniously fit into the style of the dacha;
  • if the design is from wooden base made with your own hands, it is worth remembering that wood is quite difficult to withstand the effects of dampness. Therefore, before starting finishing, the wood must be treated special means, which contains antibacterial components;
  • in order to create a unique design, the structure is made of wood elements in the form of a log house. Additionally, you can make carved elements;
  • Sometimes wooden wells are additionally covered with siding or clapboard sheathing. But this method is quite expensive and labor-intensive.

These roofs will serve as excellent protection and will give the entire structure a unique design and style. You can see what wooden wells look like in the photo. There you can also see their design in the form of houses.


The use of stone for finishing wells in the country is the most popular basis for cladding. The result is a beautiful, stylish structure that has good wear resistance.

Features of the stone finishing of the well:

  • used for cladding Various types stone - natural or artificial. Regardless of this, a mine with a stone base always looks very unusual;
  • for their cladding, you can use small pebbles, as well as larger cobblestones;
  • It turns out beautifully when the stones are all selected according to shape and color. It is enough to lay them out around the shaft. It is better to fasten with a special glue for tiles or bricks;
  • if the stones chosen for finishing the shaft in the country have different color characteristics, which have visible differences, then some kind of pattern or ornament can be made from them. In this case, you can show your imagination and create your own unique design;
  • In addition to the well, you can lay out a path of stones. This design will give the dacha style and shades of antiquity;
  • a roof can be built over the shaft. It is mounted on supports from the side. The roof can be pitched or gable. Additionally, the top can be covered with metal tiles.

How to make a beautiful well from stone lining? Look at the photos with design options, they will help you decorate this element in your dacha in a stylish, original way.


In addition to finishing, the well can be additionally decorated with other decorative elements. Various flowers are especially often used for decoration. It looks beautiful when the mine is buried in flowers of different colors. This decoration can be created with your own hands.

Features of decorating with flowers:

  • usually the roof of the mine, as well as the foot and nearby area are used for decoration;
  • additionally bright, colorful flowers can be placed in hanging flower pots;
  • in order for the well to seem to be buried in a flower garden, pots with lush flowers of different colors can be placed at the base;
  • Additionally, you can make small protrusions on the sides of the cladding and place flower pots on them;
  • For planting, you can use varieties that bloom one after another. As a result, the first ones will bloom beautiful flowers, they will create a beautiful view of the mine and will highlight it against the general background of the entire summer cottage. After the first flowers fade, others will bloom next. As a result, colorful flowers will delight the eye almost the entire season;
  • It is convenient to use weaving flowers. As they grow, they will completely entwine the well in a circle, and the beautiful flowers will create a bright design.

Wood, stone, and cement can be used as lining for flower wells. Additionally, you can use soil, sand, and pebbles to create a multi-level platform or alpine slide.

Plastering and painting

After the well is finished, the final stage must be completed - plastering and painting. Plaster is especially often used when laying bricks. The walls between the lower and intermediate frame of the shaft are plastered. Cement mortar is used for plastering.

The features of the plaster are as follows:

  • For plastering, you should prepare a mixture of cement. It should have a consistency similar to sour cream;
  • the solution is applied at a time. You need to apply from top to bottom, leveling with a trowel and smoothing with a trowel;
  • to obtain a smooth, even surface, beacons made of wooden slats, their thickness should be 50-60 mm;
  • after the first strip is plastered, it is necessary to rearrange the beacons, fill the second strip in a circle with the solution again, and so on;
  • if the shaft is made of wood, then plaster is usually not done. If the need suddenly arises, a mesh made of a metal base is installed on the surface. It will be the basis for containing the solution;
  • then lowers the structure. During the lowering process, it is imperative to control the entire process. It is imperative to lay the grip of all rings and plaster them;
  • at the end the bottom is cleared of dirt. A gravel-sand mixture is poured. This is done in cases where water comes from below.

In addition to plastering, the front part is sometimes painted. Typically painting is done for wood cladding. The wood can be varnished. Additionally, you can use different colors of paint to create drawings and patterns.

Do-it-yourself mines with painted elements of different colors look beautiful. You can also use paint for stone structures; special coloring mixtures should be used for them.

Which material is better to choose Which cladding method should I choose? Of course, you need to decide for yourself. Some people want the well to be made in an old style; in these cases, it would be appropriate to decorate it with wood. If you want the well to last for a long time, then facing it with stone or brick will do. If you like unusual design , then you can use flower decoration. Besides this, there are others unusual ways

design of mines in the country. If you still haven’t decided how to finish the well, then perhaps some design ideas

will help you in your choice.

Chalet style

If a house on a summer cottage resembles a chalet house, which are usually located in Switzerland, then a mine in the same style will look beautiful. Usually stone is used for its finishing. You can use artificial or natural stone. In addition to it, you can also make a path from a stone base. What does a chalet style well look like? Look at the photos, you can see design options in this style.

Country style Everyone has probably seen the Russian well. It is made from wooden log house

Characteristics of rustic wells:

  • The log house has a log structure. Its shape is quadrangular; the corners can be joined without or with a remainder;
  • sometimes, to give an unusual look, it is cut into five, six or eight corners. For the construction of these structures, a rounded log is used, with the help of which you can build a neat structure;
  • The frame can be installed around a concrete ring. The space between the log house and the wooden caftan can be filled with small pebbles or expanded clay.

In order to create a real country style, you can additionally install various ethnic components:

  • carved posts to support the roof;
  • openwork cornice;
  • roofing made of shingles or straw;
  • cart wheel as a handle for the lifting drum;
  • wooden tub instead of a bucket.

Oriental style

Ate your garden country cottage area is decorated in an oriental style, then the well should also be decorated in an oriental style. Therefore, when creating the design of the entire structure, you should give preference to elements of the oriental type. The eastern well must have a canopy. Often the canopy is decorated with various oriental amulets - figurines, mythical creatures. The head should be made of large stone or wood.

The roof must be covered with metal tiles with a soft base, it must have raised corners - a pagoda. The design must have a wooden bucket.

Creating a house

The mines with the house look unusual. Often such structures are used in summer cottages. The house is very comfortable. It protects water from heating in summer and from freezing in winter.

To build a house you will need tools and materials:

  • edged board with dimensions 100x25;
  • wooden beam 100x80;
  • hinges for doors;
  • bitumen or roofing felt mastic;
  • flat slate;
  • screws, nails;
  • hacksaw for wooden base;
  • electric jigsaw;
  • plane;
  • bayonet type shovel;
  • water level;
  • tape measure;
  • simple pencil.

Any woodworking tool is suitable for building a well house.

To do everything correctly, strictly follow the instructions:

  • around the mine you need to level the soil, fill it with a small layer of pebbles 5 cm high;
  • then water the pebbles and tamp them;
  • then we assemble the frame from edged boards. How to assemble the frame, you can see photos with options for its assembly. The frame posts must be placed on a flat surface, we nail the boards of the lower and upper trim;

The frame diagram clearly shows the attachment points of the upper and bottom trim to the racks
  • all boards must be secured with screws so that they hold firmly;
  • then we also connect the other frame posts;
  • the assembled parts of the frame need to be installed around a concrete ring, we assemble it together;
  • next we do rafter system. You can see how to assemble it in the photo;

Connection diagram of the rafters with the upper frame trim The distance between the sheathing elements must be the same
  • We connect all the rafters using fasteners and hardware;
  • after complete assembly, you need to build a door, insert it on special hinges;
  • we perform lathing, strengthen the rafter system;
  • then we install roofing felt on the bitumen mastic;
  • install flat slate;
  • At the end we cover everything with boards.

The base and frame of the house are practically hidden under the roof, and the door is located above the base, above ground level

A well on a summer cottage is a necessary structure. Its presence will provide constant water for drinking, as well as for watering plants. It is important to decorate it beautifully. To design the cladding, you can use a variety of materials - brick, stone, wood. The main thing is to do everything correctly, stylishly, unusually, brightly.


One of the ways to make a house for a well from scrap materials.

Photos of options for finishing wells in the country

Methods for designing wells in personal gardens using a variety of materials.

Since ancient times, a well was considered an essential element of every yard and, despite all the achievements modern technology, people continue to use this source of water supply in their areas. This is quite understandable, because a well is often not only a source, but also an important element landscape design. True, in order for it to really become a decoration of the site, it must be properly decorated, so next we will look at how to decorate a well in the country with your own hands.

It must be said that the upper part of the well, most often, in addition to its decorative function, protects the source from various debris entering it from the surface, and also insulates water-lifting equipment if it is installed inside the shaft. Therefore, it is necessary to finish the well for many reasons.

Design options

Wooden structures

This type of design fits harmoniously into any interior of the site. Most often, these structures are made in the form of built-on houses. They can be supplemented with carved figurines of birds and animals.

This design allows you to stylize the entire area as antique - additionally placing a wooden bench, a fragment of a wicker fence, a decorative windmill and even a cart. Such an interior will emphasize the individuality of your site and will look very impressive.

The wooden superstructure can be a quadrangular, round or hexagonal frame. It is not necessary to build a structure from logs or timber - you can lay out a brick box and cover it with clapboard or siding, stylized as timber.

Mounted on top of the shaft gable roof. In addition, the upper part of the house can be made in the form of a tent.

Most often the following materials are used as coating:

  • Tree,
  • Polycarbonate;
  • Bituminous shingles;
  • Straw.

Advice! If you want to bring the design of the well closer to the design of the main house, then it is best to make the roof from the same roofing material that was used to build the house.

Functional elements and decorations

It is advisable to close the well on top with a tight lid, which will protect the shaft from debris getting into it and will not allow the water to warm up under the scorching rays of the summer sun. There are quite a few options for how to decorate a well cover, depending on the style of the above-ground structure. For example, forged elements will look great with wood.

It is logical to complete such a composition with a swing with a chain and a bucket. This element can perform a working function, but it can also be installed simply as a decorative item.

Buildings covered with lace carvings, as well as mesh and wicker elements look incredibly cool on a summer cottage. In addition, you can additionally decorate such a well with grapes, ivy, roses or other plants. We'll talk more about decorating with flowers below.

If in the design of the source, preferences are given to other styles, then the above-ground structure can be made of concrete, brick or forged elements. In any case, designing a well is a creative process that allows you to show your design abilities.

Related articles:

Marine and medieval styles

If the interior of the site is decorated in a medieval style, then the well can be decorated with cobblestones or granite. It is best to use a metal dome as a roof for such a structure.

Without ornate decoration, the design will take on a modern minimalist style, which will be harmoniously complemented by forged supports. In this case, polycarbonate can serve as a roofing material. Such a design does not require any special design; it is only important that it fits into the surrounding interior of the dacha.

An interesting option is to design a well in nautical style. To do this, the poles can be wrapped with ropes, and the traditional bucket can be replaced with a beer barrel. Accordingly, it is best to use a steering wheel as a gate handle.

This image will be harmoniously complemented by hanging anchors, as well as sea stones and shells. In addition, the abundance of greenery, as well as a babbling stream nearby and original inclusions of stone will help to further decorate the structure. All this will create a favorable atmosphere of relaxation.

In the photo - color decoding

Decoration with flowers

The most beautiful and at the same time time-consuming design is decorating with flowers. In this case, the flower bed is the roof of the well and the base. Of course, flowers should be planted in the surrounding area.

You need to select plants in such a way that they constantly delight the eye with their flowering, or alternately replace each other.

Decorative buildings

If there is no well on the site, then this is not a reason to be upset. Recently, decorative wells, which are intended to perform only an aesthetic function, have become popular.

Most often they are made of wood. In essence, these products represent the upper part of the well installed on the foundation. Logs with a smooth or carved surface can be used as pillars.

Around the decorative structure, most often, a blind area is made of concrete or paving slabs. At the same time, the design can be further stylized with wooden wheels, a stork sitting in a nest and other “rustic” elements.

Advice! Such a decorative well can be an excellent decoration for a well. For example, you can place equipment for water supply in it.

We decorate the well ourselves

Undoubtedly, the best looking well on the site will be the one that is made independently. Therefore, let's look at how to make a house for a well in the Russian style.

To do this you will need the following materials:

  • Logs for supports;
  • Bars;
  • Lining for cladding.
  • Roofing material.

The instructions for making the “house” are as follows:

  • First of all, you should secure the pillars along the outside of the box. To prevent the supports from sagging over time, you need to fill the holes with pebbles or crushed stone and, after installing the pillars, fill them cement mortar. First, wooden poles must be treated with an antiseptic composition.
  • After installing the pillars, you should perform gable roof. The design is quite simple, so its manufacture will not be difficult. The only thing is that it is necessary to provide a door for access to the well.
  • After completing the roof frame, it needs to be covered with roofing material, for example, tiles.
  • Then bottom part buildings should be sheathed with forcing.
  • After this, the resulting product must be varnished and decorated with all kinds of decorative elements, for example, carved platbands and a wind indicator. You can get additional ideas on our portal.

In the same way, you can make a decorative well and place a water container in it.

Many summer residents and gardeners, and not only others, always have one important problem, especially on a hot summer day. This is watering your crops and plants.

Some people, if possible, try to have access to a centralized water supply, while others are thinking about having their own well on their property. At the same time, many do not even have any idea about how and where to dig a hole for a well.

In this case, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules and a clear plan, and you also need to rationally plan the entire work process. Then you can dig the well yourself.

But, before you start work, you need to make a diagram of the well for yourself. All stages of work must be carried out strictly according to the drawing of the well, which is considered the main project.

What features do you need to know when digging a hole?

Digging a deep hole for a well is only half the battle; what matters is what kind of water will be in the well. And it should be clean and transparent, without sharp and unpleasant odors, without the presence of foreign tastes, but this does not always happen.

Therefore, the location for digging the hole is most important, and it is advisable to dig where there are groundwater deposits. It is worth noting that groundwater may have different flow depths underground, and the quality of water at different depths will be different.

Also of no small importance for many owners of private houses is the location of the well itself in relation to the house, and therefore people try to dig a well as close to the building as possible, which is highly undesirable.

Digging a well must be done strictly in compliance with all safety rules and regulations, or you can turn to the services of professional specialists in this field who have everything necessary to carry out this type of work.

As a rule, digging a hole for a well can be done by only 3-4 qualified specialists.

It should be noted that groundwater can have different levels of deposits - from a minimum level of 15 meters to a maximum of 50 meters. At the same time, you may encounter a very important problem, the fact is that in the process of digging a hole you can stumble upon a thick layer of clay soil, which is very difficult to dig, as well special difficulty In this process stones are added. They are quite difficult to remove from the ground and transport to the surface.

However, it happens that the earth’s rock becomes very hard, and stones are very difficult to remove from them to the surface, then sometimes the question is raised about stopping further work on constructing a well with your own hands.

Of course, in this case, you can use special equipment that will make it easier to extract the soil, but you will still have to manually dig until water appears in the well, and you will need to trim the walls to install round rings of concrete that go down inside the hole.

But at the same time, it often happens that it is not always possible to drive special equipment into hard-to-reach places to facilitate the work process.

How to determine the optimal location for a well

As a rule, to determine groundwater, the presence of wells in the immediate vicinity of neighbors is taken as a basis; you can always check the depth of the well with them, however, at a distance of only 1 km, groundwater can have different depths.

In exceptional cases, it is necessary to drill an exploration well for the presence of groundwater, however, this method of determining water is very complex, but this method is considered the most effective in determining the presence of groundwater.

How to choose the right time to dig a hole

Determining the time required to dig a hole for a well is also not an unimportant detail, because the taste of the water depends on it. So, for example, it is not advisable to dig frozen ground during the cold and frost seasons, but at the same time, water does not flow in the lower layers.


It is not recommended to dig a hole during the thawing of the snow cover, as well as during a flood, this is due to the fact that in the lower layers the soil is still well frozen, while its upper layers are in an excess of moisture.

Most best option The time when it is necessary to dig a hole for a well is the end of winter and the beginning of spring, since it is during this period that groundwater is at its lowest level.

This way you can find the most necessary depth for your site.

Safety precautions during well construction

Equal importance must be given to safety precautions when creating a well. And it is necessary to follow all the rules strictly, because there is a high risk of getting some serious injury or damage during the work process.


  • It is necessary to work in personal protective equipment, which includes a helmet, gloves and overalls.
  • You need to make sure that the inventory tool you will be working with is working.
  • Be careful and careful, don’t rush.
  • When removing soil, use a strong bucket, which must be hooked onto a carabiner with a rope; in no case should you tie the bucket with soil to a regular knot, as there is a high probability of the bucket breaking and falling to the bottom.
  • you cannot go down to the bottom of the pit without a safety rope; this is necessary in case the person digging below receives any serious damage or methane poisoning, then urgent and quick evacuation of the victim will be necessary.

Mine digging work

Almost every well hole, without exception, is dug vertically to the bottom with a cross-section of about two meters no more. The overall dimensions of the pit are set along the circumference of the concrete rings with a small margin.

The process of creating a well can be carried out by a team of no more than 4 people, where they can take turns changing during the work process.

Of no small importance is the pit for installing the very first concrete ring, while the walls in the pit should be smooth and slightly rounded, and the bottom itself should have a flat surface.

After installing the first ring, they dig further under it, after which a second ring is placed on it and they will sag under their weight. And so do this until the first water appears, and then the dirty water itself must be removed from the pit.


As soon as water begins to rapidly fill the pit, you must immediately stop working and leave the well pit.

The connection of concrete rings occurs as follows. Each ring contains special steel rods, as well as loops that are connected to each other with connecting bolts.

As the water rises at the bottom of the pit, it is recommended to densely lay small, medium-sized stones, after which it is covered with fine gravel or crushed stone to level the floor of the shaft. At the same time, they can serve as a kind of purification filter, so that when lifting a bucket of water to the surface, soil particles do not come across.

Not the least importance must be given to the removal or removal of soil raised to the surface. After which you can begin making the head, which can be made in any form.

At the same time, recently it has been considered very popular to have a beautiful and unique head that can decorate your yard as a decorative element.

Therefore, if you are planning to make a well in your dacha with your own hands, you will have to put in a lot of time and effort, but the end result is worth it.

If for some reason you encounter any difficulties, then in this case you can seek the help of professionals. Also in this article there are many illustrated bright photos well, maybe something will suit your taste.

Photo of a well with your own hands

Groundwater is present under almost the entire earth's surface. In one place, water deposits pass close to the surface, in another - far away. The owner of a summer cottage only needs to determine at what depth the underground aquifer lies, and then carry out the appropriate measures to equip the well.

A properly dug and well-designed well will provide its owner with clean water for many years. drinking water. At the same time, you can cope with all the activities for arranging a well at your summer cottage on your own.

First of all, determine the optimal area for constructing the well. There are several methods.

Try to find a suitable place using the simplest devices - frames made of brass wire. Take a wire with a diameter of about 3 mm, a length of 0.5 m. Bend the wire at a right angle so that the length of the short part is approximately 100 mm.

Make two such frames. Take them in both hands. You don't need to squeeze the frames too tightly - they should be able to rotate without unnecessary difficulty.

Go around the entire dacha area with such frames. Mark the places where the frames crossed - in these areas the aquifer is located closest to the surface of the earth. If there are several such places, choose the one that is most convenient and meets the current requirements.

There is a more effective, but also much more expensive way to determine a suitable location for constructing a well. In accordance with this method, you need to dig a well. This will allow us to determine the depth of groundwater.

First, ask your neighbors how deep their wells are. In neighboring areas, groundwater flows at the same level in most situations.

You can also determine that water passes at a short distance from the ground surface by the following signs:

Traditional private well scheme

In the vast majority of situations, country wells are built according to the same scheme. The main components of the well design under consideration are the water collector, the main trunk and the upper head.

Water is accumulated and stored in the catchment, the trunk prevents the soil from falling inside the catchment, and the head is the highest part of the well, designed to protect it from precipitation and debris.

Where to start?

The best time to do a well is in the fall. At this time, groundwater drops as low as possible, which will make digging a well easier and will allow you to determine the optimal depth of the structure.

Digging the pit is done manually. Prepare the following equipment for this:

Pre-purchase the required number of concrete rings for arranging the walls of the well shaft. The most convenient and easiest to install are rings with special chamfers for joining, but they are somewhat more expensive than their simplified counterparts.

Well Construction Guide

Most often, there are two main options for constructing a well yourself. Familiarize yourself with the features of each method, choose the most suitable method and get to work.

First method

First step. Dig a hole measuring 1.25x1.25 m. Determine the depth yourself - dig until the aquifer is reached. Dig very carefully, remembering the safety precautions.

If the ground crumbles a lot, immediately proceed to the second method of arranging a well in the country.

Second step.

At this point, the main stage of constructing the well is completed. All you have to do is take additional protective measures and arrange the head, which will be discussed below.

If you wish, you can equip a rectangular well. To do this, it is enough to dig the appropriate pit, install durable formwork around its perimeter and pour concrete.

This method of constructing a well yourself is the most convenient and fastest, but it is only suitable for non-flowing soils.

Second method

First step. Dig a pit about 1 m deep and install the first ring in it. It is better if you manage to buy a ring with pins on the lower rim or with a cone-shaped point. It will simply be easier to push such a ring down, and it will settle under its own weight.

Second step.

Continue digging the hole until the first concrete ring goes down another 100 cm. Install the second ring.

Third step.

Place the seams between the rings with tarred rope or other suitable material and seal with simple cement mortar. The seams can also be sealed with clay mortar, but it is not particularly durable and requires periodic updating.

Continue building the well according to the previously described algorithm until you reach the aquifer.

Finally, you have to dig into the aquifer. Doing this work manually will not give you any positive emotions - the earth will mix with water, turning into a dirty liquid mass. Therefore, to make the task easier, first buy a high-quality and efficient drainage pump.

Your task is to get rid of the earth from the lower 2-3 m of the shaft in the shortest possible time.

Fill the prepared bottom with a layer of crushed stone at least 10 cm thick. The embankment will serve as a filter.

For maximum structural strength, fasten the rings with staples. Coat metal products with an anti-corrosion agent.

Arrangement of a soft blind area

For external moisture insulation of a country well, you must make a soft blind area. To build a blind area, first remove the top layer of soil around the perimeter of the well you have constructed, and then make a recess. Select the depth of the hole individually - it should slightly exceed the freezing depth of the soil. and secure it with metal adhesive tape.

Cover the blind area with crushed stone, lawn or stone of your choice.

Video - Clay well castle

Recommendations for arranging the upper part of the structure

Finally, the well head is designed. Sheathing made from planed boards will suffice. This kind of design will perfectly cope with its main tasks, but it can hardly be called aesthetic.

The original houses above the country wells look much more interesting. The house is built using bricks. It is necessary to cover the head of the well with them, and install a roof on top from a suitable material, for example, rolled metal or boards.

In addition, a large assortment of ready-made houses for wells from different materials. You can buy a finished product or make it yourself, focusing on the available examples.

In addition to its main protective function, the house will become an additional decoration of your summer cottage.

Video - House for a well

To ensure that your country well performs its job flawlessly for as long as possible, devote time to maintaining and caring for the structure.

After each use, turn the water bucket upside down to prevent any debris from getting into the container.

Secure a perimeter around the well to keep pets out. Periodically inspect the interior of the well. If you find animals or birds in it, pump out the water, throw away the found objects and disinfect the object.

To remove various debris from the water, use convenient and suitable devices, for example, a net with a handle.

Give your well a thorough cleaning every 4-6 months. Start by thoroughly cleaning the concrete walls with a wire brush or a broom made from birch branches. Afterwards, the wall must be rinsed with clean water, and the water must be pumped out from the well with a pump.

Video - Cleaning wells

Remove the gravel backfill from the bottom of the country well. Wash the backfill elements and put them back. For final disinfection, apply a 3% chlorine solution to the walls of the well. Also, a chlorine solution must be added to the incoming water. Close the well for a day, and then rinse the walls of the structure and pump out the water the required number of times until the smell of bleach completely disappears.

Good luck!

Video - Do-it-yourself wells at the dacha