Installing Kali in addition to Windows can be quite helpful. However, you need to take extreme care during the installation procedure. First, make sure to back up important data and your version of Windows. Since you will be working with a hard drive, it is best to save your backups to an external storage device. After completing the backup, we recommend that you read the article "", which describes the procedure normal installation Kali.

In our example, we will be installing Kali Linux in addition to Windows 7, which takes up 100% of the computer's disk space. We'll start by resizing the current Windows partition to free up some free space, and then install Kali Linux into a new empty partition.

Download Kali Linux and burn the system image to DVD or as installation media. If your computer does not have an optical disc drive or USB ports, refer to the publication. Make sure you have:

  • At least 8 GB of free space on Windows
  • Boot from CD-DVD / USB

Preparing for installation

  1. Download Kali Linux.
  2. Burn the Kali Linux ISO to DVD or copy Kali Linux Live to USB.
  3. Open BIOS and make sure your computer is configured to boot from CD / USB.

Installation procedure as a second operating system

Kali Linux installation procedure

If you would like to have a portable flash drive or external hard drive with Kali Linux>, then there are at least two options:

  • install the system on a flash drive
  • create a flash drive with persistent(persistent storage)

The first option is similar to a typical operating system installation. But since we will install on a flash drive, we get portability - the ability to boot on any computer with a USB input. All changes made to the system are saved after a reboot. In general, work is not much different from work with a regular computer.

The second option is to create Live systems on a USB drive (the same flash drive). But since the Live system is not able to save changes (user files, system settings), another section is additionally created for it, on which files and settings made are saved. Ie, it would seem, it turns out approximately as in the first version - there is a system that "remembers" the changes made after restart. In fact, there are some nuances.

Live system with persistent itself takes up less space - the same as the downloaded ISO image - i.e. usually up to four gigabytes. An operating system installed normally takes about 13-15 gigabytes. On the other hand, a normally installed system boots faster because Live uses compression. A persistent Live system may face a problem when a new kernel (which is upgradeable) is incompatible with the old bootloader (which is part of the Live image and is not updated).

In general, both methods deserve the right to exist, and both of them will be considered on the pages of This instruction will show you how to create a flash drive with Kali Linu installed x. A detailed procedure will be described to avoid some of the problems that may arise when installing the system on a USB drive or when booting from a USB flash drive or external drive.

Instructions for installing Kali Linux on a USB memory stick

Installing to a USB stick is similar to installing to an internal drive. But in order not to accidentally damage the main computer system, computer hard drives or the boot loader of the main system, I suggest installing Kali Linux on a USB flash drive in a virtual computer. After completing this installation, you will be able to boot from this flash drive in your real computer. I am using VirtualBox as my virtual computer.

I assume that you already have VirtualBox installed, or you yourself know how to install it.

In VirtualBox, create a new virtual machine. The most common virtual computer for Linux. The only difference is that it shouldn't have a (virtual) hard drive.

When, in the process of creating a new virtual computer, you reach the window HDD, then select " Do not connect virtual hard disk»:

When the virtual machine is created, start it. Official releases (not weekly automatic builds) are recommended as ISOs. When trying to use weekly builds, I got errors related to the inability to load kernel modules and the installation failed.

USB stick for Kali Linux

For Kali Linux, as well as any modern Linux distribution, I recommend memory cards over 16 gigabytes in size. Those. that's 32 gigabytes or more. The higher the speed, the better. Flash drives are poorly suited for multiple simultaneous read / write operations, and operating systems work in this mode. Even with a good memory card, your system will work noticeably slower than a desktop one, it can lag, slow down. With a bad (slow) memory card, work can become difficult, uncomfortable.

How many USB flash drives live with an installed operating system

I am one of those who do not spare their media. I download torrents to my memory cards in my phone, I install operating systems on my USB sticks, I use them intensively, and I often make and restore full backups. I have not broken a single memory / USB stick from heavy use. To be honest, I consider it a myth that memory cards can deteriorate due to frequent use. Maybe I'm just lucky. I want to say that USB flash drives (at least some) can “live” for years and be used with the operating systems installed on them.

Cleaning the USB memory stick to install the operating system

Before starting the installation, I recommend completely erasing the data from the flash drive (deleting the GPT), because otherwise I sometimes got errors with the problem of writing to the disk. We will do this by the forces of the Live system itself, having booted from the downloaded ISO.

When this menu appears, instead of choosing "Graphical Installation", boot into the system.

When you boot into the bottom bar of the virtual machine, connect your USB flash drive to the system:

You can see the list of disks, but since there are no other media (hard disks) there, you will see only a flash drive under the name / dev / sda:

To switch to expert mode, enter there

Agree twice to completely wipe the disk.

Now our flash drive is cleaned without removing it, restart the virtual system. Now select " Graphical install»:

Instructions for installing Kali Linux on a memory card

There are no differences from the installation of the operating system - everything is fairly standard, the choice of language, username, etc. If you have problems with this, then, again, refer to the "Installing Kali Linux" note.

Perhaps there is only a small nuance with the swap partition. We do not need a swap partition on a flash drive at all - we will use computer resources directly, i.e. all the RAM - this should be enough. But even if this is not the case, there will only be harm from the swap partition on the flash drive, since it will be very slow. To prevent the creation of a swap partition, then when you go to " Partitioning disks"Select the item" Manually»:

Choose a section:

Choose "Yes":

Choose "FREE SEAT":

In the next window, most likely, you will not have to change anything:

Choose "Primary":

Select "Partition setup complete":

Choose "Finish partitioning and write changes to disk":

The system complains that no partitions are specified for swap space and praises it in every possible way. In our case (installing the OS on a flash drive), it really is not needed. We choose "No":

Now choose "Yes":

After that, the normal installation of the Kali Linux OS will begin.

Leave it unchanged here:

Select your flash drive:

When the installation is over (and it may take longer than you expected, since flash drives are not as fast as even regular hard drives, not to mention SSDs), then turn off the virtual computer. You can reboot your real computer to boot from the freshly installed USB stick.

If you do not have UEFI, then when the computer starts to boot, press the Delete or Esc button many times (sometimes another - depending on the model of the motherboard - you can find out from Google). In BIOS, where "Boot Order" select your flash drive. The flash drive at this moment must be inserted into the computer, otherwise the BIOS will not see it. If the flash drive is inserted, but the computer does not see it, try inserting it into different slots and reboot each time and go to BIOS.

If you have UEFI, then you just won't get into BIOS. The easiest way to get into BIOS is to enter in the command line (as administrator):

shutdown .exe / r / o

After that, a message appears that the computer will restart in less than one minute. After rebooting, we get here and select "Diagnostics":

Now select "Advanced options":

Now "UEFI Firmware Options":

Well, "Reload":

Different manufacturers have different BIOSes, so yours may be different. But I'll show you my laptop as an example, so that the essence is clear. Go to the Boot tab, select Boot Option Priorities, see what options there are:

Just one option and definitely not my flash drive.

We are looking for Secure Boot and disable (Disable):

A new OS Mode Selection menu item appears. In it, select CMS and UEFI OS. If you select only CMS OS, then the installed Windows will not boot.

Now we are looking for such an item as Fast BIOS Mode and disable it (Disable). This is necessary so that when the BIOS boots up, it starts checking for USB devices:

But again we need BIOS! Therefore, when loading, press the corresponding key. I have this key - F2. On the old computer, this key was Delete. The BIOS itself writes this key when the computer boots. If you do not have time to look or do not understand English, then look for your model in Google. Or try brute force. In addition to the named, this key can also be Esc or some kind of F *.

Go to the Boot Option Priorities tab again. Now there is a flash drive. If you do as I did - put the flash drive in the first place, and Windows Boot Manager in the second, then you will achieve the following effect: if the flash drive is inserted into the computer, Linux will boot from this flash drive. If there is no flash drive, then Windows will boot - and there is no need to go into BIOS once again!

Especially often this error appears when trying to boot from a USB flash drive or from an external drive. This is because the GRUB settings point to the wrong drive, such as the Windows drive. The system does not understand the file system of the disk and cannot continue booting. This problem can be solved quite simply.

Restart your computer, and when the GRUB bootloader menu appears, press e... You will see something like the following:

Notice the line starting with linux... In my case, there is a record

Since there were no other storage media besides the flash drive during installation in the virtual computer, it was named / dev / sda1... The real computer has at least one more hard disk, and the name / dev / sda1 could have been assigned to it. And the flash drive I'm trying to boot from now has a different name. This name can be / dev / sdb1, or / dev / sdc1 or something else (depending on the number of disks in the system).

If you don't know the new name, then just iterate over different variants... Move cursor to disk name and change it to / dev / sd b 1. Then press the key F10 and wait for the download. If the boot fails, restart the computer and change the entry to / dev / sd with 1 (and so on alphabetically), press F10 and check if the download was successful.

After successfully booting into the system, change the name of the bootable disk. For example, in my case, the disk name turned out to be / dev / sdc1(with letter c). Then the command to change the boot disk will look like this:

sudo grub- install --recheck / dev / sdc

sudo grub-mkconfig -o / boot / grub / grub .cfg

Instead of / dev / sdc substitute the name of your disk or flash drive.

Now, when restarting, there will be no error, and I will immediately get into Kali Linux installed on a flash drive.

Backing up a flash drive with Kali Linux

Installing an operating system on a flash drive, and especially its subsequent configuration and installation of programs, is a long process. In case the flash drive still breaks or you need it to record coursework, you can back it up. It is also recommended to make backups before installing video drivers or other similar experiments dangerous for the OS.

If we are talking about creating a backup of the OS, and not individual files, then the best option is to clone an image of the entire disk. If necessary, this will allow you to very quickly return the entire operating system with all the settings. The downside of this method is that the image with the backup will take up exactly as much space as the flash drive has. Even if, for example, the operating system with all the files occupies only half of the volume of a USB drive, the image will still be the size of a flash drive. As already mentioned, the advantage is that you do not need to select files for synchronization, the entire backup is stored as a single file, restoration guarantees a full return to its original state.

On Linux systems, a similar image can be made using the program dd and for Windows there is a wonderful free, open source utility.

Run Win32 Disk Imager as Device select your flash drive, and in the field Image File write the path where you want to save the image:

When everything is ready, click Read.

If you need to restore the operating system to a flash card, then in the same way select the image that you want to write to the flash drive and click Write.

Denial of responsibility: This article is written for educational purposes only. The author or publisher did not publish this article for malicious purposes. If readers would like to use the information for personal gain, then the author and the publisher are not responsible for any harm or damage caused.

Almost every user today has heard of the free Linux operating system. The open platform for development and the availability of the system made it very popular. But if you've never used it, installing it instead of Windows can be reckless. It is much more convenient to install any of the Linux versions as a second operating system on your device.

Reasons to install Linux next to Windows 10

Windows 10 is the latest operating system from Microsoft. It is successful and versatile. Few users will be able to completely stop using it in order to install Linux. In turn, Linux has a number of advantages over other operating systems:

  • freedom and variety - there are many Linux assemblies, and each of them is free. Downloading, installing, using and even modifying them is completely legal;
  • low requirements - some Linux builds will work even on very old computers. The operating system takes up little space and consumes little random access memory, which means that more resources will remain for your programs;
  • fewer viruses - virus programs for Linux, of course, exist, but the chance of stumbling upon them is much less than in the operating system from Microsoft. As a result, getting rid of them is easier;
  • free software - there are a lot of free software on Linux for every taste. It can be either analogs of paid programs on Windows, or completely new software. Finding the program you need is very easy;
  • good compatibility with other systems is extremely important. Linux installs easily and works with any operating system: both Windows and Mac.

The cons, however, are also obvious:

  • relying on experienced users - installing Linux is not at all difficult, but some actions in the system itself require a lot of technical knowledge;
  • problems with the support of programs and games of other operating systems - not all games or programs support Linux, and the method of launching through wine does not always work correctly.

When installing Linux as a second operating system, you have nothing to lose, and if you like it, you can completely move to it.

Installing various Linux assemblies

Since Linux is open to user development, there are many different versions of this operating system.

  • Linux Ubuntu is a common version of the operating system that is installed with various programs. Has both "light" options and full-fledged complexes for working with media; Ubuntu is one of the most widespread versions of Linux
  • Kali Linux - a version of the system with a lot of emphasis on safe operation;
    Kali Linux is known for increased security
  • Linux Mint - this operating system is based on the Ubuntu version and is the development of its ideas in better side;
    Mint Linux is an improved version of Ubuntu
  • Kubuntu is the official fork of the regular Ubuntu release. Differs in a different graphical shell (KDE);
    Kubuntu Linux - Ubuntu with a different graphical shell
  • Rosa Linux - Russian version of Linux with a number of proprietary developments;
    Rosa Linux - Russian assembly with a number of innovations
  • Arch Linux is a very lightweight and streamlined build for advanced users.
    Arch Linux - build for advanced users

Each user should choose an assembly to fit their needs before proceeding directly with the installation.

Preparation before installation

Before you start installing the version of Linux you have chosen, there are some preparatory steps to be taken with your hard drive. To begin with, you should save all the necessary files to the drive, since there is a risk of losing them during installation. Then you should partition the disk into partitions for the correct installation of the second operating system.

Partitioning a Partition Using the Disk Management System Utility

You can also split the partition directly during the Linux installation. But if you do this in advance, you can avoid some unnecessary risks during installation.

Partitioning a Partition Using Linux Installer

Regardless of which version of Linux you are installing, you will need to partition your disk. If you did not do this before installation, then during installation it can also be done.

  1. To do this, when choosing the type of installation, select "Other option".
    When installing, select the line "Another option" and click "Continue"
  2. The required utility will be launched. Here you can see the partitions of your hard drive. For installation, it is better to divide a partition that is not a system partition.
    Linux has its own utility for working with disks, with which you can also partition a volume.
  3. Select a non-system partition and press the "Change" button.
    Select a partition with enough free space and click "Change"
  4. Please enter a different hard disk size. It is recommended to set the value above 20 thousand MB, so that there is enough space both for the system and for its normal operation. All "extra" space will be cut off and become an unallocated area. Of course, it is necessary that this space is not occupied by files.
    In the "Change Partition" window you can see the total amount of free disk space
  5. Confirm the resizing by clicking OK.
    In the "Edit Section" box, enter the weight of the space you want to separate and click OK
  6. A warning about the irreversibility of the process will appear. Accept the changes again and select the "Continue" button.
    Review and confirm changes when creating a partition in Linux
  7. The split will be complete and you will see the line "free space". Select it and click on the plus sign.
    Select a new section and click on the plus to create a section
  8. Fill out the section creation form. To install Linux, you will need to create a root partition, a swap partition, and a file storage partition. To create a root partition, specify a size of about 15 GB, set the partition type to "Boolean" and specify "/" in the "Mount point" line so that the partition is considered root.
    Enter the required data to create the root partition and click OK
  9. Create a swap partition in the same way, choosing the appropriate partition type. It is worth allocating space for it as much as you have RAM.
    Fill in the required information to create the swap partition and click OK
  10. In the last section for storing files, allocate all the space that is left. Select "/ home" as the mount point.
    Enter the required information to create a home partition and click OK

Partitioning is now complete, which means you can continue with the installation.

Install Linux Ubuntu alongside Windows 10

You can download the latest version of the Linux Ubuntu system from its official website. Then follow these steps:

  1. Write the system image to a USB flash drive. This can be done using any program convenient for you. For example, Rufus can help you. Download and run it.
  2. Select the recording device on the top line. This can be a recordable disc or a flash drive. Specify your drive in the Rufus program
  3. Specify the partition scheme - "GPT for computers with UEFI". Select GPT as Partition Schema
  4. Then click on the image icon. In the explorer that opens, specify the path to your Linux image. Click on the disk icon and select the Linux image you downloaded from the official site
  5. Make sure the "Create bootable disk" checkbox is checked and click "Start".
  6. After the boot disk is created, restart your computer and go to the Boot Menu. Select the boot of your drive there. Select your drive type in the Boot Menu
  7. A start screen will appear to install Linux Ubuntu. Set the required language in the left pane and start the installation.
    Select your system language and click "Install Ubuntu"
  8. Since the partition has already been created, select "Install Ubuntu next to Windows 10".
    From all installation types, select "Install Ubuntu next to Windows 10"
  9. Then select a section. It will be fat32 if done correctly.
    Select the fat32 partition which should have enough space
  10. If there is no partition, but there is an unallocated area, create it. To do this, in the devices tab, select Create Partition Table. Set the partition type to GPT.
  11. In the next window, specify the size of the partition, select fat32 as the file system and enter EFI in the Label line.
    Specify the weight of the section at your discretion
  12. After selecting a partition, the installation will be fully automatic. To do this, simply select Ubuntu the next time the system boots.
    After rebooting, select Ubuntu as your operating system
  13. After installation, indicate your time zone on the map.
    Set timezone in Ubuntu installation settings
  14. Then select your language and keyboard layout.
    Choose the default keyboard layout for Ubuntu
  15. Come up with and enter your new account details and click "Continue".
    Enter your new Ubuntu account credentials
  16. The installation will perform the last steps and require a system reboot. Execute it.
    Agree to restart your computer by clicking "Restart"

Video: Detailed Installation of Linux Ubuntu on a Computer with BIOS

Install Linux Mint next to Windows 10

To install Linux Mint, you need to do the following:

  1. Go to the official site of this build and select the version to download. It is worth choosing based on the required options and the capacity of the system.
    Download the required version of Linux Mint from the official website
  2. Choose torrent as the download method, or download the client from one of the mirrors.
    Download Linux Mint using any of the methods suggested on the site
  3. Then write the Linux Mint image to your bootable media. This can be done using the Rufus program you are already familiar with. Burn the Linux Mint image to your bootable media
  4. After starting the installation, you will see a window with a countdown.
    Wait for the timer to expire to begin installing Linux Mint
  5. If you press any key, the advanced settings window will appear. It is not necessary to do this, but if you did, select the first item to start the installation. Or just wait until the time is up.
    Select Start Linux Mint to login
  6. After a short boot, you will see the desktop of the new operating system in front of you. But the installation is not complete yet. Find the Install Linux Mint file on your desktop and double-click to open it.
    Run the Install Linux Mint file on your desktop
  7. Language settings will open. Select the required language and proceed with the installation.
    Choose your language for Linux Mint system
  8. Check the box next to automatic installation software.
    Check the box for installing additional programs and click "Continue"
  9. Then select the type of installation. If you have partitioned the disk and separated the installation area beforehand, select "Install Linux Mint next to Windows 10".
    To install Linux Mint along with Windows 10, select the appropriate item
  10. After selecting the installation section, the time zone selection will open. Enter your region.
    Select your region for the correct time zone setting
  11. Then select the languages ​​for your keyboard layout.
    Select the keyboard layout you want to use on the new system
  12. Create and set your account name and password, if necessary.
    Enter your Linux Mint login details and confirm
  13. Wait for the installation progress to finish. Progress can be tracked using the bar at the bottom of the screen.
    Wait for the end of the installation progress to access the system
  14. Installation is complete and after restarting your computer, you can start using the operating system.
    Restart your computer when prompted

Video: Install Linux Mint on a Different OS Computer

Install Kali Linux next to Windows 10

The Kali build installation is slightly different from the previous ones.

  1. Download the image from the official build site, choosing the version that suits you.
    Select the Kali Linux version to download from the official website
  2. Write the image to the bootable media using Rufus.
  3. After starting the boot program from the USB stick, you will see the installation options. Installing with graphics (Graphical install) will be the easiest, so we choose it.
    Choose a graphical setup for a more intuitive process
  4. A list of language configurations will appear. Select the required language and confirm your choice.
    Specify the language for installing Kali Linux
  5. If a window appears about the impossibility of correctly mounting the installation disk, just select the "Yes" item, having previously connected the drive to another connector.
    If an error occurs, install the drive with the operating system in a different slot and click "Yes"
  6. Enter the password you have created for the main account, and then repeat it in the line below.
    Enter the password twice for Kali Linux, which will be used for changes in the system
  7. Configure the time zone to properly sync the time on your computer.
    Select the appropriate time zone from the list
  8. The disk layout window will open. Indicate that you want to manually select a section.
    Indicate that you want to select the area manually
  9. Pick the unallocated area ("Free space") that you created earlier.
    Select the unallocated area: it is labeled as "Free space"
  10. Then select "Automatically mark up free space".
    Select the item "Automatically mark free space"
  11. In the next menu, click on the item "All files in one section".
    Select "All files in one section"
  12. Select the disk you were working with, click Finish and write changes to disk.
    Select a section and click "Finish Markup ..."
  13. The computer detects your operating room Windows system 10. Select "Yes" to select one of the operating systems when the computer boots up, and continue with the installation.
    Select "Yes" to continue installation when Windows 10 is detected
  14. Specify the system drive manually in the next window and the installation will be completed.
    Manually point to the system drive to install the operating system bootloader

Video: how to install Kali Linux on a computer

Installing Kubuntu alongside Windows 10

The installation process for Kubuntu Linux is similar to installing Ubuntu, which is not surprising at all. To install Kubuntu alongside your Windows follow these steps:

  1. Download the system from the official site and write it to the boot drive. Restart your computer, and by calling the Boot Menu by pressing F12 when the corresponding message appears, select the desired device to start the installation.
    Download the Kubuntu image from the official site
  2. Press any key while the icon is flashing to open options.
    When the keyboard icon appears, press any key
  3. Select Start Kubuntu to start installing the OS.
    Select Start Kubuntu to start installing the operating system
  4. Wait for the graphical installation shell to load.
    Wait for the Kubuntu graphical shell to finish loading
  5. In the next window, select your system language and click "Start Kubuntu". You need to select this option so that the system is available for use during installation on a hard disk.
    Select "Start Kubuntu" to access the operating system

  6. It may take a while to load the desktop without installing
  7. Then start the installation by clicking on the shortcut of the installation program.
    Select the Install Kubuntu file to start the installation
  8. The installation window will open. Select Russian to continue.
    Specify the language you want to see during the installation and in the system itself
  9. It will check your internet connection and free space for installation. After its completion, click "Continue".
    After checking the Internet, click the "Continue" button
  10. A window for selecting a section will open. If you want to install with a different operating system, select the Manual installation. Automatic partitioning can be used if the hard disk is completely free of files.
    Since you need to keep Windows 10, select the installation type "Manual"
  11. It is necessary to create four sections in turn. The process itself is the same as creating partitions in Ubuntu. Create sections:
  12. Once the partitions are created, confirm the changes and the installation will begin.
    Accept the changes to proceed with the Kubuntu installation
  13. While the files are being copied to your hard drive, select your time zone settings.
    Configure the time zone of the new operating system by selecting your region
  14. In the next window, select the layout language.
    The intuitive keyboard layout helps you make sure you have the right language
  15. In the last screen of settings, set the data from the account.
    Enter the details for the new account and click "Continue"
  16. After that, wait until the installation of the system is completed.
    Wait until the Kubuntu installation process is complete
  17. When the installation is complete, restart your computer.
    Restart when prompting window appears

Installing Rosa Linux alongside Windows 10

As with other assemblies, to install Rosa Linux you need to download the required image and burn it to media.

  1. Go to the Boot Menu by pressing F12 after restarting your computer. Choose to boot your drive. A window will appear with various diagnostic actions. Select the Install ROSA Desktop Fresh R6 line.
    Select Install ROSA Desktop to start installation
  2. The language selection panel will open. Install the required one and proceed with the installation.
    Select your language when installing the system
  3. Review and accept the Rosa Linux License Agreement.
    Accept the terms of the license agreement to proceed with the installation
  4. Please specify your keyboard layout.
    Also select the language for the keyboard layout
  5. In the next window, specify a convenient way to switch between layouts.
    Specify the desired way to switch the language layout
  6. Specify the time zone to correctly determine the time.
    Enter your time zone in the list of regions
  7. To finish setting the time, select the type of time display.
    Select the time display method on your system
  8. In the partition selection, select "Use free space" if you want the system to create the necessary partitions in the unallocated area by itself.
    Select "Use free space" when installing rosa linux
  9. Wait for the installation to complete.
    Wait for the installation to finish, the slides will change in the process
  10. Select the partition as the boot device and set the boot delay if needed.
    Specify the system drive for the operating system loader
  11. Set a password for system changes.
    Set any password you like, but remember it
  12. Add a new user and enter his details.
    Fill in the data for the account in the new operating system
  13. Provide a name for your computer.
    Set any name for your device
  14. Check the boxes to mark the services that should start when the computer is turned on.
    Configure automatic start of operating system services
  15. After the message that the installation is complete, restart your computer.
    After finishing the installation of the system, you need to restart your computer
  16. Installation is complete - all that remains is to log in.
    Log in with your account password

Video: Install Rosa Linux on a Windows Computer

Installing Arch Linux next to windows 10

Installing Arch Linux will be significantly more complex than installing others. If you are not experienced user, it is recommended to select a different assembly. Otherwise, follow these steps to prepare for system installation:

  1. Download the system image from the official site.
    Download the Arch Linux build from the official site
  2. Burn the image to disk. This can be done using special programs or Windows tools - through the context menu.
    Burn Arch Linux to media in a way convenient for you
  3. Connect the bootable drive to your computer and restart your computer. During the reboot, go to the Boot Menu, the key for this will appear on the screen (usually F12).
    Press F12 to enter Boot Menu
  4. Set the boot priority to your storage device. So, if it is a bootable disk, set boot the floppy drive before loading the hard disk.
    Place your drive first in startup order
  5. After that, when you restart your computer, you will see a selection of actions. Click on Boot Arch Linux to start the installation.
    Select Boot Arch Linux
  6. It will check for network connectivity. Enter the command "ping -c 3".
    Enter the command to test the network before installing
  7. Then create system partitions from free space. Use the cgdisk / dev / sda command to run this utility.
    Select free space and create partitions one by one for installation
  8. Create a root partition to write system files. It is recommended that you allocate at least 20 GB of free space for it.
  9. From the space that's left, create a Home section. This is where your files will be stored. But it is worth leaving about 1 GB for EFI space.
  10. Allocate the rest of the space in EFI space. Then click "Burn" to start installing Windows into the created partitions.
  11. Then format each of the sections. To do this, use the following commands to format all three sections in sequence:
  12. Then bind partitions to directories using the following commands:

Directly installing Arch Linux will also require you to enter the commands:

  1. Enter the command pacstrap -i / mnt base base-devel. This will start installing the operating system. Wait for the end of this process.
    Enter the command to start the installation and confirm the entry
  2. Then enter genfstab -U -p / mnt >> / mnt / etc / fstab. This is necessary for the system to detect the partition.
    Enter the command to detect partitions during installation
  3. Enter arch-chroot / mnt / bin / bash to access the new OS.
    Enter the last command to access the arch linux operating system
  4. Set the currency format by entering nano /etc/locale.gen. Find the line with your country entry and remove the hash mark next to it. Then enter the locale-gen command and, after confirmation, the echo LANG = en_US.UTF-8> /etc/locale.conf command, where instead of en_US.UTF-8 there should be a line from which you removed the hash.
    Using the above command, set the region for the currency
  5. To accept the language setting, enter export LANG = en_US.UTF-8 also with the appropriate language instead of the specified one.
    Also set the language zone using the special command
  6. The next setting is to set the time zone. Enter ls / usr / share / zoneinfo / to display the available time zones, and then enter ln -s / usr / share / zoneinfo / Zone / Subzone / etc / localtime with your region instead of Subzone.
  7. To set the time to GMT, enter the command hwclock -systohc –-utc.
    Enter the command to synchronize the operating system time to GMT
  8. Enter the command echo myhostname> / etc / hostname, where myhostname is the name of your computer for the network.
  9. Set a password for use by the computer using the passwd command. It can be anything, but it is important to remember it.
    Set the password using the passwd command
  10. And then all that remains is to set the system bootloader. For a modern UEFI BIOS, this is done with the commands:
  11. With a normal BIOS, the commands will be different:
    • pacman -S grub;
    • grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg.
  12. Exit the installation with the exit command and then enter Reboot to restart the computer.
    Complete the installation with the exit command and restart the system with the reboot command
  13. After restarting, enter the password to login. Installation completed.
    Log in to arch linux using your password

Installing Ubuntu on VirtualBox Windows 10

Before installing the Ubuntu operating system on VirtualBox, you need to do the following:

After that, open VirtualBox and follow these steps:

  1. Click on the icon that says New to open the New Virtual Machine Wizard.
    Click on the New button of the VirtualBox panel
  2. The name of the virtual machine can be anything, and in the Type field select Linux.
    Enter any name for the virtual machine and click Next
  3. In the next window, confirm the amount of memory for the virtual machine. Depending on the type of installation, the value will be set by itself. You can increase it as needed.
    You can leave the default value if it suits you.
  4. Make sure the marker is set to create a new virtual machine and click on the Create button.
    Select to create a new virtual machine and click the Create button
  5. Select the Dynamically allocated virtual disk type and click Next.
    Set the dynamic disk size of the virtual machine
  6. Leave the default values ​​in the disc location and size menu, or set the required size.
    The virtual machine disk value can also be left at the default
  7. Finally, click Create again to finish creating the virtual machine.
    When all the settings for the virtual disk are specified, click Create
  8. Click on the virtual machine you created and go to its settings.
    Select the virtual machine you created
  9. In the Storage tab, add a new media by clicking on the blue plus icon under the media field.
    Click on the plus sign under the media overview
  10. Specify your Ubuntu image that you downloaded earlier as the media.
    Download the Ubuntu image to your virtual machine
  11. Open this image with a double click so that it will be placed in the system.
    After double clicking on the image, it should have loaded into the media menu
  12. In the system settings section, make sure the CD / DVD drive is placed higher than the Hard Disk in the Boot Order section.
    Specify CD / DVD as boot priority so that the image is mounted at system startup
  13. Now go to start and configure the operating system. To do this, select a virtual machine and click on the Start button.
    Click Start to start the virtual system
  14. Wait for the system to boot up.
    Wait for the system to finish loading at the first start
  15. Select Install Ubuntu. You will be taken to the language settings window. Select your preferred language and click Continue.
    Select the language for installing the system in the virtual machine
  16. Check the box to download updates during system installation.
    Check the box to download updates and click Continue
  17. Since you are installing the operating system on a virtual machine, feel free to choose the Erase disk and install Ubuntu option, in which all other files on the disk will be erased.
    Choose disk cleanup - since we are installing the system on a virtual machine, files will not be harmed
  18. Set the time zone to the one in which your region is located.
    To set the time, select the region where you are
    Wait for the Ubuntu installation to finish on the virtual machine
  19. Restart your computer after the installation is complete by clicking Restart Now.
    Restart the virtual machine by clicking the Restart Now button
  20. Enter your password and sign in. The installation of Ubuntu on the virtual machine is now complete.
    Enter your password to login

Recovering Windows 10 Boot After Installing Ubuntu

If errors occur during system installation, the Windows boot loader may fail. This will make it impossible to start Windows 10. Fortunately, this is not difficult to fix. You will need a Windows 10 installation disc, which you can prepare just like any other bootable drive. It is important that the Windows version is exactly the same as the one you have installed. Mount the image and then do the following:

Install a second Linux operating system - good decision, but it is important to choose the assembly based on your goals and technical knowledge. If you have certain skills, you can easily install any of the assemblies. Using Linux alongside Windows 10 will help you unleash the full potential of your computer.

Kali Linux is a distribution that is becoming more and more popular every day. In view of this, there are more and more users who want to install it, but not everyone knows how to do it. This article will outline step-by-step instruction for installing Kali Linux on a PC.

To install the operating system, you will need a flash drive of 4 GB or more. The Kali Linux image will be recorded on it, and as a result, the computer will be launched from it. If you have a drive, then you can proceed to the step-by-step instructions.

First you need to download the operating system image. It is best to do this from the official website of the developer, since this is where the distribution kit of the latest version is located.

On the page that opens, you can determine not only the OS download method (Torrent or HTTP), but also its version. You can choose between 32-bit and 64-bit systems. Among other things, there is an opportunity to this stage select a desktop environment.

Having defined all the variables, start downloading Kali Linux to your computer.

Step 2: Burn the image to a USB flash drive

It is best to install Kali Linux from a USB flash drive, so first you need to write a system image to it. On our website you can familiarize yourself with step by step guide on this topic.

Step 3: Launch the PC from the USB stick

After the flash drive with the system image is ready, do not rush to remove it from the USB port, the next step is to boot the computer from it. This process will seem rather complicated for an ordinary user, so it is recommended that you first familiarize yourself with the relevant material.

Step 4: start installation

As soon as you boot from the flash drive, a menu will appear on the monitor. In it, you need to choose a method for installing Kali Linux. Installation with support of the graphical interface will be presented below, since this method will be the most understandable for most users.

  1. V "Boot menu" installer select item "Graphical install" and press Enter.
  2. Select your language from the list that appears. It is recommended to choose Russian, as this will affect not only the language of the installer itself, but also the localization of the system.
  3. Select a location for the time zone to be detected automatically.

    Note: if you do not find the required country in the list, then select the line “other” to display a complete list of countries in the world.

  4. Select from the list the layout that will be standard in the system.

    Note: It is recommended to install English layout, in some cases, due to the choice of Russian, it is impossible to fill in the required fields for input. After complete installation system can add a new layout.

  5. Select hotkeys to switch between keyboard layouts.
  6. Wait for the system settings to complete.

Depending on the power of your computer, this process may take a long time. After completing it, you will need to create a user profile.

Step 5: create a user profile

A user profile is created as follows:

After entering all the data, the download of the program for partitioning the HDD or SSD will begin.

Step 6: Partitioning the disks

Layout can be done in several ways: in automatic mode and in manual mode. Now these options will be considered in detail.

Automatic layout method

The main thing you should know is that if you partition the disk in automatic mode, you will lose all data on the drive. Therefore, if there are important files on it, move them to another drive, for example, Flash, or put them in the cloud storage.

So, to markup in automatic mode, you need to do the following:

  1. Select automatic method from the menu.
  2. After that, select the disk that you are going to partition. In the example, it is only one.
  3. Next, define your markup option.

    By choosing "All files in one section (recommended for beginners)", you will create only two partitions: root and swap. This method is recommended for those users who install the system for trial purposes, since such an OS has a weak level of protection. Also you can choose the second option - "Separate partition for / home"... In this case, in addition to the above two sections, another section will be created "/ Home" where all user files will be stored. The level of protection with such markings is higher. But it still does not provide maximum security. If you choose "Separate partitions for / home, / var and / tmp", then two more partitions will be created for separate system files. Thus, the layout structure will provide maximum protection.

  4. After the layout option is selected, the installer will show the structure itself. At this stage, you can make edits: resize the section, add a new one, change its type and location. But you should not do all of the above operations if you are unfamiliar with the process of performing them, otherwise you can only make it worse.
  5. After you have read the markup or made the necessary edits, select the last line and click "Proceed".
  6. Now you will be provided with a report with all the changes made to the markup. If you do not notice anything superfluous, then click on the item "Yes" and press the button "Proceed".

Manual method of marking

The manual layout method compares favorably with the automatic method in that it allows you to create as many sections as you want. It is also possible to save all the information on the disk, leaving the previously created partitions intact. By the way, in this way, you can install Kali Linux next to Windows, and when you start the computer, select the required operating system to boot.

First you need to go to the partition table.

Now you can proceed to creating new sections, but first you need to decide on their number and type. Three markup options will now be presented:

Low security markup:

Medium security markup:

Maximum security markings:

You just have to choose the optimal layout for yourself and proceed directly to it. It is carried out as follows:

  1. Double click on the line "Free place".
  2. Please select "Create a new section".
  3. Enter the amount of memory that will be allocated for the partition you are creating. You can see the recommended volume in one of the tables above.
  4. Select the type of partition to create.
  5. Specify the area of ​​space that will contain the new section.

    Note: if you previously selected the logical partition type, then this step will be skipped.

  6. Now you need to set all the necessary parameters, referring to the above table.
  7. Double-click the left mouse button on the line "Section setup is complete".

Using these instructions, make a partition of the disk with the appropriate security level, and then press the button Finish Partitioning and Write Changes to Disk.

As a result, you will be provided with a report with all the previously made changes. If you do not observe any differences with your actions, select the item "Yes"... Next, the installation of the basic component of the future system will begin. This process is quite long.

By the way, you can mark up a Flash drive in the same way, respectively, in this case, Kali Linux will be installed on a USB flash drive.

Step 7: Completing the installation

Once the base system is installed, you need to do some more tweaks:

  1. If the computer is connected to the Internet when installing the OS, select "Yes", otherwise - "No".
  2. Specify a proxy server if you have one. If not, then skip this step by pressing "Proceed".
  3. Wait for the download and installation of additional software.
  4. Install GRUB by choosing "Yes" and clicking "Proceed".
  5. Select the drive where GRUB will be installed.

    Important: the boot loader must be installed on the hard drive where the operating system will be located. If there is only one disk, then it is designated as "/ dev / sda".

  6. Wait until all remaining packages are installed on the system.
  7. The last window will notify you that the system has been successfully installed. Remove the USB flash drive from your computer and press the button "Proceed".

After all the steps taken, your computer will be restarted, then a menu will appear on the screen where you will need to enter a username and password. Please note that the entrance is under account superuser, that is, you need to use the name "Root".

Finally, enter the password that you came up with when installing the system. Here you can also define the desktop environment by clicking on the gear next to the button "Entrance", and choosing the one you need from the list that appears.


After completing each prescribed point of the instructions, as a result, you will be taken to the desktop of the Kali Linux operating system and will be able to start working at the computer.

The security issues of the operating systems of the built organizational networks have always been the most important aspect administration. To diagnose the presence of vulnerabilities, a lot of work had to be done, and often even after it there were loopholes for attackers. Such manipulations have become much easier with the advent of Kali Linux. Instructions for its use are for the most part available only at English language... Such a system is not suitable for permanent home use, especially since it is not recommended for beginners. This is a professional tool that needs to be learned to use and requires fine tuning. And this requires sufficient experience and a complete understanding of the actions performed.

Important caveats

The capabilities of the Kali Linux operating system are so wide that not everyone uses them in order to improve the security of their own system. It often becomes a convenient tool for malicious actions by intruders. Therefore, it is important already at the initial stage of acquaintance to understand that certain manipulations that the system allows to perform may be illegal. Even installing Kali Linux and getting familiar with it for educational purposes in some countries can backfire.

As a little advice, you can give a recommendation to install the system on and work through a VPN, if you do not want to limit yourself to a cursory study. At startup, it is also necessary to use keys that will avoid problems with the law.

What is Kali Linux

The predecessor of Kali is BackTrack Linux, which is quite famous in narrow circles. The second is based on Debian, and it provides support for packages and applications developed for this OS, which allows you to make your work quite comfortable through the use of familiar tools. If necessary, it will be quite easy to find programs for Kali Linux.

The distribution kit includes all kinds of utilities that allow you to conduct a complete security audit to prevent intrusions. Running services, access to the computer via the network, web applications used, and much more can be analyzed using the tools available in Kali Linux.

As the name suggests, the system is built on top of the Linux Kernel. The first version of the distribution kit was released over two years ago. It collected all the most basic, the main emphasis was on functionality, and not on visual appeal. But the great popularity of the system, its active use in a professional environment led to the need to make changes to the distribution.

User reviews for Kali are mostly positive. The system has become more stable compared to BackTrack, the set of programs and utilities has expanded, but on some laptops, sometimes the operating system stops seeing the built-in Wi-Fi adapter. This happens when using Live-launch from a USB flash drive, the problem is corrected by using an external adapter or installing the OS on the hard drive.

Changes in the new version

At the end of last summer, Kali Linux 2 was released. Thanks to the update, the system has become much more stable and the working interface is more attractive. In addition, many utilities have become obsolete for such a long period by the standards of information technology. If earlier you had to search for and install new versions yourself, now this work is done by the system itself, which allows you to keep them up to date without special efforts... In addition, the system itself received rolling distribution support.

Technical features

The core of the new distribution is Linux Kernel version 4.0, which is included in the Debian Jessie release. As on this moment Gnome 3.14 is used, and the workspace has acquired an updated style and interface, the menu has slightly changed in individual items.

Available assemblies

At the moment, there are various distributions that are convenient to work with under certain conditions. You can easily find Live assemblies, images for popular virtual machines, installation packages. In addition, instructions are provided that you can follow to prepare assemblies yourself. If necessary, you can build your own image to work with ARM, work with this architecture is perfectly supported, providing a multiplatform system. Then it will become possible, for example, to install Kali Linux on a tablet or smartphone.

For those who have already had the first version installed, there is the possibility of upgrading to the second one inside the system. It is enough to use a set of commands that include getting a new distribution and installing it. Details can be found in the official accompanying documents.

Getting started with the system. Theoretical basis

The extensive capabilities of the system are difficult to understand without studying the Kali Linux documentation. The instructions for use, unfortunately, in the form of detailed manuals for fine-tuning are available on the official website mainly in English, as in most other sources. but a large number of fans have spawned in the formed community the emergence of detailed Russian-language manuals based on their own practice. In addition, there are courses for training specialists in Russian at both an entry level and more advanced ones for professional corporate work.

Practical development

To study the system, it is enough to install it in any available and most comfortable way, especially since big choice the available Kali Linux 2 distributions allow it. However, it is for educational purposes, especially on initial stages, it is better to use a virtual machine. This will be enough to learn the set of utilities that are included, get used to start confidently navigating the system.

When learning how to work with Kali Linux, instructions for use are a must. In addition to the fact that the OS has rich features that are difficult to learn without any documentation, during its installation, you will need to configure it that will allow you to use them most effectively.

Practical tool learning is best done on your own equipment to prevent possible problems with the law, if the actions performed contradict it, and somehow the fact of their implementation will become known to third parties.

Launch from a flash drive

After completing the stage of mastering the work with the system, you will want to use it to analyze security and eliminate the discovered weaknesses in the existing networks in the company or at home. The easiest way is that, if necessary, the distribution kit, already ready for launch, is always with you. This is quite easy to do if you use specialized programs for the working operating system, for example, Rufus. It can often be helpful to keep files saved on a system installed on a USB drive after a reboot. Such an opportunity is also provided, but it is important to remember that for the described persistence mode, at the beginning of each boot, you will need to specify the appropriate mode so that normal live mode does not start. In addition, if in simple version a 2GB flash drive is enough, then in the latter case additional space will be required to create a separate partition in which the necessary data will be stored.

Why is Kali Linux useful?

Attackers in their work use specialized tools that can significantly reduce the time required for unauthorized penetration into the network. For example, using Kali Linux, hacking becomes much easier and more convenient, especially when passwords and hardware settings that are installed by default are not changed. Unfortunately, even in large corporations, this happens quite often. After that, obtaining the necessary data is a matter of technology, for a qualified specialist the whole process special difficulties does not represent. It is all the more important to use the same tools to identify vulnerabilities in your defense in order to make it harder for such people to work. Simple practical example is a hack of Wi-FI routers, which are installed nowadays in almost every apartment, not to mention organizations.

Network penetration via Wi-Fi

To hack a Wi-Fi router, it is enough to organize a brute-force attack. But even on high-speed hardware, this takes a long time. Modern routers use the WPS protocol to simplify network setup. Not all users understand the security of wireless networks; they need all possible help in setting them up. With the use of this protocol, it is no longer necessary to manually set the WPA / WEP encryption parameters, which provide protection against unwanted access, they, like the network name, are set automatically by pressing a button on the router. It would seem an excellent idea, but, as is often the case, we found vulnerabilities here too, using which a password can be cracked in a few hours.

Not only that, the WPS pin code consists of 8 characters, the last of which is enough to check it in blocks, and not entirely, as a result of which the number of possible combinations is reduced to 10998. Using Kali Linux, it is quite easy to hack a Wi-Fi network through the included WPS and it won't take long. A utility that will monitor the network, and one that directly enumerates the pin code, is enough. For greater clarity, you can check how easily and quickly this happens on a home router.

Thus, in order to protect yourself, it is better to disable WPS on the router, where this option is active by default. Otherwise, every neighbor, even a schoolboy, will be able to connect to the network and use it. The instructions for use are quite simple, this is one of the most common examples on all resources dedicated to this operating system.

Kali Linux WiFi: Hack

In short, using the iwconfig command, we determine the available network interface (as a rule, it is called wlan0, but it may differ).

After that, we start monitoring the active interface:


To find out which networks are in scope, run the following command:

Where mon0 is the name of the previously launched monitor.

From the entire list that appears, only those networks that have WPS enabled are of interest. To determine them, use the command

Now you can choose any target you like and start selecting a pin code:

Reaver -I mon0 -b -a -vv

This is where the BSSID is written from the result of the previous command. If everything is done correctly, brute-forcing of passwords will start. On average, a network is hacked from four to six hours. But some new models of routers have protection against WPS attacks and disable brute-force attacks after a certain number of unsuccessful attempts.

And this is just one side of Kali Linux. The instructions for use will give a comprehensive understanding of the capabilities of the system.