Despite the abundance modern materials for decorating interiors and facades, carved platbands, balusters, balustrades, friezes, brackets and other "age" elements do not lose their attractiveness. Unlike typical moldings sold in any building supermarket, craftsmen cut these decorations themselves, which ensures exclusivity. Consider the main categories of carved patterns, the specifics of their application and modern manufacturing methods.

Openwork International

At the mention of carved patterns, platbands, cornices and skates made of wood, with which our ancestors decorated their huts in abundance, come to mind. However, not only our country was famous for wooden architecture, carving was no less popular in England and Australia at the end of the 19th century. With the difference that in our country and the peasants hung log cabins with wooden lace, and across the ocean it was the privilege of wealthy homeowners.

In modern Australia, the fashion for carved patterns has not gone away, family estates, as in past centuries, are generously decorated with carvings, but in our country, until recently, such elements could be found in remote villages. Boom wooden construction, burst into last years, and in Russia revived interest in a variety of openwork platbands. In addition, the popularity vinyl siding, imitating wood cladding, also contributes to the return of carvings to facades. Through carved openwork around the windows, along the pediment on the cornice or under the roof of the terrace, you can transform the siding covering beyond recognition, turning all buildings into Siamese twins.


The main task of the platbands is to protect the junction of the wall with the window frame. On the roofs, the carved ridge, again, protected the joint from moisture, as in other areas of the connection of building elements. With the help of platbands, you can adjust the proportions - visually stretch or expand the windows so that the entire facade looks harmonious. In ancient times, with the help of patterns carved from wood, they drove away evil spirits and were protected from the evil eye, enlisted the support of higher powers and thanked for the patronage. Today, with the advent of effective thermal insulation, carved architraves perform exclusively decorative functions, give the house an individuality, and help move away from standards.


If earlier the architraves were only wooden, now the choice of material base is wider, and not every kind of wood goes to openwork.

  • Wooden - the complexity of manufacturing depends on the type of wood, as well as durability. If it is difficult to cut out of oak and beech, but they will last for decades, then linden is easier to process, but it will also become unusable faster. Larch, alder, maple or birch are also used.
  • Metal - most often cut from sheet metal, further processed and painted, on wooden facade they won’t fit, but with metal siding or fiber cement they will make a successful tandem.
  • From MDF boards - various variations fiberboards are attracted by the simplicity of cutting, you can create an arbitrarily complex pattern, but they are susceptible to moisture, but inside the room, the openwork door salary and interior will enliven and last a long time.
  • Plastic (PVC) – best option for ordinary plastic windows, durable and strong, but they are sold only in sets and cannot be made independently. Consequently, an identical set may well be found at a neighbor in the country, which will nullify the whole point of their use.


The most common wooden carved elements, since with the advent of modern instruments working with wood has become much easier. It is important that modern protective and coloring agents make it possible to maximize the life of the pattern and emphasize the natural structure of the tree. Having at your disposal a jigsaw and a couple of stencils, purchased, downloaded from the network or drawn with your own hands, if talent allows, you can decorate windows and other parts of the facade in such a way that an experienced designer will envy. There are several technologies for creating patterned wooden platbands:

  • Welt (openwork) carving - the pattern transferred to the platband is cut through, the most “airy”, “lace” products are obtained without background. Depending on the material, the pattern can be flat or voluminous, but this is the most difficult type to manufacture, which you should aim for with solid experience.

  • Laid on carving - the elements of the pattern cut out in a slotted way are fixed in parts on wooden base. These can be full-fledged patterns or several curlicues located in the central part and in the corners. Since the work comes with a thin workpiece, and the background hides flaws, this method is easier.

  • Sampling (blind carving) - by means of tools, a part is selected from wood to a certain depth along the circled contours, relief, but more massive platbands are obtained.

According to the installation method, the platbands are divided into overhead and telescopic ones - in the first case, the installation is done with fasteners or glue (indoors), in the second, the product has special protrusions that go into the grooves between the structural elements.

Varieties of carved patterns

In the understanding of the majority, carved patterns are platbands used around windows, but in fact, the scope of carved elements is much wider.

Skirt or border - a carved wide panel or strip that fits under the roof of a veranda, terrace or gazebo, serves not only for decoration, but also helps to balance the scale of the extension.

Frieze - a straight or arched carved border under the roof, usually mounted above the porch, terrace or veranda. Frieze patterns are more often geometric, but playful curlicues and floral motifs are also possible.

bracket - a triangular carved element designed to decorate the junction of supporting elements and the roof of verandas, terraces, arbors, sheds and porches. Often the pattern duplicates the carving on the border or border and serves as a continuation of the decorative line of the structure, the openwork ligature, as it were, descends along the pillar or baluster, giving the structure an airy look.

Balustrades - carved railings starting on the stairs and encircling the perimeter of the veranda or terrace. Together with a decorative function, they provide additional strength to the fences.

Prichelina - lateral carved decorations of gable roofs, often combined with overhead carved gables. Depending on the general style of the structure, they can protrude beyond the end elements inward or outward.

platbands - decorative strips, mounted around the perimeter of a window or doorway, are most often used in facade decoration, they allow you to combine and bring all the design elements into a single whole.

In interior decoration, door platbands are in demand, as well as arched brackets that adorn high doorways and corridors. Balustrades are ideal for decorating interior stairs. If desired, you can decorate almost any part of the room with carved patterns.

How to fix the overhead thread on the basis can be found in the article. Wooden architraves will become wonderful decoration for modern, the manufacturing process of which is described in the material. The video reveals the manufacturing technology of shingles - a roofing made of wood, which blends perfectly with carved patterns.

House carving has been known in Russia since pagan times. She not only served as a talisman and decorated the house, but also solved practical problems: platbands closed the gaps between window frames and a log wall, and the chapels did not allow the roof to grow icicles

Over the years, the cult significance has been lost, less labor-intensive methods have been used for thermal insulation, and it would seem that it is time for “wooden lace” to go into oblivion, but to this day it is in demand.

Today for building country houses quite often they use profiled timber and rounded logs. Monotonous, as if lined with a ruler, the walls depersonalize the house, make it expressionless and boring. Carved cornices, platbands, balusters and friezes, like nothing else, can give it individuality and style. Moreover, the master's hand can turn an unpretentious wooden "box" into a real work of art. Of course, this type of decor cannot be called mass. Not everyone can afford carving, especially if we are talking about exclusive work made to order. Nevertheless, facades decorated with intricate wooden patterns are by no means rare.

There are a great variety of threads, so you can find an option for every taste. The most ancient is considered a flat, or deaf, thread, at which wooden surface make recesses and grooves that make up a geometric pattern. So in the old days, the ends of logs, platbands and shutters were decorated.

More complex, and therefore more expressive, is relief carving with a convex, three-dimensional image.

sculptural carving

sculptural carving, as the name implies, involves the creation of independent figures separated from the background. An example is the traditional horse head crowning the roof of the hut. Well, the latest, moreover, the most popular at the present time - through (openwork, slotted) thread, performed by cutting boards with a thickness of 5 to 50 mm. Compared to other types of wooden decor, it is the easiest to perform, and it is cheaper. But its popularity is explained not only by this. The through carving is amazingly beautiful. The effect of fine openwork weaving is greatly enhanced by the lace shadow, the pattern of which changes depending on the angle of incidence of the sun's rays. And if the decorations are multi-tiered (that is, the boards of platbands, piers and valances are superimposed on each other) and even painted in contrasting colors, the decorative effect is enhanced even more.

Platbands, piers and balusters should neither "fall through" into the facade, nor protrude, but organically fit into overall composition, creating a single whole with other decorative elements

Glossary of terms

The main elements of house carving

Baluster- a small volumetric or flat post that supports the railing of the fence.
end board- an ornamental board covering the ends of the logs of the log house.
Frontal board(red board, scarf) - a carved frieze on the main facade, placed above the windows. At frame structure of the pediment, she closed the transition from the logs of the wall to its plank sheathing.
Chimney- a wooden pipe for the exit of smoke in a chicken hut, usually carved.
Brush- openwork end part of a prichelina or towel.
Skate- the upper junction of the roof slopes, covered with okhlupny, as well as a figure that adorns the end of the okhlupny.
Chicken (cocora)- a curved trunk of a spruce or a trunk cut down together with one of the rhizomes growing perpendicular to the trunk. It is attached to the slabs of the male roof and carries a water flow.
platband- framing a window or door opening, closing the gap between the wall and the window or door frame. Visually highlighted and emphasized the opening.
Okhlupen (clap, helmet)- a hollowed-out log covering the ridge of the roof.
Valance- a carved board located horizontally under the eaves of the porch roof.
Stream (water pipe)- a bar with a hollowed out longitudinal groove for a drain; the lower ends of the tesa covering the roof rest against it.
Towel- a carved board covering the junction of the berths.
Prichelina- a board covering the ends came down.
Male (forcep)- self-supporting triangular pediment. The upper part of this pediment was called the forehead (ochelie).
Earring- a carved board covering the ends of the felling logs.
Sleg- a horizontal log embedded in the pediment.
Magpie- a dowel that fastens the horse's slug and okhlupen.
shutters- one- or two-leaf carved shutters for oblique windows.

material question

It's obvious that carving material is primarily wood. She has many advantages - she is beautiful, amenable to processing, plastic and durable. All this allows you to create complex sculptural figures quite large sizes. But there are also enough shortcomings - fire hazard, susceptibility to weathering, susceptibility to attacks by fungus and insects. Monuments of ancient architecture have come down to us only because the tree was dried for several years before being used. naturally and rocks were taken only by those that were able to resist decay. But now, with the development of the chemical industry, almost all types of wood can be used on facades. Here are the most popular:

Aspen and linden. These rocks are more workable than others, durable and resistant to chipping. Aspen, in addition, is almost immune to moisture, and products from it are suitable for staining with water-soluble paints.

Maple and oak resistant to chips and dents, solid, and therefore difficult to work out details. Another disadvantage is the high price. Pros - strength and respectable appearance.

Larch very hard and difficult to machine, prone to chipping and flaking. But on the other hand, it is resistant to moisture, and therefore durable. Over time, the wood acquires a very beautiful silver hue.

Pine elements

Spruce and pine- resinous rocks, when dried, prone to cracking. Working with them requires skill and extreme accuracy. The advantage is affordability. Spruce and pine wood is most common in the central part of Russia, and therefore is popular. With proper care, jewelry from it can serve for many years.

Only high-quality solid wood boards are suitable for house carving (adhesive seams are primarily prone to cracking when using products outdoors). Humidity of wood - no more than 8-12%, geometric parameters of the board: thickness 18-20 mm, width up to 190 mm. It is not recommended to take very long lamellas, 1.5-3 m - it is quite enough to make it convenient to work both when carving and when installing products. It must be remembered that the shorter the board, the less likely it is that the carved decors will break during installation. Yes, and it is easier to replace such an element.

Lumber is selected with a minimum of knots on the front of future products. And all of them must be alive and not fall out.

protection of wood from aggressive influences now provide primers and impregnations. Flame retardants are capable of preventing fire, which give a long-term fire retardant effect. Antiseptic impregnations act as "medicines" for fungus, mold and woodworm insects. They must be applied in at least two coats, on a dry and clean surface. As a rule, craftsmen do this with a brush, roller or spray, and small parts are dipped into the solution. Particular attention should be paid to the ends, which most intensively absorb moisture. It is desirable to process carved products before installation, otherwise the joints will not be protected by antiseptics. Update protective coating It is recommended to produce every 3-4 years.

Well, after the carved decorations are installed in their places, they should be painted, protecting them from ultraviolet rays. If this is not done, the wood will age very quickly, crack and acquire an ugly gray tint. The market offers a huge amount of special paints for wood. There are glazing compositions that leave the natural texture of wood fibers visible, and covering ones that form a dense decorative and protective layer. Usually for relief carving they take transparent paints, and for openwork - opaque.

Save on protective and decorative compositions at least unreasonable. It will be a shame to see how expensive wooden "lace" cracks just because low-quality cheap coatings were chosen

An alternative to wood can be wooden composite- sheet material made from wood shavings by hot pressing. The natural binder is lignin. Finished products are treated with eucalyptus resin.

This material is less susceptible to the vagaries of the weather than wood, and it is much cheaper. Among the obvious advantages, we also note the fact that large-sized decor items can be made from a composite supplied in fairly large sheets - openwork walls of gazebos, porch decorations, garden design elements, etc. But the main advantage of the material is that its strength allows you to cut very thin patterns. True, it can only be cut-out decorations. Relief or sculptural carving will not work - the composite sheet is thin, so the master's cutter simply has nowhere to roam. Process the material manually or on machines with digital control.

When decorating a house with carvings, it is very important to observe the measure. Having gone too far with decors, you can turn a respectable mansion into a gingerbread house

The price of wood composite products depends on the complexity of the carving - the more openwork option you choose, the higher the cost. And of course, products in which there are several layers will be more expensive than single-layer ones. Let's say cashier standard size can cost from 18,000 to 27,000 rubles. Decorative elements are delivered completely ready for installation, with the attached assembly diagram, but branded installation can also be ordered.

Ordering process and installation

Window design options

Facade decoration services are offered by both private craftsmen and a number of small companies. Wood artists working individually can create not only carved “lace”, cut in the old fashioned way with a jigsaw from thin, from 15 to 30 mm, planks, but also relief and sculptural decor items. But firms, as a rule, specialize in machine-made openwork products - using a laser machine and digitally controlled machines.

The choice of decors depends on many factors. This is the geometry of the building, and its number of storeys, and the design of the roof, and, of course, the shape of the window and doorways. Obviously, there are very few universal decorations suitable for any building. Typically, house carvings are made to order, and the price is determined in each case, depending on the complexity of the products. The drawing can be designed in any of the traditional styles or made according to the sketches provided.

After the general concept is defined, a measurer visits the site. Based on the data received, the company's specialists develop a detailed design project, and the order is sent to work. It takes an average of one to three months to make a house carving.

Fasten the elements of house carving in a dry way - with nails or, preferably, with zinc-coated screws, which will protect against the appearance of rust streaks. Openwork decor items at the attachment points are recommended to be pre-drilled so that thin planks do not crack during installation. In some places, especially when installing light outer strips, it is possible to fix with outdoor glue. With proper installation and post-processing, carved jewelry will last for many decades.

A carved cornice or plinth will be a noticeable and original addition to any classic style.

Various patterns and decor of carved cornices

The leader among other materials for the manufacture of curtain rods continues to be wood.
It is worth noting the following advantages of using wooden cornices:

  • special energy and environmental friendliness of natural material;
  • wooden cornices for curtains give home comfort to the room;
  • original and unique;
  • if there are other elements in the interior, wooden cornices will add stylistic completeness to the interior.

Classification and types of wooden cornices

If earlier wooden curtain rods were not very diverse, now you can choose from a variety of shapes, patterns and types of wood. The whimsical carved cornices are very attractive and exquisite.

Flat carved cornice option

They look great in classic interior or in combination with antique furniture.

By type of wood

Wooden cornices are made from the following types of wood:

In summary, softwood products are very attractive and have beautiful and complex patterns due to the ease of carving.

Read also

Volumetric woodcarving

But solid wood products, represented by noble types of wood, are strong, durable and of good quality. However, it should be remembered that hardwood cornices are heavy and massive, and therefore require reliable fastening.

By type of fastening of cornices to the surface

Carved cornices have the following types of attachment systems to the bearing surface:

By number of rows

By the number of strings, carved cornices are:

  • Single row. More often used in the kitchen where you can get by with one loose curtain;
  • Double row. The most popular design, on which you can combine tulle and a thick curtain;
  • Three-row. Used for multilayer compositions using lambrequins.

Cornice from carved wood- not the element of the interior that is suitable for playing in contrast, it must be in complete harmony with the style of the room.

Wooden carved platbands

Another way to decorate the interior with carved decor elements is wooden architraves on doors and windows. Usually platbands consist of three or four boards that frame a door or window opening.

If the side boards - usually belong to carved moldings, the top board can be distinguished by a large number of decorations, it crowns the door and protrudes somewhat above the main plane. Decorative platbands made of carved wood are suitable for many interiors. Depending on the pattern and other details, you can embody not only the classic or Russian style, but also the country style, oriental, Arabic, Japanese and others.

You need to choose platbands taking into account the door. A wide door requires an appropriate frame with more visible elements. In this case, it is not necessary to choose an identical shade of the casing and the door, but it is necessary that the colors be close to each other.

Wooden blanks carved architraves

In this case, the casing should be darker, but not vice versa.

Carved overlays for platbands

To make a simple wooden casing original will help - small elements carved from wood of the most diverse type: leaves, curls, flowers and any fancy patterns.

Finished and beautiful view they will give special corner linings to the platbands, which not only give the opening a decorative effect, but also close the joints.

Material selection

The most suitable material for carving is linden, alder or aspen. The wood of these species is soft, pliable, homogeneous and allows you to make the finest pattern. The dried tree becomes strong and does not warp.

Pine is also traditionally chosen for architraves - it is affordable, has good performance properties, medium density and is quite easy to process.

Pine is more suitable for architraves with a larger pattern, fine details will be lost on its pronounced texture. True connoisseurs prefer to choose noble oak, even despite its high cost.

Natural appeal and easy processing of natural wood allows you to create beautiful wooden decorations for interior and home. This eco-friendly material created by nature has been tested for centuries and continues to be in great demand in construction and everyday life.

Original carved wooden box

Increasingly, even wealthy citizens prefer more expensive brick buildings or logs. And this is not only a tribute to fashion, wood is a unique material with live energy. Wood perfectly retains heat and creates a favorable microclimate in the room. Together with wooden houses, interest in is gradually returning.

In the old days, houses were decorated with carved elements not only for the sake of aesthetics - each pattern and ornament had its own meaning and served to protect the home and family from troubles, evil spirits and bad people.

The carving was applied to the elements of the facade of the house: cornices, shutters, platbands, towels, poles and supports. Today, few people think about the symbolism of carved decorations for houses.

Various carved decorations on the facades of houses

However, the beautiful patterns invented by ancient masters continue to live, acquiring new details. New technologies and high-precision equipment come to the aid of modern wood carvers, thanks to which it is possible to create complex and original wood products.

Carved roof decor

The upper triangular part of the roof (pediment) in the old days was called an ochelie. It was he who was decorated with decorative carvings especially richly:

carving on windows

They are considered an equally important element in decorating houses. With the help of not only a decorative effect is achieved, but also the gap between the window frame and the wall is closed, and the house is better protected from noise and drafts.

An example of the original carving on the windows

Carved window decoration in the old days also had a huge protective value, because it is through the windows and doors devilry you can enter the house. Carved amulets eventually turned into the most beautiful ornaments that have come down to us.

The carved casing could have had enough simple design and consist of three, less often four boards, on which a simple repeating pattern or ornament was applied. A more complex and decorative frame of the window included various elements, multi-layered carved overlays and details:

House carving technique

The styles and techniques of house carving combine many schools, trends and methods of application. Wooden decorations of houses can be made in the following ways:

What wood to use for house carving

The most common, and in the northwestern regions the best, is pine. Strong enough and easy to handle, it is well suited for making carved decorations for the facade of the house.

Decoration with carved elements of the facade of the house

Unpainted pine eventually becomes a light yellow, almost honey. Aspen has been valued as a good ornamental material since ancient times. It has a soft pliable structure, slightly dries out, and is resistant to cracking. With age, aspen wood jewelry acquires a gray steel sheen that can be mistaken for metal.

Plastic, soft and very convenient for carving linden. The smooth, light linden wood is homogeneous and well suited for relief carving. However, the softness and porosity of the fibers make linden short-lived and demanding to care for.

Oak is a very strong and durable material, but it is very expensive and difficult to process because of the hard and dense wood. Larch is also a durable and hard type of wood, but rarely used for making carved jewelry, since linden easily splits.

none plastic window can't match the finish wooden windows. This originality and charm is given by wooden platbands. They are really very popular now, they are used in the design of country houses, cottages, buildings on a country or suburban area- baths, gazebos, guest houses. This popularity is justified, because in general, wooden housing construction not only does not lose its demand, but also expands. Moreover, this fact is typical for large cities, and for small ones, and even for villages and towns. A lot of examples, when all the buildings on a country site are decorated in the same style, this is especially impressive and stylish.

The company "SevLesProm" has been producing platbands for more than 10 years. We work only with selected materials, solid wood from the Kostroma forests, harvested according to all standards. Such materials lend themselves well to proper processing, make it possible to create any shape and size of the casing, retain for a long time all its properties, will not crack.

Our materials are selected according to all the rules to create really high-quality and exclusive products. The use of this raw material makes it possible to create such platbands so that they are strong, durable, keep their shape and color well, and are not subject to external influences.

Wooden frames for windows and doors

In our company, you can buy ready-made platbands both in small batches and in bulk. The prices are very favorable, as we work without intermediaries. In the catalog below you can choose the type of trim that suits your finish, the range is extensive. And also you can order a new sketch. We even have a service of making a sketch from a photo and description. Depending on the pattern, sketch, shape and size of the platbands, their cost varies.

Carved eaves on the roof of the house

On houses built in the traditional Russian style, the cornices on the roofs look very nice. This design performs several functions at once: aesthetic and practical. Aesthetic - cornices serve as decor, give a special style to the house, guest house or other building. Practical - protect from rain. We have our own production base, we have everything necessary equipment for production, in the state only professionals with extensive experience. All this allows us to create masterpieces for the decoration of your homes.

Attention! Special offer for platband buyers!

When ordering more than 15,000 rubles - a DISCOUNT is provided - 20 rubles per linear meter.

vendor code
№ 1

for the meter

  • Width: 95 mm
  • Length: 3m
  • Humidity: 8-12%
  • Wood: Spruce, Pine

vendor code
№ 2

for the meter

  • Width: 130 mm
  • Length: 3m
  • Humidity: 8-12%
  • Wood: Spruce, Pine

vendor code
№ 3

for the meter

  • Width: 130 mm
  • Length: 3m
  • Humidity: 8-12%
  • Wood: Spruce, Pine

vendor code
№ 4

for the meter

  • Width: 140 mm
  • Length: 3m
  • Humidity: 8-12%
  • Wood: Spruce, Pine

vendor code
№ 5

for the meter

  • Width: 140 mm
  • Length: 3m
  • Humidity: 8-12%
  • Wood: Spruce, Pine

vendor code
№ 6

for the meter

  • Width: 140 mm
  • Length: 3m
  • Humidity: 8-12%
  • Wood: Spruce, Pine

vendor code
№ 7

for the meter

  • Width: 190 mm
  • Length: 3m
  • Humidity: 8-12%
  • Wood: Spruce, Pine

vendor code
№ 8

for the meter

  • Width: 190 mm
  • Length: 3m
  • Humidity: 8-12%
  • Wood: Spruce, Pine

vendor code
№ 9

for the meter

  • Width: 140 mm
  • Length: 3m
  • Humidity: 8-12%
  • Wood: Spruce, Pine

vendor code
№ 10

for the meter

  • Width: 140 mm
  • Length: 3m
  • Humidity: 8-12%
  • Wood: Spruce, Pine

vendor code
№ 11

for the meter

  • Width: 140 mm
  • Length: 3m
  • Humidity: 8-12%
  • Wood: Spruce, Pine

vendor code
№ 12

for the meter

  • Width: 140 mm
  • Length: 3m
  • Humidity: 8-12%
  • Wood: Spruce, Pine

vendor code
№ 13

for the meter

  • Width: 140 mm
  • Length: 3m
  • Humidity: 8-12%
  • Wood: Spruce, Pine

vendor code
№ 14

for the meter

  • Width: 140 mm
  • Length: 3m
  • Humidity: 8-12%
  • Wood: Spruce, Pine

№ 15

  • Special style and charm.
    Such original carved elements make it possible to express individuality in some cases, and in some cases to create beauty and luxury on your site. Everything will depend on what type of product you choose.
  • Single Ensemble.
    Used on site different materials for buildings? No single style? In this case, elements such as platbands and cornices will just help. You can order both this and that product in one style and one pattern - and the solution is ready.
  • Protective function.
    In this case, it is understood that the platbands protect against the ingress of dust and moisture.
  • Additional sound insulation.
    Due to the tight fit of the products, noise insulation characteristics increase general design. This is very important if the house is located near the road or in the city.
  • Reliability and thermal insulation.
    Our platbands are of such quality that you do not have to worry about temperature changes - there will be no cracking or deformation. In addition, a snug fit prevents heat loss, and also makes it possible not to lose coolness in hot weather.