To enjoy grilled chicken, you don’t have to buy it in a store equipped with special equipment for roasting chicken. There is no need to install an electric grill at home or build a barbecue oven at your dacha. There is no need to reproduce cunning recipes in your kitchen that involve inconvenient foil, food sleeves, fragile glass jars or beer bottles.

All you need is a regular oven and a surprisingly simple but effective device - a collapsible stand for roasting chicken.

The simple design of this small device allows hot air to circulate not only around the baked chicken, but also inside the carcass raised on crossed arcs above a small plate. Therefore, the chicken cooks evenly and quickly both outside and inside.

Important! The size of most roasting racks offered by stores allows for poultry weighing between a kilogram and 1.7 kg. Larger carcasses cook unevenly. Drops of fat released during this process end up outside the plate and burn.


For preparation you needed:

  1. Chicken carcass 1,560 kg;
  2. Dry spices for marinade;
  3. Salt;
  4. A little tomato juice.


First of all, in a container large enough to marinate the selected chicken, you need to combine salt with dry spices. In this case, it was “Khmeli-suneli”, ground sumac, “For chicken” and “For grill” mixtures.

In order for the dry salt mixture to turn into a marinade, it must be diluted. To achieve this goal, for example, mayonnaise is suitable. Or, as in this case, tomato juice. A small amount of it should be added to the spicy mixture and stir well.

The resulting relatively thick marinade should be applied to a gutted, well-washed poultry carcass. The salty mixture should envelop it on all sides. The inside of the chicken needs to be coated with marinade especially carefully.

Now you can leave the marinating chicken in a closed container in a cool place. A refrigerator is suitable for this. Marinating chicken can last from several hours to a day.

The carcass, soaked in salt and spices, is very easy to place on the assembled stand. The chicken legs should be placed in the plate. The pictures on the stand packaging can serve as a hint.

Different models of chicken roasting stands may differ in design. Some of them are equipped with special pins - holders for wings. If they are not there, you need to arrange the wings so that the fat resulting from baking drips from them into a plate - a stand. To do this, you need to make a small hole in the skin on the breast and insert the tip of the wing into it.

The juice remaining in the marinating container should be poured into the plate of the baking stand. It will not only prevent the fat dripping from the carcass from burning, but will also become the basis for a wonderful sauce.

The chicken prepared in this way should be placed in the oven. The oven must be preheated in advance; high temperature will help to form a golden crust. As soon as the liquid in the plate under the bird boils, you can reduce the heat to medium. This chicken takes a little over an hour to bake.

The sauce obtained during cooking in a plate under the fried chicken can be poured over any side dish when serving. This could be, for example, boiled potatoes, any porridge or pasta.

If the temperature and baking time are selected correctly, the crust will become crispy and golden.

At the same time, the meat will remain quite juicy and soft. To prevent the spicy crispy crust from softening, it is best to immediately remove the finished chicken from the oven, carefully remove it from the stand and serve.

On festive table fragrant spicy chicken You can place it whole, surrounding it, for example, with boiled broccoli, slices of salted tomatoes and fresh herbs.

  • Lemon 1 pc.
  • Dried marjoram to taste
  • Preparation

    Place a baking sheet with vegetables under the meat in the oven. This will allow you to prepare an incredibly appetizing side dish, which will be saturated with meat juices and aroma during cooking. The result will be a complete lunch of meat and vegetables, which can also be served on the holiday table.

      Prepare the required recipe ingredients immediately. The chicken must be defrosted. Let the butter melt a little at room temperature. Lemon should also be obtained in advance. All is ready? Then let's start cooking at home!

      Let's start by preparing the poultry carcass. First remove the entrails, if any, and then trim off any excess fat. After this, rinse the meat thoroughly directly under running water and remove excess moisture using a paper towel.

      Then the product should be rubbed with salt on the outside, and thoroughly rubbed inside with a mixture of marjoram and salt. Also put a couple of sprigs of rosemary inside, which will give an amazing aroma.

      Take a lemon and wash it. Next, cut the fruit into small slices directly with the peel. Also wash and remove the seeds from the chili pepper. It should be cut into rings. The garlic comes apart into cloves; there is no need to peel it. All ingredients should be sent inside the carcass. Once the dish is ready, we will extract the garlic components of the “filling”; they will not be needed, but you can use them later in cooking.

      The wings of the bird and the skin near the neck need to be carefully tucked down under the carcass. Next, carefully tie the carcass using kitchen twine, first around the breast and then around the legs, moving in a figure eight. Next, tighten the thread and tie it with a bow or knot. If desired, the tail can be tied to the legs or left as is. It's a matter of taste.

      Now coat the meat with butter. During baking, it will melt, which will lead to the dish acquiring a beautiful golden hue.

      Carrots and potatoes need to be peeled, washed and dried. Next, the vegetables are coarsely chopped and placed in a deep baking tray. You should also add a little vegetable oil, spices and salt to taste. The baking sheet is placed on the lower tier of the oven, and the rack with the carcass is placed on the middle tier.

      Bake the chicken at 200-220 degrees for an hour. If necessary, you can add more to the baking tray with vegetables. hot water to prevent food from burning. Readiness can be judged by the meat acquiring a golden hue, the crust should become crispy. You can also use a food thermometer if you have one. In the thickest part of the carcass, the temperature should be 75 degrees, which indicates that the dish is ready.

      Ready grilled whole chicken on the grill, made according to a visual recipe with step by step photos, you can take it out and serve it on the table. We managed to bake the bird correctly so that it was incredibly tasty, juicy and appetizing. The dish exudes an incredible aroma that will surely gather household members in the kitchen. You can try the food. Bon appetit!

    The best roasted chicken is one that weighs no more than two kilograms. In addition, you must use kitchen twine to tie the poultry (legs and wings). And also don't forget about butter and high-quality spices, since they are the ones that can give an amazing aroma and provide the bird with a golden brown crust.

    KBJU and composition for the entire dish

    Today we will talk about how to properly cook grilled chicken in the oven. Photos for clarity will be attached to the article. We will look at different interesting options creating such a dish.

    Many people probably know that chicken is considered one of the most common types of poultry. This product is dietary, and it is also enriched with amino acids and proteins. Chicken breast has very little fat compared to dark meat and is rich in iron. Its skin contains a lot of fat, so it is not recommended to eat it, especially for those who are overweight.


    Chicken meat has long been famous for its benefits; in many countries it is given to patients for recovery and restoration of strength. Doctors especially recommend stewed meat, as well as boiled meat. Chicken contains animal protein, as well as magnesium, phosphorus, iron and potassium. It is recommended for patients in the treatment of diseases such as gout, stomach ulcers and diabetes.

    A huge number of dishes can be prepared from chicken meat for both children and adults. Grilled chicken in the oven has become extremely popular lately. White meat also turns out especially tasty on a spit. In our article we will look at different ways cooking chicken. There will be an option in which a fried golden crust appears on the bird.

    How to save useful elements?

    Regardless of how the chicken is cooked: on the grill, in the oven, on a spit, everything must be done to preserve the beneficial elements in it. How to achieve this? Now we'll tell you. To save beneficial features, you must follow all cooking rules. In general, when cooking chicken, it is not particularly advisable to fry or boil it for too long. It should be eaten immediately after it is prepared. When preparing dishes from this bird, it is very important to choose the right product. For example, broilers are quite suitable for frying, grilling or baking.

    Product preparation

    Before you start cooking chicken, you need to thoroughly rinse it under running water. cold water. The skin can be removed immediately, but only if you cook the bird; for grilling, you don’t have to remove it.

    In order to cook grilled chicken in the oven, you must first keep it frozen in the refrigerator at a temperature no higher than minus 18 degrees Celsius. Then you can defrost it both in the refrigerator and in the microwave. After this you can start cooking.


    Grilled chicken in the oven or on a spit should be cooked only from chilled meat. This way the dish will turn out juicy and tender. If the cooking recipe calls for a marinade, then it must be based on sunflower oil, preferably refined.

    It is best to grill from a factory-made carcass, because home-made chicken can be tough for this dish. But if you only have poultry, then soak it in a salt solution to soften it. To do this, you need to take two liters of water and pour half a glass of salt into them. The poultry should be kept in this solution for two hours, and then dried and cooked. This way, homemade grilled chicken on a spit will turn out soft and juicy.

    You can check if the meat is ready using a thermometer; it should show 85 degrees. You can also check doneness with a toothpick. To do this, you need to take one such stick and pierce the thigh of the carcass with it. If white juice flows out of it, then the meat is ready. Remove the chicken from the oven immediately after it is cooked. Then you can serve it on the table so that it does not dry out.

    Another cooking option

    Roasting the bird on a rack can result in a very nice dish with a crispy skin. For this dish you will need one carcass, prepared in advance (sprinkled with spices, salt, pepper). Cooking grilled chicken in the oven on a spit is as follows:

    1. First, you need to place the carcass on a spit, and then secure the legs and wings so that they do not fall off during cooking. This can be done using cooking string.
    2. The chicken must be placed in electric oven and turn on the “Spit” mode at a temperature of 200 degrees. During this time, a crust should gradually form on the carcass. This is how we simply cook grilled chicken in the oven.

    Chicken with garlic

    Now let's look at a few interesting recipes cooking poultry. For example, garlic chicken turns out very tasty. To prepare it you will need:

    • chicken carcass;
    • fifty grams of butter;
    • pepper;
    • garlic;
    • vegetable oil and salt.


    1. The garlic should be chopped into slices, then it should be carefully placed under the skin of the chicken.
    2. Place a few pieces of butter on the breast.
    3. Then mix pepper, vegetable oil and salt. Coat the carcass thoroughly with this sauce. You need to bake the chicken on a spit or on a wire rack.


    We have already looked at how grilled chicken is made in the oven. Now let's cook it differently on the spit. Now we’ll tell you how to properly prepare aromatic chicken in Indian style. For this dish you need:

    • chicken carcass;
    • lemon.

    You also need to make a special seasoning. For it you need to take: cinnamon, turmeric, coriander, cumin, bay leaf, black pepper, salt, cardamom, mustard seeds and cumin. These ingredients should be mixed thoroughly, after which you will get an excellent seasoning.


    Grilled chicken in the oven is prepared as follows:

    1. First you need to rub the carcasses with spices and put them in the oven overnight.
    2. You can make slits in the lemon and insert it into the chicken.
    3. Then you need to place the carcass on a spit; the lemon will help it not to hang around. Next, the dish should be baked. This must be done until ready. Before serving, sprinkle the chicken with lemon juice.

    Original dish

    Grilled chicken in the oven is very tasty with cayenne pepper. We will tell you the recipe now. To prepare this dish you will need:

    • pepper;
    • olive oil (three tablespoons);
    • chicken carcass;
    • salt, a quarter spoon of dried paprika and oregano;
    • cayenne pepper (one pinch).


    1. First you need to rub the carcass with salt and pepper.
    2. Then you should mix the herbs and olive oil.
    3. Pour the resulting mixture over the carcass. Bake the chicken until fully cooked.

    Recipe from German chefs

    Now let’s look at another option for how to cook grilled chicken in the oven. This recipe was passed down by German chefs. For preparation you need:

    • one whole carcass;
    • salt;
    • pepper;
    • spices (optional);
    • three cloves of garlic;
    • glass of water;
    • two oranges.


    1. The chicken needs to be washed and dried a little, and then rubbed with spices, pepper and salt. After this, it should be removed to a dry place and kept there for some time (about 5-6 hours). This is necessary to marinate the chicken.
    2. Hot peppers and garlic should be placed inside the carcass.
    3. You need to make cuts on the breast and place the wings there so that they do not stick out to the sides.
    4. Pour a little water into the chicken stand and put the bird on it. The oven must be preheated to 200 degrees, only then send the carcass there. This yummy dish will take one and a half hours to prepare (sometimes it takes two). It all depends on the size of the chicken.
    5. When everything is ready, you will need to place the meat on a beautiful dish, after which it can be served. As a decoration, you should cut the oranges into circles, then you need to decorate the chicken with them in a circle.


    Now you know how to cook grilled chicken in the oven. A bird on a spit also turns out well. We told you different recipes cooking chicken. This means that you can safely start cooking. The most important thing is not to be afraid to give free rein to your imagination, while, of course, adhering to the recipe, then you will get the most original dishes.

    There is probably no one who does not remember with nostalgia the time when grilled chickens first appeared in our country and immediately carried an aura of delicacy. Nowadays you won’t surprise anyone with broiler chickens and grilled chickens have lost their “gloss” and glory. True, this was more likely due to unscrupulous sellers of this product. Kurgrill, after frying, they kept it on the spit for a long time, baking and baking until the bird needed to be removed from that spit. And even on the second day they reheated what they had not sold the previous day. Often, purchased grilled chickens were not best quality. And also, very often they are rubbed cheap ready-made mixtures spices and all kinds of flavorings, which is why store-bought grilled chicken also has an unpleasant odor for those who are accustomed to using only natural spices. Homemade rotisserie chickens are another matter. In my oven Pyramida F120S with the presentautomatically rotatingwe're skewering, I managed to cook very delicious chicken grill at home, which turned out to be very juicy, and also had an extremely crispy skinrochka, thanks to several cooking secrets.

    In order for everything to work out properly, preparation must begin the day before cooking. To get a very crispy crust, pour boiling water over the surface of the bird and leave it to air for 8-12 hours. This method is borrowed from Chinese cuisine. The first time I used it was preparing a homemade version and I liked it so much that I come back to it again and again. This is very effective method adding crispiness to the bird. In addition, if the broth is also aromatic, with the addition of spices or herbs, then their aroma is transferred to the skin of the bird. At the end, just before baking, the chicken is only rubbed with oil and salt. The surface, greased with a thin layer of oil, browns better, and fine salt on the crispy crust of the bird gives it flavor.

    But the main thing in preparing homemade grilled chicken is, of course, the automatic spit that rotates. Then the bird is baked more evenly on all sides. When I installed the new oven Pyramida F120S in my kitchen, I immediately noticed the spit. I just couldn't wait to try it out and I'm very pleased with the results. Many people know about the method of roasting a bird in a water bottle. This good method, but with it the bird turns out much less juicy. Besides, lower limbs always brown worse than the top of the bird when the chicken is positioned feet down. And no one can replace regular rotation. When rotating, the meat juices inside the bird are evenly distributed and do not flow down. What can not be said about the fat, of which a lot drips off when roasting chicken on a spit, while the grilled chicken remains very juicy. Not because of the fat, but because of the evenly distributed meat juices. That is, such a bird can also be safely called dietary.

    I baked grilled chicken in double temperature conditions. First, not too intensively baking, at 180ᵒC, and then fairly browning at 240ᵒC in the “grill with convection” mode. This way I got a juicy bird and a very crispy, golden-brown crust.

    Leftover quality grilled chicken meat can be used to make salads, Mexican, or, or added to soup as a protein, tasty addition, and the like.


    • 1 broiler chicken 2-2.5 kg
    • 3 tbsp. vegetable oil
    • Salt to taste

    For watering:

    • 3 liters of water
    • 3 tbsp.
    • salt 1 tbsp.
    • granulated garlic 1 tsp
    • black peppercorns
    • 1 tsp

    ground cumin

    2 tbsp.


    1) In a 3-liter saucepan, bring all ingredients for basting to a boil, remove from heat.

    2) Place the chicken on a wire rack or clean plate and place it in the kitchen sink. 3) Pour half the hot liquid over the surface of the chicken, turn it over to the other side and pour the remaining liquid over it. 4) Transfer the rack with the chicken into a wide bowl of appropriate size and place it in the refrigerator to dry for 8-12 hours.

    5) 1-2 hours before baking, remove the chicken from the refrigerator and leave to come to room temperature. Rub the bird

    vegetable oil lovers of something like this choose thighs .

    If you stuff the legs with something unusual and put them in an electric or gas oven for grilling, the result will still be delicious! This dish is also good to serve at home, and guests will enjoy it. With spices. IN original sauce. In short, gourmet food . That's what we'll prepare now.


    How to marinate chicken:

    • Chicken legs 2-4 pcs.
    • Onion - 1 pc.
    • Garlic and herbs - to taste

    For the sauce:

    • Adjika – 1 glass
    • Mayonnaise or sour cream - half a glass
    • Soy sauce - to taste
    • Favorite spices - to taste
    • Garlic - to taste

    How to cook delicious grilled chicken at home - recipe with photos

    By the way, if we are talking about calories, then there are fewer of them in grilled meat than in boiled meat. Not to mention the fried bits. So, before we put the meat on the grill or in the oven, let’s prepare everything to make it tasty. As a rule, the legs are sold already separated from the carcass. Therefore, all that remains is to burn the feathers, if any, wash the pieces, dry them and separate the skin, but not completely, but only on one side. If you wish, you can lightly rub the carcasses with some spices, ground pepper, and garlic. Let it marinate a little in all this before it goes into the sauce. But I didn’t do this, because the sauce is already spicy.

    Burn, wash and remove the skin from one side of the thighs

    To make the chicken flavorful, just one marinade or sauce is not enough. I like to put various spicy things under the skin, which we have slightly separated from the meat. This time I finely chopped the garlic, chopped the herbs and then sprinkled with red pepper (even better - chopped chili!). What to do with all this? Leave some for the sauce, if desired. We carefully place the rest under the skin of the thighs. So that everything is not a heap, we gently distribute everything under the skin with our hands, slightly pull it up so that it covers this original filling. I had not only garlic, but also young dill.

    Finely chop the garlic and tuck the herbs under the skin

    Which one do you want to receive? With a crispy crust? Then prepare the racks if you are cooking in a gas oven. Then the meat will not come into contact with the dripping fat. 30 minutes is enough for the meat to bake at 200 degrees, and then you can turn on the grill 10 minutes before the end. There is another way - on a spit, that is, secure the meat with a toothpick or something similar. And then put it in a cold oven, where the “spit” mode is set. At the same temperature, after 20 minutes, you need to switch to the “top-bottom” mode, and for another half an hour at 180 degrees. cook, and only then, again bringing the temperature to 180 degrees, cook on the grill. You will receive an incomparable product - with an appetizing crust, juicy and incomparably tasty. But we will have a slightly different recipe, although no less tasty! So let's cut the onion. It will also give off its aroma and its taste.

    Cut the onion into rings

    You can cook aromatic Indian grilled chicken. You will need a spit or a rack if you don't have one. Rub the meat with a mixture of turmeric, black pepper, cumin, cinnamon, bay leaf, ginger, cumin, cardamom and mustard seeds. Rub the meat with all this and let it sleep in the refrigerator overnight. Lemon will be needed so that the carcass does not dangle (we will insert it, making cuts on it, into the carcass), and then to sprinkle this beauty when we serve it. Bake until done. There are a lot of such recipes. You can rub the carcass with a variety of herbs, spices, etc. But today we will have sauce! Incredibly tasty and easy to prepare. Pour adjika into a plate, add sour cream or mayonnaise, cut a lemon and, after squeezing out the juice, place it back on the plate. Add a lot of different spices that you like, don’t forget the onion, soy sauce(half a teaspoon)!

    Make the marinade for the thighs

    I really like cayenne pepper chicken. But this is not for everybody. This recipe will require salt and pepper, dried oregano and paprika and cayenne pepper. After mixing the oil with these goodies (everything should be a pinch in there), rub the meat with it and send it to the grill. It’s quite simple, but an object of admiration will appear on the table - a delicious chicken, of which not a trace will remain, it’s so delicious. So, the legs have already been marinated in spices, if you have done this, add them to the prepared sauce, remembering to mix it well. How long should I keep it there? At your discretion. I usually leave it on for 3 hours. Everything that can be absorbed will be absorbed!

    Leave the legs in the marinade with onions and spices for 3 hours

    As you can see, the recipes are very simple. Whatever she was preparing for. As a result, there is no reason to go to the grocery store and buy grilled chicken that has been reheated a thousand times. After all, at home it will be a hundred times tastier, and you know what you put in and how you processed it. After all, let’s be honest, in markets they usually send out expired meat for grilling. Notice how the store-bought chicken is fried? Skin and bones, and underneath it all - a sea of ​​old fried fat. Even if you don’t have a grill at home, a microwave, etc., even a regular oven with a normal mode will save you! So, it's been a few hours? Remove the meat from the dressing. And we'll send you to cook. It all depends on the cooking method you choose. Usually the legs are cooked on a wire rack for half an hour at a temperature of 200 degrees. In a microwave, these are different numbers. You can tell by the aroma that the meat is ready!

    Depending on the cooking method, the meat will look paler or have a more flavorful crust.