You will need

  • Wooden beam, anchor bolts, reinforcement, concrete mixer, cement, gravel, sand. Skills in handling lumber and concrete.


Prepare the area. Contact the BTI for the correct placement of the building in relation to neighboring buildings. Mark the future corners of the house. After this, clear the area where the house will be located, as well as at a distance of at least one meter from it, of turf and other debris. Fill the area with soil and level it, make sand cushion. Carry out carefully preparatory stage construction, the durability of the house and foundation depends on this.

Start building the foundation with fabrications that need to be installed around the perimeter of the main load-bearing walls. Dig holes with a diameter of 25-35 cm to the freezing depth to protect the foundation from deformation during operation. Use drilling equipment for this. Make a sand cushion at the bottom of the pit and compact it. Lay waterproofing made of roofing felt or similar material along the walls, bringing it 0.5 m to the surface. Enclose the upper part of the pillars in wooden formwork, and place the reinforcement inside the pit. When the pillars have hardened, pour around the perimeter strip foundation, having previously placed reinforcement in it. To do this, use wooden formwork, OSB boards, metal or plywood. Foundation during construction wooden house should be raised above the ground to a height of 0.5 meters. The consumption of concrete when constructing a strip-and-pillar foundation is small, so use a regular concrete mixer.

Install frame walls first floor, additionally securing them with braces to prevent deformation. When using laminated veneer lumber, at this stage the walls of the building are made. The timber is connected to each other into a claw and into a bowl. Place a layer of boards along the upper perimeter of the walls, covering the joints of the walls. The result will be a second harness. Install the walls and interfloor covering attic room. Perform the same operations as when installing the first floor.

Install the roof ridge on the gables of the attic, as well as support beams along the entire length of the house. Mount on them rafter system. Prepare the roof depending on the roofing material used - metal tiles or soft bitumen tiles. The material should not be heavy.

Cover the walls with OSB boards, install the main communication networks (heating, water supply, electricity, chimney, ventilation, sewerage), and test them. Cover the floors and roof with a vapor barrier. Insulate the room and decorate it. Make final repairs, install floors, radiators and heating equipment.

The most best tree for building a house. Together with FORUMHOUSE users, we will understand the features and properties of wooden wall materials and houses!

What material is it made from? This is a question that many novice developers ask themselves.

We have already written about the most popular ones.

Our article today is more specific - about wall materials for wooden house construction.

And FORUMHOUSE users will help us understand them.

From our material you will learn:

  • About the features wooden houses;
  • About which wood is best to build a house from;
  • About the pros and cons of wooden houses;
  • What is the difference between a hand-cut log and a rounded log?
  • What types of timber are there?

Features of a wooden house

One of the main advantages of living in a wooden house is a favorable microclimate. In a house built of wood, it is easy to breathe, it is cool in summer and warm in winter, it has a special, “homey” atmosphere.

These features are due to the properties of wood. Wooden walls have low thermal conductivity - like in a stone building, but the walls in a wooden house are less thick.

This allows you to reduce construction costs. Because the wooden house weighs less than stone, there is no need to build a powerful foundation for it. And with appropriate wall thickness, a wooden house does not require additional insulation.


– In my opinion, for a house for permanent residence in Moscow and for walls, it is enough to take profiled timber with a thickness of 190-195 mm. If you take an ordinary beam with a thickness of 150 mm, then additional insulation along the facade of 50 mm will be required. A rounded log must have a diameter of at least 260 mm.

The greatest heat loss occurs not through the walls, but through a poorly insulated floor, roof and improperly installed windows.

You also need to build from logs, paying attention not to the diameter of the material itself, but to the width of the groove (the place where the logs are placed on top of each other). You can install a log house with logs with a diameter of over 300 mm, but with a groove only 5-7 cm wide. As a result, the actual thickness of the log wall will be the same 5-7 cm and, despite the spectacular appearance a house made of such logs will be very cold in winter. Even heating using mains gas will not save you.

Therefore, before starting construction of a wooden house, it is important to understand why it is being built and how it will be used: how summer cottage, or as a place for permanent residence.

If wooden house is used in the “dacha” mode, then upon arrival at the site it quickly warms up, and a well-heated wooden house made of thick logs, thanks to their heat capacity, retains heat for a long time (the walls act as a heat accumulator).

Even in an unheated wooden house there is no feeling of dampness, because... wood, due to its good vapor permeability, removes excess steam and moisture outside. Research has shown that the movement of steam and air in a log occurs more in the longitudinal than in the transverse direction.

Thermal energy from a wooden house comes out the other way around - across the log.

Because steam, rushing outward, moves in a perpendicular (along the annual rings) direction; mixing of these flows does not occur.

Steam does not reach the outer, cooled layers in wooden wall and is removed through the ends in the logs, rather than condensing when a “dew point” occurs.

Therefore, a favorable microclimate is maintained in a wooden house.

When building a wooden house and choosing materials for its finishing, it is important to follow the principle: the degree of vapor permeability of materials should increase from the inside out.

Among the advantages of wooden houses are:

  • spectacular appearance;
  • final appearance of the walls: they do not require additional external and internal finishing, except for painting.

Despite all the advantages, wood, as a wall building material, is not without a number of disadvantages.

A wooden cottage takes a long time to settle, so you can’t immediately start finishing it - installing windows, doors, etc. The house must “stand” under a temporary roof. On average, this process takes about a year. Wall shrinkage: the change in their height, depending on the degree of moisture saturation of the source material, can range from 3 to 12%. Therefore, even at the project stage, it is important to include this coefficient in the height of the flows.

Scaffolding can begin to rot, it can be pulled or spun like a helicopter, it is susceptible to cracking and insect pests. The tree also needs comprehensive protection from the destructive effects of water and sunlight. To combat these phenomena, wood is treated with fire-bioprotective agents, painted and impregnated with special compounds.

Wood is a “living”, capricious material, which is constantly influenced by external adverse weather factors. Find out from our news how and with what to protect

The best tree for a house

Wooden houses in the northern regions still do not lose their former popularity. In them, in addition to the unique architectural solutions, attracts environmental friendliness, reliability and special comfort. Modern technologies processing of wood and logs allows you to build quality houses, with an unusually beautiful finish.

Projects of wooden houses are very diverse. Logs, beams and individual parts can be processed different ways. Improved performance is achieved by coating their surfaces with special reagents - antiseptics. Products protect wooden buildings from fungi, various types mold and rot. Fire-resistant solutions - anti-frozen, during a fire they will protect walls, doors and doors from fire for a certain time. window blocks, beam floors. They are applied directly to the wood, and then covered with a layer of paint or varnish, applying a primer. With the help of insecticidal solutions, wooden houses can be protected from beetles and other insects.

What types of trees are usually used to build houses?

Regardless of the terrain and time of year, the construction of wooden houses requires the correct selection of materials, taking into account all its characteristics and the personal preferences of the owners.

Wooden houses made of pine

Its wood has a pronounced grain pattern. Its density, and therefore strength, is considered suitable for the built house to be warm and strong. Moreover, the price category of such buildings is low.

It is customary to build houses from pine in winter period, which reduces the likelihood of fungal diseases of wood.

Moreover, if work has been carried out in advance to ensure its protection. Pine is usually used in the construction of structures and exterior decoration houses. Resin passages are located not only in the bark, but also in wood, which, even covered with a layer of varnish, exudes a pleasant smell.

Spruce wood

The building material is light, with a slight yellowish tint. Tree rings are visible on any section. The tree does not have a clearly defined core. Spruce is used for the production of lumber (boards, beams), plywood, laminated veneer lumber, veneer, chipboard, fiberboard.

In the construction of wooden houses, spruce is used in the construction of roofs, wall frames and ceilings, internal lining. The number of knots is greater than that of pine.

Siberian larch

Siberian larch wood has many advantages. It retains heat well in the house even in severe frosts. It absorbs moisture poorly, so it is suitable for construction in regions with high rainfall and high humidity. It is not damaged by insects and other pests.

Larch wood is more resistant to fire than pine. Thanks to the originality of the wood pattern, it looks very decorative.

It has a positive effect on the human body and pets living in the house. But over time, the wood becomes very strong. It is quite difficult to make repairs in such a house, and driving a nail into the wall is no longer so easy.

Strong oak

Houses built from oak are considered the most reliable and durable:

  1. The buildings are not exposed to moisture.
  2. The core of the tree is very strong.
  3. Oak lives for a long time, hundreds of years, as it is not affected by pathogens.
  4. Due to its dense structure and the presence of special substances, oak wood does not rot, so impregnation with antiseptics is not required.
  5. Oak doesn't burn well. Treatment with anti-fungals will allow you to preserve the structure as much as possible in case of fire.

However, due to the large weight of oak logs, the house will need a fairly powerful one.


Due to the significant height of cedar trees, they are the best material for construction big houses. Wood shades range from light yellow to amber, with a slight touch of pink. Wood is relatively light, with a soft structure that can be processed, so finishing the house can be done in any suitable style.

Advantages of log houses

Coniferous trees are most often used to build houses.

They are the ones who can ensure high quality construction, taking into account their important properties:

  1. The presence of resin passages and pockets (sernitsa) eliminates the possibility of rotting. This significantly increases the service life of the building.
  2. Weak hygroscopicity is an important advantage over many deciduous trees.
  3. Relatively low weight allows you to save money when building a foundation.
  4. The trunks are straight, a small number of branches makes it possible to increase the length of the logs.

Wooden houses are built mainly from pine, larch and spruce. The most valued wood is from trees grown in areas with harsh climates.

Due to poor conditions, their growth slows down greatly, the wood becomes dense and does not crack during the use of buildings.

IN modern projects houses use two types of logs - hand-cut and rounded. In the first version, craftsmen process logs by hand, using axes, planes, etc. They only remove the bark and bast, so all the valuable properties of this building material are preserved. Standard diameter is 24 cm or more.

Rounded logs are produced on special woodworking machines. Finished products have the shape of a regular cylinder, which simplifies their installation and increases the decorative value of walls, both external and internal. Standard size such logs for houses in Middle lane Russia - more than 24 cm in diameter.

Projects of wooden houses made of logs are distinguished by great variety and operational reliability. One-story, 1.5-story and two-story houses, with terraces and attics, balconies, verandas, are very popular among the population.

Wooden houses made of timber

The construction of houses from profiled timber attracts the attention of not only private developers, but also many travel companies.

These dwellings have a number of advantages over other low-rise buildings made of foam concrete blocks, bricks and even logs:

  1. The shortest construction time. They can be assembled in just a few weeks, while houses made from other materials can take several months to build.
  2. Possibility to do without or use a block house, lining.
  3. Do not affect the environment. timber naturally regulates the level of humidity in rooms and other areas. Due to good insulation it allows minimal costs maintain them at the desired temperature.
  4. Affordable prices - depend on cost building materials, small time costs for performing various technological processes and operations.

Houses made of timber are quite light and do not require the construction of a massive in-depth foundation, which significantly reduces their overall cost.

Residential houses and cottages, outbuildings and even bathhouses are built from high-tech laminated veneer lumber (structural wall timber). Since the walls look almost monolithic, exterior and interior decoration may not be required. In most cases, painting is done.

Russian tower

A tower is a constructor house by nature, consisting of several (up to eight) cages or huts. In the old days, the tower was the upper living space. In the old days, these could be rich merchants, nobles and even peasants. The basis of the hut is a log house - “tied” logs. Previously, when building houses, they tried not to use nails.

Variety of exteriors - strong point houses in Russian style. Wood carving is usually used for decoration.

The house itself is rarely higher than two floors, especially if there are no plans to build an estate. But this is a different style with its own, more conservative features.

Among the advantages of the tower are:

  1. Ideal microclimate. Since the main material is wood, the house will have an optimal level of humidity. The porosity of the material allows air to pass through the logs, which means that there will be no lack of oxygen either. When using coniferous wood in construction, interior spaces will be protected from most pathogenic microbes, since this type of wood emits phytoncides that are fatal to most pathogenic organisms.
  2. The aesthetics of Russian towers is also one of their advantages.
  3. Houses made of wood warm up better compared to their brick counterparts. In addition, it also lasts longer.
  4. Such dwellings attract residents of megacities who want to live outside the “concrete box”.

It is worth considering some disadvantages:

  1. Increased fire hazard. Since the house is built from wood, special fire protection treatment is necessary to minimize the potential chance of fire. But even this does not provide complete protection.
  2. A wooden house requires much more maintenance; it is quite difficult to maintain it constantly good condition, unlike stone and brick analogues.
  3. When building wooden houses, it takes time for the building to shrink after construction. The only exception is if high-quality laminated veneer lumber was used during construction. Shrinkage also occurs during use, which does not have a very good effect on the condition of the house.
  4. Wood is not the best cheap material, as well as the construction process itself.

Despite all this, the popularity of towers continues to grow.

Exterior Features

Among the main features of the exterior of the towers are the following:

  • Only used in construction natural materials: tree and a natural stone. Moreover, in some cases the latter is artificially aged and used very limitedly, mainly for finishing the base.
  • Active use of carved elements.
  • Special laying of logs “in the burrow”, in this case the logs are placed in such a way that their edges protrude strongly at the corners of the house.
  • Stairs of several flights, as well as massive, voluminous columns.

Also, towers usually have a simple gable roof.

Wooden frame houses

If frame house built in compliance with technology, its service life will be long. However, if you plan to live in it permanently, you should install a ventilation system. One of the most important advantages of a frame home is incredibly fast construction. A team of three craftsmen will build it in a month. And if you add the time for laying the foundation and finishing work, it will take no more than two months.

U frame houses there are several advantages:

  • construction technology is accessible and low cost, therefore it is considered the most widespread in many countries of the world;
  • there is no need for periodic renovation of facades;
  • , increasing the speed of construction and reducing overall costs;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • the house can easily withstand freezing and defrosting cycles; there is no need to maintain a constant temperature in it;
  • the ability to lay communications in the walls and increase the aesthetic appeal of the interior;
  • due to the absence of shrinkage, immediately after completion of construction, external and internal finishing work can begin;
  • earthquake resistance - houses can withstand earthquakes up to magnitude 9, which is why they are often built in Japan.

The frame house is environmentally friendly. Wooden structure, OSB boards, plasterboard sheets(GKL), insulation and mineral wool do not pose a threat to human health.

How wooden houses are built - video

Our clients can choose house designs from two types of materials:

rounded logs. In its production, solid trunks are used. During the rounding process, perfectly smooth logs of the same diameter are obtained. Houses assembled from them do not require exterior finishing, which reduces construction costs;

timber. Many of our clients prefer this material because it provides greater possibilities in façade design and interior decoration. Our projects use regular, profiled and laminated timber. The first option is the cheapest: it comes without additional processing. Profiled and laminated timber are subjected to chamber drying, which reduces shrinkage of the box.

Our clients are often interested in which material is better: more economical, warmer, more durable. We are confident that any wooden house, during the installation of which the technology was strictly followed, will serve the entire design period. The WoodHouse company guarantees high quality workmanship regardless of the type of material.

Standard and individual projects of finished houses

WoodHouse engineers have created a number of standard projects that take into account the ideas of most consumers about comfortable private housing. From us you can order an inexpensive wooden house with an area of ​​38 m2, including communications and finishing. Small one-story buildings are most often used for seasonal residence. We also offer projects two-story houses large area for year-round use. They are equipped with all communications and engineering networks. The price of a wooden house is determined not only by its area and number of storeys. It is also influenced by the design of the foundation and the complexity of the architecture. Among the standard proposals you will find projects with an attic, garage or terrace. We are also ready to develop an individual solution that takes into account all the wishes of the future owner. You can take as a basis any of the projects available in the catalog or order calculations from scratch. This is how the best wooden houses of our company were created.

The price of a turnkey wooden house includes wall and roofing kits, as well as all technical documentation. Our employees are constantly in touch with the client and are ready to promptly resolve any issue that may arise. Choose and order the home of your dreams in the WoodHouse catalog from the company’s website or by phone.

For most city dwellers, a country house is a dream. It’s so nice to escape from the stuffy embrace of city streets and find yourself in the countryside. Fresh air, forest, river... Therefore, I suggest you watch one of the master classes on building a country house to make your dream come true.

Every construction begins with a project. The author himself drew his project, as he put it, “on his knees” and began to realize his dream. Every building requires a foundation, because... This is the basis of the entire structure and the key to strength. The author also started from the foundation. He has this - screw piles. After clearing the place for the construction of the structure, the author begins to make the foundation itself. He himself was not confident in his abilities, so he called a team of specialists.

Within a day, the team of specialists completed their task and by evening the foundation was ready.

Now we begin to make corner piles from the purchased materials. Since the author of this structure does not trust the bars, citing the fact that as it dries it begins to curl. The thickness of the walls in the house will be 150 mm, respectively corner beams will be the same thickness. The author's board size is 150x50. Therefore, you need to fasten them together to make a beam measuring 150x150. We cut the boards to the required length, glue them with foam and fasten them with nails so that the end comes out and can be bent like a staple.

Now the author begins to do the piping along the entire foundation. Here it is necessary to set all the angles and heights very clearly, because any mistake will interfere with us throughout the course of construction.

After the piping is completed, they begin to build the frame of the walls and ceilings of the first and second floors.
The author additionally connected all connections with construction corners and foamed them.

After erecting the walls of the first floor, the author moves on to the second floor and roof. The walls of the second floor were erected in the same way as the first. The author decided to put metal tiles on the roof.

Next, after covering the roof, the author proceeds to covering the walls. This prevents the wind from blowing into the room, preventing further work, and gives the building structural rigidity. OSB-3 9 mm thick was chosen for the cladding.

Next, the author carries out the electrical work. He pulls the wires in a corrugation. Since the author’s insulation “is not edible for rodents and they will not reach the wires.” There are no connections in the walls. Everything is only in boxes, which simplifies further operation and reduces the fire hazard. It's the same with plumbing. Next comes the time of vapor barrier.

Now comes the time for insulation. Cellulose insulation is used, or as it is called - ecowool. This insulation does not cause allergies and, thanks to its fine texture, fills all small cracks and voids well.

Next is a vapor barrier on the floor and heating pipes. The author uses a fan diagram, that is, in the boiler room, two pipes come from the collector to each radiator - supply and return. And as in the case of electrics, there are no connections inside the ceilings.