How to insulate summer house For living in winter? The fact is that many gardeners are attractive to the city at the city not only in the summer, but also in winter. Therefore, that with the onset of winter it was possible to spend time in the garden with comfort, the floor should be insulated, wooden walls and the attic at home.

In this article we will tell you how to warm the garden lodge brick or a bar for living in winter. At the end of this material, see the detailed video instruction on this topic.

What to insulate country houseiR in the garden?

Decide with thermal insulation materials, before proceeding to work. For foundations, basement and basement rooms, it is better to use extruded polystyrene foam, which is very durable and racks to high humidity.

For residential premises should choose mineral Wat Or fiberglass, as an environmentally friendly insulation.

The most practical materials for the thermal insulation of the summer house are basalt materials, polystyrene plates or penplexes. Polystyrene foam should be used with independent insulation of foundations and scenes.

Polyeplex plates are a dense and durable material that is not terrible high humidity, however, these materials can highlight harmful substances.

Warming garden house for winter accommodation

When using Minvati, high-quality vaporizolation from the warm room is necessary.

Mineral insulation when laying should be laid in the framework. It is believed that minvatu do not eat rodents and it is environmentally safe for humans. In order for the thermal insulation layer is optimal, it is necessary to pre-calculate the thickness of the wall insulation on the heat engineering calculator.

How to insulate a garden lodge with their own hands

By fulfilling all the tips from this article, even a small furnace in the house will be enough to live with the whole family in the winter with comfort.

Come responsible for work in order to prevent the construction of cold bridges in the designs of the cold bridges. At the same time, do not forget to pay attention to the ventilation of residential premises, as insulation worsens the microclimate in the room, reducing the ability of the structures to "breathe".

The external thermal insulation of structures shifts the dew point towards the street, reducing the risk of moisture on the walls in the room.

Warming garden house outside

The wall decoration can be made by the "method" wet facade"Or" Warming under Siding ".

Warming of a shield house for winter accommodation: the choice of materials and technology

In the first case, the insulation to the facade is attached to the glue, the reinforcing grid is pasted over the insulation and the facade plaster is applied. In the second case, the thermal insulation is fastened between the guides from the bars, then the insulation is covered with a vapor insulation film and is sidding.

Warming of garden house foam outside

Warming of a garden house from the inside

In addition to the insulation of floors and walls, you should not forget about protection against heat loss through doors and windows in the summer house.

Window openings, especially the slopes of windows and window sills require careful insulation. Well, if you have a small tambour, then the cold will penetrate into the house, but the entrance door in the country house is better insulated. To do this, you can use Dermantin, Sinytender and Furniture Nails.

Warming of the Garden House of Minvata from the inside

Warming of a garden house for living in winter

Heat insulation

To begin, it is warmed by the base of foam and floor on the first floor.

Most often on the cottages, the floor is made of wood, so we consider this design. If you want to save, you can use traditional materials - woody opil or clay. If you feel about the work more seriously, then the insulation of the floor can be carried out by the minvata on wooden lags.

Heat insulation of walls

If the garden in the garden is built from silicate brick or from a bar, then the insulation must be performed outside.

In this case, you will save space in the residential room, protect the walls of the construction from the freezing and the possible appearance of mold. It is best to carry out the insulation of the facade of minvata followed by a vinyl siding finish. How to choose Minvatu correctly read on our site here.

Warming facade house without cold bridges

Thermal insulation attic

Through the ceiling, a private house loses most of all heat, as warm air always rises up.

To engage in insulation is better from the cold attic. On horizontal surfaces, you can use traditional and inexpensive bulk materials - sawmill samples with Earth or Ceramzit. If a mineral wool is used, a roll vapor barrier is first put on the surface.

Video. How to insulate the summer house for living in winter

How to insulate a garden house

Wall insulation on the cottage is an actual problem in modern world. She can save considerable The amount of money that goes to the dacha heating.

But this is possible, only with high-quality insulation.

And for this it is necessary to know some tricks of installation, as well as be able to choose the proper insulating material.

From the article you will learn how to choose a heater for walls inside the house at the cottage.

How to choose the right insulation

It is known that the big weight loss from the house occurs through the walls.

In the numerical meaning - this is somewhere 40% of the total heat. Therefore, it is very important to warm this design.

The amount of material must be taken depending on what parameters of the wall: height and width. You should also take into account the thickness of the insulation used.

When choosing insulation, you need to watch it to satisfy the following qualities:

  • Ecology.

    Means that insulating material should not harm human health and have toxic properties;

  • Safety (Nonbitat). In other words, the ability to interfere with fire;
  • Low thermal conductivity - an indicator of the ability to hold heat;
  • Durability. In order for the repair and insulation, the insulation served for a long time and retained the house in warm;
  • Water and wrappers, that is, the ability of the insulation to repel water and steam;
  • Efficiency, that is, an acceptable price for consumers.

The most popular materials for insulation of walls - foam and mineral wool.

Each of them has its pros and cons.


This material is a sheet with a smooth surface. It has high strength. In this case, the foam is sufficient enough, which means that the installation can be easily carried out independently, without additional help.

However, the foam has a significant drawback. Due to the fact that the insulation is submitted by the rectangular form by the formation, then the seams are formed during installation.

Through them subsequently, heat outlet can occur from the house.

In order to minimize these losses, the following measures were invented:

  • Sheets need to be customized as close as possible to each other, this should be paid to special attention. Therefore, during operation you can not rush;
  • If necessary, it is better to use special sealants;
  • In addition to using sealant seams close up from above.

Installation of foam sheets is carried out in a certain sequence.

The sheets of foam are glued and the pre-prepared surface of the foam, which are pre-covered with adhesive composition over the entire surface in advance.

Formed seams close in sealant. If necessary, seams are closed over. Then you can proceed to hotels.

Mineral wool

The insulation presented, as a rule, is produced in the form of rolls and plates.

For the insulation of small walls, it is better to use Minvatu in tiled form, as it does not have such properties as fermentation and deformation.

How to save heat in the country house with insulation

So it is easier to work with it at a large scale.

As a result, a perfectly smooth surface is formed on which it is easy to mount. finishing material. Negative property Minvati - the ability to absorb moisture.

What to pay attention to:

That is why it is impossible to carry insulation only by this material. It is better to use it in a tandem with a vapor barrier film.

On the wall itself, the installation of a vapor insulating layer.

Then the insulating material is fixed on it, in our case, this is mineral wool.

It is attached to vapor barrier with glue or self-tapping screws, or both. Fix it with rails, which is attached to the interior decoration of the room.

Polyurene Foolder

Recently, polyurethane foam is recruited its popularity. It is considered one of the most reliable insulation.

Presented material has positive properties:

  • Withstand mechanical loads;
  • Withstand thermal loads;
  • Fireproof;
  • Durable;
  • Abnormal seams and joints that need to be sealed.

In other words, this insulation does not have the shortcomings, which are the minvat and foam.

If you look from the properties of this product, we can say that it does not have drawbacks.

The only complexity with which you can encounter is the application of the material. Polyurethane foam consists of two components, which, when mixing, form foam. It is applied using a special device.

Foam is sprayed directly on the wall on which the framework is installed.

Use the secrets is not necessary. Polyurethane foam quickly freezes and dries.

On top, you can install a kapron mesh, and anyone can be done on it. finishing work.

Warming technology

No matter what type of insulation material you choose, they all have approximately the same insulation technology:

  • Preparation of walls to construction work: cleaning from dirt, alignment with primer;
  • Over the entire surface of the insulation, we applied glue, glit to the base;
  • Produces such manipulation with each sheet;
  • After fixing with glue, the material can be additionally fixed using self-tapping screws or dowels.

    However, it is not necessary to do this, it all depends on the desire;

  • If when installing, joints or seams were formed, then they must be seal;
  • Fasten the material using a grid and putty;
  • Carry out the heat insulation finish;
  • At this stage, finishing and decorative work can be carried out. That is, work on the design of the wall itself from the inside.

Sometimes when installing insulation, special frames use special frames.

Then the fixation of the material occurs directly to it. Then on this frame over it will be easy to fill drywall or plastic panels.

Wall insulation country house It can do in a round sum, even if used budget insulation like mineral wool.

However, despite the fact that higher spending They seem now, remember that it will definitely pay off.

In addition, it should be remembered that by conducting internal insulation of the house or cottage, it is better to combine it with external insulation. Only then will you get the most qualitative insulation and the minimum amount of heat loss.

When using a country house, not only in the summer season, but in the cold time there is a need for its insulation.

To solve this problem, you need to answer two main questions: where heat leakage occurs and how efficiently

Causes of heat loss

Set the cause of the heat loss is easy. It usually goes through poorly insulated walls, roof, floor, windows and various slots.

To insulate the cottage, experts offer not only outside, but from the inside.

Selection of material

For thermal insulation materials there are a number of requirements.

The insulation must have low thermal conductivity, good hygroscopicity, fire safety and ecological purity.

It is necessary that the material reliably obstruct the heat exchange between the outer and the inner parts of the walls, the structure of the structure was well protected.

Today, mineral wool based on basalt or fiberglass is widely used as insulation. If the ventilation of the house is equipped correctly, the moisture will not be a problem for this material.

In the market of building goods, new items are constantly appearing for the quality warming of the cottage with their own hands. For example:

  • the insulation of linen fiber - the material is produced by plates, easily cuts, does not change the shape, environmentally friendly, has good antiseptic properties;
  • equata - sprayed loose heat insulator consisting of recycled cellulose with the addition of antiseptics and flames;
  • soft wood-fibrous stove (Fiberboard) - ecologically pure MaterialThey can immediately strengthen the walls.

How and what to insulate, the question of taste and successful choice. The main thing is that the summer house is reliably protected from winter cold.


The roof with incorrect installation can "steal" you have more than 10% of heat spent on the heating of the house.

When choosing heat insulation for the roof, pay attention to the service life, which depends on many external factors: temperature fluctuations, amount of precipitation (especially snow), strength and wind directions. Pay special attention to the water resistance of the material. Also insulation should be safe for health. The first sign of safe isolation is the absence of a sharp, caustic smell.

Roof insulation polymeric materials - Not the best solution. They are very easily and quickly ignited, so there will have to take increased fire safety measures.

For the roof, a stone cotton can be considered, which is intended for the heat-preserves of structures that are not serving serious loads.


It is the main stage of the work, since they occupy the main area of \u200b\u200bany structure and have the highest heat transfer.

Surface preparation

Before insulation of wooden walls, be sure to clean the entire surface from dirt. Carefully process the walls from the inside with special solutions and aerosols that protect wood from insects. Then lay all the gaps with a dry paneling and a thin chisel.


A jute canvas fits very well as a heat insulator for the walls. It quickly and simply stacked by a construction stapler, does not rot, does not blow away by the wind and does not represent interest for moth. Pacle and jute fiber have low thermal conductivity due to the capillary structure, easily give moisture. In addition, as bactericidal materials, successfully confront the spread of fungus.

It is not recommended to use technician materials for warming the walls of the country house: felt, batting, wool. They abundantly accumulate moisture. As a result, the process of rotting begins rapidly, and mole is necessarily started in wool.


After insulation of the walls, go to the windows. They also lead to significant heat loss, so the windows should pay close attention, especially if the design is obsolete.

Cleaning and waterproofing

It should be carefully cleaned from the dust of the house frame, replace the cracked glass, close the slots between the walls and frames.

For high-quality insulation, it will take silicone sealant in a special gun. He reliably protects the joints from the inside of fungi and mold.

Mounting foam fit. However, it quickly collapses from the Sun and not quite aesthetic. If you stop the selection on the foam, you will have to take measures to protect it from ultraviolet rays.

Tape D-profile

Then you need to shove the sealing tape. The best tape of the D-profile is best. It effectively closes the slot to 7 mm. For more reliable fixation, you can consolidate with carnations or brackets.

Film on glass and insulation of slopes

To maximize, become their heat-saving film. This material is applied directly on the glass. When laying a film should not be folds, swots, bubbles. Carefully completed work will help save more than 30% heat.

Do not forget about the insulation of slopes. For this you can use various materials, for example, polyethylene or mineral wool. The insulation is fixed on slopes with glue.


There are many modern materials For floor insulation. The main thing is that the country house from the inside is as dry as possible.


Polystyrene foam does not absorb moisture, durable, durable, good antiseptic. It is convenient to work with such material because it does not change the original volume.


Mineral wool is sold in various versions: rolls, plates, mats. Low density, environmental purity, wear resistance, relatively low price is its main advantages.


New material Penophol has already shown himself with best side And won popularity. It is sold in rolls consisting of a foil layer and insulation. Most often the basis protrudes foamed polyethylene.

Requirements for insulation

When choosing a material for haspitation, do you do with your own hands, do not look for the cheapest options and be sure to remember that the insulation must be:

  • environmentally friendly, safe for health;
  • excellent heat insulator;
  • durable.

Floor isolation methods

You can select several ways to insulate the floor of the country house.

Double floor

The lower layer of non-splashed boards is carefully attached directly to the beams. The "Celebration" coating is laid on the "draft" design.

Wooden lags are installed on the foundation in increments of 0.5-1 m or drove into a log house. Next, the "draft" floor is laid. Free space is filled with thermal insulation. A fairly simple and effective way.

You can warm the floor by lags installed on brick columns. Heater any: mineral wool, fiberglass, foam or other suitable material. Increases the distance between the finishing floor and the soil. Work does not require a builder's experience and easily performed with your own hands. With this option, the insulation material does not experience the load, which makes the way of insulation of the wooden floor by lagas ideal.

Country houses originally intended only for summer accommodation, often begin to use in winter. In this case, the question arises on how to provide a comfortable room temperature in the cold season. Without work on the heat shift here, do not do.

The insulation of the country house is a whole range of measures for isolation of different parts of the building structure that allow you to equip it for winter accommodation.

Selection of insulation

Before starting work, it is necessary to determine the type of thermal insulation. In the presence of elementary construction skills, the correct selection of insulation and knowledge of technology, most of the events can be made with their own hands.

The modern market provides customers with a wide range of materials that will help qualitatively insulate the country house. Each of them has their own advantages and disadvantages.

Key indicators affecting what the insulation should choose, are thermal conductivity, resistance to moisture, durability, fire safety.

Several groups of thermal insulation materials can be distinguished:

  1. mineral wool;
  2. pulp;
  3. polystyrene.

Each of the above groups deserves detailed consideration.

Mineral wool

Mineral wool insulation, often referred to as Minvata, are inorganic fiber, as a rule, from porphyritis. Between the fibers is aerial layer, occupying about 95% of the total.

The advantages of mineral wool are its high heat and sound insulation qualities, durability, environmental friendliness, fire safety. The main disadvantage is low resistance to moisture.

Cellulose insulation

Cellulose insulation are made of secondary cellulose. The main advantages of the material are the low thermal conductivity coefficient and the ability to fill it hard to reach the insulation of the place, it goes well into any small cavities and gaps. Installation is produced by spraying, manual or mechanized laying, backfilling. Usually, such materials are in their composition antiseptic and fireproof impurities, which makes them reliable during fire and resistant to rodents and insects.

Among the shortcomings of cellulose insulation, you can allocate:

  • strong shrinkage over time;
  • when applied by a wet method, all metal structural elements must be covered with paint or varnish, since corrosion may begin due to long-term time;
  • high final cost of the thermal insulation system, since for high-quality isolation required a large number of insulation.

Polystyrene thermal insulators

Polystyrene insulation, the main representative of which is polystyrene foam, are granules filled with air. Due to this, the materials are well kept warm. Granules have a cellular structure and therefore practically do not let moisture. The polystyrene foam is produced in the form of plates that are very easy and convenient in the installation.

The essential disadvantage of this group of insulation is their instability to high temperatures, and, as a result, fire hazard.

What is better?

The most competent solution to the issue, which material to choose is the combined use of several types of insulation in different parts of the building.

Mineral wool should be used in the heat insulation of structures that are not subject to constant loads. Cellulose is better suitable for the insulation of facades, roofs, floors, and polystyrene - for foundations and basements.

The process of insulation of the house

The arrangement of the heat-insulating system of the country house includes insulation of floors, walls, ceilings, door openings and windows. Each of these events has its own characteristics.

The sequence of operations of operations is not fundamentally important and determined on the basis of the individual features of the house. For example, if the walls are insulated from the inside, then they are isolated, and then work with floor and ceiling.

Work with wall surfaces

The insulation of the walls with their own hands is preferable to perform outside, because the inner space of the country house, often, and so insufficiently spacious, does not undergo any changes. Before applying directly insulating surface coating, the surface is thoroughly cleaned from dust and dirt, processed by protective solutions against insects and rodents.

Also, layers of waterproofing and vaporizolation are also predetermined. After performing these actions, the framework is mounted, the step between the rails of which is about 50 centimeters. The thickness of the framework itself should be 2-5 centimeters larger than the layer of the insulation to ensure the ventilation gap.

The selected thermal insulation material is located directly between the racks and the outside is covered by film to protect against exposure to external factors.

Special dowels are applied to fix the insulation. After the installation of the thermal insulation layer is finished, the walls are covered facing material, for example, siding.


When performing the insulation of the already operated cottage house, the old flooring is completely removed. It is necessary to do this for the uniform distribution of the heat-insulating material, regardless of whether the works of the builders are performed or their own hands.

After laying the bars, the heat insulator is laid. It is preferable to use pulp insulation, but can also be selected polystyrene foam. The finished thermal insulation layer is trimmed with new boards, then laying the flooring.

Thermal insulation of the roof and ceiling with the help of minvati

In the absence of a competent heat-insulated roofing structure, the insulation of the country house is almost useless. After all, according to the laws of physics, warm air is committed to the top.

For the insulation of the roof or ceiling, you can choose mineral wool. This is a lightweight material that does not create significant loads on the design. At the same time, it fills all the cavities well, not passing the heat outward. When performing work with the Minvata, be sure to use safety glasses or a mask.

If the attic is not used for accommodation, it is possible to limit the heat shielding ceiling. The plates of the insulation are laid into the space between the ceiling beams on the side of the attic on the previously laid layer of vapor insulation. The width of the Fragments of Minvati should be a little more distance between the beams. Formed after laying clearances should be filled with mounting foam. Then on the beams using self-samples is fastened by a layer of waterproofing.

With the arrangement of the attic indoor, the main efforts on thermal insulation are moved to the insulation of the roof directly. The role of the carcass in this case will be carried away beams.

It is important to take into account that before installing the mineral wool, it is necessary to pave a layer waterproofing material, on top of which the insulation is installed.

As with the thermal insulation of the ceiling overlap, all the slots remaining after laying the insulation, it is necessary to seal foam. Then, with a stapler to the mineral wad, a vapor insulation layer is fastened, for example, pergamine. For reliable fixation, the whole design is fixed using counterchains or profiles.

Warming of door and window openings

The thermal insulation of the doorways and windows for the most part depends on what characteristics the applied doors and window structures are possessed. If a entrance door It is made independently, the space between the outer and inner layer should be filled with insulation by analogy with the insulation of the walls.

Also an important point in the heat insulation of the openings is to ensure the tightness between the walls and directly door and window frames. For these purposes, it is recommended to use special sealants and putty.

Summing up

Conduct work on the insulation of the country house is quite independently. But it is serious to approach this process. After all, by passing the slightest details, you can face the problem of moisture accumulation in the insulation or initiate the process of rotting wooden structures. If you do everything correctly in accordance with the technology, you can provide comfort and comfort at the cottage for many years.

Warming of country house outside Minvata and other materials

Currently, to ensure comfortable and cozy atmosphere B. country cottages The optimal solution is the insulation of the country house outside, for which various thermal insulation materials are used.

This allows you to use the room for living in the winter.

Basic materials for insulation of country houses

To date, there are many insulation to cover the house outside, which refers:

The characteristics of the fastener include moisture resistance, inconsistency of rotting, high parameters of vapor barrier and wear resistance, as well as a slight weight of the plates, which significantly simplifies the installation process.

In addition, this material is environmentally friendly and safe, durable and reliable.

Minvat refers to mineral insulation, and the cellulose is an eclaw, which have good indicators and perfectly protect the facade from the cold.

The layer thickness depends on the selection of the heat-insulating material and is from 1 to 15 cm.

The main requirements for insulation

Each type of thermal insulator has its own characteristics and characteristics, so different requirements are presented to them for high-quality and proper performance.

For example, mineral wool must be thoroughly seal when installed, and insulation in mats are not recommended to disappear, as well as a mandatory requirement to cover them with a polyethylene film to protect it from moisture.

All insulation used should be high quality and dry, as well as comply with the established standards for insulating work outside the house.

Mineral insulation, mainly used to cover wooden buildings with further trim.

Plates made of fasteners are used for insulation of brick and slag lodging houses, followed by plastering or finishing with siding.

Technology performing work

The outer thermal insulation of the country house consists of several stages, which refers:

  • Preparatory work;
  • Arrangement of a metal or wooden crate;
  • Laying of thermal insulation material;
  • Installation of the waterproofing layer;
  • Finishing events.

After the type of insulation is selected, proceed to preparatory workwhich include thorough cleaning and processing of the walls of the walls.

Video materials:

It should be smooth and without damage. Next, the walls are ground to ensure better clutch, and the further process depends on the selected heat insulator.

Wall insulation polystyrene foam

The insulation of the country house outside the penplex after pre-preparation of the surface begins with the installation of a metal profile at the bottom of the wall.

This allows you to get a smooth first row of plates made of polyplex, which are attached using a special adhesive solution.

The horizontal and flatness of the plates is determined using the construction level, and for a better clutch, the plates are pressed against the wall for a while.

The process begins at the bottom upward, and each subsequent number is superimposed after the previous one is pasted and the drying.

Sheets are additionally attached by special bolts in the center and in the corners of the plate, and the gaps formed are thoroughly close by sealant, in order to eliminate the penetration of the cold inside.

At the final stage, the resulting surface is placed and stones with finishing materials.

Work using mineral wool

The technology of performance of work is equal both for mineral and cellulose heat insulators. For high-quality and durable fastening of mats and plates from these insulation, installation of the crate, which is performed using wooden bars or metal profiles.

In the frame cells, the insulation is tightly stacked and is additionally fixed with the help of special fasteners.

After laying the heat insulator, a layer of waterproofing material is superimposed, mainly polyethylene film is applied.

It provides additional protection against wind, and at the last stage, finishing works are carried out, which suggest the use of various finishing options.

Equata is applied manually or with a sprayer, is distinguished by insignificant weight and ecology.

Options for finishing houses outside

After the completion of the events of the insulation of the outer walls, they begin to finish. To date, there are many ways to choose a material that is characterized by quality, cost and installation method.

To create a ventilated facade, we use siding, which is characterized by increased reliability and long-term operation.

In this case, the air freely circulates due to the availability of free space between siding and windproof.

One of the options for the outer decoration are fibrotent plates, which are presented in a wide range of textures, shapes and colors, and also perfectly imitate any finishing material (stone, tile, brick or plaster).

Choosing a finishing material, you need to calculate the overall load that can withstand the walls of the country house.

For these purposes, plastic siding is intended, which has a slight weight and an attractive appearance.

Another way is the decoration of walls by type of graded houses, which involves the installation of the lining or bar on the smooth surface of the walls.

Assistance in the question:

As a result, it turns out a modern and stylish building with original outdoor design.

For the insulation of the country house outside, it is important to use only high-quality construction and thermal insulation materials on which it is not necessary to save.

Thus, they will serve for many years, and the furnishings of the premises will remain comfortable and cozy for a long time, which will continue to save on heating and live in the country even in winter.

How to insulate the cottage: step-by-step instructions

The insulation of the cottage is one of the most basic events that need to be done as soon as possible until the cool days have come. It is worth noting that the process of insulation covers a huge area of \u200b\u200bthe premises. Moreover, in order to carry out all the necessary amount of work related to insulation, it will take at least a week. However, the most important thing in this business is right choice Materials and technology, from which the final result depends, which will certainly be positive. It is also worth saying that with the help of some tricks and secrets you can significantly save money, as well as the time spent on construction works.

Features of the insulation of the country house

It is worth understanding that without additional insulation of the country's house, the temperature indoors will be too low even if the temperature outside the window is 10 ° C. In the same situation, even a variety of heaters will not be able to help, as warm air will instantly leave the dwelling. Moreover, with such a situation, it will be necessary to spend too much energy resources in order to somehow get the room. It is worth saying that these are enormous financial spending that do not go to comparison with the cost of insulation.

If you buy insulating materials, as well as apply them correctly, then indoors will be warm even if the heating is minimal. Thus, it will save the heating resources that are always very expensive.

It is also worth noting that in the summer period warming will not negatively affect the temperature situation in the room. Throughout the season in the country house will reign cool and comfort.

Very often, country houses are old buildings that are not in the best condition. Accordingly, the windows in such buildings are far from the first freshness. If the windows are wooden, they definitely have some flaws, due to which the room loses a lot of heat. Fortunately, even the oldest and worn windows can be repaired or patch. Most often there are cracks and a variety of gaps that successfully pass the cold air. In this case, it is best to use a variety of sealants that perfectly fill the space and do not allow cracks and openings to expand further. It is best to purchase sealant and use it throughout the perimeter of the window. It can also be applied not only on the inside of the window opening, but also on the external one. It is necessary to trace so that no single crack is missing.

It should also be paid to the cracks that are on the glasses themselves. If the replacement of glasses is too costly, it is possible to use the sealant again, on the basis of which it is possible to create small glass beams. If the cracks are very big, without a full replacement, it will not work out.

Features insulation doors

It is important to understand that the process of insulation covers not only walls and windows, but also the doors. Very often, the black doorways penetrate the large masses of cool air. Accordingly, because of them, we also lose heat indoors.

It is especially serious about the metal doors. Despite the fact that they provide high security for those who are indoors, such doors are one of the main sources of coolness. In the winter period, past such doors it is very difficult to pass, as the cold pierces to the bones.

Many experts advise to install wooden bars around the door perimeter using through bolts. After that, the doors will need to be sewn to foam, with the help of which indoors and heat will be maintained. On top of the bars and foam plane can be placed OSB list. It can be screwed to wood frame using self-tapping screws. Such an event can be done with each door, which is inside the room.

Definitely, the most effective is the outer insulation of the room. With it, it remains the most heat in the country house. At the very beginning it is worth saying that such actions are better to spend during the construction of a country house. Already after the construction, the process of insulation may be too complicated.

In such cases, first will need to create a high-quality wooden crate. It must correspond to the sizes of the insulation. After that, the surface of the walls should be processed by an antiseptic so that insulation so that the insulation does not lose its initial properties over time.

Most often, the foam is used during external insulation. It is attached not only on the basis of the crate, but also with the help of special anchors that do not give large material to bend or turning. It is also important to note that after this layer of polyfoam should be covered with plaster, which will hide all surface flaws.

Internal insulation of the country house

Unlike external insulation, inside the room, the process of insulation of the walls is quite simple. Often this uses inexpensive materials, such as mineral wool or polystyrene foam.

First you need to create a kind of wooden frame that will perform the role of the crate. In this case, it is important to make the insulation material perfectly placed between the crates of the crate. In addition, the presence of at least small slots between the material and wood cannot be allowed.

Reliable fastening of the insulation to the wall is made with the help of building anchors. Such surfaces can also be highlighted high quality, or covered with sheets of wood materials, which will also create a good interior inside the house. In addition, it can be used as a trim, which will have a positive effect on the preservation of heat in the room.

Proper fence of the floor of the country house

The insulation of the floor is also the most important stage, which should definitely be held in every summer house. In winter, the floor is not ice, high density foam should be used. In such a situation, the insulation must be located between the concrete surface and the wooden main floor. It should be focused on the fact that the insulation is installed as tight as possible.

If the gender fully consists of a concrete basis, you have to create a wooden frame and the foundation, and insulation itself will be inside. The step between wood bars should be approximately equal. If under wooden base There are voids, you can use various aggregates, which are very many in building stores. They differ in the method of filling voids, as well as in efficiency and durability.

Features of roof insulation

As you know, thermal flows rise up. If the roof of the country's house does not boast of insulation, most heat that produce heaters or other devices will very quickly leave the house limits.

To set insulation on the inner part of the roof, you need to create a wooden frame that resembles a crate. It will consist of wood bars fixed with the help of self-tapping and nails. Also, metal profiles can be used as a frame, as in the case of creating a base for plasterboard structures.

Between the bars (or profiles) there is a thermal material. If this is a mineral wool, then special anchors will also be used. When using foam, it is enough to make it so that its sheets tightly entered the framework.

An ideal option will be the use of two layers of insulation - foam and mineral wool. Thin wood stoves can be used as a sheat.

How to insulate the cottage - 6 stages of the workflow

If you want to use a cottage or country house for winter accommodation or sometimes spend time in it during the cold season, then we must take care of the effective heat insulation in advance. I will tell you about your experience in working, which gave excellent results. In the process there is nothing difficult, you just need to repeat all the steps outlined in the review, and use quality materials to maximize insulation efficiency.

On the picture: perfect option - insulation during the construction, but the work can be carried out on the already constructed country

Heat process

I will talk about the works by smashing them into six parts, so it will be easier for you to understand the nuances of insulation, and you can plan all actions in the correct sequence. There are no little things - than a scrupulous you will approach the process, the better get the result in the end.

Step No. 1 - Windows

You need to start work with this part of the design. Why? Everything is simple: if you do not insulate the window openings in advance, then when carrying out the insulation of the walls outside or from the inside you will not be able to make openings, and without that, it is very difficult to achieve perfect appearance.

  • First of all, it is necessary to estimate the condition of the available window structures, if the wood is badly damaged and it will be restored problematic, it is better to order new window blocks. The perfect solution is plastic double-glazed windows, but if you can't afford to install them, then nothing terrible - if you wish, you can warm up well and the usual wooden window;

Plastic windows are great for a cottage house.

  • The frames must necessarily have double glazing, single glass is a weak barrier for cold. It is best to use either a design with a double frame, or in the winter to insert the second frame, as it is still done in the countryside. That is, you need to measure the size of the opening and make a separate design, which will be placed on the cold period, this is the cheapest solution from all possible;

Additional frame - a great solution for the winter

  • I advise you to disassemble the design if there are cracked glasses in it, then they need to be replaced, also in advance, please in advance. The glass is placed on silicone sealant throughout the perimeter, it will significantly reduce the heat loss through the joints. The stroke is also desirable to lazinate with a sealant, after which it is fixed by cloves, this option provides maximum reliability;

To make joints on the corners perfect, the stroke is better to cut with the help of Stusl

  • Another important part of the work is the seal of the junction of the frame and sash or sash. It is best to use a special seal on a self-adhesive basis, it is sold in construction stores by a horage, so you need to pre-conduct all the necessary measurements. The cheaper solution is a foam ribbon for insulation of windows, it also glues around the perimeter, but unlike the first option, its service life is only one season;

The ribbon reliably closes the joint, it is important to consolidate it throughout the perimeter.

  • If there are cracks and cracks on the frame and sash, they need to be embedded with putty, after which the surface is painted. It is important to protect wood from adverse effects, since moisture and temperature drops deform the design, and over time, the material begins to rot;
  • It is very important to high quality insulating the joint between the frame and the wall, all the cracks are wider than 5 mm easier to fill in the mounting foam, it is important that there are no emptiness inside the design. In the extreme case, you can fill the space of the Vatin, packles and other materials, but this option can be viewed as temporary, it is better to use the mounting foam;

Foam allows you to quickly and high quality joints

  • All joints, especially from the outside, you need to close either wooden concubineor other materials and additionally protect against moisture using silicone sealant. The fact is that foam badly tolerates ultraviolet radiation and under its effect begins to quickly collapse;
  • As a more radical option, you can consider the use of the stable, they close if necessary and allow you to create an additional hodge barrier. But it is much easier to put good frames than to construct such a design.

If you need to urgently insulate the windows in the winter, then use the option with a plastic film - a piece is taken more than the window size and is attached around the perimeter with a stapler.

Stage №2 - Door

An ordinary summer house usually has a more or less durable door, the only function of which is to protect against penetration inside. But if you want to use the construction and in the winter, the design should be perfectly protected from the cold.

We will understand how to properly insulate this part of the structure:

  • The most important thing is the entrance door should not go straight into residential space. Be sure to pride the pre-banner if it is not, then buried a small part of the space. Between the street and the house should be present such a barrier, this will significantly reduce heat loss through the door block;
  • As for the material manufacturing material, it is most often wood, although recently are increasingly used metal options. It is important to choose a design with a web thoroughly, and if you have a metal door, it is desirable that it is filled with a mineral wool insulation;
  • We will figure it out how to modify the usual door from the tree, first of all it is necessary to close all the slots and cracks with a special putty. After that, apply 2 layers of paint or varnish to protect the material from moisture;

All defects are eliminated, because each gap is a place of potential heat loss

  • If you need to insulate the design, then the easiest option is the upholstery of the surface with a vatin or foam rubber. Outside the surface is closed by dermal, rollers are made to better protect the joints around the perimeter, they compact the places of the adjoining;

Perimeter rollers - an additional cold barrier

  • Additional adjoining density door canvas The box ensures the presence of a special rubber seal. It is glued around the perimeter in a matter of minutes and performs two functions at once: heat loss is significantly reduced with it, and the door closes more softly. The sealer is sold by a metro station and has a self-adhesive side for rapid fastening;

The seal can be processed in the middle and attach to the inner corner of the door box.

  • As an option that is suitable for wooden and for metal structures You can consider the use of minvati or foam from the inside of the web. The material you can fill in the inner cavities, and it can be attached to it outside, it all depends on the features of the door;

Polyfoam and Minvat improve the thermal insulation of the door at times

how fast option Improve the thermal insulation of the doorway can advise the slot from the dense material, the blanket or something like that is suitable. It is not very beautiful, but very effectively, if you do not believe - try it.

  • As for the adjoining of the box to the wall, it is filled with the mounting foam, the excess of which is trimmed after drying. Next, it is necessary to close the slit with a platband or any bar, it will protect the foam and create an additional barrier for the penetration of the cold.

Stage No. 3 - Ceiling

Do you know that through poor-quality warmed ceiling is lost from 20 to 25% of heat? This is due to the fact that when heated air always rises upwards, and if the design is not thermally insulated, it turns out that you are heating the street. Just recently, I wrote a detailed overview of the ceiling overlap warming, read it, and you will figure it out very well in this part.

Ceiling need to warm up high quality and reliable

Here I will briefly talk about the most popular insulation options:

  • The most budget solution is to use sawdust in order to protect the material from dampness, they need to mix with lime. The minimum layer of material is 20 cm, but for effective insulation It is advisable to pour 25-30 cm. The greatest advantage is a democratic price, but the remaining indicators leave much to be desired;
  • The use of clay implies the manufacture of a solution with sawdust, it increases the strength of the layer and makes this technology more reliable than the above described. Plus, in a low cost, but the work is quite time-consuming: you need to accumulate clays, prepare a solution of proper consistency, after which it needs to be evenly distributed over the surface and to dissolve, it will dry at least a month;

Preparation of a solution from sawdust with clay - process-consuming process

  • Ceramzit - a good optionThis insulation is very popular due to low cost, low weight and fire safety. The technology of its application is very simple: you need to float the material on the ceiling overlap with a layer of 20 cm and more. The additional plus of this material is that it absorbs the surplus of moisture from the air, supporting optimum humidity in room;
  • Polyfoam is a very popular solution to date, the insulation is available and easy to use. The technology of work is not at all difficult: you need to prepare the surface, aligning it and laying the waterproofing vapor-permeable membrane. Sheets are stacked by a layer of 100 mm and more, all the gaps and joints on the adjoints are closed with mounting foam, it serves as a heat insulator and like glue;

Polyfoam must be placed as thick as possible, but make sure that it does not break

  • Minvata - another modern effective version of the ceiling insulation. Plus this material in ease of use and high thermal insulation indicators, minus is that the cost will be higher than that of all the options described above, although it is also impossible to call it too much. When laying, the main thing is tightly filling the space, the layer thickness must be at least 100 mm, but better, if it is 150-200 mm;

Working with mineral wool Be sure to use gloves and respirator

  • Another option is the use of sprayed compositions like foamizol. Plus this solution in simplicity: specialists will make all the work for you, minus - at high cost.

If you have a loft in the design of the country house, you will have to warm the ceiling from the inside. For this type of work, the foam or extruded polystyrene foam is best suited, these materials are simply glued to the surface with a special composition, after which all the joints are also closed.

The main thing is to firmly glue the material to the surface.

What is better to insulate the ceiling? This is to decide for you, personally, I tend to Minvate, as it is very effective and easy to use. Save on the insulation of the house is in no case.

Stage No. 4 - floor surface

We'll figure it out how to insulate the floor in the country with your own hands, I will consider the option with a wooden floor, since it is that it is observed in the overwhelming majority of cases. In order for the design to be as warmed as possible, several simple Soviets:

  • The insulation of floors in the country begins with the filling of space under the floor of sand, no empty spaces for which frost walks and wind. One comrade spent a lot of time and money on expensive insulation, but Paul became warm only after he fell asleep space under it with construction sand and waterproofed the surface. Cold and dampness - this is what the empty underground gives;
  • Further lads are laid, the height of which should be 20-25 cm, it is precisely such a layer of insulation that we will lay on the surface. The distance between the elements should be such that you can lay the selected material without cutting, it will simplify the workflow and improve the final result;

Lagas can serve as a thickness of 40 and more mm

  • Then the surface is laid by the insulation, it is best to use mineral wool, as it is perfectly holding warm and easy to use. An inexpensive roll material is used to work with a thickness of 100 mm, which is placed in two layers. The insulation must adjust the design as close as possible, so when cutting, make elements by 3-4 cm more than the distance between the lags;

This insulation for the floor is cutting through a building knife, which is very convenient

Of course, the foam or mineral wool in the form of plates can be used as insulation, in this case, it is necessary to place elements with junction displacement to eliminate the appearance of cold bridges. All insufficiently dense joints are filled with mounting foam, you should also not forget about it.

The joints between the insulation sheets must be shifted

Before insulationing the floor in the country, you must decide on the material and purchase everything you need to work. Of course, it is possible to use and sawdust or clamzit, but these materials will not allow the proper effect, except to pour them with a layer of 40 cm. Therefore, rely on the experience of many developers and choose what works.

To ensure the best effect, the surface is closed with a vapor barrier material, after which it is sewn either by a sex board or leaf elements, everything depends on your project, because the floor can be separated by various materials.

Step number 5 - Wall insulation

It is through this part of the design that the greatest amount of heat is lost, and this is no wonder, because the walls are the largest part of the structure, which goes to open air, and not closed with soil or roof as the floor and ceiling.

We will deal with how to carry out the thermal insulation of the country house with their own hands:

  • First of all, you should specify the fact that it is desirable to carry out work outside, this is due to the simplicity of the process, and with a dew point, which shifts outwards, and so that work inside is taken useful Square. I will talk about a comprehensive solution in which the walls will be insulated on both sides, this option provides the best effect at low costs;
  • At the initial stage, you need to choose a heater for walls outside, there are two main options: either foam or minvat. The first solution is a small value and low weight, second - high efficiency. Most often, the foam is still used, since it is not everyone to spend big funds to the country house can afford not everyone;

Polyfoam - a great solution for giving

  • Works begin with alignment of the surface and fastening the frame, in which the insulation will be laid. The element arrangement step must be seamless to such a calculation so that the insulation is tightly inserted into the insulation without additional cutting. It is important to expose the crate at exactly, since it depends on how even the wall will be subsequently, the suspensions can be used to fasten the structure; it will simplify the workflow;

The framework is necessary to create cells under the insulation

  • Then the entire space is filled with foam, the thickness of which should be 100 mm. Everything is simple here: insert sheets in cells as close as possible, without cracks and emptiness. If those still formed, then fill them with the mounting foam to eliminate the occurrence of places for the penetration of the cold;

Insulation - the process is simple, but requiring accuracy and attention to the trifles

  • For additional reliability, the insulation is additionally fixed by self-drawers, which are put on special clamping washers (this element is called Rondol). Enough and two fasteners on the sheet, it is important to fix its position and eliminate the shift or slouching over time;
  • Next, the surface is closed by a windproof membrane, which will eliminate moisture penetration into the design and protect the surface from wind loads. It is easiest to be attached to a stapler;
  • To improve thermal insulation and ensuring the unimpeded evaporation of moisture from the surface of the walls on top of the main framework, a controller of 3-4 cm is hampered;
  • The finishing finish can be different: from siding or wooden lining to more expensive solutions or even shuttering (in this case, the oriented chipboard is nailed).

Simulation of timber - an excellent solution for the country house

I am often asked what a heater to choose for the exterior warming of the cottage. The Council is simple: if the funds allow, then use minvatu or spraying with foam, but if there are finance restrictions, then the foam will become an excellent solution, the main thing is to put it correctly and fill all the cracks of the foam.

The modern industry produces an excellent insulation for walls inside the house at the cottage - Penofol. It is a foamed polyethylene, on one side of which the reflective surface is glued, it has a property to reflect heat, it is helping to save energy and increase the temperature indoors.

Penofol - a great insulation for walls inside the house at the cottage

We'll figure it out how to carry out insulation from the inside with your own hands:

  • First of all, it is necessary to prepare the surfaces, special leveling is not required, because the material is flexible. The main thing is that the base is clean and dry, close the wet places by foam - not the best idea, since mold may later be formed at these sites;
  • Next, pieces of material of the desired length are cut, it is better if they enter the floor and the ceiling, thereby insulating the joints that are areas with elevated heat lines. As for the fastening, there are two main options: the penophol can be attached to the wooden walls. construction stapler, and you can navigate the rails on top, this option is good if the surface subsequently will be shifted with clapboard;

Rakes serve as a lock for insulation, and a frame for fastening the lining

  • Do not forget about the additional insulation of the seams between the Penophol - they are sampled by a special metalized scotch. This makes it possible to eliminate the loss of cold through the seams that will inevitably arise if they do not take care of it in advance. In this way insulated, the country house will be much warmer, and less energy resources will be spent on its heating.

Scotch with a foil surface is sold there, where and the foam

Stage No. 6 - Thermal insulation of the attic

I put this part of the work, as the attic can be found not in every structure, but due to the limited space for the construction, it is advisable for the presence of such a room, because it significantly increases the useful area. But to use this part of the structure as a full-fledged residential area, it must be very high quality insulating.

Unlike other places, the attic separated from the outer air only the roofing system, which is clearly not enough to effectively preserve heat.

The workflow in this case looks like this:

The scheme indicates the correct sequence of work.

  • First of all, you need to prepare space, remove dirt and cobweb, and also remove everything from the attic that can interfere with work. Easy access should be provided with easy access, then you can proceed to work on styling materials, the figure below shows the design of the structure;

This option of insulation is considered classic

  • Next, the vapor-permeable membrane is fastened, which will perform the function of the hydrober, and will also prevent wind penetration inside the design. The material is fastened with a stapler, for reliability on the connections, there are 10-15 cm;
  • As for the insulation, its layer should be at least 150 (and better and 200) mm, the ideal option is mineral wool, but, in the extreme case, the foam is also suitable, all the joints between the sheets of which are mandatory close up by assembly foam. When laying, try to achieve maximum density, the smaller the cracks and emptiness will remain, the warmer will be indoors in the winter, remember this;

You can build a metal flipper frame to support the insulation

  • Next, the surface is closed by another material - foam, it allows you to improve the thermal insulation properties of the surface, as well as to reflect heat back to the room, which is especially important on the attic, because this upper part of the structure and warm air accumulates here. All recommendations on the mount are described in the section above, so I will not stop in detail on this aspect;

Alternatively, you can use Minvatu with a reflective layer strengthened on it, it will reduce the workflow to one stage

  • Lastly, the finish finish is attached, it should also be chosen by materials with good thermal insulation properties. Plywood fits well and wooden lining, although if you were warmingly attic to the attic, you can use anything.


The thermal insulation of the country house is simple, but requires considerable time and strength. Therefore, work is better to start in advance so that the whole design is prepared for the occurrence of the cold season, and you did not worry about what you have to sleep under three blankets at low temperatures.

The video in this article will help to figure out in some important nuances even better, and if something is not clear to you, then write your questions in the comments under this review.

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The timely insulation of the country house will help keep warm inside, but if you do everything right, energy saving can be raised to a whole level.

Not so long ago, we looked at the topic that told us how to arrange the heating of a country house right. But in mind that not all of us can immediately establish autonomous heating or it is already impossible due to the complete home improvement, in which earlier this type of heating was not provided, we offer you an alternative. By the way, a similar system can be used absolutely every person who spontaneously decided to spend winter time in the country or just wants cheap to make a cottage house warm.

Today we will help you to warm up the country house with your own hands, because it is possible to save not only on materials and technologies, but also on the work itself, by doing independently, you will save almost half of the budget to such an event.

So, we understand the theme consistently and try to do everything right, because it is from our efforts and will depend warm inside the house.

Warming of the country house: where to start

It is clear that the heating of a country house can be provided by expensive or inexpensive devices and equipment, but even serious installations will not save you from the cold if the energy saving of the structure will not be debugged. Either you will have to constantly spend energy and ensure yourself already truly "gold" warmth.

So let's start with the elimination of the reasons for cooling the structure. The most elementary actions are the complex of the simplest work on the "organization of heat" in the house.

Warming of windows or their replacement

Of course, replace windows to new, which will not pass cold and small drafts, so seriously affecting the inner temperature, is difficult financially, but it is possible if you prepared in advance for the winter fitness. If there is no possibility to establish new windows in the country, and the old things are sideways, you will have to go to some mandatory measures.

First of all, we need to replace broken windows, if any, for integers. You can even organize a double-glazed window, installing glass on the sealant and pressing them with new staps to the frame. When these work is completed, we maximally exclude through slots in the frame and at the installation site of the glass. This uses special sealants and putty. When all the cracks are embedded, you need to paint the frame.

We check the next stage if drafts from under window RamsAnd if they are, eliminating their sealing materials. In some cases, the mounting foam and plaster with staining will help excellent. Further, you can apply the Dedovsky method and simply score open parts of the windows with foam rubber, cotton, wet jumboana newspaper, and on top of sticking with special scotch or paper.

Sealed windows - a guarantee of high-quality energy saving at home, but only in the event that other sources of cold are also sealed, for example, even the entrance doors.

Warming doors in the country

The doors of the country house are not only the main obstacle for unauthorized penetration into the house, but also the "valve", which should prevent the receipt of the cold to the house.

Doors can be tightened, lay felt along the edges or special rubber pasting, and you can insulate the canvas itself, if, say, you have a metal door in your house.

Naturally, the metal door copes perfectly with the organization of interior security, but is not only an obstacle for the cold, especially with the onset of winter frosts. Such doors can be fairly easily and well insulated, while making them quite silent.

From the inside, 2-3 bars are installed on the door, across the door. You can mount a wooden bar on through bolts, leaving outside only smoothed round hats. Further, the doors are wearing a foam, installing his versus between the bars, and cover the OSB sheet, which is screwed by self-reserves to wooden bars. The total thickness of the door in 4-6 cm will give the opportunity to high-qualityly maintain heat inside the house.

Warming of the country house outside

Of course, this process no longer has a low price, like a penny insulation and equipping windows and doors, but if it is possible, you can begin to warm the whole building, which will give an excellent result.

The classic outer insulation is the polystyrene foam or mineral wool, but today you can find another dozen worthy materials, but the cost is already more expensive. So, we choose at cost and go to work.

It is important to comply with technology, namely:

  • Create a high-quality crate - frame for fastening the insulation outside;
  • To process the walls by an antiseptic and lay insulation material, fixing it on the frame or immediately on the walls (for example, expanded polystyrene on "mushrooms");
  • Protect the overall layer of insulation and walls at home with vapor insulation or wind insulation (depends on the selected technology and insulation material);
  • Install the frame under the exterior and sew house, for example, siding;
  • Working with polystyrene foam, it will be necessary to produce an outdoor plastering of the finished wall, or separate the walls more original.

It is said that the thicker layer of insulation, the better the house will be maintained in the house, but we insist that you can warm the country house with a qualitatively possible in the event that you strictly follow certain rules, and not just choose a thick insulation.

Warming of the country house from the inside

How to warm the country house, outside or from the inside? Here you only choose to you, because how many masters, so many opinions. The only thing we want to declare is initially internal sheathing The premises will take a certain area, the external will cost a little more expensive.

Warming of the walls of the country house from the inside can be produced inexpensive material, For example, mineral wool, which today is considered not only the most accessible, but also the most practical. Of course, you can choose special plates of insulation, which are offered on the market and can show a wide variety of characteristics, but the choice is only for you. Today we consider mineral wool and save funds.

Under the inner insulation of the country house or even just some of its premises, you will need to build a frame that can be made of wooden rail or metal profile. Next, the framework will need to install mineral wool, which is very simple, especially when the frame is prepared, taking into account the width of the Minvati roll.

After the insulation of the walls in the country, you can move to the cutting of the frame, not forgetting, naturally, about vaporizolation. Here choose ourselves - OSB, which can be painted with a mourn and cover with varnish or leave for several years without decoration, or drywall on the villa walls, on top of which can be glued with wallpaper, laying the paint layers, ceramic tiles, wooden finish, lining and so on.

Crying house insulation

Heal insulation in the country - important moment, After all, it is from the floor to flaw legs, from which the whole body freezes. Therefore, the legs should always be warm, and it can only provide it warm, well, or at least, just a non-good floor.

We recommend to insulate the floor in the country using a high density foam, which is placed on the tie of the floor with the installation of a special wooden frame under the subsequent flooring. By installing the timing of the desired size to the floor, with the observance of the step of the indent in the sizes of the foam plates, you can start the insulation tab. Do not forget, the foam can be cut and abandon, but it is better to insert it very tightly between wooden crate Under the insulation of the floor.

At the end of the process, we drag the board or OSB to the floor, customize the sizes and decide exactly how to make a decorative floor decoration.

Warming roof of the country house

Heating the roof, we prevent heat outlet out of the room, because, as you know, warm air always rises up. Thus, we can make an excellent barrier for the receipt of cold inside the facilities. In short, with the help of insulation, we create a certain type of thermos, heat in which it should be stored perfectly.

The most important requirement for such a "thermos" is high-quality ventilation.

The insulation of the roof of the house takes place on an attic room or on the attic, if so-looking, but since we try to start with more simple options, we suggest you not particularly spend money on the decoration of the premises, but simply insulate the house from the inside, that is, put the insulation to the ceiling itself. This work, as well as the previously described we described, can be generally combined with quality repairs, because insulation is quite often intersecting with drywall or wooden finishes, creating ideal surfaces under high-quality decoration.

So, here, too, it all starts with a frame. It may be a tree or profile, it all depends on the requirements, possible costs and type of work. We propose to be repelled from a metal galvanized profile, which will need to be installed around the perimeter of each room (strictly in terms of level), thereby forming the guides under the crate. Next, we will need to strengthen the design and make the insulation between which the insulation will be laid (and on which, subsequently, it will be possible to install a plasterboard ceiling).

When the frame is completed, carefully lay the mineral wool using protection for eyes and hands, and then go to the ceiling finish, which will include vapor barrier and ceiling over the frame.

Use for insulation ceiling in the country can also be foam.

Warming of the country house on video

Warming of the country house with their own hands - Not the most difficult process, especially when you are at hand. Here, everything, as in any repair and intermediate work, rests on finances. But there is also a positive side, the insulation of the walls of the country house, the ceiling and gender, can be carried out independently, and it is precisely on this to save 40-60% of the total value of a similar event.

Permanent dacha heating in the winter time is quite a costly event and is not always appropriate. However, it will not be possible to do without heating completely without heating, since most communications are designed for the positive temperature. In addition, come to the amusing cottage and for several days to warm it - the pleasure is quite dubious. To increase the efficiency of heating, the house is insulated.

The presence of the insulation significantly reduces the heat loss, thereby reducing the cost of building heating. A well insulated room can be quickly warm up with even temporary means - electric heaters, air conditioning, etc. (The absence of electricity can compensate for the rental of the generator diesel for the cottage). While the displeased room is hard to warm even central heating.

The most efficient technology is an external insulation, with which, it is possible to significantly increase the thermal insulation characteristics of the building. Installation of the insulation is not such a complex process as it may seem at first glance.

In the presence of desire and initial skills, you can easily implement it yourself. This article will be provided step-by-step instruction How to make the insulation of the country house outside with your own hands.

Selection of material

Insulation are made from different materials and can have a different structure. Insulating materials for outdoor work They are divided into leafy and bulk. The maximum degree of thermal insulation provides sheet insulation - it is this technology that we will consider below.

Polyfoam or polystyrene foam

The answer to the question than to insulate outside the country house is ambiguous. You can use both polystyrene foam and foam plates with equal success. According to the technical characteristics, the foam is somewhat inferior to the polystyrene foam, frost resistance and other parameters. If you do focus on quality, the use of polystyrene foam insulation will be more preferable.

The indicators of the strength of polystyrene foam is 6 times superior to the foam analogue, but it should be borne in mind that neither one nor the other will endure the mechanical impact of even moderate severity.

The main disadvantage of polystyrene is the cost - its price is an order of magnitude higher than the foam counterpart with an equal stove thickness. If you want to save, the use of foam will be more rational.

Installation of insulation

Surface preparation

  • First of all, the protruding elements are removed from the wall - reinforcement, surplus of the solution, etc.. Dust is removed from the surface - for this, a slightly slightly moistened with water with water;
  • The brick facade is placed in cement mortar to align the surface and reduce the consumption of adhesive composition. You can do without this procedure if the masonry is quite smooth - in the inverse situation, the occurrence of emptiness is inevitable, which will negatively affect the strength of the future finish; (See also Article.)

When stucco under the insulation, it is not necessary to carry out a thorough grout, as the appearance, in this case does not play any role.

Installation plates

After complete drying of the plaster, you can start directly to the insulation mounting. To do this, you will need to purchase special glue, perforator supporting metal profiles and plastic fastenings "fungi"

  • The lower profiles are installed, which will serve as the basis for the entire future finish. They are mounted perfectly horizontally, a little distance from the ground. When installing, you need to check construction levelto eliminate the emergence of errors;
  • The surface must be cleaned from dust - you can use the wall with a broom or spray with water.
  • The glue is evenly applied to the insulation, after which the sheets are tightly pressed against the wall surface - thus the entire surface is covered. Try to stick the sheets as close as possible to avoid the appearance of "Mosts of the cold" - the gaps between the plates. Uneven joints between sheets are foaming by mounting foam;

To fill the seams, it is necessary to purchase a foam with a minimum extension degree in order to avoid the deformation of the insulation.

  • The second layer of insulation plates is established, if such is the case - the sheets should be glued into the disintegration to avoid the coincidence of the seams and the weakening of the structure;

  • In the corners and in the center of the plate plastic "fungi", which provide additional rigid fixation - for fasteners, the mounting holes are drilled in the wall. Minimum distance Fastening from the edge of the sheet, should be at least 10 cm. On the windowsill are mounted;


Since the surface of the insulation does not contain roughness, the finish will quickly come into disrepair and starts turning. To make the surface more susceptible to applying plaster / putty, a metal or plastic grid is pasted on it. The grid is glued to the insulation with a special composition - after drying it, the wall will be fully ready for applying a plaster solution or putty.