What is an aroma lamp? This is a "miracle" apparatus, which flavors the premises due to evaporation of essential oils. In the store, these devices are fabulous money, but the benefits of them are amazing, especially during epidemics viral diseases. Let's try to make an aroma with your own hands, because the effect will be the same, and its price is ten times cheaper.

Why do you need an aroma lamp? Modern psychologists argue that the creation of an "aromatic situation" in the premises is very strongly affected by the emotions of the people who are in it. With the help of aromas in this way, you can even manage the human mood, for example, create romantic evenings, toning, raise libido, etc. The aroma forms a relaxing aura, treats, killing microorganisms, in particular, viruses, activates the internal forces of the body, which is very relevant, for example, in or.

What are the aromalamps?

The simplest aroma is a container with water and the essential oils dissolved in it, which burns the candle. The principle of its work is simple: a small candle is evenly, but not much, heats the bottom of the tank above, and the essential oils gradually evaporate from the surface of the water, saturating the room with a healing aroma. In the East, the water is not used, but and pour only aromatic oils. However, the smell at the same time can stand very strong, and this, in turn, can even harm.

For a good fragrance, approximately 10 ml of water and 5 drops of essential oil are needed, but you can choose "your" concentration yourself.

Aroma lamp with their own hands: Is it possible? How to do it?

Prices for aromatic lamps in stores are very "biting", although in fact the basis of each is only material and design. But after all, the result does not depend on this, right? Let's try to make an aroma with your own hands. Using the remedies, you can create a truly effective weapon against viruses and poor well-being.

"Candle" aroma lamp with their own hands

You will need a tin can from under lemonade or beer and a small candle, you can even on the manner of those sold by sets for romantic meetings. Cut the top in the bank and cut out in the sides as many holes as possible (you can three large, so that you can put inside the candle through one of them).

Put a small deep glass or metal saucer with a diameter of the bottom slightly smaller than the diameter of the bank with a slice of a slightly less than a diameter of the jar, so that his edges went out of the edges of the jar. Pour water in the saucer and scream oil. Put the candle inside and burn it. You got the aroma lady with your own hands, but its effectiveness is maximum!

Electric aroma lamp with their own hands

You will need an empty hollow cylinder without top and bottom, light bulb with a basement and a glass plate / blade. Place the light bulb with the basement (which is switched on with a plug in the rosette) inside the cylinder, fasten, and then put the glass container in which they pour water and oil.

Dyshko tank can be taken a little less than the diameter of the cylinder. Light bulb Take no more than 15W. Include - Light bulb heats the dyshko plates, the essential oil evaporates.

Aromalampa "Battery"

The easiest option: take a cup of porcelain or ceramic, fill a little warm water (50ml), pour 5-7 drops of your favorite essential oil, and put a cup on hot battery. If you need a "fast" aromatherapy session, it will be the best that you can do.

And, of course, aromatherapy can be carried out with the help of a conventional piece of fabric moistened in solution with essential oil. Put the rag on the hot battery and enjoy the flavors!

What other aromalamps are?

You can find all similar types of aroma described above. There are still diffuser aromalamps, the action of which is based on spraying the essential oil without participation in the water process. In this case, the consumption of ether is minimal, as it does not even concern the walls of the vessel with the diffuser. Prices for such devices are fabricated, but now you can enjoy the flavors by making an aroma with your own hands.

Mixtures for aromalamp

In the aroma, made by their own hands, you can drop not only pure oil, but also mixtures of ether, and depending on the desired result, they may be as follows:

  • From unpleasant odors in the kitchen, essential oils of rosemary, mint and lemon in equal proportions will be helped. If desired, lemon can be increased twice. A total of 5-6 drops of a mixture on 10 ml of water are recommended.
  • To add confidence: Ladan 2k, grapefruit 2k, ylang 2k, orange 2k.
  • For tones nervous system: 2K mint, 2k cinnamon, 2k juniper, 3k neroli.
  • For soothing and removal of anxiety: Palma 4K, Valerian 5K, Ylang 3k or Sandal 4K, Ladan 2K, Rose 3K.
  • For disinfection of the room during epidemic: 4K of a tea tree, 2k lemon, 2k chamomile.

Recently, for the treatment of certain diseases, we are increasingly resorting to the use of methods folk MedicineThe most popular of which is. Medical properties There are direct aromatic substances. For the spread of these substances by the room, aroma lamps are used. At home will be not only an excellent tool for prevention and treatment, but also help to relax and calm down. Today we will answer the question of how to make an aroma and how to use it.

How to use aroma

In the traditional version, it is a small ceramic vessel in which there is a bowl for evaporation and a decorative excavation where the candle is put. In modern aroma lamps, the candle replaces the heating element.

The principle of use is very simple:

  1. In a cup for evaporation, pour 3-5 tbsp. Water spoons.
  2. Add essential oils to it (1 drop of 5 square meters. Meters of the room). The maximum number is 15 drops, minimum - 3. For example, you can.
  3. Loop the candle or turn on the heating element.
  4. In the process of aromatherapy, the water will begin to evaporate, so it is necessary to raise it periodically.

Some Tips on Use:

  • The distance between the source of fire and the bowl with oil should not be less than 10 cm.
  • Before the procedure, the room is better to ventilate, but during the therapy itself you need to close the window.
  • The time of one session is from 20 minutes to 2 hours.

Safety technique

Aromalamps are a potential source of fire. In order to avoid accidents, the basic rules should be remembered during aromatherapy.

  1. The aroma must stand in an open area (there should also be free space).
  2. The lamp must be put on the stand so that the furniture does not heat up.
  3. The lamp should stand on a flat surface, in a well-fastened position.
  4. In bowls for evaporation there should always be water.
  5. The temperature in the bowl should not exceed 70˚.
  6. When you first use, the aromalamps pour only water into the bowl to convince that all of the above conditions are properly observed.

Selection of essential oils

For aromatherapy with the maximum effect for your body, it is necessary to choose correctly.

For calm and relaxation of the body:

  • Fleardooria oil

Giving energy and vigor:

  • Bergamot
  • Rosemary

From headache:

  • Chamomile
  • Blend of nutmeg sage and santala
  • Sage

How to choose essential oils

Rules for the choice of high-quality oils

  • The label should be present a plant name in Latin (consists of two words, for example, Eucalyptus viminalis). The manufacturer should also be specified there.
  • Essential oil in a transparent bottle, most often, has low quality, and in dark and brown - on the contrary.
  • Oil must be homogeneous, without precipitation and floating particles.

How to make an aroma at home

Having read the articles about the benefits of aromatherapy and their magic influence on a person, people run to the store to buy an aromalamp. However, it is soon it turns out that the presented models are either too expensive, or do not fit the interior of your apartment, or simply seem unsafe. But it should always be remembered, it is not difficult to make an aromalampa. Below are several methods of its manufacture.

From tin cans

Necessary subjects:

  • Tin jar with smooth riding.
  • Acute knife
  • Candle
  • Dishes of a hemispherical form (for example, a glance or cook)
  • Various decorations (shells, glitter, etc.).

How to make an aroma with your own hands:

Another option how to make an aroma from canning cans at home:

From clay

Necessary subjects:

  • Special clay for modeling
  • Knife or toothpick
  • Foil
  • Candle
  • Water and paint

How to make an aromalmpa from clay:

  1. On the desktop to lay foil and start kneading clay.
  2. Roll out the clay into the cake (approximately 1 cm in height) and give it the desired form (the classic version is a circle).
  3. Rock clay sausages and, laying them on the layers, achieve the desired height.
  4. Align the surface of the product using the knife and water.
  5. After alignment on the aroma, you can create relief patterns.
  6. Remove the product to the street, preferably in sunny weather so that it dry faster.
  7. Then put an aroma into the brass (every 15 minutes you need to increase the temperature of 30˚ and achieve in the end 200˚).
  8. As soon as your work is dry and becomes absolutely solid, it can draw different ornaments and patterns.

From glass banks

Necessary subjects:

  • Transparent glass bank
  • Wick
  • Paraffin oil
  • Various fragrant plants (berries, nuts, bumps, etc.)

Production procedure

  1. Put all the necessary spices in the bank and pour them with paraffin oil.
  2. With the help of sewed to make a hole in the roof and stretch the wick in such a way that it lowers it to the oil.
  3. Tightly spin the lid and set fire to the wick.

From orange

Necessary subjects:

  • Big Orange
  • Candle-tablet

How to make an aroma lamp at home from orange:

  1. Cut the fruit in half and using the knife, completely remove the whole pulp.
  2. In one of the hemisphere to cut down the star (or another figure at your request).
  3. Lubricate with aromatic oil the entire inner surface of the orange.
  4. Put the candle to the other fruit, where there is no carved figure and cover the one where it is.

From light bulb

Necessary subjects:

  • Incandescent light bulb
  • Screwdriver
  • Coin 5 rubles
  • Cold welding
  • Medical alcohol
  • Wick
  • Silicone
  • Knife and hammer

Aroma lamp at home from light bulb - Production order:

  1. With the help of a hammer, you knock out the core at the base and then disassemble the light bulb, using the scolding. As a result, it should not be left inside.
  2. We glue with silicone coin on the top of the bulb, which will become the base.
  3. Pour alcohol and essential oils to the flask.
  4. In the opening of the base, we do the wick, the edges are smeared with cold welding.

Electric aroma lamp

Aromalamps that work from electricity emit the cleanest aroma of oils, since there is no smell of paraffin.

Necessary subjects:

  • Cylindrical tube without bottom
  • Tableware for aromatic oils
  • Cartridge and stand for him
  • 15 watt light bulb
  • Cable with plug

Electric Aromalampa at home - Production Procedure:

  1. Collect the cable, plug and cartridge into a single whole and screw the light bulb.
  2. Strengthen the design on the stand, put the cylinder on top.
  3. Install the appropriate dishes on the cylinder.

By the way: if you need to quickly carry out aromatherapy session, then use the following way: pour water and essential oil into a ceramic bowl (10 ml per 1 drop), put it on a hot battery. Also on the battery you can simply put a piece of fabric, which was moistened in the solution of aromatic oils.

In fact, if you have a well-developed fantasy and an increase, then options for how to make an aroma lamp at home can be an infinite set. The main thing is to remember the safety technique, and do not be fond of long sessions.

The house is a place where everyone may feel in full harmony with the surrounding reality, but this requires an appropriate atmosphere. Relax or, on the contrary, lead yourself to the tone will help a simple accessory - aroma lamp, such a useful and beautiful detail of the interior can be carried out at home. For the manufacture of a lamp, they do not need any special knowledge or some rare materials.

Aromatherapy has long been successfully practiced by people as a way of getting rid of stress, health restoration. Essential oils are able to work wonders: to provide a common and stimulating effect on the human body, helping to collect or relax. Start your acquaintance with the magic world of smells is the easiest way with the help of an aromacuator.

Successful from the East, today this device enjoys well-deserved popularity, filling the house with charming aromas: juicy citrus, sensual wood, gentle floral. Indispensable aroma lamp for meditation and yoga, creating a comfortable psychological situation in the room, and not only at home, but also at work.

Types of lamps

Aromatization of premises, including health, is so popular that there are many species of aromalamp, among which everyone can find the right one to him.

Examples of homemade aroma units:

Lamp with candle

Such a thing will become not only a useful device, but also an original accessory for interior design. This is a kind of closed candlestick, which is simultaneously the source of the fragrance.

It is extremely simple: a special recess is filled with water with the addition of several droplets of the essential oil, and the recess is provided to the bottom. Flame-heated flame evaporates, filling the room with aroma. The effect is quite long - up to several hours, after which the procedure can be repeated as much as possible.

Aroma lamp with a candle can be any form. Ceramics, porcelain or glass are used as a material for its manufacture. This thing can be independently done at home. Accessory is very convenient, due to which it can be used anywhere.

Electric aroma lamp

Along with the traditional, wider use was obtained by aroma, the source of heating of which is electricity. They can be of a variety of forms, sometimes bizarre, due to which they are suitable for installation in any room. Fire safety and versatility of such devices make it possible to use them not only at home, but also in public institutions: kindergartens, offices, hospitals, etc.

The principle of operation is simple: the oil is poured into the recess, and the device itself is connected to the power source. Heating occurs very quickly: after a few minutes the room is filled with aroma.

Berez lamps

At first glance, an exotic device is actually used for over a hundred years. At one time, popular among French bohemians, the Berge lamps not only fill the air aroma, but also contribute to the cleansing of the room. The basis of their action is the method of catalytic combustion. For such devices, special aromatic compositions are used, that is, ordinary essential oils will not fit.

Berge lamps today are true works of art, they are made of glass and have a variety of shape. The cost of products is quite high due to their artistic value. But unfortunately, this lamp does not do this lamp.

Aromatic diffusers

The diffuser is not quite an aroma, because the fragrance spreads in the room not by heating, but by natural evaporation. Usually, the diffuser is glass flask For fluid, in which long wooden sticks are placed. The latter absorb part of the aromatic essence and gradually evaporate it from their surface.

Such an adaptation can be easily made with your own hands, taking a small glass container (a jar, a glass) and filling it with a mixture of essential oils. Sticks are sold in any flower shop.

Aromalampa do it yourself - is it possible?

But even despite the entire assortment, which is presented in stores, sometimes it is quite difficult to find a suitable price or design of the aromalamp. Then the only solution will be independent manufacture This accessory at home from the primary materials.

The easiest way to make an aroma with a candle. It consists of two parts:

  • Basic - oil poured into it. It is made of refractory materials: glass, ceramics, metal, etc.
  • Low - there is a candle in it. It can be made of any material, even from wood or plastic, but watch it not in contact with fire.

Able to work with ceramics, polymer clay, glass and similar materials, can create their own aromalamp, looking at the appropriate master class (since production requires certain skills). If there is no possibility, and the aroma ladder became the idea of \u200b\u200bFix, then they would seem to help, seemingly the most unnecessary items - cans.

Aromalampa from tin can

For the manufacture of aromalamps of the house will be needed:

  • Canning or coffee jams as a basis. Even the bank is suitable for soda or beer. It should be made of thin tin, so that it is easy to cut the material.
  • The evaporator can be made either from the steel coconitsa, which is easy to find and it is worth it inexpensively; either cut also from tin; Either make a ceramic.
  • Soft stand under hot.
  • Shilo, scissors, acute knife for work.

On the bank, the marker is scheduled for suns: a large window at the bottom for a candle and several holes for the release of combustion products from above and in the middle.

Make accurate cuts on places of marks to make a sharp knife. In the corners of the windows are made by sewing. Scissors continue to attach the necessary shape, bending the edges inside.

The evaporator (Koxnits) should be installed in the upper hole, fixing the pliers. If there is a handle, it turns out a convenient lamp holder.

At the bottom of the lamp from the outside, we stick the disk in size, carved from the stand under the hot.

If you wish, you can decorate the finished aroma at your discretion: paint the heat-resistant paint, stick decorative elements, etc.

Before making an aroma with your own hands, it is worth considering that:

  1. The distance between the heat source and the liquid should be at least 8 cm.
  2. The optimal volume of the bowls for uniform filling the placement with aroma is 50 ml.

Modern person is constantly in a state of stress. This, as well as bad ecology affects well-being and susceptibility to disease. Aromatherapy helps to correct the situation. Essential oils can be used different ways. Very convenient method - the use of aromalamps. Her plus is also the fact that the lamp can be made with their own hands alone.

Aromatherapy is one of the most ancient humanity known to humanity. It is the opinion that special smokers appeared many centuries ago. Now, like then, special oils are used in them. The esters through their volatility allow you to clean the air in the room and leave behind a pleasant fragrance.

Oils are placed in special lamps. The most common is ceramic. Aromalamps consist of 2 main parts - bowls for oil and liquid, as well as arches. Between them should be at least 10 cm. Otherwise, the liquid in the cup will be too strongly repurchased the rules for using aromalamps are extremely simple. If it is made of ceramics, you need to additionally get small candles-tablets. A small amount of water is poured into the bowl and a very little essential oil is dripped. Then the candle is lit and put inside. It should be located under the bowl.

The most important thing in aromatherapy is to find the right ratio of liquid and oil. It is also important to control the aromatization time of the room. Before the 1st use of the lamp you need to ventilate the room. The windows are then closed - there should be no drafts in the room. The bowl is poured from 2 to 6 tbsp. water. The amount depends on the room area. Usually 15 square meters. m. you need 2 tbsp. Three-4 drops of ether are added to the same area in the bowl.

In the 1st time, aromatherapy time should not exceed 20 minutes. Repeating the procedure regularly, it can be increased to 2 hours. Excess this time is not recommended. The whole thing is that by-reactions are possible with such a long procedure. At least you can get a head.

It is worth using aromalamp in many cases. It not only helps to create a romantic atmosphere. Also, essential oils help relieve tension and relax. To do this, you need to choose the right smell. Also use the lamp during the periods of epidemics of viral diseases or when someone got sick at home. Useful substances will evaporate under the influence of fire. As a result, they will be contained in the air of the room for some time, cleaning it from microbes.

And now we will discuss in more detail on what essential oils choose for different cases:

  1. Elimination of unpleasant odors of spoiled food or tobacco - stop your choice on mint, lemon oils. You can also choose the ether of rosemary.
  2. Diseases and their prevention - in case of at home there is a gripping person, you can process the air with an aroma with tea tree. Eucalyptus also operates well. Remember that these oils are very concentrated. Therefore, it is necessary to use with caution. More sparing soft options - Bergamot or Mandarin.
  3. For relaxation, the delightful essential oil of Ilang-Ilanga is suitable. The mood will raise the smell of orange or mandarin. To create a special atmosphere at home or with a romantic date, it is worth choosing a rose and neroli.

Aromalamp: photos and types

Aromalamps are not only ceramic. Modern technologies Allowed to make appliances are similar. So, you can find electric aromalamps. Essential oils in this case evaporate when heated from the network. More modern options are devices that work as USB flash drives. Similar aroma lamps are simply connected to the computer.

A fairly widespread device - thermal flavoring. It can be released in the idea of \u200b\u200bsmall boxes with electronically control and a container of ether or their mixture with water. The flavor allows the temperature and heating time. Also with the help of the device, you can set the preset of the start of aromatherapy.

In the thermal flavor "Oasis" there is also a function of smearing the oil particles. This is due to the built-in fan. In the electronic flavoring "Accord" there are 2 channels for oils. This allows you to create a variety of aromatic compositions. The disadvantage of the above devices is their high cost.

Aromalampa do it yourself: master class

There are many ways to create aromatic lamps. Some of them are so simple that you do not take a lot of time. Excellent option - lamp lamp from oranges.

You will need:

  1. Orange - 1 pc.
  2. Essential oils
  3. Candle-tablet

Manufacturing instructions:

  • Take a large orange. Cut the fruit on 2 equal half strictly in the middle. With the help of a knife or neat finger movements, pull out the whole pulp. Try not to leave a single piece inside.
  • At the top of the hemisphere, draw a star with a pencil. Then cut it with a knife. The inner walls of the orange should be lubricated with essential oil. Lamp lamp is almost ready. Next we light the candle. Then we close it with half an orange. The star must be placed on top. Remember that the workpiece must be large enough. Otherwise, the candle flame can set up it.

Dr. Option - Aroma lamp in the form of cans.

You will need:

  1. Beautiful small bank
  2. Fir branches
  3. Small bumps
  4. Cinnamon sticks, stars Carnations
  5. White candles
  6. Fitil (or cord)
  7. Cap

Manufacturing instructions:

  • To put all the aromatic components in the jar. If you do not have them, you can use a mixture for mulled wine. Instead of spruce cones, put an orange crust. It can be beautifully cut in the shape of stars or crescents.
  • Take a thin candle and break it on small pieces. Then put them in a saucepan. Take the capacity more. In the pot of larger diameter, fill the water. Then put in it the container with a broken candle.
  • We put a large saucepan on the middle fire. Heat to boil, and then reduce it. We leave on the stove until the paraffin is melt. Meanwhile, cut off a piece of future wick. On Deine, it should be about 2/3 from the height of the jar.
  • We lower it in the container so that the small tip performed above its edge. At the same time, we pour hot paraffin to the bank. We give the mixture to frozen. Take the lid and make a hole in her center. Spin it with a lid, stretching through the wick hole. Aromalampa-bank is ready! It remains only to set fire to the wick.

Work on the creation of aroma lamps is creative. Here, as in any other case, the easiest way to repeat what others have already done. There are proven ways to flavor the air in the room, and they work iron. But not all technical discoveries are committed and not all design chips are known. Therefore, prepare ideas and materials - we will create.

Aromalampa - what it is

Aromalamp is a device for hot inhalations. In the simplest performance, it is a solid body, where the platform is located at the bottom of the heat source: candles or alcohol, and the bowl is arranged from above, where the hot water is poured and oil dripped. While the fire burns, healing compounds are evaporated from the surface. The device is designed so that water does not boil during operation of the lamp - with too high temperatures The natural composition of the essential oil is changing, which is undesirable. Repeat analogs ready models Home can be made of clay, dough, metal and glass cans.

For what you need such a device:

  • to sanitize the room. Essential oils almost all have bactericidal and antiviral properties;
  • as a natural freshener and air flavoring. Essential oils have a very unobtrusive fragrance - so sometimes people complain that their aroma is not working. Actually everything is in order;
  • for preventing diseases and improve immunity;
  • for relaxation and improving mood.

When essentialized components evaporate from the surface of the aromalamps, they irritate the sensitive fiber of an olfactory nerve. The signal that is carrying essential oils is entered into the brain: namely, the most ancient system is a limbic, which is responsible for our memories, desires and feelings, for the development of certain hormones and neurotransmitters. It is important to choose for aromatherapy, not synthetic, non-falsified oils, which are mainly sold in the domestic market.

For information: from 500 rubles begins the cost of 20% of essential oils. The aromatic extract is bred in vegetable oil, which is much cheaper, the percentage of essential oil is indicated on the package. Production of 100% of natural professional oil is quite expensive - to obtain 10 ml of ether, up to 1 ton of raw materials are processed. So the quality product will cost not 90 rubles and not 200, and from 1000 to 5,000 rubles.

Transmission of nerve impulses - teams from the central nervous system - the process by nature is electrochemical. It proceeds normally and without failures when the brain absorbs organic compounds from natural essential oils. In response to the signal received, the body independently begins to produce the necessary hormones. The reaction to artificial information obtained with pairs of cheap pharmacy esters can be unpredictable.

Aromalampa should work no longer than 20-30 minutes, during this time all useful connections will have time from the surface of the water

Catalytic lamps

Catalytic lamps or lamps Berge work according to a different principle: the composition of alcohol and essential oil diluted in it is prepared. The liquid is poured into the glass bottle - fill it in about two thirds. The bubble is similar to that in which perfume water produces. Only instead of the sprayer from above there is a carved lampshade and cap, which closes the end of the wick placed inside. Cap and lampshade, before you set fire to the wick, remove. The burner catalytic: made of ceramics and platinum, ignite it only for two minutes, then extinguish the flame. Top covers a bottle by lamb. For aromatization of the room with an area of \u200b\u200b18-20 m 2, 20 minutes is enough. The combustion process all this time continues, but passes without fire and smoke, so in the air will not be impurities Gary. To put out the lamp, you need to remove the lamp to the lamp and install the cap: it is important to check that it is tightly pressed to the body. From above, you can put the lamp to the lamp to the lamp and remove the lamp away from heat sources.

The process of burning in aroma lamp with a catalytic burner does not leave the smell of Gary in the air

Electric aroma lamps

In electrical aroma lamps, the oil tank is heated from the thermoblock, which uses the incandescent lamp, therefore, in fact, the device is a small lamp, and the ability to warm oil on it - additional feature. The base of the lamp is attached directly to the power supply, which is equipped with a eurvage and the on / off button. From above, a glass or ceramic body with holes for air circulation and a deepening of the top, where water and oil are poured. The power supply in such a device can be batteries.

USB lamp

The convenient option, especially for work, is to connect a heated USB platform to a laptop and use it for aromatherapy. True, the produced models are not yet distinguished by a variety of design: plastic case and minimum decor. Therefore, too, it makes sense to copy the principle of the device to another case and adapt a model convenient from a technical point of view.

USB Aromalamp can be collected at home based on any convenient building of the usual aroma

Ultrasound diffusers

Modern development for the aromatization of the room is an ultrasonic diffuser, which additionally ionize and moisturizes the air in the room. The device runs from the network with a voltage of 120V, so before operation you need or change the power supply and adapt the device to the 220V network, or enjoy the adapter. The upper part is removable, under the cap is the water tank where the glass is poured cold water and 5-6 droplets of essential oil. Then the device is connected to the network and leave for 6-8 hours. Cap cold, the liquid evaporates very slowly, so the fragrance is preserved almost all day. As a rule, the diffuser is also equipped with a function of changing backlight.

Additional effects in aromadiffusor usually a lot - illumination, modes, a large water tank, and from flaws - the formation of condensate on the surface, where the device is worth

Safety technique

You need to prepare for aromatherapy session. Sweep the bowl where the oil is poured, check that there is no traces of the oil mixture from the outside - it is easily flammable. Warm in the kettle water - you can only fill in the tank, optimal temperature - 50-60 oh. Candles better take odorless, in metal pills. The stands themselves, by the way, then you can use again - they are comfortable, and they have a ready-made clip for the phytyl on the bottom.

Before the procedure, it is recommended to ventilate the room for 20-30 minutes. When you burn the aroma, cover the door, windows and windows. Natural essential oil gives a very unobtrusive fragrance - it does not heat it and the head will not spin and do not want to reach fresh air. If this desire still appeared for those 10-15 minutes, which works the aroma lamp, you have poor-quality oil. Find him another application: on business purposes, for example, for laundry laundry or floor washing. Remember the dosage: on a room of 18-20 m 2 5-6 drops of oil or oily mixture.

Do not put an aroma on the surface of plastic, foam plastic, it is undesirable to also place the device on the table covered with a tablecloth or glue. During operation, the lamp should not be near the heating devices and open fire.

Do not leave the device unattended: the principle "You never know what can happen" "no one has canceled, especially if you deal with a combustible mixture. Remember that small children and pets create an additional fire risk - they are recommended to remove them during the procedure. For the aromatization of the room, only 20 is enough, at most - 30 minutes, because during this time the oil evaporates. Only diffusers can work for several hours, but there the cold pairs and the process of evaporation goes much slower.

At the end of the procedure, pull the wick / disconnect the device from the network and wash the tank in the soap solution, and then rinse with clean water with vinegar. So next time you can use another fragrance, and it will not be mixed with the old one. Then wash the housing outside and wipe dry.

Lamp with cracks or other damage should be disposed of.

Caution during operation of aromalamp should be observed due to fire safety

How to make an aroma at home

  • the oil tank should be easy to wash;
  • the volume of the bowl is not less than 30 ml (2 art. l of water);
  • the distance from the fire to the bowl is 8-10 cm so that water is hot, but did not throw out;
  • in the instruments that work from electricity and USB, the bowl can be attached to the power source.


Materials, in general, are taken equal to several simple models:

  • canning bank, better narrow and elongated, as from under olives or beans;
  • marker;
  • construction knife;
  • candle / alcohol;
  • capacity for oil (salt, socket).

Method first.

It is assumed that the lid in your bank is already missing - it is not needed for aromalamps.

  1. Decide on what your lamp will work. The width of the candle and alcohol is different. Count the width of the day and marker the circuit in the form of a hemisphere.
  2. The bottom must be in the bottom of the banks, the top - so that the fingers of the hands are free.
  3. Draw the same hemisphere from the opposite side of the can.
  4. Cut both phalanges.
  5. Top put the outlet, fill it into it for two thirds hot water, take the oil.
  6. Fit the candle / alcohol and put it on the bottom of the banks.

The method of the second.

  1. It differs from the previous one by the fact that the base will become an inverted cans.
  2. Alights also check the phalange of the fingers, draw the circuit with the marker and cut the holes on it from two sides so that the hand takes through.
  3. In the width, it is not necessary to customize - the bottom of such a lamp is not, you can light the candle and simply put the can on it from above.
  4. When the side loops did, turn up the bank with a snitch up and make the center round hole For fire.
  5. The bowl can be made from the cup from the flask, the tank from the alcohol burner, glass salt or socket.
  6. Fill water, oil, adjust the candle / alcohol and put it inside the jars.

Through holes are needed for air ventilation in the case

The third way.

Materials need only a beer bank and a wire of 2.5 mm long 20-25 cm.

Fourth way.

Need a cropped beer or low canning bank and a piece of wire with a thickness of 2.5 mm and 10-15 cm long. On the base will go any cutting board. To work, you will need drill and sewer.

  1. Drill in a roll hole to a depth of 1.5 cm.
  2. Bend the wire of the letter r and the long end insert into the drilled plank.
  3. In the bank, do two symmetrical holes, pour with a seboard and hang on the wire.
  4. Pour water and oil into the bowl. Place the plate lit alcohol.

If the holes in the bank are broken and the bowl of the roll, you need to press the edges denser to the wire

Fifth method.

What will take:

  • 2 Low canning cans from under the sprat or sprat;
  • tight paper sheet A4;
  • spoke;
  • silicate glue;
  • linen threads or x / b.

How to assemble the design:

  1. A4 sheet cut into 4 parts, twist each strip into the tube with the help of the needles. So that the paper rolled the tight, you can ride the needle on the table.
  2. The edge of the strip is glued to silicate glue, throw the tube several times on the table.
  3. Fitting the needle, do the same with the rest of three strips of paper. Take paper tubes first to the jar that will be a bowl for water.
  4. Then put the design to the second jar and also fix the base tubes. Threads and top and bottom to wake silicate glueSo they will not be combustible.
  5. Now in the upper jar you can pour hot water, and in the bottom put a lit candle.
  6. So that the oil evaporates longer, it is recommended to dilute it in the emulsifier - take the oil into the teaspoon with salt, and then add to the water.

The legs are made of paper, but if we embroider the threads that they are attached, silicate glue, the design will be protected from fire

Method of the sixth.

Aroma lamp is a bit more complicated performed than previous models. For manufacture you need:

  • 2 beer banks;
  • small CD disc;
  • candle tablet;
  • glue;
  • long scissors;
  • copper wire;
  • rubber legs for crafts.

What should be done:

  1. One beer can do trust the bottom, in another neck.

    One banks do trunk donyshko, in another top, banks are suitable for any of the soft metal

  2. The cropped part dissolve on the ribbon of 7-8 mm wide, remove the plates at right angles.

    Cropped bank will go to the manufacture of the evaporator wall

  3. Metal tapes make a ring equal to the diameter to the diameter, insert it into part of the bank with stripes. The ring is to be covered with stripes. If they are too long, do trust unnecessary, but do not throw out pieces of metal - they will need for decor.

    Metal ring envelope with ribbons, so that the wall is more dense

  4. Insert the bottom of the second cut bank into the ring. So it turns out the evaporator with a double bottom and air layer - the oil will evaporate much slower than just in a tin can.

    When the second bottom is inserted into the ring, forms aerial layer: In such a design, the oil evaporates slower

  5. From cropping twist the spirals and decorate the wall of the structure. The decorative function will be performed and the rings of the wire - cover the evaporator from above and below.

    Spirals from trimming strips and wire around the perimeter cans, as well as a metal lining on top performed decorative function

  6. Prepare the carrying structure by gluing the legs to the disc.

    Rubber legs will give stability designs

  7. Install the racks for the evaporator from wide metal strips.

    Metal strips bend several times and attach to the glue disk

  8. Collect the lamp body. Fill water and oil into the bowl, put the lit candle down.

    Metal leg legs can also be decorated with metal spirals

From glass banks

The aroma of a glass jar on the principle of the device partly resembles a catalytic lamp, which looks like a bottle of perfume. The model manufactured at home will look different, but will also decorate the interior.

Lamp with phytile

What is needed for the lamp:

  • transparent glass jar with a tightly closing metal lid;
  • ready Fitil;
  • awl;
  • paraffin oil;
  • valid materials (branches, cones, needles, dry flowers, berries and leaves).

Fold in the jar in advance selected decor elements - flowers, leaves, twigs, pour paraffin oil. Make a hole in the center of the lid in advance - it is to easily passed the wick. When all preparatory work Completed, pull the wick under the cover, lower it somewhere until the middle of the jar, can be even lower. Aromalampa is ready. Do not use it during the day, wait until the wick is soaked with oil. When burning around the house, the aroma of fruits, herbs and spices will be spread. To strengthen it, you can drop a few drops of essential oil into the jar.

To fruits, berries and herbs, in addition to alcohol or paraffin oil, add 3-5 drops of essential oil - so that the smell is stronger

The old incandescent lamp is suitable as a hull.

Besides, it will be necessary:

  • plumbing hammer;
  • thin screwdriver;
  • big diameter coin;
  • glue or silicone, adhesive gun to it;
  • cold welding;
  • syringe;
  • wick;
  • alcohol;
  • essential oil;
  • match.

How to assemble such a lamp with phytyt:

Floating candle lamp

The floating candle variant works when the jar is flooded with a strong smell - for example, citrus. Therefore, it will be practical to put such an aroma in the kitchen - for freshness.

On the bank 0.5 liters will need:

  • 0.5 l alcohol or vodka;
  • 1 orange;
  • 1 lemon;
  • candle tablet;
  • essential oil of any citrus.

Clean the fruit, make the zest. Cut into cubes or stripes, half fold into the jar, leave another to decorate. Pour the glass of alcohol and leave for a day to get a tincture. Put the remaining zest to the bank, put a flooded candle.

From clay

The lamp will last for a long time if you make it from polymer clay and burn in the oven.

What will take:

  • 150-200 g of polymer clay;
  • mineral paints for mural;
  • thin brush;
  • stack;
  • toothpick;
  • fitil or candle;
  • foil to display the working surface.

How to do:

  1. Ship the table with foil, from down the clay until it becomes soft. Divide the mass into two unequal parts - one will go for the base, the other is on the walls.
  2. The bottom of the future lamp is made in the form of a circle, it is enough to simply roll out a smaller part into the cake with a thickness of 1 cm.
  3. From the remaining clay, form the sausages and lay them out one to another until you reach the desired height. The walls are convenient to align with water and stack. Further two options:
    • you cut in the wall big hole for a candle, several small for ventilation, and top lamps are in the form of a bowl;
    • you turn your workpiece into the bowl, pull the spout, where the wick will lie - the oil lamp will be.
  4. The drawing is applied with a knife or toothpick, as more convenient. Clay dried in the air, then put the shape into the preheated oven. The first 10 minutes is recommended not to close the door so as not to experience the strength of the material with sharp differences in temperature.
  5. Gradually increasing the heating, bring the temperature to 200 o and dry the lamp for 1.5-2 hours.
  6. Do not remove the finished product until the oven is completely cooled.
  7. When you take out, the applied ornament can be painted with mineral paints - they are unspecified, inappropriate tones. If you want the decor more interesting, you can use acrylic paints.
  8. It is recommended to use aromalamp after a day. In the lamp in the form of a bowl, pour the oil mixture, put the wick so that its edge lay in the stretched nose and burn. For aroma lamps with a candle, do not forget to preheat water.

Oil mixture is prepared from any vegetable oil with the addition of 1-3% essential oils

Author's master class on the manufacture of clay aroma lamps

The user under the nickname Dislike was shared in his blog with the experience of manufacturing an aroma lamp-candlestick in the form of an apple. To repeat its model, you need, of course, a lot of patience and accuracy, but the finished thing is true, beautiful.

Materials that used

  • clay;
  • rubber spatula;
  • stack;
  • brush;
  • pencil;
  • paper;
  • glaze for staining;
  • rolling
  • sponge and rags.


  1. Work begins with drawing stencil. On the front wall of the aromalamps will be through slots, for it and you need to draw a pattern. Stencil immediately needs to be cut and then set aside.

    By such a stencil, then cut the holes in the front wall of the aromalamp

  2. Sculpt easier on ready-made sketches. We make several sketches, we are determined with the size of the finished product.
  3. We knew the clay, roll it into a dense ball, we make a deepening and begin to gradually increase the cavity. It is important to monitor the wall thickness throughout the circumference to be uniform (3-6 mm).

    The walls of the workpiece must be 3-6 mm

  4. Uneven edges cut the stack and smoothed fingers. We form a hollow ball - for this stretch the edges, we collect them in the fold, we cut an extra clay. The top of the ball is aligned with a knife and water or rubber spatula.

    The edges of the ball align, and cut off excess clay

  5. Now the usual ball should turn into an apple. We glue a small patch from above in the center of the center (thickness somewhere 5 mm), we press it well and smoothed it, then we make a through hole. You need to do the same on the other hand - put a patch, smooth it out and make a round hole with a stack, then expand it with your finger. The holes must be symmetrical, on them then it is easier to schedule the cut line.

    On top and bottom of the billet make holes to mark the cutting border

  6. Cut off part of the future apple, slightly tapping about the table remaining to give it stability.

    In the big half there will be an aroma, a small one must roll out into the cake and arrange slots

  7. With the convex side of the workpiece you need to cut a hole for the candle, pre-catching it to fit in size. Do not forget that after drying, clay shrinkage can be up to 30%, that is, the hole will become less.

    The hole must be done with the reserve, the outstand that after burning the clay "Binds"

  8. Little part of the workpiece roll in the cake - roll more convenient through the rag, so the mass will not stick. Apply apple to the workpiece, we supply the outer contour. On the same contour you need to circulate the harvested stencil. We retreat 5 mm from the edge so that the hole does not fall on the seam line, and begin to cut. It will be the front wall of the aromalamp, it sticks onto liquid clay.

    Cutting the front wall we glue to the billet on liquid clay

  9. From a piece of clay, they sculpt the sheet and the stalk, then we apply clay to the present sheet to printed the streak. Then the clay must be carefully separated and glued to the apple. We dry in the air, but so that the sun does not fall. Then we burn, stain with icing and burn again.

    Ceramics is always an experiment, what color will be predicted

From orange

If you wanted to make an aroma of an orange - do, but you need to use it right away, there will be no long to stand.

What do you need

  • 1 big orange;
  • olive oil (1 Art. L);
  • citrus essential oil (2-3 drops);
  • candle tablet;

Cut the orange, remove the flesh from both halves, lubricate the walls with an oil mixture. Place a lit candle on the bottom, cut the round hole on the top and connect both halves. You can take more oil - pour it into the bottom half and make an oil lamp from orange. Cotton thread is suitable as a phytyl.

Before lighting the candle, lubricate the halves of an orange with an oil mixture - olive oil and 2-3 drops of any citrus oil

The second version of the aroma of the orange suggests more ingredients, except for orange it will be necessary:

  • paraffin;
  • olive oil;
  • citrus essential oil;
  • needles;
  • 2 wicks.

Orange cut in half, pull the flesh, and smear the halves with the oil mixture. Put the wick to each cup. In a water bath, heat the paraffin, add a chopped chew or zest to it and fill the halves of the orange. The tail of the wick should look out of the bowl by 1-1.5 cm. Leave the candles to cool for several hours. You do not need to clean the refrigerator, paraffin will grab unevenly. Such an aroma is prepared shortly before use.

From dough

What will take:

  • 1 cup flour;
  • 0.5 glasses of vegetable oil;
  • 0.5 glasses of water;
  • wick;
  • acrylic paints;
  • thin brush.

How to do:

  1. The dough should turn out dense, so do not pour into the flour at once all the water, add gradually.

    Dough knead from flour and water

  2. Roll part of the dough into the cake, from the rest form the walls of the cup, make an extended spout for the wick. You can make a pattern with a knife or toothpick.

    From one piece of dough there may be several blanks

  3. For baking, heat the oven to 200 o, lubricate the baking sheet and bake for 15 minutes.
  4. Produce cool, show off acrylic paintslet's dry.
  5. Fill with oil lamp, for example, olive, drop 5-6 droplets of essential oil. Put the wick in the bowl, leaving the tip on the surface.

    Oil lamps from the dough can be used several times, but they are short-lived

How to make candles for aromalamps

To make candles with your own hands, you need:

  • wax or paraffin will suit the repulsion of old candles;
  • cotton thread on wick;
  • molds for candles;
  • wooden sticks or toothpicks for fastening the wick.

We proceed to creating candles:

  1. Wax (paraffin) Soda on a large grater and melt on a water bath, constantly stirring. In order not to spoil the dishes, you can pull the wax in tin cans, in width they should be different so that one freely entered the other, you can take the same in the altitude. If desired, the wax can be squeezed by adding suturing wax pencils of suitable colors.

    Make sure the paraffin melted completely, there should be no small pieces in the candlelight

  2. In each form, place on a piece of cotton thread, so that the end with the reserve remains from above - it is convenient to fix it on a wooden stick.

    For small tablets as the holder fit the toothpicks

  3. When the wax is ready, fill it in a little on the bottom of each form to fix the wick below. Well, if you have metal tablets from under old candles, they usually have a convenient wick holder.

    A bit of paraffin on the bottom of the form you need to pour to fix the bottom edge of the wick

  4. Wait about a minute so that the wax at the bottom grabbed, and fill out the form to the top.
  5. Candles should stand for about a day so that the wax is fully hardened.
  6. Then you can trim the tip of the wick - it should be well satuned with wax. Recommended length -1-1.5 cm.

Ready shopping candles can be aromatic, then they will replace the aromalamp. Take your favorite essential oil or make a composition of several oils. Lubricate the entire surface of the candle, tightly wrap it into a plastic bag and remove in a cool place for 2-3 weeks. During this time, the wax is impregnated with a favorite aroma, and when burning you will feel it.

Electric aroma lamp with their own hands

The easiest way is to assemble the unit two in one: aromalamp and lamp. Materials will need:

  • incandescent lamp 15 W with basement;
  • adapter cartridge-fork;
  • stand under the lamp;
  • can;
  • steel wire;
  • oil tank (socket, saucer).
  1. The bank will fulfill the role of lampshar. At the bottom, do the hole under the cartridge.
  2. Screw the low power lamp (15 W). Below, take two small holes under the wire, on the side of two more holes for ventilation.
  3. Bend the wire at the base of the letter P, then measure the same height from each side of the can and make it there in the collapse.
  4. On the second collapse, make it to fix the jar on the metal frame. Wire inside the jar should not interfere with the ceiling. For reliable fixation, the ends of the wire are treated with a soldering iron.
  5. When the lamp is used as a lamp, direct the Light of the Block, when for aromatherapy - fix the homemade flaming in the upstream position, put the rosette of the suitable diameter. The oil will evaporate from the thermal exposure to the included lamp.

The energy-saving lamp for heating oil does not suit, in the cartridge you need to screw the incandescent lamp of low power

How aroma arranged on electricity - video

How to collect usb-aromalamp

As an aroma, you can use a USB stand with heating: only instead of a mug put a saucer and oil saucer. If this option is uninteresting, you can collect a design that will work on resistors.

  1. USB 2.0 port is 500mA, will withstand resistance up to 10 ohms. If you count on 11-12 ohms of resistance, and there is a desire to protect the device from possible overload, you need to total 4 W power. The developer of the USB lamp scheme, when collected his model, found the resistors at 0.5 watts, that is, he needed 8 pieces.

    For convenience in the diagram there is a switch to turn on and off the aromalamp without pulling the USB cable.

  2. Resistors are located in the same plane, the conclusions must be soldered.
  3. Fastening the design is assumed to a flat surface so that the heating is uniform. That is, you need to find the usual aroma, where the oil tank does not come into contact with the case.

    Glue from heating creates impurities in the air, which is undesirable in aromatherapy, so it is better to use clips to fastening

  4. To connect to USB, the power is taken from the red and black wire. Wires are glued to the lamp housing.

    Wiring in the collected lamp is not visible; that the lamp works, understandable by the burning LED

What can be replaced by aromalamp

Aromaticize the air in the room and make yourself a relaxation session and without aromalamp. Associate simple analogues of this device.


Make Aromakani can be from salted dough.

  1. On 2 cups of flour, add 1 cup of fine grinding salts.
  2. In glass hot water Stir any dry food dye and 5-10 drops of essential oil.
  3. Add 1 tbsp to flour and water. L vegetable oil and knead the dough.
  4. For molding it is convenient to use silicone forms.
  5. If desired, the dough can be decorate with a pattern, then leave to push. Stones are porous texture and long stored fragrance. As it exhales, it can be refreed by adding a few drops of oil to the surface.
  6. Aromakami can be cut out of salt dough, plaster or clay

    Gel flavoring

    How to make gel flavoring:

    1. Add 2 tbsp on a glass of boiling water. L gelatin, stir.
    2. Add 1.5 tbsp. L Glycerin to reduce water evaporation.
    3. Take cinnamon powder or any other extract with your favorite aroma and 2-3 drops of your favorite essential oil - in this case, also cinnamon.
    4. Based on what your flavor will smell, pick up the color. It is suitable for any natural food dye. You can take, for example, ground soluble coffee.
    5. Stir all the ingredients, break the mixture into a glass or a jar, which can be put in the living room in a prominent place.
    6. After cooking, put it in a cool place for 2 hours. When you get, decorate the taste.
    7. Try to add only natural nutritional dyes to flavor

      Aroma sticks

      How to do:

      1. To a glass of any vegetable oil without smell, add 25 drops of essential oil.
      2. Add 2 hours of alcohol and mix thoroughly.
      3. Pour the mixture into a bottle or vase with a narrow neck.
      4. Put several bamboo sticks in length 15-25 cm.
      5. When the fragrance becomes weaker, you can add a few drops of essential oil into the bottle.

      It is better to take bamboo sticks, they absorb the flavors well

      Aromatizer with hydrogel

      Hydrogel is small elastic balls from polymers. In everyday life they are used as wet primerBut the flavoring of them will be quite good. One bag is enough for the sample (the package is similar to the one in which the beads produce) and 7-10 drops of any essential oil.

      1. Oil is added to the water - what a volume is needed, indicated on the label.
      2. Balls are put in water and leave for 12 hours. Take a big capacity, because the hydrogel will increase in size.
      3. When the balls are soaked with a favorite smell, put them in transparent vases and banks and arrange around the apartment.
      4. As it must, the aroma can be refreamed by adding the solution of essential oils to the hydrogel.

      To fill in a vase, you need one small hydrogel bag - balls increase in the amount of almost 100 times

      Aromatizer with soda

      Make such a flavor just:

      1. Soda still stores odors. Put it with a centimeter layer on the bottom of the banks.
      2. Put 7-10 drops of essential oil.
      3. Close the jar with a lid and shake well.
      4. Make in the cover of the ventilation hole with sewing. If there are no covers, you can close the jar of the foil layer, and the small holes should be done using a needle.

      For the preparation of flavoring, soda with the essential oil added to it is needed tightly close the lid, and in the lid do small holes

      Production of aromalamps with their own hands from undergraduate materials - the process is simple. The materials usually always have on the upper shelf in the storeroom and in the kitchen. And if there is no something, you can adjust the model for yourself, something to change and add. After all, creativity is the space of experiments.