Many magazines write about the disadvantages of the stronger sex, but now our male answer. There's a lot we don't like about modern women oh, and we do not intend to remain silent.

We honestly say that we don’t like it. We do this not with the intention of discussing women or offending women. This is done in order to convey men's opinions to women. We consider the following things to be women's shortcomings and they bother us.

Disadvantages of women

1. Women love tattoos too much. As a rule, tattoos do not cause any positive associations. But a girl with a tattoo seems more accessible, frivolous and suitable only for a short romance. Don't be surprised if all we want from you is sex.

2. Some women are fat. You can be charming, smart, funny, do beautiful hairstyle, wear provocative clothing and actively use cosmetics. It won't help. While you are fat, we will not approach you. If a girl doesn't have a boyfriend, it's most likely because of this. You can be a little crazy and still be passionate about sports. We don’t need adequate and thick ones for nothing.

3. Women are afraid of getting their hands dirty, breaking a nail, or ruining their hair. If we liked dolls, we would go to the movies with them.

4. Women are constantly talking on the phone. In any public place there is a mobile phone. It's annoying. We want to get to know you or say something funny. But you won't hear. We remain silent and pass by another beautiful girl. It's annoying.

5. You read women's magazines. There's nothing wrong with that, but you're picking the crappiest advice and using it in your relationship. We don't need to brainstorm and figure out how to test us. You can check men and arrange tests, but then do not be surprised at your loneliness.

6. Some women love TV, stupid programs and equally stupid series. We are tormented by the question of your IQ level.

7. Women cut their hair short. Suitable for some girls short haircut. But men prefer girls with normal hair length.

8. Women idolize Hollywood stars and other celebrities. It's even worse when they want to be like them.

9. Women are going to Turkey or Egypt in the summer. There’s nothing wrong with that, but lying like a “vegetable” on the beach every year? It's too boring for men.

10. Women become irritated or whiny with any problem.

11. Women constantly go to the solarium. This bronzed skin is a reminder that premature skin aging is just around the corner.

12. Women are obsessed with their careers and forget about home. No comments.

13. Women think that dating a rich man is a good catch. We don't like being judged solely from a material point of view. We have a lot of positive qualities, and we also play sports.

14. Many women absolutely do not know how to cook or are not independent. But we are not going to live with your mother.

15. Women lie and evade all the time. They do this for any reason, forgetting that open girls are more attractive. And don't bother us either.

16. Women are obsessed with stores and shopping. We are not impressed with your 10th bag and 20th pair of shoes. We like you, not your 1001 wardrobe items. We dread what will happen to our budget if we decide to make an offer.

17. Women do not wear skirts/dresses or do so very rarely. Women should remain women. We like girls in truly feminine clothes. It turns you on.

18. Some women are logs in bed. They do not show initiative and just lie in bed. Sex for a girl does not end solely with spreading her legs. Sex is the joint action of two bodies. Some girls consider themselves passionate in bed. But this passion lies in the ability to dance a striptease or moan during sex. Just lying down and moaning are signs of a log.

19. Women make too easy hints. Your hints are so light and vague that even Sherlock Holmes would not understand what you wanted.

20. Women have become pliable and lift their skirts too quickly. This worries us.

Women, we haven’t said today that we love you very much...

A lot of articles have been written about what irritates the stronger half of humanity in women. This could be makeup, clothes, style, behavior. In short, men certainly know what they don’t like. But even women have a couple of nuances that spoil their opinion of the opposite sex, irritate and even repel. It is about them that we decided to talk.

According to statistics, women are more accommodating than men. Therefore, they are in many ways ready to put up with the shortcomings of their lover or potential life partner. However, psychologists have identified several “masculine sides” that can significantly spoil the impression of their owner. So, What is it about men that irritates women the most??

One of the main disadvantages, according to the fair sex, is inability to keep one's promises. Despite all the independence of modern women and trends in relationships, most girls still want their betrothed to be responsible for his words. After all, everyone knows the expression: a man said - a man did! If such a life principle is absent, the woman gradually ceases to trust her young man, expecting another excuse from him.

Another drawback that the fair half of humanity does not like at all is excessive demands on women. Modern men want their significant other to have the appearance of a model, to be a housewife, smart and an athlete. At the same time, many representatives of the stronger sex do not correspond to this image next to them. So it turns out that a man sometimes demands the impossible from a woman. Moreover, having met a smart and pretty girl, he still manages to find some disadvantages in her.

Everyone knows that in matters of appearance, women are less demanding of men than vice versa. Still, there is one feature that can repel - this sloppiness. Many men not only do not take care of themselves, but also “let themselves go.” Unironed or, even worse, unwashed clothes, four-day stubble, dirty nails, smell - all this does not attract, only the opposite. And we must pay tribute to the woman who is still able to discern a worthy male representative behind such an appearance.

Today, very few men can say that they truly do not drink or smoke. Most do not deny themselves these bad habits. But good things should always be in moderation. Alcohol and tobacco abuse, constant partying with friends, a beer belly and the smell of alcohol on the breath are also repulsive factors for women.

The so-called male vices, according to women, include greed and arrogance. The fair half is imbued with even greater antipathy towards men who are lazy and love to chat tirelessly. Dependence on the opinions of friends and other people around you, according to the lovely ladies, will also not please you.

In one of our previous articles, we wrote about things that drive men crazy. But men are not angels: they also have their shortcomings. Women are ready to put up with some of them, but not with some. Which male flaws irritate the fair sex?

Male flaws: selfishness

Male egoism can manifest itself in different ways, but one of its most common manifestations is self-adoration. Looking in the mirror, a woman sees her shortcomings, and a man sees his strengths. Many men are confident in their intelligence and their irresistibility, and do not want to notice that in fact they are not geniuses or supermen at all, and do not want to improve. But at the same time, they demand that their woman look her best.

There are also other manifestations of male egoism. Let's say, when in a company he is the king, the center of attention, and you are left with the modest role of the retinue, which must remain silent (occasionally nodding and assenting) and catch every word of your king. Often male egoism manifests itself in bed, when you do only what he likes, and the man is not interested in your desires and needs.

Male flaws: untidiness and disorganization

Untidyness and disorganization are quite common male flaws.. How often do women complain that their significant other throws clothes in a heap where they undress, forgets to shave, leaves a mountain of unwashed dishes in the sink, and then also makes women to blame for not being able to find clean socks and a shirt. This also includes the indifference of some men to their own appearance.

And men’s disorganization often becomes the cause of complaints from women. It is usually believed that women tend to take a long time to get ready and are constantly late, but there are also a lot of “hoarders” among men. The problem is that shortly before leaving they can find some super important business- for example, an unsolved crossword puzzle - and dive into it headlong. Also, male disorganization may include the habit of forgetting about his promises.

Male flaws: jealousy

Both female and male shortcomings include this “monster with green eyes,” as one of William Shakespeare’s heroes once dubbed jealousy. Jealousy itself is a completely normal feeling., unless you give him free rein. But paranoid jealousy, not supported by real reasons and evidence of betrayal, can become a serious problem in a relationship.

Unreasonable jealousy is not a manifestation of love, but a feeling of possessiveness, distrust of a partner and lack of self-confidence. The main problem is that female jealousy manifests itself in scandals and hysterics, and a man, thanks to his strength, can, in a fit of jealousy, raise his hand against a woman. Of course, this applies to completely “clinical” cases, but it happens.

Male weaknesses: greed

Sooner or later, the candy-bouquet period with trips to restaurants ends, and the man becomes less generous. Of course, not everyone can afford to give roses to their beloved woman every day and take her to a restaurant, this is natural. But when the normal desire to spend money wisely turns into stinginess and greed, this is unlikely to make a woman happy.

But this list of male shortcomings is not limited to this list - we can continue for a long time. But does this mean that men are so bad? Of course not. Firstly, it is rare for any man to have all the male shortcomings “in a complex”. Secondly, these shortcomings do not always reach their extreme manifestations. It's usually not as scary as it may seem.

Is it worth trying to correct male shortcomings? Remember that there are no ideal people, so you definitely won’t be able to “create” a man without any flaws. Therefore, do this: divide all the shortcomings of men into those that you can put up with and those that you are not going to put up with.

In the future, when assessing a man as a potential partner, do not expect that he will have any shortcomings at all, just make sure he doesn't have any shortcomings that you can't put up with.

If he then wants it for you, great! And if not - well, you yourself are not perfect, just accept it and learn to compromise in relationships.

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Typical shortcomings of men

The main male flaw noted by both young and old women is self-confidence of men.

Often a man loses interest in the object of his passion as soon as he achieves his goal.

A man wants to achieve too much at once. Unlike women, men are not able to fully surrender to love. Therefore, a woman should not be jealous of a man for his hobbies.

And passionate love, for example, quickly gets boring for a sanguine or choleric person.

Men get tired of exalted love. (Example: Vronsky and Anna Karenina from the novel by L. Tolstoy.)

Untidy, not well-groomed, uncleanliness. Men's indifference to their own appearance has long become a byword. Dirty socks, “fragrant” armpits, eternal unshavenness, trousers with elongated knees - the list of the costs of such carelessness can be endless.

Lack of concentration, disorganization. If a girl is next to her, she will always be late for visits and events. At the most crucial moment, for some reason he will need to barricade himself in the toilet with a fresh crossword puzzle.

Male egoism. If a young man at a party does not pay attention to his girlfriend and, having retired with the male part of the company, discusses the results of yesterday's football match, he is clearly showing male egoism. The extreme degree of this is not being interested in the needs of his partner in bed.

Alcohol abuse. This addiction causes well-deserved criticism from women. Perhaps a potential spouse needs to be tested for tolerance to strong drinks.

Stinginess. It is only during the candy-bouquet period that a man makes certain efforts to seem like a generous suitor who spares nothing for his girlfriend. When the relationship becomes established, extracting an extra penny from a man for their needs becomes a real feat for many women.

Jealousy. This trait is common to many. If not all men in general, but at the same time there are the most neglected examples - those who terrorize their missus because of any unexpected call, because of the slightest delay at work, because of minimal communication with other men at some evening. Living under eternal suspicion is not an easy fate.

Not keeping promises. As practice shows, the famous “man said, man did” is not such an ironclad rule. And they say it, and they don’t do it, and then they try to disown it. The habit of going back on your words and not keeping promises, in principle, does not make a person beautiful, and even less so a man.

Desire to dominate. For a very long time, human civilization was structured in such a way that men always dominated in everything. They hunted, ruled, fought, earned money, and at some point completely missed the fact that many of their functions could be performed with no less success by women. This is why men perceive the fact that women also have the right to make decisions with such violent protest.

Vulgarity. Yes, this is by no means just a women’s prerogative - men are no less successful in mastering the technique of cheeky behavior. Dirty swearing, boorish antics, obscene humor and constant spitting at the feet - the picture is disgusting, but not so rare.

Habit of scratching the affected area. After sitting too long, a man likes to get up and scratch his dignity with a practiced movement. This essentially harmless habit (it is still a less negative phenomenon than alcoholism, for example) can make even the least squeamish girl wince.

Why men irritate women

  • Uncleanliness:
  • dirty shoes,
  • dirty hair, dandruff,
  • long fingernails and toenails (long nail on the little finger), dirt under the nails, rough heels,
  • the smell of sweat,
  • unshaven armpits.
  • Painful cleanliness.
  • Family panties (flowered, polka dot), soldier's.
  • Sloppiness in clothing (drawn knees, etc.)
  • Constantly wet, sticky palms.
  • “Children’s palm”: small hands, fingers
  • or vice versa: paws like a butcher's - thick, short fingers.
  • Slurps at the table.
  • Requires that everything stands, hangs in its place, and that there is no clutter or dust.
  • He drinks a lot, is a drug addict, swears a lot.
  • Beats women.
  • White socks for a suit. Socks that differ in color from the color of trousers or shoes.
  • Hands on tiptoe.
  • Excessive shyness, constraint in actions, actions, words.
  • Greed. He asks for money for a gift that is inexpensive.
  • Excessive importunity, especially if not on time.
  • He asks very meticulously about other men. Asks a lot of unnecessary questions.
  • I am against communicating with old friends and girlfriends. Categorically prohibits anything. Owner.
  • Stupid than me. Lack of intelligence, with high self-esteem.
  • Can't stand up for himself. Slut. He is weaker than me morally and cannot contradict me.
  • Male hysteria.
  • Behaves like a “mother hen,” especially in front of people.
  • Incorrect attitude towards your ex-girlfriends.
  • Not frankness, meanness.
  • A painful feeling of guilt in front of others and, conversely, when everyone around is to blame.
  • Unnecessarily complicating problems.
  • Complains of serious female neglect.
  • Inattentive: does not congratulate you on holidays, does not give gifts.
  • Painfully jealous.
  • Pettiness in everything.
  • Nerd.
  • Manic concern for the health of others (he stuffs him with pills, finds doctors, consults clairvoyants)
  • Not punctual: very late for a meeting.
  • I myself have to figure out how we will spend our time.
  • Doesn't help carry bags.
  • Does not give up space in transport.
  • Refuses to do any small housework: take out a bucket, peel potatoes, etc.
  • The desire of a man pleases all the women around him and, in general, everyone around him.
  • Showing emotions and interest in me only under the influence of alcohol.
  • Inability or unwillingness to take the initiative first.
  • He talks in great detail about his ex-girlfriends.
  • He sits at home all the time.
  • Doesn't take it with him when he meets friends (if possible).
  • He complains about me to strangers, thinking that they won’t tell me about it.
  • When communicating with friends, he forgets about me.
  • He only remembers me when he feels bad.
  • In the foreground are his friends or anyone else, but not me.
  • Thinks only about sex.