To protect the foundations from rain and flood waters, a blind area is installed around the perimeter of the house. At good quality it not only serves as a reliable protection against the penetration of surface water to the base of the foundations, but is a decorative element of external landscaping, acting as a kind of sidewalk around the house.

Work on laying the blind area is carried out after the construction of the house is completed, so they often do not pay due attention to it. And this is the main mistake, which can subsequently lead to the destruction of the blind area itself, as well as the foundation of the building, since the main function of the blind area is to protect the foundation from water.

Concrete blind area is by far the most popular way to protect the foundation.


1. Calculation of the thickness of the entire structure, in which all layers must be taken into account.

2. Determination of geometric dimensions. On average, the width should be taken within the range of 90-100 cm. The slope from the concrete is 3-5%.

3. Carrying out markings to the area. To do this, the limits of the future structure along the perimeter of the foundation are marked with pegs with a cord stretched along them.

5. The base soil is thoroughly compacted. To provide additional protection from moisture, a clay castle is made.

6. Layer is laid sand cushion. The sand cushion is made only from coarse and medium sand. The use of fine fractions can lead to large shrinkages, which in turn will cause cracks and damage to the waterproofing. The thickness of the layer is selected depending on the characteristics of the soil. If the soil is strong, then 200 mm of sand is enough. For unstable bases, 500mm of bedding may be required.

7. Crushed stone backfill. The construction of a blind area on such a foundation increases the strength of the soil.

8. Placing the formwork. Formwork is needed so that the concrete mixture does not flow beyond the markings. When installing formwork, it is important to remember about the expansion joint. It is necessary to install the board directly to the wall of the building. The thickness of the expansion joint is 20-40 mm. The seam is necessary to prevent cracking and deformation of the structure due to different shrinkage of the foundation and blind area.

9. Reinforcement. After the formwork is installed, reinforcement mesh is laid.

10. Installation of cross boards. Transverse boards are installed along the entire perimeter of the foundation to ensure expansion joints. The pitch of the boards is 2 meters.

11. Pouring concrete. The optimal brand is M300 (B20-B22.5). Such a solution will ensure the durability and necessary strength of the structure. Filling in each compartment is done in one step. After which it is necessary to make a compaction.

12. After pouring, the surface is ironed to increase the strength characteristics.

13. Strengthening and surface care.

14. When the concrete has gained 70% strength, the formwork can be removed.


During operation, due to non-compliance with the blind area device technology or as a result of the use of quality materials the blind area may begin to collapse. The destruction of the blind area leads to further destruction of the foundation. Therefore, it is very important not to delay repairs. will help you independently resolve the issue of restoring the surface of the blind area and prevent its further destruction.

Types of destruction:


2. bundle

3. crumbling


Repair work should be carried out in the off-season (very/spring).

Causes of cracks:

If the cover is old, then it is for a long time exposed to atmospheric/natural influences (expansion and compression). As a result, cracks form in the blind area, which will continue to collapse.

Uneven settlement of the building. Violation of the tightness of the joints between the blind area and the basement of the building. As a result, water cannot penetrate there.

Drawdown of the blind area. The reason for this phenomenon is soil subsidence or a violation of the technology for laying the coating around the house.

Stages of work:

1. Preparation. Before carrying out, the surface of the old coating should be cleaned of dust and dirt. Expand and completely remove the destroyed areas. Prime the crack with PrS-03 “Gora Khrustalnaya” primer to improve the adhesion of the repair compound to the old base.

2. Preparation of the solution. Preparation of the working solution of the MBR repair mixture is carried out directly on construction site using a low-speed forced mixing concrete or mortar mixer. To prepare a small amount of solution, use a low-speed electric drill with a mixer attachment to achieve a uniform consistency while mixing. Mixing with gravity mixers or by hand is not permitted.

To prepare a working solution of the MBR repair mixture, first pour the minimum calculated amount (calculated taking into account the minimum water consumption value indicated in the characteristics of the mixture) of fresh mixing water into a mortar mixer or into a mixing container, then, with the mixer constantly running, gradually load the calculated amount of the dry mixture and stir for 1-2 minutes until a plastic, homogeneous solution without lumps is obtained. If necessary, to obtain a working solution of a given mobility, the required amount of water is added to it (within the amount specified in the characteristics of the mixture) and additionally mixed for 1-2 minutes.

To obtain complete readiness, let the prepared solution of the MBR repair mixture stand for 5 minutes and then stir again for 30 seconds.

!!!IMPORTANT. The dissolution of special additives in the mixture occurs gradually, so it is extremely important to mix the mixture thoroughly and, if necessary, add water in small doses while constantly stirring the solution.

4. Care of the solution. After completing work on applying a working solution of a thixotropic mixture for repairing MBR concrete, it is necessary to ensure careful temperature and humidity care of the applied coating.Immediately after applying the repair mixture, it is necessary to protect it from rapid drying under the influence of outside temperature, direct sunlight and wind. For maintenance, standard methods of caring for cement-containing materials are used.3. Laying the solution. Application of the MBR repair mixture solution is done manually with plaster trowels, and compaction, smoothing and leveling of the solution is done with trowels, rules and trowels. It is better to start repairing concrete from the highest point, periodically monitoring compliance with the planned slope. After laying the repair mixture in the defective area, it is necessary to level it. Leveling is the removal of excess mixture in order to level the surface along the appropriate contour and height.

Care can be carried out in various ways:

regular irrigation of the MBR repair coating with a sprayed stream of water starting 2-3 hours (full setting) after its installation during 3 days of hardening at least 2 times a day with a water consumption of 1-3 l/m2. The smallest number of moistenings of the repaired surface of structures during the day, depending on the average air temperature during the day, is given in Table 1;

if it is impossible to moisten the surface with water, it is recommended to lay damp/wet burlap on the repaired surface or cover it with plastic film, tarpaulin, or rubberized cloth;

treating the surface of the repair coating with film-forming compounds that reduce evaporation ( ).

Table 1


Air temperature, ºС

Minimum number of wetting of the repair coating

Failure to take measures regarding humidity conditions can lead to the formation of microcracks on the surface of the hardened layer of the repair coating, especially in hot and dry weather.


Causes of delamination and crumbling of concrete:

Uneven hardening concrete mortar(occurs in spring when pouring concrete on a cold base)

The structure is too thick

Exceeding the norm of air content in the solution

Exceeding the proportion of crushed stone in the concrete solution.

Stages of work:

1. Preparation. Before starting work, it is necessary to determine the boundaries of the damage. Cut down the damaged part, remove the destroyed parts and prime the edges of the undamaged concrete.

2. Preparation of the solution (see above).

3. Laying large and deep defects (more than 40 mm) should be filled with repair mixture. held in place by formwork.

4. Caring for freshly laid mortar.

If the damage is not repaired in time, the blind area will subsequently have to be dismantled and a new structure formed. Therefore, it is recommended to carry out everything renovation work in a timely manner.


What should be done to prevent the destruction of the blind area?

If the surface of the blind area will be decorated with stone or tiles, the surface of the concrete should be treated with water-repellent impregnation “Mount Khrustalnaya”.

If the surface will not be decorated, it is necessary to coat the surface with “Gora Khrustalnaya” varnish for concrete surfaces. The varnish will protect the concrete from water penetration, increases the wear resistance of the surface, increases resistance to dirt and makes it easier to clean.

Blind area around residential buildings, as a rule, is made of concrete or sand-cement mortars. At the same time, there is a fairly widespread misconception among private developers that the destruction of a concrete blind area occurs only due to the fault of any mechanical loads. In fact, the main reason is carbon dioxide corrosion of concrete - the formation of dust-like microcalcite from free lime and carbon dioxide from the air. There are other types of corrosion, for example, sulfate, as well as chloride and others. As a result of corrosion processes, not only dust is formed, but also the strength and resistance to abrasion of the outer layer of concrete is significantly reduced. It should be noted that simply increasing the grade strength of concrete does not lead to durable concrete structures. IN regulatory document SNiP 2.03.11-85 “Protection of building structures from corrosion” states that when designing concrete structures, protection of concrete and reinforced concrete structures from corrosion. Therefore, owners of private property often face the need to protect concrete surfaces, including blind areas, from the effects of precipitation. For this purpose, along with other types of protective measures, paint and varnish coatings can be used. However, it should be taken into account that when periodically moistened with water or precipitation, it is necessary to hydrophobize concrete surfaces with special compounds as a primer layer for paint and varnish coatings (clause 2.31, SNiP 2.03.11-85). Used to protect concrete Various types polymer coatings: from traditional pentaphthalic and vinyl chloride paints and enamels to high-quality epoxy and polyurethane protective and decorative compositions. Polymer coatings are not only characterized by a long service life, but also by high resistance to chemically active substances. To create a protective coating, you can use POLAC EP-52PA enamel, which is a modified epoxy composition. This enamel has an adhesion-inhibiting effect, which significantly increases the protective properties and increases the durability of the coating. This coating has good moisture resistance, weather resistance, resistance to UV radiation, and chemical resistance. High and stable adhesion of the coating to concrete and other materials is maintained for a long period of time - tens of years. In addition, a color scheme for the blind area is possible. The most technologically advanced and versatile for protecting concrete surfaces are also impregnations based on polyurethane resins. These substances have high penetrating ability, perfectly bind concrete, quickly harden (polymerize), are chemically resistant, do not cause corrosion of the concrete base, and have very high impact strength and elasticity. On Russian market Polyurethane compositions from such Western companies as TIKKURILA, NOVILUX and others are quite well represented. It should be noted that the range of inexpensive and high-quality materials is very narrow. These include the products of the domestic manufacturer of polymer coatings - the TEOKHIM company, whose products include moisture-curing compositions of the ELAKOR-PU type. The protective composition "ELAKOR-PU" based on polyurethane is designed to prevent dust and destruction of concrete bases. The standard applied coating penetrates 3-5 mm deep into the concrete, forming a protective film 150-200 microns thick on the surface. This impregnation strengthens and hardens the concrete surface, creates reliable waterproofing protection, blocks pores and microdefects in the concrete structure, forming super-strong, impenetrable crystals in it. As a result, the top protective layer is integral with concrete base, which completely eliminates the possibility of its detachment. "ELAKOR" strengthens concrete even of grades M100 and less. After treatment, the concrete surface does not slip and becomes more resistant to impact loads and wear. The operating temperature of the coating is from -60 to +100ºС, and the service life is 10-15 years. In addition, it is possible color scheme blind areas, anti-slip devices, etc. However, for the sake of fairness, it should be noted that over time, under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, the color seems to turn brown.

In addition, for protective decorative finishing concrete surfaces can be used polymer paints, such as polyurethane enamel, acrylic paint or epoxy primer-enamel. All these polymer coatings have their own advantages, including the possibility of application without prior priming, for example, epoxy primer-enamel "AKVAPOLYMERDEKOR", application at low temperatures - perchlorovinyl enamel "BETIL", the possibility of application to freshly laid concrete - water-based paint "AKVABETOL", weather resistance - acrylic paint "BETYLAT", increased chemical resistance - polyurethane enamel "POLYMERDECOR". In addition, the advantages of all polymer paints are impeccable quality, affordable cost and ease of application.

Thus, polymer paint “BETYLAT” forms a durable, vapor-permeable coating that is resistant to atmospheric conditions. It can be used on concrete surfaces with light pedestrian traffic. Available in two types: on acrylic and organosilicon bases.

Before painting, the surface must be cleaned of dust and dirt and dried. Then, before applying the paint, to improve adhesion and harden the surface, it is recommended to treat it with “BETYLATE-PRIMER” and “BETYLATE-IMPREGMENTATION”.

How to protect the blind area from water, how to waterproof the blind area

The blind area is a protective strip of concrete, asphalt, decorative stone or crushed stone, which is located along the external walls of the house. In addition to the aesthetic effect, it has the important function of draining melt and rain water. According to SNiP, it is located around the entire perimeter of the house.

The blind area itself is made in a multilayer structure. Its surface is covered with concrete and asphalt. These durable materials are able to effectively protect the blind area from the harmful effects of water. What to process concrete blind area to protect it from the same groundwater, you will learn below.

Waterproofing the blind area – important process, which is able to protect the home, in particular the basement, from moisture penetration and ensure a long service life. Properly performed waterproofing of the blind area of ​​a house directly affects the quality of life in it.

Groundwater and meltwater can seriously damage the foundation of a building over time, thus leading to small cracks at the first stage, which will only increase over time. You can contact specialists in your field with this problem, but waterproofing the blind area with your own hands is also quite possible.

Our article will tell you in detail how to treat a concrete blind area and what materials can be used to protect it.

What does proper waterproofing of a blind area look like?

Quite often, glued waterproofing is used to protect the blind area of ​​a house. Clay or pressure is often used brickwork. Horizontal waterproofing blind areas can provide protection for the foundation and basement walls, thus creating a barrier to groundwater.

If the structure does not include a basement, then the waterproofing is installed at the same level as the base. On average, this is 20 centimeters above ground level.

If the blind area has a slope along the perimeter of the building, waterproofing the blind area around the house is carried out in a cascade version. That is, the material is laid in the form of protrusions, and each previous layer must overlap the next one.

If there is a basement in the house, the waterproofing of the foundation blind area should have two levels. The first of them must correspond to the level of the basement floor. The second should be located at the level of the base, slightly above the blind area itself.

Horizontal waterproofing of the blind area can be done using cement screed. Here everything depends on the climate of the region (such criteria as the level of groundwater, soil moisture, and so on are important).

Portland cement with sealing additives, which can be sodium aluminate, is very popular in this regard.

Good protection of a concrete blind area is achieved with a concrete layer thickness of about 20-25 mm. Instead of concrete, roofing felt or roofing felt is quite suitable. Any of these materials should be laid in two layers, and then glued with mastic.

In rare cases, an asphalt screed is used to waterproof the blind area. Its layer is on average 30 mm.

In addition to the primary one, there is also a secondary waterproofing of the blind area. It is designed to serve as additional protection. With this option, in most cases, waterproofing is used. During installation, this material should be laid on the walls of the house at a height of up to 20 centimeters. This design will additionally protect the building from negative impact water.

Waterproofing by penetrating method

This method of waterproofing a blind area is now quite popular, despite the fact that it appeared relatively recently. It is based on ensuring a significant increase in the durability and strength of the structure due to exposure hydraulic pressure.

This effect is possible due to the penetration of insulating materials deep into the pores of the blind area (about 40 centimeters). In this way a crystalline structure is formed. Water is not able to filter through the concrete body.

Waterproofing the blind area of ​​a house using the painting method

The painting method is quite popular. How to treat the concrete blind area in this case? Good protection of a concrete blind area is achieved by using bitumen mastic. It is applied with a brush to a clean and dry surface on top of the primer.

If necessary, the walls can be easily leveled with mortar. This method is also applicable to rubble walls.

Bitumen mastic should be applied in layers. The thickness of each of them should not exceed 2 mm.

This whole process should be divided into several steps, carefully treating the entire surface.

In the end, you should get a continuous waterproofing of the blind area around the house. Under no circumstances should there be any cracks or swelling on it. When applying mastic to an uncleaned or damp wall, these defects may well appear. To get rid of defects, these areas need to be cleaned again, then dried and also covered with a new layer of mastic.

Bitumen mastic is also used as an adhesive solution for horizontal adhesive waterproofing. This method is typical for using roofing felt or roofing felt.

Materials for waterproofing the blind area must be cut into small pieces before installation. It is necessary to make allowance for overlap during the installation procedure itself. Before processing the concrete blind area, careful grinding should be done.

It is easy to do using a roller with a soft lining. The applied mass must be at least 70 kilograms.

Mastic is also used in areas of overlap seams. After the final layer, mastic is applied to the material itself. It should be applied in a continuous layer. Then everything is covered with dry sand. The blind area with insulation and waterproofing is ready!

Other nuances of waterproofing the blind area of ​​a house

  1. To create a blind area, it is better to use solutions that are made using waterproofing cements. In this case, the protection of the blind area will be much higher.
  2. How to protect the blind area in case of excessive accumulation of groundwater and in case of poor drainage? It is imperative to make a groove along the perimeter of the blind area. This simple device for waterproofing the blind area, in turn, will ensure water drainage.
  3. Before filling the ditch for the blind area, you must first cover it with waterproofing. In this case, there must be an influx on the foundation walls. The best materials for this purpose are those that are based on polypropylene. Polyvinyl chloride films are also suitable. Roofing felt and polyethylene film are practically unsuitable for these purposes.
  4. Before covering a concrete blind area with materials with a pronounced porous structure, they must first be treated with a water-repellent agent. Without treatment, artificial stone is good for such purposes.
  5. Drainage profiled membranes will be very useful when installing a blind area. They thus represent an analogue of a concrete blind area. Thus, the membrane located on the ground will be covered with crushed stone and sand.

Following this, waterproofing the blind area around the house can be made from any coating. Here the owner’s hands are completely untied on this issue.

As you can see, waterproofing a blind area is a very simple matter. With a little skill, you will probably be able to cope with such a problem.

How to paint a concrete blind area

Today, the construction industry is developing rapidly all over the world. Every day new buildings and structures are being built and erected. Not only quality is of great importance in this matter. building materials, but also aesthetic appearance. When constructing a building, special attention must be paid to the blind area. What is it? The blind area is most often made of concrete or sand cement mixture.

Scheme of the blind area of ​​the house

It is a paved strip from 20 cm to 1.2 m wide, adjacent to the foundation or plinth of the building.

During the operation of a building, gradual destruction of the concrete blind area occurs. It can only be protected through timely repairs, including painting and applying protective mixtures.

The reason for the decrease in appearance and its destruction is the formation of microcalcification on its surface, which resembles dust and consists of lime and carbon dioxide. These are the main reasons for the deterioration of its appearance. This is of great practical importance, since as a result, corrosion of the material is observed and subsequently the front side of the concrete itself is destroyed. Let's take a closer look at how to paint a concrete blind area.

Use of polymer paints

Construction of reinforced concrete blind area

So that the tiles always remain in good condition, the concrete blind area can be painted with polymer paints. Polyurethane enamel, acrylic paint, and enamel primer are most often used for these purposes. All of them are quite effective.

Their big advantage is that they do not require preliminary priming of the surface. Some of them, for example Betil, can be used at low temperatures. Aqua concrete is water-based paint, which has found wide application for processing freshly prepared concrete. Polymerdecor is resistant to chemical agents such as alkalis and acids.

They are applied to the surface in the usual way in 1 or 2 layers, are inexpensive and highly effective. They prevent the formation of surface corrosion. Before applying any paint, the tiles must be cleaned, otherwise the painting may not be effective. This is very important for the blind area. You can purchase a similar product at any hardware store that sells paint and varnish products.

Read also: Installation of an opening in the ceiling

Protective composition Elakor

Types of blind area at home

You can paint a concrete blind area using special protective solutions. These include Elakor. This drug is prepared on the basis of polyurethane, which is the active principle. It is used to prevent dust formation and other concrete structures, preventing their destruction. It is applied in a thin layer. Distinctive feature is that Elakor penetrates several centimeters inside, and a special protective film. The latter contains very durable crystals that are resistant to moisture and chemicals.

The solution penetrated into the concrete blind area increases the strength of the structure and its wear resistance. The outer protective layer adheres to the surface as much as possible and forms a single material with the entire structure, as a result of which it does not peel off or collapse. The service life of the coating is up to 15 years, while the surface is less susceptible to mechanical destruction and does not become slippery.

Application of enamels

Tiles can be well protected with enamel. The Polak mixture gives a good effect. It has good adhesive properties and inhibits the effect of harmful chemicals on the surface of the concrete blind area. Its composition resembles epoxy paints. The advantages of this method are: resistance of the coating to ultraviolet radiation, chemicals, moisture and weather resistance. In addition, there is the possibility of a color scheme for the concrete blind area. The tile becomes more durable and wear-resistant. The effect lasts for decades. In addition to enamels, it is advisable to use various resins, for example, polyurethane, to treat concrete blind areas. They are very elastic, quickly polymerize, prevent corrosion, and are resistant to chemical irritants.

Resins have the ability to quickly and deeply penetrate the material and increase its resistance to unfavorable factors environment. Painting will require a roller or brush, varnish, paint, enamel or other solution. All of the above means will be able to protect your blind area, and the tiles will serve for many years.

The outer part of the foundation, which would be more correctly called the plinth, is the most vulnerable part of any building. Yes, the walls, roof, and windows of a building are subject to aging, but the destruction of the base is a much greater loss. How to strengthen the foundation so that you don’t have to restore or, even worse, reconstruct your house ahead of time? And how to paint the blind area to preserve it for many years? In this material we will answer the most pressing questions about protecting the base, foundation and blind area.

Why does protecting the base, blind area and foundation play such an important role?

The basement of the house, being an above-ground continuation of the foundation, serves as the basis of the entire structure. It doesn't matter how high the plinth in your home is; It is important that without proper protection it can easily cause unwanted problems. The porous structure of the materials for the base allows water to easily enter. During temperature changes and frosts, this moisture inside concrete or brick is completely unnecessary. Premature aging of the base is not only a loss of visual appeal of the house. It can cause distortions and even destruction of the entire building. Therefore, the first thing you can do for your peace of mind is to create additional protection for the foundation.To do this, you need to buy special rubber paint and cover the base and blind area with it. Fortunately, the market today can offer a universal option that is suitable for painting any surfaces lined with stone, brick, ceramics, crushed stone or plaster. The principle of operation of the paint components is simple: to create a strong and durable coating that will not allow moisture or saline solutions to penetrate into concrete or brick. Painting the base is especially important in regions with an unstable climate and prolonged cold weather.

How to choose the right paint for the base and blind area?

Most often when exterior painting At home, the question arises which paint is compatible with the concrete surface of the plinth. After all, concrete is most often used to build the foundation and finish the basement. This means you need to choose a paint that will not only fit perfectly on the surface, but will also last on it for several years. At the same time, the issue of the price of paint fades into the background, because it is better to do it once every ten years than to sand and tint every year.
What properties does it have? She must be:

  • frost-resistant;
  • vapor permeable;
  • fire resistant;
  • moisture resistant;
  • environmentally friendly.

In addition, the paint for the base should retain its color, and the coating should be easy to clean. There are several types of paints on the market today that can be used to paint exterior concrete surfaces. These include water-soluble, latex, silicone and acrylic paints. Some are low priced but difficult to use. Others adhere well to concrete, but have a strong odor and toxic substances in their composition. Therefore, the most optimal means for protecting the base and blind area is rubber concrete paint. It combines all of the above properties, and today has no analogues.
The paint can be used immediately after opening; its use does not require any special materials or protective equipment. The surface painted with Super Decor rubber paint does not fade or fade from the sun or rain for 10 years. Due to the latex in its composition, concrete paint repels dirt and does not allow moisture to penetrate into the concrete. This is an ideal tool for carrying out exterior painting work throughout the entire area. If, after painting the base and blind area around the house, you are thinking about protecting the facade, fence, external stairs, garden paths and platforms, rubber paint is ideal here too.

How to prepare the surface before painting the foundation?

To prepare the basement of the building for painting, you will need to clean work surface from dirt, plaque, moss, mold and vegetation adjacent to the walls of the house. To do this, you can use a broom, brushes, and a stream of water from a hose. If the foundation is heavily soiled, they will help get rid of stubborn stains or mold. special solutions, iron brushes or abrasives. If there is no blind area at the base of the plinth, then the soil must be moved away in order to paint the surface without gaps. If there is a blind area, make sure that there are no gaps or cracks between it and the foundation. Otherwise, all cracks and irregularities must be cleaned and filled with a solution of cement and sand. Before painting the foundation, it must also be primed. For example, Super Dekor primer will help further strengthen the base and ensure uniform coloring. Rubber paint can be applied directly to concrete, but if you want to achieve the most effective result, it is better to take the time to prime the surfaces.

Painting of concrete surfaces should be done in dry and sunny weather; before doing this, the foundation should be thoroughly dried. A wet, loose, oily or crumbling surface will not adhere to the paint properly and the coating may subsequently peel or peel.

Strengthening the foundation, or How to properly paint concrete surfaces?

You can start painting concrete if you are completely sure that all the tips in the previous section have been followed. You should not rush things if you are not sure whether the foundation has dried out or not yet. Pay attention to weather conditions, track their changes several hours in advance. It is important that there is no rain, no fog, no wind, no dew while painting and drying surfaces. The optimal temperature for outdoor painting is considered to be in the range from +5 to +30 degrees. The rubber paint itself does not require preparation; there is no need to dilute it with anything.
It is better to start painting the foundation from uneven areas and shaded areas to give them more time to dry. It is better to paint uneven areas with a brush, smooth and large areas - with a roller or spray gun with a 2.5 mm nozzle. The paint consumption on concrete during initial painting will be quite large. By the way, pre-priming helps reduce it a little. The first layer must dry completely. This will take about 2-3 hours depending on the temperature and humidity. Applying the second layer will require significantly less time and paint. Drying time - up to 3 hours.

Upon completion of painting work, all tools must be washed with water. Store the remaining paint in a warm room, tightly sealing the jar. Subsequently, it will be possible to paint a balcony, path, flight of stairs or any concrete surface on your site.
To ensure that a high-quality and durable coating will please you with its appearance for many years, buy Super Decor rubber paint only from an official representative - on the pages of the Balticolor manufacturer's catalog. To do this, contact our manager by phone listed above. They will not only answer all your questions, but will also help you place your order quickly and without errors.