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Teacher of MKDOU Kindergarten village. Pristen:

Dremova Valentina Ivanovna


1. Learn to distinguish words with a certain sound by ear. Practice changing words using suffixes.

2.Develop phonemic awareness and children’s vocabulary.

3. Foster a love of nature.

Progress of the lesson:

"All the children gathered in a circle,
I am your friend and you are my friend.
Let's hold hands tightly.
And let's smile at each other"

Educator:Guys, look, a balloon has arrived!
- Children, look, there is a letter here. Let's read it!
Hello girls and boys!

I invite you to visit. I will be very glad to meet you!


It turns out that the forester invites you to visit him.
- Do you know who the forester is? Where does he live? What is the name of
his house? (gatehouse)
(A forester is a person who watches over the forest so that no one offends animals in the forest, throws garbage, breaks trees, or picks flowers)
-Do you agree to visit?
- Who will show us the way there? Look, bee. Let's ask her

"Bee, bee - show me,
Bee, bee - tell me.
How to find a path
To the forester's lodge?"
I'll show you of course. But, I wanted to ask you, do you know the mosquito song?
(z-z-z-z), beetle song (w-w-w-w), wind (sh-sh-sh-sh), some water (ssssss).
Let's play. I'll say the words and you should clap your hands if you hear
mosquito song (Z) - zebra, car, umbrella, winter, snow; fence.
song of a beetle (F) - belly, giraffe, house, apple, beetle, hedgehog, knife;
song of the wind (Ш) - hat, fur coat, candy, cone, car;
water song (C) - table, chair, hand, elephant, plane, tree.
- What great fellows you are! Further on your way you will meet a squirrel, she will show you the way.
Look, here comes the squirrel. Let's ask her.
"Squirrel, squirrel - tell me,
Squirrel, squirrel - show me,
How to find a path
To the forester's lodge?"
I'll show you. Just play with me.
D/i "Name it in one word"

butterfly, beetle, mosquito, fly, bee, dragonfly - insects;

birch, oak, spruce, maple, pine, cedar - trees;

starling, bullfinch, owl, magpie, cuckoo, swallow - birds;

lingonberries, strawberries, raspberries, currants berries;
chamomile, bell, rose, lily of the valley, cornflower
- flowers;

fox, wolf, bear, hare, squirrel, hedgehog - animals

Well done! Now play a game with me "Small big"
"A hedgehog has small paws, but a bear has big paws paws.
A hedgehog has a small nose, but a bear has a big one conk.
A hedgehog has small eyes, and a bear has big ones. eyes.
A hedgehog has a small head, and a bear has a big one head"


Are you probably tired? Then everyone stood up together.

One - squat, two - jump, this is a rabbit exercise...

Well done! Go further, you will meet a bunny there, he will show you the way further.
"Bunny, bunny - show me,
Bunny, bunny - tell me,
How to find a path
To the forester's lodge?"
Certainly! If you play with me.

D/i "Call me affectionately"
Leaf - leaf, mushroom - mushroom, branch - twig, bush - bush, berry - berry,

grass - grass, caterpillar - caterpillar, bug - bug, Christmas tree - Christmas tree, flower - flower.
rain - little rain.

Sl./i "Who was who?"
Fox - little fox, wolf - wolf cub, bear - teddy bear,
squirrel - little squirrel, hedgehog - baby hedgehog, tiger - tiger cub, elephant - baby elephant, a lion - lion cub, hare - little bunny, mouse - little mouse.
Well done! I really enjoyed playing with you. Go further, meet a hedgehog there, he will show you the way. Bon Voyage!

Look, hedgehog. Let's ask him.
"Hedgehog, hedgehog - tell me,
Hedgehog, hedgehog - show me,
How to find a path
To the forester's lodge?"
I'll show you and tell you. Just answer my questions:
- Who lives in the forest?
- What are the names of the animals that live in the forest?
- Do you know which animal changes its winter coat for a summer one?
- What do birds do in the spring?
- What benefits do birds bring?
- How do people take care of birds?
- Which trees are green in summer and winter?
- What can’t you do in the forest?
Well done! You know a lot. Go quickly to grandpa the forester, he’s probably already tired of waiting for us.
Forester - Hello guys! What a great fellow you are for coming to visit me. And my forest dwellers have already told me by mail that you played with them and did not offend them. Please tell us who you met in the forest? What games did you enjoy playing?
- Thank you for coming to visit me. I will treat you to honey that the bee collected.

State budgetary preschool educational institution

kindergarten No. 81 of a general developmental type with priority implementation of educational activities speech development children

Vyborg district of St. Petersburg

Abstract: "Lesson on speech development in the middle group."

Performed: teacher

Petrova Victoria Alekseevna

Saint Petersburg



State budgetary preschool educational institution

kindergarten No. 81 of a general developmental type with priority implementation of activities on the cognitive and speech development of children

Vyborg district of St. Petersburg


Completed by: teacher

Petrova Victoria Alekseevna

Saint Petersburg



“Lesson on speech development in the middle group.”

Lesson on speech development for middle group children on the topic: “Journey to the land of colored pencils”

Integration of educational areas: cognitive development, speech development, social and communicative development.

Technologies used: health-saving, gaming, ICT.

Goals: to develop children’s dialogical and monologue speech, to lead them to independent continuation of the fairy tale started by the teacher.


Educational:consolidate children's knowledge about the surrounding reality, correlate colors with objects. Learn to use adjectives correctly in speech and form words using suffixes. Continue to work on clear pronunciation of words and phrases. Continue learning to find a certain sound in words. Practice the ability to divide words into parts and use diagrams. Understand and explain the concepts of “sound” and “letter”, vowels and consonants, hard and soft.

Developmental: development of mental processes: attention, memory, thinking. Promote the development of coherent speech, articulatory apparatus, phonemic hearing.

Educational: to cultivate a desire to study, perseverance and the ability to carry out the teacher’s tasks.

Material for GCD:

Poem by A. Wenger “Colors of the Rainbow”. Colored pencils: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet. "Magic bag" Scene pictures about winter, spring, summer and autumn. Multi-colored springs for physical education. Workbooks for each child. E.V. Kolesnikova “from word to sound.” Medium sized rubber ball.

Direct educational activities:

Children sit in a semicircle on chairs in front of a magnetic board.

Guys, look at the colors around us. Why do builders, artists, and craftsmen paint furniture, fabrics, and toys in different colors? Do you like to draw? What color are your favorite pencils?

The teacher distributes colored pencils to children (optional).

Look, you have turned into colorful pencils. Now each of you will tell about yourself (what color it is, what you can draw with this color) And I will help you and read poems.


Red radish grew in the garden

There are tomatoes nearby - red kids,

There are red tulips on the window,

Red apples lie on the ground.

(After the poem, the child talks about the red pencil. Ensure that the answer is in complete sentences).


Orange fox

I dream about carrots all night,

Looks like a fox tail -

Orange too.

Now the “orange pencil” will tell us about itself.


The yellow sun looks at the earth,

A yellow sunflower watches the sun.

Yellow pears hang on the branches,

Yellow leaves are flying from the trees.

Now the “yellow pencil” will tell about itself.


We grow: green onions

And green cucumbers,

And outside the window there is a green meadow

And the tree is green.

There is a green house under a green roof,

And a cheerful gnome lives in it,

He wears new green trousers,

Which are sewn from maple leaves.

The “green pencil” comes out and talks about himself.


An island in the blue sea

(the way to the island is long),

And a flower grows on it -

Blue – blue cornflower.

"Blue Pencil" talks about itself.


The purple violet is tired of living in the forest,

I'll take it and bring it to my mother on her birthday.

She will live with the purple lilac

On the table in a beautiful vase by the open window.

“Purple Pencil” also talks about itself.

Why are pencils needed? How should you handle them? Where are the pencils kept? But not only pencils are colored, but also music. What kind of music do you think can be “colored”? Now, let's take multi-colored springs and show our color dance.


Phonogram “multi-colored game” with springs.

Now everyone stand in a circle and we will play the game “Big - Small”. I will name a large object, and the one to whom I throw the ball will


Now, look at the pencils and tell me about them, what they are like. (Long, wooden, multi-colored, smooth, ribbed, sharp...) We see and feel all this. What if we put pencils in an opaque bag, put our hand in it and try to talk about a pencil? Is it possible to determine the color of a pencil lying in a bag?

Now look at the picture (spring). Tell us what color the objects in the picture are, which pencil drew the most here.

The same thing is said about the picture about summer, autumn and winter.

Well done boys. Now look what we have on our tables? That's right, these are our notebooks. But before we start working in them, let's remember what “sound” is (this is what we say and hear). And what is a “letter” (this is what we write and see). What sounds do we call vowels (which can be sung and pulled out?) What sounds are consonants (we can’t pull out and either our lips, or teeth, or tongue helps us).

Work is being done in Kolesnikova’s workbooks.

Topic No. 25. “Sounds G - K. Painting objects. Modeling. Listening to nursery rhymes.

Well done, you worked out very well today. What did you like most? And I really liked how attentive you were, how well you completed all the tasks. Here are the boxes in my magic bag. I wonder what is there? These are colored pencils. Now they are yours, and you can draw whatever you like with them.

Natalya Bezrodnaya
Summary of a lesson on speech development in the middle group

Subject: “Writing a descriptive story about a toy using a diagram”.

Program content:

Teach children to write a descriptive, coherent and consistent story about toys using a diagram.

Strengthen the ability to examine an object from perceiving it as a whole to identifying essential features.

In the description - define an object, consistently describe its parts, properties (color, shape, size, qualities, actions with it, and at the end express a value judgment.

Use in speech names of objects, their parts, details, materials from which they are made.

Strengthen children's ability to determine and name the location of an object (on the left, near, next to, between, behind,"continue to strengthen children's ability to use speeches words with a generalization meaning: toys.

- Develop thinking, imagination, observation, visual memory.

Cultivate interest in the native language, culture of communication, and friendliness.

Methodical techniques:

asking riddles, surprise moment, game moments, physical exercises, sample

teacher, children's stories, tips, additions, encouragement, reading a poem.

Vocabulary work:

A) enrichment: soft toy, plush;

B) activation - words - definitions: rubber, plastic, wood, fur; words - actions: called, loaded, rolled, collected, thrown, caught, fed, walked, carried in a stroller, etc.


chest, toys for descriptions: car, bear, ball, doll, pyramid,

riddles about toys, poem “Let toys be friends with us”.

Preliminary work:

looking at toys, memorizing a poem, word games.

Progress of the lesson.

Children sit in a semicircle opposite the teacher.

V.: Guys, Mishka came to visit us and brought guests with him. Let's invite Mishka's guests. Prepare your left palm and middle finger right hand . Together with me we repeat the words and show

Magpie, forty

White-sided magpie,

Cooked porridge

I jumped on the threshold,

I called guests.

V.: How did you call the forty guests? (Come and visit us, you are welcome).

Q: How else can you invite guests? (Please come, we invite you to visit, we are waiting for you).

I take out the chest from the table.

V.: Guys, for some reason the guests hid. Let's go to Mishka let's ask: “Bear, why did the guests hide?”.

V.: Guys, Mishka says that the guests want you to guess riddles about them. Listen carefully to the riddles and think before answering.

I make riddles:

The beast is funny,

Made from plush

There are paws, there are ears.

Give some honey to the beast

And make him a den. (Teddy bear).

Small in stature, but brave,

He galloped away from me.

Although he is always inflated -

It's never boring with him. (Ball).

The beetle does not fly, does not buzz

And he's running down the street.

And they burn in the beetle's eyes

Two shiny lights. (Car).

Blue eyes,

Golden curls,

Pink lips. (Doll).

Various rings

They stand on a stick.

Looks like a Christmas tree

The guys are having fun. (Pyramid).

Q: Guys, who came to visit us with Mishka? (Teddy bear, car, ball, doll, pyramid).

Q: How can you describe all this in one word? (Toys).

V.: That's right, well done. These are all toys. Guys, Mishka brought toys with him for a reason. He wants you to explain to him how to play with them. Shall we help Mishka?

V.: Guys, you will need to write stories about toys. And this diagram will help you in composing a story. Let's look at the diagram. (I ask questions according to the diagram).

Q: What colors are the toys? (Red, yellow, green, blue).

Q: Do toys come in different shapes? (Round, square, triangular).

Q: What are the largest toys? (Big, small).

V.: Toys have parts, For example: a hare has a head, ears, eyes, nose, body, tail, paws on the head; a helicopter has a cabin, tail, wheels.

V.: Toys are made from various materials. (I point to the diagram where the material is). What toys are made of plastic? (Plastic).

Made of iron? (Iron).

Made of wood? (Wooden).

Fur? (Fur). Or we say soft toy. These toys are also called plush. Let's all get together let's say: plush.

Q: Does the palm tell us how you can play with toys? For example, how can you play with a doll? (Ride in a stroller, feed, undress and dress, put to bed, rock).

V.: Well done. Now let's look at the diagram again. Let us briefly repeat how to describe toy: color, shape, size, what parts it consists of, what material it is made of, how you can play.

V.: Now listen to how beautifully you need to talk about the toy.

Teacher's story.

V.: Guys, before you start talking, let’s play a little and invite Mishka to play with us.

I'll do some physical exercise.

V.: Mishka really enjoyed playing with us. But we must teach Mishka to play with toys. Who wants to talk about the toy? (Children's stories).

V.: Okay, well done. You have very beautiful and interesting stories. After listening to your stories, Mishka learned to play with toys. He says thank you very much.

V.: Guys, let's play with Mishka and his toys. Take a close look at how the toys sit? (Car, pyramid, doll, ball bear).

Q: Who is sitting next to the doll? (Ball and pyramid).

Q: Who is between the bear and the doll? Ball).

Q: Who sits to the left of the ball? (Doll).

V.: Now close your eyes, don’t peep? (I swap toys).

Q: What is behind the doll? (Car).

Q: What is between the ball and the bear? (Pyramid).

V.: Well done. Everyone was attentive. Guys, after we played, what should we do? (Put toys back in place).

V.: Guys, let’s tell Mishka some poems about toys.

We tell a poem with children “Let toys be friends with us.”.

V.: Well done. Guys, Mishka says thank you. He learned to play with toys, and after your poem he will put the toys back in their places. This is our class is over.

Conducting an open lesson is an exciting moment in the life of a teacher. A teacher working with middle group children (4–5 years old) - little “whys” - is faced with the task of making the event memorable and interesting for the children and at the same time gaining the approval of colleagues and parents of the students. A well-thought-out lesson structure, a selection of literature, development of exercises, preparation of equipment - such carefully completed work will allow you to show yourself as a good professional and a person doing what you love.

Preparing an open lesson in the middle group of kindergarten

Open lesson - this is one of the forms methodological work educational institutions. The teacher conducting such a lesson demonstrates to his colleagues some new ideas or technologies in the educational field or shares his accumulated experience, illustrating it with the results achieved by the children. This could also be an event for parents of students in order to familiarize them with the features of the educational process in kindergarten

For preschoolers, this is a common activity that is part of the general planning of the group’s work and is intended to perform certain educational and educational tasks. Children come to class without any special preparation or preliminary “rehearsals.” Pupils of the middle group already know and can do a lot, their speech, intellectual abilities and emotional-volitional sphere are actively developing, positive changes are observed in the development of motor skills, and independence is manifested. When conducting an open lesson, the teacher should take into account the high mental activity of preschoolers of this age.

An open lesson should not differ from a regular lesson in its content and pace of activity.

Five-year-old “why girls” are interested in cause-and-effect relationships in different areas life, they are fascinated by the professional activities of adults, they begin to develop an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bvarious aspects of the world around them.

Types of open classes in preschool educational institutions

According to their goals, open classes in the middle group can be of different types:

  • Open lesson as part of the activities of the Ministry of Education of educational institutions. It can be carried out to train young specialists or as an exchange of experience between colleagues.
  • Lesson for the certification commission before passing the exam for a higher qualification category.
  • Lesson as part of participation in a professional competition.
  • Open viewing for parents of pupils.

An open lesson for colleagues or the certification committee should show something new in the teaching process. It could be new technology conducting a lesson or a new technique in presenting material, selecting tasks, motivating children, organizing the workplace, etc.

An open lesson differs from a regular lesson in the presence of a methodological goal that reflects what the teacher wants to demonstrate to the observers present.

Examples of open classes in the middle group, taking into account the age characteristics of students

Open classes in the middle group can be conducted within various subject areas and using various equipment:

  • Use of computer technology. An interactive whiteboard and computer significantly expand the capabilities of visual teaching methods, which at this age are basic due to the predominance of visual-figurative thinking in children.
    • ICTs make it possible to present the object of study in a more holistic and colorful way. Preschoolers cannot help but be attracted by the brightness and expressiveness of the multimedia material shown. It should be borne in mind that the use of a large screen reduces the load on the vision of preschoolers, which is especially important since the lens of children’s eyes is in the process of formation. All of the above speaks in favor of conducting classes using computer technology.
    • Kireeva Svetlana “Lesson notes using ICT “Hello, hedgehog!” .
  • Zvonareva Elena “Summary of an open lesson with middle group students using ICT and electronic educational resources.” Using unconventional techniques visual arts
  • . The drawings of five-year-old children are made up of rectangular and oval parts, but already have drawn details: eyes, nose, mouth, details of clothing. Drawing lessons are important for developing children’s fine motor skills and imagination, and the ability to understand their own emotions. The use of unconventional techniques helps the child create a more expressive image with his own hands, raises self-esteem, and develops aesthetic perception.
    • Conducting a music lesson. At the age of 5 years, a child consciously listens to works of musical creativity, emotionally perceives the actions and feelings inherent in the work, and can evaluate what he hears as beautiful, sad, or joyful. A preschooler can convey his impressions of the work. These age characteristics are taken into account when developing lessons.
    • Yashkuzina Evgenia “We will go to save Spring.”
  • Kurlykova Lyudmila “Matryoshka dolls came to visit us.” Conducting a lesson on healthy image
    • life. Preschoolers in the middle group continue to be introduced to the human structure and the importance of the senses. They explain what the concept of “being healthy” means, why it is important to follow a daily routine and diet, what food is healthy, why you need to keep your body clean and your clothes neat. It is already possible to explain to the child the consequences of his actions on the body (“If you eat a lot of ice cream, your throat will hurt,” “If you take care of your teeth, they will be healthy and beautiful”). Healthy lifestyle classes are aimed at accomplishing these tasks.
    • Vasilyeva Elena “Be healthy!” .
  • Conducting a lesson in physical education. At the age of 5, the active growth of the preschooler’s body continues, the need for physical activity remains significant, and purposeful actions that can be guided are manifested. There is a desire to know the capabilities of your body, its structure. Preschoolers begin to develop a desire to act as a team, to show their success in dexterity and the ability to perform exercises correctly. In all forms of organizing motor activity, it is necessary to strive to develop in children organization, independence, initiative, and the ability to maintain friendly relationships with peers.
    • Valentin's cabin “Learning to be friends”.
    • Open lesson “Journey to the land of fairy tales”.
  • Logorhythmics lesson. In children of this age, motor development improves. In the formation of speech, the pronunciation of sounds (except for sonorous ones) becomes good, and diction improves. Rhythmic speech and rhyme attract attention. Logorhythmics will help develop a sense of rhythm, tempo, improve pronunciation and correct breathing.
    • Andrianova Olga.
    • Open lesson for parents on logorhythmics “White Lessons”.
  • Organization of educational and research activities. In the cognitive development of middle-aged children preschool age there is high mental activity. They are called "why" because a large number of questions about different areas of life. Conducting research activities will be viewed with interest.
    • Afanasyeva Lyubov “On a visit to the water!” .
    • Open lesson on research activities “Invisible-air”.
  • Conducting classes together with a kindergarten psychologist. Children in the middle age group begin to demonstrate the ability to control their emotions. At the same time, emotionality is highly expressive, sympathy and empathy are awakened, and the morality of actions is formed. It is necessary to teach the child to show friendly relations with others and develop self-esteem.
    • An open lesson by a psychologist with elements of fairy tale therapy “The mood of my day.”
    • Kuchina Maria “Lesson of a teacher-psychologist with children of the middle group of the kindergarten “Friendship begins with a smile.”
  • Conducting classes on social and moral education of preschool children. During role-playing games, you can see that groups of regular partners are formed. Their number can vary from 2 to 5. The child develops a need for friendship, a desire to receive support and approval not only from adults, but also from peers. It is necessary to use examples to talk about the importance of friendly relations between people, a friendly attitude towards others, to know and use words of polite address.
    • Gorodnicheva Nina “Open lesson on socialization “Let's teach Shapoklyak to be friends.”
    • Yulia Kurysheva “Summary of an open lesson in the middle group on social and moral education.”
  • Conducting an open swimming lesson. Swimming lessons harmoniously shape the physical properties of the body: agility, flexibility, muscle strength, coordination of movements, have a hardening effect, improve immune system. On the other hand, this sport influences the development of the individual: determination, perseverance, courage are manifested, and at the same time discipline and the ability to be in a team are cultivated. All this has a positive impact on the development of children in the middle group and, if such an opportunity exists, it is necessary to conduct classes in the pool.

Swimming lessons are held only in those children's institutions where there is a pool that meets sanitary standards.

Video: open lesson on social-emotional development in the middle group

Table: how to prepare an open lesson

AuthorKapustyanskaya L.V., methodologist, Pavlovsk
Preparation stages
  1. The teacher chooses the topic of an open lesson independently, taking into account the analysis of the material, on which he can better demonstrate the improvements he has developed, techniques and methods, and the organization of students’ activities at different stages of the lesson.
  2. It is necessary to begin preparation by formulating the methodological goal of the open lesson. The methodological goal reflects the main methodology for conducting the lesson. This will help to approach self-analysis and analysis of the lesson in the most constructive and objective manner, to evaluate the correctness of the selected methods and techniques and forms of organization.
    The methodological goal of an open lesson can be formulated as follows:
    • organization methodology independent work pupils;
    • activating the cognitive activity of students in the classroom while working with visual aids and didactic material.
    • methodology for using ... in the process of presenting new material.
  3. When preparing for an open lesson, the teacher must use modern information, select materials from pedagogical and methodological literature, apply the results of visiting methodological seminars, exhibitions, etc. All this will help make the lesson interesting and informative.
  4. The material and technical equipment of the lesson must be prepared in advance. The equipment and TCO should be tested in action. Consider the sequence of their use in class.
  5. Visual aids and audiovisual aids must be selected so that their use gives the optimal effect to achieve the goals. Too many visual aids distract children’s attention, and an abundance of unused visual aids is unjustified in the classroom. Be modest and do not burden the activity with visuals as decoration. All illustrative materials of the lesson should work towards the goal of the lesson.

How to motivate children to work actively during class

An open lesson is of great importance for the professional career of a teacher. The teacher must make an effort to make a positive impression on the guests. The main thing in any lesson is the children, and you need to make sure that they take part in this activity with pleasure, despite the presence of strangers.

The lesson should begin with creating a positive attitude in preschoolers

  • The focus is always on the teacher. He is the one who creates the atmosphere in class. You need to tune in to a good mood and confidence in your abilities, children will definitely feel it. When doing exercises, preschoolers should feel your support. The phrase “We will succeed!” should be the motto of the lesson.
  • Use techniques that have proven themselves when working with children to increase their cognitive activity:
    • Usage fairy tale hero. The teacher shows a toy or an image of a fairy-tale character and tells what kind of trouble he is in and what help he needs.

      Preschoolers happily respond to requests from fairy-tale characters

    • Organization of the game. You can use travel games to a magical land or organize a role-playing game (for example, “Forest School”, children become students of such a school and learn the rules of behavior in the forest).

      Exists big choice board-printed educational and educational games, which can be played by the whole group or given an individual task.

    • Help the teacher. The teacher asks the children for help. For example: “Soon New Year. Help us decorate our group for the holiday."
    • The role of the teacher is redirected to the children. The teacher asks the children to teach him something. “Guys, the Sveta doll is going for a walk in the park, teach me how to dress it and what to put in its backpack.”
    • Making your own items and crafts for your family. The teacher shows a Christmas tree toy made from colored paper. “Guys, today we are making such decorations. And when you’re done, you can take your toy and decorate your Christmas tree at home.”
    • Element of competition. “Who will be the first to tell what he liked on the excursion,” - by asking such a question, the teacher creates a situation of competition between the children.
    • Use of visual aids: pictures, posters, illustrations. Reliance on visual image Helps children repeat material or learn new things; colorfully designed tasks create a positive emotional mood. Therefore, the visualization method must be used constantly.
    • Application of ICT tools. Showing a presentation on the topic of the lesson, watching video material about the work of a group or a favorite cartoon, using an interactive whiteboard - all this will attract the attention of children with the brightness of the images and unusualness.
  • When thinking through the structure of the lesson, you should take into account the age and individual characteristics of the children with whom the lesson will be conducted. Practical exercises that are feasible for five-year-old children are selected. If necessary, individual tasks are developed for one or more preschoolers, but there should also be exercises performed by all children in the group.

Conducting an open lesson in the middle group of a preschool educational institution

When organizing such a lesson, you need to take into account that the presence of unfamiliar adults in the lesson can distract preschoolers and create unnecessary nervousness. It is advisable to prepare places for guests in advance so that they are not in the field of view of preschoolers. The number of people present should not be too large.

So that this is not unexpected for the pupils, the teacher warns the children a day or two in advance that guests will come to their lesson, they want to get to know the children and learn to play from them. If there is an open viewing for parents, you can say that moms and dads are very interested in what the children are doing in kindergarten, so they will come to watch the lesson.

An open lesson should not be rehearsed, but it is worth warning children about it

The teacher’s calm tone, self-confidence and friendly attitude towards children will help the children perceive the situation without unnecessary anxiety.

Immediately before the start of a lesson with children, the teacher provides guests with a plan for the future lesson, the purpose of its implementation and gives a description of the group.

Table: plan for the teacher’s speech before an open lesson

Item characteristicsContent
Characteristics of the group
  • The degree to which children have assimilated the program.
  • Real educational opportunities for students.
Description of the project for the upcoming lesson
  • Age characteristics of children.
  • Determining the location of the lesson in the topic, section, etc.
  • Listing the goals and objectives of the lesson with the content of the educational material.
  • Sounding out the structure of the lesson.
Justification of the project for the upcoming lesson
  • Justification of the relevance of the chosen lesson topic.
  • Identifying the connection between the topic of the lesson and the methodological problem, the topic of self-education, on which the teacher is working.
Open class prospectus
  • Voice the topic and title of the lesson.
  • Formulation of methodological innovations proposed in the upcoming lesson.
  • A brief structural summary of the most interesting element classes:
  • Voiceover of the supporting summary.
  • Sample submission didactic materials(didactic games, handouts, sample, etc.).
  • Distribution of leaflets and booklets.
  • Reading out (or showing on the screen) a list of used literature.

List of topics for open classes for the middle group

The teacher chooses the topic of the open lesson and methods of its organization in accordance with the planning of the work and based on the teaching materials and equipment that he can use. In terms of the amount of material studied, this should be a regular lesson. There is no need to go beyond the training program.

List of topics that can be used to conduct an open lesson in the middle group of a preschool educational institution:

  • Environmental focus: “Air”, “Water and its protection”, “Nature”, “Meet the rabbit”.
  • Healthy lifestyle: “The benefits of vegetables and fruits”, “If you want to be healthy, toughen up!”, “About the benefits of vitamins.”
  • Safe behavior: “Let’s review the rules of the road”, “Electrical safety at home”.
  • Moral and aesthetic education: “A Lesson of Kindness”, “Book Week”, “Miss Politeness”.
  • Using famous fairy tales, such as “Little Red Riding Hood” or “Kolobok”, to conduct a lesson in mathematics and literacy.
  • Socialization of preschool children: “Adult Labor”, “Father’s Day”, “My Family”.

Table: time plan for an open lesson in the middle group

Table: example of a summary of an open lesson in a middle group

AuthorMaksimchenko E.V., teacher of MBDOU No. 3 “Beryozka”, p. Peshkovo, Rostov region.
Name"Journey to the Underwater World"
annotationUsing computer technology, the teacher shows the beauty of the underwater world and its inhabitants, attracting the attention of children with the colorful video material and well-chosen musical accompaniment. Travel atmosphere new world It is created not only by the visual and sound method, but also by using tactile objects: shells, stones, sand. Taken together, all this allows us to solve the objectives of the lesson.
TargetGive an initial idea of ​​the underwater world, some of its inhabitants and their features.
Program tasks
  • Educational:
    • to form children’s ideas about the inhabitants of the underwater world;
    • enrich and activate children's vocabulary with nouns: octopus, shark, dolphin, fin, suckers; adjectives: predatory, slippery, long; verbs: swim, hunt;
    • develop aesthetic perception of the surrounding world, the ability to see beauty.
  • Educational:
    • develop fine motor skills of the fingers, memory, logical thinking, coherent speech;
    • develop cognitive activity;
    • develop and activate children's speech.
  • Educational:
    • cultivate curiosity, a desire to learn the world;
    • increase cohesion in a group of students;
    • cultivate goodwill.
Preliminary work
  • Looking at pictures, illustrations depicting marine life,
  • learning psycho-gymnastics, finger gymnastics“Sea Animals” by V. Volnin,
  • listening to music: “Sounds of the Sea”, “Songs of Dolphins.
  • Multimedia projector,
  • laptop,
  • CD with sounds of the sea,
  • shells,
  • sea ​​pebbles,
  • sand chest,
  • tasks on a postcard with a view of the sea.
Introductory stageV.: Guys, we have guests today, let’s say hello to them. (Children say hello).
Guys, what is this? (The teacher points to the shells, the children answer). Where can you see shells? (In the sea). Do you know that there are more than just shells in the sea? Many different inhabitants live in the sea, including fish, which are covered with thick scales. Fins help them move, and with the help of gills, fish breathe air dissolved in water.
Guys, would you like to visit a fabulous underwater world? (Yes). Let's go on a journey today, where we will see sea creatures and learn a lot of new things about them. How can we get there? (Children's answers).
Shells from the bottom of the ocean will help us, as they are magical! Come and place your hand on the sink and close your eyes. Now you can already hear the sound of the sea. (Magic music plays). So we found ourselves in the underwater kingdom. (A photograph of the underwater world is shown on the screen.) Open your eyes.
Main stageIN.:
  • Our group has changed
    Turned into the bottom of the sea!

So we find ourselves in the underwater world, let's see who lives here? (Yes).
There is a knock on the door, a mermaid is crying on the screen (video).
V.: Guys, look, who is crying? (Children's answers). Maybe we should ask the little mermaid why she is crying? What happened little mermaid, why are you crying? (Video).
The Little Mermaid: There was a storm at sea, and my friends were taken away by the evil sea witch Ursula. She promised me to return my friends if I solved all her riddles that are in your chest with shells!
V.: Don’t be upset, little mermaid, the guys and I will help you. (Takes out riddles from the chest). I invite you to sit on the sea stones and carefully look at the images of sea inhabitants. I will ask riddles, and you will guess them.

  • Predatory big fish
    It came like a block,
    Instantly swallowed the victim,
    Insatiable... (Shark).

A video about a shark is shown.
V.: Guys, so that our eyes don’t get tired, let’s do eye exercises with you.

  • The fish swam, dived (open and close eyes),
    The fish wagged its tail.
    It swims up and dives down,
    It swims up and dives down,
    Right, left, right, left
    She kept diving every now and then.
    This is what she is like -
    Goldfish (open and close eyes).

V.: Guys, the shark is an evil predator, so that it becomes kind you need to play with it!
Physical education lesson “The sea is agitated once.”
Children are offered an already familiar game, where at the signal “Sea figure, freeze!” they depict any sea inhabitants. (At the end of the game a photo of a kind shark is shown).
V.: Well done guys, and here is a photo of a kind shark, she smiles at us!

  • You, child, believe me,
    That I am not a fish, but a beast.
    No, kinder character -
    I save people in storms.
    Backs flash among the waves,
    Children, who is this? (Dolphins).

A video about a dolphin is shown.
Finger gymnastics “Dolphin and his friends”.

  • Once upon a time there was a dolphin (smooth movements of the hands at chest level left and right),
    Two skates were friends with him (palms turned vertically, alternate movements up and down).
    Whales swam towards them (arms crossed, palms waving)
    And the shark and the walruses.
    They taught them to count (clench and unclench their fists):
    One two three four five!

V.: Well done, guys! Here's the next task.

  • Pear with long legs
    Settled in the ocean.
    As many as eight arms and legs!
    This is a miracle... (Octopus).

Educator: Well done guys, right!
A video about an octopus is shown.
V.: Guys, you are probably tired, let's rest a little.
Music is played and psycho-gymnastics “Underwater World” is performed.
V.: Stand in a circle, close your eyes. Imagine that you have turned into little octopuses. Your tentacles are relaxed. Touch the neighbor on the right, on the left. There is water in front of you. Much water. It is transparent, and the reflections of the sun are visible through it. It's quiet on the seabed. Water absorbs all sounds. But then a school of fish appeared at the bottom. They are friendly, wherever one goes, everyone goes there. (Having joined your hands with your fingertips, make smooth movements with your hands to the right and left).
Fishes are very curious, show the curious fish. They love to communicate, let's talk like fish (they open their mouth silently, talking with gestures). Good on the seabed. The waves roar quietly. (Children stand in a circle, holding hands, imitate waves, the music fades out).
Guys, we have one more task left! Look, there are parts of the painting on the table; the storm has mixed them up. Now you and I need to reassemble them. (Puzzles are assembled to the music).
To the music of liberation, a picture of freed fish and a photograph of the little mermaid appears.
V.: Look, little mermaid, we freed your friends!

The final stageLittle Mermaid (video): Well done guys, the pictures are very beautiful! I thank you for your help, you helped me a lot. As a token of gratitude, I give you souvenirs from the bottom of the ocean!
V.: Guys, it’s time for us to return to kindergarten. Place your hand on the shells, close your eyes.
  • Waves, waves, part (magical music sounds),
    Children go back to kindergarten!

Well, you and I are back in kindergarten. (The screen turns off.)
Questions for reflection:

  • Did you enjoy the trip?
  • Guys, where were we today?
  • What new things have you learned?
  • Who was your favorite inhabitant?

V.: Our journey to the sea inhabitants has ended, and we say goodbye to our guests. Goodbye!

Being a teacher is a difficult, responsible and creative job. The teacher, watching day after day as his charges grow, learn about the world around them, learn to speak, draw, write correctly, understands that this is his merit. He sees the results of his labor, and this an important part his life. However, in addition to understanding the significance of their work, in order to grow professionalism, a teacher needs to get an outside perspective on their activities, exchange experiences, discuss pressing problems, and get acquainted with new ideas. All this happens during the conduct and discussion open classes.

MBOU "Dzhanaiskaya OOSH"

"Journey to a Fairy Tale"

Prepared and conducted by: Jumanova F. M.

Summary of a lesson on speech development in the middle group

"Journey to a Fairy Tale"

Goals: consolidate the ability to retell a work of art using the modeling method, teach children to answer in full sentences, activate vocabulary, develop children's coherent speech, reasoning skills, imagination, thinking, logic, develop children's creative abilities, cultivate a love for Russian folk tales.

Equipment and materials: computer, masks, fox toy, magic bag.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizing time . Children stand in a circle.

Educator: You all hold hands and smile at each other.

Guys, today we will go on a fabulous journey.

If a fairy tale knocks on the door,

Hurry up and let her in

Because a fairy tale is a bird,

You'll get a little scared and won't find it.

2. Surprise moment. A magic bag appears, in which a fox toy is hidden.

Guys, look, what is this?

That's right, someone forgot the magic bag, but there is something inside. Let's try to guess what is there, but not with the help of our eyes, but with the help of our hands. Now I’ll let a few guys feel it, and they have to name what’s inside the bag.

Children feel the bag and try to guess who is inside.

That's right, guys, it's a fox, she came running to us from a fairy tale. Guys, what is a fox called in fairy tales? (Fox-sister, little fox, Lisa Patrikeevna)

How did you guess that there was a fox hidden in the bag? (she has a fluffy tail)

3. Conversation. - Now, guys, let’s sit down on the chairs and let’s try to describe our guest.

Alina, what can you tell us about fox fur? (Fox fur is soft, fluffy, red.)

Okay, Sasha, what can you tell us about the fox’s face? (The fox’s muzzle is sharp, cunning, its ears are sharp and look like triangles.)

Well done, Sasha. And Roma will tell us about the fox's tail. (A fox's tail is long, soft, fluffy.)

Arina, why do you think the fox needs such a fluffy tail? (A fox's tail is long and fluffy to cover its tracks.)

Well done, Arina. What can you say about the character of the fox, what is it like in fairy tales? (The fox in fairy tales is cunning, a deceiver.)

Well done boys. The fox came running to us from a fairy tale, but which one do you think? In what fairy tales have we met a fox? (Fox with a rolling pin, Kolobok, Teremok, Mitten.)

Yes, indeed, in these fairy tales we meet a fox, but our guest came running from a fairy tale, where she offended the hare and kicked him out of the house. (Zayushkina's hut.)

4. A game with riddles. - That's right, guys, and the fox brought us riddles with her. Let's listen to them carefully and guess. First we listen to the riddle and only then tell the answer.

Slides appear on the computer.

Our animal lives in anxiety,

The trouble takes your feet away.

Well, guess quickly,

What is the animal's name? (hare)

Who is big and clubfooted,

He took the honey out of the barrel with his paw.

I ate the sweetness and roared.

What's his name? (bear)

Ku-ka-re-ku he screams loudly,

The wings flap loudly.

The faithful shepherd chicken

What's his name? (rooster)

I have excellent hearing

Sharp look and subtle scent,

I immediately get into a fight with the cat,

Because I am (a dog)

Jumping through the swamp

Green frog.

Green legs

My name is (frog)

Guys, look at what animals we guessed, are they all heroes of the fairy tale “Zayushkina’s Hut”? (No, the frog is from another fairy tale)

5. Physical exercise.

That's right, guys, the fox sees that you are tired and wants to play with you. Do you want to play with the fox?

Then we stand in a circle.

Hey guys, are you sleeping?

Show us the animals.

The fox has a sharp nose,

She has a fluffy tail.

Red fox fur coat

Inexpressible beauty.

Fox walks through the forest

He strokes the red fur coat.

The hare was jumping through the forest,

The hare was looking for food.

Suddenly the hare is on top of his head

The ears rose like arrows.

The bunny jumped and turned around

And he bent under a tree.

The bear crawled out of the den,

Misha stretches his legs

He walked on his toes

And then on the heels.

6. Modeling a fairy tale. - So we rested a little, and the fox invites us to the tables.

There are sheets of paper with circles on the tables, pencils, and a sheet of paper with circles on the board.

Guys, let's remember the fairy tale "Zayushkina's hut." Arina, tell us where the fairy tale begins.

That's right, Anya will come to the board and draw us a hare and a fox. Anya, what distinguishes a fox from other animals?

Let's show on the first circle that this is a fox, draw sharp ears and a long muzzle.

What does the hare have that other heroes of our fairy tale do not have?

That's right, let's draw long ears for our hare.

Vadim, what happened next?

What distinguishes the dog in our fairy tale?

That's right, let's add a ring to our dog's tail.

Zhenya will tell us the tale next.

Anya, what should we draw to show that this is a bear?

That's right, let's draw small round ears.

Vika will continue the tale.

Anya, what’s special about the cockerel?

That's right, let's draw a comb for our cockerel, you can paint on the beak.

How, Natasha, does the fairy tale end?

Well done, guys, you remember the fairy tale “Zayushkina’s Hut” well, and now let’s dramatize it in verse, as we taught you.

7. Fairy tale dramatization. Children are given roles and masks.

And now, guys, you will turn into little animals.

Once upon a time there lived a fox and a bunny. They decided to build each for themselves

hut. The fox built an ice one, and the bunny built a bast one. But then the red spring came, and the fox’s hut melted.

Fox: Oh, oh, oh, here, oblique!

How to be? Where is my house?

Hare: Your whole hut has a porch

She ran into the river.

Don't worry too much

You move in with me.

Lisa: (speaks to the side):

Lucky, I'll say, oblique

I'll kick him out of the house.

I don't want to live with him

Divide a crust of bread: (addresses the hare):

Hey, listen, dear Zaya!

There is news!

Hare: Come on! Which?

Fox: There is a vegetable garden behind the forest,

There's cabbage - all year round!

Hare: Is it really already ripe?

Come on, come on, I'll run

And I'll look for cabbage!

What's this? The door is closed.

Fox: (looks out of the house)

I live in a hut now.

The hare ran to look for cabbage, and the fox snuck around and took over his house.

A bunny came running, but the door was locked.

Hare: But this is my house!

Fox: I won’t let you in, scythe!

(the hare moves away, sits down next to him and cries)

The hare built himself a very strong house,

Yes, an evil fox settled in him.

Who wouldn't be afraid to help a bunny?

The cunning fox

Who will drive you away?

A dog appears.

Dog: Woof, woof, woof!

I have a hot temper!

I'm not afraid of quarrels or fights!

Show me where your enemy is?

There are ears sticking out of the window.

Dog: Hey fox, do you hear barking?

Woof, woof, woof, go away!

Fox: When I swing my tail,

I'll burn you with fire, watch out!

Dog: (cowardly)

Oh, I completely forgot, oblique!

I need to go home quickly!

Ved: He’s sitting on the stump again

Poor little bunny, he's sad.

He doesn't know what to do

He wipes away the tears with his paw.

A bear appears

Bear: I'm a couch potato

I slept long and deeply.

I'm not afraid of quarrels or fights!

Show me where your enemy is!

Hare: Here he sits in my hut,

There are ears sticking out of the window.

Bear: Hey! Who's in the hut?

Here you will get it!

Fox: When I swing my tail,

I'll burn you with fire, watch out!

Bear: (cowardly)

Oh, I completely forgot, oblique!

I need to go home quickly!

(the bear leaves)

Who won't be afraid

Can you help Bunny?

The cunning fox

Who will drive you away?

The cockerel appears

Rooster: Ku-ka-re-ku, ku-ka-re-ku!

I will help, I will help!

Don't cry, don't cry, oblique,

We'll deal with the fox quickly!

Fox: When I swing my tail,

I'll burn you with fire, watch out!

Rooster: Like shaking a comb -

And the whole house will fall apart!

I have a braid

Come on, come out, fox!

Fox: Oh, I'm afraid of the rooster!

(the fox runs out of the house and runs into the forest)

Hare: Well, thank you, Cockerel!

Helped me deal with the fox!

We'll live in a house together,

Live together and not bother!

8. Summarizing.

Well done. Guys, did you like the fairy tale? What does she teach us?

Well, it's time for us to say goodbye,

And part with the fairy tale.

The tale is new again