1. Give your options for editing, indicate the types of errors 3

2. Indicate the speech errors resulting from the mixing of paronyms, eliminate them (indicate the selected paronyms on the boundary lines). 4

3.Edit the sentences. 5

4. Indicate the meaning of the words, make one sentence with them: 6

5. Accent 8

6. Decline: twenty-two thousand four hundred and one. eight

7. Give at least 20 examples of violations of the lexical, morphological, syntactic norms of the Russian language from public speech (radio, television, newspapers, magazines); Give an analysis of the mistakes made and your version of the edit. nine

Bibliography. 12

1. Give your editing options, indicate the types of errors

1. The title theme of the works created by the writer in these years is the struggle of the people for freedom and independence.

The main theme of the works created by the writer during these years is the struggle of the people for freedom and independence. (A speech error is an unsuccessful order in constructing a sentence).

2. Loudspeakers, pressure gauges were reasonably mounted. “This is a new creation of Babenko,” Medvedev explained.

Loudspeakers and pressure gauges were reasonably mounted. “This is Babenko's new creation,” Medvedev explained. (A grammatical error is an erroneous word formation).

3. The flu is highly contagious, so it should not be carried on your feet.

The flu is highly contagious and should not be carried on foot. (A speech error is the use of a word in an unusual meaning).

4. It is necessary to instill in the child the rules of personal hygiene when dealing with animals.

It is necessary to instill in the child the rules of personal hygiene when dealing with animals. (A speech error is the use of a word in an unusual meaning).

5. This quarter, we began to produce gingerbread with the names of new varieties: "Moscow", "Chocolate", "Russian". They have excellent qualities.

This quarter, we began to produce new varieties of gingerbread: "Moscow", "Chocolate", "Russian". (A speech error is the use of a word in an unusual meaning). They are of high quality. (A grammatical error is an error in the formation of a noun form).

6. To create a well-fed wintering for public animal husbandry is the first task of field breeders.

To create a well-fed wintering for livestock is the first task of field farmers. (A speech error is the use of a word in an unusual meaning).

7. It is not the desire for external efficiency that leads the writer's pen, but the desire to reveal the meaning of what is happening deeper and brighter.

It is not the desire for external showiness that leads the writer's pen, but the desire to reveal the meaning of what is happening deeper and brighter.

2. Indicate the speech errors resulting from the mixing of paronyms, eliminate them (indicate the selected paronyms on the boundary lines).

1. Changes that have taken place in the country over the past ten years. irreversible.

The changes that have taken place in the country over the past ten years are irreversible. (Paronyms: past - happened).

2. He was a true supporter of the book, the fruits of his work are visible to this day.

He was a true devotee of the book, the fruits of his work are visible to this day. (Paronyms: Companion - ascetic).

3. The first issue of the magazine was greeted by readers with great interest.

The first issue of the magazine was greeted with great interest by readers. (Paronyms: interest - interest).

4. Approving the documentation, the director puts his signature on it.

Approving the documentation, the director puts his signature on it. (Paronyms: painting - signature).

5. Universal washing powder is also used for washing dishes.

Universal washing powder is also used for washing dishes. (Paronyms: washing - washing).

3.Edit the sentences.

1. An instructor came to the district to train pest control specialists from local residents.

An instructor came to the district to train pest control specialists from local residents.

2. The third class of apples covers all products not subject to transport over long distances.

The third class of apples covers all products that are not subject to long-distance transport.

3. Those who have not committed crimes may be granted amnesty.

Those who have committed crimes can be amnestied.

4. A strange situation has arisen: according to this agreement, we must achieve such indicators that we have never shown before, and cannot show.

A strange situation has arisen: according to this agreement, we must achieve such indicators that we have never achieved before, and

Write down the text, choose from the brackets the word or phrase that is most appropriate for the given context.

Explain your choice.

Nameless (n, nn) ​​master

Under the old frescoes you will not find the signature of the master. It was believed that (preserve, preserve) in the heart people should have it (works, creations), and not the name. In order for the painting of the temple to become close and dear to the person contemplating it, the master had to (get used to the plot, understand the plot) of the future fresco, skillfully select colors.

Explain spelling and punctuation.

What are the words in brackets called?

Find similar words in the text. What are they called in terms of vocabulary?

What are these words called in terms of vocabulary?


Parushkina G.N.

MBOU "Petrovskaya secondary school No. 1"

Omsk region

Omsk region

Who is right?

Lunch time. In the kitchen, Vitya puts two dishes of hot soup on the table. Pavlik comes running, sits down at the table and mutters:

Phew, Mom made fish soup again. I don't want to eat it.

Not fish, but fish. There are only fish tails, ”Vitya objected.

What's the difference: fish or fish. If only it was delicious.

Who do you think is right?

  • Let's analyze the composition of the words “fish”, “fish” and “painting”, “signature”.
  • Formulate what are paronyms, what is the origin of this word?
  • Paronyms(gr. para - near + onyma - name) - these are words of the same root that are similar in sound, but different in meaning.

  • Alyosha meekly endured all the HEAVY (HARDS) of life.
  • Onegin leads a FESTIVE (COLIDAY) way of life.
  • Varvara was a HIDDEN (HIDDEN) person.
  • Kabanova proved to be a very enterprising and RESERVE (PROFIT) hostess.
  • SPIRITUAL (Soulful) balance of the girl was upset.
  • Katerina considered the storm a SIGN (SIGN) of misfortune.

"Make phrases": Choose the correct words from the brackets for the given words. Explain the differences in the meaning of paronyms.

Person, occupations (practical, practical); type, method (effective, spectacular); attitude, hostess (thrifty, careful); skillful, artificial (master, fur); conversation, music (spiritual, spiritual), hall, view (demonstrative, demonstration).

"Correct the mistakes": find and correct errors in the use of paronyms.

1) Lunch was very full. 2) Residents of the house filed a complaint against bad job electricians in the RES, but received a typo. 3) The fur coat was made of skillful fur. 4) A famous actor starred in the title role.

Instead of dots, use one of the paronyms given in brackets (cross out the unnecessary word).

1. At the ticket office they presented their ... (travel - seconded) certificates. 2. It seems to me that I remember ... (face - personality) of this person. 3. The furniture was ... (dressed - put on) covers. 4. A young actress plays ... (main - title) role in the play "Anna Karenina". 5. Straining the last (forces - efforts), we reached the top of the mountain.

Make up phrases with paronyms:

Kind - solid, friendly - friendly, defective - defective, design - constructive, spectacular - effective, fornicate - wander, reflect - display, conduct - produce, present - provide, test - test, hide - hide, condemn - discuss

Indicate the speech errors resulting from the mixing of paronyms. Eliminate them by choosing the right words.

1. The changes that have taken place in the country over the past 5-6 years are irreversible. 2. Medical institutions carry out differential nutrition of patients. 3. Children take the grief of their parents to heart. 4. He was a real supporter of the book, the fruits of his educational work are visible to this day. 5. More than a hundred people settled in the hostel, which had just been rebuilt by the students themselves. 6. Following the cherries, they arrived in time early varieties apples.

  • 1. What words are called paronyms?
  • 2. How are paronyms formed?
  • 3. What is the role of paronyms in speech?

  • Homework. Choose from works of art 6 sentences with paronyms

Determine what each pair of words represents: homonyms, paronyms, synonyms or antonyms. Distribute the pairs of words in table 3.

Soft - hard, launch (rocket) - launch (study), skillful - artificial, skillful - skillful, (strong) marriage - marriage (at work), doctor - doctor, learn - master, hot - hot, diligence - laziness, edge (cliff) - edge (region), ignorant - ignorant, adult - children's, clay - clay, defect - lack, joy - sadness, rainy - cloudy, horn (musical instrument) - horn (in the forge).

Table 3

Types of system relations in vocabulary


The exercise can be performed by several students at the blackboard in the form of a distributive dictation. The rest of the students do the exercise in their notebooks and check the work at the blackboard, making corrections to it, if necessary.

To understand systemic relationships in vocabulary, you need to know not only what they are, but also how they work in a text.

3. Questions and tasks on the topic "Homonyms".

What types of homonyms do you know? Define each of them.

Determine on the basis of what types of homonyms each of the following texts is created.

A) There are many different keys:

The key is a spring between stones,

Treble clef, curled,

And a normal door key. (Full homonyms.)

B) Carried a bear, walking to the market,

For sale to honey krinko.

Suddenly on the bear - that's attack! -

The wasps decided to attack.

Teddy bear with an army of aspen

He fought with a torn-out aspen.

Could he not fall into a rage,

If the wasps climbed into the mouth.

Stinging anywhere

They got it for it.

(“Krynku” and “krynka” are homophones, “attack” and “attack” are homoforms, “aspen” and “aspen” are homoforms, “fall” and “into the mouth” are homophones, “horrible” and “horrible” - homoforms.)

Do exercise 10 (p. 16).

What dictionaries should you refer to if you do not know the exact meaning of homonym words? (To homonym dictionaries or explanatory dictionaries.)

4. Questions and tasks on the topic "Paronyms".

What words usually enter into paronymic relations? (Related words belonging to the same part of speech.)

What you need to know to avoid mistakes in the use of paronyms? (The lexical meaning of paronyms, their semantic difference.)

What dictionaries should you refer to if you find it difficult to right choice the words? (To dictionaries of paronyms or explanatory dictionaries.)

Explain the difference in lexical meaning paronyms. To do this, you can compose phrases with paronyms, pick up synonyms or antonyms for them. For example: weekday - an ordinary, weekday, an antonym for the word "day off". Everyday - everyday clothes.

Pitiful - pitiful. Responsible - responsible. Tactical - tactical. Actual - actual. Educational - educational. Long - long. Spare - thrifty. Evil - malicious. Unbearable - intolerable. Learn - learn. Description - unsubscribe.

5. Questions and tasks on the topic "Synonyms".

What kinds of synonyms do you know? Define each of them. (Ideographic and stylistic.)

Do exercise 19 (p. 19).

Via explanatory dictionary Russian language S.I. Ozhegov, determine the difference between the words of the synonymous series, establish whether each synonym corresponds to an antonym.

Hot - burning - sultry - scorching - red-hot.

News - notice - news - news - message.

Appearance - appearance - appearance - appearance - portrait.

Calamity - misfortune - trouble - catastrophe - misfortune.

Epoch - period - time - century - time.

Old - ancient - dilapidated - decrepit - ancient.

Chains - fetters - bonds - fetters - chains.

Strong - solid - strong - durable - indestructible.

Brave - fearless - courageous - courageous - valiant.

Learn - study - study - repeat - cramming.

Clever - intelligent - sensible - quick-witted - smart.

Note. This activity can be done in pairs or small groups, depending on the number of people in the class. The test can be either an oral presentation of each pair (group), or work on the ability to correctly use a synonym in the text (for example, writing a mini-essay on a group of synonyms on the given topic).

6. Questions and tasks on the topic "Antonyms".

Can words with the same root be antonyms? (Yes. For example, folk - anti-people.)

How do words with the same root acquire opposite meanings? (With the help of prefixes with a negative value, for example, honest - dishonest, attack - counterattack.)

How are antonyms used when creating a text? (They are used to create antithesis, that is, a sharp opposition of objects and phenomena.)

Do exercises 23, 25, 27.

III. Lesson summary

So, what types of systemic relations in vocabulary do you know? (Homonymous, paronymic, synonymous and antonymic.)

What are the functions of synonyms, antonyms, homonyms and paronyms? (Used by masters of the word when creating texts.)

Homonyms can serve as the basis for puns, paronyms help to express shades of meaning, synonyms diversify speech and make it more expressive, with the help of paronyms, sharp oppositions of the objects and phenomena described are created.

Homework (can be differentiated)

1. § 8-10 (pp. 22-29).

2. Exercise 1 . Edit sentences: find cases of misuse of paronyms and correct errors.

The changes that have taken place in the country over the past few years are irreversible.

Children take the grief of their parents to heart.

Following the sweet cherry, early varieties of apples arrived.

The first issue of the new magazine was greeted with great interest by the readers.

Planes significantly shortened the route from Kamchatka to Yakutsk.

Under the text of the application you need to put a signature.

The frostbitten glass of the windows barely scatters the dim light of a March morning.

The writer's pen is not driven by the desire for external efficiency, but by the desire to more deeply comprehend the essence of what is happening.

Solving this problem required excursions into mathematics and biology.

3. Exercise 2. Choose one synonym and one antonym for each word. Mark the one-root antonyms.

Joy, live, beautiful, dexterity, understandable, neat, serious, smart, young.

21. Instead of dots, use one of the paronyms given in brackets.

1. At the ticket office they presented their ... ( business trips - business trips) certificates. 2. It seems to me that I remember ... ( face - personality) this person. 3. The furniture was ... ( dressed - put on) covers. 4. A young actress plays ... ( main - capital) role in the play "Anna Karenina". 5. Straining the last ( forces - efforts), we reached the top of the mountain. 6. Presented at the exhibition big choice beautiful and... ( practical - practical) shoes. 7. A group of schoolchildren ... ( came - went) to the museum for a lecture. 8. We all ... tomorrow ( come - let's go) to the stadium to watch your favorite team play. 9. There is a ship in the port ... ( became - got up) to anchor. 10. Before the feat of the defenders of the fatherland, we ... ( bow down - bow down) head. 11. He carefully listened to the lecture, doing ... ( litters - notes) in notepad. 12. We haven’t seen each other for so long that at first I didn’t ... ( recognized - acknowledged).

22. Make sentences or phrases with paronyms. For help, refer to the dictionaries of the difficulties of the Russian language.

Kind - solid, friendly - friendly, defective - defective, design - constructive, spectacular - effective, fornicate - wander, reflect - display, conduct - produce, present - provide, test - test, hide - hide, condemn - discuss; innovation - novelty, harvest - productivity, being - essence.

23. Indicate the speech errors resulting from the mixing of paronyms. Eliminate them by choosing the right words.

1. The changes that have taken place in the country over the past 5-6 years are irreversible. 2. Medical institutions carry out differential nutrition of patients. 3. Children take the grief of their parents to heart. 4. He was a real supporter of the book, the fruits of his educational work are visible to this day. 5. More than a hundred people settled in the hostel, which had just been rebuilt by the students themselves. 6. Following the sweet cherry, early varieties of apples arrived. 7. At first, scientific work did not lend itself easily. 8. Due to unfavorable weather conditions and the resulting damage, this year's crops have been significantly reduced. 9. The third class of apples covers all products not subject to transport over long distances. 10. The workshop foreman said that the shoes of his plant are in great demand among buyers. 11. The first issue of the magazine was met with great interest by readers. 12. Airplanes significantly shortened the path from Kamchatka to Yakutsk. 13. Approving the documentation, the director of the state farm puts his signature on it. 14. Frostbitten windows barely scatter the dim light of a March morning. 15. The walls have an unsightly appearance, they are not painted, nails are stuffed instead of hangers. 16. The work is the same living area, so it is very dangerous to overpopulate it. 17. The writer's pen is driven not by the desire for external efficiency, but by the desire to more deeply comprehend the essence of what is happening. 18. Solving this problem required excursions into mathematics and biology.