Fern is a well-known plant that can be easily grown at home. Care indoor fern at home is not difficult. Fern does not require much attention, and if the plant is properly cared for, it will delight you with its beauty. The indoor fern is wonderful decoration any home, as it fits perfectly into the interior of any room.

Fern is a herbaceous plant. It is a green stem with feathery, dissected leaves. This is a very ancient and popular plant. In nature, fern thickets can grow in swamps and forests.

The stem of the fern grows underground, and in the spring leaves begin to appear on the surface, growing and unfurling. Unfortunately, the fern never blooms.

There is a popular legend about a fern that blooms once a year on the holiday of Ivan Kupala. People try to find this flower in the hope of finding happiness, but no one has ever seen it.

Ferns can grow in a variety of places: swamps, trees, meadows and forests. More than 10 thousand species of this flower are known all over the world. Ferns can survive in any conditions, even the most difficult climate, if we are talking about the natural environment.

Among indoor ferns, nephrolepis is considered the most popular.

Nephrolepis: home care

Nephrolepis fern is a beautiful plant and very easy to grow at home. Although this flower is unpretentious, but improper care he may die. Any plants need timely watering, fertilizing and replanting.

Nephrolepis loves shade, but it needs diffused light, so you need to think carefully about where you place the flower. If the air in the room is dry or smoky, the fern will begin to hurt, as it loves humidity. Fern is a large plant and it needs a lot of free space, because its leaves will grow both in length and width over time, so you need to find a spacious place for it in the house. The most suitable place for a fern is the corner opposite the window, where direct sunlight will not reach, but will receive sufficient quantity air.

The color of your plant directly depends on the lighting and the composition of the soil in the pot. The soil should be moist but not wet, otherwise the roots will begin to rot. It is necessary to water the flower as the soil dries; it is not recommended to overdry.

Caring for a fern at home is much easier than, for example, a Ficus benjamina flower, since it is a less capricious flower and there is no need to prune the plant for better growth.

Nephrolepis: proper watering and spraying

Watering anyone house plant produced only with settled water, soft, without chlorine. The water must stand for at least 12 hours. The water temperature should be room temperature. If you have the opportunity, occasionally water Nephrolepis with rainwater. You need to water it two to three times a week and sometimes put the fern in the shower.

If you water your indoor fern incorrectly, its leaves will begin to dry out, the flower will become covered with brown spots and may die over time. The soil in the pot should be moist, but not wet.

It was already mentioned earlier that nephrolepis really does not like dry air, so you need to regularly spray its leaves. If the room where your bush is located has very dry air, the fern must be sprayed every day. If the air humidity is normal, spraying is done two or three times a week.

You also need to spray the bush with settled soft water at room temperature.

Indoor fern: propagation and transplantation at home

Propagating an indoor fern is quite simple; this process is a bit like propagating the flower Women's Happiness in that the root system needs to be divided and then transplanted into new pot.

Before you start replanting, water the plant well, then take a larger pot and transfer the flower to a new pot. Such a transplant will preserve the nephrolepis roots from damage.

Ferns can be replanted every year. Transplantation is done mainly for the reason that the roots grow and they become cramped in small pot. If you transship your fern to autumn period, the plant may be sick and will have to recover for several months, so the best period for transshipment is the beginning of spring.

If you want to not only transplant, but also propagate Nephrolepis, then this is not a difficult process. To propagate during transplantation, you need to pull the bush out of the pot, after which you will see young basal rosettes. They need to be very carefully separated from the parent bush so as not to damage and mature plant and small children. Then you plant the children in a separate container.

In order for a young bush to take root faster, it needs to create greenhouse conditions. Take a plastic or film shelter and cover the container with the transplanted fern with it, this will facilitate and speed up the survival process of the young plant, since there will be enough heat and humidity under the plastic or film.

In order for your new plants to take root well, create all the necessary conditions for them and provide them with proper care. The air must be moist and the soil must not be too dry. If you do not adhere to these not at all complicated rules, then your children will most likely die.

Soil for house fern

Before replanting the fern, you need to prepare the soil for replanting. Now there are no problems with this; such land is sold in flower shops. The main thing is that the soil should be highly acidic; it is also advisable to add sand and humus to the soil; it is advisable to add leaf soil. The land should be almost like in natural conditions.

In the forest, the soil is loose, with peat residues. It is advisable to bring the soil as close as possible to that in natural natural conditions. If the soil is not loose, the fern will not absorb water well, and then the roots of your plant will begin to rot. If the soil does not allow air to pass through, the leaves will dry out and become covered with brown spots.

Fern diseases and home treatment methods

If the fern is not properly cared for and the growing conditions are not observed, the flower begins to hurt and its appearance changes dramatically for the worse.

Causes of nephrolepis diseases:

  1. If you water a flower with cold, unsettled water containing a large amount of chlorine, then there is a possibility that nephrolepis may develop a pest such as a nematode. Signs of a nematode are yellow, dry leaves. In order to cure the plant, it must be urgently replanted. Before transplanting, the fern must be treated with an insecticide. This treatment can be purchased at flower shops.
  2. Insufficient humidity and very dry air can lead to the appearance of insects such as thrips, stink bugs and aphids. If you spray nephrolepis frequently, this can be avoided. Do not forget that it is also advisable to spray the plant with settled soft water. To get rid of emerging insects, the plant needs treatment with insecticides.
  3. If the leaves of the fern begin to turn pale, lose color, and the tips of the leaves begin to turn yellow, it means there are not enough nutrients in the soil or nephrolepis is grown in a cramped small pot.
  4. If the leaves begin to wither and dry out, this means that strong sunlight is falling on the plant. Ferns love shade, so they urgently need to be placed on a darkened windowsill.
  5. Drafts can also cause fern diseases. Drafts lead to lethargy and yellowing of the foliage, after which the plant dies.

For better care, fern growth and disease prevention, you can use complex mineral fertilizers. Frequent feeding of a flower can be harmful; it is necessary to moderately feed the fern with fertilizers. Be sure to follow the instructions on the fertilizer package, otherwise the plant may get burned.

With proper care of nephrolepis, your fern will always have beautiful, bright and healthy foliage.

For indoor landscaping, various crops are used: beautifully flowering, decorative deciduous, exotic and other greens that can grow at home. Ferns are unpretentious and spectacular bushes. You are not destined to see it bloom, but you can liven up your office or living room thanks to him it’s quite possible. Especially considering that caring for the plant will not be a hassle. It is enough to create optimal conditions.

Types of indoor ferns

There are about 10 thousand varieties of ferns in nature. All of them are perennials, but differ in appearance and living conditions. Differences appear in the shape and density of foliage, color saturation, and flower size. Many varieties grow in swampy areas, have a bright light green color and delicate leaves, while others, tougher, denser, resistant to drought and sun, can be found on the lawns of fields and forests.

There is also a place for home floriculture. There are many varieties found here, collected all over the world. But the following types are in greatest demand:

  • Nephrolepis is a thick and lush bush with openwork leaves up to 50 cm long.
  • Dawallia (hare's foot) - native to China and Japan, has wedge-shaped leaves on red shoots with a shallow root system.
  • Platycerium (platyhorn) - unusual shape makes fern popular, but when growing it you should adhere to certain rules.
  • Asplenium (kostenets) - looks impressive and resembles a fountain of solid light green leaves with waves along the edge. Needs humid air (at least 60%).
  • Blekhnum (Derbyanka) - spreading bushes reminiscent of a palm tree. The leaves are long, pinnately dissected.
  • Dixonia is a giant fern, gradually turning into a palm tree. The woody trunk has a thick cap of leaves at the top and reaches 3–6 meters.
  • Polypodium (centipede) is an epiphytic plant that can grow without soil. Often found on the surface of trees and rocky areas.

The list contains the most popular indoor ferns grown as indoor decorations. But each of them requires an individual approach and special conditions. Nephrolepis is considered the most stable and non-capricious. It can most often be found in home floriculture.

The riot of colors and the size of the foliage directly depend on proper care behind the fern.

How to care for crops - the main rules

In order for the plant to maximize its decorative properties, it is important to follow all recommendations, do not overfeed or overwater it. Everything should be in moderation and as necessary, because wild relatives grow in forests without fertilizer and regular watering.

The condition of the fern foliage can determine the indoor air quality. If the room is dusty, smoky, gassy, ​​or too dry, the flower will begin to hurt. This is the first signal that the cause needs to be eliminated and the living conditions of not only the plants, but also the residents of the house must be improved.

Selecting a location

A resident of the tropics needs warmth, comfort, diffused lighting and space, especially considering his size. The ideal place for its location would be a wall or corner opposite a window (east, south or west). Large pots are best placed directly on the floor or on a low stand. Hanging varieties look great in hanging flowerpots.

Small “babies” can be temporarily placed in a west-facing window, avoiding direct sunlight, especially in the summer. Otherwise, the leaves will get burned. In general, the fern tolerates partial shade in the center of the room well, but the best indicator of growth is bright, diffused light.

The air temperature must correspond to the standard - +15-22 degrees Celsius.

Soil composition and capacity

Before placing a flower in the house, it must be replanted after purchase. To do this, use a purchased soil mixture or make it yourself from the following ingredients:

  • Sod land.
  • Humus.
  • Leaf soil and needles.
  • Coarse river sand.

Mandatory requirements for the soil: looseness, airiness and high acidity (this is increased with the help of pine needles).

You can take soil from the forest, but it is important to ensure that all the components are present.

For transplantation use plastic or clay pots, annually increasing their diameter by 2-3 cm. At the first stage of the procedure, the container is filled with drainage; it is mandatory and will save the roots of the flower from rotting during overflow, enrich it with oxygen and accelerate growth.

Clay pots are a priority. They absorb excess moisture and release it as needed; the disadvantages include the tendency to form fungi and mold, which are quite difficult to remove. The diameter of the container is chosen to be half the size of the crown of the plant itself, but you should remember about the stability of the container and fill it with heavy drainage.

Watering and spraying

For proper growth and preservation of the decorative appearance of the fern, it is necessary to monitor the level of moisture in the pot: the soil should always be moist, but not wet. Overwatering is very harmful to the plant and will easily lead to its death. This is one of the reasons for yellowing and falling leaves.

Moderation in watering is ensured by high-quality drainage, which releases excess water from the pot and takes care of the ventilation of the roots. The procedure is carried out 3 times a week, while paying attention to the air temperature. In winter, once is enough.

Daily spraying is carried out to remove dust and provide additional moisture. Maintain air humidity during heating season A wet towel placed on a hot radiator will help.

Water the fern with rain or settled, soft water.


During the growing season, the flower needs strength to grow, form foliage and new shoots. This can be achieved using ready-made liquid fertilizers for indoor plants, which are diluted in settled water according to the instructions and applied after the main watering in certain portions.

Mineral fertilizers alternate with organic ones and are applied every 2 weeks - from early spring to autumn. In winter, during the dormant period, they are removed and watering is reduced to once a week.

Yellowing and pale foliage will indicate a lack of nutrients. If the problem is not solved in time, the shoots will dry out and the plant will die.

Do you need a transplant?

Needed! Annually! Fern is a flower that quickly thickens and grows, so it needs to be replanted annually. The procedure is carried out in early spring, before the start of sap flow (in March-April). To avoid damaging the roots, they use the transshipment method.

Step-by-step fern transplantation:

  • The soil in which the flower grows is watered abundantly to soften and remove the roots without injury.
  • Prepare a new container 3 cm larger than the previous one.
  • The pot is filled one third with drainage.
  • The fern is carefully, shaking from side to side, removed from the flowerpot along with the soil and transferred to a new container, sprinkling the free space with soil.
  • Lightly tamp the root area and water.

Transplanted plants take root quickly and easily. But if the procedure is carried out at the wrong time, then long-term adaptation or death of the flower is possible.

Reproduction is carried out during the same period as transplantation. To do this, the plants removed from the pot are cleared of the earthen clod and the mother bush is examined. The shoots are carefully separated and planted in a separate container.

It is almost impossible to propagate ferns by seeds (spores) at home, so they use division of the mother rosette.

Separated children should be provided with greenhouse conditions for rapid and successful growth. This can be done by covering the seedling with a plastic or glass cap (jar or cut-off bottle).

Caring for a fern is not at all difficult, the main thing is moderate watering and spraying, loose, acidic soil, timely replanting and fertilizing. By following all the recommendations, you can grow a beautiful bush that will become the highlight of any room.

Lovers of comfort in the home and indoor flowers increasingly prefer house fern. What attracts them to this amazing plant? Unusual appearance or its beneficial properties?

Description and characteristics of indoor fern

The fern belongs to the fern family, which is distributed throughout the world. Indoor fern is unpretentious and ornamental plant, with wide and spreading leaves.

One of characteristic features fern is the absence of seeds. Despite this, the plant has the ability to reproduce due to the presence of special spores (soruses) near its roots.

The appearance of the fern is very different from the usual indoor flowers. The leaves of the plant look like dissected feathers. The color of indoor fern is usually light green, and its height can reach 1 meter.

The benefits of indoor fern

The fern has many beneficial properties. The root of this plant is widely used in folk medicine, and amazing leaves find their use in cooking.

An ordinary indoor fern perfectly absorbs dust and purifies the air. In addition, the flower neutralizes electromagnetic rays that come from a TV, computer monitor, and microwave oven. By placing a pot with this plant in close proximity to a source of electromagnetic radiation, you can get rid of headaches, fatigue and many other consequences of using electronics.

Fern in treatment: properties and benefits

In addition to absorbing electromagnetic rays and dust particles, fern is widely used in folk medicine, as it has an analgesic, diuretic and laxative effect, and also removes all harmful toxins from the body.

Particular attention is paid to the root of this plant. A variety of remedies are prepared from different parts of the house fern to treat helminthiasis, remove tapeworms and tapeworms.

With the help of fern, varicose veins are treated, and also increase immunity and strengthen the body. Salted fern shoots perfectly relieve stress and have a beneficial effect on nervous system. Fern root powder is used to eliminate inguinal hernia in men.

It should be noted that fern has a lot of useful qualities, so it is used in the treatment of cancer, gastrointestinal disorders, oophoritis, ulcers, rheumatism and migraines.

How to care for a fern without harming it

When deciding to purchase an indoor fern, you need to take into account that it, like any plant, needs a list of conditions important for successful development and life. Ferns will not thrive in a home that does not meet the following conditions:

1. Lighting
2. Air temperature
3. Regularity of watering
4. Humidity

For house fern optimal temperature is 15-24 degrees. If the temperature of the fern’s habitat in the house is below 12 or above 25, then the plant is likely to wither.

An important point for the life of a fern is air humidity. The plant will feel good in a space with 40-60% air humidity. In order to increase the humidity in the room, you can purchase a special air humidifier, but it is enough just to regularly spray the leaves of the plant.

As for watering, it all depends on the season and air humidity in the house. Basically, the fern is watered 1-2 times a week, but you can also focus on soil moisture: when the soil in the flowerpot is dry, you can water it. It is necessary to pay attention that this amount of watering is optimal, since both dry and too moist soil can lead to detrimental consequences for the plant. Overwatering, for example, will cause the flower's roots to rot. Also, the fern needs watering exclusively with “soft” water. To do this, you need to let the water brew for several days at room temperature.

Gardeners often like to fertilize their plants, but does a fern really need it? Certainly. To fertilize this flower, it is enough to add mineral or organic fertilizers. It is important to consider that winter time The fern has not been fertilized for years.

If we consider the issue of lighting in which this plant will live comfortably, it is important to consider that the fern does not like direct sunlight. Due to excessive solar lighting the leaves of the flower may fade and turn yellow. Optimal place for fern – flower stand. It provides diffused sunlight that is comfortable for this plant.

The fern signals the need for replanting by the light green color of its leaves, but such signs are often found only in young shoots. Usually, the plant is replanted every two to three years in the spring, when the flower no longer fits in its pot.

Types of fern

The fern family includes more than a thousand varieties of this plant. But which ones can you grow at home? The following types of ferns are adapted for living in close proximity to people:
This type of fern is famous for its unpretentiousness. It performs well as a decorative function for indoor plants, forming a lush and spreading bush. Also, one of the advantages of this species is its rapid growth.
This species of the fern family has similarities with a palm tree and requires a lot of space in the house.

This type is also called “Venus hair”, as it has enough thin stems and small leaves. Unlike the brothers described above, it needs careful care and self-care.

What harm can a fern cause?

An ordinary indoor fern does not cause much harm. The only points that can be highlighted are an allergic reaction to this flower, which is quite rare, and the release of carbon dioxide. As for the second statement, this point applies to all indoor plants, since when they absorb oxygen, they emit carbon dioxide, which can cause headaches and dizziness in humans. You can avoid the harmful influence very simply - do not place the flower in the bedroom.

If an indoor fern standing in a flowerpot does not cause any particular harm, then eating or treating home flower, can be harmful to human health, and also has contraindications. It is important to note that fern is a poisonous plant.

It should be noted that taking tinctures and decoctions based on indoor fern can lead to intoxication of the body. Poisoning with fern products is characterized by nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, convulsions and fainting. In the event of a sad outcome from consuming the plant, it is necessary to quickly remove it from the body and cleanse the stomach.

Taking home cactus for food or for treatment purposes is strictly prohibited if the following factors are present:

Kidney and liver diseases
Ages up to two years
Weakened the immune system
Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in the acute stage of development

The legend about the fern blooming on the night of Ivan Kupala is directly related to our family. My grandfather once in his youth went to the forest at midnight from July 6 to July 7 to see the fern bloom. And he claimed that only devilry I didn’t allow him to do this: the wind rose, horses appeared out of nowhere and reared up. The grandfather got scared and ran away from that place.

Fern is truly one of the most mysterious plants on Earth, if only for the reason that its history goes back millions of years. Archaeological scientists still find fossils with imprints of the leaves of fern plants.

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Indoor fern - environmental inspector

Indoor ferns, like their wild relatives, are considered unpretentious plants. But, nevertheless, not in all conditions they will grow well and look attractive. In the forest, ferns thrive on sandy and especially peaty soils. Moreover, without daily watering, in the heat, without replanting or pruning. But in an urban environment, even in good soil they can wither away. Why? Because ferns are a kind of indicator of the purity of the atmosphere.

Ferns do not tolerate gas pollution and smoke in the atmosphere very well, they react to dry air, and if you decide to have an indoor Fern at home, then first of all provide it with access to fresh air. But on the other hand, if you bought this flower, and at home it began to wither, this is a reason to wonder if everything is in order in your apartment. Maybe there's a gas leak somewhere or it's time to install a hood in the kitchen. In addition, the indoor fern may dry out due to low air humidity - this is a hint to you that it is time to buy a humidifier or at least place a couple of vessels with water in the house for evaporation.

Indoor fern - care

Nephrolepis at home is more suitable than other ferns for apartments, as it is the hardiest species. In addition, they are decorative and beautiful. The leaves can have either a light green or a rich dark green hue. This depends on the level of illumination and the composition of the soil mixture.

Otherwise indoor fern is unpretentious in care. This is a shade-tolerant plant, so you can decorate the corner of the room furthest from the window with it. Fern watering should be moderate and fertilizing should be infrequent. We will consider the remaining nuances of caring for indoor Ferns in more detail.


As I already said, this is a shade-tolerant plant. But indoor varieties Nephrolepis still needs diffused sunlight. So if you have free corners opposite the windows or have a place near the south-west window, place a flowerpot with indoor Fern there.

An adult Fern is a fairly large plant and needs large quantities free space: the leaves grow both in height and to the sides, so it is unlikely that you will be able to place a pot of Fern on the windowsill. Look for a spacious place for it.

Watering an indoor fern

When watering the Fern, you should be guided by the principle of moderation. The earthen ball in a pot with an indoor fern should not dry out; it should always be in a state of light moisture, but not swampy. And if you first dry out the earthen clod, and then water it abundantly, then you have every chance of rotting the roots of the Fern. So the main thing in watering is regularity and moderation. It needs to be watered 2-3 times a week and can be sprayed at the same time. Both watering and spraying should be done with soft, settled or rain water.

Spraying indoor fern

I already mentioned above that dry air is destructive for indoor ferns. Therefore, you need to spray it often. If the air in the apartment is very dry, then daily, and if the dryness is moderate, twice a week is enough. Spraying can be combined, or can be alternated with watering.

Fern soil

Do you remember what the soil is like in the forest? Loose, with a large number of rotted leaves, sometimes pine needles, and peat residues. This is the kind of soil the indoor Fern needs.

The soil should be slightly increased acidity. It is good if the soil mixture for Fern includes peat, turf and leaf soil, humus and sand. The soil must be loose and permeable. Water should not stagnate in the pot, otherwise the roots of the Fern will rot, and the plant will begin to hurt and may die. The first sign of soil waterlogging is brown or brown spots on the leaves. Then they dry out completely. However, the Fern behaves in the same way when the air is very dry and the soil is drying out.

Fern feeding

In my opinion, indoor fern does not need frequent feeding. Many people advise fertilizing it once every 2 weeks. I do this once a month with a solution mineral fertilizers weak consistency. You can also use organic fertilizers, for example, mullein infusion, but it’s easy to overdo it, so I chose ready-made concentrated mineral potassium fertilizers to feed the Indoor Fern, which I dilute according to the instructions on the bottle to feed the Fern in spring and summer.

Transplanting and propagating indoor ferns

Nephrolepis or other types of indoor fern can be replanted annually. But it is better not to replant, but to transfer it, so as not to injure the roots.

For replanting, choose a pot with a diameter 2-3 centimeters larger than the previous one, and carefully transfer the flower there, trying not to shake the soil from the roots. Then add fresh soil mixture. It is better to do this at the beginning of the growing season - in the spring. If you transship in the fall, the indoor fern will take a long time to take root and get sick.

During transplantation, you can divide the bush. This is the easiest and reliable way propagation of indoor fern. This is done if small basal rosettes appear near the main bush. You can try to separate them along with part of the rhizome and plant them in a separate container. After transplantation, the small bush needs greenhouse conditions. True, not all children survive, some die, and yet, this is the most convenient way reproduction of ferns.

The method of reproduction using seeds (spores) is very complex. I would say that it is almost impossible to grow Fern from spores at home.

Fern diseases and pests

If the care of the indoor fern is correct, he is unlikely to get sick. But the main mistake is not proper watering– can cause various diseases and infections.

I have already mentioned: if you water the Fern incorrectly, brown spots. It all starts with the tips of the leaves: they turn brown, dry out, and then the entire leaf disappears.

In the house, a fern will be an unusual and very attractive indoor plant. There are many interesting legends and tales about this flower. But to grow it at home, you need to know not only the legends, but the rules of care. This article will tell you how to grow indoor ferns in your home.

Probably the most mysterious plants on Earth are ferns. This species has existed for millions of years. Despite the fact that every year on the night of Ivan Kupala people go in search of a fern flower, this plant does not actually form inflorescences. Therefore, the fern flower continues to remain only a beautiful legend.

As indoor plant fern, especially in last years, began to meet quite often. It is valued not for its beautiful flowering, but for its decorative leaves.

How in wildlife, and at home, the fern at home has the appearance of an openwork bush. In the wild, these plants grow in swamps, meadows and forests. This must be taken into account when growing this flower in your home (especially when selecting soil for the fern).

To date modern science Over ten thousand species and 300 genera of ferns are known. Flowers grown at home come from tropical species. In addition, some species have increased winter hardiness, which makes it possible to grow them in winter gardens and in their garden plots.

Most bushes of this flower have feathery and lacy leaves. Many plants can produce pinnately dissected leaves. But there are species that have whole leaves various shapes and sizes. Botanists call fern leaves fronds.

It is worth noting that young fern leaves have a different appearance from old leaf blades. Typically, young leaves are curled into a snail shape, which unwinds as they grow.

The leaves of the fern are also a container for reproductive organs. They are placed on the bottom of the sheet plate.

A fern as a houseplant is a very profitable purchase, since it will, in fact, play the role of an “ecological inspector”. The fact is that even if the fern care is correct and complete at home, the plant can still die due to air pollution. If there is a lot of dust in the air, then the plant in such home conditions will react to it very quickly. The flower will become lethargic and if nothing is done, it will soon die. Therefore, when growing a fern at home, you need not only to know the rules of care, but also to choose the right place to place it.

Video “Fern. We grow the plant at home”

The video describes how to grow ferns.

Where to put

In the wild, ferns can survive for a long time without watering, fertilizers and other manipulations that are necessary conditions growth and development. At the same time, the unpretentiousness of these plants remains the same when grown at home. But, despite this, there are a number of conditions, compliance with which is a guarantee that your decorative flower

will be strong and healthy.

  • When choosing a place for a pot of fern, you must remember that this plant serves as an “indicator” of air pollution. You cannot place this flower in a room where the following situations often occur:
  • smoke;
  • overcrowding;

As you can see, in the kitchen your beautiful homemade fern will not survive and will wither away, but in rooms located away from the kitchen, the fern will feel great. Although some people, on the contrary, place this flower in the kitchen to have a living “indicator” at hand. After all, at the slightest gas leak, the plant will begin to wither, which will help you quickly find the cause of its withering and avoid the negative consequences of this condition. But in order to create favorable conditions for growing it in the kitchen, you need a hood in the room. Also an excellent solution would be to install a humidifier. As a result, both you and the plant will be comfortable in the kitchen.

In addition, it should be borne in mind that the fern needs both light (not direct light) and shadow. Therefore, it would be best to place it in a corner opposite the window. Also, at home, this plant needs to provide a flow of fresh air.

When choosing a place to place a fern in your home, you need to take into account the characteristics of its growth. This flower can grow quite large, forming lush and large leaves around itself. Therefore, he clearly won’t have enough on the windowsill. Otherwise, the fern leaves will rest against the walls and glass, becoming deformed. This will make you suffer decorative look flower.

Thus, the choice of where to grow a fern at home should be based on the following care parameters:

Let's look at these parameters in more detail.

Lighting requirements

According to many gardeners, ferns are considered shade-tolerant plants. But if the flower is constantly in the shade at home, it will simply die. In order for the plant to form strong, large and healthy leaves, bright and diffused light must fall on it. Therefore, according to this parameter, the ideal place to grow ferns in the house would be a southwest window. In this case, the pot should be placed not on the windowsill, but on a separate flower stand.


Another important parameter when choosing a place to grow a fern in the house is the temperature. This plant grows well in the temperature range of +15-+22 degrees. But some varieties require a certain temperature:

  • heat-loving species (nephrolepis, adiantum, asplenium and platicerium). During the cold period, the room temperature should not be lower than +18 degrees;
  • winter-hardy varieties (polypodium pimply and pellea). IN winter period the temperature should not fall below +12 degrees.

At the same time, compact types of ferns and caring for them in this aspect will not be very difficult. The main thing is not to place the flower in the path of drafts and cold air. But the room in which this plant is grown must be ventilated frequently. In summer, you can even take the pot out onto the balcony. It must be placed in such a way that the fern does not receive direct sunlight.


When growing ferns at home, you need not only to care for them correctly, but also to choose optimal soil. Without this, all your efforts to create favorable conditions for the flower will not be crowned with success.

The following soil is suitable for ferns:

  • the soil must be loose for good air and water passage;
  • slightly increased acidity level;
  • with a lot of rotted leaves;
  • the soil should have a small content of pine needles and peat. You can also add a little humus and sand.

It is this kind of soil that is found in the forest - a favorite place for ferns to grow in the wild.


At home, an important parameter for caring for ferns is a properly organized water regime. This is due to the fact that although these plants can tolerate arid soil, overdrying the soil is contraindicated for them. Water is added to the ground when the top layer of soil dries out. If you allow the soil to dry out, subsequent watering will no longer be able to revive the flower.

However, remember that excess moisture is also undesirable. After all, if water stagnates in the soil, the root system of the plant begins to rot. Therefore, it is very important to care for the fern correctly. The optimal watering for it is once a week. For irrigation, it is better to use rain or well-settled water.


At home, ferns reproduce as follows:

  • disputes. A very difficult way to home grown flower. Moreover, under such conditions it turns out to be ineffective;
  • dividing the bush (through shoots). The most convenient and only possible variant propagation of ferns at home.

To divide the bush, it is recommended to use exclusively young root shoots (rosettes). Only in such a situation can you count on a positive result. In this case, it is necessary to separate the rosette from the mother bush with some caution so as not to damage the adult plant. Also in this matter, you need to remember that as much ground as possible should be stored on the separated outlet.

Having received the material for propagation, after which you can begin planting it in a new pot. After planting for quality rooting planting material, as well as its rapid adaptation, it is necessary to create an optimal water regime and clean air for the plant. This way, you can quickly and efficiently propagate ferns with your own hands.

Disease and pest control

  • violation of conditions of detention. Drafts, improper watering (especially stagnation of water in the soil), poorly selected soil;
  • infection of the plant from other indoor flowers.

When the air is dry, thrips, scale insects and aphids may appear. To prevent their appearance, you need to spray the flower periodically.

As you can see, caring for indoor ferns at home is not so difficult. You just need to create the right growing conditions and watering, and ultimately you will get a wonderful decorative flower.

Video “Ferns – millions of years of struggle for survival”

The video details how to grow ferns at home.