This new but promising method has been used in Russia for just over 10 years. Many ailments are subject to it, including arthrosis. Just five or six treatments and your well-being will change. What happens during shock wave therapy sessions and what causes their such healing effects?

Operating principle

Shock waves are special low-frequency sound waves ranging from 16-25 Hz. The human ear is not even able to detect them. But many people note the healing effect of their influence. The principle of such a healing effect is explained by the difference in acoustic resistance between solid, liquid and soft environments of the human body. In other words, the acoustic resistance of bone and cartilage tissue is higher than internal organs or liquids.

When shock waves are passed through any part of the body, soft tissues will pass through without delay, and at the border of hard and soft media they will begin to show their therapeutic effects.

It consists in the fact that various salt deposits are crushed, fibrous formations are loosened, blood circulation and metabolic processes in the zone of action of waves are improved, and collagen production is stimulated. This determines the primary therapeutic effect for arthrosis - pain and stiffness in the joint quickly decrease, motor function and exercise tolerance improve. Shock wave also has secondary or long-term effects that appear only some time later, but their role is no less significant.

These include:

  • reducing the size of bone growths, scars and calcifications;

  • restoration of joint structure;

  • strengthening tendons and muscle ligaments, increasing their resistance to stress and injury;

  • improvement of blood circulation and tissue nutrition of all organs in the treated area;

  • acceleration of tissue regeneration.

Advantages of the method

Shock wave therapy has a number of advantages over other types of treatment. The main one is the ability to act directly on the site of the disease without injuring healthy tissue. The undeniable advantages of the method also include:

  • Efficiency and painlessness;

  • Reduced need for invasive treatment;

  • Possessing a minimum number side effects;

  • Well tolerated by patients;

  • No damage to the outer skin;

  • Possibility to avoid surgical intervention;

  • Possibility of outpatient treatment.


Due to the stimulating effect on blood circulation and tissue nutrition, it is prohibited to carry out shock wave therapy for cancer, especially in the presence of tumors in the area of ​​influence.

Contraindications also include the presence of a pacemaker, blood diseases, and acute infections. With increased fragility of blood vessels, shock wave therapy is also contraindicated. This procedure is not permitted during pregnancy and treatment with corticosteroids. It is impossible to carry out shock wave therapy in areas located at the junction of bones with large blood vessels and internal organs.

In other cases, including the presence metal structures in bones and joints, shock wave therapy is permitted.

Treatment of arthrosis with UVT

Shock wave therapy for arthrosis is most successfully used on. The course usually requires 5-6 procedures, which are carried out once every 7-10 days. Such a fairly long break is necessary so that the body has time to remove the crushed fragments of bone growths. The procedure itself is comfortable for the patient, and its duration takes no more than 15-30 minutes.

When this method was introduced, it was assumed that it would give patients only short-term remission - up to six months. After carrying out procedures with tracking of results, it turned out that improvement in the condition of moderate arthrosis lasts much longer - from 2 to 3 years.

A variation of the classic method of shock wave therapy is extraporal shock wave therapy. Its difference is that it uses waves of much higher energy, but lower frequency. It is difficult to judge which method is better, since a high effect is observed in both cases - the quality of life of patients with arthrosis is significantly improved, and surgical intervention is often avoided.

Thus, the method of shock wave therapy for arthrosis allows, without causing gross local changes and painlessly for the patient, to achieve the desired changes in the structure of the treated tissues and influence the immediate cause of the pathology. Since the effect of shockwave therapy is comparable to surgery, it is recognized throughout the world as a method of non-invasive biosurgery.

UVT or shock wave therapy- relatively new technology treatment of chronic, painful pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. The essence of shock wave therapy is the impact on tissues of shock waves of supersonic frequency. These waves represent a powerful energy pulse that creates a pressure of 5-100 MPa over an ultra-short period of time - approximately 10 milliseconds.

Shock wave therapy is a relatively new technology for the treatment of chronic, painful pathologies of the musculoskeletal system.

Shock wave therapy is similar to lithotripsy, which uses acoustic shock waves to break up kidney stones without requiring surgery.

Lithotripsy has been known for several decades. In treating hundreds of thousands of patients, it was discovered that many who underwent the procedure also experienced relief from joint pain. Studies have shown that shock waves can have a healing effect on other types of tissue.

Firstly, the wave produces mechanical pressure and, as a result, stretches the cell membranes of the affected tissue. The permeability of cell membranes increases, thereby stimulating blood microcirculation and metabolism, which, in turn, activates regenerative (restorative) processes and promotes the subsequent dissolution of pathological calcific deposits.

Secondly, the pressure front of the shock wave creates so-called cavitation bubbles - small empty cavities. They tend to expand to maximum size, and then burst, creating a counterforce. In the tissues of the body, this force is enough to destroy the calcifications.

Third, bursting cavitation bubbles create smaller, secondary energy waves known as microjets. They complement and continue the destructive effect on pathological formations.

In addition, the shock wave affects neurons, interrupting the transmission of pain impulses, and provokes the production of endorphin, a hormone known for its ability to reduce pain and influence the emotional state.

For more information about the shock wave therapy method, watch the video.

In addition to the destruction of pathological calcifications, UVT stimulates osteoblasts - cells responsible for the healing of bone tissue, and fibroblasts, capable of regenerating connective tissue cells: tendons, ligaments.

Where is shock wave therapy performed?

Or wear and tear of the joints - a disease that leads to the destruction of articular cartilage due to various factors: acute inflammatory process, metabolic disorders, hormonal imbalance, old age, etc. Up to 80% of the world's population suffers from this disease to varying degrees of severity, so it is considered the third most common after cardiovascular diseases and oncology. Pain, crunching, decreased joint mobility are the most unpleasant symptoms of arthrosis.

Arthrosis or wear and tear of the joints is a disease that leads to the destruction of articular cartilage

Left unattended, arthrosis can lead to deformation, complete destruction of the joint, and as a result, disability.

Since due to high load they most often suffer lower limbs, shock wave therapy of knee joints– the most common procedure during treatment. It helps to apparently relieve pain and contribute to the launch of mechanisms for the regeneration of damaged tissue cells. Shock wave therapy of the knee is aimed not only at the breakdown of calcium salts, but also at areas of fibrosis that have arisen during the disease process.

Shock wave therapy for bunions is the next most popular treatment among patients. In addition to the fact that an ugly “bump” on the foot looks unaesthetic and makes it difficult to choose shoes, this pathology leads to severe pain when walking. In fact, this is not a growth, but a deviation towards the metatarsal bone that forms the foot, and a simultaneous deformation thumb out. An incorrect angle between the bones causes the bone to protrude.

Shock wave therapy of the bunions in the feet will bring the foot in order in several sessions

Several sessions of shock wave therapy will help break up the calcifications that cause the bones to deform and put the foot in order.
Shock wave therapy may have its own indications and contraindications.

What does shock wave therapy treat?

Shock wave therapy is widely used in orthopedics, physiotherapy, sports medicine, and urology.

Its main purpose is to quickly relieve pain and restore motor functions of joints.

This non-invasive (non-surgical) treatment method, which does not require pain relief, makes it an ideal therapy for accelerating recovery, treating various causes of acute or chronic pain.

Shock wave therapy is widely used in orthopedics, physiotherapy, sports medicine, urology

Indications for shock wave therapy:

  • chronic diseases caused by the destruction of connective tissue: arthrosis I and II degrees, plantar fasciitis, epicondylitis, tendonitis or tendinosis;
  • rehabilitation after injuries: pain in muscles, joints, areas of old fractures or;
  • osteocondritis of the spine;
  • valgus deformity of the toe (the so-called “bunion”);
  • emerging or already formed false joints;
  • avascular necrosis – death of some areas of the bone;
  • pain after or after installing plates on bones damaged due to fractures.

Contraindications for shock wave therapy:

  • malignant neoplasms (oncology);
  • pregnancy;
  • infectious and inflammatory processes in the acute stage;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • implanted pacemaker.

In addition, shock wave therapy of joints is not performed on patients under 18 years of age, so as not to affect the developing young skeleton.

Also, procedures are contraindicated in areas bordering organs containing gases - lungs, intestines; shockwave therapy is not performed on the skull area.

As a mechanical method, shock wave therapy can cause side effects - swelling, redness, or slight bruising. Typically, these undesirable manifestations disappear after 7–10 days and are not an indication for interrupting the course of procedures.

Shock wave therapy techniques will be effective if the following conditions are met:

  • appropriate diagnosis when the patient's symptoms and causes of illness respond appropriately to shock wave therapy;
  • simpler, cheaper treatment options are ineffective;
  • as an alternative to surgery or other invasive methods;
  • There are no known contraindications to the procedure.

Arthrosis is a disease characterized by the progressive destruction of the articular or intervertebral cartilaginous layer. Most often, arthrosis affects the knee, hip, ankle joints and spine. The development of the disease is facilitated by many factors, the main of which are: immune processes, injuries, increased static loads, metabolic and nutritional disorders of the joint structure, and excess weight.

In patients who have not undergone treatment for joint arthrosis in a timely manner, the disease progresses. The first signs of the disease are a feeling of tension and pain during exercise. Later painful sensations They also appear at rest; redness and swelling may appear in the joint area. IN advanced cases the joints are deformed, and a sharp limitation of mobility occurs.

Treatment of joint arthrosis is a complex process. In modern medicine, the most effective way is. The basis of the technique is the use of a device that generates sound waves of a certain frequency that affect the affected tissue. The high efficiency of the method is due to the fact that fibrous formations and microcrystals of salts are loosened, blood supply to the affected area is increased, joints are restored to structure, and pain goes away.

Types of arthrosis and methods of their treatment

A type of disease is arthrosis deformans. This disease is characterized by pronounced destructive changes in the joints and progressive impairment of their functions. Treatment of deforming arthrosis of the joints using extracorporeal shock wave therapy gives a lasting positive effect with a decrease in pain and restoration of mobility.

Commentary by shock wave therapy expert Andorov E.T.

One of the most complex and often damaged is. Among arthrosis lesions, arthrosis of the knee joint is the leader in terms of incidence; its treatment is a long process. Patients are prescribed a course of shockwave therapy (shock wave therapy), consisting of several procedures (depending on the severity of the disease). Sessions are held at intervals of 7-9 days. Treatment of deforming arthrosis of the knee joint with this method produces an unconditional positive effect - cancellation drug treatment, absence of swelling, increased range of flexion, possibility of long walking.

With degenerative-dystrophic changes in cartilage lesions hip joint we're talking about about a disease called coxarthrosis or arthrosis deformans. The disease can develop quite slowly, and in the later stages the patient suddenly loses mobility. For chronic pain, many traditional methods are ineffective. A revolutionary method of treating arthrosis of the hip joint is shock wave therapy, which activates the healing and regeneration processes of affected tissues.

The condition of painful muscle tension and pain in the shoulder girdle is arthrosis of the shoulder joint, the treatment of which is long-term. Causes: static loads, injuries, osteochondrosis cervical spine spine, etc. An effective procedure is extracorporeal shock wave therapy. A positive result is noted after the first session. After the course of treatment, joint mobility is completely restored.

A significant part of skeletal lesions are lesions, including arthrosis. Diseases of this nature require special attention from specialists, since neglect can lead to disability. A lasting effect in the treatment of ankle arthrosis can be achieved by using shock wave therapy.

Arthrosis is a disease accompanied by degenerative changes in the surfaces of the joint. This disease is manifested by the following symptoms: pain, joint deformation, limited mobility.

Treatment of joint arthrosis using shock wave therapy (SWT)

IN treatment of arthrosis We use the shock wave therapy method. The procedures are carried out using a Swiss device SWISS DOLORCLAST. The experience and many years of practice of our specialists allow us to achieve high results in the treatment of this disease of the musculoskeletal system.

The standard course of treatment using the UVT method consists of 5-8 procedures with an interval of 4-7 days. The cost of treatment of one anatomical zone is 1200 rubles.

The essence of the shock wave therapy method is a short-term impact on the problem area of ​​a high-energy shock (sound) wave of the required frequency, which improves local blood circulation, loosens calcium deposits and fibrous lesions, which are a source of inflammation and pain, followed by gradual leaching of their fragments from the body . One of the most important effects of shock wave therapy is the restoration of affected tissue in the problem area.

Statistics show that shock wave therapy is significantly more effective than traditional treatment methods such as physiotherapy, massage, manual therapy, drug treatment, intra-articular injections, and in most cases it is used as monotherapy. Moreover, shock wave therapy does not have the characteristic drug treatment and physiotherapy contraindications, side effects and other restrictions.

The results of the treatment are visible after the first session. Muscle spasm decreases, pain becomes less. After a while, the pain may return, but to a much lesser extent, decreasing with each procedure performed. Upon completion of the entire course of treatment, the ligaments and tendons become more elastic, and motor activity is usually completely restored.

Shock wave therapy is one of the methods of physiotherapy, but unlike other methods it does not require high costs time, safe for health and very effective. In most cases, the UVT method with treatment of arthrosis serves as an excellent alternative to surgery.

Treatment of arthrosis with shock wave therapy began relatively recently, however, studies and patient reviews give reason to consider this method of influencing the affected large joints as an excellent aid to general rehabilitation therapy. UVT is successfully used to treat coxarthrosis, gonarthrosis, heel spurs, elbow and ankle joints, as well as osteochondrosis and some heart diseases.

Mechanism of action of UVT

Shock wave therapy against arthrosis works well in the early stages of joint disease. Unfortunately, in the third stage of deforming osteoarthritis, shockwave therapy is practically of no use. The principle of operation is to emit sound waves with a frequency of 16 to 25 Hertz at the affected large joint. This sound is not at all audible to humans, but the tissue structure easily allows healing waves to pass through it. The purpose of shockwave therapy is to affect dense tissues - bones, ligaments, cartilage.

To understand how joints with arthrosis can be treated using shock wave therapy, you need to understand the process of disease development. Osteoarthritis is usually accompanied by the appearance of acute bone formations, the so-called. These thorns, which are very unpleasant, cause severe pain. Usually, the only way to combat them is for the surgeon to clean the surface of the joint on which osteophytes have formed.

Shock wave therapy devices allow sound vibrations to “soften” the structure of osteophytes; after a course of shock wave therapy, arthrosis, or more precisely, one of its dangerous and painful symptoms – spiny processes – become less dangerous. They soon resolve without causing any more problems for the patient. Of course, such therapy does not solve the main causes of arthrosis that caused the disease (cartilage deformation, excess weight, specifics of work, overload in sports, injuries, abnormalities in the structure of joints, problems with posture, etc.), but helps fight severe symptoms of the disease, making a feasible contribution to complex treatment.

In addition to conventional shockwave therapy, there is extraporal shock wave therapy, which uses a lower wave frequency but a much greater impact on the affected joint. Extraporal shockwave therapy prevents the soft tissues of a person through which sound waves pass from overheating. On this moment It has not been revealed which method of shock sound exposure to joints with arthrosis is preferable - both show good results.

Evaluation of shock wave therapy in the treatment of arthrosis

Experts distinguish two types of positive effects from shock wave therapy against arthrosis: primary and secondary. In the first case we have explicit health effects from treatment with an UVT device, a few sessions are enough to notice a general improvement in the situation with tormenting osteophytes. Secondary effects are latent changes that appear later, over time, but are considered no less important results of treatment.

From the first sessions of shock wave therapy, a patient with arthrosis notices a decrease in pain, doctors diagnose an increase in microcirculation of blood vessels and metabolic processes. However, to consolidate the therapy, it is necessary to complete the full course, and then secondary results will appear: the range of motion of the affected joint will increase, the radiograph will please you with a reduction in the number of osteophytes or their complete destruction under the influence of sound waves.

Hidden positive effects arise after small vessels - capillaries - activate their work. They begin to deliver nutrients to cartilage tissue, joint fluid, ligaments, and muscles in full force. And healthy and is one of the most important tools for the treatment of arthrosis. Therefore, establish uninterrupted delivery of microelements to the problem area musculoskeletal system– a primary task in the treatment and prevention of osteoarthritis, which is successfully solved by shock wave therapy.

Indications and contraindications

The UVT technique is used to treat many joint diseases: arthrosis deformans, osteochondrosis, heel spurs, periarthropathy, intervertebral hernias, flat feet. In addition, the devices help treat urolithiasis and restore the body after injuries, fractures, and subluxations.

  • Cancerous tumors;
  • Exacerbations caused by infections;
  • Increased fragility of blood vessels;
  • Leukemia and other blood diseases;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Implanted pacemaker.

Shock wave therapy is not used to treat arthrosis if it affects the temporomandibular joint or spine, since low-frequency sound negatively affects the growth zones of the joints where large vessels pass.

Treating arthrosis with shock wave therapy is modern choice doctor and patient! The course consists of five to ten sessions, conducted once a week. Usually one course is enough to achieve the required results.