The biography of Tom (Edward Thomas) Hardy contains Interesting Facts, which even the most devoted fans do not know about. The British actor is known for his meticulous approach to every role. He either loses weight or gains weight, constantly trains, does everything to transform into his character, regardless of who he has to play: a criminal, a policeman or a drug addict.

Childhood and youth

Edward Thomas Hardy was born in September 1977. The boy's family was very creative and intelligent. Elizabeth Barrett's mother was of Irish descent and was a painter. And dad Edward Hardy is a Howard graduate, writer and screenwriter. The parents of the future celebrity were wealthy and lived in a luxurious mansion in the suburbs of London.

From an early age, the boy was instilled with a love of art: his entire room was filled with records and books. Tom was not denied anything, he was showered with gifts, and taken to the best foreign resorts.

Upon reaching the age of seven, the parents enrolled the young man in a private school, hoping for excellent studies, but something went wrong. Tom was always considered a naughty child; he was embarrassed by his mom and dad, considering them too correct and exemplary. In addition, to spite them, he selected a company of children from disadvantaged families.

At the age of eleven, a policeman came to the school to give the teenagers a speech about the dangers of drugs. But this had a completely unexpected effect on the future star, and by the age of 13 the young man tried alcohol and smoked weed. And at the age of 15, Tom was expelled from school, after which the young man admitted to his parents that he uses crack.

After another six months young man arrested for car theft. As Hardy himself recalls, he did this not for the sake of enrichment, but to have fun. But with the help of his father’s connections, the guy managed to avoid a prison sentence.

Despite his drug addiction, Tom always showed a genuine interest in the world of art and wanted to try his hand at cinema. In his youth, he studied in a theater group and performed on stage. Having reached his 18th birthday, the young man applied to the Richmond School of Acting, however, he was soon expelled from there for bad behavior.

Then he was successfully accepted into the London School of Drama, his mentor was a teacher from whom Anthony Hopkins himself studied.

The beginning of a creative journey

The British actor played his first role in the late 90s; he was able to play the role of private soldier John Yanovec in the serial series “Band of Brothers.” True, his character practically did not speak; in 2 episodes he spoke only 12 lines.

Later, the young man participated in several more serious projects:

  • "Black Hawk";
  • "Day of Reckoning";
  • "Simon".

By the way, in the last film the Hollywood star had to play a key character.

The next star-studded film starring Tom Hardy was the science-fiction thriller Star Trek Into Darkness. The young man perfectly conveyed the character of his character - a clone of a spaceship captain, and during the filming process the guy used drugs.

The reason for finally quitting was an overdose: the man overdosed on cocaine and almost died. It was this incident that prompted him to seek help from specialists.

After this, the British actor completed a rehabilitation course at a clinic and stopped using illegal drugs. He devoted himself entirely to the acting profession and was able to achieve incredible success in this matter. Finally, the parents could be proud of their son.

After returning, the young man played on the theater stage for some time. The most sensational performances were:

  • “In Arabia we will all be kings”;
  • "Blood".

For his excellent game, the Evening Standard even awarded Tom an honorary prize in the “Most Promising Newcomer” category.

A year later, a new film with the star’s participation was released - Daniel Craig played with him in the film “Layer Cake”. In addition, Tom Hardy’s filmography has been expanded with 2 more historical films:

  • "Marie Antoinette";
  • "Virgin Queen"

In the latest series, Tom Hardy had the opportunity to work with famous actress Kirsten Dunst.

The film “Stuart: Past life" The plot is based on real events and tells about an incurable drug addict and alcoholic who fought for the rights of homeless people. Although this film was not subsequently shown on big screens, the work was rated very highly by critics.

Later, another film was released - the gangster comedy "Rock 'n' Rolla." This time he had to reincarnate as a gay bandit who is in love with the leader of his gang.

Career blossoming

Another film that was able to captivate viewers was the drama “Bronson”, where he again played a real hero - a maniac with artistic inclinations. For this role, the young actor had to gain about 40 feet and grow a mustache.

After this, Hardy’s filmography was replenished with another film, where he starred as a young MMA fighter, so the guy urgently had to lose weight and get into perfect shape. In one of the interviews, the man admitted that it was extremely difficult to do this: daily training and a strict diet literally exhausted the artist. Transforming into Bronson was easier because it involved eating a lot of chocolate, lying on the couch, and playing video games.

For several years, Hardy worked tirelessly, with his participation more than 50 films were released, including

  • "Warrior";
  • "The Passion of Christ";
  • "Legend";
  • "Survivor";
  • "Get out, spy."

The film “The Dark Knight Rises” brought universal love to the actor; Hardy superbly played the main villain - the terrorist Bane, who is hiding behind a mask. The man again needed to dial overweight. Throughout the filming process, the guy had to wear shoes with 10-centimeter padding so that Tom could match his character - according to the script, he was two meters tall.

Personal life

In the personal life of a popular artist, not everything is so simple. The man entered into his first official marriage in 1999; he proposed to his beloved Sarah Ward 3 weeks after they met. But as time has shown, the couple was in a hurry. A few years later, the girl filed for divorce, tired of her husband’s constant drinking and problems with illegal drugs.

Before he had time to officially get a divorce, the guy began having an affair with famous model Linda Park, and 2 years later on the set of “The Virgin Queen” the artist met Rachel Speed, who at that time worked as an assistant director. The couple began a whirlwind romance, the girl gave birth to his son Louis, but the relationship also did not last long. Now the boy lives with his mother, but regularly visits his father’s house.

Tom Hardy's third wife was the successful actress Charlotte Riley. The young people met on the set of the film Wuthering Heights. According to the script of the drama, their characters were madly in love with each other. But Charlotte's real life did not welcome office romances, so for a long time she refused to reciprocate the British artist, but still could not resist his charm and charisma.

5 years later, news appeared in the press that lovers legalized their relationship. In the fall of 2015, the couple had a child, parents for a long time they didn’t want to announce the baby’s gender and name. And in new year holidays In 2019, Hardy became a father three times - the boy was named Forest, in honor of Tom Hanks' character.

The actor has more than 30 different tattoos on his body, including quotes, crosses and just numbers. Each symbol reminds the British actor of an event he lived through, a mistake he made. As Tom himself says, they do not interfere with his creative career at all; for some filming, he even had to complete additional drawings.

Tom Hardy is a British theater and film actor. In his repertoire you can find films for every taste: action films, detective stories, crime biopics, mystical stories and war dramas. He has played heroes (Mad Max: Fury Road), psychopaths (Bronson), antagonists (The Dark Knight, The Revenant), criminals (Legend) or even homeless drug addicts (Stuart: A Past Life). , but even his negative characters cannot help but sympathize. For each role, he completely changes his personality, making us forget that there is a real person behind the hero on screen.

Childhood and family

Edward Thomas Hardy was born on September 15, 1977 into a creative and intelligent family. Mother, Irish Elizabeth Barrett - artist, father, Edward "Chips" Hardy - writer and screenwriter, Harvard graduate.

Tom was the only son in a family who lived in a mansion in the bohemian London suburb of East Sheen. Mom devoted all her time to her son, the shelves of his room were full of books and records, and on every holiday, Edward’s parents showered him with gifts and took him abroad on vacation. In first grade, the boy went not to a public school, but to a private school.

It would seem that in such an atmosphere the boy should have grown up to be the pride and support of his parents, but life decided otherwise. “I was a naughty child. No, not even like that – terribly naughty,” the actor recalled. He was embarrassed by his parents, exemplary representatives of the middle class. As a sociable teenager, he made friends not only with classmates, but also with boys from less prosperous families.

Drug addiction and first roles

When he was 11, a policeman came to their school and told the children about the dangers of drugs. Surprisingly, his speech had the opposite effect on Hardy. By the age of 13, he became addicted to beer and tried drugs. At 15 he was expelled from school, and a year later Tom had to admit that he had become addicted to crack cocaine and alcohol. “I could sell my mother for a dose,” he would later tell reporters. Serious problems with the law began, including arrest for car theft (not for profit, but for fun). It was possible to avoid prison only thanks to his father’s connections.

Despite his addiction, the guy had an interest in performing arts from an early age. While still at school, he played in children's theater; at 18, on his mother's advice, he entered the Richmond School of Acting, from which he was expelled, after which he entered the London School of Drama, where he studied the craft with a teacher who once taught Anthony Hopkins.

Michael Fassbender studied two years older. Hardy recalled that all the students wanted to be like him, except Tom. He kept saying: “No, I have my own vision, I will do it my way.” “But deep down,” the actor laughs, “I thought, “God, how I want to be as cool.” We met on the set of Band of Brothers, and it was cool."

At the age of 21, the guy became the winner of the TV show “The Big Breakfast’s Find Me-98” and won a contract with a modeling agency.

Tom Hardy on The Big Breakfast

At the end of the 90s, he received his first role - he played the frail private John Janovec in the TV series Band of Brothers (2001). “Out of the frying pan and into the fire,” is how Hardy, who had never played in front of cameras before (except for TV shows), described the experience. He appeared in two episodes and spoke only 12 lines throughout the series.

Then there were several more major projects, even if Hardy’s heroes had few lines. This is the Oscar-winning “Black Hawk Down” by Ridley Scott with Josh Hartnett, “Day of Reckoning” with Paul Bettany and Willem Dafoe, and in the 2002 military drama “Simon” the actor still had one of the key roles.

The actor's next significant work was the science-fiction thriller Star Trek Into Darkness (2002), where he played the clone of the captain of the Enterprise spaceship, Reman Praetor.

All this time, Tom Hardy did not stop using drugs. According to the actor himself, during almost 10 years of his addiction he experienced a lot, including homosexual relationships. Shortly after finishing work on Star Trek, he overindulged in cocaine and had a seizure.

“I woke up in a pool of blood and vomit and realized it was time to call it quits.” I was disgusted with myself. This served as a lesson for me - I was reborn.

The actor went to a rehabilitation center and has not had a break since then. He completely transferred the released energy into professional activities, and very soon achieved unprecedented success. When asked about his rapid growth, the actor modestly jokes that he just wanted his father to be proud of him, and acting was the only thing he was good at.

First steps to success

Returning to action in 2003, Tom began acting in theater productions. In the same year, the Evening Standard awarded him the prize in the category “most promising newcomer” for his roles in the plays “In Arabia We Will All Be Kings” and “Blood”.

In 2004, he appeared in the thriller Layer Cake with Daniel Craig, and in 2005 he played one of the key characters in the TV series The Virgin Queen. His hero was someone who actually existed statesman– Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester, associate and lover of Queen Elizabeth I. In the same year, he appeared in another historical costume film - the film “Marie Antoinette” with Kirsten Dunst.

Many critics call Tom Hardy's breakthrough work the role of Stuart Shorter from the drama Stuart: A Past Life (2007). This film is based on the book of the same name, written by a friend of the real Stuart Shorter, a marginalized drug addict and alcoholic who fought for the rights of the homeless. The film was not initially intended to be released on big screens, so few Russian viewers saw Hardy as Shorter and Benedict Cumberbatch as his friend and author of the book, and that’s a shame.

Soon Tom Hardy appeared in the gangster comedy RocknRolla Man directed by Guy Ritchie. The actor played the role of a homosexual bandit, a member of the criminal group “Wild Gang,” whose leader was played by Gerard Butler. It is with him that Tom's hero falls in love.

Career blossoming

In 2008, viewers were amazed by Hardy's transformation in the drama "Bronson", where he again played a real person - the amazingly artistic maniac Charles Bronson. The actor was unrecognizable: he gained more than 40 pounds and grew a mustache.

Shortly after the premiere, filming began on the sports drama Warrior, where Hardy was to play a young MMA fighter opposite Joel Edgerton. I had to urgently get in shape. For 8 weeks, his daily schedule was: 2 hours of boxing, 2 hours of Muay Thai, 2 hours of jiu-jitsu, 2 hours of dancing and 2 hours in the gym.

“Becoming Bronson was much easier.” I just ate chocolate and pizza, played PlayStation and carried my friend up and down the stairs, and also grew a mustache and shaved my head.

2009 was marked by the release of the crime mini-series “Purchase,” in which Hardy became the star, and in 2010, Hardy first worked with Leonardo DiCaprio in Christopher Nolan’s “Inception” as one of the members of a team that infiltrates the son of a major industrialist in a dream in order to destroy his career his father.

Afterwards there was work in the thriller “Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy!”, with Gary Oldman - Hardy always admired this luminary of the British stage. “Oldman is incredible. He is my number one hero. I want to mean as much to my generation as he does to his,” he asserted during joint filming.

Then the actor became the star of the crime film “The Drunkest County in the World”, transforming himself, along with Shia LaBeouf and Jason Clarke, into three bootlegger brothers. The film was nominated for the Palme d'Or at Cannes.

Shortly before the film's premiere, filming began on the final part of Nolan's Batman trilogy, The Dark Knight Rises, starring Christian Bale. Hardy played the main villain, the terrorist Bane, who hid his face behind a mask. The actor again had to intensively gain weight.

"The Dark Knight Rises" - trailer

By the way, Nolan's choice fell on Hardy after the director watched RocknRolla Man, and Tom accepted the offer without even reading the script - he was promised unlimited access to stunt equipment. True, in order to match the two-meter Bane, the short (175 cm) Hardy had to wear 10-centimeter shoe linings in order to look at least no shorter than Batman.

The next time Hardy starred in an equally successful project was six months after the end of filming of The Dark Knight. It was a reboot of the Mad Max series of post-apocalyptic films about Max Rockatansky, which, in theory, was supposed to start back in 2003 and with the participation of Mel Gibson, who played Max in the original trilogy. But at that time Gibson became carried away with his project “The Passion of the Christ” and the matter stalled. Tom Hardy personally asked his predecessor for his “blessing” for this role - he was not against it.

And in 2015, viewers again saw Hardy with a lattice mask on his face. But this time he was surrounded not by the streets of Gotham, but by a hostile wasteland, where he had to flee the wrath of the local dictator in the company of a shaved head by Charlize Theron and a carefully made-up head-to-toe Nicholas Hoult.

Tom Hardy in Yakutia

In the interim, Tom Hardy joined the cast of Peaky Blinders, led by Cillian Murphy, playing Jewish mafia leader Alfie Solomons, an opponent of the Shelby gangster family. After the fourth season, Hardy left the series, but not of his own free will - that’s what the writers decided.

That same year, Hardy played the Kray twin brothers - two crime lords from London in the 60s - in the film Legend, and also appeared on the big screen in the epic film The Revenant, which brought his star, Leonardo DiCaprio, his first and deserved Oscar.

Hardy does not appear in the best light in the film, playing a greedy and cowardly man from the frontier named John Fitzgerald, who doomed Hugh Glass to certain death. Hardy himself was also nominated for an Oscar as best supporting actor, but lost to Mark Rylance from Bridge of Spies.

Throughout 2016, the actor was busy filming two major projects: the mystical series “Taboo” (he was also its producer and one of the screenwriters, the other screenwriter was his father) and Christopher Nolan’s new blockbuster “Dunkirk.” It is noteworthy that in Dunkirk, as in The Dark Knight, the actor’s face was hidden by a pilot’s mask. The director believes that Hardy is so good that he can express a whole range of emotions with just his eyes.

In 2018, Hardy joined the ranks of actors working in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. He played journalist Eddie Brock, whose body was possessed by an alien creature, turning the man into the main antagonist of Spider-Man - Venom. The film reveals Venom's backstory in detail and gives hope that audiences will still see the battle between Tom Hardy and Tom Holland.

"Venom" with Tom Hardy. Trailer

As part of the promotion of Venom, Tom Hardy visited Moscow. The actor stayed at the Ritz Hotel, and the next morning he held a photo shoot in Zaryadye Park, wearing a T-shirt with the inscription “Venom”, which was given to him by Russian fans.

During the press conference, Hardy was asked what superpower he would like to have in real life. The answer caused exclamations of emotion in the hall:

If we talk seriously about some unrealistic powers, then I would like to become a superfather. Always be close to your son, keep up with everything.

And the actor said the following about his impressions of Moscow:

Even before the official divorce, the couple hardly communicated. In 2003, Hardy had an affair with Korean-born actress Linda Park. In 2005, on the set of the TV series The Virgin Queen, Tom became interested in the director's assistant, Rachel Speed. In April 2008, their son Louis was born. After Tom and Rachel broke up, he stayed with his mom, but sees his dad regularly.

In 2009, Tom Hardy began dating actress Charlotte Riley. They met on the set of the drama “Wuthering Heights” based on the novel “Bronte”. According to the script, their characters, Heathcliff and Cathy Earnshaw, were madly in love with each other. Charlotte was skeptical about “office romances,” but could not resist Tom’s charm. 5 years later, the couple tied themselves with solemn vows and rings.

In October 2015, the actor became a dad for the second time – Charlotte gave birth to a child. The couple decided not to publicize the name or gender of the child.

Tom Hardy and Charlotte's second child was born in the first days of 2019 joint child- a boy named Forest, after Tom Hanks' character from the movie Forrest Gump. Meanwhile, the name and gender of Tom's middle child are still unknown.

Tom Hardy now

In 2019, the actor worked on the role of gangster Al Capone in the film Scarface. Fans were amazed by the filigree work of the make-up artist. Director Josh Trank's idea is also interesting: the plot is dedicated not to the birth of the Capone empire, but to its decline. The gangster was released from prison, suffered from syphilis and lost all his loved ones, but difficult memories do not allow him to forget.

The new season of the series “Taboo” is expected to be released. The film crew of the series admits that there are enough ideas not only for the second, but also for the third season, but Hardy can only work on this project in free time, which he sorely lacks. Therefore, viewers cannot count on the usual schedule of “a new season every year.”

Fans of Peaky Blinders believe that Tom Hardy's character will return to the series in the final season, despite what happened in the last episode of season 4. One way or another, we will find out about this no earlier than October 4, 2019.

Hardy is also awaiting the start of filming the fifth part of Mad Max: he signed the contract even before the release of Fury Road. The working title of the film is "Mad Max: Wasteland".

The release of the second “Venom” is just around the corner. Tom Hardy himself also had a hand in creating the script for the sequel. The director of the project, Andy Serkis, admitted that he has known Hardy for many years and trusts his instincts.

It is known that Hardy agreed to star in three large diverse projects, the release date of which is still unknown. These are the action movie “On the Wave Path”, the film adaptation of the game “Splinter Cell” and the drama “Everest”.

Filming on Splinter Cell was supposed to begin several years earlier, but Leonardo DiCaprio lured him to co-star in The Revenant, and director Doug Liman only saw Hardy in the title role. Due to constant hiccups, Liman was forced to leave the project, and the future of the film remains in doubt.

Tom Hardy is a man who was born into a creative family. Maybe that’s why he decided to continue this creative path, to become a theater and film actor. And I must say that he was very successful in this matter. After all, he behaves confidently on the screen, and any role he plays becomes more interesting and brighter.

I would also like to note that from childhood, little Tom was interested in acting and believed that he could well prove himself in this field. The parents reacted very favorably to their son’s choice, so now viewers can watch interesting films with his participation. Let's take a closer look at what exactly Tom Hardy is and what films he starred in.

Height, weight, age. How old is Tom Hardy

Answering questions about height, weight, age. How old is Tom Hardy, I must admit that the actor looks more than good. After all, she regularly goes to Gym, they say that he has developed his own nutrition system, which allows the guy to stay in shape so well. Today, Tom Hardy is 39 years old, height is 178 centimeters, and weight is 70 kilograms. He understands that everything that can be achieved in this life is achieved only through hard work and self-improvement. But where did Tom Hardy's career begin? How he decided to become an actor, and what he had to overcome to get there.

Biography and personal life of Tom Hardy

The biography and personal life of Tom Hardy deserves attention, because from the very early childhood I tried to live my life interestingly and creatively. After all, he was born into a creative family, where beauty and art were valued. His mother was an artist, and his father created commercials. Therefore, when his son decided to become an actor, his parents very favorably accepted his choice and supported him. After he received the necessary education, his first role was in the TV series “Band of Brothers.” But since the series became unpopular, his role also did not bring any results. So, his participation in the thriller “Black Hawk Down” can truly be called his debut role. After this role, he began to receive offers, and he filmed in America and England. In parallel with this, he played in the theater, where he showed excellent results, because he really liked what he did. Tom Hardy's filmography is very rich; he has starred in a wide variety of films, from comedies to horror films. Repeatedly appeared in a variety of projects. As for the actor’s personal life, he also has his own story here. The guy was married twice and already has children.

Tom Hardy's family and children

Tom Hardy's family and children today consist of himself, his second wife Charlotte Riley, and two more children. True, the first son was born from his first wife, therefore, he does not live with the actor. But all the same, he is his family, the actor tries to regularly see his first heir. Tom himself has repeatedly said that family plays a big role for him, because when you are making a career, you really want someone to be waiting for you at home, and simply rejoice at your success. His wife is also an actress, so the spouses have common interests, they are building a career together and raising a common child. That is, Hardy succeeded not only as an actor, but also as a husband and father.

Tom Hardy's sons - Louis Hardy, the name of the second son is unknown

Tom Hardy's sons Louis Hardy, the name of the second son is unknown, are the actor's heirs. That is, today, the man has already been a father twice, and perhaps he is not going to stop there. After all, he is still young and it is quite possible that he will become a father more than once. Little is known about the actor’s sons themselves; they are still too young to think about their future. The first son was born in 2008, and the second in 2015, so the actor still has small children. The actor tries to raise his children correctly, because he knows that in order to achieve something, sometimes it is not enough to have only money, you also need to use hard work and talent.

Tom Hardy's ex-wife - Sarah Ward

Tom Hardy's ex-wife Sarah Ward became his first chosen one, with whom the marriage lasted five years. I must say that the actor sought reciprocity for a long time, he was sure that this was the same woman he wanted to see in his life as a wife. But, as often happens, theory happy life turned out to be very fragile. And after five years, the couple filed for divorce. The former lovers have a common son, who now lives with his mother, and with whom the actor regularly sees. The actor himself is proud of his sons, so he is grateful to his first wife for being in his life and giving him a son. Any experience in life is valuable, especially if you draw conclusions after it.

Tom Hardy's wife - Charlotte Riley

Tom Hardy's wife, Charlotte Riley, became his second wife, whom he met during regular filming. After some time, the actor proposed to the young woman, but only four years later they were able to legally formalize the relationship. Perhaps they were hampered by a busy schedule, or perhaps they were simply testing their own feelings for strength. After all, the actor already had experience of marriage, and he, perhaps, wanted to make sure that he really loved the actress and wanted to live with her for a long time. Today, the couple live together, raise a common child, and plan a happy future.

Instagram and Wikipedia Tom Hardy

Tom Hardy is a fairly recognizable actor, so it is not surprising that there is a lot of information about him on the Internet. Fans can turn to his personal Wikipedia page (,_Tom) to learn more about the actor. It contains facts about his life, childhood, creative career, and so on. But if you want to know more about him, go to his personal page on Instagram (, where you can see his photos. Tom also shares his plans for the future, what he still wants to achieve, what films he wants to star in. Instagram and Wikipedia Tom Hardy will help you get the information you are interested in.

The famous Hollywood actor Tom Hardy is so popular and in demand that his name is known to millions of viewers around the world. With each new film, the actor surprises more and more with his professionalism and versatility. There is no role that was beyond the capabilities of this English actor. Tom Hardy is only 41 years old, but at this age he managed to achieve not just fame, but the respect and admiration of fans and film critics, and today the actor is in great demand and has already been nominated for the most prestigious film award in Hollywood.

Questions such as height, weight, age, how old is Tom Hardy are very popular among fans and admirers of the actor’s work. The Hollywood actor's height is 175 cm, but his weight is not a constant figure. The thing is that an actor loses weight, gains weight or muscle mass for various roles in films. Today Tom Hardy's body is pumped up and covered with many tattoos.

The actor once led an unhealthy lifestyle, but now, for the sake of filming a film, he is ready to work hard on his physical shape and is not afraid to change his appearance beyond recognition.

Filmography: films starring Tom Hardy

The first film work that made the actor famous was filming the film “Black Hawk Down.” This drama was released on television in 2001. Since that time, Tom Hardy began to be regularly invited to work in many films, which only increased the actor’s popularity and over time made him one of the most sought-after Hollywood actors.

Today, the actor already has a decent filmography (films starring Tom Hardy): “Taboo”, “The Dark Knight”, “Warrior”, “Mad Max: Fury Road”, “The Revenant”, etc.

Biography and personal life of Tom Hardy

The biography and personal life of Tom Hardy are very interesting; this material is constantly of interest not only to his fans, but also to ordinary viewers.

Tom Hardy was born in London, the only child in the family. Later, the family will move to a more elite area, which corresponded to the parents of the future actor. His mother was a famous and contemporary artist, and his father was a screenwriter and advertising creator.

Surprisingly, in such a prosperous family, Tom Hardy grew up as a problem child, a hooligan and a recluse who had problems with drugs. During his teenage years, the actor was constantly kicked out of school, from the modeling agency where he worked for some time, and also from drama school.

At the age of 15, Tom Hardy got his first tattoo, of which there will be even more over the years. By the way, in the future, the actor will get more than one tattoo, the reason for which will be a dispute. For example, Leonardo DiCaprio foreshadowed an Oscar nomination for Tom Hardy, which the actor himself reluctantly believed. As a result, this happened, and as a result, another tattoo appeared on the body with the inscription “Leo is always right.”

Over the course of his career, Tom Hardy has starred in dozens of dramas, thrillers, action films, and comedies, and each of the actor’s works deserves special attention and praise.

Now any film featuring a Hollywood actor released on television instantly gains popularity and attracts the attention of millions of film lovers around the world.

On this moment the actor is busy filming the drama Fronzo, where he will play the famous crime boss Al Capone. Also, at the same time, Tom Hardy is starring in a movie called “Venom,” the presentation of which is scheduled for next month.

The actor’s personal life was no less stormy. Tom Hardy has already been married twice, but his last wife turned out to be the very soulmate with whom the actor is raising his little son.

For the first time, the famous actor married his fellow student Sarah Ward at a young age. The wife filed for divorce as soon as she became aware of Tom Hardy's drug addiction.

The relationship with actress Rachel Speed ​​did not last long, but as a result, the actors had a child together. The couple never entered into a legal marital relationship.

On the set of one of the films, Tom Hardy met actress Charlotte Riley. According to the plot of the film, they were lovers, which after the end of filming developed into a real relationship. It is interesting that the actor’s chosen one is his complete opposite, but their union seems strong and happy, as evidenced by the harmony in the family of Tom and Charlotte.

Tom Hardy's family and children

Tom Hardy's family and children are a taboo topic for discussion, which the actor avoids in every possible way during numerous interviews. He and his wife do not want to advertise their family life or flaunt juicy details from their personal life. It happens - some Hollywood representatives love to spoil the public with the smallest details of their lives, while others, on the contrary, are an ardent opponent of this.

It is known that Tom Hardy officially became the husband of Charlotte Riley in 2014; today the couple is raising two children.

Tom Hardy's sons - Louis Hardy, the name of the second son is unknown

Tom Hardy's sons are Louis Hardy, the name of the second son is unknown. The actor and his current wife, actress Charlotte Riley, started dating a long time ago, but only stopped hiding their romance in 2014. Then the lovers got married. A year later, Charlotte's first child and Tom Hardy's second son were born into the new family. Previously, the actor had a relationship with the actress, who gave birth to his son Louis. Today the boy is 8 years old, and the actor often spends time with him.

Tom Hardy's second son was born in 2015, but there is no information about him, no one even knows the child's name. On the Internet you can find only a couple of photos showing the children of the Hollywood actor.

Tom Hardy's ex-wife - Sarah Ward

Tom Hardy's first and long-time ex-wife is Sarah Ward, an actress with whom he studied acting. There are photographs online showing the couple together. In the late 90s they officially got married, and in 2004 they divorced.

The marriage lasted 5 years; Sarah Ward, who did not know about her husband’s drug addiction, filed for divorce. Despite promises of recovery, the woman did not wait and decided to leave. Tom Hardy has no children from his first marriage. Sarah Ward is a little-known actress, unlike Hollywood movie star Tom Hardy.

Tom Hardy's wife - Charlotte Riley

Tom Hardy's second wife is Charlotte Riley, also an Englishwoman, and also an actress who continues to successfully act in Hollywood films today.

Charlotte grew up in an ordinary family, her parents tried to give the best to their daughter, including a good education. The actress is a talented and amazing woman who writes letters to fans instead of correspondence on social networks, in which she, by the way, is not registered.

Charlotte Riley has never had problems with drugs or discipline, but has one physical defect - squint.

Instagram and Wikipedia Tom Hardy

Instagram and Wikipedia Tom Hardy are extremely popular sources of information about the actor. He has over 3 million subscribers on the social network, and their number is only growing every day. This is where Tom Hardy most often posts photos while filming films, as well as photos with his passions - his dog and motorcycles.

Wikipedia contains detailed biographical information about the actor, including his personal life, career growth, the complete filmography of the popular Hollywood actor and many interesting details from his life.

Tom Hardy's wife - photo with wife and son, personal life, news

Tom Hardy is a famous actor who is quite a sought-after person in his field; he can compete with anyone in the number of films he has made. Tom Hardy's wife always tries to share successes and failures with her man, for his sake career growth she is ready for a lot. Joint appearances in public are rare, but if these are premieres of new products, serious shows or joint filming, you will definitely see them.

Actor Tom Hardy is over 40 years old and is from West London. Hardy's parents were also involved in creativity: his mother was an artist, and his father created comedy and commercials. He first tried alcoholic drinks at the age of 30, after which he did not give up drugs.

These bad habits prevented Tom from getting good things. higher education, and the young man was simply expelled from the prestigious school. He was also kicked out of the modeling agency because of drugs, but at the age of 19 he already had a contract with a serious company. Tom Hardy achieved success starting at the London Drama Theatre. While filming Black Hawk Down, he was noticed by directors, which gradually grew into popularity and demand.

Tom Hardy's wife photo

Tom Hardy's personal life is not publicized; Charlotte is not his first wife with whom he is married. At the age of 22, he began an affair with Sarah Ward, which gradually turned into marriage; the young people met in England, but the lifestyle that Tom Hardy had introduced constant scandals into family relationships, thereby his first wife left him.

If for the first five years the actor’s wife tried to tolerate his drinking, drug use and spree, then soon her patience ran out. Even the fact that Tom Hardy ended up in rehab didn't help. The girl filed for divorce and they soon received the relevant documents. This had a very strong impact on Tom; the man gave up the past, began to play sports intensively and decided to start all over again.

After his divorce from his wife Sarah, Linda Park appeared in Tom's life. This novel began stormily, developed quickly, but it also ended suddenly. The next woman in the actor’s life was Rachel Speed, they lived with her for 5 years, during which time a beautiful son, Louis, was born, but Tom and Rachel decided not to formalize their marriage.

When Tom Hardy was filming Wuthering Heights, one of the main roles was given to Charlotte Riley, and together they subsequently starred in the series Purchase, after which the man and woman began an affair. A year later, Tom decided to propose to her, and presented her with a family ring as a gift, which Charlotte happily accepted.

For a long time, Hardy and his wife tried to hide everything from the public, but their beloved became pregnant, and they had to reveal their cards. When the son was born, the family became complete, this is exactly what Tom lacked.

Tom Hardy, his wife and son are happy and spend a lot of time together. Even though the life of an actor is difficult and finding a free moment is not easy. The ex-wife does not interfere with communication with his son; the children have completely changed his life.

At home, Tom Hardy is a real loving father who works with his child, teaches him about sports and tries to ensure that his two sons, Louis is already 10 years old, know each other.

There are a lot of photos of Tom Hardy’s wife on Instagram; like a real actress, she constantly updates her account and emphasizes that her career and personal relationships are at a high level.

Today, her man has nothing to do with addictions; Tom is perfect in everything, succeeds in the acting environment and is quickly growing up the career ladder. Actor Tom Hardy's wife is very attractive, helps promote her husband's career, and Tom Hardy was recently nominated for an Oscar. Raising a son does not interfere with the development of an active creative life.

Tom Hardy's wife

British actor Tom Hardy was born in London in 77. He made his film debut in 2001 in Ridley Scott's Black Hawk Down. Following this film, he plays for other venerable directors around the world, while simultaneously working in the theater. For his theatrical work, Hardy even received an award for outstanding debut in 2003.

Tom Hardy and Charlotte Riley

Tom Hardy films

Hardy gained particular popularity for his role in the film “Stuart. Past Life”, where he plays the role of Stuart Shorter. Critics considered this role to be the best of Hardy's career, and the BAFTA award agreed with them, nominating Tom for this film. The actor’s debut appearance on screens was marked by the release of the film “Black Hawk Down,” based on real events.

Still from Mad Max

Still from Wuthering Heights

At some point he had to move to North Africa for the filming of the next war film “Simon: English Legionnaire”. Hardy returned to England to work on LD: Lethal Dose. A thriller about terrorists who conducted experiments on animals was released in 2003.

A little later, he starred in a TV series for the BBC, where he played the Earl of Leicester. A year later he received a role in the films “Swinney Tod” and “Stuart: A Past Life.” Fans really liked these films thanks to the good soundtracks and impeccable acting.

Tom Hardy in the film "Number 44"

Many people know Tom for his role in Guy Ritchie's comedy RocknRolla, in which he played a homosexual criminal. For his role in the film “Purchase” the actor receives an award as the best actor. He also brilliantly played the main role in the film Wuthering Heights, based on the novel of the same name.

IN last years Tom starred in the films Locke, Number 44, Mad Max: Fury Road and Legend. Each of them received wide publicity and expanded the actor’s fan base.

Personal life

In 1999, Tom Hardy, while still an aspiring actor, married a girl named Sarah Ward, but the 5-year marriage ended in divorce. Tom Hardy's wife did not give birth to his children, but ex-girlfriend Rachel Speed ​​gave the actor a son, Louis.

Tom Hardy and Charlotte Riley got married in July

In 2009, Hardy participated in the filming of the romantic drama Wuthering Heights, based on the novel by Emilia Brontë. Hardy played Heathcliff, who is in love with Catherine, a childhood friend. The romance on camera turned into a romance in real life. Hardy began dating Charlotte Riley, who played the role of Catherine.

After finishing work on the film, the media wrote that Hardy left his common-law wife and son for Charlotte. Both denied it at first, but later admitted to the relationship and proved its seriousness. In 2014, a beautiful wedding ceremony of two actors took place in the south of France.

All Tom Hardy novels

Popular actor and filmmaker, 41-year-old Tom Hardy is called one of the first handsome men and the main “bad guy” of Hollywood, which only adds to his charm. The winner of the prestigious BAFTA film award, as well as an Oscar nominee, has been happily married to English film actress Charlotte Riley for many years, with whom they are raising two heirs, however, until some time his personal life was very stormy and eventful.

As Hardy himself likes to say, in this life you need to try everything, and he tried. The star of “The Revenant” admits that he had affairs with men and women, he took drugs, but he did it all solely for the purpose of experimentation, because he is an actor, and “played,” in his words, with everyone and everything that came his way on a way. In this article we will tell you about the most striking novels in the life of the famous actor.

Tom Hardy: affairs with men

It’s hard to believe that this brutal actor and conqueror of women’s hearts could have close relationships with other men, but in 2010, Tom himself spoke about it. In one of his interviews, he admitted that in his youth he had experience of same-sex relationships, but only out of curiosity and for experimental purposes. According to him, he never had anything serious with men, and almost immediately he became convinced that he liked girls exclusively.

Tom Hardy and Sarah Ward

Tom was a typical difficult teenager, despite the fact that he grew up in a quite prosperous and wealthy family. Since the boy had no brothers and sisters, he received all the parental love alone, and mom and dad strived for their beloved child to receive a good education. However, Tom did not want to study, drank alcohol, took drugs, had numerous affairs, and also had police reports for possession of weapons and car theft, which is why he was expelled from a prestigious private school.

Only after becoming a student at the London Drama Theater School did Tom manage to pull himself together, take up his studies, and also meet his first great love in his life. In the late 90s, in London, the actor met a girl named Sarah Ward, with whom he fell madly in love. In 1999, less than a month after they met, 22-year-old Hardy proposed to his chosen one, and Sarah agreed.

The young people did not delay the wedding and almost immediately registered their relationship. However, Tom was not at all ready for serious changes and measured family life, he was unable to settle down and leave his habits in the past, continuing to drink strong drinks and drugs.

Photo: Tom Hardy and Sarah Ward

In the early 00s, the young British man's film career got off to a very successful start, but neither his heavy workload nor his young wife could distract him from his addictions. Ultimately, he ended up in a rehabilitation center in 2003.

By that time, their marriage with Sarah had already cracked; the girl was simply tired of her husband’s lifestyle, and in 2004 they officially filed for divorce. At the moment, Hardy is not in contact with his ex-wife.

Tom Hardy and Linda Park

Tom met the American television actress of Korean origin, star of the science fiction television series “Star Trek: Enterprise” Linda Park, while he was married to Sarah. According to some reports, it was the affair with the Korean woman that became the last straw in his wife’s cup of patience.

The actor did not hide his affair on the side, and after the divorce he began to openly date Linda. The couple was often seen together on walks along the city streets, they held hands and demonstrated their tender feelings in every possible way, however, this romance did not last long. Nothing is known for sure about the reasons for the couple’s separation, but most likely, the reason for this was the new passion of the handsome actor.

Photo: Tom Hardy and Linda Park

Tom Hardy and Rachel Speed

After several fleeting and non-committal affairs, Hardy began dating a young casting assistant named Rachel Speed. They met in 2005 on the set of the mini-series “The Virgin Queen,” where Rachel worked as an assistant and Tom played one of the key roles.

The actor liked a pretty girl and soon they started dating. The couple did not advertise their close relationship and tried not to attract undue attention to themselves, however, many were confident that in the foreseeable future the lovers, who already lived under the same roof, would get married, because everything was heading towards this.

In 2008, Rachel gave her lover a son, to whom they named Louis Hardy, but even despite the birth of their common child, the actor never made an official proposal to his passion. IN civil marriage the couple lived together for about four years, but later they broke up, maintaining friendly relations.

Photo: Tom Hardy with his son

The actor continues to help his former beloved and eldest heir financially, and also tries to spend enough time with his growing son, taking part in his upbringing. In addition, Tom dedicated one of his tattoos to his son - the inscription: “My beautiful son.”

Tom Hardy and Charlotte Riley

In 2009, on the set of the melodramatic film Wuthering Heights, Hardy met the English actress, star of the romantic comedy Easy Virtue, Charlotte Riley. In the story, the actors played a couple in love, and got into their roles so well that a romantic relationship began between them in real life.

Since 2010, the couple lived in a civil marriage, but the actor was in no hurry to propose to his chosen one, and only in the summer of 2014 did Tom and Charlotte officially become husband and wife. A year later, in October 2015, their first child was born, whose name the couple did not disclose.

Photo: Tom Hardy and Charlotte Riley

In July 2018, it became known that the acting couple was again preparing for an addition to the family. In December, Charlotte gave her lover a second son, but his name is also kept secret for now.

Tom Hardy and Emily Browning

In 2014, during the filming of the crime drama Legend, the actor worked with Australian actress and model Emily Browning. Rumors spread in the press that things had started between them romantic relationship, although the actors themselves categorically denied this information.

Photo: Tom Hardy and Emily Browning

At that time, Tom had already been living in an unregistered marriage with Charlotte for four years, for whom the news of her lover’s alleged affair came as a real shock. A major scandal was brewing, which threatened to result in the collapse of the actor’s long-term stable relationship. According to some reports, it was this circumstance that prompted Hardy to propose to his chosen one, with whom he is still happily married to this day.

“I’m a very lucky boy!” - says the charming villain Tom Hardy to himself. Indeed, to say that he is unlucky would be, to say the least, blasphemous. The Oscar nominee and one of the most desirable men in Hollywood was born in Hammersmith, London, into a family of well-educated and fairly wealthy people, a comedy writer and artist. As a child, he was given a lot of things, although none of this saved him from “bad company.”

“I was always surrounded by the care of my mother. Our house was full of books and music. Gifts and trips abroad were included. An expensive private education - I also received that,” Tom says about his childhood. “There was, however, one problem. I was a bit of a naughty child. No, let me correct myself. I was a very, very naughty boy!”

We readily believe in the latter, but how else would Hardy be able to play notorious thieves and swindlers so convincingly if he himself never broke the law. This is the truth of life, if you have never eaten lemon, then you are unlikely to be able to describe its taste.

When little Tom was 11 years old, a policeman came to his school with a lecture about the dangerous effects of glue on the body, which was then so fashionable in school circles to snort until one stupefied. According to Hardy, his first thought was: “Oh, I know where to get all this!” By the age of 13, he was already heavily addicted to hallucinogens.

Hardy's entire youth was marked by alcohol and drugs - experimenting with prohibited substances was a real hobby of the future actor. This continued until he was found in a pool of blood and vomit in 2003. “In those days, I could have sold my mother for a dose,” Tom recalls, not without shame.

That incident in 2003 became a lesson for the future star. 26-year-old Tom decided to quit. He went to rehab, took up sports and started living from scratch. Now his interests included not cocaine and weed, but boxing and martial arts. “I died and was reborn,” Hardy says about that time, “the only thing that saved me then was acting. I was the only child in the family, and I wanted to be proud of me. And the stage was what I was really good at.” This is how talented artists emerge from notorious hooligans. A big fly in the ointment of talent sometimes helps you become someone admired by millions.

The perfect villain...

“I'm not Bane (the Batman comic book supervillain Hardy played in The Dark Knight Rises - ed.), if you know what I mean. In life I am an extremely reserved person, but I understand why some people are afraid of me. True, once they talk to me once, they understand that I have nothing in common with these maniacs that I play,” Hardy complains about his eternal fate as villains. However, he has said more than once that he is very curious about getting into the role of bad guys and, frankly speaking, there is nothing surprising in this. The forbidden fruit is always sweet, and if life itself gives you the opportunity to join a world far from you without consequences, then why not try.

Tom Hardy as the villain Bane in The Dark Knight Rises.

Cheerful in life, incredibly charming and good-natured, Hardy always answers unequivocally to questions about how he relates to his characters - I'm afraid. According to him, they scare him like no other, since he has met similar people in his real life.

There are quite a few black spots behind Hardy's background. Today he does not refuse them, as many celebrities like to do - cleaning up his biography for better box office returns has long become commonplace. Tom has drawn conclusions from the past and uses those difficult experiences for his present. Playing villains is much more difficult than playing simple-minded kids next door. Making a person hate himself sincerely and genuinely - isn’t this true talent?

Tom Hardy as Max Rockatansky in Mad Max: Fury Road.

Tom Hardy as twins Ronald (Ronnie) and Reginald (Reggie) Kray in Legend.

... and an exemplary father

It’s hard to comprehend, but this bearded owner of tattooed arms and the piercing gaze of at least a serial killer is also a loving father of two children. The actor has seven-year-old Louis Hardy with ex-girlfriend Rachel Speed ​​and a four-month-old son with his current wife Charlotte Riley.

“I wouldn't say having children saved my life, but it definitely changed my life,” Hardy says. - Now I know that there is someone who needs me and hopes for me. When I come home I stop being Tommy the actor, I become Tommy the father. This is largely due to the fact that it is too early for my children to watch films with my participation. The eldest son really wants to watch Mad Max, but I didn’t allow him - first let him watch all the Harry Potters.

Tom Hardy and Charlotte Riley

Tom Hardy and Charlotte Riley

Tom Hardy and Charlotte Riley

Hardy's bisexuality: yes or no?

Tom loves to attract attention and is not afraid to do it in openly hooligan ways. Before the release of the film Inception, the actors of this promising thriller by Christopher Nolan were snapped up like hot cakes. Interviews were conducted one after another not only with the leading actor Leonardo DiCaprio, Tom also managed to chat with a single publication about the new role. Then he admitted to one of the journalists: “Well, yes, I had relationships with men. Damn, I'm an actor! I play all the time - anything, with anyone. I can easily see myself with a guy, but that kind of sex doesn’t attract me. There were all sorts of things in my youth, but now I’m over thirty. I experimented a lot.”

Oh, how many misunderstandings this innocently thrown phrase has caused. “Experimented” - what he meant by this, how to find his ex-boyfriends, how many there were and whether they were serious - the yellow publications vied with each other to find the actor’s dirty laundry. Did you find it? Who like. Most of all, of course, there were false stories invented by not the most skillful scribblers.

Indeed, it was extremely difficult to ignore Hardy’s statement. A little later, he tried to smooth things over and said that men frighten him a little. In this way, he wanted to ward off all the gossip and rumors that grew like a snowball after that interview. “I’ve always been afraid of men,” Hardy said in an interview. - I was so afraid that I couldn’t go to the gym, there was so much testosterone there, I felt weak. I don't feel particularly masculine. In life, I don’t feel tough, strong and powerful, at least not to the extent that I think a man should feel. So I'm looking for it, I'm portraying it and maybe I understand it, or maybe it's my illusory reality. Scary people scare me, but I can imitate them.”

However, none of these interviews could rid Hardy of the “bi-” prefix. No matter how much Tom talks about how happy he is with his wife, how he got excited talking about his “turbulent youth,” he will still be reminded of those words. However, knowing the laws of show business and Hollywood’s dislike for actors who go beyond the understanding of the masses, it is quite possible to assume that he was asked to retract those words. But you must admit, all this is not so important when the actor is talented and as charming as Hardy.