This week is great for learning. You not only perfectly perceive new information, carefully analyze details and come to the right conclusions based on the material studied, but you are also able to compare facts, make predictions and apply the experience gained in practice. In addition, thanks to the rapid improvement of your professional level, you will be able to solve a problem that has been bothering you for a long time.

Love horoscope

You can support your loved one by making a little more effort than usual. It is possible that the chosen one has been tormented by some thoughts for a long time or that he/she has unresolved conflicts with other people. Your support and good advice, will help resolve a controversial situation and return peace of mind to your partner.

Financial horoscope

In the business sphere, there is an increase in productivity with a simultaneous change in priorities. Somewhere in the middle of the week, a situation will arise that will need to be resolved as quickly and efficiently as possible, so you will have to adapt to the circumstances on the fly and resort to the help of your allies. Don't be surprised if your relationship with your boss improves noticeably. This is the result of your painstaking daily work, which will soon bring you a promotion and an increase in salary.

Health horoscope

There should be no special health problems, although overload at work and prolonged uncomfortable positions, for example, bending over a monitor or papers, can cause pain in the back and neck. Therefore, do small warm-ups more often during working day, and in the evening be sure to take a walk in the fresh air.

Who among us has not wanted to look into the future at least once in our lives? At the same time, everyone has their own reasons. Those who have a family would like to gain confidence in the future. In adolescence and adolescence, many expect something incredible and unusual from the future, so they can’t wait to get to know it.

Horoscopes help solve this issue. However, it is very difficult to independently understand all the signs of the zodiac and the influence of planets on them. Therefore, our astrologers, taking into account all factors (the influence of the Moon and the Sun, the astrodynamics of the planets and their influence on each zodiac sign), have created an accurate weekly horoscope that will help you make the right decision and avoid many problems and misunderstandings.

By compiling a weekly horoscope, we tried not only to most accurately predict your future, but also to give good advice that will help you achieve harmony and attract good luck into your life. Following the recommendations of our astrologers, problems that recently seemed challenging task, will seem like minor troubles to you.

The first half of the week is favorable for meetings with colleagues and long-time business partners. However, negotiations with investors may reach a dead end, and this should be remembered by businessmen who expect to receive financial support and funds for the implementation of their projects. The middle of the week is a time of unrest in the workforce; There is a growing general desire for fairness in the distribution of workloads and income. People who have recently felt disadvantaged, oppressed physically and morally, show a tendency to aggressive behavior. Existing problems will be aggravated by false information actively disseminated by dishonest businessmen.
There may be unplanned expenses caused by changes in your personal life. May 5, 8 and 9 are unfavorable days in all respects. At this time, you need to be especially attentive to relatives; lovers may have problems communicating, and unstable couples will be immersed in resolving property issues.
Both men and women should take care of their reputation and not give unnecessary reasons for gossip. The second half of the week is the time of the most serious emotional problems.
Ailments are very likely, exacerbation is possible chronic diseases. In addition, this week you should be wary of poisoning, colds and viral infections. Load on the legs and bottom part the spine should be shortened as much as possible. Walking with children is useful. Most of May will be during Mercury's retrograde motion. At this time, issues related to further development will be especially acute in society; discussions about the national idea and possible ways to unite the country's population will intensify. Holidays that are of interest to representatives of different generations also contribute to this. Representatives of opposition movements may remind themselves, and armed conflicts are not excluded. Moving on to economic forecasts, we note the increase in activity in the oil and gas sector. A strong rise in oil prices and a weakening of the US currency are likely. This picture will remain until the beginning of June.
The end of the month is marked by the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn, which will mark the beginning of a new stage in the development of the raw materials part of the economy, and will also become the starting point for serious changes in politics and society, fashion and medicine.
May is not the most favorable time for shopping. Don't waste money on cute trinkets, things you can do without.
From a business point of view, the month is favorable. It is suitable for starting business contacts or renewing old useful acquaintances. Forethought and self-control will help you overcome any obstacles.
Changes are taking place in the sphere of personal relationships, romantic relationships are becoming more serious. At this time, love is born, long-term alliances are concluded. In large families, the future of children is discussed extremely emotionally. For the most sensitive people, May will be difficult, since strong feelings do not contribute to maintaining mental balance. Suspiciousness, nervous breakdowns appear, hysterical behavior and attacks of jealousy are possible.
You should not plan any medical actions for this period if your health condition allows you to wait. But prevention and attention to the condition of your body, as always, will be useful.

Aries for the week

The time has come to slightly change your attitude towards life and your usual line of behavior. Try not to notice minor troubles, focus on achieving the main goal and not lose your peace of mind. Your desire to quickly implement new ideas, as well as your tendency to participate in original and risky ventures, can lead to serious troubles. Approach solving any problems responsibly, do not waste words and remain faithful to traditions.
Hard work will bring worthy results. Do not rush to resolve financial issues: this can lead to serious losses. The week is suitable for business meetings, paperwork, investments. When communicating with new partners, be careful: there is a high probability that they will try to confuse you.
This week is associated with a significant expansion of your social circle. The people who come into your life now will soon open up new opportunities for you. Beware of risky romantic adventures, take troubles philosophically. The ability to stoically endure difficulties will allow you to win the favor of the most worthy persons.
The end of the week is favorable in all respects; trials will be overcome, planned tasks will be completed.
The stars warn of a high probability of illness. A hectic lifestyle and a lot of work can significantly reduce your vitality. Avoid nervous overload, do not participate in risky ventures.

Taurus for the week

The stars warn of serious difficulties that will arise on your way. Taurus, whose plans are classified as risky, should be especially serious. Those considering a new project should seek the approval of influential people as soon as possible. For those who encounter problems due to the fault of ill-wishers, faithful like-minded people will come to their aid in time. Don't be afraid to use non-standard methods, even if they cause confusion among others.
A conflict situation is brewing in relations with relatives; the second half of the week will be especially difficult. Show patience - this is what will help maintain a semblance of peace, and at the end of the week events will develop in a much more favorable direction. Visits from uninvited guests are not excluded.
The relationship between lovers can reach a dead end, and it is up to you whether things will come to a final break.
Your health will deteriorate, and the feeling of fatigue will almost never leave you. A nervous breakdown is possible, one of the reasons for which will be a difficult situation at work. Try not to miss the opportunity to have a good time with friends.

Gemini for the week

Gemini's desire for change will certainly benefit representatives of this sign. New beginnings promise good luck; the week is suitable for concluding contracts and financial transactions, and preparing documents. The “fly in the ointment” will be financial difficulties caused by unforeseen expenses.
The beginning of the week is a period of great opportunities that will open up for you thanks to the intervention of influential people. At this time, you will be favorably distinguished from others by your balance, compassion and ability to follow generally accepted norms. Business trips are possible, during which it is better not to make unnecessary acquaintances.
In your personal life, not everything is easy, but despite all the trials, you will remain calm, which will help you find the shortest path to harmony. You can make the most daring plans - good luck awaits you. However, you should be prepared to carry out burdensome public duties and take initiative even when you do not feel too confident.
At the end of the week, try to avoid haste and fussiness. In addition, it is dangerous to indulge in gluttony and get carried away with alcoholic beverages - life potential tends to decrease.

Cancer for a week

Cancers can take on any task: the chances of achieving success are very high, and in difficult situations they can rely on allies. The middle of the week is the time of triumph of logic and rationalization in everything. Ability to plan and use effectively free time will help you avoid trouble. Working with documents will require accuracy, and there will be a need to verify the information received. The second half of the week is suitable for business meetings.
The week promises to be truly outstanding for those who crave love and romantic interests. A period of renewal of feelings is coming, and new love is not excluded. But there is a danger that circumstances will escape your attention, which will later play a fatal role, giving rise to mutual grievances that can destroy relationships with a long-time loved one.
At the end of the week, those who are still single will be able to meet their “half.” An indispensable condition for a romantic acquaintance is optimism, and the ability to perceive all troubles without negative emotions is also important.
The stars warn: your health is at risk. Chronic fatigue, physical and nervous overload will not benefit anyone. There is also a high probability of an unfavorable combination of circumstances.

Leo for the week

The week is full of worries and requires decisive action. You have to do everything: make contact with officials and representatives government organizations, organize business meetings, handle paperwork. An influential person is likely to appear on your horizon who will help you find a way out of a difficult situation. The end of the week is most favorable from a financial point of view.
Your actions may cause disapproval and even indignation from loved ones, and a conflict is brewing in the family. The main cause of problems is your rash statements or statements that were interpreted falsely. It should be remembered that violent expression of emotions will only aggravate the situation. The qualities that provoke problems in romantic relationships now are your inherent gullibility and desire to believe everything that is pleasant to hear. By the end of the week, thanks to your thoughtful actions, the situation will stabilize.
Not in good health in the best possible way a hectic lifestyle and a large amount of work will affect. The mood will be changeable; on some days, irritability and withdrawal may reach critical levels.

Virgo for the week

The beginning and middle of the week are associated with serious challenges. At this time, you should not make any significant decisions or make large purchases. You cannot blindly trust new acquaintances, and you cannot spend money in accordance with the advice that will come from all sides. At the end of the week the situation will become more predictable and generally favorable. Virgos who manage to maintain inner peace will by this time decide on plans for the future and begin to put their plans into practice.
Scrupulousness in financial matters is very important - you risk seriously ruining your reputation if you get involved in some kind of scam in the hope of getting rich quickly. There will be an opportunity to solve problems that have arisen in the recent past and change your relationships with others for the better.
In personal relationships, patience and intuition are extremely important. There may be serious problems in common affairs, and the responsibility for solving them will fall on your shoulders. Remember that now you should focus on solving the most important tasks.
Probably a new acquaintance that will open up new opportunities for you. Ladies who are expecting romantic encounters will be especially lucky.
Life potential, which is very high at the beginning of the week, will gradually decrease, which may adversely affect well-being.

Libra for the week

This week is not easy. Its first days are associated with financial difficulties, as well as the need to overcome obstacles placed in your way by bureaucrats and officials. However, it is at this time that you can find new way solving old problems, which will allow you to easily cope with many things and replenish your budget already in the middle of the week.
The end of the week is a favorable time for concluding contracts and agreements, and finalizing transactions. At this time, financial receipts from unexpected sources, large winnings, and profit from previously concluded transactions are also possible. Don’t neglect the opportunity to chat with colleagues in an informal setting: a pleasant conversation can bring significant benefits.
There is an opportunity to solve personal problems. The beginning of the week is suitable for marriage, the beginning of a life together with a loved one, and conception. Success awaits you with representatives of the opposite sex, but a truly serious relationship will begin only if you show some prudence in expressing feelings - this will protect you from serious troubles. Communication with friends can bring unpleasant emotions: you will have to make a choice between your own and other people's interests. The second half of the week should be devoted to family.
Life potential, sexuality, and personal charm are enhanced. Communication, meetings, and creative pursuits will be successful and bring satisfaction.

Scorpio for the week

Conflicts with management or with colleagues are possible, which will not end in your favor. Try not to get upset over minor failures, focus your efforts on priority areas of activity. The stars warn: difficult trials await you, but it is thanks to them that your talents and abilities will fully reveal themselves. It is better to schedule important events at the end of the week. Try to avoid promises and unnecessary conversations. You should not enter into purchase and sale transactions: a conflict situation cannot be ruled out, which could have unpleasant consequences.
A visit from relatives will provide an opportunity to have a pleasant time. In the second half of the week, you will be overcome by the desire for entertainment, which may cause conflict with representatives of the older generation. In the field romantic relationships the influence of favorable trends is strong, mutual understanding and success will not keep you waiting. However, be on your guard: the stars warn of significant changes in life.
Dedicate the end of the week to household chores, family, children. Try to avoid alcohol abuse. Beware of falling from a height: bone fractures and other injuries are likely. To avoid the manifestation of chronic diseases, take preventive measures.

Sagittarius for the week

The week will bring serious problems and challenges. Emotional instability can cause conflicts at work. Do not be active in commercial affairs - you will not be able to overcome all the obstacles in your path. There is no need to overexert yourself, look for adventures, or participate in dubious undertakings. The stars do not recommend taking pointless risks. Be careful not to make mistakes at work so as not to cause criticism from your superiors.
Your financial situation is unstable, many small expenses await you. Success awaits you in creative pursuits, studies, and mastering complex crafts.
Relaxing with your family will be very useful; close people will help you overcome stress. The middle of the week is a favorable time for meeting old friends and acquaintances, renewing broken relationships.
Loyalty to principles healthy image life will give strength to the body, give a charge of vigor necessary for further achievements. Life potential is so high that sometimes you overestimate your capabilities, which is very dangerous.

Capricorn for a week

Difficult week. There may be insurmountable obstacles in business, serious mistakes, to which ill-wishers will certainly try to draw attention. Businessmen should be especially careful: they should not enter into deals without enlisting the support of like-minded people. Strive to achieve the fastest possible important goal without being distracted by solving secondary problems. By plunging into the cycle of small matters, you are wasting time, and what you miss now will be very difficult to make up for in the future.
It is undesirable to enter into risky transactions or endanger your property. This week you will need the ability to save and optimize expenses.
Close people will sometimes demand attention, showing dissatisfaction with your constant busyness. Use every opportunity to prove the truth of your feelings. This week is favorable for traveling, playing with children, walking in the park or forest.
Remember that an event may occur this week that will have a significant impact on your affairs or health. The stars recommend avoiding risky ventures.
Life potential is high, but don't neglect prevention colds, and if you feel unwell, rush to see a doctor - medical procedures are especially effective now.

Aquarius for a week

This week, Aquarians must be extremely careful when communicating with new partners. Tempting offers will be heard more than once, but if you accept one of them, you will probably expose yourself to serious risk. Now you should focus on summing up the results and completing old things. Review existing ones business relationship, listen to the advice of investors and management: the recommendations received will be timely and accurate.
Ambitiousness and a tendency to make rash decisions can lead to complications in work or personal life. The main problem is that you do not evaluate events objectively, and therefore make impossible promises and act frivolously.
In the second half of the week, relationships with relatives will stabilize, and your attractiveness in the eyes of representatives of the opposite sex will increase. This is a great time for relaxation and fun, as well as travel and active recreation.
Life potential is low, and taking care of your health is simply necessary. Emotional tension can cause a nervous breakdown, and drinking alcohol and eating meat will aggravate the situation.

Pisces for the week

This week Pisces is susceptible negative influences from the outside, and this can become the main problem for representatives of this sign. Try not to make important decisions, postpone making deals and business meetings. It is possible that you will make mistakes at work, quarrels with colleagues, as well as significant losses, the cause of which will be the unreliability of your chosen partner.
You must trust your intuition and not rely on outside advice. Business activity, which was very low at the beginning of the week, is gradually increasing, and you will certainly have the opportunity to achieve success by implementing bold plans. The end of the week will be rich in events related to professional activities. At this time, even personal meetings will have a business tint, and each of them can lay the foundation for advancement up the career ladder.
It is advisable not to rush into purchases: they may turn out to be extremely unsuccessful and you will regret the money spent. You should also not borrow money.
Problems in the family, conflicts with children or older relatives are likely. Mutual reproaches and disappointments are possible.
It is better to avoid physical activity: there is a high risk of injury. Mild ailments are possible.

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General horoscope for the week from May 6 to May 12, 2019
The very beginning of the week will not be very successful. Various troubles are possible in the team and in communication with friends, quarrels, mutual reproaches. It will be difficult for you to restrain your emotions, just like others, and this always leads to negative...

Weekly horoscope for Aries from May 6 to May 12, 2019
The week will start with a strange feeling of uncertainty. It will be completely unclear to you what awaits you in the future, what to expect and what to do, how to make the right choice. This uncertainty, on the one hand, opens up new chances for you...

It seems to you that you always behave fairly and correctly towards other people, that your actions have a clear and reasonable motivation, but this is not so. It is not uncommon for you to act in accordance with your desires, without thinking about other people. On the...

This week will be very successful for you, especially in all those areas of life and affairs where you need to be active, persistent and persevering. Things related to finances and other material assets will go well, something very good...

If you are planning to develop your existing relationship, take it to a new, stronger and more serious level (for example, you are thinking about living together or having children), then this week is the right time for this kind of decisions. It comes to my soul...

The situation may be ambiguous for you. On the one hand, you will behave like a decent family man, caring about other people, doing the right and noble things, and you will not even contradict anyone. But this is only at the beginning of the week...

You will again have a tendency to give people advice, decide who is right and wrong, make your own verdicts, without completely understanding the matter, and sometimes acting completely spontaneously. Naturally, no one will appreciate this approach, and therefore conflicts...

The events of this week will persistently appeal to your mind, to sober thinking and the ability to weigh the pros and cons. You will be required to accept right decisions and not be led by emotions, momentary desires, and especially the needs of others...

Emotions will begin to fill your life and influence your views and needs. You will want more stability in relationships, have a family or a permanent partner, the desire to love and be loved will awaken more vividly than ever before, although previously...

All your attention will be focused on worldly affairs, on issues of earning money, improving your financial situation and, of course, to work. But you won’t be in a romantic mood at all this week. So don't plan...

The events of the current week will be very unfavorable for you, especially for everything related to your significant other. If you have someone permanent, then the relationship will not go well, you will begin to move away from each other, and mutual understanding...

Changes are coming in your life, and they can have a strong impact on your entire life in absolutely any area. For some, these changes will be positive, but for others not so much, it all depends on how you behaved before, what...

Is it possible to wish for anything else when everything is fine, everything is there and your life passes in joy and contentment? Of course you can, and you are living proof of this. All this week you will be like cheese in butter, but this will not be enough for you, so you will become...

General horoscope for the next week from May 11 to May 17, 2019
This week we can highlight a main trend that permeates all areas of activity: relationships at work or school, personal life; material and spiritual spheres. This key feature- unification of people, emergence of new...

Horoscope for the next week for Aries from May 11 to May 17, 2019
This week you will be able to overcome the forces that have been holding you back and get ahead, allow yourself to develop further and act as you wish. Changes await you in your personal life and at work - you shouldn’t be afraid of them, on the contrary, you need...

You should seriously think about financial issues that have recently been completely out of your control. It is necessary to take more serious measures than just saving and borrowing until payday. Moreover, on this...

The beginning of the week will be very emotional - this can have both positive and negative connotations. Based on the fact that your financial affairs require serious reflection and a reconsideration of your approach to expenses, your emotionality may...

The beginning of the week will turn out to be boring and uninteresting for you; you will want to get away from the world around you, protect yourself from the noise and bustle. In the first half of the week you may succeed. By the middle of the week you may be asked to borrow money or, on the contrary...

On Monday and Tuesday you may feel out of place and generally out of place, since no one will listen to you, and events will happen in a way completely independent of you. And maybe it would be better if you didn't try...

This week will be very favorable for you, especially in the romantic and family sphere. At the beginning of the week, you will feel completely satisfied and satisfied with life, and the craving for excess may appear. Any difficulties at work...

On Monday you may experience emotional discomfort from a loss or trouble that has happened to you. But in fact, you are mostly exaggerating and nothing that bad happened to you. By mid-week there is...

Horoscope for the next week - another updated horoscope for all twelve zodiac signs. If your life flows at least approximately according to the star signs, then this horoscope will be most useful for you, as it will tell you about the week that has not yet come. And this will help you mobilize and overcome possible difficulties with minimal losses.

Horoscope for the next week from May 6, 2019 to May 12, 2019

The very beginning of the week will not be very successful. Various troubles are possible in the team and in communication with friends, quarrels, mutual reproaches. You will find it difficult to control your emotions, just like others, and this always leads to negative consequences. But if you manage to reduce external contacts to a minimum on Monday-Tuesday and keep yourself in control, then the rest of the week will go much better. Active communication with people continues, many random and planned meetings will bring you new ideas and incentive to action. New alliances may arise, both romantic and business.

The middle of the week is favorable for all kinds of endeavors. You can safely express your ideas, plans for the future, and also take on the most risky things. You can always count on the help of a person close to you or a work partner. The middle of the week is also good for paying more attention to your children or parents. They may also need your help or at least your presence. Moreover, in the middle of the week you will be full of energy and will be able to manage everywhere.

The second half of the week will smoothly shift your attention from financial matters to family matters. Emotions and the need for your soul mate intensify. But all emotions will have an exclusively positive connotation - this is not the time for frustration. Therefore, the second half of the week until the very end is favorable for interpersonal communication, for making new acquaintances and for acquiring a promising life partner who will spend a lot of time with you, and for strengthening family relationships with people close to you and family.

The overall joyful picture can be spoiled at the end of the week, when things don’t go the way you want, when everything around you won’t listen to you, no matter what efforts you make to achieve your goal. But there is a way out of this situation - just take a day off, allow yourself to rest and do nothing, don’t make any decisions, don’t rush anywhere and let everything happen as it wants. And you will see that everything is not as bad as it might seem at first glance.

horoscope for next week for Aries

Aries will no longer be as shy and silent as they were last week. On the contrary, many of you will have a desire to surround yourself with reliable people and hide behind their backs, as long as nothing changes around you. The beginning of the week will be difficult if Aries has to go to work. And only by the weekend Aries will feel the desire to do something.

horoscope for next week for Taurus

Taurus will act as a lieutenant, who seems to be the only one keeping pace, and his company is moving to an unknown destination. Your overly active mood will get on the nerves of those around you; not everyone will understand your desire to get out to work or change your place to relax. By the end of the week, you'll be dreaming about the office like manna from heaven.

horoscope for next week for Gemini

This week, Gemini will take a fresh look at some of their colleagues and friends. You will see many as if after a long separation and you will think about your relationship with these people. There is a high probability that by the end of the week you will make important decisions, after which something in your life will change for the better, although the decisions themselves may not be easy for you.

horoscope for next week for Cancer

For slow-moving Cancers, this week is a completely harmonious time. They will be able to find the right rhythm of life when the “creeping” initiative is the most the best option in everything. Representatives of this sign will enjoy even the little things, without demanding more from life, and, what is most interesting, they will receive this more, unlike those in a hurry.

horoscope for next week for Leo

Leos, the topic of health is relevant, do not neglect the signals of the body. This week, relationships with relatives, especially with parents, are very important for Leo; a lot will depend on whether you find a common language with them. Unfortunately, representatives of this sign may once again regard some things as a sign of weakness and go absolutely in the wrong direction.

horoscope for next week for Virgo

Virgos are burdened by a prolonged vacation, many of you will begin to manage at least dacha repair work not at your place, but at your neighbors’. Don't be surprised if you announce that you're going to work this weekend and no one is upset about it, including your significant other.

horoscope for next week for Libra

Libra will feel rested and ready to work. The stars advise not to announce this publicly, as you will certainly be “sought” by someone whom you cannot refuse, and all your activity will go in vain. Try to act in your own interests; if necessary, defend your own choice, without allowing yourself to be bullied.

horoscope for next week for Scorpio

Scorpios, this week you will have to quickly adapt and show maximum flexibility in relation to others. You will be happy to get involved in your work, but then things will have to be curtailed: your family or close friends will have some kind of event in their plans for which you need to spend money and meet new people. Do not give in to frustration: in the end it will turn out that you have met a person who is very suitable for you.

horoscope for next week for Sagittarius

Sagittarius, try to spend this week as if swaying on a warm wave. It is best, of course, to follow this advice literally, but even if your location is far from the sea, do not think about business. It is very good if you are able to communicate with old friends, and even better - to establish some interrupted connections. This will contribute to maximum mental comfort.

horoscope for next week for Capricorn

This week, many Capricorns will experience a kind of split personality: they will want to truly relax, entrust various worries to others, but at the same time, an inner voice will gnaw at them, awakening in Capricorns a certain feeling of guilt for idleness. The stars advise you not to pay attention to this voice; they are not going to help you in grandiose achievements.

horoscope for next week for Aquarius

Alas, this week Aquarians will begin to reap the benefits of the previous period, when they acted completely regardless of the opinions of others. It may turn out that all your work plans are unsuccessful, and your “other half” is offended by you because all your plans for the holidays were violated. In addition, there is a high risk of minor man-made troubles, such as car breakdown.

horoscope for next week for Pisces

Representatives of this sign good week. Everything Pisces does will bring them luck and feeling the right choice. You can even work successfully, especially if your colleagues are your friends. Vacations will also be fun. But it’s better not to go on extreme hikes or go to unfamiliar places.