Added to the site:

1. General Provisions

1.1. The capital construction department, being an independent structural division of the enterprise, is created and eliminated by the order [name of the position of the head of the enterprise].

1.2. The department submits directly [the name of the position of the head of the enterprise].

1.3. The capital construction department is headed by the chief appointed by the order of [the name of the position of the head of the enterprise].

1.4. The head of the capital construction department has [to enter the necessary] deputy (s), determines it (im) specific obligations.

1.5. The deputy (s) and specialists of the capital construction department are appointed for posts and are exempt from posts by order [name of the position of the company's head] on the submission of the department of the department.

1.6. In its activities, the department is guided by:

The company's charter;

Here's a state;

Legislation Russian Federation.

1.7. [Enter the desired].

2. Structure

2.1. The structure and staffing of the department approves [the name of the position of the head of the enterprise], based on the specific conditions and features of the enterprise on the submission of the head of the capital construction department and in coordination with [the personnel department, the department of organization and remuneration].

2.2. The capital construction department may be in its composition structural units (bureau, group, pr.).

For example: Bureau (Sector, Group) of technical supervision for carrying out work on capital construction, Bureau (Sector, Group) of configuration and providing equipment under construction and existing facilities, Design Bureau (Sector, Group), Bureau (Sector, Group of Accounting and ensuring financing of work on capital construction, bureau (sector, group) of capital construction planning, individual specialists.

2.3. Regulations on the divisions of the capital construction department (bureau, sectors, groups, etc.) are approved by the director of the enterprise, and the distribution of responsibilities between employees of divisions is carried out by the head of the capital construction department.

2.4. [Enter the desired].

3. Tasks

The following tasks are assigned to the capital construction department:

3.1. Organization of construction and reconstruction, as well as ensuring timely commissioning of production facilities.

3.2. Organization of construction and reconstruction of auxiliary objects of cultural and domestic purposes.

3.3. Ensuring the timely entry of new objects into operation (organization of their acceptance).

3.4. Savings of the enterprise through the effective use of capital investments, reducing the volume of incomplete construction and rationalization of the work of all structural divisions of the department.

3.5. [Enter the desired].

4. Functions

The capital construction department performs the following functions:

4.1. Development of projects of long-term, medium-term and current overhaul plans.

4.2. Drawing up title lists to all overhaul objects, applications for construction Materials and equipment.

4.3. Development of plans for entering new production facilities and cultural and household facilities.

4.4. Conclusion of contracts with project organizations and contractors for the development of design and estimate documentation and construction of objects.

4.5. Coordination in the established procedure for graphics of design and construction work.

4.6. Organization of timely preparation of construction sites.

4.7. Coordination with technical supervision authorities, issues related to the installation, testing and registration of equipment on construction sites.

4.8. Financial support for construction and installation work.

4.9. Planning and providing the supply of construction facilities with materials and equipment.

4.10. Execution of capital construction plans.

4.11. Timely issuance of design and estimate and technical documentation for the production of construction work.

4.12. Technical supervision of the timing and quality of work, for their compliance with the approved design and estimate documentation, working drawings, construction standards, standards, safety standards, industrial sanitation, the requirements of the rational organization of labor.

4.13. Preparation of documentation for completed objects for the acceptance commission.

4.14. Control over timely commissioning of facilities.

4.15. Accounting for unfinished construction.

4.16. Determination of the need for the construction of new production facilities and cultural and domestic structures.

4.17. Preparation of materials necessary for the economic substantiation of the need to build new facilities.

4.18. Organization of consultations to solve individual issues related to construction.

4.19. Participation in the overall planning of the enterprise.

4.20. Organization of interaction with research institutes, organizations to resolve issues related to construction.

4.21. Coordination of the activities of the structural divisions of the department.

4.22. [Enter the desired].

5. Rights

5.1. The capital construction department has the right to:

Regulate the distribution of material and cash allocated for capital construction;

Require from managers of all structural units:

Fulfillment of prescribed norms of operation of buildings and structures;

Timely provision of information about violations of the norms of operation of buildings and structures;

Providing other information necessary for the activities of the Department;

[enter the desired];

Instructing the individual structural divisions of the enterprise carrying out work on the issues of capital construction.

5.2. The head of the capital construction department is entitled to submit a proposal to the management of the enterprise on the promotions of distinguished workers, about imposing charges of workers who violate industrial and labor discipline.

5.3. [Enter the desired].

6. Relationship (service links) **

To fulfill the functions and realization of the rights provided for in this Regulation, the capital construction department interacts:

6.1. With the equipment configuration department for questions:


Accounts for payment of the purchased equipment;

Equipment movement reports;

Certificates of equipment reserves, components;

Inventory reports;

Plans and timing of the acquisition of equipment at the request of the capital construction department;

Copies of equipment acceptance acts;

- [Enter the necessary].


Plans to allocate funds for the purchase of equipment and components;

Coordination of equipment bills;

- [Enter the necessary].

6.2. With the departments of the chief designer, the main technologist on issues:


Applications for commissioning of technological and energy equipment on new facilities;

- [Enter the necessary].


Information and graphs of commissioning of new objects;

Commissioning plans for new technological and energy equipment;

- [Enter the necessary].

6.3. With the logistical supply department on issues:


Ordered building materials;

Consultations on building materials;

Requests for admissible technological deviations of the quality of building materials;

Coordination of technological conditions for special materials;

- [Enter the necessary].


Applications with the list of materials necessary for construction;

Tolerances for deviation of the quality of building materials;

Construction plans;

- [Enter the necessary].

6.4. With labor protection department on issues:


Information on regulations and standards of labor legislation (for construction work);

Conclusions on the compliance of the construction technologies and the application of construction and installation equipment requirements;

- [Enter the necessary].


Information on compliance with labor protection legislation;

Applications for issuing conclusions on the compliance of the technology of construction and application of construction and installation equipment requirements;

- [Enter the necessary].

6.5. With the technical information department on issues:


Technical documentation;

Applications for copies of technical documentation department;

- [Enter the necessary].


Copies of the construction documentation department;

Original documents for registration, accounting and storage;

- [Enter the necessary].

6.6. With the department of organization and remuneration on issues:


Consultations on labor legislation;

Approved staff schedule;

Tasks to reduce the complexity of construction by improving the technology of construction and installation work;

- [Enter the necessary].


Projects of staff schedule;

Reports on the implementation of the prescriptions to reduce labor costs;

- [Enter the necessary].

6.7. With the planning and economic department on issues:


Agreed and approved construction plans;

Coordination of construction terms;

- [Enter the necessary].


Projects of construction plans, other technical measures;

Other materials at the request of the planning and economic department;

- [Enter the necessary].

6.8. With the Financial Department on issues:


Approved capital investment plans for construction;

Consultations on the calculations of capital investments for construction;

- [Enter the necessary].


Capital investment plans for approval;

Calculations of capital construction costs;

- [Enter the necessary].

6.9. With the Legal Department on issues:


Clarification and advice on legal issues;

Assistance in the design of construction documentation and contracts, as well as in actions on a notary certificate and state registration;

- [Enter the necessary].


Construction documentation and contracts for legal expertise and visiting;

- [Enter the necessary].

6.10. With [name of the structural unit] on issues:


- [enter the desired];

- [Enter the necessary].


- [enter the desired];

- [Enter the necessary].

7. Responsibility

7.1. Responsibility for the quality and timeliness of the execution of the functions provided for in this Regulation is borne by the head of the capital construction department.

7.2. The responsibility of employees of the capital construction department is established by job descriptions.

7.3. [Enter the desired].

Head of the Structural Unit

[initials, surname]


[day month Year]


[Official with whom the situation is consistent]

[initials, surname]


[day month Year]

Head of the legal department

[initials, surname]


[day month Year]

Size: px.

Start showing from page:


one . Regulations on the structural division. Regulation on the operation of the software and technical means and databases (OEPTSIBD) of the Center for Telecommunications and Operations of Software and Technical Tools (TSTIAPTS) of the Center for New Information Technologies (VSNIT)

2 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS Page 2 From the operation of the software and technical means and databases of the center of the telecommunications and operation of software and technical means of the Center for New Information Technologies (OEPTSIBD TSTIEPTS TSN) is a structural unit of the Center for new information technologies created by order of rector A D-164 from G . And it submits directly to the Deputy Director for Information Technology (IT) Reorganization or liquidation of the OEPTSIBD TSTIPTS TSNIT may be implemented on the basis of the relevant order of the Director, the management of the OEPTSIBD TSTIEPTS TSNIT is carried out by the head of the OEPTSIBD, the appointment and release from the position of which is carried out by order of the Director for the Submitter Director for IT. 2. Guidelines and Structure of OEPTSIBD TSTIPTS TSSN 2.1. The organizational structure of the EPTSIBD TSTIEPTS TSSP is shown in Figure 1. The operation of the software and hardware and databases. Head of the EPTSIBD department Programmer Figure 1 - organizational structure of the EPSIBD TSTIEPTS TSSP 2.2. The structure and staffing number of OEPTSIBD TSTIEPTS TSNIt approves director A on the basis of the functions performed by the Center and based on the conditions and features of the activities of the university on the submitter of information technology, the staffing of OEPTSIBD TSTIEPTS TSNIT contains positions: Head of the OEPTSIBD TSTIEPTS TSSP; Programmer OEPTSIBD TSTIEPTS VSNIT; Technique OEPTSIBD TSTIEPTS TSNIT; 2.4. The scope of work between employees is distributed in accordance with their official duties. Official salaries OEPTSIBD employees TSTIEPTS TSNIt are established by the Director in accordance with the Schedule Schedule. 3. The main tasks of the OEPTSIBD TSTIEPTS TSNIT

3 Page 3 of 7 The operation of the software and hardware and databases of the center of telecommunications and operation of software and technical equipment of the Center for New Information Technologies is designed to solve the problems of ensuring the operation of information channels for communication of the BTI units among themselves and Internet access, network services, the provision of network services Authorized user access to them, providing a sufficient level information security, optimization of information flows. The tasks of the OEPTSIBD TSTIEPTS TSNIT are: 3.1. Telecommunication Infrastructure Management of the Information Industry Network (IVS) of the BTI Use of user access to network services (means of delimitation of access, accounts). 4. Rights and obligations of the OEPTSIBD TSTIPTS TSNIUT 4.1. OEPTSIBD Rights TSTIAPTS TSNIP associated with its activities is implementing the head of the department. The rights of the Head of the OEPTSIBD TSTIPTS TSNIT are determined by its job description Employees of the OEPTSIBD TSTIEPTS TSNIT have the right to: request from the managers of structural divisions the data necessary to implement the processes of informatization A; inform the Head of the OEPTSIBD on violations of the provisions, instructions and orders on informatization issues; Control the process of functioning of informatization tools in divisions A EPTSIBD CTIIEPTS CNIUT staff must: in a timely manner in accordance with the approved plans to carry out a set of measures to ensure the uninterrupted work of the IVS BTI; accurately and clearly fulfill their job duties, abide by the labor discipline, as well as the rules of the internal regulation of the BTI; Exactly and in time to fulfill the decisions of the government, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Federal Agency for Education, Higher Organizations, as well as orders and orders of the Director, Deputy Director for Information Technologies, Head of TSTIEPTS, Head of the OEPTSIBD TSTIEPTS TSNIT. Comply with the rules and norms of safety and safety. 5. Responsibility 5.1. Responsibility for the quality and timeliness of the fulfillment of the functions of the department is borne by the head of the OEPTSIBD TSTIPTS TSTIA TSTIPTS Employees is established by the relevant job descriptions responsible for labor protection and industrial safety (from and PB) are the heads of structural units, as well as the head of the TSTIA TSNIT. 6. Interaction, communication 6.1. To perform the functions and realization of the rights of the OEPTSIBD TSTIEPTS TSN

4 Page 4 of 7 interacts with structural units A, providing them with information about the planned actions and procedures related to the information of the university and relating to the activities of these divisions to ensure the necessary level of work on the information on the information of the OEPTSIBD TSTIEPTS TSNIT interacts with similar structures of other universities, providing them with information About their activities and development, receiving similar information from them. 7. Financing, logistical support 7.1. Financing of OEPTSIBD TSTIEPTS TSNIT is carried out both at the expense of budgetary and extrabudgetary funds, incl. at the expense of its own indgradment activities. 7.2. The fulfillment of its functions of the OEPTSIBD TSTIEPTS TSNIT is ensured by the necessary service premises to accommodate employees of its divisions. 8. A list of documentation regulating the work of the unit 8.1. In its activities, the OEPTSIBD is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation; The laws of the Russian Federation, the decrees and decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation and the Education Education Bodies on Education; Regulations on the Biysk technological E; Orders, managers of leadership A; Policy of management A in the field of quality; Guidance on the quality of the Biyek technological A; This provision and job descriptions of employees of the division; Documented Procedure of the QMS DP "Infrastructure Management. Management of information and technical resources "; Regulations on managing licenses for software in the Biysk technological E (QMS PD); Documented quality management system procedures relating to the direction of informatization; Instructions and in the field of labor protection and fire safety; The rules of the internal labor regulation; Collective agreement between the trade union organization and administration A; The Regulation on BTI;

5 Page 5 of 7 Records and Processing Name Recognizer Development Development Development Development Development Plan Division Division Head Department TSTIEPTS Workstation Log and Server Log in IVS BTI Magazine Registration Changes User Accounts Head of TSTIPTS Department Head of the TSTIAP DEPARTMENT. Head of Department December TSTIEPTS

6 Page 6 of 7 List of familiarization with the Regulations on the division with the Regulations on the division is familiar:

7 Page 7 of 7 List of registration Change number Change number of sheet numbers New Date of introduction Changes Replaced Canceled Base for making changes Signature Decryption Signature Date

Regulations on the Center for Information Systems Page 2 of 6 1 General Provisions 1.1 Center information systems The center of new information technologies (CISS TSN) was created by order of the director A D-369 of 01.11.2008

Organizational and legal procedure Page 1 of 9 Organizational and legal procedure 1 General provisions Page 2 of 9 1.1 This Position is developed in accordance with the rules for metrology PR 50-732-93 typical

Content 1. General provisions 3 2. Structure and personnel composition of the department technical support 3 3. Basic Tasks 4 4. Functions 4 5. Rights and Responsibilities of the Technical Support Division 5 6. Responsibility

Page 2 out of 10 1. General provisions 1.1 This Position regulates the activities of the Center for Information Industry (hereinafter - CIVTICS) of the Kemerovo Institute (branch) of the Federal State

Preface 1. Developed: 2. Responsible performer: 3. Artists: 4. Adopted at a meeting of the Scientific Council of the 2011 Institute, Protocol. 5. Entered into action by order of the Director of the Institute from 2011

BIAS (branch) of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution higher education "Altai State Technical University. I.I. Polzunova "() Approve the director of BTI

Page 1 of 10 Page 2 out of 10 This provision is a document of the quality management system. Applies to the activities of the headquarters of the headquarters and establishes its main tasks, functions, composition,

C release 1 change 0 copy 1 sheet 1/6 Issue 1 Changing 0 copy 1 sheet 2/6 This position determines the purpose, objectives, tasks, functions, rights, responsibility and basis activities

M and N about B R N A U K and R O S C C and and the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution E Higher Education "South West state University»Quality management system argue

"I argue" the rector of Mim Link Pischennikov S.A. 2017 g. Quality system Regulation on the structural unit Center of information technology (CIT) LINK-SK-PSP-7.1-08-02-17 Date of introduction: 01.02.2017 "AGREED"

General provisions 1.1. This provision is developed in accordance with Labor Code Of the Russian Federation, the Charter and other local regulatory acts of the AUU DPO PC IRO (hereinafter - the Institute). 1.2. Information technology

Page 2 of 13 1. General provisions 1.1. It is a structural unit A, created in accordance with the order of the Director of the BTI D-424 dated September 30, 2009 and submits directly to the chief engineer.

Federal Agency for Education State Educational Establishment of Higher Professional Education, Sochi State University of Tourism and Resort Approve Rector Sguctic

2 1. General provisions 1.1. Regulations on the quality department of development and quality management educational process Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of the Higher

Education Quality Management System »Version 1 Page 1 of 8 Education Quality Management System» Version 1 Page 2 of 8 1 General Provisions 1.1 Division of Monitoring, Accreditation, Licensing

I approve the rector of Chow in the "chihep them. M.V. Nadrich "G.I. Ladishin (signature) 2015 g. M.P. The Regulation on the Department of Information Technologies Agreed by the head of the department of personnel N.R. Valiev agreed by I.O. Chief

P. 1 out of 10 "I approve" Director VPI (branch) VolgGTU V. F. Kablov "" 2007 Quality management system General requirements to the construction, content, design and approval "Regulation on the structural

Regulations on the Quality Management Department Nizhnevartovsk - 2013 SMK-PSP Version 1 Date 21.12.2013 p. 1/9 Content: p. 1. General provisions 3 2. Main tasks 3 3. Functions 4 4. Rights and obligations

Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation Azov-Black Sea Engineering Institute Branch of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Don State

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Samara State Economic University" Regulations on the Support Department of the Information

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation System of Quality Management SMK-PSP Registry Office of the Board of Quality of Lithuania on the Quality Management Department Nizhnevartovsk - 2013 QMS

Russian Federation Vladimir region p about with t and n o in the administration of the Kameshkovsky district of 08/21/2017 1253 On approval of the Regulation on the information and computer department of the Administration of Kameshkovsky

Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Ivanovskaya State Agricultural Academy

Federal Agency for Education State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Ryazan State Radio Engineering" 5.5.1 Responsibility and powers

Federal Agency of Railway Transport Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "St. Petersburg State University of Emperor Communications

Union "NP to the Union" Non-Profit Partnership of Higher Education "Institute of International Socio-Humanitarian Relations" "Regulations on Structural Units" Library Approved by the Rector of the Union "NP in

Page 1 of 8 Biysk (branch) of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Altai State Technical University. I.I. Polzunova "() Approve

Federal Railway Agency Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Petersburg State University of Tracks

I approve the rector of IVSU V.N.Gorov "01" November 2013, the Regulation on the management of accounting and financial control of GOU VPO "Ivanovo State University" Communications 1.1. Indeed

I argue: The head of the city of Livna L.I. Fausts "" 2013. Official instruction of the leading specialist of the department of information technology administration of the city of Livna Oryol region 1. General provisions 1.1.

1 General Provisions 1.1 Management of Information Technologies is a structural division of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Voronezh State

State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Kemerovo State University" (Kega) "I argue" Rector Kemga F.O. 20 g. Position Name of the Division

Issue 1 Changing 0 copy 1 sheet 1/9 Issue 1 Changing 0 copy 1 sheet 2/9 This position determines the purpose, objectives, tasks, functions, rights, responsibility and framework of management activities

Contents section Name of section Page 1 2 3 1 General provisions 3 2 Organizational structure of control of the unit 4 3 Purpose and objectives of the unit 4 4 Directions of activity and function of the division

1. General provisions 1.1. Management of accounting and (hereinafter manage, Ubuifk) is the main structural unit for organizational and methodological management accounting and

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Institute of Service and Technology (Branch) of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Donskoy

Sheet 1 document is not transmitted, playback and copying without written permission of the representative of the Quality Lead Guide 2 This Job Description is developed and approved on

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Tyvinsky State University SK P -29 Position Last Name / Signature Date Developed the Chief Accountant R.N. Evgrafov Agenation Rector for Economic Issues

Federal State Budgetary Educational Establishment of Higher Education Volga State University of Telecommunications and Informatics Governing Document RD PGU 1.55.7 2016 System

Page 1 of 10 I. General Page 2 of 10 1.1. The situation on the educational and production (hereinafter - the situation) is a document determining the legal status of the Federal Division of the Federal

Department of Education of the city of Moscow State budgetary educational institution of secondary vocational education of the city of Moscow "Legal College" The quality management system

Content 1. General provisions ... 3 2. Structure .... 3 3. Basic tasks. 3 4. Functions ... 5. Rights and Responsibilities .. 6. Interaction with structural units ..... 7. Responsibility .. 8. Criteria

M and N about B R N A K and R O S C C and and FEDERAL STATE BUDGET EDUCATIONAL EDUCATION OF HIGHER EDUCATION "Southeast State University" Quality management system argue

PS List 1/7 Sheet 2/7 This Regulation determines the appointment, objectives, objectives, functions, rights, responsibility and basis for the activities of the dining room of the Moscow Humanitarian University. Regulations on the dining room

Sheet 2 of 6 1. Common positions 1.1. Management of additional educational services (hereinafter referred to as UDO) is a structural unit of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution

Content page 2 out of 10 1. Purpose and scope ... 3 2. Regulatory references ... 3 3. Terms and definitions ... 3 4. Reduction and legend... 3 5. Requirements for the construction of PSPs ... 3 5.1

Page 1 of 10 Page 2 out of 10 I. General provisions 1.1. (hereinafter -) is a document determining the legal status of the structural division of the Federal State Budgetary Educational

Budgetary institution of higher education of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug of Ugra "Surgut State University" Surge Surgulation PSP-7.1-15 Regulations on plans of the O-Economic Page 1 of 8 Approve

I approve the rector of Chow in the "chihep them. M.V. Ladishin "G.I. Ladoshin (signature) 2015 M.P. The Regulation on the Department of Quality Management Department agreed by the head of the department of personnel N.R. Valiev agreed by I.O.

SMK-PSP-34 / 23-2015 Regulations on structural divisions and councils Approve the rector E.V. Zaitsev 25 August 2015 Regulation on the structural unit Quality Management System Version 3.0 Date of introduction:

Page 1 of 11 Page 2 of 11 I. General provisions 1.1. (hereinafter referred to as the provision) is a document determining the legal status of the structural unit of the Federal State Budgetary Educational

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Samara State Economic University" Regulations on the Mesto Information Center

M and N about B R N A K and R O S C C and and FEDERAL STATE BUDGET EDUCATIONAL EDUCATION OF HIGHER EDUCATION "Southeast State University" Quality management system argue

Revision 01 A copy of 1 sheet 1 / total 10 Approved by order of the College Director 02/16/2017 18 System of Quality Management Regulations on the service of practical training of educational GBPOU Solikamsk, 2016

2 I. General provisions 1.1. This Regulation on the information support department of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia (hereinafter referred to

QMS.1-PP-5.5.17-2016 General Division p. 1 of 8 Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Ural State

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Volga State University of Telecommunications and Informatics Governing Document RD PGU 1.71.6 2016 System

Sheet 1/9 sheet 2/9 This position determines the structure, objectives, tasks, functions, rights, responsibility and interaction of the management of the economy and marketing (hereinafter management) of the Moscow Humanitarian

CONTENTS 1 Purpose and scope of position 3 2 Definition and abbreviations 3 3 General provisions 3 4 Structure CAL 4 5 Basic objectives and functions Calm 5 6 Rights and obligations of employees CALH 7 7 sheet

M and N about B R N A K and R O S C C and and FEDERAL STATE BUDGET EDUCATIONAL EDUCATION OF HIGHER EDUCATION "Southeast State University" Quality management system argue

Federal Railway Transport Agency Federal State Budgetary Educational Establishment of Higher Education "St. Petersburg State University of Emperor Communications

Seversk Institute of Technology - Branch Niya Mafi (STIAY MEPI) Approved by order of the head of the name of the MEPI of 05.07.2012 110 Regulations on the center of quality management PSP-5.5-01-STI - 32 SEVERSK

Ministry of Education and Science, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Russian State Humanitarian University" (RGGU) Regulation on management

Ministry of Education and Science of Russia State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Russian Chemical and Technological University named after D.I. Mendeleeva" (PCTU. D.I. Indeleeva) "Approve"

XX / 01-16 The structural unit is considered at a meeting of the SCIENCE Council of the FSBEA in the South Ural GAU 2017 (Protocol) Approving the Rector of FGBOU in the South Ural Gau V.G. Lithuanchenko 2017 Order

Appendix 20 is approved by order of the rector of NOU VPO "MPSU" of 20.02.2013 of the 27 Regulation on the personnel department Moscow, 2013 1. General provisions 1.1. The personnel department is a structural division of non-state

ILL Regulation on the Structural Unit 4.2.3 Documentation Management Regulation on the quality management department Approve the rector Shipitsyn 20 y.p. Regulation on the structural division of the management system

Division and the Federal Agency for Education Page. 1/10 State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Volgograd" General requirements for the content, registration

Regulations on the separation of buildings and structures in general educational institutions Resource Management I. General provisions 1.1 The department of the operation of buildings and structures of general education institutions is included in the structure of the Department of Education and is a division of resource management. 1.2. The department of operation of buildings and structures of general educational institutions in its activities is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the legislation of the Russian Federation and the Lipetsk region, the municipal legal acts of the city of Lipetsk, the Regulation on the Department of Education and this Regulation. 1.3. The activities of the department of the buildings and structures of general education institutions of the Department of Education of the Administration of the city of Lipetsk sends and coordinates the head of the management of the resource support department of the Department of Education. 1.4. The head and specialists of the department are appointed and exempt from office by order of the Chairman of the Department of Education to submit the head of the management of resource provision. II. The main tasks of the main tasks of the activities of the department of the buildings and structures of general education institutions of resource management are: 2.1. Consideration of control over the strengthening of the material and technical base of general educational institutions of the subordinate department of the Department of Education. 2.2. Consider control over the organization of work in the OU for the operation of buildings, structures, livelihood systems, for repair work. 2.3. Filling the functions of the customer on capital and current repair, technical surveys, design and estimate documentation of the facilities of the Department of Education. 2.4. Preparation of the source data for the preparation of projects of promising, annual and operational plans of financial and economic activities of the Department of Education. 2.5. Check and coordination of estimated documentation during the current and capital repairs in general education institutions. 2.6. Ensuring the organization of work on both TB, GO and Emergencies in the subordinate institutions of the Department of Education and ensuring control over its execution. 2.7. Equipment of the organization of work on safety and anti-terrorism activities in educational institutions and control over its execution .. Iii. Functions of the department of operation of buildings and structures of general education institutions 3.1. Consideration of control over the performance of maintenance and operation of systems of thermal power equipment, fire alarm systems, ventilation, water supply and sewage. 3.2. The presentation and organization of work on the implementation of energy-saving programs and control over their execution. 3.3. The presentation of control over the operation of the main constructs of buildings and structures (roofs, walls, window and door blocks, basement and attic rooms, fences, sports facilities). 3.4. The presentation of control over the preparation of general educational institutions to the heating season (revision shut-off reinforcement, thermal insulation of pipes, insulation of hearing openings, adjusting thermal items). 3.5. Consideration of control over the state of the territories of subordinate institutions. 3.6.The investment on the operation of engineering equipment with power supply and supervisory organizations: LGEK, Energonadzor, Mrs., Rospotrebnadzor. 3.7. Meeting of negotiations with organizations on the operation of buildings and structures, representation of the interests of subordinate institutions of the department, as well as the commission of other actions within its competence. 3.8. The performance of visual surveys of the technical condition of buildings, structural elements, drawing up acts of examination, defective statements, estimates. 3.9. Calculation of applications for repairs in the OU, the development of capital and current repairs plans. 3.10. The presentation of technical supervision and control over construction work, the quality of their implementation and the used building materials, products, structures. 3.11. Preparation of technical documentation for purchasing repair work. 3.12 Provision of consulting services to general education institutions. 3.13. Control over the execution of labor protection rules, instructions for the operation of power plants and the use of energy efficiency and networks. 3.14. Accounting for the presence and technical condition of the APS, alarming and security alarms, video surveillance systems in educational institutions. IV. The organization of the activities of the department for the implementation of the Division assigned to the tasks department has the right to: 4.1. Sign and receive in the prescribed manner of educational institutions of the Department of Education necessary materials and information. 4.2 to make proposals, develop recommendations on issues included in the competence of the department, for consideration by the Chairman of the Department of Education, Head of Management of Resource Security. V. Responsibility 5.1 The head of the development of buildings and structures of general education institutions of resource management is responsible for: -banization of the activities of the department for the fulfillment of tasks and functions assigned to the department; -Obanization in the department of operational and high-quality preparation and execution of documents, maintaining office work in accordance with the current rules and instructions; - observance by employees of the department of labor and production discipline; - selection, alignment and activities of the department of department; 5.2 Specialists of the department of operation of buildings and structures of general education institutions of resource management institutions are responsible for: - special and timely performance of functional duties established by the job description; - Supply of the safety of property and compliance with the rules of fire safety in the workplace.

Process management

Organization of technical operation and planning and preventive repair of industrial buildings and structures


This standard is designed to carry out work on the organization of operation, planned-preventive maintenance and repair of buildings and structures of the enterprise.

The standard is designed by the repair and construction department in the development of section 6 ISO / TS 169492009 "CMK. Special requirements for the use of ISO standard

9001: 2008 in the automotive industry and organizations supplying relevant spare parts "(clause 6.3 infrastructure). When developing the standard, the requirements of ISO 9001 are taken into account, and the block of the algorithm "organization of operation and repair of buildings and structures is also used.

Introduced for the first time.

  1. Application area
  2. Normative references
  3. Definitions
  4. Designations and abbreviations
  5. General provisions
  6. Organization of technical operation of industrial buildings and structures
  7. Organization of technical supervision over the condition, content and repair of industrial buildings and structures
  8. Technical supervision of the state of industrial buildings and structures during operation
  9. Repair guidelines
  10. Storage and maintenance of design and production documentation for industrial buildings and structures
  11. The procedure for the acceptance of industrial buildings and structures after overhaul
  12. General Terms of Labor Protection at Repair - Construction Works
  13. Cleaning (sanitary cleaning, garbage collection)

Block - scheme "Organization of operation and planning - preventive repair of buildings and structures."

Applications A - K

Appendix A (mandatory) "Technical Journal of User Owning for Buildings and Facilities."

Appendix B "Act of acceptance into operation of the acceptance commission completed by the overhaul of the object".

1 area of \u200b\u200buse

This standard establishes the procedure and organization of the technical operation and the planning - preventive repair of buildings and structures of the enterprise.

The standard was developed on the basis of the provisions "On the holding of a planning - preventive repair of industrial buildings and structures" and "On the technical operation of buildings and structures", international standards ISO 9001 and ISO / TS 16949.

2. Normative links

This standard uses the following guidelines and regulatory documents:

GOST R 1.0 - 92 State system standardization of the Russian Federation. Basic provisions.

ISO 9000: 2005 Quality Management System. Basic provisions and dictionary.

ISO 9001: 2008 Quality Management System. Requirements 180 / T8 169492009 Quality Management System. Special requirements for the application of the ISO 9001: 2008 B standard b automotive and organizations supplying the corresponding spare parts.

SNiP III -10 - 75 "Improvement of territories"

Snip 2.01.02. Fireproof norms

SNIP 2.09.02 Production buildings

Snip 3.01.04-87 Part III. Rules of production and acceptance of work.

Chapter IV. Safety in construction

STD standard enterprise. Quality Management System Documentation and Data Management. Development of enterprise standards.

STD standard enterprise. Quality Management System. Documentation and data management. Organization of the development of provisions on divisions, job and working instructions.

Quality Management System. Documentation and data management. Archive position.

Instructions "To ensure confidentiality regimen at the enterprise.

About state-owned regulatory requirements For labor protection in the Russian Federation (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 12.08.94 N 937)

Regulations on the implementation of the planning - preventive repair of industrial buildings and structures (Resolution of the USSR State Building of 20.12.73 N 279)

Regulations on the procedure for the development and approval of the rules and instructions for labor protection and Methodical instructions for the development of rules and instructions for labor protection (Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia from 01.07.93 N 129)

Regulations on the technical operation of buildings and structures (sectoral regulatory document For enterprises, institutions, organizations and industries of the machine-building profile Pot RO - 14000 - 004 - 98.)

3. Determinations

In this standard of enterprises, terms and definitions are used:

Standard of the company - Standard approved by the company and applied only at this enterprise.

Planning system - preventive repair of production buildings and structures - This is a combination of organizational and technical measures for supervision, care and all types of repair carried out in the relevant planned manner.

Current repair of production buildings and structures - This is a complex of work on systematic and timely protection of parts of buildings and structures and engineering equipment from premature wear by conducting preventive measures and eliminating small damage and malfunctions.

Overhaul of production buildings and structures - this is a complex of work, in the process of which the worn designs and details of buildings and structures are changed or the replacement of them for more durable and economical, improving the operational capabilities of repaired objects, with the exception of a complete change or replacement of basic structures whose service life in buildings and structures is the largest (Stone and concrete foundations of buildings and structures, all kinds of walls of buildings, all types of wall frames, underground networking pipes, bridge supports, etc.).

Technical operation of buildings and structures - This is a set of measures aimed at ensuring the safety, preservation and operational reliability of buildings and structures by organizing proper care for them, timely and qualitative repair and continuous technical supervision for their condition.

Technical Passport Buildings - This is the main document on the facility containing its constructive and technical and economic characteristics compiled, taking into account all architecturally - planning and constructive changes, which is filled in a single, adopted in the industry, form and includes the year of construction, cubature and object area and its parts, length and other data on structures, deployed areas of elements requiring periodic color, structural characteristics of parts and elements of the building and structures, etc.

Technical journal for the operation of industrial buildings and structures - This is the main document characterizing the state of the operated objects, entries are made on all the work performed on maintenance and current repairs, indicating the type of work and places that reflect the technical condition of the building or structure for this period of time, as well as the history of its operation.

Inspection - This is a regular survey of the technical condition of the enterprise buildings and structures in order to timely detect and control the elimination of identified faults and damage arising during operation.

Technical supervision of buildings and structures - This provision in conjunction with shops, departments, sections of preservation, proper technical condition and the permanent exploratory shelf life of building structures and structures through the current and overhauls performed in a planned manner in accordance with the Unified Planning Repair System (PPR).

Clining - This is a system of measures taken to improve the working conditions of employees of the enterprise and improving the culture of production by conducting sanitary and hygiene measures and maintain cleanliness and order at workplaces.

4. Recognition and abbreviations

  • Busk - Quality Management Bureau
  • GOST - state standard
  • OGK - Department of the Chief Designer
  • OGT - Department of the main technologist
  • OGE - Department of the Main Energy
  • OMS - Division of material and technical supply
  • Ootis - department of labor organization and salary
  • Ohib - Department of Protection and Safety
  • Ootaine - Division of labor protection, ecology and supervision
  • PPR - Planned - preventive repair
  • PEO - planning and Economic Department
  • RSO - repair - construction department
  • SMK. - Quality Management System
  • SNIP - building regulations
  • TD - technical documentation
  • T. - Technical conditions
  • Ho - maintenance department

5. General provisions

The system of planning - preventive repair of industrial buildings and structures is a set of organizational and technical measures for supervision, care and all types of repairs carried out in the relevant planned manner.

Production buildings and structures during operation should be under the systematic observation of engineering and technical workers responsible for the safety of these objects.

All production buildings and structures of the enterprise or part of them (span, floor) by order of the enterprise's director are assigned to the workshops, departments and other enterprises (organizations) engaged in the specified area.

The heads of the respective units (workshop, department, etc.) are responsible persons for the correct operation, preservation and timely repair of the buildings, structures or individual premises enshrined.

Improvement of the territory of the enterprise (landscaping, cleaning, watering, etc.) is carried out by the economic department of the enterprise. Repair of travel, sidewalks are maintained by the repairing department.

In addition to systematic observation of the operation of buildings and structures, specially authorized persons, all production buildings and structures are subjected to periodic technical inspections. Inspections can be shared and private.

With general examination, the entire building or structure as a whole is examined, including all the designs of the building or structure, including engineering equipment, different kinds Finishes and all elements of external improvement, or all complex of buildings and structures (for example, railway tracks with artificial structures).

The next general technical inspections of buildings are held twice a year in spring and autumn. The date of inspection and the composition of the commission is approved by the order director of the enterprise.

In case of private inspection, individual buildings or structures of the complex or individual structures or types of equipment (for example, farms and beams of the building, wells on the sewage or water supply network) are subjected to the survey.

The state of fire measures in all buildings and structures, both at periodic and under current inspections, is checked by persons responsible for the fire condition of the enterprise in terms depending on the specific conditions of operation of production buildings, but at least once a month.

In addition to the next inspections, there may be extraordinary inspections of buildings, facilities after natural disasters (fires, hurricane winds, large showers or snowfalls, after oscillations of the surface of the Earth - in areas with increased seismicity, etc.) or accidents.

In addition to the listed tasks for inspecting buildings, the purpose of technical inspections is to develop proposals for improving the technical operation of buildings, as well as the quality of all types of repair

The results of the inspections are made to acts in which the detected defects are noted, as well as the necessary measures to eliminate them.

6. Organization of the technical operation of industrial buildings and construction.

6.1 The technical operation of buildings and structures is a set of measures aimed at ensuring the safety, preservation and operational reliability of buildings and structures by organizing proper care for them, timely and qualitative repair and continuous technical supervision for their condition.

The general management of the complex of work to ensure the proper technical condition of industrial buildings and structures is assigned to the chief engineer.

Responsibility for the technical condition and conditions for the operation of industrial buildings and structures is assigned to the heads of workshops and other structural units, on the balance sheet or under which these buildings and structures are located.

6.2 The main tasks of technical supervision for buildings are:

6.2.1. Providing jointly with workshops, departments, sections of preservation, proper technical condition and permanent expiration of building structures of buildings and structures by conducting the current and overhauls performed in a planned manner in accordance with the Unified Planning Repair System (PPR).

6.2.2. Organization of implementation and control over the implementation of measures aimed at maintaining the condition and improvement of the performance of buildings and structures.

6.2.3. The elimination of downtime and non-planning stops of production due to the unsatisfactory state of building structures of buildings and structures.

6.3. The main directions of technical supervision are:

6.3.1. Supervision of observance of workshops, departments, plots of rules for the maintenance and care of the construction structures of buildings and structures.

6.3.2. Supervision of observance of workshops, departments, sites for the necessary conditions for the implementation of the normal course of production processes.

6.3.3. Organization of systematic observations and technical inspections of the status of building structures of buildings and structures.

7. Organization of technical supervision over the condition, content and repair of construction structures of industrial buildings and structures

7.1 Control over the implementation at the enterprise of the complex of organizational and technical measures for the operation of building structures of industrial, warehouse, administrative, household and other buildings;

elements of improvement of the territory of the industrial site (the fencing of the territory of the organization, sidewalks, platforms, etc.) and others assigned to the engineer for organizing the operation of buildings and structures.

7.2 Engineer for the organization of the operation of buildings and structures should be controlled by the compliance with workshops, departments, sites, under which buildings, structures or individual premises, measures to ensure safe working conditions and the implementation of the normal course of production processes (monitoring the state of carrier and enclosing buildings structures , content in the purity of the surfaces of structures, compliance with the requirements of the operation of buildings and structures, production dimensions, closures and seals for the winter period of openings, etc.).

7.3 Engineer for organizing the operation of buildings and structures operates in accordance with the regulatory and technical documentation, as well as in accordance with orders and orders for the enterprise.

8.Technical supervision 3a by the state of industrial buildings and structures during operation

8.1. The technical condition of industrial buildings and structures and their level of operation should be determined in the process of systematic observations and periodic technical inspections.

8.2. Observations and inspections of buildings and structures should be carried out in accordance with the provision on the conduct of the PPR. Especially carefully the places in which work was carried out on the repair and strengthening of building structures. For them should be carried out regular control.

8.3. Inspections of the building and construction are divided into current, regular and extraordinary.

8.3.1Tecent (visual) observations of structures are carried out by workmanship

8.3.2. In the next inspection, a visual examination of all elements and engineering systems Buildings and structures.

The next inspections should be held twice a year: in spring and autumn. Spring inspection of buildings and structures is carried out with the goal:

  • checks the technical condition of carrier and enclosing structures and engineering systems of buildings and structures;
  • definitions of the nature and danger of damage resulting from the operation of buildings and structures in the winter period;
  • checking the health of the mechanisms for opening windows, lanterns, gates, doors and other devices, as well as the state of gutters, drains, messshesteok and livneepers;
  • checks for the level of technical operation, supervision and care for buildings and structures. Inspection is carried out in order to verify the readiness of buildings and the construction of operation in the winter period. When conducting an autumn inspection, checks:

  • feedering opening elements of windows, lamps, gates, doors and other devices;
  • availability of tools and inventory for cleaning coating from snow;
  • health systems (heating, water pipelines, sewage, etc.);
  • states of drain, gutters, storm sewage, roofing;
  • the health of the elements of improvement;

8.4. Extraordinary inspections of buildings and structures are carried out after natural disasters (fires, hurricane winds, shower, big snowfalls, earthquakes) or accidents.

8.5. The next and extraordinary inspections of buildings and structures should be carried out by a special technical commission appointed by the order of the head of the organization. The same order establishes the procedure and duration of the technical commission.

8.6. B The composition of the Commission includes heads of shops, departments, services, sites, directly exploiting buildings, head of the economy and technical supervisory workers.

8.7. The results of all types of inspections are drawn up with acts in which the detected defects are noted, as well as their elimination measures, which is recorded in the technical journal for the operation of buildings and structures.

9. Designation for repair work

9.1. The basis of the proper technical operation of production buildings and structures is the timely repair work.

Repair work Production buildings and structures are divided into 2 types:

  • maintenance;
  • overhaul.

9.2. Current repairs are made in order to prevent premature wear of building structures of buildings, structures and their engineering systems, while

9.2.1 All work on current repairs are divided into preventive repair, planned in advance, and unexpected.

9.2.2 The frequency of prophylactic current repairs should not exceed two years. Repair work should be carried out regularly during the year on schedule developed on the basis of the descriptions of the general, current and extraordinary inspections of buildings, as well as at the staff of the staff, directly responsible for the operation of the building (heads of workshops, etc.).

9.2.3 Unforeseen current repairs should be carried out urgently to eliminate defects identified during the operation of buildings and structures, the maximum deadlines for troubleshooting when performing unforeseen current repairs are given in Appendix G.

9.3. The overhaul of buildings and structures includes such work, in the process of which it is produced: repair or changing worn out structures and parts or replace them for more durable and economical; Change or replacement of more than 20% of the main designs whose service life is the largest. For buildings - these are stone and concrete foundations, all kinds of walls, all kinds of wall frames. For structures, these are tubes of external networks, bottoms and walls of tanks, sumps, filters, enclosing the construction of underground channels, an earthly canvas of roads, etc.

9.4 Annual plans Repairs are drawn up by the repair department on the basis of these technical inspections of buildings and structures, individual designs and types of engineering equipment and are approved by the Director General of the enterprise.

9.5 Repair planning is carried out on the basis of the feasible descriptions of work on facilities within the approved budget of the enterprise.

10. Storage and maintenance of project and production documentation for industrial buildings and structures

10.1. All project and production technical documentation for exploited and newly built industrial buildings and structures adopted by the Access Commission should be kept in the repair and construction department for 5 Pet.

10.2. The main construction department should store the following project and production technical documentation for buildings and structures:

  • technical projects;
  • acts of acceptance of work performed;
  • factory certificates for steel structures;
  • documents certifying the quality of the applied reinforced concrete structures, knots, parts, hardware, electrodes, etc.;
  • acts for hidden work;
  • acts of acceptance of works on anti-corrosion protection of building structures.
  • Technical journal for the operation of an industrial building technical passport of buildings and structures;
  • materials of engineering - geological surveys (data on the geological and throgeological conditions of the organization's site, etc.);

10.3. All necessary technical and technical and economic data on buildings and structures are recorded in the "Technical Journal of Userning of Buildings and Facilities", reflecting the state of the exploited object (Appendix A)

10.4 The Technical Journal includes:

  • Data on the results of systematic observations for the building and construction and their constructive elements;
  • conclusions according to the results of instrumental observations of precipitation and other deformations of structural elements;
  • the main conclusions on the results of periodic technical inspections of the object;
  • information about the facts of serious violations of the rules for the technical operation of an industrial building and structures and measures to curb such violations;
  • data on current and capital repairs;
  • information about reconstructions (timelines, character).

All this information reflect the history of the object operation, its technical condition for each given period of time.

The operating log is made up in one instance for each large object or group of small objects.

10.5 The technical passport is drawn up for each capital building and construction and is the main document containing the constructive and technical and economic characteristics of the facility and all the basic information necessary in the process of its operation.

10.6 The technical passport is filled in a single form in accordance with the Regulations on the Conduction of the production buildings and structures (Appendix B).

11.Inading the acceptance of industrial buildings and structures after capital or current repairs

11.1 Acceptance of industrial buildings and structures after capital or current repairs should be performed in accordance with the rules of this chapter and the relevant rules

11.2 Capitalized industrial buildings and structures are subject to commission for acceptance only after the end of all works provided for by the approved design - estimate documentation. It is forbidden to make the acceptance of buildings and structures with shortcomers that prevent them with normal and safe operation.

Commissioning of capital and repaired objects is made only after the acceptance of objects by a special commission

11.3. The Commission on the acceptance of repaired buildings and, structures is appointed by order of the head of the organization as part of representatives of the workshop, site, technical supervision services, relevant services responsible for the operation of energy devices and installations, repair and construction organization, project and other interested organizations.

Heads the Commission Chief Engineer Organization.

11.4. The commission for the acceptance of capital-repaired buildings and structures should be created within five days after receiving a written notification of the repair and construction organization about the readiness of the object to delivery.

11.5 Repair - construction organization Represents the Commission following documents:

  • a set of work drawings on the overhaul of objects that are configured;
  • set of estimated documentation;
  • acts of intermediate acceptance of individual responsible structures and nodes;
  • acts for hidden work;
  • work magazines.

11.6 Acceptance of work performed on the current repair of buildings and structures is carried out by the head of the workshop, department, plot and the responsible employee of the relevant service and is issued as an act of acceptance (Appendix E) and a record in the technical operation journal (Appendix A).

12. General labor protection provisions for repair and construction work

12.1. When performing the current and overhaul of industrial buildings and structures, the rules envisaged by SNIP III-4 should be carried out.

12.2. In accordance with the requirements of SNiP, the repair and construction department must be worked out or developed again and agreed in the prescribed manual and guidance instructions for labor protection by professions taking into account local conditions.

12.3. These instructions should be in the prescribed manner communicated to workers employed on the construction, repair and operation of industrial buildings and structures.

12.4. When developing projects for organizing major repairs and projects manufacturing projects, project organizations - general designers, organization and repair - construction organizations should take into account the requirements of SNiP III-4 and other operating rules for labor protection, as well as sanitary and fire standards.

13.Clining (sanitary cleaning, garbage collection)

Work on the implementation of sanitary and hygienic events in the enterprise is carried out by the economic department on the basis of SNIP III - 10 - 75 "Improvement of the Territories", the Resolution of the Russian Federation, "Rules of Improvement and Sanitary Content of the Territory" and this standard.

Cleaning the territory is carried out daily. The main part of the area of \u200b\u200bthe enterprise is removed by the mechanized method.

The garbage collection is made in containers installed on specially organized sites having a solid coating and fencing. Garbage collection with container sites is carried out by a specialized organization licensed this species Activities.

Lawn care is carried out by a mechanized manner, when the height of the gas coating is obtained more than 5 cm.

The territory of the enterprise and the sites adjacent to it are assigned to the plant's divisions by order of the Director-General for scheduled cleaning (after the winter season).

Snow cleaning in the winter is carried out by the transport service forces or with the involvement of third-party organizations under the contract, according to the territory cleaning scheme (Appendix G). Cleaning of internal administrative, household, production, sanitary and technical, auxiliary premises is carried out on areas according to the characteristics of the site (application and) and room cleaning maps (Appendix K), developed on the basis of standards and SanPiov and approved by the main engineer of the enterprise

The characteristic of the site reflects the total area, the composition of the premises. The room cleaning map contains frequency and cleaning type (sweeping, wet cleaning, washing), necessary resources.

For providing employees of the economic department with the necessary resources is responsible for the head of the economy, according to job description and provisions about the economic department.

Sanitary - disinfection treatment of premises is carried out quarterly under a contract with a specialized organization licensed for this type of activity.

Daily control of the cleanliness of premises and cleaning quality is entrusted to the head of the economy and departments.

Order on the enterprise about "implementation of the standard of the enterprise of the SMC proceedings. The organization of the culture of production at the enterprise is organized control inspections. The time of inspections twice a month. According to the results of the assessment - submission of reports in the Ootis.

Service of ventilation and air conditioning systems in the enterprise is carried out by the main energy service.

Regulations on the operation of the operation of buildings and structures I. General provisions 1.1 The department of the operation of buildings and structures in its activities is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the legislation of the Russian Federation and the Lipetsk region, the municipal legal acts of the city of Lipetsk, the Regulation on the Department of Education and this Regulation. 1.2 Activities of the department of buildings and structures Department of Education Administration of the city of Lipetsk sends and coordinates the Deputy Chairman of the Department of Education. 1.3 The department of operation of buildings and structures is headed by the boss, who is appointed and exempt from office by the order of the Chairman of the Department of Education. 1.4 Specialists of the department are appointed and exempt from office by the order of the Chairman of the Department of Education to submit the head of the department. II. The main tasks are the main tasks of the activities of the department of operation of buildings and structures are: 2.1 Implementation of control over the strengthening of the material and technical base of institutions of the subordinate Department of Education. 2.2 Implementation of control over the organization of work in the OU for the operation of buildings, structures, livelihood systems. 2.3 Implementation of the management of economic activities in institutions of the Department of Education, the effective and rational use of allocated funds for their content. III. Functions of the department of operation of buildings and structures 3.1. The system of control over the maintenance and operation of thermal power equipment systems, fire alarms, ventilation, water supply and sewage system. 3.2. The presentation and organization of work on the implementation of energy-saving programs and control over their execution. 3.3. The presentation of control over the operation of the main constructs of buildings and structures (roofs, walls, window and door blocks, basement and attic rooms, fences, sports facilities). 3.4. The presentation of control over the preparation of educational institutions to the heating season (revision of the shut-off reinforcement, thermal insulation of pipes, insulation of auditory openings, adjusting thermal items). 3.5. Consideration of control over the state of the territories of subordinate institutions. 3.6.The investment on the operation of engineering equipment with power supply and supervisory organizations: LGEK, Energonadzor, Mrs., Rospotrebnadzor. 3.7. Meeting of negotiations with organizations on the operation of buildings and structures, representation of the interests of subordinate institutions of the department, as well as the commission of other actions within its competence. 3.8. Consulting services to educational institutions. IV. The organization of the department for the implementation of the Division assigned to the tasks, the department has the right to: 4.1 to request and receive in accordance with the established procedure from educational institutions of the Department of Education the necessary materials and information; 4.2 to make proposals, develop recommendations on issues within the competence of the department, for consideration by the Chairman of the Department of Education, his deputies; V. Responsibility 5.1 The head of the department of operation of buildings and structures is responsible for: - organization of the activities of the department for the fulfillment of tasks and functions assigned to the department; - organization in the department of operational and high-quality preparation and execution of documents, conducting office work in accordance with applicable rules and instructions; - observance by employees of the department of labor and production discipline; - selection, alignment and activities of the department of department; 5.2 Specialists of the department of operation of buildings and structures are responsible for: - ensuring the safety of property and compliance with the rules of fire safety in working offices; - Qualitative and timely performance of functional responsibilities established by the job description.