How to fill out portfolio pages for a schoolchild

1 page - title page
Photo - choose together with your child

Page 2 - Autobiography -
You can post photos in this section different years child and sign them.
Or write an autobiography with your child:
1) The autobiography begins with a submission - indicating the full name, date and place of birth. For example: “I, Sergey Pavlovich Mikhailov, was born on March 19, 2000 in the city of Chekhov, Moscow region.”
2) After this, write your residential address (actual and registered).
In the student’s autobiography, you can write about graduating from kindergarten (name and year of graduation).
3) It is also necessary to indicate the name, school number, year of admission, class profile. 4) It is advisable to write about the main achievements at school: participation in sports competitions, Olympiads, diplomas, awards.
5) In addition, in the student’s autobiography you can talk about the main interests, hobbies, PC skills, and knowledge of foreign languages.


I, Sergey Maksimovich Kulagin, was born on April 12, 2001 in the city of Chekhov, Moscow region. I live at the address: Moscow, Lenin Ave., 45, apt. 49.

From 2003 to 2007 visited kindergarten"Zvezdochka" No. 5 in the city of Chekhov. From 2007 to 2009 he studied at school No. 3 in the city of Chekhov. In 2009, due to my family moving to Moscow, I moved to school No. 19 named after V.G. Belinsky, where I am currently studying in the 8th grade.

In 2011 and 2012, he was awarded a certificate for academic success. At the regional mathematics Olympiad in 2012, he took 3rd place.

I am interested in sports - I attend the school basketball section, take part in school and regional competitions.

Page 3 - My family.
Here you can talk about family members, or write a story about your family
To fill out the template, write down the composition of the family, you can take one general photo + a general story about the family
or a family tree + a photo of each on a separate page + a short story about each family member (we write together with the child - for example, dad goes fishing with me, mom cooks delicious food and does homework with me, sister plays)

EXAMPLE 1: with one general photo:

Family is important for every person. To all family members
we need to show warmth to each other, respect our relatives and
loved ones. You need to learn to live with loved ones - you will
live in peace and with other people. No wonder it's Russian
The proverb says: “The best treasure is when there is harmony in the family.”
My dad is Kulagin Maxim Ivanovich, a mathematics teacher at school No. 19 named after V.G. Belinsky, born in 1975.
My mother is Kulagina Larisa Sergeevna, accountant at Khlebodar LLC, born in 1976.

There is a grandmother in my family - Ekaterina Vladimirova
Our family has favorite holidays - this is a meeting
New Year, Easter, birthdays of our family members.
I like to make dumplings with my mother and do the cleaning.
I love fishing and swimming with my dad, but most of all
I like to help him in the yard.
Is our favorite dish triangles and

EXAMPLE 2: each family member with his own photo -
Family composition:
Father - Kulagin Maxim Ivanovich, mathematics teacher at school No. 19 named after V.G. Belinsky, born in 1975.
Mother - Kulagina Larisa Sergeevna, accountant at Khlebodar LLC, born in 1976.
Sister - Kulagina Inna Maksimovna, 10th grade student at school No. 19 named after V.G. Belinsky, born in 1997.

Page 4 - the meaning of my name.
It may be named after a relative, this can be indicated.
You can find the meaning of the name on the Internet.
For example:
A name is the personal name a person is given at birth. Each name has its own interpretation. This is what my name means:
Mark comes from Greek name Marcos, which in turn comes from the Latin word “marcus” - hammer. There is also a second version of the origin of this name, that it comes from the god of war Mars. Shortened versions: Markusha, Marik, Markusya, Masya.

The patronymic name did not appear in Rus' right away; only people who deserved the tsar’s trust were allowed to have it. Now everyone has a middle name and it is given according to the personal name of the father.
My patronymic is Andreevich

Surnames for a long time were the privilege of people with position, and for ordinary people a surname was an “unaffordable luxury.” A person's surname is an inherited family name.
My last name----

Page 5 - My friends -
photos of friends, information about their interests and hobbies.
A photo shared with friends or each individual with a story.

This is Kolya. I became friends with him when I went to the pool. He recently moved to our street. We play with him and are friends.

This is Alyosha. I became friends with him when I went to kindergarten. He lives on the next street. He and I are very good friends.

This is Misha. I've been friends with him since childhood. He comes to his grandmother and we play there.

This is Andrey. I've been friends with him for a very long time. We love to play football.

Page 6 - My city (or my little homeland - for a private home)
A photo of the city and write a few lines with your child about what is remarkable about your city.

Example for \"my little homeland\" + photo of the house:
Homeland is the country in which a person
was born, with which the life of his family and the life of everything is connected
the people to which he belongs. There are two
concepts – “big” and “small” Motherland. Big Motherland -
This is our huge country with the proud name of Russia.
Small Motherland is the place where you were born, it is home,
in which you live. No wonder the Russian proverb says:
“A man without a homeland is like a nightingale without a song”

Page 7 - My hobbies
(in which sections or circles does he participate)
For example: photo - a child draws, plays on the computer, plays sports, assembles Legos, etc.
Photo + signature (I like to draw, play, play sports)

Page 8 - “My impressions”

Information about visiting a theater, exhibition, museum, school holiday, hike, excursion.

Page 9 - My achievements
This section may include headings:

“Creative works” (poems, drawings, fairy tales, photographs of crafts, copies of drawings that took part in competitions, etc.),
“Awards” (certificates, diplomas, letters of gratitude, etc.)

Information about participation in Olympiads and intellectual games
Information about participation in sports competitions and competitions, school and class holidays and events, etc.
Information about participation in project activities

Page 10 – Social work (Social practice)

Information about orders
- You can design this section using photographs and short messages on the topic of:
– Release of a wall newspaper
– Participation in community cleanups
– Speech at the ceremony

Includes data on all types extracurricular activities (social projects, providing assistance to those in need, etc.).

Page 11 - My first teacher
Photo + together with your child, write a few sentences about your teacher (what’s their name, why we love them, strict, kind)
Page 12 - MY SCHOOL
Photo of the school + text: school number and write with your child: why he likes going to school

Now we have reached another experiment of the Ministry of Education. At parent-teacher meetings at school, teachers informed parents that for each student a student portfolio primary school .

Puzzled parents began asking teachers a lot of questions. What is student portfolio how to make it? What should it be like? What should be included in a portfolio? Why is it necessary? portfolio for primary classes ?

After the parent meeting, I met friends whose children study at another school and found out that they were also pleased with this innovation. But their school decided to do it easier, they ordered ready-made portfolio for schoolchildren for all grades of primary school. They were given a portfolio at parent meeting, at home they filled out the pages and turned them in to the teacher.

To ease the plight of the parents of our class and mine, I made a proposal to the teacher about purchasing ready-made school portfolios at the school where my child is studying. But, as it turns out, compiling a portfolio is a creative process that helps a child discover his creative abilities, as well as conduct self-analysis of his school life over a certain period. Motivates the child to take part in educational activities and creative work. Increases self-esteem and confidence in your capabilities. Therefore, ready-made school portfolios are not welcome.
Then I started studying the information... After surfing the Internet, it became clear that there is still no single standard for designing a portfolio.

Having gone through this difficult path, I would like to help other parents who are just faced with the question of HOW TO MAKE A SCHOOL PORTFOLIO.

So, what do you need for a portfolio:

1. folder-recorder
2. files... no, that’s not right, a lot of files
3. A4 paper
4. colored pencils (for drawing by a child)
5. printer
6. and, of course, patience and time

The task of parents is to help children create a portfolio. Tell me HOW TO MAKE A SCHOOL STUDENT’S PORTFOLIO, how to fill out the sections correctly, choose necessary photos, drawings.

On this moment the portfolio has sample sections that can be supplemented with various interesting information:

1. Title page student portfolio

This sheet contains the child’s data - Last name, First name, Patronymic name, photograph of the child, educational institution and city where the child is studying, start and end date of the portfolio.

2. Section - My world:

This section adds information that is important to the child. Example pages:

Personal information (About me) – date of birth, place of birth, age. You can indicate your home address and telephone number.
My name – write what the child’s name means, where it came from, you can indicate in honor of whom they were named (for example, grandfather). And also, indicate famous people bearing this name.
My family – write short story about your family or, if you have the desire and time, then about each family member. Attach to this story photographs of relatives or a drawing of the child as he sees his family. You can attach the child’s pedigree to this section.
My city (I live) - in this section we indicate the city where the child lives, in what year and by whom it was founded, what this city is famous for, and what interesting places there are.
Route diagram to school– draw with your child safe way from home to school. We mark dangerous places - car roads, railway tracks, etc.
My friends – here we list the child’s friends (last name, first name), you can attach a photo of the friends. We also write about a friend’s hobbies or common interests.
My hobbies (My interests) – on this page you need to tell what the child likes to do and what he is interested in. If the child wishes, you can tell about the clubs/sections where he/she also goes.

3. Section - My school:

My school – school address, administration phone number, you can paste a photo of the institution, full name of the director, start (year) of study.

My class – indicate the class number, paste a general photo of the class, and you can also write a short story about the class.
My teachers – fill in the information about class teacher(full name + short story about what he is like), about teachers (subject + full name).
My school subjects - we give short description for each subject, i.e. We help the child understand why he is needed. You can also write your attitude towards the subject. For example, mathematics is a difficult subject, but I try, because... I want to learn to count well or I like music because I am learning to sing beautifully.
My social work (social activity) – it is advisable to fill out this section with photographs where the child took part in school life (for example, speaking at a festival, decorating a classroom, a wall newspaper, reading poetry at a matinee, etc.) + a brief description of the impressions/emotions of performing social activities.
My impressions (school events, excursion and educational events) – everything is standard here, we write a short review-impression about a child’s class visit to an excursion, museum, exhibition, etc. You can write a review with a photo from the event or draw a picture.

4. Section - My successes:

My studies – we make sheet headings for each school subject (mathematics, Russian language, reading, music, etc.). Well-done work - independent work, tests, reviews of books, various reports, etc. - will be put into files in these sections.

My art – here we place the child’s creativity. Drawings, crafts, his writing activities - fairy tales, stories, poems. We also don’t forget about large-scale works – we take photographs and add them to our portfolio. If desired, the work can be signed - the title, as well as where the work took part (if it was exhibited at a competition/exhibition).
My achievements – we make copies and boldly place them in this section – certificates of commendation, certificates, diplomas, final attestation sheets, letters of gratitude, etc.
My best works (Works that I'm proud of) – work that the child considers important and valuable for the whole year of study will be invested here. And we lay out the remaining (less valuable, in the child’s opinion) material, making room for sections for the new school year.

5. Reviews and wishes (My teachers about me) - this is a page for teachers where they can write their reviews and wishes on the work done or the results of their performance.

is a page for teachers where they can write their reviews and wishes on the work done or the results of their performance.

6. Contents - on this sheet we list all the sections that we considered necessary to include in the child’s portfolio.

– on this sheet we list all the sections that we considered necessary to include in the child’s portfolio.

Additional pages that can be attached to your portfolio:

- I can - describe the child’s skills in this stage(for example, solves problems well, recites poetry beautifully, etc.)
- My plans – the child sets certain goals for himself, what he would like to learn or improve any skills in the near future (for example, learn to write beautifully, learn the English alphabet, etc.)
- My daily routine (My daily routine) – create a daily routine with your child and try to stick to it
- Reading technique – all test results are recorded here
- Academic year report card
- My holidays ( Summer rest, Holidays) - a short story from a child about how I spent the summer. Don’t forget about a photo or drawing about your vacation
- My dreams

You can look at portfolio templates.

The best way Selling yourself well is creating the perfect portfolio. A portfolio is a reflection of the results of your work, your work. A good portfolio is very important to attract clients. And a designer simply must have a portfolio.

And, if you agree with this, ask yourself a few questions. How much time are you willing to spend improving your portfolio? Are you sure you're using your best work? One thing I can say for sure.

It doesn’t matter in what form your portfolio is made - digital or on paper. The main thing is to keep improving it.

As your career progresses, you will realize that nothing is more important than presenting the best of your work in a clear and compelling manner. This article will help you do this.

We will present to your attention 20 tips and examples of creating the perfect designer portfolio. These tips are divided into tips for paper and online portfolios. If you want to become a leader in this matter, keep these tips in mind.

And yes. Your opinion is important to us. Your comments are welcome.

Paper portfolios

20. Volume

When working on a design portfolio, the first question to answer is how much work it should contain.

For a comprehensive portfolio you will need at least 20 of your best works to make the right impression.

19. Suitable examples

If you are applying for a full-time employee position, it is better to include suitable examples of work in your portfolio. You must be sure that the examples are relevant to the position for which you are applying.

If you are an applicant for a digital artist position, you must submit digital drawings. Sketches made in pencil will not work here:

18. Context

Whether you are a designer or an artist is not so important. Because in any case, you will have to create graphics based on briefs from creatives. You will need to be able to interpret the brief carefully.

If your portfolio contains scattered images, that's not enough. You need to provide them in context. Where did these paintings come from? How did the idea come about? What is the chain of thought?

Anything that can help develop the concept of the images should be included in the portfolio.

17. Work for pleasure

Even if you're in the process of creating a portfolio for a specific contract or position, include more than just commissioned work. After all, a designer is not only a job, but also a hobby, isn’t it?

You can include any work in your portfolio. If, for example, you're an illustrator looking for freelance work, having projects you've done that haven't been commissioned will certainly help.

16. Expiration date

As you gain new experience over time, your work will also change. This does not mean that new works should be placed on top of old ones.

Depending on how much new work you're doing, it may be worth cleaning out and updating your portfolio occasionally.

A portfolio is not just a collection of your design works. It is worth highlighting some recommendations in bold. Place them directly on top of your work. Moreover, recommendations in real life will help even more.

All this shows your capabilities. It doesn't matter where or when you left your job. Make sure you have excellent relationships with your colleagues and ask them for recommendations. Recommendations always help.

14. Step back

You can view your portfolio from a third party. Surely you have already had experience when more experienced employees looked at your portfolio, and you expected their criticism.

It is very important that you know your strengths and weaknesses. Based on this, you can prioritize growth and practice with graphics.

13. Showcase yourself in all your glory

Think of your portfolio as yours. creative biography. This doesn't mean you should only show your designs. You need to give the impression that you are a professional.

Emphasize that you are a professional in everything. Both in communication skills and meeting deadlines.

12. Sell yourself

What other talents do you have? Maybe you are a good photographer? Or a singer? Let your future employer know about all your creative opportunities, not just the basic ones:

11. Portfolio with indexes

When you read or skim a book, or browse a website, you mark or bookmark pages that interest you.

Imagine your employer doing the same. Make it easier for people by numbering the pages.

Online portfolio

10. Platform

There are several options for publishing your online portfolio. When you need a clean, personalized space for your portfolio, you simply buy a domain and ask someone to create a website for you.

Or install WordPress and customize it for yourself. If the above is beyond your capabilities, IM Creator is at your service.

9. Set goals

You should make sure that you understand the need for creating an online portfolio. What is the purpose of your portfolio? Feedback? Or employment?

Answering these questions will help you better set up your portfolio and increase your chances of success.

8. Be selective

Don't post most of your work online. Be selective. Choose the best of your works. Make sure they reflect the most of your capabilities. You shouldn't show everything at once.

Make people want to see more of your work. This is exactly what you should do with your online portfolio:

7. Edit

Malika Favre, an illustrator from London, says: " Supervise your work. An online portfolio should follow the same rhythm as a printed portfolio: you must tell a story.

Arrange your projects so that they flow from each other, complement each other. If the old project has to be deleted to fit the new story, then so be it."

6. Don't tell - show

A website is like a business card - it says a lot about you. And to be more precise, it shows. Therefore, you must be sure that visitors to your site will first see what you have to say, rather than read it.

5. Update

An important task in developing a portfolio is to regularly update it with your latest works. If you leave your site without updating for even a few months, people will not buy what you have already posted.

4. Possibility of quick updates

You need a site design that will allow you to quickly, in two or three clicks, add new works and delete old ones. If updates take too long, you will get tired of doing them regularly, as you will be overwhelmed with your current work.

The profession of a designer is currently considered quite popular. This is true; specialists in this field are in great demand on the labor market. There are also a lot of designers themselves; educational institutions have long opened the direction of training such specialists. However a large number of designers are those who have independently mastered everything necessary tools work thanks to the information available today. It is both on sale and in the public domain. Of course, for any specialist, especially a beginner, one of the most important points is to create a designer portfolio.

A little about the profession

Designers are very versatile specialists and are required in many areas. Each area has its own specific features that must be taken into account. This is why specialization is very important in the design profession. This is not just a word here, since, for example, interior design is very different from costume design. We can say that these are completely different directions. Of course, this is not entirely true, since all designers share common basic knowledge, such as color theory, knowledge of the basics of composition, etc.

What are the specializations?

There are really many design directions. It is worth noting the most famous and popular specializations.

  • Environment design

This is one of the popular design trends. His main task is to develop solutions for the artistic design of interiors, premises, ideas for lighting design and much more.

  • Graphic design

Graphic design can rightfully be recognized as the most popular direction today. This includes printing, branding, web design, in a word, everything that is created using graphic programs.

  • Industrial Design

Also an important area. Here you can highlight the design household appliances, furniture, cars and other goods. It is especially interesting that there is even a mechanism design. It allows you to combine extraordinary precision and beauty.

  • Landscape design

Specialists in this area are engaged in the design and improvement of various sites and territories. Their main activities are the creation of artificial and natural landscapes, in some cases even their restoration and landscaping environment, floristry.

A little about the designer's portfolio

To find a permanent job or simply interact with a customer, the designer is required to provide his work. Of course, they must be designed in such a way that will interest the employer and push him to choose this particular contractor. The task is indeed not easy, but there are many examples of designer portfolios. Examples can be easily found in specialized literature; it is also worth asking for advice from more experienced colleagues.

If we return to the term itself, “portfolio” means a selection of samples of work, which in a short period of time allows you to get acquainted with the capabilities and style of a specialist’s creative activity.

How to approach this issue correctly?

It is better to take care of the selection of works in advance. As soon as a designer begins his activity, he must carefully analyze all his work to determine whether it is worth showing it to customers in the future. There is no clear answer to the question of how to design a designer’s portfolio. Here everyone should focus on their own capabilities and level of professional training.

What can be included in a portfolio?

Naturally, these must be the best works of the designer. The most important thing is to organize them correctly. All work should be divided into categories: vector graphics, sketches, icons, etc. You can also develop a sorting by type of work, for example, separate business cards, flyers, logos, brochures, posters and other materials. For each work, it is advisable to make a short description and note when the work was done, for whom, what project it was dedicated to, what was the purpose of its implementation, how much time was spent on it. With this approach, you can quickly put together a full-fledged designer portfolio. You can always ask more experienced colleagues for a sample design, but it would be better to develop your own methodology. After all, an individual creative approach is noticeable not only in the works themselves, but also in their organization. To develop your own method, it is worth looking at the best portfolios of designers, especially famous ones.

Designing a designer's portfolio: which method to choose?

There are several ways to design a portfolio. Of course, it will be much more convenient for an employer to view a potential employee’s work electronically. Besides modern technologies allow you to realize your ideas on how to make a designer’s portfolio unusual and original. Many people still rely on the printed version. For a graphic designer, this can also be a good method, since he can show his real work live. For example, provide the employer with business cards, booklets, books that the specialist has developed.

There are several ways to create a designer's portfolio in electronic form. You can create a website, video, presentation, or simply make a pdf file that can be easily sent by email.

Now it’s worth taking a closer look at all the advantages and disadvantages of the listed methods.

Portfolio website

The first thing you need to pay attention to is that you should not use free services to create websites. Websites created in this way are usually filled with a huge amount of advertising. Also, free tools usually do not allow you to create a full-fledged design that you are not ashamed to show to employers and customers.


IN modern world there are a lot of talented people. In order to be noticed and appreciated, one skill is not enough. You need to be able to present yourself and your work.

A portfolio (Italian: portfolio - portfolio, folder for documents) can help with this - a collection of samples of work, photographs that give an idea of ​​the services offered by an organization (firm) or specialist (model, photographer, designer, architect, etc.).

The concept of “portfolio” came to us from Western Europe XV-XVI centuries. During the Renaissance, architects presented sketches of their construction projects to clients in a special folder, which was called a “portfolio.” The submitted documents allowed customers to form an impression of the professional qualities of the applicants. Currently, in business, a portfolio is used to show the company's achievements, and among photographers and photo models - as an album with photographs. The idea of ​​using portfolios in education originated in the United States in the mid-80s. By the beginning of the 21st century, the idea became popular all over the world, including in Russia. The main point of a portfolio is to show everything you can do.

So my goal course work: “create your electronic portfolio.”

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

Study theoretical material on the research topic;

Master programs for creating a portfolio;

Analyze the heart of the portfolio;

Design your own portfolio.

The first chapter provides information on creating an e-portfolio and the creation tool.

In the second chapter, the concept of a web portfolio is developed and implemented.

Theoretical aspect of the development and creation of an electronic portfolio

Concepts, types and structure of electronic portfolio

Portfolio means “briefcase, folder for documents.”

A portfolio is most often needed by representatives of creative professions: design, architecture, photography, modeling, etc.

What are the advantages of a portfolio:

· allows you to clearly demonstrate a person’s skills in a variety of areas;

· this is the entire complex of knowledge, skills, abilities and experience that holistically and systematically reflect all work, educational and other activities;

· very convenient form of information storage;

· allows the employer to assess the level of professional skills.

Designers use portfolios to showcase completed projects when applying for jobs. Traditionally, a portfolio is a huge book or leather case with samples of work. But with the development of the World Wide Web, the portfolio acquired electronic view, with the help of which you can quickly and easily familiarize anyone around the world with the designer’s work.

An electronic portfolio is convenient because:

It is easier to supplement and improve;

Can be sent on the Internet anywhere with one click;

If the portfolio is made in the form of a web page, then this is a convenient system for navigating through sections, if any;

You can always take separate part and print as needed;

Can be stored on electronic media.

Main portfolio functions:

Analytical - analyzes and summarizes the work of a specialist;

Cumulative - reflects the achievements of a cultural worker (diplomas, diplomas, certificates, etc.) and reveals the range of accomplishments creative works(projects, research, event scenarios, bibliographic products, etc.);

Model - reflects the dynamics of professional development, demonstrates the style of work, helps to plan activities;

Developmental - ensures a continuous process of self-education; and motivational - encourages performance results;

An electronic portfolio is a collection of works presented either on digital media (CD/DVD) or in the form of a website.

An electronic portfolio allows you to work with a large amount of information, create convenient way navigation with the addition of hyperlinks, provide works in a single style (font, color palette etc.), make changes to the portfolio structure.

Web portfolio is a personal website without advertising, with individual design, with full functionality social network for creating communities and communication, the ability to easily and independently update without the involvement of programmers. The pages of the portfolio website contain pre-planned and specially organized individual selection materials and documents (text, photos, audio, video files), which demonstrates professional achievements in various fields.

Types and structure:

A portfolio can be used in different areas:

· school (portfolio of development, graduate and by subject);

· University (applicant’s portfolio, student’s portfolio, employment);

· Professional sphere (specialist’s portfolio).

The school portfolio allows you to:

Maintain high educational motivation of students;

Develop the ability to learn - set goals;

Plan and organize your own educational activities;

Assess his educational achievements and supplement (replace) the results of testing and other traditional forms control;

The university portfolio allows you to:

Upon admission, demonstrate your skills, abilities and achievements acquired during your studies at school;

Evaluate your work during training;

Makes it easier to find a job after training.

A specialist’s portfolio allows you to:

The employer will assess your level of knowledge in the required field;

Demonstrate all the experience gained during training and work.

Depending on the purpose of use, there are different portfolio models.

Presentation portfolio. A collection of the best works of a specialist. Used when starting a new job (especially in cases where wage appointed based on the results of an interview) or to participate in a professional competition. In Fig. Figure 1 shows one of the options for the structure of a presentation portfolio.


Portfolio of achievements. In this model, the greatest emphasis is placed on documents confirming the successful activity of an individual in a particular area.

Demo e-portfolio. A demo e-portfolio reflects the experience of its owner by presenting examples of the best work. A student's showcase portfolio typically includes a selection of completed images, design solutions and websites.

Skill development e-portfolio. The Skills Development ePortfolio shows several examples of work completed within a single project to show the process of developing an individual's skills.

For example, you could include multiple page banners in your portfolio to demonstrate the evolution of a design.

Project portfolio. A project portfolio contains a more complete selection of work for a specific project. This portfolio reflects the scope of work completed on a project, showing all the stages from the inception of ideas to the completion of the project.

Reflective portfolio. Materials on assessment (self-assessment) of goal achievement.

Problem-oriented portfolio. Includes all materials reflecting the goals, process and result of solving a specific problem.

Thematic portfolio. In this model, the emphasis is on thematically isolated work within a particular topic or module. It makes sense to create a thematic portfolio if a person is engaged in a particular topic not just once, but constantly or often.

A comprehensive portfolio contains elements of all of the listed models and, as practice has shown, is the most effective and popular model.


Structure of a comprehensive portfolio:

The portfolio consists of seven sections, which, if necessary, can be combined or, conversely, split up. Their names are given conventionally.

1. In the section " Title page" the following information is indicated:

Folder name (for example, “Creative dossier of a librarian”);

Job title;

Name of place of work;

Address, work phone, e-mail;

2. Section "Business card". It can be called differently, for example: “Profile data”, “ General information about the author", "Personal block", "Portrait", "Passport", etc. This section reveals the identity of the portfolio owner; here you can place:


Professional credo, goals and objectives of the activity (presentation of a professional position with core values, quotes, excerpts from documents, opinions consonant with the author of the portfolio);

Education documents;

General work experience;

Professional and personal interests;

3. Section "Creative dossier" ("Working materials", "Methodological piggy bank"). A section is a collection the best materials owner of a portfolio reflecting the main directions and types of activities. This may include:

Research works;

Software and design activities;

Individual work;

Mass work (scenarios of events, exhibitions, photographs and videotapes with recordings of events, etc.);

Reference and information activities;

Use of computer technologies;

4. The section "Educational collector" ("Professional growth card", "Scientific and methodological activities", "Individual educational card") allows you to judge the process individual development portfolio owner. Here are reflected:

Documents on advanced training (certificates of completion of courses);

Results of final certification, testing;

Work in methodological associations;

Participation in educational events (seminars, conferences, round tables, etc.);

Participation in professional and creative competitions;

Publications and appearances in the media;

Work on generalization and dissemination of experience (creation of information sheets, teaching aids).

5. The section “Bank of Personal Achievements” (“Portfolio of Documents”, “My Achievements”) is a portfolio of certified (documented) individual achievements in order to increase the significance of the author of the portfolio and reflect his success in incentives and awards. Here can be presented:

Copies of documents confirming the availability of academic and honorary titles and degrees;

Grants, certificates, certificates;


Thanksgiving letters;

Diplomas of various competitions;

6. The “Review Portfolio” section includes:

Reviews of work (colleagues, readers, managers at different levels);

Performance assessments;

Correction of one’s own activities;

Professional development strategy.

Principles of portfolio construction:

Systematicity and reliability;





Completeness of presentation.

There are many different portfolio models, but the structure can be anything you want because there are currently no one-size-fits-all rules. It all depends on the wishes of the person for whom it is being made. The style in which the portfolio will be completed, the number and names of sections, which works will be provided and in what order, all these tasks are decided by the person himself. This takes into account the amount of information that will be presented in the portfolio, what information, the purpose of using the portfolio, etc.

Undoubtedly, if you create a comprehensive portfolio, it will display all possible information. But the one who will view the portfolio is most interested in the work experience, and of course the work itself, so most often the portfolio looks like this:

· Home page, or welcome page. A few welcoming words from the author to someone viewing the portfolio, most often a few words from the author about his work;

· Contacts. Means of communication with the author (phone number, link to website, etc.). Contacts can be separated into a separate section, or they can be placed at the end of the page next to the copyright, and contacts can also be indicated in the “about yourself” section.