Today, the problem of diseases of the musculoskeletal system has become urgent. Unfortunately, they affect not only older people, but also young people. Therefore, new drugs are being developed to eliminate such problems. One such medicine is Structum. Instructions for use, reviews and price are presented below.

Effect of the drug

Structum tablets belong to the group, that is, products that protect cartilage and joints from destruction. This effect occurs due to the substance contained in the drug, namely its main active component - sodium salt. It is worth noting that chondroitin is practically the basis of cartilage tissue, therefore it is extremely important for the normal condition of cartilage.

Another effect of the drug is the stimulation of the synthesis of hyaluronic acid, which is responsible for the normal viscosity of synovial fluid (and this fluid also has a direct effect on the condition of cartilage). There is also an antiseptic effect of chondroitin, which helps fight tissue inflammation.

The components of the drug prevent changes in cartilage tissue, leading to its breakdown and degeneration. In addition, joint mobility improves, and pain syndrome is almost completely relieved over time. It also has an effect on bone tissue. So, it is restored and strengthened due to the accumulation of calcium in it.

Indications for use, contraindications and side effects

In what cases is the medicine “Structum” indicated? It can help with some diseases of the musculoskeletal system. It is worth listing some of them:

  • (in particular primary);
  • large joints;
  • spinal osteoarthritis;
  • intervertebral osteochondrosis;
  • osteochondrosis of the joints;
  • other diseases of the joints and spine of a degenerative-dystrophic nature.

Now about contraindications. Here is their list:

Concerning side effects, then they arise in rare cases, but still take place. Most often, those taking the drug experience digestive disorders: nausea, flatulence, sometimes diarrhea or, on the contrary, constipation. If the patient is prone to allergic reactions, he may experience a rash or minor swelling. In all these cases, the drug should be stopped.

Release form and method of application

The drug is available in three dosage forms: in capsule form of blue color volume of 500 mg (“Structum 500”) and 250 mg (“Structum 250”), in the form of film-coated tablets, as well as in the form of an injection solution.

How and in what doses should you take the drug? The attending physician should tell you about this after a thorough examination. But more often, doctors recommend taking 1 capsule of the drug (500 mg) twice a day. The use does not depend on food intake. The capsule should be swallowed whole without chewing and washed down sufficient quantity water. Sometimes in the first three weeks of the course the patient should take 1500 mg per day (it is better to divide the dose into two times and take two capsules at a time: 500 mg and 250 mg at the same time). Then the daily dose can be reduced to 500 mg. The course of treatment can last from 3 to 6 months (depending on the specific disease and condition of the patient). Therapy can be resumed after 3-4 months. As for tablets, the recommendations are the same.

Now about the injections. The solution is administered intramuscularly at 0.1 mg at a time. Injections are given every other day. if the drug is well tolerated, the doctor may double the dose. usually the course of treatment includes 25-35 injections. Repeated therapy may be prescribed after six months.

Efficacy of the drug

When should you expect the effect of using the product? The main substance is well absorbed in the intestines and enters the bloodstream after 3-4 hours. And the components reach their main goal, namely cartilage and synovial fluid, in about 5 hours. This is where the drug will accumulate. And taking into account this very cumulative effect, it can be noted that changes will be observed only 3-4 weeks (sometimes later) after the start of use. But the effect lasts for a long time. Over the next 5-7 months, the substances will still be contained in the cartilage, then they will gradually begin to be removed from there (and then the course of treatment will need to be repeated).

Prices and reviews

What is the price of Structum tablets? They cost about 1000 rubles (for 60 tablets of 500 mg each). Capsules have approximately the same cost (the quantities and volumes are the same). As for ampoules with injection solution, they can be purchased for about the same price. You can buy the drug at any pharmacy, as well as order it online. It is worth noting that prices may vary (within 100-200 rubles).

Now reviews from patients about the drug "Structum". We invite you to familiarize yourself with some of them:

Larisa writes: “Since childhood, my posture was incorrect, so already in adulthood I encountered problems with my spine. I went to see a doctor, he recommended Structum and a massage course. After 4 months I actually saw results. But it is not clear what exactly helped: the massage or the medicine. I think a comprehensive approach played a role.”

And here’s what Albina writes: “Already for a long time I suffer from . The doctor recommended Structum. I took it for six months, but saw absolutely no results.”

Maria: “I have osteoarthritis of the hip joint, which really interferes with my life. What have I not tried! And then the doctor suggested trying to start taking Structum. I drank it for 5 months and realized that I was living a normal life. The doctor said that I was in a small percentage of patients for whom this drug actually helps so much that all the symptoms of the disease disappear.” Doctors are quite skeptical about the remedy, but it is still often prescribed as an additional therapy.

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IN modern world A very pressing issue is diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Unfortunately, such diseases affect not only the elderly, but increasingly young people and even children.

The pharmaceutical industry produces a sufficient number of drugs of varying effectiveness to treat such problems.

One of the strongest medicines is Structum, the main property of which is to restore lost or damaged motor function.

The drug Structum is an auxiliary drug for the complex treatment of joint diseases; it belongs to the group of chondroprotective drugs.

This group significantly increases the resistance of joint tissue to harmful influences that destroy it, also stabilizes the functioning of the ligamentous apparatus and controls metabolism.

Effect of Structum on joints

This drug stimulates the normalization of metabolic processes in hyaline and fibrous cartilage and significantly reduces degenerative processes in cartilage tissue.

Structum reduces the loss of calcium by the body to a minimum, while restoring bone tissue. As a result, joint pain disappears and joint mobility improves.

The effect after completion of treatment is positively stable.

The drug is absorbed by the intestines by 65-75% and enters the joint tissues after 4-6 hours. The active substance chondroitin accumulates in the joint fluid.

Another action of Structum is noted - ability to stimulate the synthesis of hyaluronic acid, responsible for the viscosity of the so-called synovial fluid. An antiseptic effect is also noted.

Indications and contraindications for use of the product

Considered medicine is used in therapy degenerative and dystrophic diseases of the spinal trunk and working joints:

  • primary arthrosis;
  • spinal osteoarthritis;
  • osteochondrosis of the joints;
  • intervertebral osteochondrosis;
  • other diseases of the spine and joints.

The drug is contraindicated and may cause side effects in the following situations:

  1. increased bleeding;
  2. pregnancy and lactation;
  3. sensitivity to certain components;
  4. thrombophlebitis;
  5. children under 15 years of age.

Form of release of Structum and method of its use

This medicine is sold by pharmacists Available in three forms:

  • blue colored capsules;
  • coated tablets (500 mg, 250 mg);
  • solution for injection.

In what doses and how is the medicine Structum taken?

This will be determined by the attending physician after examination.

The classic dose is 1 capsule or tablet twice a day.

The duration of treatment is from 3 months to 6.

Injections are administered intramuscularly at 0.1 mg at a time.

The injections have prolonged (extended) action, that’s why they install them every other day. The course of treatment may consist of 25-40 injections.

Prices and reviews about the drug

The cost of tableted Structum varies between 950 - 1100 rubles.

Capsules and injections cost about the same.

Reviews about the use of this drug are positive, there is a noticeable effect some time after the course of treatment. Older people note a decrease in joint pain and improved joint mobility.

Alesya I., (36 years old)

“I was involved in sports professionally, but one day I felt pain in the spine, which became stronger with each workout. I turned to a doctor for help and was diagnosed with osteoarthritis of the spine.

One of the drugs prescribed for treatment was Structum. I took the drug for 3 months, but after the first three to four weeks of taking it, I began to pay less attention to spinal pain and after 1.5 months I felt like a completely healthy person.

However, she continued to use Structum as prescribed by the doctor in order to consolidate the effect and avoid relapse.”

Alla Ivanovna, (68 years old)

"I have problems with my knees, hip joints— my constant physical work made itself felt. Once every 2-3 years I take a 3-month course of Structum, the pain gradually subsides and I feel like an ordinary healthy person.”

Drug analogues

There are many analogues of the drug Structum, which also contain chondroitin as a base.

First group: Chondrolone, Strucnotin, Mucosat, etc. Contains only chondroitin sulfate.

Second group: Artra, Teraflex. In addition to chondroitin, the composition includes glucosamine.

Third group: Aflutop, Rumalon, Piasledin, etc. Contains natural substances: tissue cartilage sea ​​fish, soybean extract.

Structum: instructions for use and reviews

Latin name: Structum

ATX code: M01AX25

Active substance: chondroitin sulfate sodium

Manufacturer: Pierre Fabre Medicament Production (France)

Updating the description and photo: 19.08.2019

Structum is a drug with anti-inflammatory and chondroprotective effects. Regulates metabolism in cartilage tissue, stimulates regeneration.

Release form and composition

Structum is available in the form of gelatin capsules with a dosage of 250 mg or 500 mg: light blue or blue color, size No. 1 (capsules 250 mg) or No. 0 (capsules 500 mg); contents – whitish-cream powder, lumps are allowed due to the peculiarities of the spatial structure.


  • capsules 250 mg: 10 pieces in blisters, 3 blisters in a cardboard pack; 15 pieces in blisters, 4 blisters in a cardboard pack; 30 or 100 pieces in polypropylene bottles, 1 bottle in a cardboard pack;
  • capsules 500 mg: 12 pieces in blisters, 5 blisters in a cardboard pack; 20 pieces in blisters, in a cardboard pack of 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 or 10 blisters.

Composition of 1 capsule:

  • active ingredient: sodium chondroitin sulfate – 250 mg or 500 mg;
  • auxiliary components: talc;
  • capsule shell: titanium dioxide, indigo carmine dye, gelatin.

Pharmacological properties


Structum influences metabolic processes in fibrous and hyaline cartilage, stimulates the biosynthesis of glycosaminoglycans, helps reduce degenerative processes in the cartilage tissue of joints, slow down bone resorption and reduce calcium loss, and accelerate bone tissue restoration processes.

As a result of using the drug, the mobility of the affected joints improves and their pain decreases. After completion of the course of treatment, the therapeutic effect lasts for a long time.


Chondroitin sulfate after oral administration is absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract (more than 70%). C max (maximum concentration of the substance) in the blood plasma after a single dose of the average therapeutic dose is achieved in 3–4 hours, in the synovial fluid – in 4–5 hours.

Bioavailability – 13%. The substance accumulates in the synovial fluid. Excretion is carried out by the kidneys.

Indications for use

  • osteoarthritis and other degenerative diseases of the spine and joints;
  • periodontopathy;
  • osteoporosis;
  • intervertebral osteochondrosis;
  • fractures (for faster formation of callus).


  • thrombophlebitis;
  • bleeding and tendency to bleed;
  • pregnancy period and breastfeeding(due to insufficient data);
  • children under 15 years of age (since there is no accurate data on the safety and effectiveness of the drug);
  • hypersensitivity to the ingredients of the drug.

Instructions for use Structum: method and dosage

Structum capsules are taken orally with water.

The duration of the initial course is 6 months. After discontinuation, the drug remains effective for about 3–5 months, depending on the stage and location of the disease. Repeated courses and their duration are determined by the attending physician.

Side effects

In rare cases, vomiting, nausea and allergic reactions (itching, erythema, urticaria) occur during treatment with Structum.


Main symptoms: rarely – diarrhea, vomiting, nausea; with prolonged use in excessively high doses (from 3000 mg per day) - hemorrhagic rashes.

Therapy: symptomatic.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

According to the instructions, Structum is not prescribed during pregnancy/lactation (there is no experience with use).

Use in childhood

Structum therapy is contraindicated in patients under 15 years of age.

special instructions

Information is absent.

Drug interactions

When Structum is co-administered with antiplatelet agents, indirect anticoagulants and fibrinolytics, the effects of these drugs may be enhanced.


Analogues of Structum are Teraflex, Glucosamine, Artroker, Sustilak, Dona, etc.

Terms and conditions of storage

Store at a temperature not exceeding 25 °C. Keep away from children.

Shelf life – 3 years.

A drug that stimulates the process of cartilage tissue regeneration

Active substance

Release form, composition and packaging

Capsules gelatin, size No. 1, from light blue to light blue; the contents of the capsules are a whitish-cream powder; the presence of conglomerates (lumps) associated with the peculiarities of the spatial structure is allowed.

Excipients: talc - 5 mg.

Composition of the capsule shell: indigo carmine, titanium dioxide, gelatin.

15 pcs. - blisters (4) - cardboard packs.

Capsules gelatin, size No. 0, from light blue to blue; the contents of the capsules are a whitish-cream powder; the presence of conglomerates (lumps) associated with the peculiarities of the spatial structure is allowed.

Excipients: talc - 10 mg.

Composition of the capsule shell:, titanium dioxide, gelatin.

12 pcs. - blisters (5) - cardboard packs.
20 pcs. - blisters (3) - cardboard packs.
20 pcs. - blisters (4) - cardboard packs.
20 pcs. - blisters (5) - cardboard packs.
20 pcs. - blisters (6) - cardboard packs.
20 pcs. - blisters (7) - cardboard packs.
20 pcs. - blisters (10) - cardboard packs.

pharmachologic effect

Structum affects metabolic processes in hyaline and fibrous cartilage, reduces degenerative processes in the cartilage tissue of joints, and stimulates the biosynthesis of glycosaminoglycans. Slows down bone resorption and reduces calcium loss, accelerates bone tissue restoration processes.

When treated with Structum, pain decreases and mobility of the affected joints improves. The therapeutic effect persists for a long time after the end of the course of therapy.


Suction and distribution

After taking the drug orally, more than 70% of chondroitin sulfate is absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. After a single dose of an average therapeutic dose, Cmax in the blood is achieved after 3-4 hours, in the synovial fluid - after 4-5 hours. The bioavailability of the drug is 13%. Chondroitin sulfate accumulates in synovial fluid.


Excreted by the kidneys.



  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • children under 15 years of age (due to lack of accurate data).


Capsules are taken orally with water.

For adults and adolescents aged 15 years and older the drug is prescribed in a dose of 1 g/day - 2 capsules of 250 mg or 1 capsule of 500 mg 2 times/day.

The recommended duration of the initial course of treatment is 6 months. The therapeutic effect of the drug lasts for 3-5 months after its discontinuation, depending on the location and stage of the disease. If necessary, repeated courses of treatment are possible, the duration of which is determined individually by the doctor.

Side effects

From the outside digestive system: rarely - nausea, vomiting.

Allergic reactions: rarely - urticaria, erythema, itching.


Symptoms: rarely - nausea, vomiting, diarrhea; with prolonged use in excessively high doses (more than 3 g/day), hemorrhagic rashes are possible.

Treatment: carrying out symptomatic therapy.

Drug interactions

When used simultaneously with the drug Structum, it is possible to enhance the effect of indirect

Popular articles

Structum: application

Structum regulates metabolism in cartilage tissue and improves its restoration process. The active substance of the drug, sodium chondroitin sulfate, is obtained from the tracheal cartilage of young chickens through deep purification and fermentation. Compared to its analogues, chondroitin in this preparation has a higher degree of sulfate, due to which it attracts and retains the maximum amount of fluid in the cartilage, thereby increasing the firmness and elasticity of cartilage in the joints. The structure of chondroitin in this preparation is most similar to human, and also has the lowest molecular weight, due to which it penetrates more actively into the synovial fluid. The drug nourishes and restores cartilage in joints, normalizes the structure of hyaluronic acid, which reduces friction of articular surfaces by lubricating them. Structum inhibits the resorption of bone tissue, retains calcium in the bones, preventing it from being washed out of the body. The drug is prescribed for osteochondrosis and osteoarthrosis.

Structum capsules

Structum is available in the form of capsules (erroneously called tablets) with different dosages of the active substance - 250 and 500 mg. They must be taken orally, that is, orally, with water. Once in the gastrointestinal tract, the drug is absorbed through the mucous membranes and accumulates in the synovial fluid, which prevents friction between the joints. Adults and children over 15 years of age can take capsules, 1 gram per day, divided into two doses of 500 mg. The course of treatment is long and lasts six months. The therapeutic effect lasts for several months. If necessary, the doctor may prescribe a second course of treatment.

Which is better: Structum, Teraflex or Artra?

Teraflex and Artra are also prescribed for osteochondrosis, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, and spondylosis. But they differ from Structum in that they contain not only chondroitin sulfate, but also glucosamine. This substance is involved in the formation of glycosaminoglycans, which form the basis of cartilage tissue, has an antioxidant effect, protects cartilage from negative impact glucocorticosteroids and anti-inflammatory drugs. It also has mild anti-inflammatory properties. In combination, these two active components potentiate each other’s action. Theraflex is sold in the form of capsules for oral administration, Artra - in the form of tablets with 500 mg of glucosamine and 500 mg of chondroitin. Which drug to choose is up to your attending physician, who will take into account all the indications and contraindications.

Structum: original instructions for use




Structum – chondroprotective drug for oral use.
Structum contains the active component chondroitin sulfate sodium salt.
Chondroitin is a substance that is the structural basis of cartilage and bone tissue.
Taking endogenous chondroitin helps restore and maintain the normal structure of the cartilage matrix by increasing the anabolic activity of chondrocytes and stimulating the synthesis of proteoglycans.
In addition, the chondroprotective effect of the drug Structum is realized by inhibiting the activity of interleukin-1 beta, which negatively affects the cartilage matrix, as well as the enzymes elastase and collagenase, which lead to excessive degeneration of the cartilage matrix.
Structum also stimulates the synthesis of hyaluronic acid and normalizes the viscosity of synovial fluid, which helps normalize the homeostasis of the synovial environment of the joints.
Chondroitin has some antioxidant and enzymatic effects, which leads to inhibition of the development of inflammatory reactions.
When Structum is taken orally, the active component is rapidly absorbed from the digestive tract and reaches peak plasma concentrations within 4 hours.
Some chondroitin accumulates in the synovial fluid.
Chondroitin is excreted primarily by the intestines.

Indications for

- periodontopathy;
- fractures (to accelerate the formation of callus);
- degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the joints and spine.

Mode of application:

Structum is intended for oral use.
It is recommended to take the capsules whole (if the integrity of the capsule is damaged, the pharmacokinetic profile may change and the effectiveness of the drug may decrease).
The drug Structum is taken regardless of food intake, it is recommended to take capsules with a sufficient amount drinking water.
The duration of therapy and dose of sodium chondroitin sulfate is determined by the doctor.
For degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the spine and joints, as a rule, 1 capsule of the drug Structum is prescribed twice a day.
The recommended therapeutic daily dose is 1000 mg of sodium chondroitin sulfate. For maintenance therapy, the dose is determined individually.
The duration of therapy with Structum is from 3 to 6 months.
If necessary, after 2-5 months, a second course of taking chondroitin is prescribed.

Side effects:

From the skin and subcutaneous tissues: uncommon - erythema, urticaria, eczema, maculopapular rash (with or without itching) and/or edema.
From the gastrointestinal tract: rarely - nausea, vomiting.
From the outside immune system : single - angioedema (Quincke's edema).


Hypersensitivity to chondroitin sulfate;
- tendency to bleeding;
- thrombophlebitis;
- pregnancy, lactation period (breastfeeding);
- in pediatric practice, the use of the drug Structum is allowed only for the treatment of children over 15 years of age.

For various forms of periodontopathy, the course of treatment should be continued for at least 3 months.
There are clinical data on the use of chondroitin sulfate in elderly patients with atherosclerosis, with a slight decrease in the concentration of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood plasma.

other medicinal
by other means:

With simultaneous use of the drug Structum, it is possible to enhance the effect of indirect anticoagulants, antiplatelet agents and fibrinolytics.