The meaning of the name Sonya is twofold. It has ancient Slavic roots.

The full name - Sofya (or in European Sophie) was affectionately shortened to Sofyushka, Sonechka, Sonya. However, there is another version: some are sure that Sonya is a reflection of a character trait. It is no coincidence that lazy people who love to sleep are called sleepyheads. In the USSR, all Sonyas were recorded on their birth certificates as Sofia. However today full name Sonya became independent. And it is allowed to be recorded in metrics.

The meaning of the name Sonya. Personality characteristics

Sonya categorically cannot be called either sleepy or lazy. Since childhood, she has shown remarkable will and determination. She may listen to advice or warnings, but she will still act in her own way. It’s okay that Sonya can get a bump, but she will achieve all her victories on her own. In order to manage a girl who has her own beliefs and opinions, you need to be a very good diplomat. It is difficult to convince this person. Moreover, a girl cannot be forced to do anything. She just needs to be convinced, which is also not easy to do. However, having believed in the idea, Sonya will go to the end. The girl completely refutes the usual meaning of the name: Sonya is energetic and active. There are no barriers for her as long as Sonya’s case is interesting. She can equally successfully be a pilot and a teacher, a doctor and a turner, an artist and a signalman. But only as long as she is interested.

If a girl is disappointed, everything starts to fall out of her hands. But very quickly Sonya will find a new hobby and also achieve success.

Psychologists and healers are unanimous: if you need to raise a revolutionary, take Sonya, try to convince her that she is right the right idea. The believing Sonya is the best performer, leader and inspirer of her fellow believers.

The meaning of the name Sonya. Environment

Bearers of the name easily fit into any environment, they are sociable, and they are valued in company. The girl proudly bears the name Sonya. The girl understands its meaning as “wise” (this is how the name Sophia is translated) and tries to fully correspond to it when communicating with others.

The main trait of her character is diplomacy. Sonya is able to resolve any conflict, stop a fist fight, and give competent but unobtrusive advice. It is for her wisdom and unobtrusiveness that she is valued most of all. Her strong intuition does not raise doubts among others. At work, he is a domineering and strict, but humane and understanding boss. At home - an affectionate, soft wife, who nevertheless firmly rules the family chariot. She will devote her entire life to a man who can accept her as a despotic leader and at the same time an affectionate woman.

For Sonya, there are no compromises in love. If sex is the best. If the marriage is perfect. Sonya will never be content with the role of a mistress or look for easy affairs. She needs everything. If she can’t get everything, Sonya will simply leave: she will not waste her time on trifles. That is why weak people, be they girlfriends or husbands, do not stay long with this lady. With rare exceptions. But it is these exceptions that Sonya values ​​more than anything else.

Name description: Although the name Sonya is filled with depth and impulsiveness, it also contains distrust of one’s feelings and excessive seriousness. It is not for nothing that the ancient Greeks chose this word to denote wisdom, which can only be achieved by harmonizing one’s deepest experiences.

Little Sonya is growing up as a diligent and assiduous child, so it is not particularly difficult for parents to accustom her to the concept of “this is how it should be.” You should not expect that Sofia will have an easy time learning, but the knowledge gained through hard work is learned better. Sonya's hard work can help her make a brilliant career. No matter what field she works in, she is always treated with respect and appreciated for her diligence and compliance. Life builds itself, without looking around, without trying to be better than others.

Sonya makes an excellent housewife and responsible worker, but often her behavior is reflected in the strength of her hidden experiences. If she cannot find a way out for her emotions, Sonya can become very talkative and discuss her and other people's problems with others.

Sonya is distinguished by delicacy. Even expecting a call from her husband, she does not dare end the telephone conversation with a friend complaining about her life. Her kindness knows no bounds - she will always help those who need it. She can bring someone else's child to her home and will show genuine care for him.

IN family life Sonya will not strive for the role of leader, although she will often use her strong will to force her husband to reconcile with her decisions. She will do this without scandals, but very effectively. Here she should remember that no matter how hard she tries to hide her feelings, they can have a bad effect on the relationship. It is not difficult to correct the situation - you need to try to develop in Sonya a less serious attitude towards life.

Date of birth by Orthodox calendar: December 31, December 29, October 1, September 30, June 17, June 4, April 1, February 28

Personality: strong-willed, independent, purposeful, diplomatic, sociable, jealous, loyal, understanding, feminine, receptive

Name abbreviations: Sonya, Sofyushka, Sofa, Sona, Sonechka, Sonyusha

Suitable middle name: Andreevna, Arkadyevna, Borisovna, Vsevolodovna, Georgievna, Germanovna, Ilyinichna, Lvovna, Markovna, Mikhailovna, Pavlovna, Rubenovna, Feliksovna, Filippovna, Kirillovna, Konstantinovna, Matveevna, Rustamovna, Svyatoslavovna, Albertovna

Suitable for boys or girls: only for girls

Name pronunciation: soft

Nationality of the name: Slavic

Most suitable for zodiac signs: Capricorn, Aquarius, Libra, Gemini, Pisces

Good compatibility with names:, Willy, Kazimir, Klim, Karl,

The person's name is his distinctive feature, it characterizes the uniqueness of each and us. It’s not for nothing that many parents, before giving their child a name, study its interpretation.

What does the name Sonya mean? What is the origin and history of the name Sonya?

The meaning of the name Sonya

Sonya is a shortened name for Sophia. It means “wise”, “most wise”, “wise”.

It also has several abbreviated forms:


The zodiac sign that protects Sonya is Libra. This is a very purposeful and balanced nature. The planet that controls all the important decisions in Sonya’s life is Saturn.

The color that suits her best is dark blue. Sonya's amulet tree is linden. A plant that can protect her from many ailments is lovage. And the stone that will give her health and happiness is Lapis lazuli. The meaning of the name Sonya also determines the girl’s temperament. She celebrates her name day twice a year according to the Christian calendar - on the fourth of June and the thirtieth of September.

Origin and history of the name Sonya

The name Sonya has Slavic roots. Although the name Sophia is also found in ancient Greek manuscripts, and it is in them that it is interpreted as “wise.” What does the name Sonya mean for the Orthodox world? It means a girl wise beyond her years and a homemaker.

It is worth noting that in ancient times there were many signs and customs associated with this name. On Sonina's name day, Vera and Nadezhda also celebrated their name days with Love. On this day, the young ladies organized lavish celebrations and arranged matchmaking. It was believed that on this day a girl's beauty has the greatest power.

Today the name Sonya in its various forms is very common throughout Europe. It also found its recognition in America. There they call fair-haired babies Dormouse. This name is always associated with a pampered and affectionate child.

The character and fate of Sonya

Since childhood, Sonya has been growing up as a very inquisitive and active child. She does not know how to concentrate on one issue for a long time, so she tries to immediately resolve all misunderstandings. Since childhood, all the family's attention has been focused on her. She knows how to both amuse and console.

She does not go into thought for long and if failure overtakes her, she will resolve all issues with a smile. It is precisely this correct and positive approach to any business that provides Sonya with a huge number of friends and acquaintances. But only a few know the real one.

Since childhood, she has been ingrained with exceptional family values ​​and values ​​her loved ones. Family is important to her, as is a man’s attention, his support and his warmth. Little Sonya is spoiled by everyone. Therefore, she almost always feels happy. But at the same time, as a child, she does not always understand that life can be not only good, but also evil. Therefore, Sonya, at an older age, experiences bewilderment when people try to hurt her.

As a child, forcing Sonya to do something she doesn’t want is impossible. But you can always come to an agreement with her. She simply loves outdoor games and loves when there are a lot of guests in the house. She has a particularly close bond with her father. He spoils Sonya and for this she lights up his life with a smile. Sonya quickly finds an approach not only to her dad, but to any man. She finds what to tell him, how to interest him, how to show him that she is interested in him. Her inner light and optimism attract men.

She is very active at school too. Always participates in competitions, olympiads and other events. However, many people treat her kindly. But even those who truly envy the sleepyhead change their opinion about her over time. Despite her constant activity, Sonya takes her lessons responsibly and tries to learn them to the highest standards.

In adulthood, Sonya is also active and purposeful. She is as responsible at work as she is at school. At the same time, she tries to do everything herself so that no one is dependent on her. She loves huge companies. She is very creative, so she can read poetry for hours on end. She loves theater and music. She has good hearing and taste in clothes. Her elegance and sense of style are the envy of many.

It is especially worth noting her positive character traits:

Compassion for one's neighbor;

Respectful attitude towards elders;



The desire to protect the weak.

Negative character traits of Sonya include:




Excessive seriousness.

When choosing a profession, Sonya is guided rather by common sense. Therefore, he will choose a profession that is more pragmatic and profitable. She has many hobbies and favorite activities - thanks to them she relaxes.

Business is her favorite field for development. At the same time, any business will be easy for her. She will perform well as a publisher and journalist. She will not need much to gain recognition in the professional field; she will simply devote herself completely to what she loves.

She will make a wonderful leader and subordinate. She appreciates everyone with whom she has the opportunity to work, and at the same time, she will find an individual approach to everyone. This allows you to maintain friendly relations with everyone.

Love Sonya

Sonya's character and fate determine her attitude towards her soulmate. She is very devoted and demands the same from her chosen one. He will never contradict him and try to find out who is right and who is wrong.

Sonya is very passionate and if her husband does not support her hobbies, she can quickly switch to another man. At the same time, she will not lead a dual relationship. She loves her children very much and simply dotes on them. Raises children in strictness, but in understanding. She tries to provide them with everything they need, and if her husband does not support Sonya’s impulses, she finds more the right man who will become the head of the family. She always wants to feel a strong man's shoulder next to her.

Despite Sonya's enormous intellectual potential, she often makes impulsive decisions in relationships. Therefore, many consider her unrestrained. Although she just knows exactly what she wants.

Sonechka, Sophia, Sophie... How many beautiful forms the name Sonya can take on! In general, Sonya is a diminutive of Sophia or Sophia. The name plays a very important role in the life of any person, as it leaves a certain imprint on the character of the individual. Therefore, before you name your child, think about what qualities you would like to see in him.

Origin of the name

There are several options for the origin of the name Sonya. Even according to some versions, Sonya is not a short form of Sophia. However, among the Russian-speaking people these are still synonyms, so the meaning of the name Sonya does not differ from the decoding of Sophia. However, if we consider the word Sonya as a separate one, then we can find at least three versions of its occurrence and origin. It is found in Hindi, and translated from this language the meaning of the name Sonya is “golden”. If you look for the roots in Hebrew, then it is translated as “forever young.” If we assume that the name Sonya came to us from Arabic, then it can be translated as “smart.” And, of course, Sonechka has nothing to do with sleep! Jokes aside, you'll find this name in America, Europe and Asia, where the word "sleep" sounds very different.

What kind of Sony are they?

So we've talked about the short form, but there's also the full name. Sonya is, as mentioned above, Sophia (Sofia); translated from Greek language- “wisdom”. Girls bearing this name are active and smart; they easily learn new things, but to do this they need

really get interested. There are no problems in studying with either humanitarian or technical subjects; however, most often Sonechkas are creative individuals, and history with literature is much closer to them. Sophia are good listeners, they are able to delve into the interlocutor’s problem and help solve it; They take many little things to heart.

What else does the name Sonya give to its owner?

The meaning “wise” does not exclude such character traits as capriciousness, vulnerability and touchiness. However, Sophia (maybe thanks to her intelligence) quickly moves away and forgives. Despite some “harmful” traits, Sonya has a light character, they are sociable and cheerful, active and energetic (sometimes even too much). As for relationships with people, Sonya is able to quickly become attached, and family and friends play a huge role in their lives. In family life, Sophia devotes herself to her children and husband, carefully and reverently preserves the family hearth, and happily welcomes guests.

What to expect?

Knowing the meaning of the name Sonya, you can guess what to expect from a person, and from which side it is better to approach Sophia. These girls do not like monotony: they quickly get bored with routine, they tend to change one type of activity to another. They almost vitally need love, and not only its manifestations from the outside, but also the very feeling of warmth and affection for someone.

Name characters

Did you like the meaning of the name Sonya, do you think it will be great for your child? This is a wonderful choice! In addition to birthdays and all standard holidays, you can please your child on September 30 and June 4 - name day. It is believed that this name is best suited for girls born under the zodiac sign of Libra, but it “looks” no worse on Virgos. The planet Sony is Saturn, and the color corresponding to the name is dark blue.

The meaning of the name Sonya is wisdom

The meaning of the name Sonya is twofold. It has ancient Slavic roots. The full name - Sofya (or in European Sophie) was affectionately shortened to Sofyushka, Sonechka, Sonya. However, there is another version: some are sure that Sonya is a reflection of a character trait. It is no coincidence that lazy people who love to sleep are called sleepyheads. In the USSR, all Sonyas were recorded on their birth certificates as Sofia. However, today the full name Sonya has become independent. And it is allowed to be recorded in metrics.

The meaning of the name Sonya. Personality characteristics

Sonya categorically cannot be called either sleepy or lazy. Since childhood, she has shown remarkable will and determination. She may listen to advice or warnings, but she will still act in her own way. It’s okay that Sonya can get a bump, but she will achieve all her victories on her own. In order to manage a girl who has her own beliefs and opinions, you need to be a very good diplomat. It is difficult to convince this person. Moreover, a girl cannot be forced to do anything. She just needs to be convinced, which is also not easy to do. However, having believed in the idea, Sonya will go to the end. The girl completely refutes the usual meaning of the name: Sonya is energetic and active. There are no barriers for her as long as Sonya’s case is interesting. She can equally successfully be a pilot and a teacher, a doctor and a turner, an artist and a signalman. But only as long as she is interested.

If a girl is disappointed, everything starts to fall out of her hands. But very quickly Sonya will find a new hobby and also achieve success.

Psychologists and healers are unanimous: if you need to raise a revolutionary, take Sonya, try to convince her of the correctness of the desired idea. The believing Sonya is the best performer, leader and inspirer of her fellow believers.

The meaning of the name Sonya. Environment

Bearers of the name easily fit into any environment, they are sociable, and they are valued in company. The girl proudly bears the name Sonya. The girl understands its meaning as “wise” (this is how the name Sophia is translated) and tries to fully correspond to it when communicating with others. The main trait of her character is diplomacy. Sonya is able to resolve any conflict, stop a fist fight, and give competent but unobtrusive advice. It is for her wisdom and unobtrusiveness that she is valued most of all. Her strong intuition does not raise doubts among others. At work, he is a domineering and strict, but humane and understanding boss. At home - an affectionate, soft wife, who nevertheless firmly rules the family chariot. She will devote her entire life to a man who can accept her as a despotic leader and at the same time an affectionate woman.

For Sonya, there are no compromises in love. If sex is the best. If the marriage is perfect. Sonya will never be content with the role of a mistress or look for easy affairs. She needs everything. If she can’t get everything, Sonya will simply leave: she will not waste her time on trifles. That is why weak people, be they girlfriends or husbands, do not stay long with this lady. With rare exceptions. But it is these exceptions that Sonya values ​​more than anything else.

What does the name Sofia mean?

Sofia is characterized by seriousness and sensuality, she is reasonable and judicious.

The name Sophia is similar to the name “Sophia” and translated from Greek means “wisdom”. There is also speculation that this name is associated with marble and agate.

Origin of the name Sofia:

The name Sophia comes from the ancient Greek "sophia", which means "wisdom". The name was very common in Byzantium, from where it came to Rus' along with the adoption of Orthodoxy.

Characteristics and interpretation of the name Sofia:

Sophia is non-conflict and appreciates the arguments of reason. Both scientific and analytical work and communication with people are equally good for them. They are born psychologists, reasonable and fair, and in a dispute they can play the role of a lightning rod, a peacemaker. Sofia loves to share knowledge, they make talented and passionate teachers. They always think globally and build a general picture of events. They are pedantic and attentive, but absent-mindedness in detail indicates that they are not interested in the matter. Sophia is stable and rational, deep inner spirituality makes them harmonious and balanced individuals.

While caring about others, Sophia sometimes forgets about herself. They tend to forgive their friends a lot, but they are intolerant of themselves to the point of acuteness, demanding and critical. They do not like unexpected visits, bad humor, or laxity. They are always ready to help, capable of selflessly working in the name of a higher goal. Deeply upset Sophias can “fall out of the world”, detach themselves from what is happening and deeply experience grievances and failures. For Sofia, a sincere apology is very important. In troubles, she tends to blame herself first of all and only then other people.

Sophia's personal life reflects their rational, sensitive nature. Many Sophias are fragile, weak-looking women, very graceful. They always have exquisite taste, they select their wardrobe carefully, and dress exclusively in accordance with the situation. In bed they can be frivolous and painfully sensitive. They need both physical and spiritual love, and are often in a state of falling in love. They choose a partner who is able to accept them as they are. Sofia is in great need of attention; she often gets married out of fear of loneliness. They respond to coldness with coldness.

In Sofia's house they prefer to control the internal routine, but do not pay too close attention to details. For them, the main thing is the big picture. Sofia's children are always neat and study well; their mother carefully monitors their progress. Sofia is rarely greedy, but does not allow laxity in finances, does not strive for money, but she is humiliated by its lack.

Sophias born in the summer months are ambitious, and in the autumn months they are selfless and prone to self-sacrifice. “Spring” Sophias are especially sensitive, they catch colds easily, and they have a good visual memory. The “winter” ones have a difficult and harsh character, but they are kind and highly moral from birth.

Successful partners for them are Ignat, Sergey, Boris and Alexey; relationships with men named Dmitry, Andrey and Stanislav can become problematic.

Sophia was the name of the mother of the Christian great martyrs Vera, Nadezhda and Lyubov.

Name Sofia in different languages:

  • Name Sofia in English: Sophia (Sofia), Sophie (Sophie)
  • Name Sophia in Chinese: 苏菲娅 (Sufeya)
  • Sophia's name in Japanese: ソフィヤ(Sophia)
  • Name Sofia in Spanish: Sofía (Sofia)
  • Name Sofia in German: Sophia, Sofia (Zofia, Sofia)
  • Name Sofia in Polish: Zofia (Zofia, Zofia)
  • Name Sofia in Ukrainian: Sofiya

Forms and variants of the name Sofia: Sofyushka, Sofa, Sonechka, Sonyusha, Sonya, Sona

Sofia - name color: green

Sophia Flower: White Lily

Sophia Stone: marble

Forms and variants of the name Sophia: Sophie, Sonnet, Sonya, Panda, Sonata, Sue, Sonya, Sonya, Curly, Baby

What does the name Sonya mean?


in Greek "wisdom". There is a name in Hebrew with the same meaning: Binah. The name Sonya itself, although it is not Jewish, is found so often among European Jewish women that in Israel everyone has long been accustomed to it - but it is Sonya, or at least Sophie, and not Sophia. As a consonance, one can suggest the name Yosef ( female version named Yosef, i.e. Joseph), usually abbreviated Sefi

Anton Krasnov

The meaning of the name Sophia option 1 Sophia is “wisdom” (ancient Greek).
Often Sophia is the only one
child in the family. They pay her a lot of attention and pamper her. The intestines should be protected.
If Sonechka was born in
December, then
You don’t have to worry about her, she’s brave, persistent, and sociable.
Knowing the weak
parents' strings, will always find a way to insist on their own. Savvy, observant,
resourceful. Does not tolerate pressure, in such cases he withdraws, pouts his lips, looks
defenseless and will certainly touch the parents. She is active and proactive in the team.
Participates in all competitions and debates, willingly goes in for sports. Maybe all day
ride a bicycle. At school she is a leader, protects the offended, helps those lagging behind.
She has a sharp mind, good memory, and thinks like an adult. Very similar to
mother. Loves to read, prefers adventure literature and science fiction.
A gentle, sophisticated girl, not a crybaby, not harmful. Kind, loves animals, drags
home to homeless cats and dogs, feeds hungry animals in the yard. With strangers
behaves shyly, distrustfully. Although she is not very frank with close friends.
Everyone knows that you can rely on Sophia, trust her.
She is assiduous and pedantic,
which contributes to her academic success. She is principled and ready to stand up for her ideas.
She values ​​good relationships with relatives; they occupy an important place in her life.
Has a penchant for needlework, she likes painstaking, small work, has musical
abilities, enjoys theater.
Wherever Sophia works,
she is always noticed and appreciated for her conscientiousness and non-conflict nature. Moving forward quickly
in your specialty. Life arranges itself, without looking back at anyone, without trying
to keep up with someone or surpass someone.
She is tactful and delicate, trying not to offend anyone. Its efficient
The advice is useful. It's in her nature to feel sorry for a lonely, unhappy man,
adopt an orphan. Sophia's life passes calmly and measuredly, but there is something
from a smoldering coal. A sudden flash of passion may overwhelm her and she will throw herself
contrary to the rules of decency, into the pool...
Sophia is strict and
serious. Becomes an investigator at the prosecutor's office, an economist, a mathematics teacher,
director of a perfume factory, cutter.
- specific, calculating, quickly doing mental calculations. She better become an accountant, tax
inspector, pharmacist, biologist, defectologist, flight attendant, employee
"Spring" - meticulous
in business, obligatory. Can work as a passport officer, salesperson, notary, make-up artist,
draftswoman, cashier.
- Very
impressionable, capable of empathy. Achieves success working as a doctor, gynecologist,
a teacher in a boarding school, an insurance agent, a theater designer, an art critic,
head of the orphanage.
and “autumn” Sophia
Suitable middle names:
Leontievna, Sergeevna,
Petrovna, Naumovna, Efimovna, Mikhailovna, Borisovna.
and “spring” - Andreevna, Alexandrovna, Pavlovna, Filippovna, Feliksovna, Ilyinichna,
- from Greek. wisdom, old Sofia.
Sofyushka, Sofa, Sonya, Sonyusha.
Name days:
June 4, September 30, October 1.
Proverbs, sayings, folk signs.
Elder Sophia is drying up about the whole world, no one will sigh for her.
The seamstress Sophia has dried up on the stove (that is, she sleeps a lot, sleepy, sleepy).
September 30 - Sofia, Vera, Nadezhda and Love - the world's women's name day.
I agree with everyone, my name is Sonya too

Girls, what’s your full name Sonya? I'm carrying a girl. I want to call her either Sophia or Sonya, but I don't know the full name (((

There is an independent name SONYA, but there is a “variation” of the name Sophia (or Sophia)... .

So you can call her Sonya...

This is the same as “MANYUTA” - there is an independent name Manyuta, and there is a “variation” from the name “MARY (Marya) ..


HISTORY AND MEANING OF THE NAME SOFIA - The name Sophia (old Sophia) is of ancient Greek origin and means wisdom, wisdom, wise.
A quiet, sad, rough name, but tender, feminine, light and hot. The capital of Bulgaria, Sofia, is named by this name (emphasis on the first syllable) - after the main temple in honor of St. Sophia.
Origin of the name Sonya. The name Sonya is Russian, Slavic, Orthodox, Catholic.
Synonyms for the name Sonya. Sophia, Sophia, Sophie.
Short form of the name Sonya. Sonya, Sofyushka, Sofa, Sona, Sonechka, Sonyusha.

  • Libra.
  • Planet: Saturn.
  • Color: dark blue.
  • Totem plant: linden, lovage.
  • Spirit animal: praying mantis.
  • Talisman stone: lapis lazuli.

Other name options: Sonya, Sonya, Sona, Sofa, Sofa, Sophie.

Origin of the name: Greek, Catholic, Slavic, Orthodox

Translated from ancient Greek as “judicious”, it is a shortened version of the name, also meaning “wisdom” and “wisdom”. There is also a translation option as “sleepy”. Recently, it has already been used as an independent name and is rapidly gaining popularity in Europe, North America and India.

Character and personality

As a little girl, Sonya is already distinguished by unprecedented independence and strong will. This girl is particularly naughty, and very rarely listens to the advice of her parents and elders - she would prefer to make mistakes herself and receive prizes. In this case, parents can only soften the blows personal experience, in order to make them less painful for Sonya, and try to instill in her such qualities as patience, philanthropy and the ability to forgive.

She is very keen on learning new things, and with this she may have difficulty maintaining and concentrating. She has few friends, and real ones are rare, but she values ​​those that she has, and she will be offended by treason and betrayal. It also happens that Sonya continues to communicate with her childhood friends as an adult.

The girl has an analytical mind, so her studies are generally easy for her, although there are difficulties in relationships with school teachers. Given all the previously described characteristics, she is not easy to train, especially during adolescence, so she often rebels and refuses to be “obedient.” A psychologist can help here, but parents need to take into account that it will be better for everyone if Sonya does not find out about this trip.

Having matured, Sophia still remains independent as in childhood, it’s just that now it’s not so noticeable. She is captivating in her own right, and this is especially evident when she gets down to something. This person loves to devote himself to an activity, and always strives to find one that he likes.

Sonya's most striking feature can be called her extreme jealousy, which manifests itself in childhood. This applies not only to her husband, but also to her relatives and friends. She will completely believe that she should get all the attention, otherwise she will not be happy with it.

Sophia lacks such traits as inertia, laziness and a consumerist attitude towards life. She is characterized by some narcissism and narcissism. If you praise her often, then very soon these traits can develop into unpleasant selfishness.


The owner of the name has average health, but she cannot be called sick. In childhood, she had good tone, but this picture may change over time. Generally speaking, a girl’s health very much depends on the lifestyle she leads.

Regular physical activity is necessary to avoid a state of loss of strength. It is also worth noting that Sonya may suffer nervous system, and therefore you need to pay attention to mental health, because strong emotional situations can negatively affect it. In this case, it is better to seek help from a professional.

Work and career

Initially she is attracted women's professions, such as seller, educator and teacher. By nature, she is passionate about the business she takes on, but most likely it will not be possible to distinguish her with the desire to make a stunningly dizzying career.

Sonya will achieve success in any field if she likes it and if she is given freedom. Her work is often related to public and social activities, and she can also work with children. Thanks to her desire to independently choose and make the necessary decisions, she can often open her own business; Using her communication skills and diplomacy, she will be able to come to an agreement with both clients and partners.

Love and relationships

Family for a girl is almost the most an important part her life. More often love relationship and the family ties of the owner of the name are developing well and successfully. She is never deprived of the attention of men, easily and happily makes new acquaintances, thanks to her femininity and charm she is able to attract many fans and choose the best one for herself.

An important point is that a girl who is quite strict in everyday communication may behave differently at home than in public. She becomes kind, affectionate and patient - a loving wife and caring mother. To earn such an attitude you need to put in a lot of effort and time, but it is worth it.

Excellent compatibility: Alfred, Robert, .

Good compatibility: , Valentin,