With an apartment in many dreams, the soul and the body of a person is associated - then it will become clear what he breathes and what he wants to in real life.

Dream Interpretation Large apartment Many rooms, without repair with furniture

A large apartment with many rooms is a dream, indicating your desire for self-realization or that the surrounding is trying to mislead you.

Free online interpretation of dreams - To get results, enter a dream and click on the search button with a magnifying glass.

The apartment without repair dreams when you need to make reassessment of values \u200b\u200band attach your hands and head to achieve the desired standard of living.

Apartment with furniture - you live on all ready and do not think about tomorrow.

Get rid of the love spell, as well as to protect yourself from new magic shocks, possibly due to the submitted subjects available in every home.

For example, wearing in hidden from an extraneous eye of the pin place will provide reliable protection against love spells.

Distinguishing it from clothes, you should pronounce three times:

"From the clothes pin, disconnect and love the servants of God's slave of God (name)

before the servant of the Bogar of God (name), I delete.

Then put it in such a place where no one can detect.

It is best to burrow it into the ground.

- getting rid of love spell

If it dreams that your apartment burned down and the keys and the door says that in real life you will have a difficult period of life when almost everyone has to start from scratch.

Moving to another apartment may mean that you change your attitude towards people and what is happening.

Definition of magical abilities

Choose the most suitable description of your description and find out what your hidden magical possibilities.

Pronounced telepathy - you can read and transmit thoughts at a distance, but it takes a lot to work hard to achieve the goal and believe in your hidden opportunities.

Remember that the absence of a mentor and control of abilities will pay commemorate and unknown to anyone how destructively the consequences of the devilish influence may be.

All signs of clairvoyance. With certain efforts and supporting higher forces, you can develop a gift to the recognition of the future and the vision of the past.

If the forces are not monitored by a mentor who can help them cope with them, it is possible to break the temporary space and the evil will begin to leak into our world, gradually absorbing it with dark energy.

Be careful with your gift.

For all signs - a medium. We are talking about the possibility of establishing communication with spirits and even control the course of time, but years of practice and the right mentor are required.

If the balance of strength is disturbed, the darkness will begin to absorb the remnants of good and strength that could serve for the benefit, I will go to another hyposta and the darkness will reacted.

In all indicators - witchcraft. It is estimated for you to study and guid the damage, the evil eye, you can make love spells and the stubborn will not be unbearable.

But everything must be used exclusively for the benefit and do so that others do not suffer from their innocence from your supernormalities given over.

For the development of domestic strength, at least 5 years of practice and the right mentor are required.

Most of all your favorite telecisenesis. With proper concentration and efforts that can be compressed in spherical force, you will be able to move the thoughts to move small, and over time and larger items.

When choosing a mentor who has more power, you have a bright future, which can be overshadowed by the transition on the dark side, if there is not enough strength to keep yourself from Satan's temptations.

You are a healer. Practical magic, conspiracies, spells and all that is connected with this is not just words, but your life choice and power that is given by the highest mind and it is not just like that, but for the sacred goal that you will soon find out.

It will be like a vision similar to a prophetic dream, which you can never forget.

Remember that this force needs to be applied only for good, otherwise you will absorb darkness and it will be the beginning of the end.

The dream in which you settled in someone else's apartment, testifies that you feel "not in your plate."

An empty apartment is a dream, symbolizing spiritual devastation. At this time period, you are at the crossroads and do not know how to come on.

In real life, on day, we make a million everyday actions automatically, mechanically, we enter and go out of one place to another, move in space and live your usual life.

Does it make sense to attach importance to every ordinary action? But everything else in the dreams. There is even the most familiar place, such as an apartment or a house, can mean something very important.

Any events in dreams have important and secret meanings, but not only events - as well as places. To understand what the apartment is dreaming is very important - after all, it symbolizes the person in the world, life, living space and many other significant things.

What exactly in the apartment occurs in a dream, this is the second business. It is first of all to pay close attention to how the room looked in a dream, how it was. "Apartment" dreams are similar:

  • You see in a dream beautifully removed, cozy apartment or house.
  • You dream someone else's unfamiliar apartment.
  • Dreamed big, bright, spacious apartment.
  • Gloomy, unpleasant.
  • Apartment after repair.
  • Empty or house without furniture.
  • The apartment is dreaming, but the other, strange, unusual.
  • You in a dream rent an apartment or house.
  • You are in your former apartment in which there was no time.
  • You can't get out of the apartment in a dream.
  • Remove the apartment or house.
  • Pay rent.
  • Get money for an apartment.
  • Slip the interior in a dream of furniture and accessories.
  • Do repair.

Each such action (and inaction also) has its meaning that will be worth it to understand and take into account in reality. I will ask the interpreter of a dream, why the apartment is dreaming, and, perhaps, learn something unexpected and important for yourself.

Just see

There are some "contemplative" dreams, the dreams in them observe from the side, without taking anything. To understand what the old apartment is dreaming, the new, alien or his own - will help the interpreter, just remember and consider the details of what seen in Gresses.

1. Sleep, in which she was seen beautifully removed, cozy apartment, promises a dream wealth. You are waiting for new sources of large income, pleasant monetary surprises, raising.

2. As Dream Interpretation says, an apartment unfamiliar, which seen in the dream is to life changes. And they may be very serious. Do not be afraid of the new, because changes are interesting and great!

3. Spacious, bright apartment or room, with an abundance of air and the sun, is an omensing of great good luck. In matters or love, Fortuna smiles widely - take advantage of the chance, do not miss it!

4. Such a dream in which you wondered a very large apartment, says good. You are now granted a lot of brilliant opportunities. So your debt will take advantage of this, and implement the most bold plans to life.

5. Gloomy, terrible or dirty, launched apartment foreshadows trouble. But you can avoid them if you are prudent, careful and you will not be afraid to overcome difficulties on the way. Only fear of trouble can make you vulnerable to them.

6. Curious what a new apartment is dreaming after repair, with fresh wallpaper and paint, clean. This foreshadows new beginnings, interesting new activities or project.

Moreover, the interpreter convinces that you have all the opportunities to make a successful and profitable project from this undertaking, achieve great success. Just do not build illusions that everything will be absolutely smooth and unhindered.

7. An empty apartment in a dream, without furniture, is a hint of your fear to stay alone. Oddly enough, this fear prevents you from finding someone worthy, but if you won't be too worried and fear, you will never know what loneliness is.

Be open and positive, and will never be alone. But do not seek to communicate with everyone in a row, if only not to be alone - choose to communicate worthy people, interesting and pleasant to you.

8. As Dream Interpretation says, the apartment in a dream is his own, but some other, unusual, not as in reality - for example, with another furniture or other layout, is a beautiful sleep. He promises that you will be able to change your life and the state of affairs for the better, hope is justified, you will handle problems.

What's happening?

I wonder what the apartment is dreaming, in which the dreams was directly - and even something actively did. Such dreams are even more significant, and everything is important in them - the type of room, the actions of the dream, scenery and the details of the dreams. Consider this in the interpretation of a dream.

1. If in a dream you have passed the apartment in Vince, on the threshold you will have a new love, romantic adventures. And whether they will grow into a strong feeling, a harmonious pair - this is largely dependent on you.

2. Curiously, what dreams the old apartment, the one in which you used to live before, recently, or in childhood, is a hint of your attachment to the past. Release him, advises the dream book - attachment to the last life does not allow you to start a new life, to achieve something, change yourself and seek success.

3. If the dreams in Gres can not get out of the apartment, it means that he is clearly sitting in one place in one place, literally suited. And life goes by, and others catch the luck, other people's people!

If all this is so, then think about whether it is time to start an active movement forward, take something, change, create. Take yourself!

4. Rent an apartment for rent in a dream - a sign that a certain new occupation is waiting for you, interesting and even can be profitable. If there are already ideas - start, now the most favorable period for the new!

5. If you pay for an apartment for an apartment or pay utility services, you face conflict and a quarrel with your loved one. Dream Interpretation points to this, and advises you to take something in order to avoid a quarrel - because friendship can be lost, and she stands dear. Be wise.

6. If you received a rent in a dream, this is a refund to the past. Literally meeting with a person from your distant, past life, or a trip to the place of childhood, the case that has already forgotten and so on.

Try not to dive into the past with your head, do not forget the main thing that you have a valuable present and a great future. What was - then in the past, and only there him and place.

7. To furnish the room in a dream, arrange furniture, interior items, hang curtains and so on - this means that you have to have an inhibition to master some new business, to learn something, acquire new skills. It's fine! All this will make you more successfully and will give a chance to implement new talents.

8. To do in a dream Repair - a sign that you will do something new and original on the site of the old. Often it concerns work - for example, you create new rules and principles of work of the old company. But it may also apply to other areas, including love and family.

"Apartment" dreams are interesting, and often foreshadow something very desirable. If this happened in your case - rejoice, believe in the best, and only then all the best will certainly come true, and happiness will be on your threshold. Without a doubt! Posted by: Vasilina Serov

The answer to the question: "What a dream is a dream" depends on the nuances seen. Each item has its own value.

Dream Interpretation: See the apartment in a dream

Dream Miller Signs that if the dreams with difficulty learns his own dwelling, the good news will come. Help the apartment - in solving problems need help surrounding.

If you dream that they robbed the apartment - to fight for your beliefs. It will require hardness and perseverance.

Broken window in the apartment is bad. The project fails. Flood in the apartment foreshadows property problems. Family dreams The plot warns that misunderstanding will arise. Buying an apartment is interpreted depending on the appearance. Pure - to good change, dirty - trouble.

By dream book Vangu When the apartment is spacious and cozy, this is the forever of family well-being. Repair foreshadows financial profit.

Dream of the 21st century For businessmen treats the robbery of the apartment positively. Transactions in the near future will be successful.

According to family dreams The thief in the apartment means the mistakes of the past. They are required to urgently correct.

Modern dream booktrucks moving to another apartment as good changes. The disorder in the apartment is dreaming of a chagrin. Perhaps to cry. Theft in the apartment warns that excessive softness is harmful. She can take advantage of ill-wishers.

There is a romantic date - that's what a woman's apartment is dreaming if there is someone else's housing. Visavi can be like an old friend and a new lover.

Guests in the apartment are foreshadowed.

English source contains other interpretation.

Bardak in the apartment symbolizes a difficult work that will be generously rewarded.

Dream of Freud. Tracting a flood in the apartment when water is pioned from above, as the upcoming sexual pleasures. From the bottom - the passion cooles.

According to the newest dream book Open door in the apartment is a good sign. Patients will improve well-being.

The permutation in the apartment means thirst for change.

Pigeons in the apartment in the dream appear to joyful events.

Which apartment you dreamed

When the apartment is dreaming, it is important to understand who she belonged to whether it was in her reality. Of course, it is necessary to take into account how she looked.

New Apartment in a dream, sparkling purity and cozy, means growth of material well-being. Another nice value is the beginning of an exciting love story.

Alien old Apartment with shabby walls and floors - warning. The implementation of projects will suddenly emerge complexity.

Former The apartment means that the dream is overcoming longing for the former days. In reality, a meeting can take place with childhood buddies. Additionally, the significance of such a dream is interpreted depending on the type of room. Pure - to a quiet period and peace. Almighty or tightened web - to small troubles and obstacles in the implementation of plans.

Emotional relations with relatives are very strong, that's what the apartment is dreaming, in which lived beforeAnd now people inhabit the expensive heart. If you have not come to visit for a long time - it's time to apply a pleasant visit who will make everyone.

For girl alien The apartment foreshadows the wedding, family dreamy - unexpected love. A man of such sleep symbolizes discomfort from the impossibility of controlling all life circumstances.

If a unfamiliar The apartment was bright, and the sensations were positive, there are positive changes in front, which everyone will disappear in their places. Anxious feeling, which remained after visiting a gloomy monastery, warns that there is a resolution of complex life tasks in front.

Drawing big Apartment in a dream symbolizes ambitious plans. This reflects the need for self-realization, and in reality there are all the chances to show talents and abilities.

About obstacles and bureaucratic wires warns small flat. However, too close room personifies both external and internal restrictions. The disbelief in his own strength can destroy even a very promising project.

When the apartment is dreaming without repairThis indicates the need to revise priorities and make a detailed plan to achieve the goal. Although you have to try, but desires will be performed.

A sign of a decrease in life tone is considered empty flat. The dreams are too much loaded at home and at work. This led to spiritual devastation, and at least a short rest is urgently needed.

If the apartment is dreaming furnishedIn life everything is easy. Such favor of Fortune is able to cause laziness, but it is not worth relaxing, because the fate is unpredictable.

The occurrence of a complex period foreshadows burned flat. Plans are collapsed due to the fault of external circumstances, which could not be provided. Everything literally has to start from scratch.

Drawing dirty Apartment - to routine troubles. Little trouble is likely. They will be easily eliminated, but the costs of precious time will be required.

Removable The apartment in a dream is an indication that sleeping too much participates in the personal life of other people, sometimes even when they are not asked about it. Rent a two-room apartment for a free girl - then two fans will appear simultaneously with which it will be careless to flirt.

Beautiful The apartment is interpreted positively. There will be good news that will come, and entrepreneurs will pay stable profits.

Actions with an apartment in a dream

Most often, the apartment is not just dreaming, and a person in it does something. Fully distributed stories with purchase and sale, cleaning and repair. After all, this is part of everyday life.

In reality, buying an apartment is a responsible step. If such plans really exist, or a recent deal with property was accomplished, the dream only reflects the experiences or is a memories.

To choose The apartment is the foresology of the changes that are inevitable. Dreams and himself feels joyful anticipation from new life prospects.

Buying an apartment can mean a rational investment of finance. Well, if such a plot gave way to businessmen - it's to light profits.

Must be analyzed which one happened buy Apartment. Tidy - to new acquaintances. Bright and spacious livingplack reflects the ability to quickly find a way out of any situation.

Buy The apartment is gloomy and even frightening - a warning. Someone restricts the path to success.

About the problems warn on the plot of a dream, which happened get an inheritance. Many minor problems will require immediate elimination, distracting from the main goal.

Presented living space is a good sign. Material welfare will improve, in the business sphere everything is moving out without difficulty.

Warning sign for family and lovers - change Apartment in a dream. Inattention to the interests of the partner can push the treason.

Look at repairs The apartment is an excellent dream. In reality, someone from acquaintances will have disinterested assistance in a difficult matter. Itself make repairs in the apartment - the plot, which also interpreted positively. Thanks to hardworking and efforts, life will improve.

Wallpapering In the apartment to be responsible for the family. Decorating the walls of someone else's property - in reality, a close person will need help, and the dreams will have it.

For family cleaning The apartment is a good sign. Even if there were any disagreements, they will remain in the past. Clear in the apartment is the symbolic personification of cleansing from negative. After that, life will change for the better.

Unexpected events will occur in the personal sphere, if dreamed take off Apartment. To hand over your own - new romantic passion.

Sell The apartment is an indication of the fact that it is time to get rid of those who have exhausted relationships. Move - It is worth changing the views on the events.

What dreams of a flood in the apartment

The flood In the apartment in a dream means very strong emotions in reality. What they will be will tell details.

Flooding apartment waterwhich looks clean and transparent foreshadowed that there are pleasant experiences in front. Hot turbid liquid, spraying furniture and things, personifies depression and disease. If the flood in the apartment happened to the relatives of the sleeping, the troubles happen to them.

One of the interproks, if I flooded the apartment in a dream - a hint of abuse of alcoholic beverages. Such a plot suggests that this problem should urgently understand.

For in love with a girl Ice water in the apartment It is considered a sign of cooling feelings. This will cause a strong chagrin and a lot of tears.

What dreams fire in the apartment

Revealing to face troubles if you dreamed like the apartment is burning. It will be impossible to prevent them, but it is advisable not to lose the presence of the spirit, then they will be easier to survive.

Relationships with loved ones are greatly complicated, this is what dreams apartment in Fireowned by a dream. Well, if the flames did not touch the walls. Pretty friends will help repay the conflict situation.

Strong emotions mean smoke and fire in the apartment. If neither people nor the property were injured, the power of the sleep will lead to positive changes and improving the material situation. Smoke without fire - unreasonable fears.

Became stew out fire In the apartment, and it turned out to defeat the flame - a good sign. External and internal problems will be overcome.

Arrange arson - fatigue from some imposed obligations and exhausted dating.

When the apartment is dreaming, such a dream deserves attention. Deciphering meaning will help avoid problems.

Seen in a dream a large apartment predicts pleasant changes in the life of a dream, as well as great prospects that are prepared by the fate. And yet, despite the rainbow interpretations, dream interpreters recommend to take into account all the scene nuances. Only so you will know for sure what the apartments are shot.

Prophecies Miller

Miller's dream book assures that having doned a large apartment means speeds. See in a dream, what do you go on an unfamiliar apartment? A period of positive change is coming.

Why dream that you take your big, but not a residential housing? According to Dreamnik, such a vision means a large number of unsolvable problems.

His own apartment dreamed, but with someone else's furniture - wait for pleasant news.

Financial joy

See in a dream a new bright apartment in which many rooms? You can be sure that in the near future nothing bad will happen to your finances.

Interpretation of sleep offered by Dream Dream Longo Dream, in which you buy a new large apartment with many rooms, predicts the growth of welfare and increase income.

But a dreaming plot in which you are doing the repair of big apartments, says that you are doing everything right. Continue in the same vein, advise dreams.

Changes in personal life

By the dream of Pastor Loffe, see the purchase of a large new house in a dream - a sign of the origin of relations and connections.

But buy in a dream a beautiful big apartment or a house, previously belonging to the person, to which you are not indifferent, denotes the factory of relationships with the subject of your dream.

Deciphering, what dreams of gold, in which you bought or removed someone else's bright apartment, and on the same day it was flooded, then be prepared for the breaking of relationships with someone from the loved ones, grieves the Dream of Tsvetkov.

Refrain from conflict

Did the empty large apartment in which the water is worth? Dream intercoms recommend recalling the water condition.

See that she is clean - a symbol of friendship and support. But dirty and muddy alien alute conflict with households. Interpreters are advised to refrain from conflicts, because they can lead to a complete rupture of relationships.

Trying to understand what to do the repair of a large room? If you repair in a dream someone else's apartment, then it means that you will shift your duties to another, causing it discontent.

Overcome light sadness

Dreamed big and beautiful, but an empty apartment? Eastern dream interpretation assures that this is a sign of nostalgia for old times.

And if you wondered that you bought a big apartment, but could not live in it, then you should spend some time alone.

What awaits you in your career

Explaining what the housing of your parents is dreaming, Miss Hasse's interpreter assures that this dream symbolizes changes at work or in personal business.

Did the bright spacious room with a large number of windows? This means that very soon you will have the opportunity to take a "warm" place or establish new partnerships.

The dark room in a dream or gloomy predicts difficulties at work: frequent conflicts with colleagues, dealers of the chief, disruption of transactions and betrayal of partners. The best thing you can do in this period is to go on vacation.

From farewell to novel

And a large apartment that seen in a dream can fill a number of other events, hanging interpreters, explaining what such plots are being shot. So, that's what to wait if you dreamed.

The apartment seen in a dream denotes pleasant to lead or change. For a more specific interpretation to what the apartment dreams, you should remember the minor details that rushed into the eyes, caused surprise or anxiety and look into the dream book. It is important to remember those feelings and sensations that caused a dream - the emotional dream load will show how good or bad it will affect the future.

The new apartment is dreaming of financial changes that will lead to material independence. Also in the dream, this dream may designate the birth of new love relationships that enlist the long-term connection. An empty apartment designates mental emptiness and loneliness, the desire to leave the routine.

According to the dream book, someone else's apartment is change in life. Good or bad, depends on what emotional load does this dream bears. If the room is light, spacious, and causes a feeling of calm - a dream is a success and good luck in affairs, an increase in position at work, an interesting proposal of cooperation, or a new favorable contract. If the apartments and the decor are dark, dark, and the dream causes anxiety and anxiety, it will promote difficulties in solving any affairs, or a long and tedious solution to the question you need.

If someone else's room dreams of a girl - the dream book promises a rapid marriage, a dream in which there are still new loving experiences for a married woman, which can end with a long-term love tie.

If the flood in the apartment is dreaming, or other cataclysms in your dwelling, the dream book treats how the occurrence of difficult times for the owner of this dream. A dream in which I flooded an apartment of another person denotes a stretched relationship between you and others. If there is water in the room, for a more accurate determination to what this dream is dreaming, it is worth remembering the appearance of the fluid: if it is dirty, muddy, you should expect conflicts between households, clean and transparent water - to the success and well-being of the residents of this dwelling.

Sleep, in which you make repairs in the apartment, means that you are moving in the right track, and your life is being established thanks to your own efforts and efforts. A dream in which you have to watch the repair of your apartment, in the dream book means that a stranger is engaged in the establishment of small household affairs. A dream in which the repair is carried out in someone else's apartment, indicates that soon you will support someone in establishing some everyday issues. Repair of the old apartment suggests that you will receive an interesting offer from the old job, or the old customer will offer you a favorable contract.

Buy an apartment in a dream for a dream book means a successful investment of finance, which puts out lightweight profits. Buy a gorgeous room, this dream says that your dreams are too far from performance and should be worn to work well in order to be implemented.

What dreams the old apartment is. Dream Interpretation determines that such a dream talks about the difficulties in performing the plans.

A dream in which the other (unfamiliar) apartment is dreaming - the dream book promises about the striking changes in life. It is important which appearance had this room: if pure, light and spacious - to successful changes, if dark, sleep with a sullen and dark room - to bad changes in life.

Sleep, in which you saw the keys to the apartment, means great perspectives and opportunities. If you lost the keys, then the chance will be missed, ate found keys - will become the owner of any important information that will help achieve success. Sleep, in which the keys are made of gold (or other precious material), means that friendship (acquaintance) with influential special will need for the implementation of the conceived. Rusty, broken or dirty keys dream book determines how the appearance of obstacles in the execution of plans.

Moving to the apartment - this dream is interpreted as a stage of significant changes, a new chapter begins in life or a change of priorities. Move into new apartments - unexpected luck, move to the old room - difficulties in achieving goals.

What dreams a large apartment. Such a dream talks about the prospects and great opportunities that fate prepares for you. By dream, a dream in which the room is furnished with new and beautiful furniture - a good resolution of affairs.

Dream interpretation apartment interprets in two positions: first, this dream talks about the internal problems of a person (uncertainty in themselves, fear of people and fear of expressing emotions), secondly, sleep may mean that a person has a taught offense on loved ones and relatives that oppresses him. If you dream that they robbed the apartment, then soon you will have several fans, ready to offer our hand and heart. Also robbed apartments in the dreams means the arrival of unexpected guests, which you are glad to see.

For men, dream book interprets what the robbed apartment is dreaming - the appearance of competitors in the field of business. The robbery of someone else's apartment - sleep means that you have negative thoughts and feelings (insults, envy, anger), from which you need to get rid of it until it led to unpleasant consequences. Thieves in the apartment - Dream Interpretation translates as your insecurity in its own forces, if you are in the form of a thief you are - a quick resolution of the long-lasting problems.

What else dreams the apartment in a dream

Sleep, where they saw a fire in the apartment, means the appearance in the life of new love experiences. For married (married), an appearance of a lover (mistress) is assumed, for idle - a new meeting or acquaintance that is likely to lead to marriage. If you saw a dream in which the fire, enveloping the room, did not touch the walls, then you will resolve before temptation. The burnt premises dream interpretation as "distorted" feelings, left love, unnecessary and prolonged relationships.

The former apartment in the dream book means nostalgia for old relationships or the coming meeting with a long time forgotten friends. Sleep, where the former room is furnished with new and beautiful furniture - wait for the position, success in business, the conclusion of a profitable contract. Former housing is in ruin - soon your difficulties will stay behind, only a memory will remain. If you have a dream that you still live in your ex-apartment - you should reconsider your plans for life and change the strategy of their implementation, for the girl such a dream suggests that you do not need to believe the promises of a young man.

Get an inheritance apartment is such a dream a lot of small problems and troubles that should be solved soon. The room receive as a gift, in the dreams means improving financial welfare and success in further investments. Get apartments on the action (or as a gift from state structures) - assistance and intercession from influential persons, an unexpected financial support.

What dreams of renting an apartment. This dream says that there will soon be bored by the changes concerning personal life, for girls - the appearance of an interesting young man, for a married woman - the opportunity to make a new love adventure. Consider a residential premises in the dreams - to find a new love or passion.

Clean the apartment in a dream means the establishment of a family hearth, for women it is a good sign, which is a good attitude towards her husband and children. The dirty apartment promises small troubles and troubles in the family, remove the dirt indoors (in the female dream book) - get rid of the feeling of dissatisfaction and resentment to the spouse. Sleep where you have to remove someone else's home - to assist the mediator in finding out the relationship between friends or familiar couples.

Searching for an apartment Dream interpretation treats how a subconscious desire to radically change his life, as well as this dream means a quick change in the work or a marital status.

The dream in which you are going to sell an apartment means getting rid of old and unnecessary relationships or getting a big profit from profitable attachment or transaction. To learn what dreams of a dream, which appears for the sale of the apartment, help their own feelings: if you with a heavy heart part with the room - Dream Interpretation involves separation from the person who is not indifferent to you, if you feel joy when selling your own premises - to the successful investment of financial resources.

The open door in the apartment dreams of the appearance of uninvited guests, the dream interpretation interprets it as a moral and mental readiness to perceive new relationships and love experiences, the desire to create a family, or begin his own business. If you see a dream, where the door opens independently - wait for unpleasant news, close the door indoors - get rid of the troubles, unnecessary love connections, partnerships, friendship.

Pigeons in the apartment - to joy, if the pigeon flew into the room, and you are trying to catch it - to fun and family happiness in the house. A dove beating in the window - Sleep means a good news or an unexpected, but a pleasant visit to you dear to you.

Sleep, where you carry out the apartment repair, for a dream book means changing your opinion, updating relationships, getting rid of the past, which inhibits. Housing repair means family proceedings, the total of which depends on the result of this repair.

If after repairing the apartment transformed - family bonds will continue and reigns a mutual understanding between spouses, a dream in which the room has become even more sullen or is in repair state, then, most likely, your marriage is under the threat of decay, if after repairing everything remained, as it was - To achieve a compromise between husband and wife. Glue wallpaper in housing - promises significant changes in personal life or relationships.

Why dream apartment in Miller's dream book? An unfamiliar dwelling is a period of change in life, to handle the room - the accumulated problems that cannot be solved on their own. Sleep, which dreams of one's own housing, which does not seem like himself - to pleasant news. Sleep, where you can't get out of your own premises - your plans will crash, unpleasant news.

And now let's find out how your dream will come true? 🔮 who dreamed today. This night 🌃.

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    7-Feb-2020 Lily:

    Tonight I dreamed that I was presented with two big, spacious and bright apartments, as well as I passed the road with my husband's sister, she had a very beautiful, smiling daughter, two years old, but in fact she has no Children, and the husband helped to transport a baby carriage across the road, although I already don't live together and I was already in a wooden toilet.

    And I constantly dream shit, almost in all dreams and, accordingly, his smell. And there is no money, exactly in the amount of how much will dream, as interpreted in dreams. Here's a multi-room apartment of the Stalinist buildings, in which I am going to rent a room where the shit is lying in all the rooms with a stone garbage, I as usual trying to clean up, watching heavy stone garbage, and I think about myself, Lord, how I'm all tired when will it all end?

    I was in a dream gave an apartment in an elite house. With a huge bed. With a large number of windows and thick walls. Also gifts were awarded for home. Beautiful lingerie.

    22-Feb-2017 Gregory:

    The apartment was given number 53. I watched. Mostly. Well, the document is one more, he drove already. And so the controversial question who will live in it.

    Dreamed from Friday to Saturday. As if I and my husband come back from somewhere (in real life we \u200b\u200bhave a child, but in a dream it was not). Come to the house. Outside, it looks like exactly, as the one in which I once lived with the first spouse, shabby Halup. And inside as our own. I go inside and understand that our accommodation was performed on our accommodation: wardrobes are open and half empty, in the kitchen, all the utensils are lying on the floor, my jewelry box is also scrupted, even a hanger for cheaper jewelry is broken apart. At the same time, neither plasma TV nor the computer is touched. I rushed to the safe - he, thank God, was not hacked and in place. Running to the street (again, metamorphosis with the house, looks like housing from the old life), screaming with her husband, to call the police, and as if he did not respond at all. I continue to yell and wake up from my own ora. What would such as strangeness be dreamed of? Thank you.

    I saw my housing in a dream with a part of things, the rest were taken by a small sadness on this housing, since there was a lot of good.

    6-Feb-2016 Anonymous:

    I dreamed that some couple lies in the bed (her husband was beating her) he closes his eyes and asks her to listen, he doesn't remember about the building or cafe, and she asks that you need it? He answers you! I closes my eyes and see a house in the city, I say that I see (house, high) after I close and turn to another highlight, and I already see the roof I tell me or I did not understand what you need to run on one move and explains that so closer, before to buy grains, climb and feed, in my opinion, after I already find yourself in the room (apartment) and the old man tell me if you do not exchange an apartment from the proposed options, then the other in life will not come out, and I am a joyful gathered to call my mother (on Buying) Ask and said that she will not give a mortgage.

    3-Feb-2016 Anonymous:

    I changed the old apartment to a new one, signed the contract, I enter it, and this is a communal, I so regret and with this feeling woke up.