Carrying out painting work during repairs is not only responsible, but also difficult, because in the end everyone wants to get a unique result. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to choose the paint of the desired shade, and its tone should look favorably in the renovated room. It is not always possible to find the right color on store shelves, for this reason you have to tint the paint yourself. How to do it according to all the rules - about this in our article.

Colorant - which composition to choose?

Today, you can easily find any dye on an organic and inorganic basis. The first option allows you to get saturated shades, which, unfortunately, lose their properties over time, fade and fade. Inorganic additives are more resistant to atmospheric and other influences, however, their palette is much narrower compared to natural materials. The product range is presented on the market with universal colorants and formulations designed for certain types of paints.

To obtain the desired color, the amount of color varies depending on the type of paintwork material. So, for oil paints, the maximum amount of colorant should not exceed 1.5–2% of the total volume, in water-soluble coatings, its amount can reach 20%, and a maximum of 5% is added to all others.

It is necessary to distinguish between the concept of tinting and glazing. In the first case, color is added to white paint to achieve the desired shade. The second term refers to the mixing of two different colors to obtain a third (yellow + red = orange).

Manufacturers offer colorants in powder, liquid and paste form. For self use liquid dyes produced in small volumes in syringes or bottles are better suited. They are simple and easy to use. With their help, it is easy to change the shade of the paint, adding more dye for a rich color. In addition, it is allowed to use liquid color for painting in undiluted form as a coloring material.

But for mixing on professional equipment, powders and pastes are better suited. Dry dyes are inexpensive, but it is difficult to achieve the desired shade with their help, and their choice of colors is small. As a rule, before adding the powder, it is diluted in a liquid that corresponds to the composition of the paints (linseed oil, water). Pasty materials require exact proportions from the master, otherwise the color may turn out to be much lighter or darker than the desired result.

Independent work to obtain the desired color

To perform tinting does not require any special skills. Do not be afraid to get to work, even if there was no such practice before. Even a beginner can handle tinting. The only rule that we must adhere to if we mix a colorant with paint with our own hands is to make as much material as it takes to paint the entire room, since, alas, it will not work to achieve a similar shade when re-mixing, no matter how hard we try.

The technology for obtaining the desired shade is quite simple. First, we prepare a container where we pour the required amount of white paint. We recommend buying paint from one manufacturer, since each of them has its own composition, and the shade of white may differ. We measure the required amount of color according to the instructions to obtain the desired result. It is preferable to knead the paint before starting work, if we plan to get a bright color, since over time the colorant settles and the color becomes less bright. Constant stirring of the prepared mixture will help to cope with this.

For tinting, use snow-white paint to achieve the desired result. Using plain white paint can be very frustrating because it has a yellowish tint that can distort the final result. For mixing, we use a drill with a mixer specially designed for paints. It is easy to distinguish it from others - all its elements have a rounded shape. We introduce the colorant gradually, for a start we add only 2-3 drops and look at the result. If you need a more saturated color, add one drop of color, continuously stirring the paint at low speed. We continue to do until the resulting color completely satisfies us.

We tint paint on professional equipment

Machine tinting allows you to get the desired shade based on the base white paint. Compared to the manual mixing method, computer selection allows you to more accurately and in a matter of minutes get the desired shade. For this, special tables are used, which reflect all the resulting colors of the color scheme. Tables exist both on paper and in in electronic format. Thanks to them, it will not be difficult to choose the necessary recipe that will help you get the desired color. In addition, machine mixing makes it possible to repeatedly create the required volume the right colors without fear of getting a different tone.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to prepare the paint of the desired shade by machine at the place where the painting work will be carried out. Also, computer tinting in terms of the number of shades is much inferior to manual mixing, with which you can achieve truly unique tones. On the other hand, the machine method of preparation allows you to reduce the mixing time to a minimum - the process takes about 5 minutes. This is extremely important, especially if you need to cook a large number of colors of the selected volume. It is impossible to do this task manually.

The composition of the tinting system includes:

  • base paint (usually white color);
  • colorant;
  • dispenser of pigment pastes;
  • mixer / shaker for stirring;
  • software.

In some cases, when the paint color is applied semi-automatically or manually, recipes are used instead of software, where the proportions of the component displacement are indicated. In a fully automatic mode, the machine independently dispenses the required amount of paste or dry matter according to the selected formula and, adding it to the base, mixes it thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

How to achieve the right color for different types of water emulsion

The most commonly chosen paint for walls and ceilings in the house is a water-based emulsion. She is easy to apply. By adding pigment to it, you can achieve a variety of shades that cannot be found in finished form. However, not everyone knows that water-based paint is available in several types. Depending on the type of polymer used in the preparation of the base composition, acrylic, mineral, silicate and silicone compositions are isolated. Kohler for water-based paint selected on a water basis, since it is compatible with all the compositions presented.

Acrylic paint is most often found on store shelves. It is presented in the widest range and is very popular due to the ratio of price and quality. Paint is produced from acrylic resins and a number of additives that give the paint certain properties. So, for example, latex allows the use of acrylic paint in wet areas, as it repels water. Color for acrylic paint is used universal, which allows you to use the resulting mixture for painting any surface. The paint dries quickly enough, which reduces repair work.

A more expensive option for a water-based emulsion is silicone-based paint. It is suitable for painting surfaces in wet rooms, while not creating a vapor-tight film, but allowing the surface to breathe. Water-based paint with the addition of liquid glass gives the surface an important property - it absorbs excess moisture and returns it back when the air is too dry. After tinting, such paint is excellent for outdoor use, as it endures all weather phenomena, but, unfortunately, it is not recommended to use it in rooms with constantly high humidity.

If the plans are to paint surfaces such as concrete, brick and plaster, then at the very time to use a mineral water-based emulsion. It contains slaked lime or cement, which allows the paint to endure moisture, chemically aggressive environments and ultraviolet. Color for water-based paint based on mineral additives use the most common. And you can prepare the desired shade both by machine and by hand.

Before proceeding to obtain the desired shade, in without fail perform a test mix. For these purposes, we take several identical containers, the volume of which is 100 ml - it will be easier to calculate the required amount of paint and dye. We start with 1-2 drops, especially if we plan to prepare a mixture light tone. If the result obtained did not suit us with something, we begin to add the dye 1 drop at a time, while constantly stirring the composition. When the desired result is achieved, note the amount of color added.

Do not rush when preparing the desired tone, as the result may disappoint you. It is necessary to gradually add the colorant and mix thoroughly. If the color turned out to be more saturated than expected, you can add a little base.

When mixing several shades, be sure to use special artistic tinting tables from the manufacturer, which will help achieve the desired result. After obtaining the desired shade, we paint a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe surface with it and wait for complete drying. This will allow us to see what the final result will look like indoors. Be sure to compare how the color looks in natural and artificial light, because the differences can be enormous. And do not forget that cold light gives the paint a bluish tint, and warm light gives yellowness.

To tint the entire volume of prepared paint, we observe the correct proportions of the base and dye. There is one rule: when preparing large volumes of mixtures, 20% must be subtracted from the calculated volume of color. We do this in order to achieve the desired color when completely dry, since the painted surface of large volumes looks much brighter than a small painted fragment. When painting small areas (up to 1 m 2), the proportions can be left unchanged.

Do-it-yourself tinting of water-based paint is not an easy process, but it is the only way to achieve the desired tone. Offered on the market of paints and varnishes already turnkey solutions do not always meet the requirements set by the owner of the interior. Handmade tinting will help create the best color scheme and fit it organically into the interior.

Do-it-yourself paint tinting is needed for those cases when it is necessary to paint the surface in a complex color that cannot be found in a store and cannot be created on a tinting machine. A complex color contains several tones, which are best mixed in the right proportion and selected personally.

Water emulsion tinting is optimally suited for those cases when it is planned to paint the room in two colors that are in harmony with each other. Or if you need to match the color to the tone of certain accessories, furniture and other interior items. Based on this, the first rule of coloring a room follows - if you need to choose a complex color or choose a tone to match the color of objects in the room, then it is better to mix the paints yourself and in the room that you plan to paint.

You need to tint the paint with your own hands and at home because this option is much easier than choosing paint in a store. The tinting machine, with which the paint offered for sale is prepared, does not make mistakes in the selection of tone. But the nuance is that in different lighting the color looks different. Changes it and the surface area on which it is applied. Therefore, on a sample in a store, the paint looks in one tone, and when it is applied to the walls, this tone changes.

Paint tinting rules

  • As mentioned above, you need to select the tone for coloring in the room that will be painted. This is necessary precisely because of the nature and intensity of the lighting in the room. A bright day color will make the paint appear brighter or paler, depending on its color. To fully appreciate the tone and make sure that it is matched, you need to look at it and daylight, and in the light of an electric lamp.

  • When evaluating the paint with electric light, it is necessary to use the lamp that will be permanently located in the room. Different density or color of shades also impose their changes on the color of all objects in the room. The same applies to lighting power.
  • On a larger surface area, the colors look richer than on a small one. This is another reason for the difference in tone between the small probe and the surface. The light falls on the wall unevenly, because in the shaded areas, in the corners and under the windows, the paint looks darker than in other areas, even if the wall is painted in one color. All these nuances must be considered when choosing a tone for the walls.
  • When mixing color with paint, you do not need to pour a lot of dye into the base. It is necessary to add gradually and drop by drop, since even one drop changes the tone, and it will be quite difficult to return the paint to its original appearance.

What materials to buy

The manufacturer of the color scheme and its composition do not matter, this component does not affect the quality of the finished coating. Differences from different manufacturers exist only in the tones of the colors offered. Even the standard red for different trademarks has slightly different shades. Domestic colors in terms of quality and brightness of colors are in no way inferior to imported ones, but their price is much lower.

It is best to opt for a tube with a narrow neck. This is especially true for the first tinting experience. In general, there is only one decisive factor in choosing a color scheme - the desired color. The choice of the basis must be taken more seriously. Buy paint suitable for the type of surface to be painted.

There are specialized paints for walls or ceilings, it is not recommended to replace them with each other. When choosing a base, it is best to give preference to imported manufacturers. Paint for tinting is bought not just white, but snow-white. With a slight difference at first glance, white paint is not completely white and contains pigments that will interfere with creating the desired tone. Most often, white paint has a yellowish tint, which cannot be removed.

When mixed with a red tint, this shade will give it an orange tone, it will turn green into light green, and when a purple tint is added to such a paint, it will turn out to be a dirty gray color. Therefore, the paint for the base should be absolutely snow-white or as close as possible to that. Then the colors of the tinting of the paint will turn out exactly as they are needed.

Types of water-based paint depending on the composition

It is worth dwelling in a little more detail on the types of water-based paints produced in order to better understand which one to purchase for repairs. The division of this type of paints and varnishes takes place according to the type of polymer, which acts as the basis.

There are 4 types of data:

  • Acrylic paint. On the shelves of stores it is presented in a large assortment, as it is one of the most popular. It is made from acrylic resins with an admixture of various additives that give the paint its basic properties. If latex acts as an additive, then such paint tolerates high humidity well. Another remarkable feature of it is the ability to hide the irregularities of the painted material up to 1 mm in size. Acrylic paints are suitable for application on concrete, wood, metal, plastic and glass. The paint dries completely in a few hours and does not smell at all.

  • Silicone based paint. It has a slightly overpriced price, but is still widely used in construction. It has a significant advantage over competitors, which justifies its inflated price. This advantage lies in its vapor-permeable properties and the possibility of use on wet surfaces. Hides wall irregularities up to 2 mm in size.
  • Silicate water emulsion. It is a mixture of water emulsion and liquid glass. An interesting property of this paint is to absorb excess moisture and give it back when the humidity in the room decreases. This type paint is ideal for outdoor work, as the coating from it endures all atmospheric phenomena. There is only one contraindication - it is not recommended to use it in rooms with constantly high humidity.
  • Water emulsion mineral. It differs from other types by the presence of cement or slaked lime in the composition. Ideal for covering concrete, brick or plaster. The dried layer of such paint is not terrible bright light, moisture and chemical influences.

Paint coloring process

Step-by-step tinting of water-based paint looks like this:

  1. For tinting, you will need small glass jars or plastic baths. It is convenient to use packaging from bulk cheeses or yogurts for this purpose. All materials must be thoroughly washed. All containers, hands and hands should be clean.
  2. A little paint is poured into one of the small containers, its volume is recorded. A little color is added to the paint - a few drops. Record the number of drops poured into the jar.
  3. Mix well in the jar. Stir until the color is uniform. Start the mixture with 2-3 drops and then add one at a time so as not to spoil the prototype.
  4. When the desired tone is obtained in the jar, it is applied to a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe surface that is planned to be painted. For a prototype, it is enough to paint a 40 by 40 cm square. The surface is left to dry for a day, and then its tone is assessed under natural and electric light. As a rule, the color becomes brighter on the wall than it was in the jar.
  5. If the resulting tone suits, then the entire volume of paint is tinted. When calculating the proportions, 20% is subtracted from the calculated amount of color. This is done because the color on a larger area looks brighter than on a small square.

An example of calculating the number of colorizers:

  1. In the test sample, the color of the sea wave was obtained; for this, green and blue colors were added to the white paint.
  2. 5 drops of blue and 2 drops of green are added per 100 ml.
  3. In proportion to 1 liter of paint, 50 drops of blue and 20 drops of green are needed, but this calculation is not correct.
  4. The surface to be painted has a larger area than the test sample, therefore 20% is subtracted from the proportion.
  5. Correctly add 45 drops of blue and 16 drops of pink to the indicated amount of paint. In this case, the tone will match the expectations.
  6. If the finished shade of paint does not fit, increase the amount of color or add other shades. For the work to be successful, it must be treated as entertainment and a creative process. Then all the colors will mix easily, and the colors will turn out bright and saturated.

Rules for painting surfaces with water-based paint

Mixing colors and making a water-based paint of the desired tone is only half the battle. Next, it must be qualitatively applied to the surface. This type of paintwork is suitable for painting plaster, brick, concrete, drywall and other materials. But to apply a quality coat of paint that will last for a long time, it is necessary to perform some simple rules staining:

  • Water-based paint has a rather liquid consistency, therefore, before painting the ceiling or walls, it is recommended to remove all interior items from the room or cover them with a film.
  • The surface is prepared for painting. If the layers of the old coating peel off, they must be removed. Chalk whitewash is washed off completely.
  • If the old water-based paint does not peel off on the surface, then it is not necessary to remove it, just wipe it off the dust with a damp cloth and let it dry.
  • All irregularities are carefully sealed with putty, because under a layer of paint, even shallow cracks will be noticeable.
  • If there are streaks or spots on the surface, they are painted over with oil paint, similar in color to the prepared tone of the water-based emulsion. In water-based paint, all foreign substances dissolve and then appear through it. This will greatly spoil the freshness of the repair and appearance premises.
  • Also, oil paint is used to treat all metal parts on the surface that fall under the area to be painted. Oil paint does not have to be exactly the same color, but it is better to take a tone lower than the water-based emulsion used.

  • After processing all cracks and metal objects, it is recommended to carefully treat the surface with a primer. This will not only protect the wall from moisture and prolong the life of the coating, but also improve the adhesion of the paint to the coating. Another plus in favor of priming is that priming reduces the ability of materials to absorb moisture, which allows the paint to be applied more evenly and reduces material consumption.
  • Primers according to their composition are divided into acrylic, alkyd; for metal and for concrete. As a basis for a water-based emulsion, an acrylic primer is optimal.
  • Apply a water-based emulsion to the surface using a paint roller, wide paint brush or spray gun. If the paint is applied to a thin layer of putty, then the spray gun is the best tool, since the roller will pull the putty and its entire layers will be torn off the surface. When working with an airbrush, it is necessary to protect the respiratory organs with a respirator.
  • The lower temperature threshold for painting work is + 5 ° C.
  • If painting is carried out using a roller, then it is convenient to use a special tray. It allows you to easily pick up material with a roller and remove excess material using a ribbed section.
  • Painting the walls begins in the farthest corner relative to the entrance to the room. The roller moves along the wall strictly vertically.
  • Water-based paint is applied in several layers. The first layer is allowed to dry for 1-4 hours, and then re-staining is carried out.
Two color mixing charts

The color mixing table allows you to find out how to get the right one when mixing two or more colors and shades.

This table is used in various fields art - fine arts, modeling, and others. It can also be used in construction when mixing paints and plasters.

Color mixing table 1

Required color Primary Color + Mixing Instructions
Pink White + add some red
Chestnut Red + add black or brown
royal red Red + add blue
Red Red + White for lightening, yellow for orange red
Orange Yellow + add red
Gold Yellow + a drop of red or brown
Yellow Yellow + white for lightening, red or brown for a darker shade
pale green Yellow + add blue/black for depth
grassy green Yellow + add blue and green
Olive Green + add yellow
light green Green + add White yellow
Turquoise green Green + add blue
bottle green Yellow + add blue
Coniferous Green + add yellow and black
Turquoise blue Blue + add some green
White-blue White + add blue
Wedgwood blue White + add blue and a drop of black
royal blue
Dark blue Blue + add black and a drop of green
Grey White + Add some black
Pearl gray White + Add black, some blue
medium brown Yellow + Add red and blue, white for lighter, black for darker.
Red-brown Red & Yellow + Add blue and white for lightening
golden brown Yellow + Add red, blue, white. More yellow for contrast
Mustard Yellow + Add red, black and some green
Beige Take brown and gradually add white until you get beige colour. Add yellow for brightness.
Off-white White + Add brown or black
Rose gray White + Drop of red or black
Grey-blue White + Add light gray plus a drop of blue
Green gray White + Add light gray plus a drop of green
gray coal White + add black
lemon yellow Yellow + add white, some green
Light brown Yellow + add white, black, brown
Fern green color White + add green, black and white
forest green color Green + add black
emerald green Yellow + add green and white
light green Yellow + add white and green
Aquamarine White + add green and black
Avocado Yellow + add brown and black
royal purple Red + add blue and yellow
dark purple Red + add blue and black
tomato red Red + add yellow and brown
Mandarin, orange Yellow + add red and brown
Reddish chestnut Red + add brown and black
Orange White + add orange and brown
red burgundy color Red + add brown, black and yellow
Crimson Blue + add white, red and brown
Plum Red + add white, blue and black
honey color White, yellow and dark brown
Dark brown Yellow + red, black and white
copper gray Black + add white and red
eggshell color White + yellow, a little brown
The black Black Use black as coal

Color mixing table 2

Mixing paints
black= brown + blue + red in equal proportions
black= brown + blue.
gray and black\u003d blue, green, red and yellow are mixed in equal proportions, and then one or the other is added to the eye. it turns out you need more blue and red
black= you can mix red, blue and brown
black= red, green and blue. You can also add brown.
bodily= red and yellow paint .... just a little. After kneading, if it turns yellow, then add a little red, if it turns pink, a little yellow paint. If the color is very saturated, add a piece of white mastic and knead again
dark cherry= red + brown + some blue (cyan)
strawberry\u003d 3 parts pink + 1 hour red
Turkish\u003d 6 hours sky blue + 1 hour yellow
silver gray= 1 hour black + 1 hour blue
dark red= 1 hour red + a little black
rust color\u003d 8 hours orange + 2 hours red + 1 hour brown
greenish\u003d 9 hours sky blue + a little yellow
dark green= green + some black
lavender\u003d 5 hours pink + 1 hour lilac
bodily= a little copper color
nautical=5h blue + 1 hour green
peach=2h. orange + 1h. dark yellow
dark pink=2h. red + 1 hour brown
dark blue=1h. blue+1h Lilac
avocado= 4 hours yellow + 1 hour green + a little black
coral\u003d 3 hours pink + 2 hours yellow
gold\u003d 10 hours yellow + 3 hours orange + 1 hour red
plum = 1 hour purple + a little red
light green= 2 hours purple + 3 hours yellow

red + yellow = Orange
red + ocher + white = apricot
red + green = brown
red + blue = violet
red + blue + green = black
yellow + white + green = citric
yellow + cyan or blue = green
yellow + brown = ocher
yellow + green + white + red = tobacco
blue + green = sea ​​wave
orange + brown = terracotta
red + white = coffee with milk
brown + white + yellow = beige
light green=green+yellow, more yellow,+white= light green

lilac=blue+red+white, more red and white, +white= light lilac
lilac= red with blue, with red predominating
pistachio paint obtained by mixing yellow paint with a small amount of blue

Presented in a large assortment. Domestic and foreign manufacturers present a facade coloring substance for different surfaces, different textures and colors.

Some coloring materials are made specifically for color. Coloring must be done in order to achieve the desired shade of the coloring composition. which has the necessary quality characteristics.

Kohler can be added in one color, or you can combine several pigment components at once in order to obtain a complex and unique shade.

Kohler is a dye with a rich color. The composition of the dye includes various pigments, additional elements, giving saturation, color fastness, as well as resins and water.

Kohler is added to the paint in order to achieve an unusual, different from the standard surface color. Many coloring materials are suitable for mixing with color.

The concentration of color in the tinting agent is much higher than the required shade, therefore, when mixed with paint, the color becomes diluted, the most suitable for painting.

To get the original color, which cannot be found in finished form, you need to mix several colors of color with paint.

The tonal composition may contain organic and inorganic elements that affect the quality of the coloring facade material, the saturation of the brightness and the shelf life of the resulting color after staining.

Selection methods

The coloring pigment is designed to be added to white enamels., decorative plasters, putties, water-dispersion compositions, alkyd coloring materials.

To achieve the desired shade, two tables are used:

  • RAL - 210 tones;
  • NCS - for 1950 shades.

These color charts allow you to choose the most suitable color.

Manufacturers can submit their own color gradation options, but it is imperative to provide in advance which color is needed. Shade selection occurs by comparing the shade with the color of the walls.


With repeated manual mixing of the tone composition, it is almost impossible to achieve the same shade.

This is primarily due to the inability to determine the presence of paint in a container to the gram.. And due to the saturation of the tinting liquid, the color of the resulting tone can vary significantly even with a slight deviation from the proportions.

In this case, it is necessary to increase the amount of the estimated consumption of the coloring material by 20%, so that it is guaranteed to be enough for coloring.

There is a variant of color matching by a computer method using special programs. You can use tinting machines (most often they are used by enamels and varnishes) or use the catalogs of the manufacturer of pigment liquids.

In the process of work, you can use dispensers to add the desired tone to the paint, and to obtain high-quality cladding - drills to stir the coloring composition.

Classification by purpose

Consistencies for tinting paints and varnishes are classified as follows:

  • pigment liquid products - added to , coloring materials;
  • pigment pastes or liquid pigments - for the purpose of coloring primer mixtures, varnishes and impregnations used to coat wood surfaces;
  • pastes and tinting mixtures of liquid consistency - added to alkyd or oil coloring mixtures, in the compositions used for whitewashing;
  • pigment materials that have a shade of mother-of-pearl or gloss - suitable for decorating most paints and varnishes;
  • universal coloring pastes- added to enamels having a polyurethane, organosilicon, nitrocellulose or epoxy composition.

The coloring paste is divided into universal and facade. The characteristic of any dye is determined in accordance with the presence of organic and inorganic pigments.

In the presence of certain types of pigments, the optimal quality of the tinting composition is achieved.

How to dilute paint with color

So, how to tint paint at home? To dilute the coloring composition, it is necessary to carry out work in the following order:

  • prepare several clean containers for diluting the paint with color, as well as a preliminary sample of the various results obtained;
  • pour the components to be mixed into the container, while it is necessary to fix the proportions of the funds used. In this case, the color should be added, starting with a few drops, then gradually achieve the desired color;
  • thoroughly mix the tinted paint, for this you can use a drill with a nozzle - a mixer, then the quality of stirring will be at its best and there will be no streaks;
  • apply a little on the surface and wait for it to dry;
  • evaluate the shade in daylight, if the color suits - paint over the required surface.

Experts advise choosing the color and base of one manufacturer.

Bases for tinting are ideally adapted for coloring with "their" dyes.

What colors should I use color for?

Tinting of coloring compositions for the facade can be done for almost all paints, putties, enamels, while you should know some features:

  • when mixing color with water-based coloring compositions, the largest the consumption of coloring pigment should be no more than 20%;
  • when staining acrylic base color should be used no more than 8% of the total mass of the mixture.


Acrylic paints are the most popular paints used for tinting.. Yes, and for painting the facade, materials containing acrylic resins are the most suitable.

There are also water-based ones that are produced directly for painting the facade.

Bases for tinting have White color(to white). The line of products for coloring is called “for coloring”

Useful video

How to tint paint with your own hands:


Thus, it will not be difficult to paint the facade in the desired color when right choice colors, bases, as well as with the correct mixing of the components (colors and bases) in the production of a coloring solution.

Manual staining is quite realistic to produce with careful mixing of the components. In the process of achieving the highest quality coloring result, it is recommended to use specialized machines to obtain the desired color.

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Kirill Sysoev

Calloused hands do not know boredom!


The mood of the residents depends on the type of living space. One of the most popular options interior and exterior walls were painted. The choice of paint colors expands the possibilities design solutions, creating an individual interior. What to do if there is no product of the required shade on the market? Then color is used - with it it is easy to get the paint of the required color, saturation.

What is paint color

The word "color" is translated from the Latin "color" as a color or tone. In the chemical industry, tint is a special highly concentrated pigment composition, with which you can get almost any shade of paint. Moreover, not only water-based, but also facade, oil, acrylic products can act as a basis. Depending on the concentration of such a pigment composition in the paint, it is possible to achieve both saturated and bright colors, as well as muted, pastel shades.

The use of color helps property owners to translate into reality almost any design ideas. The process of mixing and diluting paint and varnish material with pigment is called tinting. Its use is suitable not only for finishing works inside the object, but also outside it. With the help of a special pigment solution, you can get unique shades, for example, copper, mother-of-pearl, bronze, golden tint can be given to the paint.

Kohler can be used on concrete, brick, plastered walls. Compositions with its use can also be processed and other surfaces: drywall, wood, fiberboard, chipboard. The use of tinting is necessary in the following cases:

  • the original layer has small defects;
  • you need to choose a shade according to color solution interior;
  • you want to decorate the interior using several shades of one or more colors;
  • you need to correct the errors that occurred when calculating the volume of paint or the absence of the color used earlier.


When planning to buy a color for water-based paint, acrylic or any other, check out the types of these products. You can order it in a specialized online store with delivery by mail. According to the range of application, it can be universal, i.e. combined with any paint and varnish materials, and highly specialized. Colorants are produced in the form of paint, dry composition, paste. The latter option is more convenient to use, but there is a possibility that the intensity of the finished paint will be uneven. According to the composition, color is distinguished:

  • With organic pigments. Products of this type are distinguished by a more saturated range of colors, but the paints and varnishes obtained on its basis lose their brightness and saturation over time due to exposure to sunlight. For this reason, compositions with pigments of organic origin are not considered the best choice for facade paints.
  • With inorganic pigments. This product is more resistant to aggressive impact external factors including burnout. True, such a color scheme for paint cannot boast of a wide range of shades.

You can tint the paint manually or by computer. Thanks to the first option, you can save a significant amount of money and perform the procedure directly at the repair site. There is also a drawback: it is almost impossible to repeat exactly the same tone. The second type of tinting is controlled by a special program. The operator only needs to select the color of the color scheme, and the program will determine the proportions itself, after which it will issue the finished composition.

Deciding to breed the pigment yourself, consider the technique:

  • Decide on the amount of color you need. It is better to buy more initially than to look for identical products later.
  • It is recommended to choose a color scheme for painting surfaces with the manufacture of a probe. To do this, fill a small container with 100 mg of white paint and add a few drops of a pigment substance to it. By mixing, get the desired shade.
  • Check how the resulting composition looks on the wall or other surface that needs to be painted. The color of the finished solution does not always match the shade of the paintwork material applied to the wall. Consider the result under the prevailing lighting in the room (artificial or natural), after the composition has dried.
  • If you know how many drops you had to add to get the desired color, then by recalculating the consumption of the composition per liter of paint, you can dilute and get the required amount of color.
  • Add the pigment composition to the paintwork material in a thin stream. At the same time, do not forget to mix everything thoroughly to get a concentrated composition with a uniform color.

How to choose a paint color

To begin with, depending on the goals, choose between organic and non-organic products, taking into account the features of each option. Then decide on the state of the color scheme: liquid composition, paste or loose pigment:

  1. The first option contains the same components as in the paintwork material (LKM): if you are going to use water-based paint, then the color composition should be the same.
  2. Bulk pigment is inexpensive, but it has a limited palette.
  3. The most convenient option is color paste.

Choose the right color:

  • You can choose a shade using the catalog - it is in every specialized store. Please note that the shade looks different depending on the lighting.
  • If the room where you want to paint the walls is light, then give preference to synthetic pigment. Under artificial lighting, colors that contain organic substances look great.
  • The color scheme of the surface should be in harmony with the background floor covering, furniture. If the floor is made in a green-blue tint, then it is better to decorate the walls in a golden or yellowish tone. With a brown floor surface, it is better to make the color for the walls beige.
  • The range of wall coverings can be saturated and bright: it is known that juicy shades can cheer you up. These include juicy green, golden, brown or ocher tones. Please note that blue shades in evening light they appear more faded than in daylight.
  • Pay attention to the manufacturer. Well-known color suppliers are Caparol, Monicolor Nova, Colorex, Izhsintez, Decorazza, Unisistem, Olki, etc.

For water based paint

If you are looking for a high-quality color for water-based paint, then pay attention to the universal dye "Profilux PROFICOLOR No. 18 of blue color. It can be used for cement plasters, oil coatings. At the same time, it costs less than many other pigment formulations - only 30 rubles apiece. The composition is environmentally friendly, based on water:

  • name: Profilux PROFICOLOR;
  • price: 30 rubles;
  • characteristics: country of origin - Russia, volume - 0.13 l, colors - blue, caramel, brown, black, coffee, etc .;
  • pluses: affordable price, low consumption, big choice tones;
  • cons: no.

Another great all-purpose color option is Dufa D 230. This high quality diversion color is made from synthetic resins. Designed for decorative design internal, facade surfaces. Water is used as a solvent:

  • name: Dufa D 230;
  • price: 365 rubles;
  • characteristics: volume - 0.75 l, colors - red, wood-brown, yellow, orange, green apple etc., consumption rate - 0.15-0.20 l / m2, degree of gloss - deep matte, density - 1.3 kg / l, application temperature - from +5 degrees, shelf life - 5 years;
  • pluses: a large palette of colors, high quality, light fastness, resistance to abrasion, lime;

For tinting water-dispersion paints and decorative plasters good option will be products from Tury Scandinavia Classic. Suitable for coatings that are used both inside the object and outside:

  • name: Tury Scandinavia Classic;
  • price: 206 rubles;
  • characteristics: packing - 1 kg, drying time - about 1 hour, colors - mint, salad, green, lemon, red-brown, pink, beige, etc.;
  • pluses: low cost, a wide range of saturated and bright colors;
  • cons: big package.

for acrylic

If you are looking for a suitable color for acrylic paint, then Palizh products may suit you. This pigment composition is recommended not only for tinting acrylic coatings and varnishes without limiting the percentage of input, but also for painting and painting small surfaces: concrete, wood, brick, stucco, canvas, etc. Product details:

  • name: Palij;
  • price: 211 rubles;
  • characteristics: weight - 0.25 kg, drying time - 1 hour, consumption per 1 layer - 150 g / m2, colors - pink, blue, purple metallic, metallic emerald, etc., shelf life - 5 years;
  • pluses: quality, original colors;
  • cons: high cost.

Another good choice would be the universal Palizh Standard products used for tinting paintwork materials, wood glazes, plasters and grouts on organic and water-dispersion bases. Products are compatible with paints of any manufacturer. It retains its consistency and properties during several freezing cycles:

  • name: Palij Standard;
  • price: 52 rubles;
  • characteristics: volume - 0.1 l, shelf life - 5 years, colors - graphite, gold and silver veneer, sunny, fuchsia, coral, scarlet, dark red, etc.;
  • pluses: high versatility, saturation, brightness;
  • cons: it is more expensive than analogues.

For facade paint

For tinting facade coatings, products from the Faidal brand are perfect. Its pigments are highly resistant to UV radiation, and the color itself is presented in 19 bright and saturated shades. This product is also suitable for tinting interior paints, fillers and water-based plasters. It can be used for indoor application on mineral surfaces such as brick, concrete, drywall, glass fiber, any type of putty:

  • name: FEIDAL VOLLTON - und Abtönfarbe;
  • price: 468 rubles;
  • characteristics: volume - 0.75 l, specific gravity- 1.4 kg / l, gloss - deep matte, composition - acrylic dispersion, fillers, pigments, functional additives, water, colors - chocolate, umber, apricot, etc .;
  • Pros: resistance to ultraviolet radiation, high covering power, original shades;
  • cons: bulk packaging.

Another good color for facade paint is JOBI. The products are suitable for decorative design of elements of the facade, interior, toning of water-borne paintwork materials, plasters and enamels. Can be used in pure form for stencil and artwork.