Just imagine: you are sunbathing on the golden sands, swimming to your heart's content in the endless sea, enjoying the light cool breeze... There are no memories of work in your head, only peace and serenity. The holiday season is just around the corner. Therefore, it’s time to think through all the important details in order to be one hundred percent prepared for the trip.

Every woman dreams of feeling like a goddess on the beach and emerging from the sea foam like the beautiful Aphrodite. But over the winter, extra pounds “grow”, and your favorite swimsuit no longer “fits” the body so beautifully and seductively... My thoughts are not at all about the sea, the sun and the beach, my mood is ruined, and for the sake of global justice I want to feed the slender Aphrodite a ton of chocolates and cakes! Don't panic: it's not too late to fix everything. In a few months you can put your figure in order, pump up your tummy, get rid of excess fat and bad mood.

Today the Internet is simply teeming with all kinds of diets that promise almost instant weight loss. But not all of them are safe, healthy or effective. The diet, which is called “Family Size,” differs significantly from others.

Benefits and Principles of the Family Size Diet

The “family size” weight loss method was developed by the outstanding Russian nutritionist Alexey Kovalkov. For more than 15 years, the doctor has been working in the fields of normalizing metabolism and treating obesity in Russia, the USA and Israel.

Lexey Kovalkov not only specializes in the correction of excess weight, but also successfully treats people with diabetes, has written many books, popular science articles, consults on various television programs, conducts classes and lectures. The doctor is one of the five most popular nutritionists in Russia, and according to Forbes magazine, he is one of the six most sought-after doctors in the world. A few years ago, he created his own weight loss system, according to which he lost about 50 kg in 6 months.

Today, thousands of people are losing weight and being treated using the Kovalkov diet. different countries peace. The technique was popularly nicknamed “Family Size” because Alexey Kovalkov began talking about it in the program of the same name “Family Size” on the Domashny TV channel. Doctor in live explained how to lose weight and applied the methods to different families.

The Kovalkov system has a number of advantages over other diets. First of all, with its help, the functioning of the general metabolism is normalized, and the diet allows you to eat food in any, but moderate quantities. Those who are losing weight do not suffer from constant hunger and stress. These benefits have made Family Size one of the top ten best-performing diets in the world.

What is the essence of Kovalkov’s weight loss method? The entire diet is based on the fact that those who are losing weight eat “good” carbohydrates, that is, foods with glycemic index below 50. The doctor calls carbohydrates that have a higher index “bad”, since they give a person extra pounds ov.

Diet Stages Family Size

Kovalkov’s weight loss technique combines proper nutrition and minimal physical activity. The diet itself consists of four stages - one preparatory and three main. Every morning, the doctor advises starting with training, which should be spent at least 30-40 minutes. And to consolidate the result, after exercise it is better not to eat for two hours.

The preparatory stage lasts two to three weeks, during which you can lose 5-6 kg. If you are determined to quit excess weight according to the Kovalkov diet, you will have to exclude foods with so-called “bad” carbohydrates from the diet. The purpose of this stage is to cleanse the body of toxins and get used to a new diet.

It is prohibited to eat:

  • sweets, cakes, ice cream;
  • bread and any other flour products;
  • dairy products above 1.5% fat;
  • potatoes, carrots, beets, eggplants;
  • white polished rice;
  • grapes and bananas.

Include in your diet:

  • fermented milk products up to 1.5% fat;
  • feta cheese or Adyghe cottage cheese;
  • bran (up to half a pack per day);
  • vegetable oil (1 tablespoon per day);
  • eggs (two a day, but without yolks);
  • any vegetables raw or in salads;
  • nuts (no more than 1 handful per day);
  • 3-4 large apples or 1 grapefruit per day;
  • dry red wine (no more than 2 glasses per day);
  • spices and salt.

During preparatory stage your menu might look something like this:

  • Breakfast. A glass of clean water. After 30-60 minutes - a glass of unsweetened fermented milk product, a handful of nuts and bran.
  • Lunch is not fixed, but before 17.00 you can eat 3-4 apples at regular intervals, bran, an unlimited amount of any fresh vegetables without oil. Drink water, tea, coffee without sugar and milk.
  • Dinner. Vegetable salad, dressed with 1 tablespoon vegetable oil, 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese, with spices, salt. If you are hungry, you can eat 2 boiled chicken egg whites before going to bed.

During the preparatory period, walk a lot at a fast pace - at least one hour. If walking is not your thing, then try to count the number of steps you take per day - there should be about 8 thousand.

The second stage helps to completely cleanse the intestines and restore its microflora. At this stage, it is very important to drink more purified water - at least 2 liters per day. The main task of this stage is to achieve the desired weight, so the second phase can last an unlimited amount of time. The metabolism in the body is gradually rebuilt, and the extra pounds disappear.

New foods appear in the diet of the second stage. This is chicken, fish, seafood, low-fat cottage cheese. Apples and grapefruits may be exchanged for other permitted fruits and berries.

You can eat:

  • fresh vegetables (eggplant, rutabaga, green pea, cabbage, lettuce, onions, cucumbers, Bell pepper, parsley, rhubarb (petioles), radish, turnip, radish, garlic, sorrel, spinach, horseradish, green green beans, any nuts, sometimes zucchini is allowed);
  • fruits and berries (apricots, quince, cherry plum, pineapple, bananas, cherries, pomegranates, pears, figs, dogwoods, peaches, rowan berries, plums, dates, persimmons, cherries, mulberries, apples, grapefruit, lemon, lingonberries, grapes (sometimes) , blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, cranberries, gooseberries, raspberries, sea buckthorn, cloudberries, currants, rose hips, apples);
  • melons (watermelon, melon, pumpkin);
  • mushrooms (dried and fresh porcini, fresh boletus, aspen, russula);
  • dried vegetables and fruits;
  • cereals (buckwheat, pearl barley, oats, rolled oats);
  • beans, soybeans, lentils;
  • dairy products (cheese cheese, Adyghe cheese, low-fat kefir up to 1.5%, unsweetened yogurt (fat content no more than 1.5%), low-fat or half-fat cottage cheese, curdled milk, fermented baked milk, milk);
  • meat products (lamb, beef, veal, chicken breasts, chickens, duck, turkeys, goose);
  • whole eggs (chicken or quail, but only sometimes);
  • river and sea fish, squid, crab, shrimp, seaweed, caviar, canned fish (tuna, cod liver, sprats are not allowed);
  • vegetable oil (preferably olive);
  • drinks (tea, coffee, dry red wine, water with lime or lemon).

Strictly prohibited: potatoes, carrots, beets, wild garlic, oranges, tangerines.

During the second stage, your menu might look something like this:

  • Breakfast. Everything remains the same as in the first stage.
  • Dinner. 2 days - fish or seafood, 2 days - low-fat cottage cheese, 2 days - chicken fillet(sometimes you can allow another type of meat, but then we eat salad in the evening without oil);
  • Dinner. Vegetable salad seasoned with 1 tablespoon of butter and 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese. Before going to bed, you can eat 2 eggs.

Third stage. At this phase of the diet, you can indulge in various goodies, but you need to constantly monitor your weight. The main task of this stage is not to “break down” and learn to consolidate the result. If you adhere to this nutrition system in the future, the lost kilograms will not return. It is important to follow the diet of the second stage of the diet, eat only approved foods and not overeat.

According to Alexey Kovalkov, already at the end of the third stage, those losing weight can achieve the desired result. But weight stability depends on the person himself. If he continues to adhere to the diet plan developed by the doctor and refuses excess food, then the extra pounds will never return.

The fourth stage is needed to consolidate the results. No sugar, flour, rice or potatoes - these foods are strictly prohibited. After 18.00, try not to consume complex carbohydrates. Never mix fats and carbohydrates at the same meal.

It is not for nothing that the method of nutritionist Alexey Kovalkov is recognized in the world as one of the best. It is unacceptable only for children, but there are no contraindications for other people. On the contrary, the diet helps to rebuild the metabolism in the body of someone losing weight. And although at first the diet is not easy for everyone and the mood “jumps”, but in just a couple of weeks everything can change. In the first month, on average, you can lose from 4-5 to 9 kg, in the second month - from 2 to 5 kg, after three months - on average 1-2 kg.

Follow the diet of the second stage, play sports or just walk 8 thousand steps daily - and by the beach season you will feel great and have an even better figure than Aphrodite!

Especially for Nadezhda Zaitseva

Diet type - low calorie

Weight loss - 3-4 kg per week

Duration - long-term nutrition system.

Recently, thanks to television, Dr. Kovalkov has become a very popular person. He regularly participates in programs dedicated to diets and healthy image life, comments on various weight loss techniques, and gives recommendations. Many people undergo weight loss courses at his clinic.

Dr. Alexey Kovalkov has been treating people for obesity and overweight for more than 10 years. During this time, he developed his own unique method of losing weight. Hundreds of people in different countries are losing weight using it. Dr. Kovalkov tried this technique on himself, losing as much as 55 kg. He outlined the main principles of his diet in the book: “How to lose weight. Strategy for defeating weight." However, Dr. Kovalkov recommends using this technique independently only in the absence of serious chronic diseases. Otherwise, it is better to carry out the diet under the supervision of an endocrinologist or qualified nutritionist.

Here are Dr. Kovalkov’s main recommendations for losing weight:

Before you start losing weight, you need to cleanse your intestines;

The right motivation and psychological attitude for weight loss;

The diet must include vegetables;

Sufficient and correct water consumption;

Mandatory use of vitamin-mineral complexes;

Cottage cheese and fermented milk products must be sufficient quantity be present in the daily diet.

Eat berries and fruits daily;

Eliminating fats from the diet and replacing them with healthy vegetable fats;

Limitation, especially at the first stage, of animal proteins and replacing them with vegetable proteins;

Reduce salt intake to 6 grams. per day;

Be sure to move using feasible physical activity.

The entire technique of Dr. Kovalkov is divided into stages.

First stage menu

The first stage of Dr. Kovalkov’s diet is preparatory or First stage, during which intestinal cleansing and microflora restoration measures are carried out. It is necessary to avoid cakes, sweets, ice cream, bread, flour products, potatoes, pasta and white rice. The diet should include fermented milk products as well as fiber, apples, grapefruits, herbs and vegetables. Duration this stage two weeks. This is a rather difficult period during which you may feel hungry and irritable.

Second stage menu.

At the second stage, weight loss continues against the backdrop of further cleansing of the intestines and restructuring of metabolism. This stage continues until your weight stabilizes. The restrictions in the second stage are not so strict. The diet is supplemented with low-fat cottage cheese, white meat, fish and seafood.

Third stage menu

At the third stage, the results achieved in the previous stages of the Kovalkov diet are consolidated. You develop your own nutritional system, which you must adhere to throughout your life.

Girls, this can be said to be my summary of the Family Size program... I tried to read the book, but this short algorithm, compiled after watching all the Family Size issues, seemed clearer and more accessible to me... I will be glad if this helps someone else
PROHIBITED until you reach your target weight:
- sugar
- rice (white polished)
- potato
- flour

1. It’s better to start on the first clean days after your period.
2. Eat small portions
3. You can and should eat after 6 p.m.
4. After 18 hours we eat protein and non-carbohydrate vegetables
6. Daily norm fat 30-40 grams at the stages of weight loss, 60-80 grams. per day the rest of the time
8. The total amount of protein that can be absorbed in the human body (not to be confused with egg white) should not exceed 110–120 g per day. And in one meal a person is able to absorb no more than 30–40 g of pure protein (protein). This amount of protein is found, for example, in a piece of chicken the size of a pack of cigarettes. All the rest of the chicken you eat is simply unable to be digested and will rot in the intestines, supporting conditionally pathogenic flora. It will no longer be you who will finish eating it, but... they are the pathogenic bacteria of your intestines.
9. Be sure to take vitamins
10. Take vitamins with protein foods
11. Be sure to take fiber up to 100 grams. bran per day (WITH LOTS OF WATER!!!)
12. Drink at least 10 glasses of clean, unboiled water at room temperature per day A large number of water stimulates the release of special hormones in the body that burn fat. (individual calculation of liquid: 30 ml per 1 kg of weight - in winter, more in summer, drink coffee or black tea for each cup of drink 2 cups of clean water)
13. You can drink 5-10 minutes after meals and 30-60 minutes before meals
14. 8-12 thousand steps per day (3-4 km)!!!
15. IF YOU REALLY WANT IT – 4-8 g. dark chocolate (70%) per day, up to 18 hours!!!
16. If you lose your temper..... in the morning continue the technique!!! Only those who do nothing make no mistakes.
- lime lifts your mood
- chromium preparations help give up sweets
- L-carnitine helps burn fat during aerobic exercise (preferably in ampoules, dissolved in water, drink on an empty stomach/at least 1 hour after eating BEFORE PHYSICAL ACTIVITY, WITHOUT PHYSICAL ACTIVITY. USELESS!!!
- Q10 improves the elasticity of tissues and blood vessels, can be taken internally and externally (1/2 cups of kefir + 1/2 cups of sour cream + Q10, mix, freeze into cubes and wipe the skin of the body and face) and/or 1 capsule of Q10 in the evening with salad
- you can have 1-2 glasses of dry wine, of course not every day

Stage 1] – preparatory (cleansing) approximately 10-14 days

Drink a glass of water in the morning

During the day 3-4 apples, unlimited vegetables, bran (start with a handful and increase to 100 grams per day)
For the night

Stage 2– until you lose about 70% of extra pounds

Drink a glass of water in the morning
Breakfast: a glass of kefir, a handful of granulated bran or 1 tbsp. spoon of powder, tbsp. spoon of pine nuts or 6 almonds
Snacks before and after lunch approximately every 2-3 hours i.e. avoiding feelings of severe hunger: 3-4 fruits (300-400 g) any except grapes and bananas and 1 apple, 2-3 vegetables
Dinner: vegetable salad with 2 tbsp dressing. lie cottage cheese, 1 tbsp. vegetable oil (preferably rapeseed or flaxseed because they contain omega-3, or any other but not refined), 1 tbsp. soy sauce, 2-3 tbsp. kefir
Vegetable stew with protein (mushrooms, fish, meat) 70-100 gr.
For the night 2 whites (from the 14th day after the start of menstruation, a whole egg every other day)

Stage 3– the remaining 30% of extra pounds
Let's start typing strength exercises(before this there were only cardio exercises: walking, swimming)
- during this period, the menu is the same as at stage 2, except for days with strength loads
- on days of strength training we don’t walk or swim
On strength days:
Drink a glass of water in the morning
Breakfast: porridge (oatmeal, buckwheat, pearl barley)
Before lunch we eat fruit and bran
Dinner: 100 gr. any protein product (fish, chicken, lean meat, cottage cheese) and vegetables
Vegetables after lunch. Last snack in 30 minutes. up to loads
Power loads
20 minutes after: 1 glass of warm milk + 1 teaspoon of cocoa + 1/2 teaspoon of honey
Dinner: vegetable salad with 2 tbsp dressing. lie cottage cheese, 1 tbsp. vegetable oil (preferably rapeseed or flaxseed because they contain omega-3, or any other, but not refined), 1 tbsp. soy sauce, 2-3 tbsp. kefir
For the night 2 whites (from the 14th day after the start of menstruation, a whole egg every other day)

Stage 4– consolidation
Consolidation of the results obtained occurs precisely at this stage. Other products are gradually introduced into the diet, but naturally not harmful in principle, i.e. not fast food
You can eat one serving of baked potatoes and black bread every three days. Sweets allowed dark chocolate, marmalade, marshmallows, marshmallows.
You can use all healthy unrefined foods, but in moderation!!!

The “family size” diet received its name in honor of the program of the same name, in which the author and developer of this technique, Alexey Kovalkov, presented it. It is worth noting that this wonderful person is the owner of a weight correction clinic and a professional nutritionist. This technique simply cannot do without its admirers, so every person who has problems with excess weight should familiarize themselves with its recommendations.

general information

The “Family Size” diet, developed by Dr. Kovalkov, is divided into three stages of adherence. This technique is used not only to get rid of extra pounds of weight, but also to significantly improve the health of the body. The author called the first stage of the diet preparatory, since the task of this stage is to create ideal conditions for further improvement of the body and weight loss. During this period, the diet should not contain those products in the production of which large industrial processing was used. Such products include refined sugar, polished rice, etc. The first two stages of the “family size” diet require a complete abstinence from alcoholic beverages, even if they were used to make sauces.

When following a diet, the diet should primarily consist of lentils, vegetables, grains, beans and fruits. It is very important that the drinking regimen is plentiful and includes at least 10 glasses of clean, still water drunk per day. Alexey Kovalkov says that water can influence the adrenal glands so that they begin to intensively secrete hormones that are responsible for burning fat in the human body. The author of the technique also notes the importance of chewing food thoroughly, as this helps to fully absorb nutrients and saturate the body more quickly.

Stage 1 of the Family Size Diet

The first stage of the “family size” diet will allow you to cleanse the intestines and restore its microflora. At the first stage, it is important to give up carbohydrates, which provoke the release of insulin into the blood. Such products are honey, chocolate, fruit juices, refined sugar, ice cream and carbonated sweet drinks. Foods high in starch, such as corn and potatoes, should not be present in the diet.

Menu for following the first stage of the diet:

The first stage of the diet lasts one week, and if all the established requirements are strictly followed, then the weight loss already at this stage will be 7 kilograms.

Stage two of the family size diet

At the second stage of the diet, the menu expands, as it appears protein products low fat: turkey, seafood, chicken and cottage cheese.

Menu for following the second stage of the diet:

  • Breakfast: a portion of yogurt and low-fat cottage cheese
  • Second breakfast and afternoon snack consist of fruits
  • Lunch: vegetable soup, but without potatoes, boiled chicken and a cup of green tea
  • Dinner: green vegetables, seafood salad and rosehip broth

The second stage continues until you see the desired result. It is worth warning that this stage does not provide as rapid weight loss as the previous one, but losing weight at this stage is more comfortable.

The third stage of the “family size” diet

The “family size” diet devotes the third final stage to consolidating the results. Sweets are also excluded at this stage, and fatty and high-calorie foods still remain undesirable. At this stage, it is allowed to drink high-quality dry wine within reasonable limits.

The “family size” diet has a fairly high effect. The author of this technique notes that with its help you can get rid of not only obesity, but also gout. It is important to take into account that the first stage of the diet introduces serious restrictions into the diet, which means that before following the diet, consulting with a doctor about contraindications will not be superfluous.