IN last years More and more often, anglers can find electronic baits that use sound vibrations. Due to their high efficiency, they are becoming increasingly widespread. This is achieved due to the fact that the fish does not remain indifferent to any of the signals that arise in one way or another in the reservoir.

Most fishermen are aware of the high efficiency of electronic sound baits for fish, which can greatly simplify the fishing process.

Types of baits

Currently, there are many artificial baits on sale, among which the following are the most widespread:

  • sound;
  • electromagnetic;
  • light

Sound electronic lures

Many anglers know that in the first winter months after the formation of a strong ice crust on reservoirs, perch is sensitive to the sound of a drilling ice auger. Therefore, those who fish in freshly drilled holes, as a rule, have a good catch. Special spinning baits also have a sound effect. A striking example are spinners and hollow wobblers, equipped with rattles.

Those who use quok to catch catfish ensure a good catch precisely due to sound vibrations. The fact is that this device produces sounds similar to the croaking of a frog, to which this fish does not remain indifferent.

Electromagnetic electronic lures

Today on the Internet you can find dozens of sites that sell special baits that use electrical and electromagnetic pulses. Although they are offered by different manufacturers, they still work on the same principle. After immersion in water, electrical and sound impulses, as well as mechanical vibrations, begin to emanate from them, thanks to which the fish strives for the source.

There are many video reviews on the Internet that show in detail how to use these devices. But everyone who has used them states that they are not able to provide a stable bite. In terms of its effectiveness they don't live up to expectations owners. Marketers who skillfully present them benefit much more from these baits than fishermen who decide to buy such new items.

Light electronic lures

It is a well-known fact that fish react to light in water or on its surface. Therefore, those who have ever fished at night know that to improve the bite, it is advisable to light a large fire on the shore.

Quite popular among these newfangled tools are spinners and jigs, which have coating based on a light accumulating composition, which increase the efficiency of catching bream, catfish and other fish at night.

Lives in reservoirs a large number of small fish whose scales are reflective. This assumption is easily confirmed on a sunny day: if bleaks or rudd live in the reservoir, they will easily attract the attention of the fisherman with their sparkling “clothes”. It can also attract a predator, for whom such a fish can become easy prey. This feature used in many artificial baits, where this effect is provided by LEDs. Moreover, the use of such devices is quite simple, and the efficiency of use is very high.

Principle of operation

The popularity of electronic baits is associated with their high efficiency, in which they cannot be compared with conventional baits. The reason for this is that they use four types of sounds simultaneously to attract fish. Along with light and acoustic devices, these devices create mechanical and electromagnetic vibrations. During extraction, sound can travel more than one kilometer. Thus, when a given signal reaches a fish, it has a desire to find the source of such signals. And, approaching the place where the fisherman is, very little time passes before she is hooked.

Large fish are interested in any sounds, including those emitted at low frequencies. They come from small crustaceans living in the reservoir. During feeding small fish produce higher frequency vibrations, which attract larger fish representatives. Typically, sounds emitted in a body of water have a range of about 200-13,000 Hz. Moreover, vibrations at their own frequency come from a certain type of fish. And therefore, when they hear “their” frequency, they swim to the source that emits it. For anglers, the frequency of sound can tell a lot: what kind of fish lives here and how many of its representatives there are.


The peculiarity of electronic baits is that they turn on themselves when immersed in water, and turn off when rising from it. Their design includes a jumper, which allows the use of these devices in reservoirs with low electrolytic conductivity. The work of such bait Provides built-in battery with the possibility of recharging. Moreover, it can be used for any models, regardless of whether you made it yourself or bought it in a store. Most often, one charge is enough for this device to work for 200 hours.

Making your own bait

To create the bait you will need the following materials:

  • electronic generator;
  • soap dish;
  • dynamic loudspeaker.

The device used to attract fish is made in the form of a sound electronic generator. As a body you can use a medium sized box, which has a suitable shape. Let's say you can use a soap dish for these purposes. The main elements of the generator, which has a radiated part immersed in water, are two transistors.

As a load Dynamic speaker may be used, which is equipped with a voice coil with a resistance of 75 Ohms. This device is also equipped with a pair of variable resistors, thanks to which you can adjust the frequency of sound vibrations. Therefore, when using electronic bait, you can set the type of sound vibrations that can interest a certain type of fish. Thanks to this feature, these devices are in such high demand among fishermen.


If we consider the circuit of electronic baits, they are based on low-power low-frequency semiconductor transistors MP111 or MP113, as well as any high-frequency KT315. In order for the device to produce sound, a telephone capsule is included in its design.

To protect the membrane, you can use a waterproof film, and if it is not available, apply silicone or epoxy resin. The circuit uses a wire to connect the speaker to the main circuit. suitable length. Then the fisherman will have the opportunity to immerse the device to a depth where the effect of its use will be maximum.

Basically manufacturing of this device does not require high costs both in time and money. For this reason, more and more anglers are trying to do it themselves, which is a reasonable solution, considering how much factory models cost.

According to the diagram, the bait box should have space for a battery and a resistor with a beak. Moreover, for the latter it is useful to apply a mark corresponding to the frequency at which a good bite was observed. In this case, next time the procedure for setting up the device will require less effort and time.

Fish bait on a chip

Figure 1 shows a schematic of the tested electronic decoy.


Large fish swim to low-frequency sounds produced by small crustaceans in the pond. When feeding, a school of small fish makes sounds of a higher frequency, the sound of which also attracts larger fish. The range of pond sounds is from 200 Hz to 13 kHz. Each type of fish makes sounds of its own frequency, and it is also attracted to sounds of its own frequency. Fishermen determine the type of fish and its quantity by the frequency emitted by a school of fish.

The design of the bait consists of a multivibrator on elements DD 1.1, DD 1.2 and short pulse former on elements DD 1.3, DD 1.4. The multivibrator determines the radiation frequency, which can be smoothly changed with a variable resistor R2.

The device is assembled in any plastic box where a type 6 battery is placed F 22 (Crown) and a variable resistor with a “beak”. It is advisable to apply digital marks to the “beak” so that if there is a successful bite one day, the next time you can immediately set the required frequency. The emitter must be well sealed with silicone sealant or epoxy resin. Only the edges of the membrane and wire connections are sealed. The membrane itself must have contact with water, so it is advisable to cover it with a thin layer of waterproof varnish. A wire of the required length is checked for insulation integrity. To do this, immerse it in salted water and measure the resistance between the water and the core of the wire. It should be large (MOhm). Start selecting the frequency from a lower one, i.e. resistor engine R 2 should be in the extreme position (according to the diagram).

The device consumes little current and the battery lasts a long time, but the volume decreases over time. It is better not to install the power switch, and after finishing fishing, disconnect the battery and install it in the case without contact with the connector. This will help preserve the battery if the power switch is accidentally turned on during transport.

Electronic sound fish bait

This device makes a croaking sound that attracts fish, Fig. 2.


Sound parameters are set using two variable resistors. The device is powered by three batteries, which last a long time. An earphone from a telephone set, modified for immersion in water, is used as an emitter; it is recommended to install a second earphone with a resistance of 50 Ohms in series with it and install it in the body of the bait for control. The device is used as follows: an earphone with long wires is lowered into water and the device is turned on for 5-10 seconds with an interval of 15-20 seconds. The device is suitable for both winter and summer fishing.

Electronic fish baits are electronic devices whose main purpose is to attract fish. There are many models, especially since nowadays it is not difficult to make such a bait. The advantages of this type of bait are as follows:

  • Easy to use.
  • Inability to overfeed fish.
  • The bait is used for a short period of time.

The bait is based on some of the sounds that this bait generates. The method of catching catfish is based on this principle. The sounds produced by the bait are reminiscent of the quack of small ducklings. Such baits appeared as a result of studying the behavior of fish. Using fish sounds:

  • Hunts.
  • Communicates.
  • Orientation in the underwater world.

Fish are capable of perceiving a fairly wide range of sounds, from 25 to 12,000 Hertz. Therefore, the bait is able to reproduce this entire range. And now one can only imagine that it is possible to attract exactly the type of fish that interests the fisherman.

The bait attracts fish with:

  • Special electromagnetic radiation.
  • A complex of sound waves.
  • Light indication.
  • Vibrations.

How to use

  1. The bait is equally effective in both summer and winter.
  2. The device is not afraid of water: just wipe it with a rag after removing it from the water.
  3. It is not afraid of salt water, but after using it, it is advisable to rinse the device in running water.
  4. The device must be stored in its packaging.

The best models of electronic baits

It makes sense to familiarize yourself with the 7 most interesting developments.

Electronic fish bait STM Fishmagnit-2 Lux

When going fishing, every angler dreams of catching fish. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to catch even one fish. The thing is that the fish’s bite and its activity are influenced by the mass external factors, such as weather conditions. In order to still catch, at least somehow interest the fish, fishermen use bait in the form of:

  • Of bread.
  • Cereals.
  • Worms.
  • Artificial baits.
  • Bloodworm, etc.

With the advent of electronic baits, this is no longer necessary. STM Fishmagnit-2 Lux will allow you to experience all the beauty of effective fishing.

  1. The device operates over a distance of almost 900 meters. The fish, interested in the signals, will gather in this place and will circle within 3-15 meters from the fishing point.
  2. This is achieved due to the fact that the device emits 3 types of signals, such as:
  • Vibrating.
  • Sound.
  • Light.
  1. Thanks to the presence of 3 jumpers, the intensity of the signals is regulated within specified limits.
  2. This device is suitable for fishing both in current and in still water.
  3. The device can work both in the water column and on the surface.
  4. The device is designed for use at any time of the year.

STM Fishmagnet-2 Lux is an electronic bait that can provide a catch for anyone, even a novice fisherman.


This is an electronic light bait that can attract the attention of fish and crustaceans. It is not a large compact device, known to many fishermen. PREDATOR-AF has recently received appreciation, despite the fact that it has been produced for a relatively long time. When it hits the water, the bait immediately begins to work, radiating in all directions:

  • Vibrations.
  • Sounds.
  • Light pulses.
  • Electric charge.

The device operates within a radius of up to 500 meters, irritating all 4 sensory organs of the fish. As a result, any fish located at such a distance will respond to the signals and swim in the direction of the bait.

The device runs on a battery, which can be charged at home. One charge can provide 100 hours of continuous operation of the bait. With the advent of this device, there was no longer a need to prepare porridge for bait at home. Even without porridge, this device is capable of:

  1. Raise fish from the depths.
  2. Lure him out of the water thickets.
  3. Save the fisherman from searching for promising places.

This device has good characteristics and is suitable for use at any time of the year. The device operates from a special energy source. During operation, the bait should be at a depth of 20-30 centimeters.

Using the device is very simple, just press one button. Using the control knobs you can actually set:

  • Signal frequency.
  • Pulse duration.
  • The originality of sounds.

In other words, the use of the device is inextricably linked with experiments. Since the device does not have a rigid connection to signals, each angler will be able to adjust the bait at his own discretion and enjoy the fishing process.

Electronic bait “Super Nibble”

Such a device can help out the fisherman in conditions when there is no bite at all. This is a real find for most, especially inexperienced fishermen. In order not to stand and prepare various baits to ensure effective fishing, it is enough to use the “Super Bite” electronic bait.

Currently, it is difficult to lure fish to the fishing spot. As for this device, it will be able to cope with this, not at all easy, task. If the bait is lowered into the water, it will immediately begin to act, luring fish from a distance of 900 meters. Responding to her signals, the fish itself will swim to the fishing spot. The device operates:

  • For the eyesight of fish.
  • To her sideline.
  • On her ability to distinguish electromagnetic waves.

The main effect is associated with the emission of low-frequency vibrations that propagate over a long distance. Availability additional functions allows you to act on fish with great efficiency, always guaranteeing a catch. The device begins to operate immediately as soon as it is lowered into the water. If you attach a weight to the body (there is a special fastener), then the bait can be lowered to the bottom.

Depending on what layers of water you plan to fish in:

  • The electronic bait “Super Nibble” has positive buoyancy. Therefore, it can be on the surface of the water.
  • If you select the appropriate weight and attach it to the body, you can actually get a bait that can be placed on any horizon, including the bottom.

This modified device is more reliable and durable because it has two levels of sealing. In addition to the fact that the device itself does not allow water to pass through, it is also sealed in a plastic container.

Electronic bait has a number of advantages that distinguish it from conventional types of bait. This is an absolutely safe device for any reservoir, since it cannot remain at the bottom and rot there for a long time, which is what classic baits consisting of various ingredients of natural origin are capable of.

The device is sealed and can work without interruption for up to 200 hours, which is quite enough for efficient and effective fishing for a long time.

Unlike the first model, this model does not have buttons. The device turns on itself after immersion in water, and turns off on its own as soon as it is removed from the water. With the help of classic baits, the fish can get enough and the bite will immediately stop. This factor is absent in electronic baits, so the fish will always be in the fishing zone.

“Super Klev” is an electronic bait that may be of interest to fishermen of any skill level, and especially to beginners.

Other models

More modern developments, such as FishMagnit-2 Modern, are focused on 4 principles of attracting fish. Signals for fish are effective at a distance of up to 1100 meters. The device can operate for about 120 hours.

"Fishmagnit-2 Standard" is distinguished by the fact that its body is made of environmentally friendly pure materials. The device also operates at a distance of 1100 meters and can work continuously for about 200 hours. The device turns on and off automatically.

The Fishmagnet-2 Supersound model uses 4 methods of luring fish. The model is equipped with a more powerful battery, which allows you to use the device for a longer period of time. In addition, the device has 3 special jumpers.

How much do electronic baits cost?

Depending on what characteristics the device has, how much it costs. For example, the price depends on:

  • From technical data.
  • From the manufacturer.
  • From functionality.
  • From the duration of work.
  • From the range of action.

Approximate prices for individual models:

  1. Fishmagnet-2 Modern – 1810 rubles.
  2. Super bite - 1890 rubles.
  3. Fishmagnet-2 Lux – 1605 rubles.
  4. STM Fishmagnit-2 Lux – 2300 rubles.
  5. Fishmagnet-2 Universal – 1415 rubles.
  6. Fish MAX – 4000 rubles.
  7. Fishmagnet-2 Standard – 1170 rubles.

The advent of electronic baits allows you to take a fresh look at the entire fishing process. Their advantage is that there is no point in wasting time preparing various baits. If you use purchased, expensive mixtures, then it is also expensive, since you won’t get off with just one package.

The presence of electronic bait allows you not to think about any organizational issues related to the search for promising places where fish are concentrated. Electronic bait, from a distance of up to 1 kilometer, will collect all the fish at the desired fishing point. What else do you need for successful fishing? Practically nothing, just provide yourself with the appropriate equipment.

When summer comes, fishing enthusiasts go to places where a huge number of crucian carp live. Not only men, but also children love to catch crucian carp, because they are often sent to their grandmother in the village, where they can run to the river to fish for crucian carp. Their golden scales, which shimmer in the sun, mesmerize fishermen.

When summer comes, fishing enthusiasts go to places where a huge number of crucian carp live

What is the best time to catch crucian carp?

For many people, the love for fishing begins right after catching their first crucian carp in the river. Summer time is considered the most best time for fishing, and crucian carp can be caught in different sizes. It should be noted that in June the bite of crucian carp is not very active, because they are recovering from cold frosts. It is better to start catching crucian carp at the end of June, when it is already a hot day.

Summer is considered the best time for fishing

If a good and warm day is expected, then it is better to go fishing at five o’clock in the morning and spend time on your favorite activity until about ten o’clock in the morning. When it gets hot, the crucian carp hides and reacts little to the bait. The most promising day for catching crucian carp is considered to be cloudy and warm, it may even rain, but it is not terrible for crucian carp.

If a person decides to catch a lot of crucian carp, then it is better to choose a day with a thunderstorm. If it’s a hot day and it rains heavily during it, then you can reserve a place by the river.

If a good and warm day is expected, then it is better to go fishing at five o’clock in the morning and spend time on your favorite activity until about ten o’clock in the morning

During rainfall, crucian carp become very active. But it is better to catch large crucian carp in the evening or early in the morning; in the light of day it hides deep in the waters of the river.

You need to not only know what weather to catch crucian carp in, but also in what place. Crucian carp really loves places that are closer to vegetation and reeds. The fisherman should know that crucian carp tries not to go to cleared places where there are no algae. Crucian carp is considered a slow and timid fish; it very easily becomes a predator's lunch.

How to make crucian bite effective?

There are a few simple rules that must be observed for the bite to be most effective:

  1. If a person is going fishing, then he should not wear perfume, because crucian carp really do not like strong odors. Any perfume will only scare away the crucian carp from all baits.
  2. You need to choose the right place and location. You need to position yourself correctly on the coast so that the sun is behind the person.
  3. When a fisherman prepares his gear, he must make sure that the floats are sensitive; they should be one third above the surface of the water. It is better to choose a small hook.
  4. The rod can be used up to three meters; it must be equipped with a special reel of very strong and thin fishing line.
  5. For bait, it is better to take insects from the same reservoir.
  6. To catch fish, the line must be kept in constant tension, while the fish must be slowly brought to the shore, and then a jump must be used.

If you learn all these rules, then fishing for crucian carp will be a great idea. You can catch crucian carp with the most different sizes, and they will be good.

What is the best way to prepare bait?

It is better to catch crucian carp from the shore, because waves and noise distract the fish, and the bait will not stick well to the hook. For a day of biting, you need to calculate a fishing spot from about two squares from various reeds and thickets. You can bring a rake with you and prepare a place for this; this will help you find bait for fish. Many anglers carry a scythe to cut down excess grass.

If a person decides to catch crucian carp in the summer, then dough or corn is the best choice for bait. At this time, crucian carp prefer food of plant origin.

It is better to catch crucian carp from the shore, because waves and noise distract the fish, and the bait will not stick well to the hook

When the season changes, for example, spring or autumn, the water at this time is not warmed up well enough. Therefore, for bait you need to use food of animal origin, for example, a worm is suitable.

Many fishermen argue whether crucian carp is better for bread or worms. It is best to take both types of bait for effective fishing. The fishing line can be equipped with two hooks. It is better to secure the upper hook three centimeters from the lower hook. For fish, you can attach both products to your choice. Even if a crucian carp chooses one thing, it will definitely choose another. What else you can take note: crucian carp is very good at following the smell that mixes from the worm and bread. He will swim to such bait even from afar, because he has a good sense of smell.

You can’t get too carried away with large amounts of bait. In warm water, the bait will begin to decompose, which will interfere with a good bite and affect other inhabitants of the reservoir.

Electronic lures with sound vibrations are gaining increasing popularity and demand among fishermen.

As a rule, such devices have a high cost, so not all fishermen can afford to buy them, so they make alarms with their own hands, which will be much cheaper and also more reliable.

This article will describe in detail how you can make an electronic bait yourself, what is required for this, what are the advantages of such a device and much more.

Operating principle of electronic bait

Electronic lures modern production are more effective than conventional baits and baits, since they attract fish in water bodies with the following features:

  • sound or noise signals;
  • light flickering;
  • electromagnetic waves;
  • acoustic sounds;
  • mechanical work.

The sound waves produced by the electronic bait underwater travel over a very long distance.

The fish gets hooked because it follows right behind it. sound signal to the central place where the hook is located. Thus, the fish seem to fall under the influence of sound waves and are lured to the required area in the reservoir.

In addition, in the place of fishing under water, you can install special small “crustaceans” with special attractive sounds, which attract not only small fish, but also larger specimens.

As you know, schools of small fish always attract large fish with their vibrations. This effect can also be set in an electronic bait and it will work to the fisherman’s advantage.

The sound range can be set from two hundred Hz to thirteen thousand Hz. Since absolutely all types of fish emit frequency vibrations, in order to determine the frequency at which this or that fish is caught, you need to set the frequency that this same fish emits.

According to the operating scheme, electronic baits can independently begin to emit waves and, accordingly, stop doing so. Also, the set of baits additionally includes a jumper, which is used for use in reservoirs with too low conductivity.

Both purchased and homemade baits are battery powered.

Store-bought or homemade?

Each fisherman must independently determine what kind of bait he wants - purchased or homemade.

The fact is that a purchased bait will have numerous modes and functions, which cannot be said about the device that a fisherman makes, but on the other hand, if he is a good master, then he will be able to produce a system that is no worse.

In addition, a homemade bait will always cost several times less than a purchased one, which will significantly reduce the fisherman’s spending on his hobby.

Advantages of electronic bait

In its application, electronic bait has a number of advantages:

  1. Homemade bait, which is made by fishermen, significantly saves their money.
  2. If a fisherman uses electronic bait, then he simply does not need to cook porridge, prepare makukha or other baits, since the device successfully replaces all of this. In turn, this state of affairs significantly reduces the time spent on collecting and preparing the fisherman for fishing.
  3. The electronic bait, which you made yourself, has a very long distance for impact, which is very practical.
  4. Bait of plant or animal origin can only work and attract fish at a distance of up to six meters.
  5. Electronic bait can attract fish from the other end of the pond, which significantly increases the chances of a good catch.
  6. Baits of plant or animal origin only affect the taste buds of fish.
  7. Electronic baits can influence fish with light effects, sound or mechanical signals, which is much more effective. Electronic bait does not deteriorate as quickly as biological bait.

This device does not require preliminary preparation,

which takes a lot of time.

Two options for sound bait schemes for fish

  1. The first version of the scheme for making bait for fishing is called “croaking bait”. Its working scheme is as follows:
  2. The catch is lured to the right place with the help of special croaking sounds, which the bait makes.
  3. Sound waves are created by two resistors, which replace each other.
  4. This bait is powered by regular batteries, Three of which will be enough for the device to operate for quite a long time.
  5. The sound in the device comes from an earphone taken from a phone or player,
  6. and which must first be prepared for safe lowering into the water.
  7. A second earphone is installed into the main body of the bait device for additional sound control.

The second version of circuits for making an electronic bait is called a “hydrophone”.

The scheme of its work is as follows:

  1. As you know, some sounds can not only scare away fish, but also attract them. One fisherman once noticed that the radio that was playing near him while fishing attracted a lot of perch, and decided to bring this idea to life by making a sound bait.
  2. For such a bait, which is used mainly for catching large fish, you need to record the sounds that this fish makes in the water using a hydroform and a tape recorder with a built-in sound volume amplifier and recording.
  3. Having recorded the necessary sounds, the fisherman must play them for at least half an hour, so that the fish can hear them from afar and swim to the right place. It is important that the fish that is ready to wash does not have any interference, squeaks or other defects, since this can significantly affect the overall success of the fishing process.
  4. In addition, the hydrophone can also be connected to a player or mobile phone or dip it in water. As a rule, the fish swims to a high-quality recording after ten or fifteen minutes.
  5. If there is a magnetic meridian or other interference nearby a body of water, this can significantly spoil the entire effect of the recording, since the fish simply will not “catch” it and will not bite.
  6. Recording high-quality fish sounds is a difficult task that requires practice and Well, that’s why an inexperienced fisherman may not succeed the first time, but don’t stop, and sooner or later everything will work out as it should.

Advice: you don’t need to use the sound constantly at one fishing spot, since the fish will quickly lose all interest in these sounds. Each time you need to try to change the fishing location and the recording will start there.

Making a good recording without interference and with the right signals is the most difficult task in this method. Beginner fishermen may not be able to do this.

The process of assembling an electronic fishing bait

The general process for assembling an electronic decoy is as follows:

  1. The first thing you need to start with is soldering and checking the circuit in action.
  2. Next you need to choose a suitable case. An ordinary plastic container for children's vitamins or other medicines is quite suitable for this. If you don’t have something similar at home, you can use any other similar molds.
  3. After this, you need to take the earphone and pull it through the cap of the container to the board itself, and then solder them together.
  4. Attach a plastic regulator in the form of a rod to the lid of the container, in order to prevent rapid oxidation of the metal and its rusting. It is important to know that in order to save general equilibrium baits should not be connected to the resistor with any unnecessary regulators.
  5. For the board, cut a small circle from foam plastic, which will divide it into two particles, the first of which will be intended for batteries, and the other for recharge.
  6. Using insulating tape, attach the weights to the device so that it doesn't sink.
  7. Attach a hook to the mold. This way it will be much easier to throw the bait into the water by hooking the hook onto the fishing rod.


If you follow all the above recommendations for building an electronic bait for fishing, then you will definitely be able to make an excellent device that will work properly and bring good results.

The main thing is to choose a suitable scheme and be patient, and everything will definitely work out!