Dandelions have a very powerful tap root, reaching a length of 25 cm. And removing it completely is not so easy, since it is fragile and is more likely to break. Subsequently, new weeds will grow from the remaining piece of root. The easiest and safest way, which does not require financial investment from you, is to dig up flowers by the roots. Or cut down the above-ground part of dandelions once a week; after five such treatments, the plants will begin to die. An excellent way to combat annoying ones is regular table salt. Sprinkle it on the central part of the flower, after a while the weed will die, and a brown spot will remain in its place. When sprinkling salt, be extremely careful not to spill it on healthy crops. Otherwise, plants that were close to the weeds will follow them. Purchase a tool from a specialized store whose main purpose is to remove dandelions and other weeds. The tool is a large V-shaped screw made of blades. With this device it will not be difficult to get rid of dandelions on a plot of land. You just need to immerse it in the ground with the weed and press the button, after which the dandelion will be removed from the soil along with the root. If the use of the listed mechanical methods is impractical because the weeds have already grown quite strongly or the area of ​​the land is very large, you can resort to extreme measures - the use of insecticides and chemicals to eliminate dandelions. Before using this or that drug, carefully read the instructions and strictly follow them, follow safety rules: do not inhale the vapors of the chemical mixture, use gloves, if it gets into your eyes, rinse them and seek help from a doctor.

According to some gardeners, bright yellow dandelion flowers look very organic on the surface of a rich green lawn. However, most lawn owners are still of the opinion that the lawn should be evenly and uniformly sown with specially bred grass, and the appearance of weeds, such as dandelions, on it is unacceptable.

The pride of a huge number of gardeners is rightfully their lawn. It is not so easy to maintain it in perfect condition by promptly trimming fast-growing grass, mercilessly destroying weeds and masking the resulting bald spots by sowing lawn grass in the appropriate areas. A plant such as a dandelion can be especially annoying to a lawn owner: if its seeds were brought onto the lawn once, it will not be so easy to get rid of it.

How to deal with dandelions: a mechanical method of getting rid of weeds on the lawn

To a person who has never encountered this scourge, it may seem that no problem exists: it is enough to mow the grass on the lawn in a timely manner, and then the sunny yellow dandelions will not be discordant with the main green background. Unfortunately, this weed grows very quickly, and you can miss the moment when the dandelion flowers turn into fluffy white hemispheres, the seeds from which will be blown throughout your entire area by the first breath of wind.

You can get rid of dandelions on your lawn by destroying each plant mechanically. To do this, it is not enough to simply pull the weed out of the ground: the dandelion has a very long - 20-25 cm - and at the same time fragile root, and if even a small part of it remains in the ground, the dandelion’s amazing ability to regenerate will very soon turn the remnants of the root into a full-fledged adult plant. Thus, each specimen of dandelion on your lawn must first be thoroughly dug up, and only then removed from the ground. The bald spots left in the lawn after this should be sown with the seeds of the lawn grass you usually use.

Getting rid of dandelions on the lawn using chemicals

Many gardeners use the achievements of the modern chemical industry to control weeds in their areas. For dandelions, for example, the preparations Roundup and Lontrel-300 are especially effective, but ordinary vinegar, well evaporated, will also work to increase the concentration of acetic acid, which is poisonous to this weed. The best time to get rid of dandelions from your lawn is in early fall.

Do not mow the lawn for a couple of days before chemical treatment; Do not do this for about a week after you have treated all the weeds. Apply the preparation you have chosen to the dandelions pointwise - it is most convenient to do this with a soft bristle brush. Over the next week after chemical treatment, the substance gradually moves through the plant from its foliage to the root system, which causes its complete death. After removing the wilted weeds from the soil, reseed the resulting “bald spots” in the lawn with grass.

Hello, dear blog readers. Summer is a busy time for summer residents. Watering plants, fertilizing, pest and disease control are required constantly, but these works are not comparable in difficulty and time consumption to removing weeds. Various methods are used to combat them, but the most reliable and long-lasting is mechanical. In order for the work not to be too tiring and to bring results, you need a reliable garden weed removal tool.

There is still a debate about whether it is necessary to weed the beds. Some assure and prove with their experience that the best harvest is obtained in unweeded beds. Others claim that after weeding, you can immediately notice how the vegetables grow. Whose side is the truth on?

Crops and shoots of greens and vegetables will quickly be drowned out by more powerful weeds. Weeding is a labor-intensive process; it is especially difficult to uproot plantain, clover, wheatgrass, and dandelion. The smallest particles of roots left in the ground cause a new plant to reproduce.

Therefore, many gardeners do not weed weeds, tearing them out of the ground by the roots, but simply cut them off. This is done constantly so that the height does not exceed 5 cm and, of course, so that they do not bloom and form seeds.

You can cut weeds above the ground with a scythe or trimmer. Mown weeds grow back quickly, so the operation must be repeated frequently. If you do not remove weeds, but leave them in the rows in the garden bed, the resulting layer of mulch will slow down the growth of weeds.

If the area is heavily overgrown with weeds with strong roots, use the following method. First trim the area with a trimmer, then go through it with a hoe. Finish the area with a flat cutter.

As you can see, it is impossible to definitively answer the question of whether to weed or not to weed. It all depends on the type of weed and their age. Weed removal should be approached individually in each case, choosing the right technology and set of tools.

How to weed correctly

To make weeding easier, follow these proven recommendations:

  1. Don't put off weed control. When they are young and not yet strong, they can be removed without much effort. If you wait until the weeds bloom and produce seeds, you will have more work next year: there will be even more of them.
  2. In heavily overgrown areas, the fight against them should begin in the fall. When digging, use a pitchfork and do not turn over the layers of earth. Winter frosts will destroy the root system of weeds.
  3. Perennial weeds require a special approach. You should not pull them out of the ground by the roots: numerous fragments remain, on which growth points awaken, and the weed becomes denser. It is necessary to cut them below the growing point or mow down the part of the plant above the ground. In this case, the weed will not begin to branch, as is usually the case, but the growth of the cut stem will resume.
  4. Start weeding the area even before the sown useful plants sprout. The problem is not to damage crops that have not yet sprouted. Sow them strictly in rows, mark the crops with pegs. Weeds begin to grow a little faster than cultivated plants. Do not wait for them to appear, but go through the weeding field between the marked rows, destroying the weed sprouts underground.

Weeding tool requirements

The right set of equipment will make the gardener’s work easier. To work in the garden, weeders, various hoes, and flat cutters are used. When choosing a tool, pay attention to the handle; it should be of sufficient length so that the worker does not bend over.

A tool whose handle can be easily grasped by the hand is convenient for use. What matters here is the thickness and the material from which it is made. The handle of the tool should fit comfortably in the person’s hand.

Wooden handles must be well sanded and free from burrs and knots, which will lead to calluses on the hands. The wood for handles is chosen from soft species, it is light in weight. Handles made of oak and beech are strong, but very heavy.

The working surface of the tool should be at an angle that provides the greatest efficiency during operation and requires the least effort. It’s good when the design of a garden tool allows for changing the angle of the working tool. When buying a tool, be sure to hold it in your hands, try on the length of the handle, how comfortable it lies in your hand, check the angle of inclination of the working surface. Choose a tool whose angle of inclination can be changed.

When you make working tools for weeding with your own hands, the required angle of inclination can be set immediately by trying the tool on for yourself. You can make a simple modification that will allow you to adjust your inventory.

Homemade devices

It’s easy to make simple devices from worn-out garden tools and other available materials that will make it easier to control weeds:

  1. Weeder. It is easily made from a board 25-30 cm long and 8 cm wide. Treat the wood with a plane, round the corners lengthwise, and sand. Make sure that the instrument fits comfortably in your hand. In order not to bend over when working, you can rigidly attach a comfortable handle. Hammer some nails into the board. The weeder is useful for removing weeds that have not yet sprouted.
  2. The ripper will be made from an old garden fork. The teeth are cut to 10 cm in length, straightened and sharpened. Insert a long handle so you can work without bending over.
  3. A device for digging up weeds with roots can be made from a spade. The canvas is cut from the top on both sides, tapering downwards. This tool is convenient for cutting the rhizomes of bushes.
  4. A hoe is necessary after each watering and rain to loosen the soil and at the same time cut down weeds. A lightweight hoe is useful for working in wet soil. To do this, a rectangular hole is cut out in the working plane. The earth will not stick, but will pass through it.
  5. The hand cultivator is made of durable sheet metal. Cut out 4 strips 15 cm long, 3 cm wide. They are bent at right angles and welded to the bar. A handle is attached to the reverse side and the working part is sharpened. This lightweight cultivator is used for weeding and loosening the soil, while simultaneously removing weeds.

Purchased tools

A gardener spends a lot of time and effort on removing weeds. It is important to have a set of quality weeding tools. Let's get acquainted with some of the most commonly used industrial devices:

  1. A root remover is used to pull out long taproots, like those of sorrel, dandelion, and plantain. The classic version of the device is a two-pronged fork. She has flat, wide teeth and a gap between them. Another version of the root remover has a V-shaped blade attached to a long handle. The tool will help remove most of the root, but will not pull it out completely.
  2. A garden fork is indispensable for removing weeds that have a developed root system: raspberries, buttercups. A modification with teeth bent at 45° allows you to loosen the soil shallowly and remove weeds that are not firmly seated in the ground.
  3. A hoe is a hybrid of a pick and a shovel. It is convenient to remove weeds, loosen rows, hill up, and work in hard-to-reach places. The working part is made of high-quality metal; the shape can be rectangular, triangular, trapezoidal. Handles are plastic or wooden.
  4. The combined hoe consists of two tools: a glander and a rake. The working part has a steel blade at one end and several teeth at the other. This tool is convenient to work between closely growing plants, while simultaneously removing and collecting weeds.
  5. The Fokina flat cutter is convenient to use for removing weeds, digging 2-3 cm into the ground. They work like a scythe, pulling along the surface underground.

Gardena tools

In 1977, the German-Swedish company Gardena received a patent for the unique Gardena Combisystem technology. Among all the garden tools offered, the system is extremely competitive. The combisystem allows you to use Garden devices with one handle, which is selected taking into account the individual characteristics of the buyer.

As you can see, there are many tools and devices for removing weeds. Not all are presented in the article. Many craftsmen make their own tools; the industry also offers various gardening tools. It's not so much about what set of tools you have, but how competently you use it.

I wish you good luck in the hard work of a gardener. Share the link to the article with your colleagues and friends.

Goodbye, see you again.

“We are fighting dandelions on the lawn”

With the onset of the next season, in the month of May, for many summer residents one of the main problems and urgent work is the fight against dandelions on the lawn. If, when digging a garden, all the weeds are removed immediately, since the soil layer turns over and there are no special problems, then on the lawn, removing weeds, primarily dandelions, requires careful and gentle work so as not to injure the roots of the grass and not create bumps on a flat lawn .

To do this, for more than 25 years we have been using our homemade miracle tool, we call it a bayonet. Its peculiarity is that the working part is made of solid forged from a single piece of high-strength alloy steel. A triangular tip 7 cm long in the form of a small flat spatula the size of a matchbox (photo 1) is flattened during hot forging to a thickness of several millimeters with a thickening towards the shank (photo 2). With further forging, the shank profile is bent to a U-shape.

This profile with two ribs in cross section gives the shank special rigidity, and due to double bending (at the base of the blade and at the handle), it significantly increases the strength of the structure as a whole (photo 3). The pointed part of the shank is fixed in a wooden handle 25 cm long with an additional crimp with a solid steel bandage ring (photo 4), which reliably fixes the bayonet in the handle.

Our lawn in the garden is sown with shade-tolerant grass Shadow (“Shadow”), which grows in the form of thin elastic stems and, with regular mowing, forms a dense vegetation cover in the form of a pile carpet over several years. Therefore, the appearance of any weeds, especially dandelions, on such an ideal carpet creates dissonance in the overall landscape of the garden and makes the lawn unkempt.

Thanks to the ergonomic design of the bayonet, weeds are quickly removed in two movements - a vertical flat puncture to the depth of the bayonet with a distance of 3-5 cm from the dandelion stem, then tilting the handle with light pressure - and the dandelion root in the form of a rat's tail is removed from the ground with minimal effort (photo 5).

Weeding is usually done after rain. In the process of such low-impact weeding, aeration of the grass roots occurs, and the simultaneous application of fertilizers (feeding) improves its subsequent growth. After weeding, the lawn is ready for further mowing with a lawn mower. The mistake of many summer residents, who do not bother regularly removing dandelions and other weeds, but immediately start mowing the lawn, leads to complete overgrowing of the soil with dandelion roots and, as a consequence, to oppression and subsequent degeneration of the grass cover.

Thanks to the especially durable solid-forged design, our bayonet allows you not only to remove the deep roots of dandelions, but also to uproot small shoots of plums and cherries, as well as currant and gooseberry bushes.

All stamped and welded structures of such cultivators-rippers that are commercially available are of little use for weeding and cannot be compared in reliability with the solid forged design, which we have been successfully using for more than 25 years, periodically changing only the wooden handles.

DIY device for “uprooting” dandelions – photo

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There are various. Before you begin work, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with how you can remove unnecessary plants from the garden that spoil the overall appearance.

  • Manual weeding of the garden - any gardener will definitely have hand tools for it in his workshop. This method is quite effective, but also the most labor-intensive, as it takes a lot of time and effort. But the effect of carrying out work manually will be noticeable over a long period.
  • Mechanical work that is also characterized by long-term efficiency. The main goal is to regularly remove the above-ground parts of weeds. Methodically cutting them off will ultimately lead to the death of the plant's root system.
  • The chemical control method involves the use of chemicals. The main advantage is the effectiveness of such a fight. However, there are also disadvantages. The main thing is that the use of such drugs is detrimental to both weeds and other plants and crops in your garden.
  • Mulching is a fairly new method, but still effective. The use of mulch materials (black film, spruce branches, old leaves) will block the access of light to the crops, which will lead to their rapid death. All you have to do is remove the root system.

Manual weeding - purchasing the necessary tools

In order for manual weed removal to be as effective as possible, you need to know what weeding tool you can use. Having figured out for yourself what to weed the grass with, you can begin the important work of cleaning the beds. Suitable tools:

A garden mat is another useful tool for weeding and gardening, as are gloves, which make the work much easier. If you are tired, you can sit on the mat or rest your knees on it. And gloves, preferably made of rubber, will protect your hands from minor cuts when weeding.

Manual weeding is a very labor-intensive process. That's why we've put together some important recommendations from experts that will make your job easier.

By following them while cultivating your garden, you will quickly achieve results.

  1. You should not leave weeding until tomorrow, because young and not yet strong grass is much easier to remove from the garden. Plus, if dandelions or buttercups bloom and go to seed, you'll have to work twice as hard to clear your garden of plants next season.
  2. When working with weeds that have not yet matured, it is better to pull them out by hand without using a tool, which will minimize the risk of damage to useful crops.
  3. It is much easier to get rid of grass after rain when the ground becomes loose.
  4. If some area in the garden is heavily overgrown with weeds, then dig it up in the autumn without turning over the layers of earth, for which it is best to use a pitchfork. In this case, the root system of the grass will simply die in the frost, and with the arrival of spring you can safely remove the weeds.
Dandelion Shovel

Oh, guys, I found a cool device - a shovel for a dandelion! This is not just a shovel, but a wonderful assistant for any summer resident or gardener. I found this idea, but it turned out to be “beyond my ability” to understand and understand its design. Probably the female mentality did not allow me to do this! Why am I presenting the shovel instructions to my readers? Yes, because there are men among my readers! They will definitely understand the author’s entire plan and bring it to life! After all, when you remember weeding weeds, bindweed, chicory, you will shudder!
Dandelion Shovel
Everyone knows the aggressive vitality of dandelions. It is impossible to pull it out by hand - in most cases the root remains. After weeding, its above-ground part is cut off, but the root remains again.
After such an “agrotechnical technique,” ​​the dandelion bushes and grows more than before. Of course, you can dig it out with a shovel. But how to do this on the lawn and what will it look like after that? How to remove a dandelion from under a currant bush, gooseberry bush, etc.?
In addition to dandelion, chicory holds no less firmly in the ground. This tool can be useful when digging carrots, beets, replanting plants, shrubs, and extracting any roots from the soil. You won’t buy it in a store, but given the simplicity of its manufacture, you shouldn’t despair; making this device yourself won’t be too difficult.
To do this you will need (see figure):
1 – wooden holder;
2 – a piece of pipe with a diameter of 1.5 inches (it will be easier to take from a broken shovel);
Z – finger for pressing with the foot (metal round timber with a diameter of 15 mm);
4 - beveled and pointed corner 45x45 mm;
5 – place of welding of angle and pipe. From this list it is clear that you will need a welding machine for a while.
You can easily remove a broken holder of a shovel or hoe by burning it on a gas stove.
In the field, this operation can be performed over a fire.

Dandelion shovel.

Well, those who don’t like such a shovel can get rid of the weed using the usual method. You can find out how to do this below...

Let's get rid of dandelions on the site!

The easiest way to control weeds in a summer cottage is the mechanical method. To simply pluck dandelions, follow these guidelines. You will make your task much easier by pre-watering your lawn, since roots are easier to extract from moist soil. In several places in front of the root, dig up the ground using a knife, screwdriver or other suitable tools (you can find a special tool for digging up dandelions in the store). Use the soil as a support, lift the weed and, clasping its leaves with your hands, gently pull it towards you. If you feel that the root is pliable, you can remove it, but if it does not give in, try loosening the soil again. Weed control in your summer cottage using herbicides If you have another alternative, then it is better not to use herbicides. However, the fight against dandelions often changes the opinion of even the greatest opponents of the use of chemicals. You should not lose sight of the fact that not every herbicide can be classified as a “terrible chemical”; a prime example of this is ordinary vinegar. Its herbicidal properties are due to the acetic acid it contains. Moreover, the greater the concentration of this acid, the better. Since table vinegar contains about 5% acid, evaporation is necessary to increase its concentration.

It is best to treat dandelions with herbicides in early autumn. Dandelion is a herbaceous, broad-leaved perennial plant; therefore, although its leaves die in winter, its life continues to glimmer in the roots.

Dandelions are characterized by increased movement of nutrients from the leaves to the roots. This process begins in early autumn and continues until the onset of the first severe frosts. This makes it possible to strike at the “heart” of this plant, since herbicides that are applied during this period will be absorbed by the leaves and transported along with nutrients to the roots. Before treating your lawn with herbicides, do not mow the lawn for at least 2-3 days, since the effectiveness of the procedure is directly proportional to the total area of ​​dandelion foliage. Since it takes time for herbicides to move into the roots, it is advisable not to mow the lawn for 2-3 days after applying them. Basic methods of prevention The best prevention of dandelions is taking care of the general condition of the lawn. You should not be guided by the rule that problems are solved only as they arise, because with proper lawn care, it will be able to independently resist the appearance of weeds.

To prevent the appearance of dandelions, do not remove cut grass from the lawn as, acting as mulch, it will prevent weeds from germinating. In addition, cut grass has other benefits. The optimal cutting height will be 6-8 cm. In this case, the grass will better protect the soil, dandelion seeds will have less opportunity to take root, and sprouted weed sprouts will not have enough sunlight. Avoid creating bald patches in your lawn, which can provide ideal conditions for dandelion seeds to germinate. When such “bald spots” form in the fall, it is necessary to sow them with grass. Author - Ilya Sedov

Let the dandelion grow in the fields - and not on your plot!
I wish you success!