Runes are not just letters of the alphabet of the ancient Germans, but also magical signs that were carved on stones or tree bark with which people decorated themselves and their homes. Each rune has its own sacred meaning and is associated with a specific deity or natural phenomenon.

The Dagaz rune is one of the most used. It carries an exclusively positive meaning and indicates changes in life.

In ancient times, almost all members of the tribe had the skill of reading runes, but now this needs to be learned. One of the most frequently used is the Dagaz rune. It carries an exclusively positive meaning and indicates changes in life.

The meaning of the Dagaz rune

Dagaz rune, meaning imminent changes in better side.

It can be compared with the arrival of spring in our world or with the dawn. Both of these phenomena mark the beginning of a new stage, a new life. Everything happens gradually, but only leads to a positive result. The Dagaz rune acts as a symbol of complete triumph and pure intentions, without having a negative side.

But this runic symbol also speaks of receiving a well-deserved, long-awaited rest and relaxation, or a calm period in life after a storm of failures and disappointments. The Dagaz rune is a symbol of peace. In fortune telling, this runic symbol says:

  • about the possibility of victory over circumstances and breaking out of the “vicious circle”;
  • about victory over the disease, provided that measures are taken for this;
  • about the importance of taking initiative, because this will be an important step in your career or personal life;
  • about the favor of others;
  • about the right time for self-development.

In the esoteric sense, the interpretation consists of choosing the right or wrong path. The choice depends only on the person himself. Exactly how events develop will show whether the lesson has been completed and whether the karmic debt has been closed.

In a sense, Dagaz shows the path, but does not lead along it. Do not expect any clues from this runic symbol; it only states the fact that the conditions are favorable, but the choice is up to the person.

Dagaz in relationships and love

Runa Dagaz in love and relationships speaks of meeting a person whom you never imagined being next to you. The other half, if not the opposite, then definitely has a completely different worldview and perception of the surrounding reality.

Regardless of differences, such a union gives both much more than all their previous relationships. The main interpretation of the runic symbol is the complete amazement that the partner bestows. Since completely different things can surprise each person, the rune gives a general interpretation.

The attraction of opposites that this rune promises is similar to Yin and Yang. The chosen ones complement each other and build harmonious love relationship. The rune also says that in such relationships the initiative of one of the partners is needed. If both rely on the actions of the other, then such an alliance is doomed to failure.

Rune in a love reading

One very important feature of this runic symbol is that it is not divided into light and dark and does not have a bad or good meaning. This is due to the fact that in any position, upright or inverted, the rune looks exactly the same. The designation of the rune in a reading for love and relationships is positive.

The only negative side is that the rune does not give clues regarding a person’s actions, but only directs him to choose one action or another.

It also speaks of the need to take initiative if the fortuneteller is not inclined to it.

  • In a relationship reading, the Dagaz rune speaks of:
  • breakthrough in the personal sphere;
  • the readiness of the soul for union with a loved one;
  • a turning point in a relationship;

the need to take the first step forward.

  • In tandem with other runes, Dagaz does not lose its positive meaning. It is interpreted next to other runes as follows:
  • c Calving is an opportunity to create a strong family and home.
  • with Fehu - financial, physical and moral satisfaction from the union.
  • with Sol - an ideal relationship in all aspects.
  • with Sovilo and Vunyo - the conception of a new life, the beginning of a new round in relationships.
  • with Mannaz – a pause or rest from a partner.

with Otal – the joint development of souls, enhanced by their contact.

The “Dagaz” rune in tandem with the “Otal” rune speaks of the joint development of souls

Amulet for good luck in love

The amulet is made on the waxing moon, if we are talking about a new relationship, or on the full moon, if you are already in a relationship. To create an amulet, not only the Dagaz rune is used, but also other runes that enhance its meaning. You can use the following combinations for love amulets:

  • Dagaz - Tyr - Gebo - Urguz - attracting a suitable partner.
  • Dagaz – Keno – Laguz – quality improvement sex life paired with.
  • Mennaz - Dagaz - Isa - Gebo - Establishing relationships with your soulmate.
  • Verkana – Inguz – Urguz – Dagaz – assistance in choosing between several partners.

The runic amulet “Verkana – Inguz – Urguz – Dagaz” helps in choosing between several partners

After the rune amulet has worked and the plan has been accomplished, it is necessary to burn it or bury it in a place where it will not be found. Don't forget to thank the Runes for being in your life.

What is Dagaz talking about?

This runic symbol correlates with a sharp step and lightning-fast changes, but they completely depend on the person himself. It is impossible to change your life by sitting quietly in one place. You need to make a decision without thinking twice, because there is absolutely no time to think.

The description of the rune can be compared to teleportation or to the popular term in modern science fiction "null-transportation". A leap in space between the past and a new future depends on just one step, deed or action.

The rune requires a person to be internally prepared, like a compressed spring, ready to straighten and shoot at any moment. As soon as the right moment comes, you need to act without missing a minute.

One of the most symbolic runes in the Elder Futhark is the Dagaz rune, with the meaning - day. As you know, there are only 24 hours in a day, and Dagaz is the 24 rune. It does not have an inverted position, which is why it can be difficult for novice practitioners to interpret its appearance in the layout.

In the article:

General meaning of the Dagaz rune

Elements of the rune Dagaz- Fire and Air, its color is red, the tree is spruce, the stone is azurite, the plant is clary sage. The rune describes endless movement, it emphasizes that the movement should connect two stages. If, moving to the second stage, we cannot evaluate the result of our actions at the previous one, if there is no result, then any movement, any action loses any meaning.

Dagaz symbolizes the result, the end. It is thanks to this that the rune helps to achieve the result necessary for a person, to achieve some important goal.

Dagaz can be regarded as the rune of Day and Light. This suggests that a person now has the opportunity to evaluate all the advantages and disadvantages of the work done, to see everything “in the light.”

The rune prevents a person from completely wasting all his energy while he rejoices at the completion of old affairs, the previous stage. She is gathering the strength that we will need at the new stage. Dagaz can also prophesy reaching new heights.

When to use in magic?

If you want to take advantage of magical properties of this attribute, then it is best to do this if you need to contact some other individual, you should hide something, shelter someone, and improve your health as soon as possible.

What does Dagaz warn about when he appears in the reading? Please note that this rune, just like Gebo, cannot be in an inverted position. Often it is a harbinger of favorable news, important changes, good mood, overcoming a difficult stage, and material well-being. They will tell you which areas of your life will improve. runes located nearby.

In one-rune fortune telling

As you know, one-rune fortune telling is very popular due to its simplicity. In this case, the meaning of the runes will directly depend on which sphere was touched asked question. Almost always the meanings of the runes are similar. In any case, it symbolizes rather rapid changes, possible metamorphoses and transformation.

If you need to know the time when something will happen, then Dagaz indicates an event within a few days. If Dagaz appears in response to a question regarding the characteristics of any process or incident (for example: illness), then this indicates that such a phenomenon will not last long.

Intuition - you are able to easily manipulate other personalities. This quality must be used to achieve your goals. If you do not miss your chance, you will achieve considerable heights in entrepreneurial activity.

Emotions - The individual is a rather emotional person. Therefore, if an alignment is made on relationships, emotional attachment, Dagaz indicates a strong connection between partners. Although, perhaps, fleeting. The individual, in addition to being very emotional, is also extremely ambitious. Often this can work to your advantage, but from time to time it is still worth getting down to earth.

Professional activity - It is best for an individual to realize himself as a scientist, leader, or entrepreneur.

Intelligence - Unfortunately, you often make mountains out of molehills. You are capable of exaggerating the significance of any incidents, so you spend too much time studying unnecessary material. Try to pay attention to more important and serious topics.

Runa Dagaz will warn you about changes in life, help you contact the right person, strengthen your immune system and realize the transience of life. Remember, life never stands still, never stop acting and take only those actions that will provide visible results.

In contact with

IN Ancient Rus' They treated runes with trepidation and even called the Volga River Runa, believing that it originates in heaven.

What awaits you in the near future:

Find out what awaits you in the near future with the help of runes.


Translation- day. Stone- azurite.

Basic properties

This rune is light. It is filled with solar energy, as well as the energy of Jupiter. Its color is gold and its meaning is associated with transformation and breakthrough. Dagaz also suggests prosperity and abundance.

The end of the period of darkness is approaching, after which the dawn will surely begin. The rune is necessary to treat diseases and solve long-standing problems. Thanks to her, good luck will come. We recommend that you act, believing in victory, no matter what the circumstances are.

Meaning in upright and inverted position

Dagaz is associated with breakthrough and transformation. If it appears in fortune telling, you should expect a real breakthrough in business, self-change, transformation. The state must be completely transformed. It is enough just to catch a vital moment to change the course of fate. But you need to believe in what you are doing - even if you have to jump into the void.

Dagaz can also mean emotional death and the end of a journey. In other cases, the rune signifies achievement, and the darkness and powerlessness of the past will be left behind.

This symbol also implies growth, a rather important period of development and improvement. If it falls among the negative runes, it will indicate your self-control, and your inner strength will contribute to changing the current situation. Therefore, negative symbols can be mitigated when this sign appears. Development turns out to be slow, but steady, that is, one should not expect instant and sudden success. Sometimes the changes that occur are invisible, but one day you wake up and see that the world has become brighter.

Dagaz directly relates to the nature of the situation in which you find yourself. Its placement with Vunyo or Hagalaz, if these signs turn out to be inverted, indicates that you will attract problems to yourself if you focus your attention too much on them.

This sign may be associated with life changes that can be so drastic that past life will have to forget. If you are not in control of the situation, the best thing to do is to accept it and wait until it improves on its own. External influences beyond your control can improve it over time.

It may also be an indication of the ongoing impact of the world around you on your way of thinking.

Interpretation in a business scenario

The appearance of the Dagaz rune is a reason to rejoice, since it indicates that all the work you have done to organize and establish your project has reached its final stage and now you can safely reap the benefits.

Your business turned out to be successful and in the near future will be the reason for only good mood. And even if this moment you don’t see any special results, believe me, they won’t take long to arrive. Customers and investors will literally line up to see you. Thanks to stable profits, you will be able to increase your production capacity.

The rune also promises good luck for newly emerging projects. Dagaz in the layout indicates that your ideas have the right to be implemented and will bring you profit in the future.

Interpretation in a health scenario

The body successfully copes with the disease, and the injury will soon heal. Don't worry about an occasional cold or temporary illness. Soon everything will get better and you will be able to return to active image life.

To speed up recovery, you can supplement treatment with drugs that improve immunity. Don't forget about taking vitamins: consult your doctor to choose a specific drug, or buy a multivitamin complex. Pay attention to your daily routine, walk more in the fresh air. Another effective remedy to fight the disease - proper diet. Avoid spicy and fried foods, eat lean meat, vegetables and fruits.

Personal and relationships with loved ones and loved ones

Reports long-term and promising relationships. An ordinary meeting can turn into a serious, exciting romance. The layout for a certain person says: this is a promising person, you will receive bonuses from being associated with him. The surrounding runes will provide detailed information about the prospects. The presence of Otal in the layout reports the creation of a family in the future and a happy personal life, Feu gives hope for financial well-being and moral satisfaction from the relationship. Your happiness and serene future will be complemented by good luck in your personal life. The presence of Soulu in the layout confirms this statement.

Protective properties

A symbol of the transformation of old into new, it is a sign of new beginnings. It also symbolizes well-being and good luck, mainly in the financial sphere. Helps a person see life in all its fullness and promotes awakening from “drowsy ignorance.” Should be used in cases where a person needs to change someone's life position or change someone's point of view in your favor.

Rune can help you

  • Understand the true value of life, realize the present situation of surrounding things and events;
  • Find harmony with your inner “I”, enter into dialogue with your spiritual beginning;
  • Realize the true value of all things and people and events around us;
  • Gain correct and fuller awareness outside world, realize it and accept it for who it really is.

Corresponding stone and its properties


This stone should be worn by those who strive for self-improvement. As a talisman, it promotes the development of intuition and magical abilities, helps in meditation, expands consciousness, brings subconscious thoughts into consciousness, helping a person to better understand himself. With prolonged use, azurite makes the owner self-sufficient, but one must be careful not to be left alone.

Now the stars advise you to use one of the layouts suggested below. Don't miss your chance to find out the truth.

The meaning of the Dagaz rune traditionally comes down to the image of the day, the bright (positive) time of day. This is a sunrise and awakening, but not always the beginning of something, rather a blossoming, and sometimes completion. However, the Dagaz rune can mean new beginnings, a creative impulse, and spiritual insight.

  • Rune semantics: sunrise, day, light, success
  • Rune transliteration: D (D)
  • Old Norse name (corresponds to Norwegian): Dagr
  • Icelandic rune name: Dagur
  • Anglo-Saxon name: Daeg
  • Celtic rune name: Dusgadh
  • Germanic name of the rune: Dagaz or Daaz
  • Gothic title: Dags

The meaning of the Dagaz rune is almost always positive, even if the symbol takes an inverted position. This is the rune of transformation and prosperity, the banner of gradual changes for the better, opportunity and its implementation in the most advantageous option. Rune Dagaz is success, self-realization, fulfillment of what you want. It is often the rune of balance, equilibrium, clear vision and understanding. One of key features The Dagaz rune is that it is able to neutralize the negative potential of other runes.

The meaning of the Dagaz rune in the upright position

Dagaz in upright position points to positive development situation, this is a breakthrough, a transition to a new stage, an opportunity that was not missed. The meaning of the Dagaz rune can indicate spiritual transformation, physical achievement, emotional positivity, or financial gain.

straight and inverted position

The Dagaz rune in a relationship can indicate a new round of these same relationships, a particularly important, literally fateful event. In general, the rune indicates a period of triumph of justice; it is a reward for work, the volume of which is always proportional to the efforts expended. Dagaz indicates an event that continues in time, that is, something positive and significant will last long enough, or will remain in your life forever (like awareness of the truth or a fateful acquaintance).

There is no place for fears and doubts, you are on the right path, victory awaits you. Changes are favorable, act with confidence, do not let external factors(for example - someone's opinions) influence you. If you think that you have serious problems, or the obstacles facing you are insurmountable, then the Dagaz rune clearly indicates that you are mistaken, exaggerating the real state of affairs.

For creative people (or in an esoteric context), the meaning of the Dagaz rune can be reduced to the beginning important period self-improvement. This could be the long-awaited overcoming of some barrier or the natural comprehension of another truth.

The meaning of the Dagaz rune in an inverted position

Inverted Dagaz indicates the “night side”, it is darkness, sunset, but not at all completion, finale or disappointment. Perhaps the rune speaks of your uncertainty or inability to make an important decision. Don't worry, there's no point in wandering around in the dark, especially if you understand that this is temporary (and it is). Stop, take a breath, gather your strength. The inverted rune Dagaz says that now you will not receive any answers, fate is silent. Either because she has nothing to say, or because the time has not come.

The morning is wiser than the evening. The gray-haired saying most accurately describes the situation with the inverted Dagaz rune. In a relationship, this may be a period of “grinding in”, unsteady and uncertain, but necessary. In any case, on at this stage you do not have the opportunity to take active (in the context - correct) actions. But this is not required. Not now.

The use of the Dagaz rune in rituals

Outside of a fortune-telling context (for example, it could be various meditative practices or the creation of amulets), the Dagaz rune can be used to change current attitudes. New thoughts, new goals, new tasks and even new dreams. Dagaz helps to overcome any negative - a protracted illness, a period of financial failure, an inability to understand or realize something. The Dagaz rune helps move the situation forward, sets the energy impulse and direction to achieve a “breakthrough.”

The use of the Dagaz rune in runescripts

In runescripts, Dagah can be used for almost any purpose; it is a universal segment that enhances the positive potential of any rune record, or determines the focus. Most often, Dagaz is used to achieve financial success; it is also acceptable to use this rune to stimulate the development of relationships. Dagaz helps change your thinking and attitude towards something (and not just yours). Here are some examples of the use of the Dagaz rune in runescripts:

Please note that the Dagaz rune is a mirror rune, that is, its upright and inverted positions are identical. In order to distinguish the position of a rune in fortune-telling practice, its original position (the one in which the rune was drawn) is fixed with an additional symbol (for example, a dot in the lower right corner).

The philosophy of the Dagaz rune - the genesis of the image and its interpretation

The Norwegian word “Dagr” means “day”, but, according to K. Medouoz, we're talking about not just about the time of day. This is a new beginning, based on past accomplishments (including mistakes). This is the energy of dawn, which does not come out of nowhere; it is preceded by a long “night” period, during which potential accumulates.

The meaning of Dagaz is often reduced to balance and equilibrium, based on its statutory outline - two equal triangles (conditional “night” and “day”) that touch at one point. The point determines the equality of the figures. Therefore, the shamans of the north called Dagaz the rune of transition (“the rune of the bridge”).

On the other hand, Dagaz resembles a figure eight lying on its side, a symbol of infinity. And this is also true, because a new day is an endless potential, energy that can be directed to solving any problem. In a certain sense, Dagaz is close in meaning to the Yera rune and the eastern concept of Yin-Yang, in which the feminine and masculine, light and dark, descending and ascending do not oppose, but complement each other.

However, it is generally accepted that the statutory outline of the Dagaz rune is a conventional image of a butterfly. A beautiful creature whose birth (“day”) is preceded by a period of stay in a cocoon (“night”). But the cocoon is not the initial stage; it is preceded by a fairly long period of existence in the form of a caterpillar, literally blind, driven by instinct. So the Dagaz rune, which is usually classified as the third atta, embodies all three attas - instincts (Freya's att), action and manifestation (Heimdal's att) and, finally, awareness and development (Tyr's att).

  • Potential of the Dagaz rune: reward for work, transition, balance (justice)
  • Basic esoteric qualities: transformation, completion/new beginning
  • Practical aspect in esotericism: helps in new beginnings, neutralizes negative circumstances, promotes spiritual development
  • Calling runes: “shed light” on the situation

Dagaz is a rune of self-transformation, which contains the potential of the entire runic series of the pan-Germanic Futhark. That is why, according to K. Meadows, the division into attas is very arbitrary, and the real recording of runes is not three runs of eight symbols, but a circle, a closed structure without beginning and end. And in this structure, Dagaz may well precede Fehu and other runes, embodying all stages of existence. Existence that begins with awakening...

Which is under the power of the element of Air. Let's talk about the meaning of this rune when used in fortune telling, and also consider combinations with the Dagaz rune, which are used in a variety of magical rituals.

It is symmetrical, the image looks the same both upright and inverted, so the rune has only favorable meanings.

For example:

  • Receiving good news that will bring a lot of positive emotions to the fortuneteller. Good news that can change your life for the better
  • Dramatic changes that change your life for the better. Transition to a new, better standard of living, increasing social status
  • The material result that you will receive as a result of completing any business is profit expressed in money. It may be possible to achieve sustainable financial situation, achieve a promotion wages, conclude a profitable deal with business partners
  • Successful problem solving, overcoming difficulties. Difficulties that strengthen you and which you managed to cope with
  • Favorable emotional state, feelings of joy and fun, euphoria, great mood

The Dagaz rune is also used in magical rituals.

Magical use of runes

In occultism and esotericism, the Dagaz rune is used for the following purposes:

  • To achieve recovery of a seriously ill person, improve health
  • To hide something very important from ill-wishers, enemies or rivals
  • Ensure a strong connection between two people, even if they are at a great distance from each other

In order to obtain the desired result, apply runic formulas. For example:

  1. Using a combination of runes - - Otala - Dagaz helps to quickly get money or a source for quick earnings
  2. Dagaz - - - Otala is used for the successful completion of the current life stage and a smooth transition to the next. Used if a person is targeting career, self-development, building strong family relationships
  3. Dagaz - - Ingvaz - Otala is used to make talismans that help a person quickly realize goals and get the result he needs. This combination attracts everything you need at a given time to solve problems or implement plans. The combination also gives financial abundance to the family, helps to get pregnant, and then carry and give birth to a healthy child.
  4. Tivaz - - - Dagaz operates in two directions. Affects relationships with a partner, helping to make love strong, relationships harmonious and healthy. It also increases the chances of becoming successful in business - acquiring profitable clients, establishing connections in the business world
  5. - Dagaz - . A very powerful combination that works with the human subconscious. Helps achieve enlightenment, learn to control unconscious behavior, become more conscious
  6. The combination Dagaz - - - Otala is used to create amulets worn by pregnant women, as well as those who are just planning to have a child. Improves the reproductive functions of the body, helps to quickly conceive, and then successfully carry and give birth to a healthy baby without any problems
  7. The formula - Dagaz - is used when a person finds himself in a problematic situation. Runes help you understand in which direction you need to act in order to solve the problem quickly and profitably
  8. Combination
  9. You are extremely emotional, which can interfere with your life. Try to sometimes “turn on” your mind and act based only on logic
  10. You are a born leader, politician, and organizer. The profession of a businessman suits you perfectly - working “for yourself” will bring a lot of pleasure
  11. You tend to exaggerate the significance of some situations in life, because of this you spend a lot of time analyzing completely useless things
  12. Runa Dagaz is an excellent assistant if you want to achieve harmony in all areas of life, learn to understand yourself and others, and achieve everything you want.
  13. Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

    For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

    When you are ready, draw a card: