A woman born in the year of the Snake under the zodiac sign Cancer has insightful abilities. She knows how to listen to others and focus on the emotional state of people. But the lady herself is not distinguished by openness and in her inner world admits a very limited circle of friends.

Characteristics according to the horoscope

The Cancer-Snake woman has a great life force and foresight. She values ​​personal space and does not tolerate outside interference in her private life. The characteristic of the girl allows her to be a great friend who will remain close even in difficult moments.

This person is creative. Thanks to her intuitive instinct and determination, such a lady always achieves great success.

She knows how to read other people's feelings and is able to be a good actress when it can bring benefits.

The Cancer-Snake girl is quite sociable, and therefore always has a wide circle of friends and acquaintances. She is very responsible and active, but her closed nature sometimes prevents her, as a person, from revealing herself to the fullest.

Such women are incomprehensible to others, as they constantly hover in the clouds. As a result, women are surrounded by people who are similar in character and vision of the world. They can realize themselves in creativity, expressing their thoughts and emotions in art. Huge potential allows Cancer-Snake to capture good moments, which ultimately allows the individual to succeed.

hallmark the nature of such a woman is the ability to remain cool in all situations. She does not panic and does not expose her own feelings to the public. Such people do not know how to work in a team and can only trust themselves.

Outwardly, the lady radiates charm and confidence, but inside she remains a vulnerable and sensitive person. She loves to learn new things, and therefore devotes a lot of time to self-education.

attitude towards friendship

The Cancer-Snake woman is always surrounded by people, as she has the ability to feel someone else's mood. But she makes high demands on her friends. The lady completely controls the lives of friends and wants to participate in everything that concerns them. Such a person loves to give advice, which, in most cases, no one needs.

The representative of these signs is strongly attached to people, which inevitably leads to disappointment.

Her excessive assertiveness scares others, and, over time, they can move away from an overly intrusive friend.

Despite the desire to control the lives of friends, the Cancer-Snake girl is a reliable and loyal person. She is not capable of meanness and will never say nasty things behind her back. If a lady is not satisfied with something, then she will always express her point of view.

Family and marriage

In family relationships, the Cancer-Snake woman tries to take a leading position in order to be able to control all the processes that take place within the family. If there is a person with a stronger character at home, then she can easily give way to supremacy. For such people, the main thing is that peace and order reign in the family.

The Snake-Cancer girl is almost always in her own world and may not respond to external processes. But if one of the family members needs help or support, she will make every effort to normalize the situation.

To build a family, such a person chooses a reliable and calm companion. If necessary, the lady can pretend to be weak and soft, so that the chosen one feels like the head of the family.

A woman spares no time and effort for her children. It is important for her to financially provide for the family so that none of the household members needs anything. Such a person is completely devoted to caring for the family nest and always independently makes important decisions.

Compatibility in love

The Snake-Cancer girl does not know all the romantic subtleties and does not know how to properly build love relationships. Unsuccessful attempts to please the opposite sex inevitably lead to disappointment. Therefore, serious relationships in such women develop at a more mature age.

For relationships, such girls are looking for calm, serious, ambitious and financially secure men who know what they want from life.

It is important for them that the chosen one appreciates family ties and loves children. A man who fully meets these strict requirements is suitable for the place of her future spouse.

The Snake-Cancer woman always remains faithful to her chosen one. She can become an ideal wife and girlfriend if the partner comes to terms with the difficult nature of the lady. Such women cheat only when they stop feeling the love of their spouse. Therefore, a man should always take care of the second half.

The representative of this horoscope needs a man born in the year of the Dragon or Rooster. As for the zodiac sign, it has the greatest compatibility with Taurus, Scorpio and Pisces.

She can also coexist harmoniously with such signs as the Ox-Taurus, Tiger-Pisces, Cat-Scorpio and Dog-Pisces. With other men, compatibility is not so good, as it requires both partners to solve many interpersonal problems.

Attitude to work

The Cancer-Snake woman has assertiveness and determination, which helps her to achieve career heights. Such a lady knows how to properly organize her abilities in order to gradually achieve the desired goal.

She is always lucky to achieve financial well-being. And although money plays a secondary role for such people, there are always opportunities around them that allow you to get a good financial reward.

You can learn more about this person in this video.

Cancer-Snake women and men are characterized as cunning, resourceful, erudite and sociable personalities. However, their active life position, the need for fresh emotions and love for experiments creates certain difficulties in finding a soul mate.

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Characteristics of Cancer (year of the Snake)

According to the eastern horoscope, Snakes are born in such years:

  • 1929;
  • 1941;
  • 1953;
  • 1965;
  • 1977;
  • 1989;
  • 2001;
  • 2013.

Main character traits:

  1. By temperament, Cancer-Snakes remain introverts who love loneliness and are in their thoughts for a long time. They perfectly understand people, feel their mood and desires, unlike other water signs.
  2. Both zodiac animals are cold-blooded: people born in the year of the Snake under the sign of Cancer are able to adapt to any life changes.
  3. They are not inclined to panic and succumb to unnecessary emotions. Such people do not trust anyone and rely only on themselves.
  4. The snake gives Cancer resourcefulness and dexterity: such people easily solve difficult life problems. Also, a person born under these signs looks charming and self-confident, but inside remains vulnerable and sensitive.

Positive character traits:

  • love to learn new things;
  • cheerful, sociable;
  • make informed and thoughtful decisions;
  • have sex appeal.

Negative character traits:

  • frivolous;
  • vulnerable;
  • closed;
  • vindictive;
  • jealous.

Features of the relationship of the sign with friends:

  • appreciates his comrades;
  • always ready to help;
  • meets with them on schedule, not too often.

Description of professional qualities at work:

  • careerist;
  • makes a lot of effort to do his job well;
  • loves exact sciences;
  • versed in technology;
  • punctual, fulfills duties on time;
  • builds friendships with colleagues.

Reviews of any work of Cancer-Snake will always be positive, since such a person meticulously thinks through everything to the smallest detail.

In the Cancer-Snake relationship:

  • loving and understanding partner;
  • makes many claims to his chosen one;
  • strive to create a strong family;
  • loves solitary dates;
  • looking for a couple who can support him at any moment.

The characteristic of the sign of the Snake is presented on the channel of Roza Ivanova.

Air Sign Compatibility

The elements of water and air are attracted to each other, but a full-fledged relationship does not come out of this. Representatives of the air element strive for freedom and independence, and the water sign will suffer from feelings of jealousy and self-pity. Partners will no longer understand each other, which will lead to condemnation and quarrels.

Who is a Cancer man compatible with?

Compatibility of a man with girls of the air element:

  1. In alliance with Aquarius, Cancer will feel superfluous. Representatives of the air like to talk and joke with their partners, they can inadvertently offend him. In love, misunderstandings and quarrels await them.
  2. Gemini will not create a stable couple with a representative. It is important for them to feel their independence, and not spend most of the time with a partner.
  3. The Libra girl can put too much pressure on her boyfriend, causing irritation in him. In their union, quarrels often arise on the basis of finances. The representative of the air element spends a lot of money to create a beautiful lifestyle. The only area where disputes will not arise is intimate.

Who suits a Cancer woman

Representatives of the air in a relationship with a girl:

  1. The Gemini man is a conqueror by nature, it will be important for him to achieve the location of the girl. And if Cancer-Snake still reciprocates the guy, they will have a comfortable relationship for both.
  2. With an Aquarius guy, a watermark girl has different values ​​​​and ideas about life. The representative of the air element is able to succeed at work and financially provide for the family. Cancer will not be jealous of his partner, but will dutifully keep the house clean and tidy.
  3. You should not try to build a relationship with a Libra man: the signs do not have the same inner world. AND free time they prefer to spend differently. Most often, the couple breaks up by mutual agreement.

Fire Release

Fire and Water are two opposing elements. Representatives of the fire sign are quick-tempered and tend to inflame passions, and people of the water element need support and comfort for their feelings.


The following compatibility awaits Cancers with representatives of fire:

  1. Aries tend to find adventure and adventure, it is important for them that their partner is at the same time with them. Cancers do not like extreme hobbies and crowded places. For lack of common interests, their paths will diverge.
  2. The relaxed Sagittarius woman categorically does not suit the incredulous Cancer. She will strive to spend a lot of time in the company of friends and new acquaintances, and her man will suffer at home from jealousy and impotence. Even friendship among these signs is rare. It is based rather on a common cause, after which colleagues disperse and no longer communicate.
  3. A relaxed Leo woman can attract Cancer-Snake with her sexuality. They are waiting for the passionate beginning of the relationship and violent scandals later. A marriage will be stable if a man comes to terms with the fact that his lady of the heart needs to often communicate with friends and be in the spotlight. The Lioness herself will settle down more likely only after the birth of children.


Representatives of the elements of fire in compatibility with women of the sign Cancer-Snake:

  1. The Cancer woman will be fascinated by the strength and character of the fire sign. Her complaisance and humility will please Aries. Both zodiac signs strive to build strong relationships. This will work out if Cancer-Snake manages to cope with his jealousy.
  2. In a pair, a Sagittarius man can be a caring and loving partner, but friends will always come first for him. The union will become strong if both representatives of the elements are in adulthood and are ready to adapt to the needs of the partner.
  3. The Leo man will be able to win the location of the girl: he is used to seeking attention and knows how to do it. She will kindle his interest with her coldness to his heroic deeds and charisma. Only one thing is important to her: that Leo sincerely loves her. The Cancer Girl will become a reliable rear: she will keep the hearth and create the comfort necessary for a man.

With water signs

Cancers are extremely distrustful people; it is easiest for them to build relationships with representatives of their element. They are similar in character and temperament. Basically, these couples make the strongest families.

In the union of two Cancers, only the first months of the relationship are ideal. Then quarrels begin to occur due to excessive jealousy and distrust of each other.


Water Sign Compatibility:

  1. According to astrologers, the Pisces girl will not be able to become a worthy partner for the Cancer-Snake man. With her, he will show his negative qualities, trying to achieve leadership in a relationship. The girl may consider that she is not respected and the union will break up.
  2. With Scorpio, Cancer born in the year of the Snake will be able to find the present family happiness. IN domestic issues they never quarrel, it is easy for them to find a compromise. An enterprising Scorpio girl will be able to motivate her partner and instill self-confidence in him.


Relationships with watermarks are built on the following principles:

  1. Scorpio man and Cancer woman is a union that almost never breaks up. The perfect combination of constancy in relationships and love of home gatherings strengthens this couple. In marriage, they will set an example of an ideal family for their children and will take care of them with full dedication of themselves.
  2. Better than other signs, Pisces is suitable for the Cancer-Snake girl. They perfectly understand each other, they can guess the mood and desires of their partner. In close relationships, they are one of the most sensitive couples.

Zodiac signs of the elements Earth

Earth signs show a minimum of emotions, they are restrained and strive for stability. In alliance with the sign of water, they get a couple that complements each other.


Cancer-Snake man will build relationships with representatives of the earth element in this way:

  1. Cancer and Taurus can become partners for each other and create a strong family. First they need to go through contradictions and problems. The girl will move towards constancy and strict adherence to her plan. The Cancer guy is able to disrupt the Taurus schedule if he feels overwhelmed and alone. The couple can live happy life, provided that at the first stages it will establish domestic issues.
  2. In alliance with Virgo, Cancer-Snake will find an excellent partner for exploring its inner experiences. The sign of the earth knows how to look into the soul and find hidden problems. She is able to help solve any psychological issues. In this pair there will be no omissions and jealousy, the relationship will proceed stably: without passion and quarrels.
  3. Capricorn and Cancer are a union of passion. Over time, it will be difficult for such a couple to get along with each other. The girl will require serious decisions and stability from her partner, and Cancer-Snake will not be able to provide her with this. Signs can be perfectly combined in friendship.


Representatives of the Earth and their compatibility with the Cancer woman:

  1. The Taurus guy will not pursue the Cancer girl, but if the couple gets together, then from the outside it will look like friendship. They are able to live together all their lives, even without marriage. These signs of the zodiac perfectly understand each other both in everyday matters and in the sexual area.
  2. The Cancer-Snake girl is looking for a permanent relationship with a reliable person, which may be a Virgo man. This is a faithful partner who will support a sensitive representative of the water element. Cancer, in turn, will liberate the modest Virgo.
  3. Union with Capricorn will be good only at the household level. In a love relationship, they have no chance of success. The Cancer-Snake woman will express feelings and discontent, and the representative of the earth will not listen and will continue to bend her line.


Horoscope of the zodiac sign Cancer by years on the channel Dmitriy Shimko.

According to the eastern horoscope, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001 and 2013 are considered the years of the Snake. The fair sex, born between June 22 and July 21, belong to the zodiac constellation Cancer. The Snake-Cancer girl is unusually beautiful, mysterious and smart. This is a very complex nature, gifted with inner wisdom and a talent for seduction. The spiritual world of a woman is closed to random people, therefore it opens only to a narrow circle of like-minded people.

general characteristics

From childhood, the girl feels the emotional atmosphere in the house. This factor is fundamental in shaping her later adult life. If a child feels love and care, he will become a sociable, self-confident and pragmatic person. If attention is not enough, the characteristic of the Snake-Cancer woman will be distinguished by isolation, distrust and detachment from the outside world.

The fair sex of this combination has excellent intuition and special care. She does not tolerate difficulties, is afraid of defeat and tries to foresee everything. possible options events. Sometimes a girl allows herself to be straightforward and quick-tempered, but at this moment incredible self-control comes to her aid. The Snake-Cancer woman is able to cope with her emotions, assess the situation and calmly wait for a favorable outcome for herself.

The girl is distinguished by sociability and sociability, has excellent taste, natural grace, and a great sense of humor. This is a wonderful actress who knows how to demonstrate equanimity in any situation. At the same time, her soul is very sensitive and vulnerable. Remarks and insults from others cause her not only moral, but also physical injuries that can provoke illnesses. That is why the offender of the Cancer woman, born in the year of the Snake Chinese horoscope will never go unpunished. The girl will find an opportunity to take revenge and do it as exquisitely as possible.

Positive traits

The Cancer-Snake woman has a lot of wonderful character traits. These include:

  • wisdom;
  • high intelligence;
  • sociability;
  • great sense of humor;
  • restraint;
  • pragmatism;
  • purposefulness;
  • striving for spiritual growth;
  • self-discipline;
  • sex appeal.

Negative qualities

In the character of the fair sex of this combination, there are also negative character traits that should be paid attention to. This:

  • isolation;
  • incredulity;
  • alarmism;
  • touchiness;
  • rancor;
  • revenge;
  • excessive jealousy;
  • suspicion;
  • hypocrisy;
  • suspiciousness.

A distinctive feature of the Cancer woman, born in the year of the Snake, is the determination and perseverance in achieving the goal. These qualities will help her achieve success in all areas of production. Creative professions (actress, journalist, dancer, writer) are suitable for girls of this connection. Discipline and reasonable pragmatism will allow you to master the crafts associated with accurate information (bank worker, lawyer, consultant, scientist).

For beautiful ladies, the financial component of life is secondary. But the higher powers are favorable to the representatives of this constellation, so the girls will always be well off financially. They should only be wary of dubious transactions when running their own business and carefully check all related documents.


The Cancer-Snake woman is distinguished by loyalty and devotion to her friends. She can be trusted with any secrets, seek help, count on sympathy. She will never deceive or betray, she will never slander and slander. The girl will prefer to express her opinion in the face and resolve all issues directly with her friend, and not with strangers. She is completely devoted to friendship and requires a response from her partner. The Cancer Snake is actively involved in the life of a loved one and becomes too intrusive. She controls every step, regulates personal time and is jealous of everyone around her. Girls of this combination are advised to respect their own space of friends and appear in their lives only when they invite her.


The horoscope of the Snake-Cancer woman suggests the presence of deep sensuality and dedication in matters of love. The girl is looking for a man who could help her realize her dreams of a happy and prosperous life. When a desired object appears on the horizon, she does everything possible and impossible to conquer it. Sometimes it looks too intrusive, as a woman tries to control every step of her potential chosen one. The guy does not withstand such pressure and tries in every possible way to free himself from unnecessary shackles.

This behavior is especially characteristic of young inexperienced girls born under the conjunction of these constellations. That is why harmonious relationships develop in adulthood, when a woman gains experience in communicating with the opposite sex. She gives herself completely to love and requires similar behavior from a man. If a lady feels that she has fallen out of love, she will break off relations without regret or begin to change.


Family and marriage for the Snake-Cancer woman is of great importance. She tries to keep everything under control important processes that guarantee happiness to all households. This includes the emotional atmosphere of the family and its material well-being. If the husband insists on his supremacy, the representative of the constellation will never interfere with him and will leave all the reins of government in his hands. Outwardly, she may seem helpless and weak, so that her husband feels like a real man. In fact, nothing will get out of her control, since the woman is impressed by the role of the “gray eminence”.

The husband will not be able to deceive her or hide the betrayal: the spouse will definitely find out everything and take revenge. She never forgives insults, especially to people dear to her. Revenge will be sophisticated and even cruel. The Cancer Snake loves her children very much and does everything so that they do not need anything. She will try to provide them financially, surround them with her attention and teach them all the necessary wisdom of life.

Elemental Influence

The influence of the elements under which she was born has a huge influence on the character of the Snake-Cancer woman. In the ancient Eastern tradition, there are five main elements:

  • Fire. The years of the Fire Snake are 1857, 1917 and 1977. During this period, bright, energetic and active women were born. The main features of their character are honesty, fearlessness and the desire for leadership. Cancer Woman is distinguished by sociability, eloquence, friendliness and straightforwardness. She always expresses her opinion without fear of a response from her opponents. The girl is given without a trace only to those whom she loves and is very strict with enemies. She is able to achieve excellent career prospects, as she is assertive in achieving her goals.
  • Water. The Water Snake patronizes 1893, 1953 and 2013. Girls born during this period are distinguished by intelligence, generosity and some naivety. They strive to know the truth of being, they are fond of all kinds of teachings and practices with pleasure. The Cancer women of the year Snakes of the water element are ready to devote their whole lives to these hobbies, which gives them the opportunity to achieve significant success in all scientific fields of activity. Representatives of the connection are sweet and attentive in communication, ready to do many good deeds in relation to their loved ones. But do not relax and forget about the insidiousness of the Snake. She will be able to severely punish all offenders and ill-wishers at the most inopportune moment for them.
  • Earth. The years of the Earth Snake are 1869, 1929 and 1989. Representatives of this conjunction are the most calm, balanced and friendly among all other elements. Women are great at managing the household, managing finances, and building strong relationships. They are somewhat unhurried and too judicious. But it is these qualities of character that give them the opportunity to achieve high performance in their careers and find personal happiness, avoiding mistakes. Fortune is always favorable to Cancer women born in the year of the Earth Snake, as they are optimistic and always see the best in people and events.
  • Wood. 1905, 1965 and 2025 are Wood Snake years. Cancer women born during this period are open, straightforward and friendly personalities. They always carefully plan their lives, set their own rules and have an original look at many things. Representatives of the connection do not tolerate interference in their personal space and are skeptical about comments addressed to them. At the same time, they are happy to share useful tips with others and participate in the lives of others. Cancer women become excellent leaders and administrators, their friendship and location is highly valued by others.
  • Metal. The years of the Metal Snake are 1881, 1941 and 2001. Cancer women who were born during this period are ambitious, purposeful and self-sufficient. They try to lead a secluded life, they never fully open their soul even to the closest people. They are used to acting alone, because they are afraid of betrayal by others. Representatives of the connection are very afraid of making a mistake, so they carefully plan their lives in advance. They achieve great success in their professional activities and always achieve financial well-being. Girls are not afraid of obstacles and failures, they have enough endurance and patience to achieve what they want from life.

Compatibility with other signs

The most favorable compatibility of the Cancer-Snake woman will be with the stronger sex, who were born in the year of the Dragon, Rooster and Ox. Relationships with Pisces, Scorpions and Taurus according to the western horoscope will be harmonious.

You are constant, do not like to change your lifestyle and habits. You often become attached to people, pets and even things and really appreciate family relationships. Your mood is changeable - today you can be full of plans and ideas, and tomorrow you can be sad and show despondency.

Your character can hardly be called predictable - it has a lot of contradictions. You can value friendship, but because of a trifle, break off relations with a person you are interested in, dream of great love and find fault with trifles. You do not like to command and you can hesitate for a long time before deciding on a bold act.

Cancer Snake Woman in Love

In love, they are capricious and contradictory - it all depends on your mood. Strive for great love, pure and harmonious relations but it's hard to please you. You can quickly lose interest in a partner, and then remember him fondly. Sometimes you don’t even know what you want, obeying the moment. You avoid responsibility and often hide behind a strong male shoulder.

Married Cancer Snake Woman

You are very sensitive, vulnerable and at the same time masterfully manage others, achieving what you this moment necessary. You long for the perfect relationship in marriage, you can choose a partner for a long time and very carefully, but you will appreciate him if he meets your expectations and keeps his distance. They are prone to impulsive acts, betrayals, do not tolerate pressure and constantly change their decisions and plans.

Cancer-Snake woman in bed

Intimacy is of great importance - you want to get everything at once. Rough, passionate relationships are unlikely to attract, sincere disposition, love and tenderness are important to you, so you can only open up to your partner over time. You decide on a frivolous relationship only out of great love or for reasons of profit. True love or marriage attracts you much more.

Cancer-Snake woman in a career

You make a career through cunning, skillful diplomacy and the ability to wait. You can give the impression of an indecisive and unambitious person, waiting for the moment to come forward. Achieve success through influential acquaintances and communication with more strong people. You yourself rarely show fighting qualities and determination.

Cancer Woman in the Year of the Wooden Snake (1905, 1965, 2025)

Your strongest trait is patience and determination. You always know what you want and are not afraid to set goals for yourself that require a gradual career take-off. You can work in the same place for years, but eventually make a sharp move and achieve your goal. For you, a career is more important than a family, although you value family relationships and sincere love.

Cancer Woman in the year of the fiery snake (1917, 1977, 2037)

You strive for a bright, prosperous life, so you methodically overcome all obstacles on the way to it. You rarely show a temper, you try to achieve everything peacefully, but in some cases you also show fighting qualities, scandals and defend your place in the sun. Love doesn't matter much, and neither does family.

Cancer Woman in the year of the earth snake (1929, 1989, 2049)

What matters to you is stability and constancy in everything you do and what happens in life. Appreciate a calm environment, rarely show leadership qualities and character, but in family life too categorical, which is fraught with conflicts with others. Learn to forgive shortcomings and not demand too much from loved ones.

Cancer Woman in the year of the metal snake (1941, 2001, 2061)

The strongest trait of your character is firmness and enviable perseverance. You find a way out of any situation. You rarely conflict and behave sharply towards others, you move towards the goal gradually, but inexorably. You try to do any business carefully and very carefully, bring it to perfection, but in family life, those around you are often unhappy.

Compatibility horoscope: year of the snake zodiac sign cancer man - most Full description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Cancers are prone to depression, but the Snake softens this trait. Cancer-Snakes recognize their weaknesses and do not indulge them. Temperamental and well-intentioned. In combination Cancer-Snake from the modest and timid personality of Cancer, charming people are obtained who have their own original style and self-confidence. These people are emotionally attractive.

Any familiar people of this combination will soon be mesmerized by their charm and cheerful disposition. It seems that they can easily take responsibility already with early age, and usually start a family long before their friends do. They love attention and affection at every opportunity. Their gift for communication is perfect for getting and keeping attention. These people may be manipulative, but their intentions are not bad. Personal relationships with such people will be very fun, but keep in mind that they love to flirt, as a rule, this happens when they feel insecure.

These people are experts in conveying thoughts and feelings. Sometimes they need time to be alone and relax. These people are not very energetic and excited, but sometimes feel like taking time out to think. If you disturb their peace, you will get what you deserve. These rare outbursts will happen every time they want to be alone or someone tries to trick them. There is a slight weakness in the personality of these people, they cannot stand advice from other people. Although they understand that people do it with a pure heart wanting to help, they themselves know what they want. They stubbornly ignore all advice.

A snake born under the zodiac sign Cancer gives the impression of a loner. She prefers solitude, her own house and business. You don't often see her take the initiative. Her position is retreat and, as it were, expectation. Most often it is - in combination with cancer, the snake thinks more about stability and security than about a risky and adventurous life. A serious fellow traveler is what the snake crab needs most of all. When he appears, she is ready for a lot, including activity and even courage.

The cancer snake, regardless of whether it is a man or a woman, takes failure hard and therefore is afraid of them. She prefers slow growth and gradual development of business to fast jumps. The fear of taking risks, however, does not lead to self-doubt and complexes. Cancer snake is not inclined to dream and prefers to be sure of at least some, but the result.

The cancer snake chooses an appropriate environment for itself - from serious and solid people, captivating them, if necessary, with what the snake nature gives it. Having become close to someone, he writes this person into his property and does not let go of himself. At the same time, what the person himself thinks about this does not matter. However, few try to think. And to suppress these thoughts, the cancer of the snake has an almost hypnotic gift and the highest sexuality.

Snake Combination

Cancer - Snake: Characteristic

The Cancer Snake is a very cunning person and is able to control other people using levers of emotional pressure, such as passion, attractiveness and seductiveness. At the same time, it cannot be said that people born with such a combination of signs are vicious through and through.

They are non-conflict and even shy (often Snakes-Cancers suffer from a large number various phobias). But no one canceled the Snake rancor: you should not cross their path - they will remember and sting in response, the code is least expected of them.

Cancer Snake Man

Cancer Snake men have a sharp mind and the ability to please people. They can drink a lot, and not always in an honest way. In family life, it is impossible to rely on a Cancer-Snake man - they are constantly in search of new impressions and sensations, and family life and the solution of some routine tasks do not attract them in any way.

Such men, as a rule, tend to have a woman, or even several on the side, in order to provide themselves with a constant influx of new and fresh sensations.

Cancer Snake Woman

Cancer-Snake women are well versed in people and can at a glance determine the price of an interlocutor along with his true motivation. Such women do not like male tyrants and male revelers. Wise woman Snake - Cancer prefers to see next to him a caring and attentive partner who respects her and is not going to drive her ideas of an ideal companion into a Procrustean bed.

Crayfish-Snake people are ambiguous personalities. On the one hand, they are cunning manipulators. On the other hand, smart interlocutors and very vulnerable people.

Cancer Man - Snake

Characteristics and compatibility of the man Cancer - the Snake is of interest to everyone who was born under the control of these signs. Cancer man is very prone to depression, but the sign of the Snake softens this trait. He is able to admit his weaknesses and does not go along with them. The combination Cancer-Snake makes the timid and modest personality of Cancer charming people who develop their own style and self-confidence. It becomes emotionally attractive.

Many will like this person with his charm and cheerful disposition. It seems that he easily takes responsibility and is ready to build a serious relationship even before all his friends are ripe for this. The Cancer-Snake man loves to be given attention and treated with care and tenderness. Nature has endowed him with an excellent communication skill to attract and hold the attention of other people.

A personal relationship with this guy can be full of joy and fun, but you need to keep in mind that he likes easy flirting. By the way, he also often uses his skill as a defense. In addition, a man born under the sign of Cancer in the year of the Snake is excellent at conveying thoughts and feelings, which also helps him well in life.

This guy is not too energetic and excited, but often he has a desire to take time to think things over carefully. At such moments, it is better not to disturb his peace, because he will not be able to answer you anything good. Outbursts of aggression occur in him when they try to pull him out of a state of concentration on business or when they try to deceive him.

The Cancer-Snake man hates third-party advice, even though he understands that other people sincerely want to help him. Therefore, do not be surprised if he stubbornly ignores all your advice. From the outside, it may seem that this man is a loner. He often prefers the privacy and warmth of his own home to noisy companies. Rarely does he take the initiative. His main position is withdrawal and waiting.

Both Cancer and Snake give this guy a desire for stability and security, so a risky and adventurous life is not for him. In his business partners and close friends, he appreciates such a quality as the seriousness of intentions. With such people, he is ready for a lot, including the manifestation of courage and activity. It is difficult for him to endure failures and therefore he initially tries to prevent them.

He prefers slow growth and step by step learning. He does not like to take risks, but he does not understand that this leads to internal complexes and self-doubt. Cancer-Snake is not used to dreaming, he wants to be sure of getting at least some result. Therefore, he chooses the appropriate environment - solid and serious people, including his ability to charm.

This guy is trying to win the heart of his chosen one, so she will not be able to get away. He binds her to himself, because he knows how to accurately evaluate a woman. The Cancer-Snake man is experienced, wise, quickly attached to an object and wants to be taken care of. Thus, a charm is created around his person and this attracts women. He is somewhat despotic in love and often seeks to subdue his chosen one. As a result, after a while, the girl realizes that she is completely dependent on him, but you need to understand that he is just as dependent on her. Therefore, if you want to marry this person, you need to understand that he will not allow you to evade and will want to unite with you into a single whole.

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Cancer Snake Man

Men are more difficult to build love relationship. Not everyone succeeds on their own, without the help of astrologers, to find their soul mate. Characterization and compatibility in love in such a situation are very important elements in building a strong and happy family.

Characteristics of the male Cancer-Snake

The Cancer-Snake man differs from other representatives of the strong half of humanity in such character traits as ingenuity, sociability and intelligence. For these qualities they are respected and loved in society. People are always drawn to them. They want to get to know him and be friends with him, because. as a friend, such a man is very interesting and pleasant.

At first glance, the Cancer-Snake man is an unflappable person. However, he is hurt at heart. Representatives of this sign take everything that happens too close to their hearts.

The analytical mindset of the Cancer-Snake man allows him to take a leadership position. They have developed business acumen and entrepreneurial spirit. Very often these men reach high positions in the field of diplomacy and politics.

The Cancer-Snake man is an observant person. He knows the intricacies of human psychology. Thanks to this knowledge, he can find contact with absolutely anyone. Such a boss skillfully organizes the work of his subordinates, and a businessman signs a lucrative contract.

Snake-Cancer men are a vulnerable and touchy person. However, despite all this, he is very reserved. A representative of this sign will never show his resentment in public.

As psychologists by nature, men born under the sign of Cancer in the year of the Snake pay great attention to trifles. Because of them, they can take offense at a person.

Strictly, these men are also suitable for self-esteem. They are very demanding in everything. Therefore, they often doubt whether they will be able to cope with the task. They need the support of close and dear people who will prove that they are the best candidate for solving the problem that has arisen.

If there is no adviser nearby, and the problem has not yet been resolved, then the Cancer-Snake man will analyze the current situation several times, compare various ways her decisions. Only then will he make a decision. For the most part, it will be very successful.

If a Cancer-Snake man falls into a depressive state, then only friends and relatives can get him out of it. He does not know how to cope with longing and disappointment.

Compatibility in love men Cancer-Snake

The Cancer-Snake man loves to command. He wants to be dominant in family relationships. He needs only a faithful, obedient and loving woman. She must share his correctness, views and fully support the decisions that he makes.

A wise and kind wife who can bring her husband out of depression, help him accept the right decision. With such a representative of the beautiful half of humanity, the Cancer-Snake man will have a strong and long union.

According to the signs of the zodiac, girls who were born in the year of the Ox, Rooster, Snake and Dog are suitable for these guys. But the woman who was born in the year of the Dog, Goat and Rabbit is not at all suitable for such guys. They just can't play a subordinate. Such ladies themselves prefer to manage their family . Marriage with other signs of the zodiac is possible even successful. However, the girl must submit to her beloved, and he must accept her feminine dignity.

To successfully marry, you need to remember that the family is not a team of workers or a group of friends. A wife needs to be loved and revered, first of all, as a woman. If every day such a man gives small gifts to his beloved woman, then she will feel her importance in his life and will respond to him with humility, loyalty, care and love.

A horoscope of the Astrological sign is Cancer, born in the year of Snake

Both the sign of the Zodiac and the eastern sign of the year of birth of a person have individual properties, qualities and conditions that are mainly manifested in the character of a person and his relations in society.

It is important to pay attention to the fact that the Zodiac and the Eastern years are formed from twelve parallel vertical levels, on the basis of which people show certain methods of behavior and react to individual conditions in circumstances in the form of the attitude of interacting people towards them.

The sign of the Zodiac forms tactical abilities in a person's character and represents one of the twelve levels of behavioral methodology.

The eastern sign of the year of birth forms for a person the conditions and laws of the external environment, his relations with the people around him, in which he uses his method of behavior assigned by the sign of the Zodiac. The year of birth assigns a person one of the twelve levels for self-realization. The Eastern sign is called a strategy, since it forms a field of activity for a person, and in this field the Eastern sign manifests the laws and principles of the attitude of surrounding people towards a person.

Cancer is the fourth sign of the Zodiac in the natural hierarchy of society. People of this zodiac sign, by the nature of their birth, are consistent and scrupulously attentive to some slowness.

The specialty of the zodiac sign Cancer is accountant". A person of this zodiac sign is able to effectively calculate financial flows, expenses and incomes, and is able to practically implement the tasks set. Cancer lives by the principle: You are everything". He has the highest opinion of himself and is infinitely proud to the point of hidden malice. Cancer indirectly affects people in relationships and in work, competing with starvation. Cancer tends to deceive people and easily, if necessary and possible, resorts to violence. At the same time, it reveals an image of an honest and trustworthy person.

Eastern sign year of the Snake – 1905, 1917, 1929, 1941,1953,1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025, 2037, 2049, 2061.

The Year of the Snake forms a natural strategy, a field for relationships at the sixth level of circumstances. People born in the year of the Snake are surrounded by relationships with people who absorb a lot of attention on the history of past events. Regardless of the sign of the Zodiac, a person born in the year of the Snake has to participate in work processes in which interacting people take the positions of specialists: “ artists, teachers and media". Interacting people show interest in a person born in the year of the Snake, in order to extract something interesting or ripe, useful to them. Surrounding people, regardless of their zodiac signs and Eastern years in relations with a person born in the year of the Snake, in his presence they show increased intuition in the direction of past events, being overly carried away by the emotional mood to an aggressive state. Interacting people in a relationship with a person born in the year of the Snake conduct relationships according to the principle of the Zodiac sign Scorpio: “ Relax, take it, but in moderation ».

Cancer horoscope, born in the year snakes.

This combination of signs is manifested by inquisitive behavior in a person who develops relationships with people of acting and teaching abilities. This person is emotional due to weak inner self-control. Cancer is precise in the words and goals of his plans, he tries to influence the mood of the people around him. Zodiac sign Cancer is prone to secretive leadership in all respects, regardless of the nature of their activities. The Year of the Snake forms the conditions for scripts and acting, manifested in the behavior of the people around. Zodiac sign Cancer, born in the year of the Snake, is in circumstances conducive to interacting with people who tend to play the roles of various images that Cancer may need. By such actions, interacting people mislead a person born under the sign of the Zodiac Cancer in the year of the Snake. This person involves the people around him in solving his own and common problems. Cancer tries to be the leader, and interacting people can play the role of subordinates to the leader for their own benefit.

You can get much more detailed characteristics by the signs of the Zodiac and the year of birth in the programs " Individual Scanner" And " crown of education". In these programs, the terminology of horoscopes, the Zodiac or the Eastern years is excluded. The programs use the terminology of psychology, theology and physics. This combination forms a new scientific approach to the information structure of a person, which is called " psychonomy ».

year of the snake zodiac sign cancer male

A man according to the horoscope of the Snake, and according to the sign of the zodiac Cancer, so who is he really? What from him

can you expect and is it worth connecting your life with such a partner? All these questions can be easily answered by an astrologer. The totality of these astrological indicators gives rise to an interesting character. Him good compatibility with other characters Eastern horoscope like any snake. From cancer, he took a little stubbornness and a bright mind. Any woman stares at him, but not always willing to approach. How to be with him? This is an attractive, courageous image that will always be in the spotlight. Find an approach to your Raku-Snake it's not that hard if you use the hint from the Stars. The Cancer-Snake man reveals his cards to those ladies who find the way to his heart.

When different signs meet

What can be said about this interesting man? He attracts attention, because he is naturally endowed with an attractive appearance and a good sense of humor. cancer man prone to depressive behavior, because he is often dissatisfied with what is happening around him. The snake can soften the corners of his depression, turning it into creative sadness.

With such a partner it is already much easier, because he will only ask you for an hour or two to be sad. The rest of the time he is friendly, gives great jokes and tells interesting stories. Influence of the Serpent in the character of a man is invaluable. This is a very wise sign that will always resist feelings, even if the person is angry. It gets easier with him.

Do not anger the Cancer Snake in vain. He may not say this to your face, but your insults or outright hysterical behavior will soon will drop you in his eyes. Simply, he cannot stand rudeness, rudeness, he will not tolerate this from his beloved woman either. Especially from her. Forgive for the first, second, maybe third time, and then - just say "enough." And he will leave you.

It's sad to say goodbye to something good amazing person so be tactful. A woman means a lot to him, you have every chance to charm the Snake-Cancer with your softness. But, better to talk more about what he likes, does not like, appreciate. So it will become clearer what kind of person is in front of you, this man Cancer, and even the Snake.

Since childhood, he has been distinguished by his own opinion. When other children blindly believe the teacher and parents, the Snake-Cancer man begins to doubt and check everything. It is important for him to get to the bottom of the essence himself, and then with a solemn air to explain everything

surrounding. He does not love fame so much, but he will certainly maintain his authority. He likes to be asked for advice. He gives them with lazy casualness, but always to the point..

Loves books. Snake Man - old school man. Give him beautiful novels, detective stories, science fiction. He appreciates the old times, the writers of the 17th century, the music of the 40s more. All this makes him the image is a bit old fashioned, but from this only more exotic. He treats the modern one with a chill.

The Cancer Snake man loves technology. She attracts attention. especially. if it's broken. Then he will do his best to fix it. With his abilities. technique is easy. loves long conversations about everything in the world. If you want to charm him, then get into the wild conversation. Let him express his opinion, criticize, quote - he will like it very much. and look at you with special interest. In general, let this man speak for himself.

A beloved woman may not particularly worry about friends. The Cancer Snake man appreciates his comrades, but tries to dose communication with them. A man is unlikely to throw a sudden party, will invite 20 people home, and then drive off with them to the country. Probably, he, and you, the beloved woman of the Snake, will prepare for the party in advance. He will make a list of dishes, look at the recipes, the drinks. Buy everything you need. 3-4 people will come to you for a holiday.

They respect him, love him, appreciate him. The Snake man is not so impulsive, but a true friend. He comes to the rescue first call, always ready to help friends out of trouble. But he doses their society. After talking for 3-4 hours today, in the next 2-3 weeks from friends and comrades, he will prefer to take a break.

Here lucky those women who themselves are not very sociable. By the standards of the Snake, a woman should be like him, then everything will work out. With her, too, builds not just love, but also friendships.

At work, he is a professional, a careerist. I want to prove to everyone how good he is in his chosen profession. Very often, the Cancer Snake man succeeds, because he makes great efforts to do this.

Especially good where exact sciences are needed, although he is unlikely to make a career as a scientist. The zodiac element Cancer makes this impossible. He wants fast results. There is even a positive Snake influence cannot resist this desire.

Works well where there are numbers. He knows how to predict events, because he has calculated everything for a long time. rarely makes mistakes, but always regrets the mistake. Easy to work with because the snake is just performs all duties ok, on time. Usually the employer is pleased with him, encourages.

If a Cancer Snake man opens his own business, then he needs to be extremely careful. The Cancer component, again, is in a hurry too much. Give him today profit, advertising, results. If you start from scratch, you will have to wait. The snake understands but Cancer - can not reconcile in any way.

Builds warm relationships only with those colleagues. that meet his own quality standards at work.

Cancer-Snake in a relationship

Soft, loving and understanding. Many people dream of such a man. The Snake and Cancer man believes that compatibility with a partner can be complete, because he gives so much of himself to this couple. A woman here must understand what is partner is chosen consciously. It may not support all modern entertainment. Won't go to clubs especially after 27-30 years. There's nothing left to do. Do not call him to a place where there are a lot of people, loud music, vanity. He will be disappointed in your taste.

According to the horoscope, the Snake has good compatibility with most signs of the horoscope, but Cancer spoils the situation a little. Cancer is grumpy, has the ability to make claims. All this together ✉ Feedback