Volunteering as a type of activity has been known since ancient times. It is not aimed at obtaining material benefits and focuses on providing assistance to those who need it. Law Russian Federation defines volunteers as individuals who carry out charitable activities free of charge. Volunteering is developed throughout the world; there are many programs that cover a wide range of tasks. Russians and residents of the CIS countries often participate in volunteer programs not only to provide voluntary assistance to those who need it, but also with the goal of going abroad, traveling and seeing the world.

Volunteering: benefits not only for people, but also for yourself

If we do not take into account the moral factor (voluntary help has always indicated a person with best side), then participation in a volunteer program is a very successful and cheap way to travel abroad. This is also an opportunity to make new friends, deepen your knowledge of a foreign language and express yourself in a socially important cause.

The first step is to visit the volunteer center. In it you need to leave an application for participation in a specific project. Together with her, you need to fill out a form in which you indicate all your personal data. You also need to undergo a short interview with the center’s staff, during which they will try to find out the purpose of the person’s participation in the volunteer program. A big plus for the candidate will be friendliness, a selfless attitude to responsibilities, communication skills and a desire to work.

The fact is that in many volunteer programs the number of vacancies is small, and the number of candidates is simply off the charts. Knowledge of one of the common foreign languages ​​(English, Spanish, German or French) will be a big plus.

Is it possible to emigrate through volunteering?

As a way to move to another country, participation in a volunteer program is ideal for young people who have not yet accumulated sufficient quantity funds and professional experience for emigration in another way. This point also includes the fact that some countries are extremely closed to foreigners. And it is much easier for a volunteer to get there if he is part of a volunteer organization accredited in these states.

Paid and free volunteer programs abroad

Programs can be paid or free. Paid ones require the volunteer to purchase tickets and pay for certain administrative services when preparing documents, while only food and accommodation are free. The second type of volunteer programs assumes that all expenses are borne entirely by the organizer, and the volunteer travels abroad absolutely free of charge.

The most popular volunteer programs abroad in 2019

"Turtle Teams" is a volunteer program whose main task is to save sea turtles and other endangered inhabitants of the deep sea. Participation in the program (Turtle Teams - its English name) assumes that the volunteer must be familiar with diving and have certain diving skills and experience. Small groups of volunteers of this program are scattered across many countries of the world that are washed by seas and oceans.

Conservation Volunteers - conservation program environment. It operates in Australia. The scope of activity of voluntary conservationists is the Australian coast, national parks of the Green Continent, as well as support for ecotourism. A British version of this volunteer program has recently been created.

"Volunteer Helpers" is a program for volunteers who help people around the world with household, in the hotel business, in the construction of social premises. The main supplier of orders in this case is the international Help Exchange. A special feature of this program is the need to enter into preliminary agreements with hosts around the world so that they can prepare to receive volunteers.

“Volunteers in Sudan” is the name most often given to the well-known international program Sudan Volunteer Programme. If the applicant is fluent in English, then the road to Sudan is open to him, where volunteers work who teach English to children and students of this exotic African country, and also strive to establish positive interethnic and cultural communication between the residents of Sudan, where the issue of national hatred has been acute for many years in a row .

The accommodation conditions, of course, are not the most favorable, but you won’t have to walk far after work: you can sleep peacefully at school or university. Project participants only pay for the air ticket; other costs are covered. Newly appointed teachers receive a small monthly stipend.

Marina Eroshkinahttp://hochutur.ru/book/export/html/84

Volunteer programs 2019 in Russia

In Russia, the volunteer movement is only at the stage of active development, therefore there are not many programs for participation. If in countries Western Europe and the United States, the most popular projects are related to charity, rescuing rare animals and helping the disadvantaged; for Russians, programs related to numerous domestic reserves are of greatest interest.

In 2019, anyone can take part in the following volunteer projects:

  1. Nature Park "Volcanoes of Kamchatka" The program for volunteers lasts from June to October 2019. The responsibilities of program participants will include developing tourist trails and routes, conducting educational activities and working with visitors. The project organizers will be especially happy to have volunteers who can take photos and videos at a professional level.

    To participate in this program, you must undergo training on safety precautions and rules of behavior in the protected area. In addition, the volunteer must be an adult and have health insurance.

  2. “Baikal Project” This volunteer program is organized in the format of a reality show from July to September 2019. Participants will recreate the Great Tea Route project on Lake Baikal and clear garbage from tourist sites. All actions of volunteers will be recorded on camera, and at the end of the shift, each volunteer will receive a memorable film about their participation in the project.

    Preference will be given to applicants with good physical characteristics (the program includes a lot of tracking) and experience in landscape design or those who want to learn something new.

  3. National Park "Yugyd-Va" One of the largest natural reserves in the world, the "Yugyd Va" park, located in Komi, organizes a special program for volunteers from all over the world from July to September. The responsibilities of project participants will include cleaning tourist sites, collecting and separating garbage, building gazebos, installing information stands, and conducting excursion tours.

    When accepting an application, preference is given to organized groups (minimum 2 volunteers), persons who know how to use gardening tools with construction skills. Possession of terrain navigation skills will be an advantage.

    For volunteers who have professional photography and video shooting skills, a special tour of the reserve will be organized, related to the creation of educational materials and information resources.

  4. Muravyovsky Park Muravyovsky Park attracts volunteers from all over the world throughout the year. The park requires the help of volunteers in cleaning and clearing the park area of ​​debris and pollution, caring for rare animals and birds, and clearing firebreaks of leaves and dead wood. In addition, the park needs volunteers who are fluent in English and French. Their task will be to translate the park's advertising materials into foreign languages in order to attract tourists from all over the world.

    The park administration offers about a dozen different programs. When studying them, you need to pay attention to the requirements for candidates. Some will require a good knowledge of the biology and physiology of animals and birds.

Video: how to become a participant in a volunteer program abroad and go as a volunteer

“Appalachian Helpers” is a volunteer activity in the area of ​​the mountains of the same name in America, where a large area from Georgia to Maine requires special care. Volunteers’ responsibilities include working as rangers, environmental assistance, building the necessary supporting infrastructure, and planting trees.

UN Volunteers provides assistance in emergency situations in countries that have experienced a natural or environmental disaster.

Willingness to work in remote and not the most comfortable places at the UN is always welcome. As it turns out, there are not so few exotic lovers and altruists who want to help starving children in Africa. But not everyone clearly understands the reality Everyday life and work in, say, the Central African Republic, South Sudan or other hot spots.

Nastya Krasilnikovahttp://www.the-village.ru/village/people/howtobe/142605-sotrudnik-oon

“Universal Volunteer” (Peace Corps) is a program somewhat similar to work in Soviet student construction brigades. Its participants can work in any country in the world in the field of social construction, environmental protection, and provide assistance to healthcare employees of a certain state. It’s not for nothing that the volunteers of this program are called universal.

"Agritourists" (WWOOF) is an international volunteer program that provides the opportunity for volunteers from many countries to work in agriculture. Volunteers will be able to provide all possible assistance to farmers in depressed and environmentally problematic areas in 53 countries where this volunteer program is accredited.

EVS is the European Voluntary Service, which is an international project funded by the European Commission. It is very popular among young people in the CIS countries. Young people aged 18 to 30 are allowed to participate in EVS volunteer programs. As a rule, 90% of organizational costs are borne by the founder. As part of this project, it is possible to visit all countries of the European Union, as well as many countries in Africa, Latin America and Asia. Volunteer programs have a broad focus, from participation in cultural events and media support to assistance in work government organizations countries cooperating with EVS.

There are many more different volunteer programs that are active all over the world. Their voluntary participants today include tens of thousands of residents from all continents of the planet.

For some, volunteering is an opportunity to travel for the benefit of themselves and others, for others it is an opportunity for self-realization, while others use participation in a volunteer program to move to another country.

Video: Volunteering in Europe

Conditions for applicants

For participants in international volunteer programs, there are several criteria that they must meet. First, the candidate must be an adult. This is an indispensable condition for participation in any international program. Secondly, he must know English at a basic level; knowledge of other languages ​​is also welcome. Thirdly, the volunteer should not have bad habits(alcoholism, drug addiction) and not carry an outstanding criminal record behind you. For participants in humanitarian missions to provide assistance during emergencies and natural disasters, there are several more conditions for participation in the volunteer program: good condition health, first aid skills and psychological stability in stressful situations. It is necessary to have a valid passport and no obstacles to obtaining a visa to a specific country where you plan to engage in volunteer activities (for example, deportations in the recent past).

There is no official upper age limit for a volunteer. But as a rule, candidates over 30–32 years of age are rarely approved for participation in programs. This rule does not apply when participating in UN humanitarian missions, where specialized experience is often required.

How to go abroad as a volunteer

If you want to become a volunteer, you should select the program you are interested in, visit the appropriate website and register on it. The second option would be to go to the nearest volunteer center, the address of which is indicated on the program website. In both the first and second cases, you should register by filling out the proposed application form, and also leave your contact information. It is advisable to write a motivation letter in which you talk about the reasons that prompted you to participate in this volunteer program.

In any case, you should understand that the probability of refusal is high, since there are many candidates. At the same time, the volunteer organization is responsible for its participants, so they take the selection of candidates very seriously.

Upon receiving a positive response and after agreeing on all organizational issues (tickets, visas, time and method of departure, etc.), you should begin to pack your bags. We must remember that participation in many volunteer programs requires obtaining visas and purchasing tickets on your own. Therefore, it is important to have a sufficient amount both for these actions and for purchasing tickets home, which is important.

All information about future activities as part of a volunteer organization must be indicated in the contract concluded with the selected candidate. It has legal force, so violation of its terms can be challenged in court.

An official invitation from a volunteer organization includes a “green light” for applying for a visa on your own if you present it to the consulate of the country you plan to travel to. Also, many states issue free visas for volunteers.

It should be remembered that volunteering is a purely voluntary matter. Therefore, a volunteer can at any time refuse to carry out the mission assigned to him (although, in this case, the organization will have to reimburse the funds spent on him). In the same way, an organization that has accepted a volunteer into its ranks can part with him at its own discretion.

Pitfalls of volunteering

Even such a noble activity as volunteering has its pitfalls. You should know them so as not to get into trouble (at the same time - abroad and without money for a ticket home).

Extremely important point when choosing a volunteer program, its reliability is important. It is advisable that one of your friends or acquaintances has already completed the volunteer journey as part of it and can thus confirm the reliability of the organization. There are cases when volunteers end up in labor slavery abroad, without the right or opportunity to return home. There are scammers operating in the CIS who, masquerading as official volunteer centers, actually supply free labor abroad. Not falling for their bait is the volunteer’s primary task.

When concluding an agreement with a volunteer organization, you should check the correctness of the data entered into it. By definition, no penalties, disciplinary sanctions, etc. can be provided for in the contract for a volunteer.

The basic principle of a volunteer: do no harm. More precisely, do not harm either yourself or people. There are often cases when a person who came as a volunteer begins to engage in non-volunteer activities. This is harshly suppressed by the organization itself, and then the would-be volunteer goes home. Sometimes a person cannot, for some reason, fulfill the duties assigned to him. He does not get along with the team, cannot work, and is terrified of any risks. In this case, the person has every right to interrupt his volunteer activities and go home.

Volunteers often have to work in difficult natural and climatic conditions. In Africa it can be multiple infectious diseases, in mountainous areas there is a danger of earthquakes, mudflows and avalanches. When communicating with marine life, there is a chance of becoming a victim of their aggression. There are many risks, and you should understand this even before registering on the official website of the organization or going to the volunteer center.

Volunteering is a state of mind. Not everyone can become one. At the same time, we can talk about participation in international volunteer projects as very effective and inexpensive way moving abroad. After all, yesterday’s volunteer can remain in the country he loves and one day become its citizen, since the naturalization process began precisely as part of a volunteer organization.

For effective cooperation, we ask you to comply following conditions cooperation:

1. The Subject of the Agreement:

This Agreement regulates the relationship between potential volunteers acting on behalf of a legal entity (hereinafter referred to as the “Legal Entity”) submitting an application to the electronic on-line system to search for vacancies, and the Coordination Center for Volunteers “SOS Team” (hereinafter referred to as the “Center”) , which provides resources for an electronic on-line volunteer search system.

2. Rights of a Legal Entity:

2.1. A legal entity has the right not to provide secret or confidential information about the activities of its legal entity, with reference to the relevant documents;

2.2. A legal entity has the right to terminate activities on this website www.site by sending a statement in any form with a request to exclude the user from the electronic database to the following address: [email protected] ;

2.3. A legal entity has the right to use all resources www..ch. post additional requests for other positions, use the site forum, receive newsletters, participate in open events of the center;

2.4. A legal entity has the right to independently make decisions on accepting or not accepting a particular vacancy provided by the SOS Team Coordination Center system.

3. Responsibilities of a Legal Entity:

3.1. A legal entity is obliged to promptly inform the site administrators about vacancies at the following address: [email protected]. Otherwise, the site’s administrative system will continue to search for vacancies;

3.2. A legal entity is obliged to provide verified, reliable, objective and factual information;

3.3. A legal entity is obliged to provide reliable contact information for effective feedback;

3.4. A legal entity is obliged to provide the most extensive, comprehensive, full information about your activities, as well as about the desired vacancy in the organization;

3.5. When using information from this site, be sure to cite the source of the information.

4. Consent to use images:

The legal entity gives its consent and guarantees to the Center that it has received the consent of its employees to use their images obtained during photo and video filming organized by the Center, by all legal means, including, but not limited to, publication, reproduction, distribution of a visual work (painting, photograph, film and others), duplication, import and export outside the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as in other ways permitted by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The legal entity undertakes to independently respond to all claims arising from its employees in connection with the above-mentioned use of their images by the Center.

10 cool volunteer programs around the world

Sometimes there comes a moment when you want to give up everything and go to the ends of the world. Don't hold back. Go save turtles in Thailand, teach Brazilian children, or sign up as a volunteer at the UN. This way you can see the world, learn foreign languages, find a bunch of new friends and, what can I say, make this world a little better.

We have collected for you ten real volunteer programs around the world. Accommodation and food are free almost everywhere.

Teach children in Thailand

Karenni Social Development Center invites volunteers to train young Karenni people living in northern Thailand. The task is to teach students of the social center English, ecology, international law and basic human rights. You will have to work for four hours from Monday to Friday. The center provides volunteers with accommodation and three free meals a day. You will live close to the beach, so there shouldn’t be any problems with leisure time during the time remaining from work.

Requirements: English language Sign up here: https://sdcthailand.wordpress.com/

Help children in Bolivia

Amanencer helps abandoned and orphaned children in Cochabamba, Bolivia. This is a Catholic organization, but you can become a volunteer here regardless of your faith. The contract is for a period of six months. You can work in education, child care, psychological and medical care- it all depends on your qualifications. If you love kids and want to do something good, then this option is for you.

Work on a farm anywhere in the world

World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms helps people travel the world and learn about different cultures. You will live with a family, and even with full board. You are only required to work on the farm for about four hours a day. Agree, picking pistachios in Israel is not the same as sitting in a stuffy office. You will unwind and look at the world. The scheme is this: you choose a country, a farm where you would like to work, fill out an application and send it. The owner of the farm looks to see if everything suits him, and if everything is ok, then he sends an invitation. Transport back and forth, as usual, is your own, and on site you will be met and surrounded by comfort and not particularly exhausting work.

Rescue turtles in Thailand

If you don’t see any special teaching abilities in yourself, but still want to live in Thailand, then join the environmental project Naucrates. You will save sea turtles. Volunteers’ tasks include monitoring beaches, collecting and processing data. Will you tell me local residents that turtles are in danger of extinction, and then train new volunteers. The duration of the volunteer contract is 9-12 weeks. This is the only program presented where you will have to pay for room and board.

Teach children in Peru

The Santa Marta Foundation invites volunteers to its training center in Peru. This is where the Incas, Machu Picchu, Titicaca, that's all. At the Santa Marta center they try to help street children and children from poor families. You can teach them a language, conduct cooking or computer courses, teach them art, or offer some kind of direction. Any initiative is very welcome here. You will only have to spend money on a flight to Peru (we know, it’s not cheap), but accommodation and food will be provided.

Teach English in Honduras

At Cofradia, a bilingual school near San Pedro Sela, Honduras' second-largest city, poor children are taught by volunteer teachers from around the world. Lack of experience as a teacher is not a problem. The main thing is to have teaching abilities. In other words, love children and be able to captivate them with your ideas. In Honduras, such a distant country with strange name, you will receive an incomparable experience that will undoubtedly be useful when you return home. By the way, no knowledge of Spanish is required, because all classes are held in English.

Teach drawing to children from Brazilian favelas

About 20 million people live in Sao Paulo, and most of the city's population lives in slums with a beautiful name - favelas. These are shacks built with complete disregard for sanitary standards. MonteAzul strives to give slum children a decent education and the opportunity to eventually escape poverty. Volunteers from all over the world are welcome here. If you have some interesting skills or knowledge (music, drawing, science) that you can teach children, then this will be a plus. The work schedule is quite normal - from eight in the morning to five in the evening. This is a real opportunity to help poor children and at the same time deeply study the culture and way of life of Brazilians.

Volunteering in the Peace Corps

Volunteering in the Peace Corps is not suitable for someone who just wants to travel around the world, look at others and show off themselves. It’s worth signing up here if you really want to make the world a little better and are not afraid to overexert yourself. Because you will have to work on par with ordinary employees of the organization. You can choose one of 75 countries around the world and feel free to go there. The areas of work are: Agriculture, education, healthcare, ecology. It's not very difficult to get there, but when you return home you will have a recommendation from a very respected global organization. They pay for the flight, full provision on the spot and even medical insurance. You will also receive a monthly stipend.

Save children in Mexico

Can you forget about your problems for a while to solve other people's? Go to Mexico to teach orphans what is good, reasonable, and eternal. NPH USA can help you channel your energy into... the right direction and experience Latin American culture. To work with barefoot and grimy children, it is not necessary to have Teacher Education. The main thing is a great desire to help children, and the opportunity to go there for six months. If you don't want to go to Mexico, you can choose another South American country. By the way, volunteers can go in married couples. We are sure that such an adventure will greatly refresh your relationship.

Volunteering at the UN

Participation in the UN Volunteer Program is as serious as the Peace Corps, but there are many more opportunities. You can choose from one hundred and thirty countries. Where haven't you been yet? Volunteers usually work from six months to a year. During this time, they also receive a stipend, full board, health insurance and a killer resume entry with a recommendation from the United Nations.

Want to receive one interesting unread article per day?

Many of my friends were volunteers at Olympic Games in Sochi. We were more than satisfied! Not only did they become part historical event in the world and communicated with the strongest people on the planet, and also received a cool set of clothes in the style of the Games!

There are more such opportunities than you think!

There are an insane number of areas where volunteers can apply their virtuous abilities. Below 16 points!

1. Turtle Teams - Worldwide

2. Conservation Volunteers
Australia and New Zealand

3. Appalachian Trail Conference - USA

The trail spans more than 3,200 kilometers in the Appalachian Mountains of the eastern United States and is home to 2,000 endangered and critically endangered species.
Volunteers help with trail construction and conservation in exchange for housing and food.

4. Guides at HF ​​Holidays – Europe

One of the most popular walking tour operators looking for volunteer guides for tour groups. Guides are provided with accommodation, meals and the opportunity to explore Europe in exchange for guiding groups on various routes.

5. Help Exchange - worldwide

A site where people from all over the world are looking for an extra pair of hands for everything: gardening and farming, teaching school and religious projects, building houses and community centers helping families send their children to school.
For a small membership fee you will receive complete information about the host party. Housing and food are provided in exchange for your work.

6. Peace Corps - Worldwide

A unique chance to live and work in another country, participating in various projects: from healthcare and ecology to business development.
For those who want to change their lives, contracts are available for 27 months. Available only to US residents, however similar projects for citizens of other countries can be found in VCO(Voluntary Service Overseas)

7. United Nations Volunteers

The UN offers participation in projects to everyone who wants to work abroad - from healthcare and economic development to helping victims of natural disasters. While many positions are open only to experienced professionals, the UN provides links to hundreds of international non-governmental organizations that seek similar assistance, but with less formality.

8. Kibbutz Volunteer - Israel

Kibbutz (Kibbutz) is an area of ​​Israel with an excellent community but complicated politics that rarely makes it into the news.
Volunteering provides an opportunity to learn about a region first-hand while living in a community with food and housing provided. This region is good for exploring the Middle East and North Africa.

9. Move Nepal - Nepal

A non-governmental organization that provides opportunities for volunteers from all over the world to visit Nepal to teach English, help in orphanages and monasteries, for public works and so on.
After a short course in Nepali language and culture in Kathmandu, the volunteers travel to different parts of Nepal where they live with an ordinary family.

10. Sudanese Volunteer Program

11 . Big cats and monkeys, Bolivia
Inti Wara Yassi is a protection project wildlife on a voluntary basis. Its goal is to rehabilitate wild animals that have been victims of black market trafficking. The project headquarters, also known as an animal shelter, is located in the heart of the Bolivian rainforest.

You have to work hard and a lot: care for orphans, rescued capuchin and howler monkeys, lemurs and parrots, look after newly arrived animals, walk pumas, jaguars and ocelots daily in mangrove forests, prepare birds for a free life in the wild, and also accompany frequent visitors. 2 hostels were built on the territory of the shelter to accommodate volunteers.

Inti Wara Yassi offers 14 days of accommodation with three meals a day for $220 ($12 per night). Payment for accommodation goes entirely to the needs of the shelter. If you stay for a longer period, the cost of living is reduced until it is completely non-existent.

Return to Freedom offers free accommodation for volunteers of 2 weeks or longer.
For short stays, rates will be $45 per night for cabins at El Captain. It will also be possible to stay at the Embassy Suites or at a campsite on Jamala Beach. The most convenient way would be to fly to Los Angeles.

13. Giant pandas, China

The center is located at the foot of the Qingling Mountains and gives volunteers the chance to cuddle cubs in special bear nurseries, as well as care for rescued and captive-born pandas, and other representatives of the local fauna - red pandas, black deer, golden monkeys and sheep-like takins. If you visit in the summer during breeding season, you can wander through the surrounding juniper forests and observe the relationships of clumsy, lazy pandas in the wild.

The 15-day trip will cost $1,275, including room and board.

One of the little-known attractions of Paros, sometimes called the pearl of the Greek islands, is the Alkyonis Wildlife Hospital. It is located neither more nor less, but right in the house of the director of the hospital. The house, by luck, turned out to be a beautiful villa, located in a picturesque location on a hilltop overlooking the sparkling sea. This incredible refuge is a resting place for exhausted or injured migratory birds, as well as pelicans, herons and flamingos that live on the island. Volunteers can stay here as long as they want, caring for sick and injured birds and other wild animals - turtles, hedgehogs, hares.

Aegean Wildlife Hospital provides volunteers with free villa accommodation for one week or more, otherwise affordable B&Bs are always available.

On the edge of the rainforest, 60 km from the city of Chiang Mai, lies Elephant Nature Park, a refuge for injured or neglected domestic elephants, as well as orphaned elephant calves. It was created by a young woman named Lek Chailert, who was included in Time magazine's "Asia's 2005 Heroes" list. Elephant Nature Park is one of the few places in Thailand where elephants live freely and feel protected from the cruelty of daily tourist excursions or circus performances. The volunteer will have to feed, bathe, care for problem or injured elephants, and also look after a small menagerie

Elephant Nature Park offers weekly accommodation in wooden houses with hot shower, including 3 vegetarian meals a day and transfer services for $330 per week.

16. Sea turtles, Costa Rica

Watching hundreds of baby turtles on the shore and protecting them all the way to the ocean is a unique and exciting experience. The Gandoca Manzanillo National Wildlife Refuge in Costa Rica is a sea turtle project run entirely by volunteers. The project's activities are aimed at helping to protect turtle nests, patrolling the beach at night to prevent poaching, and ensuring the safe entry of baby turtles into the ocean. Leathery sea ​​turtles critically endangered, their numbers have declined by more than 80% over the past decade after people turned their nesting beaches on the Pacific coast into yet more all-inclusive resorts.

Room and board at the research station or with local families - $310 for one week, $930 for four weeks from July to December