Program conditions

Since there are 2 programs, the conditions differ.

Pension formation in NGOs

NPF RGS offers clients participation in the formation of non-state pensions and non-state pensions in the compulsory pension system.

Participation in the 1st program is completely voluntary. The essence of the program is as follows:

  • the participant chooses one of the pension schemes (there are 5 of them in the RGS), independently determining the method of transferring contributions to the fund, their size, frequency and duration of payment (you can read more about the RGS pension schemes in Section 3 of the Pension Rules);
  • concludes an NGO agreement;
  • receives a non-state pension when the appropriate grounds specified in the contract arise (for more details, see Section 10).

Also, an NGO participant can at any time receive all previously deposited funds in the form of a redemption amount calculated in accordance with Section 11 of the Pension Rules.

Formation of NP in the OPS

All employers pay insurance. contributions to compulsory health insurance at a tariff rate of 22%.

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Until the end of 2015, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation provided citizens with the right to choose:

  • send the entire amount of fear. contributions (22%) only for the formation of fear. pensions;
  • or “divide” 22% into two parts:
16 % direct to fear. pension
6 % on NP

Those who:

  • under 23 years of age;
  • and never officially worked.

For 5 years after the first payment by the employer of insurance premiums for such citizens, the right to choose the insurance option will apply. contributions - only on fear. pension, or insurance and NP.

Accordingly, those persons who have chosen to form both an insurance company and a non-state pension fund can, at their own request, choose an insurer in the form of a Pension Fund or one of the numerous non-state pension funds.

One of these NPFs is Rosgosstrakh, which operates in accordance with 75-FZ of May 7, 1998 “On Non-State...” and invests pension savings of citizens, increasing them every year.

Registration procedure

Before receiving an NP, a citizen must become a client of the NPF RGS by submitting a submission to the Pension Fund.

After concluding an agreement with the RGS and transferring savings from the Pension Fund to the RGS, the person must determine whether he or she has the right to insurance pension by old age:

  • a citizen who has reached retirement age and has the required number of pension points and insurance experience receives the right to an insurance pension;
  • persons applying for early retirement also have this right (the list of such is in Article 30 of the Federal Law No. 400 of December 28, 2013 “On Insurance...”).

If you have such a right, you should decide on the method of payment of pension savings:

Payment method for NP In what cases is it possible
Monthly, lifetime Main type of payment. With this method, NP is paid every month after reaching retirement age along with insurance, in an amount equal to dividing the entire amount of accumulated funds by 240 months
One-time payment If a person has the right to fear. pension, but the monthly amount of NP is 5% or less of the insurance, a one-time payment of all savings available in the personal account is assigned
Urgent payment Assigned only to those who have the right to fear. pension and, at the same time, either participated in the co-financing program or sent part of the funds to mat. capital for the formation of NP

How to receive the funded part of a pension at Rosgosstrakh

If the client has the right to an insurance pension and has chosen the method of receiving NP (one-time, urgently or in general mode), he should:

  • fill out an application using one of the forms provided for a specific case;
  • prepare the package necessary documents;
  • contact in person one of the branches of NPF RGS in your region (list -).

Also, the application and documents can be sent by registered mail to the address: 129110, Moscow, st. Gilyarovsky, house 39, building 3. The applicant’s signature when sending by post must be notarized.

About application forms and review deadlines

Depending on the chosen method of obtaining NP, application forms and deadlines for making a decision on the application will differ:

You can familiarize yourself with the forms of all applications in the client, published on the website of NPF RGS.

What documents are needed

The set of required documents depends on the chosen method of receipt and on some other circumstances.

If a person submits an application in Forms A and B, that is, exercises his right to a monthly lifetime payment of NP, he must provide 3 documents:

  • a copy of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation (or other identification document);
  • a copy of the OPS insurance certificate (SNILS);
  • a certificate issued by the territorial office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, confirming the fact of assignment of an insurance pension and/or its amount.

If a citizen intends to receive an urgent pension payment, that is, submits an application in Form B and C, 2 documents will be required:

  • a certificate issued to the Pension Fund containing information about the amount of additional insurance contributions made under the pension co-financing program;
  • a certificate issued by the Pension Fund about the amount of funds. capital allocated to NP.

If application B and D are submitted, that is, for a one-time payment, 1 document will be required:

  • a certificate from the Pension Fund indicating the amount of the insurance pension.

How to check the amount

You can check the current amount of pension savings:

  • in the client’s personal account on the website of NPF RGS;
  • or at the nearest sales office.

Access to your personal account is given within 30 days after submitting an application in the prescribed form to the nearest office of NPF RGS. Detailed information - by phone “ hotline” 8 (800) 775 – 77 – 45.

Security of funds

NPF RGS is a participant in the system of guaranteeing the rights of insured persons in accordance with 422-FZ of December 28. 2013 “On guarantees...”.

This means that when solving arbitration court about the bankruptcy (insolvency) of this NPF, the Deposit Insurance Agency will be appointed as a bankruptcy trustee.

More information about the actions of clients during the liquidation of a non-state pension fund can be found in the “Questions and Answers” ​​section on the website of the Federal Deposit Insurance Agency.

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of transferring funds to NPF Rosgosstrakh:

Rosgosstrakh offers clients to independently manage their pensions through voluntary contributions, funds maternity capital and employer contributions. Until the end of 2015, citizens born after 1967 could choose how their pension would be formed: whether all contributions would go towards creating an insurance pension, or whether they would be divided into insurance and funded parts.

Funds of funded pension invested in NPF Rosgosstrakh, increase due to their investment by the fund in securities and shares. It turns out that the savings portion invested in a reliable pension fund is an opportunity to increase your material security.

For those who have not started to form savings part, Rosgosstrakh offers to join the “Pension Plan” co-financing program. The principle of this savings system is that for 10 years after the conclusion of the agreement, the account holder’s contributions are doubled annually through government funding.

According to the agreement, the owner of the pension must contribute an amount of at least 2 thousand rubles every year. You can pay contributions in two ways:

  1. personally through the bank;
  2. through the employer's accounting department.

Savings generated under the Pension Plan program can be inherited, and their status can also be monitored in your personal account on the company’s website.

How to transfer a funded pension to Rosgosstrakh?

To transfer contributions to Rosgosstrakh, you need to contact the nearest fund office. The procedure consists of several stages:

  1. At the Rosgosstrakh office you need to conclude an OPS agreement, then write an application for the transfer of the funded part.
  2. A message with a confirmation code is sent to the phone number specified in the contract.
  3. The received code must be communicated to the employee, who will call within a couple of days after signing the agreement to confirm the fact of the voluntary transfer of the pension.


The following documents must be attached to the application and contract:

  • passport;
  • insurance certificate.

The signed agreement can be terminated at any time and the redemption amount can be received according to the conditions specified in the agreement.

How to find out the amount of savings?

Information about the status of your personal account can be found in two ways:

  1. by contacting the sales office of Rosgosstrakh, presenting your passport and SNILS to the operator;
  2. by registering on the fund’s website and activating access to your personal account.

If you want to quickly and at any time receive information about transferred funds, then the second option is the most convenient and accessible.

To track your savings online, you need to contact the nearest branch of the company with. The application form can be obtained on site or downloaded in advance on the Rosgosstrakh website in the “Personal Account” section.

The application is processed within a month, after which the client receives an access code to his personal account ( Login to your account is carried out using your SNILS number and password.

Advantages and disadvantages

Those who are thinking about switching to the Rosgosstrakh fund must first of all evaluate all the advantages and disadvantages of its activities and the services provided. Let's consider its advantages:

The activities of the Rosgosstrakh fund have its disadvantages:

  1. loss of invested income when transferring funds to another NPF. The client has the right to transfer his pension to any other NPF or Pension Fund once a year. However, funds will be transferred without taking into account investment income. This income is saved only when switching to another fund once every 5 years.
  2. Incompetent behavior of employees.

The non-state pension fund Rosgosstrakh (RGS) is one of the largest in our country. For many years he has been active in the field pension provision.

At the end of the summer of this year, it is planned to complete the merger of three major market players - NPF RGS, NPF Lukoil-Garant and NPF Electric Power Industry. As a result, the largest non-state fund should appear.

Official website of NPF Rosgosstrakh

NPF RGS has a convenient website located at Thanks to the successful provision of services in the field of pension provision, the fund has accumulated a client base of more than 3 million people, and its assets at the end of last year stood at around 185 billion rubles.

In the upper left corner of the screen on the main page of the official website of Rosgosstrakh Pension you can see the “Menu” button. By clicking on it, sections will open in which you can familiarize yourself with all the necessary information related to issues of pension insurance and security.

The “Personal Account” service, also available on the main page of the site, gives access to information about the account status, allows you to see the results of the fund’s work in terms of investing the client’s funds and increasing his income. The latter will provide the funded part of the future pension.

It’s easy to access your personal account; all you need is:

  • 1) find the corresponding section on the official website;
  • 2) enter personal data into the form;
  • 3) complete registration by confirmation via a link that will be sent by email.

In this case, it is necessary to already have an agreement on compulsory pension provision.

Important! For any questions regarding the activities of NPF RGS, you can always contact the hotline 8-800-775-77-45. Moreover, calls within Russia will be free. Specialists will advise the calling client throughout the entire service period.

Reliability rating of NPF Rosgosstrakh

Any company values ​​its rating. The non-state pension fund RGS makes no exceptions in this matter. According to statistics, the organization is one of the ten largest players in the country, especially considering the fact of the upcoming merger of several companies.

If we take the volume of savings under management as a criterion that determines an organization’s place among others, then NPF Rosgosstrakh at the end of 2017 occupies the sixth position.

An important factor is the level of trust on the part of the population. This indicator is high - A++. The designation has a simple meaning - “Highest trust (trust)”.

Fund returns by year

After summing up the results of activities over an eight-year period (starting from 2009 to 2016), it became clear that the RGS NPF demonstrates profitability not only in terms of reserves, but also in terms of savings. Moreover, both indicators exceeded the inflation rate in the country.

Such results were made possible thanks to a correctly implemented investment policy and coordinated work with partner companies.

The allocated pension savings funds were doubled during the specified period, which brought significant income to the fund's clients. If we take the accumulation indicator, then during the reporting period the total inflation rate was 88.8%, and the profitability of Rosgosstrakh showed a result of 123.61%.

The total return is calculated using the compound interest method. Inflation indicators are taken from the official source located at The profitability of Rosgosstrakh is determined with a focus on financial statements organizations.

It is important to take into account that the positive dynamics of investment income does not guarantee such a picture in the future. Moreover, it is impossible to talk about the state acting as a guarantor, since personal funds Each client is invested in a non-state fund.

RGS Foundation Programs

JSC NPF Rosgosstrakh offers services for the formation of a future (non-state) pension and its funded part, which can grow due to the investment of funds.

It’s easy to use one of the programs - you just need to choose the most convenient scheme (there are five in total, you can read them in the Rules on the official website of the fund).

After this, a non-state pension agreement is concluded. The grounds specified in the contract, when they occur, give the right to receive a pension in accordance with the chosen scheme. The client receives the accumulated funds in the form of a redemption amount in accordance with the clauses of the concluded agreement.

If a citizen has not yet started forming the funded part of his pension, the RGS offers to become a participant in the Pension Plan program. After concluding the contract, the client must make monthly payments of at least 2,000 rubles for 10 years. If these conditions are met, the state will double the accumulated amount.

In addition to individual pension plans, NPF Rosgosstrakh offers a collective option for providing pensions, which will be convenient for corporate interaction with the fund.

This service can be used by enterprises whose employees agree to take part in the formation of their future pension by interacting with one non-state pension organization.

The non-state pension fund Rosgosstrakh is one of the leaders of the insurance market in the pension segment. Many citizens of our country have already become clients of the fund and are convinced of the quality work of the organization and appreciate the convenience of its services.

If a client of the non-state pension fund "Rosgosstrakh" needs to find out the amount of his pension savings, he can do this by using the free service Personal Account of the NFR "RGS". To gain access to it, you first need to register.

To do this, you must personally appear at the fund’s branch with a completed application to connect the service.

Additional Information: An application form in PDF format for registering a “Personal Account” can be downloaded on the official website of the non-state pension fund “Rosgosstrakh”:

On the main page in the upper right corner there will be a link available: “Personal Account”. After clicking on it, in the authorization window that opens, there will be a section called: “How to gain access.” It will contain a link to download a sample application.

note that access to the “Personal Account” of the non-state pension fund “Rosgosstrakh” will be provided to the user within 30 calendar days (the password will be sent to email or mobile phone).

Registered clients can take advantage of all the capabilities of this service at any convenient time. Authorization takes no more than one minute and requires filling out two fields:

  1. SNILS number (entered without spaces);
  2. password given during registration.

Login to the “Personal Account” of the Rosgosstrakh pension fund by last name or other personal data is not available.

If you lose your password, you can always recover it. This can be done on the same login page. Next to the “Password” field, the client will see a link: “Forgot your password?” After clicking on it, the system will prompt you to enter SNILS data and a numerical combination (captcha).

Then click on the clickable button: “Recover password”. A new code will be sent to the number mobile phone or address Email: by the method specified by the client when filling out the application for registration of the “Personal Account”.

After this, the entrance to the “Personal Account” of the Rosgosstrakh pension fund will again be available.

Features of the Rosgosstrakh personal account

Anyone can control the amount of already accrued pension savings, as well as monthly contributions to the Rosgosstrakh pension fund in the “Personal Account”. In addition, the service provides the opportunity to use the following services:

  • viewing data filtered over a certain period of time;
  • downloading samples of required documents;
  • familiarization with the terms of the contract;
  • tracking any information relating to the client’s personal account.

Reliability of NPF "Rosgosstrakh"

According to official data, this non-state pension fund is one of the most reliable in the territory Russian Federation. All investors receive timely and stable payments upon reaching retirement age.

In addition, upon concluding an agreement, all NPF clients are issued a compulsory pension insurance policy, which provides financial assistance in the event of injury or serious illness.

note that all personal data about clients located in the “Personal Account” of NPF “Rosgosstrakh” is not transferred to third parties and is under reliable protection.

If you have any questions, citizens can contact the free service technical support, which confirms the transparency and openness of the organization’s work.

The non-state pension fund RGS is one of the leading funds in the Russian Federation, providing citizens with technologically advanced and affordable pension products and services that meet their requirements. It is an insurer of OPS. It manages over 180 billion rubles of pension funds that are under reliable protection. Each client is guaranteed reimbursement of savings and contributions placed on a personal account. The activities of the organization are controlled by a state control system. The status of the investment portfolio is checked daily. Each client can personally monitor the status of a personal pension account from the personal account system of NPF Rosgosstrakh, receive information about the results of the organization’s activities, generate statements on the movement of savings, etc. The process of gaining access to the personalized section of the site is described in detail below on the page.— official website of NPF Rosgosstrakh

Registration and login to your personal account

Connect to the system remote access persons who have entered into an agreement with the fund and have redirected their pension savings to it can. The entrance to your Rosgosstrakh personal account is located on the main page. It is impossible to register on the site and then go through authorization. You need to submit an application by mail or bring it in person to the address: Moscow, st. Gilyarovskogo, 39 (building 3). The application form is located in the section: “How to gain access” (right column). Click on the word “Application” and it will open on a new page.

Indicate in it:

  • City;
  • Date of application;
  • Passport data;
  • Insurance number of an individual personal account;
  • Registration address at the place of residence;
  • Personal mobile phone number;
  • The way to receive a password is by email or phone.

At the end, put the date of completion, signature, initials. Print the document by clicking on the printer image.— login to the personal account of NPF Rosgosstrakh

The application for connection is reviewed within 30 days. After the client registers in the system, he will be sent a password to enter his personal account in the manner specified at the time of drawing up the application (by email or via SMS notification).

To enter your personal account of NPF RGS:

  1. Select the “Personal Account” tab on the fund’s main page, located in the upper right corner (highlighted in burgundy);
  2. Indicate SNILS and password in the login form;
  3. Click "Login".

Work in your personal account

The personal account of NPF Rosgosstrakh is convenient, as it allows you to obtain the necessary information on your individual pension account without direct contact or request to the organization. Each client has the opportunity to:

  • Control the movement of funds in the pension account;
  • Get acquainted with the history of the increase in savings over a certain period of time;
  • Download application forms, contracts and other documents;
  • Interact with company representatives through online messages;
  • Configure your profile and change personal data.

How to find out pension savings in NPF Rosgosstrakh

  • Initials of the person, given by SNILS;
  • Profitability over the last 5 years – in percent;
  • All transactions on the account (select from the list the year for which you want to view completed transactions);
  • The amount of pension savings in an individual account as of the date of application.

You can find out the amount of savings not only in your personal account, but also at the company office by going there with your passport.

Mobile app

There is no application to access the company's products. Login to your personal account is carried out only in the manner described above. All the necessary information can be obtained by personally contacting the company office, which is located in your locality. You can also submit your request by regular mail or email.


All questions that arise while working with a non-state pension fund can be asked through the support form, email address or phone number. It is also possible to send a letter in person to a postal address or by fax. The contact center phone number is listed in your personal account at the very bottom of the menu or on the start page - 8-800-775-77-45. The email address is as follows − [email protected] . If you have questions about the operation of your personal account, ask them in a special form, which is located on the authorization page. To do this, select “Ask a question” in the right column.

Provide the required information:

  • SNILS number;
  • Contact mobile number;
  • Email;
  • Subject of the appeal (select from the list);
  • The essence of the appeal;
  • Region of residence;
  • Contact method: by phone or email.

Fields marked with an asterisk are required.

In the “Contacts” section you can additionally order a call back. Select this item, indicate your status (individual or company), topic and type of request, full name, phone number, time of request and region. Click "Submit".