Many years ago kefir diet has become widespread throughout the world. Since then, many different versions of this diet have appeared, which differ from each other in the range of acceptable foods. And, nevertheless, the main product on the diet menu remains kefir.

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Kefir diet. Benefit

Many people ask the question: why kefir? Kefir really stimulates the process of losing weight. At the same time, the kefir diet is indicated for people who have digestive problems; it restores the intestinal microflora without the use of medications, helps cleanse the body, remove toxins, and promotes the absorption of other foods and vitamins. Besides a glass of this drink can relieve you of obsessive hunger.

Followers of the kefir diet note improvement of the condition of the skin of the face and body, improving hair structure, getting rid of hair loss and fragility, improving the condition of nails and tooth enamel. This drink has a beneficial effect on work internal organs, nervous and circulatory systems. Patients with some serious diseases, for example, diabetes, can drink kefir. You can grind berries in kefir and prepare a cocktail whose consistency resembles liquid yogurt. Kefir is an ideal drink for fasting days ().

Due to the fact that there are so many options for kefir diets, you can choose the option that is ideal for you.

Kefir diet. 12 weight loss options

1. Kefir diet for 3 days

This is the so-called strict mono-diet, which also resembles fasting days on kefir. For 1 day it is offered to buy one and a half liters of kefir. All kefir should be divided into 5-6 meals. Drink a portion of kefir at approximately equal intervals, when the feeling of hunger does not subside at all. During this diet you will feel hungry, but by limiting what you eat for 3 days you will be able to lose 3-4 kg, and also feel lightness throughout the body.

2. Winter kefir diet for 3 days

Another one three-day kefi, which is considered very effective, is winter. On it you can get rid of two to four kilograms. This will directly depend on strict adherence to instructions and on the characteristics of a particular organism. Do not repeat this diet more than once a month. This diet is easier to tolerate than the previous version, thanks to more wide range of approved products.

Sample diet menu:

  • Breakfast: a cup of tea or coffee with milk, steam omelette, sauerkraut;
  • Lunch: a glass of kefir;
  • Dinner: chicken soup, stewed carrots, kefir;
  • Afternoon snack: a glass of kefir;
  • Dinner: baked fish, kefir.

For breakfast, you can eat hard-boiled or soft-boiled eggs, allow yourself a small toast with butter. You can cook your own lunch mushroom soup or stewed cabbage with meat, vinaigrette. For dinner, instead of a second course, you can prepare yourself a cottage cheese and carrot casserole with dried fruits. For snacks, you are allowed to eat fresh and baked apples, a small slice of low-fat cheese, a glass of skim milk or yogurt.

3. Striped kefir diet

This diet will appeal to many people, as it is quite easily tolerated, and at the same time the body receives opportunity to lose weight. The essence of the diet is that for the first day you can only drink kefir, preferably low fat or 1% fat. You can drink kefir without any restrictions to get rid of hunger. On the second day you can eat your usual foods. It is advisable not to eat everything after kefir fasting, try to consume more protein foods, avoid fried, smoked, fatty foods. This way you can alternate days for any amount of time until you reach your desired weight.

4. Fruit diet with kefir

The average duration of this diet is 3-4 days. Sitting on it you can lose 2-3 kg without much difficulty. During the diet, you can drink about 2 liters of kefir. In addition to this drink, you are allowed to eat fruits and vegetables in any quantity until you feel full. Kefir-fruit days can also be used as fasting days after holidays and feasts.

5. Nine-day kefir-apple diet

This diet is strict and designed for 9 days. During the diet you will lose from 6 to 9 kg. In addition, the effect after the diet is quite lasting. Especially if you gradually exit the diet and do not pounce on all the prohibited foods. To avoid feeling bouts of weakness and dizziness, you can add a little to your diet. protein products.

For the first three days you will need to drink 1.5 liters of low-fat kefir. The second three days - eat non-sour apples. 1.5 kg apples distribute evenly throughout the day and eat as you feel hungry. The third three days - drink again low-fat kefir.

6. Nine-day kefir diet

Another option for the nine-day kefir diet is as follows:

  • For the first three days of the diet, you can drink an unlimited amount of kefir. with 1% fat and 100 g boiled rice without salt;
  • Second three days: unlimited amount of low-fat kefir, as well as 100 g boiled chicken fillet no fat or skin, no salt;
  • The third three days is possible eat apples and drink kefir in unlimited quantities.

7. Hard kefir diet for 8 days

There are also eight day diet plan. It is considered very strict and quite tough; the body may not be able to withstand such strict restrictions on food. In addition, the body does not receive enough important nutrients during such a diet, so consult your doctor before following it. However, it is very effective. For each day, a list of specific foods that you can eat is given. All products are divided into several parts.

  • 1 day: half a liter of kefir, 4 boiled potatoes.
  • Day 2: half a liter of kefir, half a kilogram of dried fruits (choose the dried fruits you like, for example, prunes, dried apricots, raisins).
  • Day 3: half a liter of kefir, half a kilogram of low-fat cottage cheese.
  • Day 4: half a liter of kefir, half a liter of sour cream.
  • Day 5: half a liter of kefir, 300 g of boiled chicken meat.
  • Day 6: half a liter of kefir, 2 kg of fruit.
  • Day 7: 2-3 liters of kefir.
  • Day 8: mineral water in any quantity.

8. Fasting one-day kefir diet

This diet is suitable for days after holidays, feasts, serious deviations in nutrition, and overeating. Fasting kefir days allow you to get in shape and lose those extra pounds that were gained the day before. Eat according to the plan below within 1 day, and this will be a wonderful “unloading” for the body.

  • Breakfast: a small piece of dried bread, a glass of kefir;
  • Lunch: 2 small apples, a glass of kefir;
  • Dinner: 200 g boiled fish, vegetable salad or sauerkraut;
  • Afternoon snack: a glass of kefir;
  • Dinner: 1 apple, a small piece of low-fat cheese;.
  • Before bedtime: a glass of kefir.

9. Kefir diet for a week

Another option for a strict weekly kefir diet is very popular. Those who are losing weight are attracted by the opportunity to cook simple dishes without bothering yourself by standing at the stove for many hours. The diet uses a strict set of products, deviation from which is unacceptable. The diet is strict, so you can’t use it more than once every few months. In a week you can get rid of 5 kg excess weight. It is allowed to change the types of kefir based on fat content and composition. Fruit kefir and bifidokefir are also allowed.

  • 1 day: one and a half liters of kefir and 5 boiled potatoes;
  • Day 2: one and a half liters of kefir and 100 g of boiled chicken;
  • Day 3: one and a half liters of kefir and 10 g of boiled veal or beef;
  • Day 4: one and a half liters of kefir and 100 g of boiled lean fish;
  • Day 5: one and a half liters of kefir, vegetables and fruits, any except bananas and grapes;
  • Day 6: 2 liters of kefir;
  • Day 7: still mineral water.

10. Kefir-curd diet

Kefir in combination with cottage cheese stimulate metabolism, due to which weight will disappear faster. During the diet you will have to alternate curd, kefir and curd-kefir days. For cottage cheese days (see cottage cheese diet and recipes for a cottage cheese diet), choose low-fat cottage cheese in the amount of 500-600 g. Divide the cottage cheese into equal parts and eat when you are hungry. The advantage of cottage cheese is that it saturates the body well, supplies calcium and protein to the body, and fills the body with energy. On cottage cheese days you can drink unlimited water, and green tea.

For kefir day you will need one and a half liters of low-fat kefir, also divided into equal parts that must be drunk throughout the day. A kefir-curd day involves including 350 g of cottage cheese and 750 g of kefir in the menu, divided by the number of meals. It is recommended to follow this diet no more than 3 days.

11. Kefir diet for 5 days

The peculiarity of this kefir diet is that you should eat according to a strict schedule by the hour, namely, every two hours.

  • 7.00 – a cup of green tea or coffee without sugar;
  • 9.00 – salad of grated carrots with olive oil;
  • 11.00 – 200 g of boiled chicken meat;
  • 13.00 = 1 medium apple;
  • 15.00 – 1 boiled egg;
  • 17.00 – 1 apple;
  • 19.00 – 10 prunes;
  • 21.00 – a glass of low-fat kefir.

12. Kefir diet of the Institute of Nutrition

This is the longest kefir diet of all, and its duration is 21 days. In three weeks of diet you can get rid of 10 extra pounds. There are no clear recommendations on the composition of products for this diet, however, it is necessary to follow the instructions for this diet for effective weight loss.

  1. Eat small meals 5-6 times a day.
  2. Try not to overeat.
  3. Choose foods with minimal calories.
  4. Eliminate from diet sugar, potatoes, pastries, bread.
  5. Half of the fats in the diet should be of plant origin.
  6. Fruits and vegetables without starch are allowed to be eaten without restrictions.
  7. All dairy products must be low-fat.
  8. Meat and fish should also be free of fat.
  9. Drink a day at least 1 liter of kefir.
  10. Total amount of liquid: 1.5 liters per day, of which a liter of kefir. The rest comes from vegetable juices, as well as the liquid contained in the rest of the food, such as soups.
  11. Eat no more than 5 g of salt per day.
  12. Try not to skip meals, eat at the same time.

The kefir diet is one of the most famous mono-diets. The popularity of this method of losing weight is due to the fact that kefir is considered a low-calorie product. The substances included in its composition remove water from the body and cleanse the intestines. The use of kefir techniques is allowed even in severe obesity.

The kefir diet also helps effective weight loss thanks to the acceleration of metabolism.

This method of losing weight stabilizes the intestinal microflora and helps fats break down.

The effectiveness of kefir diets

Kefir diet gives quick results. The benefits of losing weight with kefir lie in the composition of the product itself. Kefir contains a set of useful vitamins and microelements that the body needs so much.


  • Three-day kefir diet for weight loss
  • Kefir diet for losing weight by 10 kg in a week
  • Fasting day on kefir for weight loss
  • How to lose weight on a buckwheat-kefir diet?

Kefir weight loss is simple and effective. This method of weight loss helps speed up metabolism and break down accumulated fats in the body.

The fermented milk drink should be low-fat. Acceptable percentage of fat content is 0-1.5%.

The kefir diet will allow you to achieve results if you follow the following recommendations:

  1. choose fresh, low-fat kefir for consumption;
  2. the last meal should be 2 hours before bedtime;
  3. a prerequisite for all subsequent types of diets is plenty of clean water: 1.5-2 liters per day;
  4. We supplement the daily diet with vitamin complexes;
  5. exit from the diet should be smooth, it is forbidden to overeat and eat large portions.

Kefir weight loss for 7 days

Exist different kinds kefir diets. They can be of different frequency: 1 day, 3, 5, 7, 9, two weeks. It all depends on the weight category of the person losing weight and his focus.

Kefir diets can also be mixed or classic.

Diets for 1-4 days suggest eating only one product - kefir. But in this case, we will talk specifically about mixed type of kefir diet.

Calculated methodology for 7 days. The benefit is that during this time toxins and excess fluid are removed from the body.

So, kefir diet for 7 days - menu for every day:

1 day

  • Breakfast: kefir 1%;
  • Lunch: 3 boiled/baked potatoes;
  • Dinner: kefir.

Day 2

  • kefir 1%;
  • 150 g boiled brisket;
  • kefir.

Day 3

  • kefir 1%;
  • 120 g boiled beef meat;
  • kefir.

4 day

  • kefir product;
  • boiled fish fillet/or steamed;
  • kefir.

5 day

  • kefir product;
  • raw fruits and vegetables (remove bananas from the diet);
  • kefir.

Day 6

  • kefir day;

Day 7

  • only water (without gas, mineral water is allowed).

The seven-day kefir diet allows you to reduce your belly and lose 3-5 kg. Nutritionists recommend taking vitamins and minerals for 5-7 days. Since the body is deprived of some types of beneficial microelements within a week.

This type of diet is allowed to be repeated only after 2 months. Otherwise, the body will become exhausted and the reverse process will follow.

Kefir-apple diet

The kefir-apple version of weight loss is more strict. The menu and diet are strictly limited. Only 2 products are allowed: kefir and apples.

This type of weight loss allows you to lose 5 to 6 kg per week.

The advantage of the apple method is getting quick results in a relatively short period of time. It is important to note that the kefir diet with apples contains the entire set of vitamins necessary for the body.

Kefir-apple diet - menu option for every day(the duration of this weight loss can vary from 3 to 9 days):

1 day

  • We drink only kefir - 1%;

Day 2

  • We eat 1-1.5 kg of green apples throughout the day;

Day 3

  • Kefir day - 1%;

4 day

  • Apple day (we stick to the same diet);

5 day

  • Kefir day - 1%;

Day 6

  • Apple diet - green and red apples 1-1.5 kg;

Day 7

  • We drink kefir throughout the day.

Allowed to be consumed during a diet green tea. It is also necessary to drink at least a liter of water per day.

With this type of weight loss, use vitamin complexes to improve the health of the body. The apple menu allows the consumption of fruit both raw and baked.

For the ten-day option you can use alternation: We eat apples for 3 days, kefir for 3 days, then again for 3 days we eat apples.

Exit from the diet should be gradual.

Kefir-buckwheat diet

A diet with the addition of buckwheat to the diet is classified as strict. A specially designed menu allows you to lose weight by 5-10 kg in a week. The combination of these two products has an amazing effect. This type of weight loss makes it possible not to starve the body, but, on the contrary, to saturate it with useful vitamins and microelements.

The method menu includes daily intake of sour dairy product in combination with buckwheat.

So, a diet for 5 days (if desired, to achieve greater results, the weight loss process can be extended to 7-9 days):

For morning intake, strictly follow the recipe:

In the evening, take buckwheat (half a glass) and fill it with kefir. Without stirring, pour in 1% kefir. In the morning, before breakfast, mix and eat.

1 day

  • Lunch: boiled buckwheat and 1 chicken fillet(boiled or steamed);
  • Dinner: 0.5 tbsp drink.

Day 2

  • Lunch: boiled buckwheat and 170 g of boiled vegetables;
  • Dinner: 0.5 tbsp drink.

Day 3

  • Lunch: boiled buckwheat and 1 lean fish fillet (boiled/baked or steamed);
  • Dinner: 0.5 tbsp drink.

4 day

  • Lunch: boiled buckwheat;
  • Dinner: 0.5 tbsp drink.

5 day

  • Lunch: buckwheat porridge and raw vegetable salad;
  • Dinner: 0.5 tbsp drink.

The menu can be presented in another way:

  • exclude any products except fermented milk drink and buckwheat porridge. This method of losing weight eliminates slagging and produces a diuretic effect. If you stick to menu option 2, you can easily reduce your waist by 2-3 cm.

Kefir diet of Larisa Dolina

Larisa Dolina’s technique has already earned positive, approving reviews. Losing weight is classified as low-calorie and allows you to lose 5-6 kg per week.

Efficiency lies not only in weight loss, but also in improving overall health digestive system generally. Intestinal microflora is restored, metabolism accelerates, lightness appears, healthy appearance, general condition improves.

The menu and diet for this weight loss are different useful composition products. This allows a person not to starve, but to walk around well-fed.

So, the menu for every day. The first thing we do is divide the food into 5 meals:


  • Boil 6 potatoes and distribute them into 5 portions. In addition, during the day we drink a fermented milk drink (0.5 kefir for each dose).


  • Boil half a kilo of chicken. The principle of nutrition is the same, the difference is consumption during the day chicken breast(boiled or steamed);


  • Five meals a day. We eat low-fat cottage cheese all day. During breaks we use kefir.



  • On this day, in addition to the fermented milk drink, you are allowed to eat 1.5 kilograms of apples and 250-300 g of dried fruits in five meals a day.


  • Five times a day of fermented milk drink.


  • The seventh day is particularly strict. You are only allowed to drink mineral water. This unloading of the body makes it possible for the stomach to “relax” and begin the maximum production of substances that remove toxins and excess water from the body.

Larisa Dolina's weight loss is effective because that the natural process of breaking down fat deposits occurs. In just a couple of days you will feel unprecedented lightness and increased strength.

Healthy recipes for weight loss

The menu for this type of weight loss is somewhat sparse in its composition. But this is no reason to be discouraged! We present to your attention several healthy recipes, which could enrich the menu and add a pleasant touch of variety to it.

Bran dessert


  • 250 g kefir drink;
  • oat bran;
  • 2 liters of honey;
  • cinnamon;
  • adding flavoring to taste.

Mix everything. Add 2 drops of flavor (for example, strawberry) and mix. Dessert is ready! This recipe will be a great addition to breakfast or dinner.

Delicious kefir soufflé recipe


  • kefir - 500 ml;
  • you are allowed to take 100 g of sour cream;
  • sugar - 50 g (can be replaced with honey);
  • water - 50 ml;
  • gelatin and vanilla.

Cooking method:

Soak gelatin in 50 ml of water (cold, boiled). Let it all swell for 30 minutes. Next, you need to heat the gelatin (without bringing it to a boil). In addition, take a mixer/blender (or in the usual way) and mix the dairy products.

Add sugar, a pinch of vanilla and gelatin. Beat the mixture until completely dissolved. Using a strainer, remove undissolved grains. Beat the resulting mass again (2-3 minutes) at high speed.

Dessert recipe “Delight”

  • Kefir drink - 0.5 ml;
  • 2 peaches;

Mix all products. Beat with a blender.

A kefir diet helps you easily reduce weight to the desired figure. The basic principle is to take 1.5 liters of fresh low-fat kefir. Divide it into portions and take it all day. It is recommended to drink filtered water to help the body cleanse itself faster. Strong tea, salt, coffee and sweet foods are excluded from the diet. The results will be noticeable immediately if you follow the basic principles.

Kefir diet for fast weight loss quite effective. The dairy product cleanses the body and restores the functions of the gastrointestinal system. Fresh kefir contains different types bacteria and calcium. Even during periods of limited nutrition, the intestines work efficiently. Thanks to vegetables and fruits, the body receives an additional source of vitamins and microelements.

The disadvantage of the diet menu is the scarcity of the diet. Due to the refusal of other food, the body is deprived of nutrients. Weakness, dizziness and indigestion may occur with prolonged adherence to the diet menu. The transition to the previous diet should be smooth, otherwise the excess weight will return after a while.


There are diets of different durations. To lose excess weight quickly, follow a diet menu for 1 to 5 days. At this time, you have to satisfy your hunger with kefir and limit yourself to food. A kefir diet for 7 days allows you to gradually lose weight, because in addition to dairy products, others are introduced into the diet. Dietary meals for a month and a nine-day program are considered the most correct and balanced.

For 1 day

The diet for 1 day is quite simple. Kefir with a volume of 1.5 liters is consumed every 3 hours. Product from whole milk has a diuretic effect, so it takes from 1 to 3 kg per day.

For 3 days

During this period, you are allowed to drink 1.5 liters of fermented milk product and plain water. The interval between doses is a couple of hours. If there is an important event ahead, then a kefir diet for 3 days will help you quickly lose weight up to 4 kg.

For 5 days

A fermented milk product remains a daily drink. Additionally, the diet contains 3 apples, 3-4 prunes and 1 kg of vegetables. It is allowed to combine products and make salads without oil. The kefir diet excludes salty and sweet foods for 5 days.

For 7 days

The 7-Day Meal helps you lose weight quickly if you stick to the basic principles. Kefir remains the main ingredient of the diet. Products for 1 day: 5 boiled potatoes and a fermented milk drink.

Every day they add in strict sequence:

  • Day 2 - 250 g chicken meat;
  • Day 3 - 200 g beef;
  • Day 4 - 170 g of fish;
  • Day 5 - 5 medium apples or vegetable salad.

Diet for the last 2 days - filtered water. In the weekly diet menu, all products are boiled before consumption. Nutrition helps you lose extra 5 kg. More strict menu contains 5 apples and fermented milk drink. If you exercise additionally, you can lose 10 kg of weight.

For 9 days

The menu is quite strict and monotonous. Kefir and apples are consumed according to a certain pattern. During the first 3 days, drink enough 2% kefir to quench the unpleasant feeling in the stomach (1.5-2 liters). It is imperative to drink still water. From days 4 to 6 inclusive, choose one of the proposed products. This can be 1 kg of vegetables, apples or 300 g of boiled chicken fillet.

Compose for yourself optimal menu and follow it throughout the entire period. From days 7 to 9, they return to drinking low-fat kefir and purified water. If you strictly follow the recommendations, a kefir diet for 9 days will allow you to lose 8-9 kg.

For 2 week

Dietary nutrition is based on the use of fermented milk drink and other products. One item is added daily, and from the second week they start over:

  • 10 pieces of dried fruits;
  • oven-baked potatoes - 6 pcs;
  • any fruits - 5 pcs;
  • chicken fillet - 850 g;
  • skim cheese;
  • 1 liter of purified water;
  • 5 pieces of any fruit.

You need to eat food in equal portions, only before 6 pm. In addition to the diet, it is necessary to cleanse the intestines with laxatives or enemas. If you stick to the menu, you will be able to improve your skin condition and lose 10-14 kg in 2 weeks.

For a month

To gradually lose excess weight, you need to balance your diet. The nutritional system for the month is to follow some rules:

  • Take 1 liter of kefir daily.
  • You are allowed to drink no more than 1 liter of other liquid.
  • Add salt in small quantities to prepared dishes.
  • Eliminate bread and sweet foods from the diet.
  • Replace fried and fatty foods with boiled meat and fish.

A kefir diet for losing belly fat will not harm a healthy person, but will be beneficial. If you follow a diet for a month, your figure will become slim and your body healthy.

Diet options

Nutritionists offer several kefir-based diets. They differ in duration and degree of severity. If the body is severely restricted during the diet, it means that less time is allocated for it. The most gentle is the kefir diet for 7 days or more. It contains low-calorie foods, so the body can easily switch to normal nutrition.


The diet is quite simple and does not require strict restrictions on food intake. Buckwheat and kefir are consumed simultaneously. The kefir diet is designed for 3 days. The basic principle of dietary nutrition is daily intake of kefir and buckwheat porridge in any quantity. To make the porridge dietary, you need to pour boiled water over it in the evening and cover with a lid. You can eat buckwheat in the morning. It is recommended to take a vitamin complex to diversify your diet.

With apples

The diet is particularly strict. You can drink kefir and eat 6 apples throughout the day. Follow the diet for 3, 7 or 9 days. In the latter case, you can follow a special scheme: 3 days on apples, 3 on kefir and again on apples. The menu helps you lose 1 kg of excess weight per day.

With vegetables

Daily meals consist of any vegetables in unlimited quantities and fermented milk products. It is allowed to bake, boil vegetables or eat them raw. Potatoes are not included in the food system because they are high in calories. You can drink herbal tea and clean water. Dietary food last up to two weeks.


The daily diet consists of 1 liter of kefir and 1.5 kg of cucumbers. The fermented milk product should be of medium fat content, and the cucumbers should be small. It is recommended to purchase a complex of vitamins at the pharmacy to maintain the body. The results are noticeable immediately - 3 kg will be lost in 3 days.


The system resembles a cucumber-kefir diet. It can be observed for no more than three days. The diet consists of 1 liter of fermented milk product and 4 medium-sized beets. Add a teaspoon of sour cream or sunflower oil to the beet salad.


To effectively lose weight, the daily diet consists of 3 large potatoes and 1.5 liters of fermented milk drink. Potatoes can be baked in the oven or boiled without salt. The products are divided into 3 parts and consumed. Between meals you are allowed to drink purified water. If you follow this system, you will be able to lose 5 kg in 3 days.

With porridge

The main menu consists of sour milk and cereals (one type). Other low-calorie foods are also allowed on the menu:

  • for breakfast 250 ml of kefir and 200 g of porridge without sweeteners;
  • for lunch vegetables, 200 ml of kefir and 180 g of boiled fillet;
  • for dinner 1 fruit, 220 g of cottage cheese and 200 ml of kefir.

A diet based on fermented milk products and oatmeal can be followed for 7-14 days. It helps the body cleanse itself and improve digestion. The porridge is simmered over low heat. It should not contain oil or salt. If you stick to the diet, you will be able to lose 5-6 kg.

On dairy products

The milk-kefir diet consists of whole milk, curdled milk and kefir. One of the proposed drinks is taken at intervals of 2 hours. There is a separate kefir diet, which contains low-fat cottage cheese and kefir. 350 g of cottage cheese and a fermented milk drink are allowed per day. After leaving the diet, the body will get rid of 7 kg in a week.

With fruits

The menu for the whole day is kefir and fruit. You can choose 6-7 ripe fruits and combine them with each other. The permissible amount of kefir should be drunk before 6 pm. The kefir-banana diet deserves special attention. Due to the high nutritional value, there is no urgent need for food. You can make a cocktail and add a pinch of cocoa for taste.

Quitting the diet

Dermatologist, cosmetologist-esthetician, honored author of Evehealth


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Most women want to get rid of extra pounds. But for this they are not ready to spend too much time, so they resort to strict diets that have a strict diet and strict food restrictions, which allows them to get rid of 5-6 kg in just a couple of days.

An example of this is the kefir diet. In just one week, you can lose up to 10 kg with it! The results are, of course, amazing, but are they worth it? Let's take a closer look at this diet.

What are the benefits of kefir?

Kefir - natural product, obtained from whole milk through a fermentation process caused by lactic acid bacteria. This unique product is rich in its composition in vitamins A and B, trace elements potassium and calcium, proteins, fats and carbohydrates, which are in an easily digestible form. In addition, it is rich in rare substances formed in the process of life, microorganisms.

Thanks to such a wealth of useful components, kefir performs the following functions in the body:

  • excellent source of nutrients;
  • low calorie content;
  • good satisfaction of hunger in small quantities;
  • normalizes digestion processes;
  • accelerates the process of removing excess fluid;
  • accelerates the process of salt removal;
  • promotes ;
  • promotes the rapid breakdown of fats within the body;

From all of the above it follows that kefir is not only effective remedy for weight loss, but also an excellent product for the overall health of the body.

It is difficult to create artificially a more useful means for losing weight than kefir. Nature has already taken care of this. You just have to believe in her wisdom, put in a little diligence, and the result will exceed all expectations.

Some readers may say: “If everything is so simple, why do nutritionists all over the world have no peace? Just use kefir and there will be no problem.” For the “rehabilitation” of specialists in the field healthy eating The following arguments can be made:

  • There are diseases for which kefir should not be consumed in significant quantities - diseases of the kidneys and digestive organs, increased acidity stomach;
  • for the treatment of severe forms, the kefir diet can be one of the accompanying methods;
  • development of new methods for treating obesity and combating excess weight - profitable business, bringing good income to the state.

After the benefits of kefir for weight loss have been proven, it is worth considering some of the most effective diets with his participation. It should be noted that in general there are about a hundred kefir diets in the world. With its help, they lose weight in Europe, Asia, America, and Africa.

How does the kefir diet work?

The kefir diet minus 10 kg provokes real stress for the body, in which it begins to actively deplete its fat reserves, trying to resist negative factors. This happens due to the fact that kefir contains a lot of protein, but at the same time there are practically no carbohydrates in it.

After all, the human body is designed in such a way that when it receives an increased amount of carbohydrates with food, it begins to instantly convert them into energy, which it immediately begins to spend. But instead of them, he receives protein, which requires the body to work hard to digest and assimilate it. It turns out that by consuming kefir instead of regular food, we force the body to spend much more energy than it needs, but at the same time we do not give it additional energy. Naturally, in such cases, he begins to “get out” his reserves, which were hidden for a “rainy day.”

It is for this reason that weight loss with the help of a kefir diet occurs rapidly. However, it is worth noting that while maintaining this diet, it is necessary to consume kefir with a low fat content. This is the only way the body will not be able to make new reserves, but will use up existing ones.

Disadvantages of the kefir diet

The kefir diet for weight loss requires strict dietary restrictions, which are fraught with the presence of a constant feeling of hunger and it is practically impossible to “mute” it.

This also leads to nutrient deficiencies in the body, which increases the risk of developing many diseases, including the digestive tract. Therefore, when following a kefir diet, it is very important to take, which are sold in pharmacies.

In addition to hunger and vitamin deficiency, this diet also has whole line"side effects". This:

  • dizziness;
  • weakness;
  • decreased mental and physical activity;
  • nausea;
  • headache;
  • diarrhea;
  • irritability.

In addition, the kefir diet can lead to exacerbation chronic diseases. For this reason, only completely healthy people can adhere to it. If you are not 100% sure that you are completely healthy, you should consult your doctor before going on a diet.

Who is the kefir diet contraindicated for?

The kefir diet should never be followed by people with the following diseases and conditions:

  • dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • chronic diseases of various internal organs;
  • diabetes;
  • liver and kidney pathologies;
  • dysfunction of the cardiovascular system;
  • allergic reaction to lactose;
  • age up to 16 years;
  • pregnancy and lactation period.

Kefir diets: choose yours

If you decide to lose weight using a kefir diet, then check out the most effective ones.

Kefir diet of Larisa Dolina

The kefir diet menu includes

  • Distribute 5-6 medium potatoes, boiled in their jackets, and 0.5 liters of kefir for five doses. During the day you need to drink 1.5 liters of water.
  • Distribute 0.5 kg of boiled chicken without skin and without salt, as well as 0.5 liters of kefir, over five meals. Drink 1.5 liters of water.
  • Distribute 200 g of low-fat cottage cheese and 0.5 liters of kefir over five doses. Drink 1.5 liters of water.
  • Distribute 200 g of sour cream and 0.5 liters of kefir over five doses. Drink 1.5 liters of water.
  • Distribute 1 kg of apples or 300 g of dried fruits, except raisins and 0.5 liters of kefir, into five doses. Drink 1.5 liters of water.
  • Distribute 1 liter of kefir over five doses. Drink 2 liters of water.
  • Drink 1 liter of mineral water throughout the day and plain water in an amount of 1 liter.

Before starting the diet, you should reduce the total amount and calorie content of your daily diet for a week. The last meal should be taken no later than 18:00.

3-day kefir diet

The diet is strict and suitable for absolutely healthy people. You can lose 3-4 kg.

During the day before 19:00 you need to drink kefir in the amount of 1.5 liters in equal parts. You can repeat the diet every three weeks. After completing the course, stick to a low-calorie diet. It is advisable to exercise during and after the diet.

Important! As with any strict mono-diet, the body experiences an acute deficiency of vitamins and microelements during this period. To replenish it without violating the diet, it is advisable to take good ones. When leaving the diet, you can supplement your diet, which, with a low calorie content, will provide you with many essential substances.

Below are a few of these superfoods and their health benefits.

9-day strict kefir diet

Throughout the diet, there are three periods during which certain foods are consumed.

  • In the first 3 days, low-fat kefir is consumed - 1.5. liters
  • During the second 3 days, apples are consumed - 1.5 kg.
  • On the third 3 days, kefir with a fat content of over 3 percent is consumed.

All food is divided into equal parts into 5-6 meals and eaten before 19 hours.

During the period of losing weight, you can get rid of 9 kg of excess weight. After finishing the diet, you need to gradually introduce different foods into your diet. To consolidate the effect, it should be carried out. Physical activity is required.

Weekly comfortable kefir diet

The essence of the diet is that the same diet is eaten every day strictly according to time.

  • 7.00 - one glass of kefir;
  • 9.00 - vegetable salad with olive oil - 150 g;
  • 11.00 - lean meat - 80 g;
  • 13.00 - one medium-sized apple:
  • 15.00 - buckwheat porridge without salt and butter + a glass of kefir;
  • 17.00 - one boiled egg;
  • 19.00 - dried fruits - 100 g;
  • 21.00 - one glass of kefir.

Drink 1.5 liters of water throughout the day. Be sure to do physical exercise. During this diet you can get rid of 5 kg of excess weight. The result is stable. It is useful to repeat the course after one month.

In almost all versions of the kefir diet, it makes sense to supplement the diet. This will help to simultaneously improve intestinal motility and at the same time avoid the laxative effect that is possible from kefir in large quantities. Fiber itself not only does not add calories, but also reduces the calorie content of dishes to which it is added.

Kefir diet and sports

It was already mentioned above that the kefir diet can cause weakness and dizziness, so playing sports while maintaining it is contraindicated. Only light sports are allowed. For example, walking or.

But they should be used in practice only if your health is stable and “ side effects"do not appear. Otherwise, fainting and health problems may occur.

All of them have strict dietary restrictions and require strict control over their emotions. They are not safe for health, so it is not recommended to abuse such diets. They can be repeated only once every 6-10 months, not more often.

Remember that kefir diets require a special outlet. Once they’re over, you shouldn’t immediately pounce on the food and gobble up everything you can get your hands on. This is fraught with disorders of the digestive system. Therefore, all food products are introduced into the diet gradually.

You need to start with “light” foods, such as cottage cheese, yogurt and cheese. And only after that introduce various juices, cereals and soups. For the first 30 days after finishing the diet, it is not recommended to eat fatty and fried foods, smoked meats, pickles, marinades, sausages, sweets and buns. Otherwise, the weight will return very quickly.

Based on reviews from women who have used one or another kefir diet, one general opinion can be identified: the process of losing weight is relatively easy in terms of well-being, and the results obtained last for a long time if you adhere to the basic rules of a healthy diet.

All of the above types of kefir diets can be used, provided good health. Otherwise, the need and type of kefir diet should be discussed with a nutrition specialist.

Video about Yana Rudkovskaya’s kefir diet

Video about the kefir diet

Video about kefir diet for weight loss

A lot has been written about the benefits of fermented milk products for the human body, especially those who want to lose weight. And for good reason. After all, this is actually a fairly necessary product for the body. We have the opportunity to use it for the purpose of prevention large quantities diseases or for their treatment and the period of restoration of immunity after recovery. Kefir is also drunk after really serious illnesses. The influence of this product on the body cannot be narrowed down to a specific system, but it plays the greatest role in debugging digestion.

Kefir diet for 7 daysshining example how useful this product is for weight loss. However, in addition to weight loss, a weekly diet on this product will provide other effects: heaviness in the pancreas will go away, stool will improve, and nausea will stop if it is caused by problems associated with the gastrointestinal tract. In short, this is a great way to feel refreshed and lighter by several kilos.

We previously wrote about, in fact, this is a kind of one daily diet. Its use is aimed not so much at losing weight, but at preventing weight gain. So, it is good to bring digestion back to normal, to improve processes after overeating - especially after the holidays. However, if you need to quickly lose 1-2 kg in normal circumstances, this kefir diet is also suitable - reviews and results indicate the effectiveness of the diet in any conditions.

The diet requires six meals a day. The menu includes the following items:

  • Breakfast – a glass of kefir. If desired, you can also dry one slice of black bread.
  • Lunch – a glass of freshly squeezed juice or a similar amount of kefir, as well as two medium green apples.
  • Lunch – 200 grams of boiled fish, vegetable salad (as a winter option – sauerkraut or vinaigrette).
  • Afternoon snack – a glass of kefir and a few fruits. Ideally, these should be green apples, but others are also possible (the main thing is not grapes, bananas or anything dried).
  • Dinner – 2 green apples, a slice of cheese and a slice of bread. If desired, replace the cheese with carrot casserole.
  • Immediately before bed, drink a glass of kefir or low-fat milk.

Distributing food throughout the day will avoid feelings of hunger and improve the functioning of the digestive system. There is a more severe variation of the fasting day on kefir. It involves drinking this drink exclusively.

This diet option is acceptable only for a healthy body. And you should limit your entire daily diet to fermented milk drinks only on days off, since it causes a quick cleansing of the body.

For the diet, you need to buy only low-fat kefir (this is 1%). If you don’t have it, it’s better to buy it with regular fat content (2.5%). A low-fat drink has no value and will not benefit the body, although it will help you lose a little weight. In general, it’s a good idea to spend such fasting days not only after festive feasts, but also weekly. This is good for both digestion and figure.

Kefir diet for 3 days

This is, and it is extremely simple, like most diets of this type. From the point of view of costs - time, financial, physical - only losing weight on water seems simpler. And this is obvious, because kefir is a ready-made product, which means there will be no time spent on cooking, and if a person lives on his own, he can calmly devote himself to more pleasant things. The product is quite cheap, and you only need 3-5 standard bottles or bags.

There are just a few facts you need to know about this diet:

  • Duration – 3 days.
  • The daily intake of low-fat kefir (or with 1% fat content) is 1-1.5 liters.
  • The expected result is minus 3-4 kg.

Mono-diets always have a lot of admirers and opponents. Some talk about harm to the body due to a lack of nutrients, others focus on the effectiveness of the diet. Both are right in their own way. Harm to the body can always be avoided: the main thing is not to sit on one product for more than the period specified in the description of the diet - that is, in our case, exceeding the three-day norm can lead to undesirable consequences, especially diarrhea.

It is important. If you buy food in a regular supermarket, it is better to take packaged kefir with the shortest shelf life. If there is a possibility of a wider choice of products, you should give preference to farm-made fermented milk in glass.

Long-term consumption of one kefir will completely disrupt the digestion process. A positive result is guaranteed if the kefir diet is maintained strictly for three days, as evidenced by the before and after photos.

Kefir diet for 7 days

A remarkable feature of almost all kefir diets is that they are essentially applicable at any time of the year. The main product is relevant in both winter and summer, and some auxiliary products can be varied according to the season. Will the kefir diet provide minus 10 kg for 7 days, or is this just an established myth in society?

According to reviews, this weight can really go away, but it is very important to carefully follow all the instructions. In addition, the number of kilograms lost directly depends on the initial weight of the person losing weight. So, how can you lose weight on kefir in a week with maximum results? We use the diet menu table for the week.

Menu by day of the week:

The diet is very effective and generally useful for healing and cleansing the entire body. However, you should not repeat it earlier than 2 months after completion. In order for your expectations to be met, you will have to fulfill several important requirements. So, one and a half liters intended for the day cannot be drunk in 1-2 sittings, even if hunger overcomes. A glass is drunk at a time. The interval between doses of this drink should be around 3-4 hours. There is no need to take only one brand of kefir.

This is interesting. Kefir may well be different. So, you can start the day with a low-fat version, drink a glass of bifidobacteria at lunch, and enrich your evening meals with a fruit version (namely low-fat kefir, but not yogurt).

As with any diet, drinking water is very important. Even though this will not always be desired, because the amount of the main liquid also has a significant volume. However, per day and under such conditions, you need to drink at least one and a half liters of non-carbonated mineral water or spring water (in extreme cases, at least from the cooler at work, but definitely not boiled). It is important to note that tea, coffee and other drinks, except water and kefir, are prohibited during the diet.

Kefir diet for 9 days

A very difficult diet to follow, after which you can hate kefir for a long time. However, it is as powerful as it is complex. In just 9 days you will lose 8-9 kg, which cannot be called an unattractive figure. As for the menu itself, it is very simple and uncomplicated, as are the products included in it. These days you can save a lot of time on cooking.

This diet has many obvious advantages. So, it essentially eliminates the appearance of a persistent feeling of hunger. The ability to drink the desired amount of fermented milk drink at any time will allow you to always feel full. At the same time, you should not be afraid that you will drink too much of it, since this product is essentially not the most attractive and satisfies the feeling of hunger well.

So, the diet is as follows:

  • The first 3 days: kefir (fat content - 1%) without volume restrictions. 100 grams of rice (cooked in water, without salt).
  • Second 3 days: kefir (fat content - 1%) without volume restrictions. 100 grams of chicken fillet (boil or steam).
  • Third 3 days: only kefir - as much as you like, so that there is no feeling of hunger.

For nine days, you can eat green apples in any quantity, drink green tea and water.

Note! It is imperative to ensure a smooth, gradual exit from this diet. You can’t immediately after finishing it, gorge yourself on high-calorie foods. This leads to a rapid return of the mass, and can also cause the stomach to stop.

Another significant advantage is the ease of preparation of products. Thus, 100 grams of rice or chicken is usually eaten as one serving in the morning or evening. And you can easily take a bottle of kefir with you to work. The disadvantages have also already been indicated - these are, first of all, difficulties in eating a strictly limited amount of foods that do not have the most pronounced taste. Therefore, it will not be so easy for a person who is accustomed to junk food not to eat it for 9 days. And after the end of the period, it is advisable to switch to vegetables and lean meat at least for a while.

So, you can lose weight on kefir, and it’s not that difficult. The main thing is to decide on your weight loss goals. It is also important to choose the right product, which has a fat content of 1% and a shelf life that is the shortest available commercially. To get the maximum effect from the diet, no matter what variation is chosen, it is important to strictly adhere to all the rules described. Of course, one small piece of candy won’t change anything in the global sense, since one piece of candy doesn’t have a catastrophic amount of calories. But this should not be allowed in the kefir diet, since it is aimed at improving the digestion process, and the calorie deficit in this case is not so important.