For the first time, similar designs appeared in the Middle Ages, and first time they were distributed in the Alps. Then, the Combi-houses began to master other territories, because such a housing had to do the Germans, the British, the Austrians, the French and representatives of other nationalities that inhabited Europe. Main features such houses are attached gable roof and use during the construction of at least two main materials - stone and wood. A little later, this style in architecture was named the word, which you probably heard - "Chale".

First floor - stone, second and all subsequent - wooden. Although, most often, the combo home is two-story. This solution is optimal, because the stone is a heavy and durable material, so the first floor serves as a reliable basis for all subsequent levels made of wood. It is noteworthy that the combined houses with a large stretch can be called wooden objects of suburban real estate, lined with brick, natural or artificial stone. In essence, they are not combi-houses, because the stone, and the brick take on the finish function, and constructive features Constructions do not have any influence.

Pluses of Combi-Houses

  1. Decent appearance. Combined houses are able to fit into any landscape, and they will definitely pay attention to themselves, because still relate to the discharge of atypical for Russia. But they are most suitable for our climate, which is very similar to Alpine.
  2. Durability. We dare to assure you that for chalet, the centenary service life is not a limit value, which is explained by the feature of the materials. What can happen to a stone that does not burn and does not rot?! If you are confused by the fact that all subsequent levels are made of wood, then you should not worry: For construction, we use lumber from wood coniferous rocks. It is less susceptible to rotting and other negative factors, Also, wooden Material, regardless of the name, is processed by antiseptic compositions, as well as impregnation, providing fire resistance.
  3. Low price. This is true, because the construction and commissioning of the "partially stone house" costs cheaper, compared with the stone structure. Even the most elite sawn timber is cheaper than stone.
  4. Ecology. Coniferous woods have the property to highlight phytoncides and well regulate the heat and air exchange. Stone holds in the summer coolness, and in winter heat, and the combination of these materials provides the creation of an optimal microclimate.
  5. Accelerated pace of construction. Combi-houses have low weight compared to their brick and stone counterparts, which means that there will be much less time, money and strength to build the foundation. Also, such structures do not require shrinkage.
  6. Fire resistance. Combi-houses become a victim of fires much less frequently frame, bruschers and log, and the reason for the presence of stone elements in the structure. Wood processing with antipirens makes it possible to reduce the likelihood of ignition at times.
  7. New business opportunities. This item may seem incomprehensible. Explain: having a chalet house, the ability to make an interesting business solution. On the first floor of such a building, it is possible to equip the office, cafe, shop, bakery, workshop, and on the second - to live with your family. Perhaps it will interest you, and we are ready to finalize the project you like in accordance with the wishes, because the organization of business space implies the presence of a separate entrance and layout other than "household".

Are there any flaws from combi-houses?

The shortcomings of combi houses are reduced to a possible risk of reducing their service life due to insufficient care wooden elements. The stone is more resistant to precipitation, excessive moisture and temperature drops, and in order to maintain the initial characteristics of the tree, it is necessary to care for it, that is, periodically process the special stores of wooden surfaces.

What do we offer

Russian Style is a multidisciplinary company, with the staff of various specialties, including: designers, architects, designers, bricklayer builders, masters specializing in construction wooden houses, finishes, etc. We can offer one of our numerous projects on your consideration. Also, you have the right to move away from the standard planning scheme, because most often on the first floor of the house-chalet are placed technical and household facilities of the kitchen, bathrooms, boiler rooms. In addition, it is on the first floor that dining rooms and living rooms are equipped. The second floor is a living area, with bedrooms, cabinets, dressing rooms. If you see your future house in a few other format, then tell us about it.

In cooperation with our company mass of advantages. Here are just some of them:

  1. The presence of a huge number of typical projects that are easily transformed into individual.
  2. The ability to carry out the construction of an object on credit, including mortgage (all documents are issued in our office).
  3. Quality assurance.
  4. Attracting the labor of highly qualified workers - Russian citizens.
  5. Construction uses only high-quality materials.

We carry out projects of any complexity.

Today, people who plan to build a residential building may notice that there are a lot of build options. Enjoy popular among privately owners of the house of brick and timber. Not surprising, because there are such buildings whole line Weighing benefits that indicate that such buildings have the right to life.

Project of the Combined House of Brick and Brous
House construction with big attic

Popular as projects combined houses From bricks and timber, and a laying of wooden houses brick. Both options are quite worthy, find your place in the territories of private sectors. Before finally make a bet on such a structure, you need to get acquainted with the benefits of such structures.
First of all, the choice of such buildings choose people who are tired of banality, and they want something fundamentally new. In fact, the combined homes recently began to appear in the territories of private sectors.

An example of finishing the first floor with decorative brick

That is why not everyone heard about such structures, but saw them in the reality of the unit. All new attractive and interesting. Therefore, it is worth paying tribute to architects, as well as thoroughly study all the features of such buildings.

Combined house most often choose people who:

These are just some factors that become key when choosing such structures.
People who have chosen the option and in the same structure remain satisfied with the result of their works or the work of the construction company.

What are the advantages of combined brick and timber houses

Which materials choose for such buildings

It is worth understanding which raw materials are used to build combined houses.
Like any building material, the bar has several varieties.

Design and design of a combined building

Depending on the requirements and wishes of the owner of the private site, you can choose the following types of timber:


Such bars are very tightly adjacent to each other. Therefore, it does not require additional treatments and grinding.

Scheme with size and compounding profiled timber
Existing options Castles for profiled timber

That is, this option is ideal if you want not to make great efforts for the completed type of construction.

Not profiled

The advantage of such a material is a relatively low pricing policy. However, for the construction of combined houses, such raw materials are extremely rare due to the fact that its qualitative parameters are sufficiently low.


Such material is widely used to erect combined houses. It has high heat resistance, and also provides sound isolation.

Glued bar for assembling cottage

Such material is considered the most reliable and durable to build combined houses. Build a house of brick and a bar for dozens of years, it will help exactly such a material.
Some preferred, build a house from a brick cluster.

It helps to provide aesthetically attractive type of design, as well as significantly save on repair work indoors.

Projects of brick and brick houses

Of course, the owners of the land plot can decide how to look like finished design at home. Nevertheless, it is much more intelligent and more economically acquired. This will help:

All these factors indicate that the project is beneficial and reasonable. Despite the fact that ready project There are some funds, if you analyze the benefits, it is cheaper to initially build the building perfect in your design, rather than fix the errors, which also costs money.

What projects should pay attention to

All three projects are worthy and are often selected by the owners of private sectors. Such houses look noble and harmoniously. Inside the space is also very cozy and pleasant.

The main advantage of combined projects is the combination of various wall materials, from which they are taken best features and properties. Simply put, these houses are more comfortable for living, than completely stone, and more reliable fully wooden houses.

The bottom floor usually has a garage, boiler room, swimming pool, or sauna, kitchen, storage room and a wardrobe. Thus, these rooms are not exposed to moisture and fire. However, there is no comfortable feeling of warmth and naturalness in concrete. This minus is solved by construction combined projectin which the second floor is designed from a wooden wall material that gives the comfort and a healthy atmosphere. Upper, wooden floor This is a living area with bedrooms, a children's office for work. As you know, the tree "breathes" because there are pores and passes air. Rest and sleep in the tree is much nicer and easier than in concrete.

The base of the combined house usually do:

  • brick
  • building Blocks (Gasoblocks, Foamclock, Arbolit, Ceramas, Ceramzitoblock)
  • monolith
  • a natural stone

The second and subsequent floors are design from:

  • bar - Normal, glued, profiled
  • log - planed or rounded
  • frame technology with trim "under the tree"
  • from the sip panels - also with the finish "under the tree"

Excursion to the history of combined projects

The combination of stone and wood is used in the construction of houses for a very long time, both in Russia and abroad. Initially, the basis for this method of construction served as a chalet style, common among residents of the mountain alps. The base of the stone was necessary for a strong landing of the house on the slopes of the mountains, and to confront the snow and the wind. Residential top was built of wood, possessed wide overhairs of the roof to protect against rain, which is currently a "visiting card" of this architectural style.

In our country, at home with the use of stone and wood were quite popular among merchants, wealthy artisans and fists. The lower stone floors were used by merchants as warehouses and shops, and artisans under workshops. The second wooden floor was used as a residential. Such combined houses were cheaper than all the stone, and were more durable than completely wooden, due to the elevation above the ground of the wooden part, it was protected from flooding and less susceptible to fires. Solid benefit!

Features of the design of combined houses

As previously indicated, the main feature of the combined projects is the symbiosis of the strength of the stone of the first floor and the ease of the tree of the upper floors. Of course without good foundation There is no need to do, but its load will be less, in the case of the design and construction of a stone at once of two floors. And since the foundation is usually 25% of the total price of the house, it is possible to save a fairly decent amount. Unlike blocks, the tree on the second floor will not require global finish, except for the primer and painting, so save will be saved at this stage.

Combined houses do not require long time on shrinkage. You can sit in these houses immediately at the end of the basic construction - finishing only the bottom, the stone floor. The wooden part, as in ordinary wooden houses, will be lit up to 1.5-2 years, so it is not recommended to make the finish and immediately imply.

Savings on the construction of combined projects can be obtained on thermal insulation, because, in contrast to the entire stone house, the combined requires a smaller amount of thermal insulation. It is also not required to handle the whole house by an antiseptic unlikely wooden house.

The tree is removed from the soil, and therefore from the exposure of moisture. From stone building materials You can safely build such facilities as a boiler room, a bathroom - at least with a sauna, even with a swimming pool, a living room with a fireplace. As a result, the customer of the combined project will receive a competent, technological building, the materials of which each exactly for their own purposes apply.

A pleasant and unusual appearance is guaranteed if you choose a combined house project. Log or bar look aesthetic and kindly, and finishing the first floor of artificial stone or plaster give appearance respectability. Specialists of our company can issue facades or as a whole, or retaining an unforgettable combination of wood and stone!

In the modern diversity of building materials, it is difficult to stop on something concrete for the construction individual house. Big demand enjoy brick and timber. These are materials in which a person can be sure. The production technology is known, the danger to buy a "cat in a bag" less. How then to make a choice which house from a bar or brick house better build? It is difficult to choose a favorite, because both material earned the right to be the best. The choice of making the buyer, we compare the qualitative characteristics of materials and houses erected from brick or timber. Perhaps such information will help make a decision.

Consider the pros and cons of timber. It is a derivative of wood, has the same features that wood:

  • porous surface structure easily absorbs and gives moisture, heat;
  • ecologically pure Materialnot causing allergies (exception can only be glued timber due to the specifics of production);
  • beautiful drawing, wood fragrance (usually coniferous);
  • lightweight, easy to process;
  • the overall dimensions of the bar allow in a short time to raise a residential building, because in one reception is covered by the length of one wall;
  • affordable - Buy Bar for affordable price Will not work at any time of the year.

By minuses, we will take the following properties that can be prevented using modern funds:

  • unstable to the fire - any tree quickly flashes, but the bar can handle or avoid dangerous situations;
  • it is subject to rotting, exposure to surrounding or pests - ensuring high-quality waterproofing or antiseptic processing of the bar, you can extend its durability;
  • drying of a bar, loss up to 10% of the total - you can buy an already extended bar, but it is not cheaper than the item natural humidity.

Brick is in demand no less than timber, maybe even more. This is due to the positive properties of the stone:

  • strength - only trained techniques can be broken with hands, and if you lay a wall of several bricks, even the tractor needs to make an effort;
  • reliability - people are confident in the stability of brick structures, in confronting the threat outside;
  • fire resistance - brick does not burn, so it is safe for fire indicators;
  • environmentally friendly material - the basis of the sand, clay, water - natural substances are laid;

The benefits of the material are essential, but it is impossible not to say about the minus bricks:

  • the price is very high, not every wishes can afford to build even a one-storey house;
  • the high thermal conductivity coefficient does not allow for a long time to maintain heat;
  • brick heavy - a wall of brick is obtained by a massive, requiring a solid foundation, solution and a connecting reinforcement grid.
  • appearance - not always attractive, lately appeared decorative facade brickBut its price is not cheaper than usual, cannot be used to build the entire box, apply as a decorative element of the facade.

Having considered the characteristics of two building materials, it is difficult to say that better brick or a bar. This can be found only to the comparative analysis of houses built from a bar and brick.

What is better: a brick house or a house from a bar?

To understand which of the materials is better, it is necessary to evaluate homes built from brick and bar. We carry out a comparative analysis of such structures.

Wooden house from a modern bar

Wood for a long time was used to build houses and other premises. Today, interest in wooden housing did not disappear, maybe it became a little less with the arrival of other building materials. Connoisseurs of heat, beauty, intimacy of nature, favorable climate choose a tree, but in modern form Bruus or rounded log. Let us dwell on the structures from the bar because it is available for the price, easy to assemble, is constantly available from manufacturers. Bar is one of the materials submitted by a wide range of varieties:

  • edged natural humidity;
  • profiled natural humidity / chamber drying;
  • glued.

You can build wooden frame From any timber, given their wishes. For permanent residence Build a frame from a profiled or glued timber. They preserve a comfortable climate to the room better, do not need extra finishes. A wooden house from such blanks may be faster than other analogues to allow a newsweed.

What advantages can be noted from the houses from the bar?

  1. Ecology is the main plus. Modern world filled with objects, substances worsening our lives. I want to return to nature. But it's not quite comfortable to live in the forest. Therefore, the wooden frame provides the possibility of union with nature. The air in the room will be a light, clean, filled with a scent, spruce, larch. Depends on the raw material used for the harvesting of the bar.
  2. Beauty. Wood has a unique drawing, the color that cannot leave a person indifferent. Nice to look at the bar, resembling the outlines of the log. Each wall of the cut after shrinkage has an original decor from the cracks that appeared. The walls do not require trim, and, it means, they save the budget on wallpaper, putty, paint, GKL, and the like. It is enough to put the lacquer after careful grinding of wood so that the room is filled with comfort.
  3. Rapidity mounting work. Elements wooden sruba From the bar are collected as a designer. The profiled and glued bar has special lock connections to speed up the frame assembly. Only in the case of self-logging of angular connections, a log building can be delayed, but not as a masonry of a brick box. The bar at a time covers the entire length of the row step by step.
  4. Preservation of heat and comfort. Wood has a low thermal conductivity. Brusade parts it is even smaller, because the lock connection of the links does not let the heat. Not passing heat outward, and cold inside, wooden wall It is capable of accumulating and then give it a long time to give heat into the room. In a wooden house from a bar with a cross section, a large 150 mm will never be cold. The tree not only retains energy, but also misses humidity. In the room, even without air conditioning or humidifier, a comfortable climate will remain.
  5. Price. Brous made of brick buildings cheaper. New builders who do not have large funds for construction makes sense to draw attention to the brusade project of the house. Given the opportunity to live in the house without additional finishes, the final cost of the project of wooden housing will be cheaper than brick.
  6. Ease of construction does not require a serious foundation. The dried wood has a little weight, which has a positive effect on choosing a foundation for a future building. The foundation makes facilitated, more often columnar or tape. For greater depths, poured to ensure the house of a large cellar.

There are, of course, has wooden housing from a bar of flaws:

Pluses the wooden house is still larger. Showing care, you can not think about the construction of new housing for a long time.

Brick house

Brick buildings appeared later than wooden, but their strength and reliability earned demand for many years. Today wishing to build brick house lots of.

This is due to the positive properties of the material:

Have brick houses have a number of disadvantages:

Comparing two types of construction for housing, it is difficult to say which it is better to choose. Weigh everything and cons: someone needs a home cheaper, someone appreciates the strength and reliability of the design. General Plus have a house from a bar or brick house - ecology. Both materials are made of raw materials donated by nature. Any disadvantages are easily eliminated. Choose what is closer to you.