It's nice to make surprises for your beloved man. It’s even nicer when this surprise is pleasant to the person to whom it was given.

If he's far away

It's easy to surprise your loved one when he is next to you. But what if you are separated by insurmountable distances?

Naturally, the biggest surprise for him would be your arrival. Without parting, such a gift cannot be given.

Don't be discouraged if this isn't possible. You can also give gifts from a distance. Send it by mail, order something interesting for your loved one from the online store with delivery to his address.

After work

If your loved one has a difficult physical job or just had a hard day at work, do not drag him to the skating rink or disco. Let your surprise be stationary and calm.

Keep in mind that he wants to relax and enjoy your company at the same time. The best gift for a working person would be a good thick and delicious dinner. Believe me, he will appreciate it.

If you know how (even if you don’t know how, but really want to), give your hard worker a massage.

Upon arrival from a business trip

There are different surprises, especially when a loved one returns unexpectedly. But this has nothing to do with you. You truly love him and always wait for him.

Your man once said that he would love you more if you were a redhead. Here! Give him a stunning surprise. Change radically. Cut your hair, dye your hair, change your image and play a beautiful stranger.

You can re-paste the wallpaper or buy a navigator for your car, or hang a declaration of love on whatman paper over your bed. And the biggest surprise will be the test with two strips.

To Army

What surprise can you give to your beloved soldier? If your boyfriend was drafted into the army, and you still didn’t have time to tell him about your love, take the opportunity to make his difficult military everyday life a little more joyful. He will be happy if you come to him, for example, on Oath Day and tell him how much you love him.

If it is not possible to visit the Defender of the Fatherland, there are other ways to please him:

  • send a souvenir gift that says “I love you”;
  • a joke on the phone in which President Putin congratulates your loved one on having you;
  • sign up for the army yourself and ask to join its unit (yes, girls also serve at will).

On the street

There is nothing easier than surprising your loved one on the street. Just let's decide what exactly you want: an unexpected gift or a prank?

If the first, then any given trifle can be a surprise, even a bottle of his favorite beer in your purse or football tickets.

The prank must be good. The simplest “children’s” is when you sneak up behind him and cover his eyes with your palms: “Guess who?”

You can come up with something more elaborate by asking mutual friends to participate. You need to prepare for such an event in advance, write a script, purchase props, and sometimes even rehearse future events.

These simple things add variety to relationships and promise a fun future life.

In contact with

It’s almost impossible to come up with something unexpected in VKontakte. Everything has already been invented, done by everyone and several times.

Postcards, emoticons, and hand-drawn gifts are no longer considered surprises; they can be given to anyone without money just like that. Although this does not stop them from delighting those who receive them.

It’s not a gift that’s precious, it’s attention that’s precious. How to surprise your loved one on VKontakte?! You can register under a different name, log into Contact with him and then admit that it is you. However, not every guy will believe that you didn’t want to test him, but were just playing a prank.

This site has many online games that you can play together. Invite him to fight against his will, for example.

An unforgettable surprise for your beloved husband

Remember the words of the drunken Hippolytus in “The Irony of Fate”? “How boring we live! We stopped climbing into the windows of our beloved women, we stopped doing little pleasant nonsense...”

Well, climbing through windows is not a woman’s job, but making life not boring largely depends on the woman. And if courtship, first dates, premarital relationships are always full of something new, then married life after some time acquires a certain routine, a calm monotony.

So that you and your husband don’t want to look for creative adventures each on your side separately, try to arrange them for each other from time to time.

Erotic gift

Don't forget that every day a holiday ceases to be a holiday and turns into everyday life. Therefore, arrange surprises no more than once a week. And an erotic intimate gift is no more than once a month.

In most cases, this is the most pleasant surprise for a man. Choose an evening for him when your beloved man will be able to accept him, and will not fall asleep only when he is in bed. Check to see if they are broadcasting football on TV, if he has any emergency plans at work, etc.

Prepare, carefully consider music, candles, your clothes, scent, etc. In eastern harems, a woman is prepared for 3 hours to meet her husband, bathed in aromatic baths, rubbed with incense, and makeup applied. You are not in a harem, so you will have to do everything yourself.

By the way, many men adore the smell of a clean female body without any chemical fragrances. To prevent the surprise from being ruined at the most wonderful moment, do not forget to turn off all phones in advance!

On a rest

On vacation, on weekends, or just a few days free from the everyday routine - this is the time when your imagination is simply obliged to gush with new ideas.

While relaxing on Turkish, Crimean and other beaches, you don’t have to bother her, because every 10-15 minutes lively tanned boys and girls will approach you, offering their ideas for visiting a shopping center, a desert island, a water park, or just taking a photo on a camel.

There you can go all out without thinking about a gift for your loved one. Personally, there is no room for your surprises. Perhaps, pour cold sea water over him sleeping under the scorching sun on a trestle bed!

But, relaxing at the dacha or with a tent on the bank of a forest stream, you can turn around. Do you think a naked mermaid in a wreath of white lilies emerging from the river early on a foggy morning will impress him? Or the inscription on the chest with chokeberry juice “death to mosquitoes!”

You can do thousands of such mischievous things while on vacation.

At home

There is nothing easier than making a surprise at home:

Top 20 little surprises for your loved one just because

The surprises listed here can pleasantly surprise, amuse and delight your man only on the condition that you have never done this before (or rarely done it).

Agree that the birth of a fifth son or daily walks from the entrance can hardly be called a surprise. Everything that you do every day constantly or regularly will never be a pleasant surprise for your loved one.

Therefore, in order to always be interesting to him, you must either constantly gush with new ideas, or not reveal all your talents and advantages at once. Extend this pleasure throughout your life.

Video: Romantic surprise: WHERE and HOW to arrange it

As a rule, you want to please your loved one with pleasant surprises. Such colorful moments greatly improve your mood and bring harmony, mutual understanding and well-being to relationships. Surprises, like gifts, are nice not only to receive, but also to give. During preparation, you can notice how pleasant excitement and anticipation of the imminent joy of your loved one awakens in your soul. It’s exciting, first of all, because every representative of the fair sex really wants the surprise to be a success and to please her lover.


When choosing a surprise, you must first of all focus on the lifestyle, type of temperament, age, hobbies and preferences of your young man or spouse. In this matter, an individual approach is very important, because what one person likes, another may not appreciate at all, and in some cases they are even offended by unsuccessful surprises. Or a gift that would be appropriate for a young guy will not be suitable for an elderly person, since their interests are very different.

To avoid any unpleasant incidents, treat the choice and preparation of a surprise for your beloved man with all your heart.

Such pleasant moments can be organized both on the occasion of some holiday or for no reason, just to please the person you love and give him attention. Such moments bring into the lives of our dear and beloved people the feeling that they are cared for and loved.

It is important to approach the choice of comic surprises with special care. You must clearly assess whether a man has a sense of humor and his attitude towards certain topics for jokes. When purchasing some curious item as a gift, remember that not everyone will appreciate such a gift, but only a true connoisseur of jokes, who himself is not averse to making fun of someone close to him. It is important to assess the man’s needs.

Depending on the type of person’s hobbies, a surprise can be very pleasant and impressive. For example, your young man spends a lot of time on the computer and has long dreamed of going to the gym, but still hasn’t gotten around to calling and making an appointment for his first visit. It would be a great idea to give to your loved one visit pass gym within a month. Such a gift will motivate your young man to visit sports activities

, which will help improve his health and physical fitness.

If your loved one is far from you, then you can give him a pleasant surprise from a distance. Almost every city provides professional services of confectioners who can make a gift box of cute and delicious cupcakes for your other half. Their decor can be made in any style you wish. Decorating the cakes can rhyme with your loved one's lifestyle, workplace or hobbies.

An interesting romantic idea for your loved one would be breakfast in bed. This mini-surprise can be done at home, on any day off, when you don’t need to rush anywhere. To bring your idea to life, all you need is a tray or a folding mini-table. As a treat, you can have a small cup of coffee with a chocolate croissant or fresh fruit with freshly squeezed orange juice.

If your loved one prefers a heartier breakfast, you can additionally prepare an omelette with bacon and hot toast.

You can surprise your loved one in the form of a shared romantic bath before bed. To do this, before your loved one arrives, you need to first take a bath with perfumed snow-white foam. It is also very important to decorate the bathroom with scented candles and rose petals to create a romantic atmosphere.

Then you need to take a bottle of champagne out of the refrigerator and beautifully cut the fruit. When your loved one returns home, you can meet him in a beautiful peignoir made of silk or satin fabric. After a bath, you can give your beloved man a relaxing massage with oils.

An evening spent with you in such a romantic atmosphere will definitely be remembered for a long time and will leave the most pleasant memories.

A great idea for a romantic surprise would be your photo session with your loved one with a professional photographer in the love story style. Depending on the time of year, you can sign up for a photo session in a lavender field, in a blooming spring garden, in a poppy field or in the thick of sunflowers.

Thanks to this surprise, your collection will be replenished with photos of you together. In addition to photos, you can also order video shooting. Such a memorable gift is guaranteed to leave not only a lot of positive emotions, but also memorable colorful photographs and videos that you can enjoy with pleasure. free time for many years to come.

Unexpected options

Unexpected surprise option - delivery of some gift directly to him workplace, to the office. It can be anything: from a set of cosmetics to a fountain made of foil balloons. Such surprises can be made about a promotion at work, in honor of a birthday or a professional holiday. Your loved one will be very pleased to receive such a sign of attention from you, especially when his colleagues will witness all this.

But you can also meet your loved one from work or study in an original way. To do this, you need to first inflate a lot of colorful balloons and decorate the whole room with them. The sizes and colors of the balls can be very diverse: all the colors of the rainbow or one color, for example, white or silver. Such a surprise will be very unexpected and spectacular.

You can also give it to your loved one as a surprise. parachute jump certificate. But it is important to remember that such a gift is appropriate to give to a person who loves extreme sports and thrills.

If your spouse prefers a quiet and comfortable holiday in nature, then you can organize a joint trip to nature with him alone or in the company of old friends. Some picturesque place is best for this, and if you live near a river, lake or on the seashore, then it would be a great idea to gather there. You can also bake shish kebab with vegetables over a fire in a specially designated barbecue area.

Certificate for the fulfillment of three wishes, which can additionally be placed in a frame, will be an unusual surprise for every man. Such a certificate usually indicates in whose name it is issued, and in the wish list the columns are left empty so that the owner of the certificate can write what exactly he wants.

These could be some symbolic desires of your loved one, for example, a five-minute massage, ten kisses, or perhaps some more material things - a shaving machine or some kind of perfume.

If you want to give some kind of gift as a surprise, very important point is its packaging, since from it appearance one gets a general impression of the gift as a whole. To make the gift look impressive, it is important to take care of its packaging in advance.

Original surprises

Original version surprise for a brave and liberated girl is erotic dance. Not everyone will agree and decide on such an experiment, but if the choice has fallen on just such a gift for a loved one, then it is important to take into account several factors due to which your dance will please your loved one and provoke the appearance of only exciting and pleasant emotions. First of all, you need to adequately assess your dancing abilities.

If you are involved in dancing or sports professionally, for example, regularly attend classes in strip dance or pole dancing, then there should not be any difficulties in making a dance gift for your loved one.

The main thing is to think through the nuances regarding the right suit and relaxing music to which you will move.

If you have never practiced such dances before, then it is advisable to first attend several classes on strip plastic or dances of a similar theme so that you can master certain basics and prepare for the performance.

This is necessary to make you more confident and look seductive and harmonious while dancing. After all, it will be very awkward if the surprise turns into a comical show, and your loved one can barely contain his laughter.

To prevent this from happening, spend a few hours of your time on preliminary preparation, and the result will certainly exceed all your expectations. If you need to choose some a budget option

surprise, you can make a box of notes with your own hands. You need to write compliments or pleasant wishes in them, and your chosen one will be able to read them, taking them out of the box one by one. To make the gift look impressive, you can beautifully decorate the box using the scrapbooking technique, using photographs of your loved one or photos of you and him together.

Book It will also be a good and useful gift, but it is very important that the topic is close to the man in spirit. You can draw with your own hands

colorful poster on a large sheet of whatman paper.

You can decorate it with some symbolic notes, photographs, magazine clippings. For example, if a young man has been dreaming of a new car for a long time, you can find an image of it on the Internet and print it on a color printer, then cut it out and decorate it with a surprise collage.

In addition, you can glue an envelope to a ready-made colorful poster with a movie ticket enclosed in it for the premiere of a movie that your spouse or boyfriend would like to attend. Delicious gifts that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. It's hard to disagree with this. Every woman knows that a man loves to eat delicious food. It is especially valuable if you personally prepare for him something that he has long dreamed of trying. For example, bake a cubete with chicken and potatoes, prepare a pizza with four types of his favorite cheeses or any other topping that he likes most.

It will be a wonderful surprise for your loved one your cooking of his mother's signature dish– for example, his favorite borscht. To do this, you will have to resort to the help of your mother-in-law (potentially, if you are not yet scheduled), ask her to tell you or dictate to you the recipe for his favorite dish, prepared by her.

Such a surprise will not only add to your culinary skills, but will also endear you to your mother-in-law, as she will appreciate your concern for your beloved son and recognition of her unconditional authority in the matter of cooking.

And there’s no need to even talk about how happy your loved one will be with such a surprise: if the dish is successfully prepared, almost “like mom’s,” he will be delighted and pleasantly shocked!

If a man loves sweets, then an excellent surprise would be cake baked for him. You can decorate it in some unusual and original way with a personal inscription or mastic figures right at home.

It's sad, of course, but any passion subsides over time, and family life slowly turns into something familiar and routine. Over the years of marriage, spouses learn each other by heart and gradually get used to their loved one.

However, such a habit can play a cruel joke if a woman looms on the horizon of a loved one - unfamiliar, and therefore interesting.

In order to protect yourself from such “strangers”, save your marriage and diversify your family life, it is important to throw new emotions into the cauldron of passion. And here it comes interest Ask, how to surprise your husband in the kitchen, in bed, on his birthday, so that you can turn into a mysterious person again.

The shortest distance to a man's heart is through the stomach. The wisdom is old, but modern married ladies often forget about it. And completely in vain!

Some representatives of the fair sex will begin to be indignant - they say, I’m already trying to cook various delicious things for my husband, so nothing can surprise him.

The average woman's gastronomic arsenal contains the simplest and delicious dishes, which are easy to prepare when you come home from work.

If you know a lot about cooking, amaze your beloved man with a true masterpiece. For example, for dinner he will have pheasant with pineapples, turkey roll or something more exotic.

Good to know! If you decide to turn to recipes from foreign cuisine - say, Indian, try organizing a themed dinner.

For example, put on a sari (in the absence of this clothing, use a pareo), turn on folk music and draw a circle on your forehead. It will turn out unusual and very cute.

Change yourself

Another option on how to surprise your husband lies on the surface. Try a radical change in your look. Why does it have to be cardinal, you ask? A man is unlikely to be surprised by slightly shortened hair or extended nails. Representatives of the stronger sex rarely pay attention to such “little things”.

Therefore, you need to try to make an impression. For a stunning effect you can:

  • dye your hair blonde (or vice versa);
  • braid dreadlocks;
  • apply a temporary tattoo with his initials;
  • get a piercing.

Of course, it is important not to overdo it with changes so that your husband recognizes you when he returns from work. Joke!

In fact, the surprise should be pleasant. If your loved one does not like red-haired ladies, it is hardly worth appearing before him with fiery hair.

On your birthday you can and should surprise your loved one. If you can afford, for example, a trip to Paris, your room for maneuver increases significantly.

However, even with limited financial resources, there is a chance to show imagination.

Any original “trifle” that will definitely surprise a man can be a birthday gift:

  • paired T-shirts with unusual designs (in the form of your and his portraits);
  • a gifted book by your favorite author with an oath of allegiance signed by you;
  • a poem about him, your relationship, happiness and feelings for him, written by you personally;
  • a photo album or collage with the best photos of the guy and with flirty captions for them;
  • painted on asphalt with washable paint (be respectful of neighbors and housing and communal services workers);
  • an evening spent in a luxurious hotel room;
  • a relaxing massage and an amazing dinner for a man who has returned tired from work.

There are many interesting ideas for birthday gifts, but only you have studied your boyfriend well, so it’s up to you to choose the best gift in the world.

By the way, you don’t have to wait for any occasion in the form of a holiday to give your gift.

Give it at the beginning of the week so that your spouse will be in a good mood until next Monday.

For men, the quality (and quantity) of intimate life with their significant other plays a huge role. Try playing intimate strings to bring back old emotions into family relationships.

According to experienced ladies, just one passionate evening is enough to rekindle the previous intense feelings.

First of all, you need to decide for yourself what experiments you can go to in order to surprise a man in bed. Let’s say you put on a nurse’s or schoolgirl’s costume without shame, but who can guarantee that your beloved will not consider such “mask shows” to be banal vulgarity.

If you want to surprise your spouse with a private dance like this for his birthday, try to find out how he feels about such events. You don’t want to look ridiculous and funny in front of your beloved man?

If you are firmly convinced that any of your initiatives in bed will be approved by your spouse, you can safely begin to implement your plan. We offer several options, although the list can be continued endlessly:

1. Have the striptease we already mentioned before a hot night. Prepare for such a gift in advance, so you will need:

  • several strip plastic classes;
  • sexy lingerie;
  • erotic musical accompaniment;
  • verified and rehearsed movements.

2. Various role-playing games provide wonderful variety to married life. There are many variations of “costume performances”, even based on various children's fairy tales. But here, too, certain rules must be followed:

  • buy or sew your own costume that suits the scenario (it should be depraved, not funny);
  • conduct several rehearsals in front of the mirror to better enter the role of “nurse”, “strict teacher”, etc.;
  • act according to the role to impress the man;
  • For some spouses, it’s better to prepare a little for the upcoming event, otherwise you risk amusing rather than exciting them.

3. Try new sexual positions with your loved one on his birthday or just for no reason. This will not only amaze the guy, but will also significantly diversify further sexual family life. To surprise your husband with new poses, do the following:

  • refer to the relevant literature or visit thematic sites;
  • tell your partner in advance that you are tired of the monotony and are thinking about something new (this way you will understand his reaction);
  • Directly invite your man to try new positions after an exciting massage or a casual romantic dinner.

4. Romantic sex on silk sheets in bed, although it remains a classic, is unlikely to surprise anyone. You can try to spice up the process by making love in unexpected places. If you are inclined to public places, exclude the appearance of random passers-by in them. The order of your actions is as follows:

  • imagine where you would like to make love (in the back seat of a car, on the shore of a lake, in a forest clearing, in the last row of a movie theater);
  • prepare the necessary supplies if required for this process;
  • All that remains is to bring your beloved to this place and explain why you were here.

Since not everyone is ready for global experiments in bed, try making tiny changes at first. sex life. This could include new caresses, movements, music, or, on the contrary, silence in bed. The main thing is to let it remain a surprise for your beloved guy.

Some women, pondering the question of how to surprise their husbands, begin to come up with very extreme surprises.

However, you can cheer up your spouse without expensive and crazy gifts. The most important thing is to leave the man in the dark, then he will consider you, his beloved woman, a real mystery and will not be bored next to you.

What else should you not forget? To make your married life play with bright colors and emotions, try to spend your weekends and leisure time together as varied as possible. Arrange original dates for your guy more often, for example, in the form of:

  • going to a hockey or football match;
  • romantic trip to nature;
  • full-day excursion trip;
  • boat trip.

In addition, it is important not to get hung up on one image, but to change periodically, surprising your lover with a new hairstyle, makeup and clothing style. The only condition is that the updated image must suit you and not cause rejection in a man.

I would like to remind you that you can surprise your chosen one with a couple of kind words or a gentle kiss in the morning. If you begin to notice that family life is like two neighbors living together, return dynamism to the relationship. Show your feelings and affection with small surprises, surprise your husband with gifts and affection in bed, and your partner’s attention will belong only to you.

Hello, I am Nadezhda Plotnikova. Having successfully completed her studies at SUSU as a specialized psychologist, she devoted several years to working with children with developmental problems and consulting parents on issues of raising children. I use the experience gained, among other things, in creating articles of a psychological nature. Of course, I in no way claim to be the truth. last resort, however, I hope that my articles will help dear readers deal with any difficulties.

Surprising your guy is a great way to get even closer. Surprises make a strong emotional impact, and it seems that time has stopped just to make you two even happier. A surprise is a great way to express your love for your guy, no matter how long you've been dating. To show him that you care and make him happy, you can do something nice: prepare a special gift, organize a party, or plan something more piquant.


Brainstorm an idea

    Brainstorm some ideas. Your relationship, like your boyfriend, is unique. Think about what your boyfriend likes, what brings him pleasure. Remember what activities, events, activities and things he likes. Pay attention to what impresses him, what makes him happy and makes him laugh.

    • If you are new to a relationship, you can give him hints by asking questions during the conversation. Don't completely reveal your plan so that it will be a surprise for him.
    • Ask your boyfriend's friend or relative if he has any ideas.
    • Brainstorm ideas that you're not sure about but have a high chance of making a good impression on the guy.
  1. Pay attention to what he likes. You will get many ideas if you carefully observe what he says, what he does, how he talks to others. Pay attention to what he orders in restaurants, what he enjoys, what he watches on TV. Listen carefully to him when he talks about how he likes it when you cuddle nicely. Think about what makes him smile.

    Make a list. Write down everything that he likes (in your opinion). Write as many points as possible so that you have more ideas for a future surprise. Plus, as you write things down, you may suddenly come up with something new to add to the list.

    Don't put yourself in a box. If you don't pay attention to the unexpectedness of the surprise, it won't turn out to be spectacular. If you just buy a gift for Valentine's Day, for example, it will be expected, so it won't have the same impact as an unexpected surprise. If you come up with a gift or surprise that will be special for just the two of you, it will be just perfect. This is your chance to show (not just say) how much this person means to you!

    Pay attention to what your boyfriend DOESN'T like. It is very important to observe what your man doesn’t like: what food he doesn’t like, what places he doesn’t like. You don't want to spend all day cooking your guy a fancy salmon and asparagus dish if he hates asparagus. The point is that the guy will most likely eat this dish to avoid upsetting you, but it obviously won't leave as good an impression on him as you'd like. Therefore, pay attention to his negative reactions to certain foods, to his experiences, to events and activities that cause him a negative reaction.

    Pleasant trifles

    1. Give him a gift for no reason. An unexpected gift? He always makes an impression! If you know he really wants something (like a game or some sports equipment), buy it if possible.

      • If you don't know what exactly he wants, or if it doesn't fit into your budget, you can surprise him with something else that he'll also like. For example, you can give him a book or DVD (depending on his interests).
      • If you're too young to exchange large gifts or expensive items, just leave a sweet note in his jacket pocket. This is also a pleasant surprise!
      • If you don't make a big deal out of your surprise, it will seem even more amazing! If you give him something and say, “Oh, I've just been thinking about you lately...”, he'll be floored! Guaranteed.
    2. Buy him tickets to events he will enjoy. For example, to a sporting event, a concert, a beer festival, or some other interesting event that your boyfriend would like. You need to buy tickets and organize everything in advance. Find out what other events are happening nearby and what else you can do. Make this day unforgettable for both of you!

      • If you don't particularly like what he likes, you can still try doing something together. This is a sign that you care about this person, even if you are not interested in watching the sports game. Think and decide how you can have a good time together.
      • Alternatively, you can organize a bachelor party for him. Buy him and his friend tickets to a concert and send them out to have fun all night. Stay at home and spend time alone with yourself.
    3. Treat him well throughout the day. Treating him like a king all day long is a great surprise for any guy. If you want to surprise your boyfriend, wait until he has a day off and then tell him that he gets privileges and can make any decisions on that day. Let him be in charge.

      • Give him a day off from housework (or plan something yourself). The main thing is to help him relax. Let him choose what he wants to do. If he wants to go for a walk, do so. If he wants to stay home, stay.
    4. Think about what to treat your guy. They say that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. Most likely, this is true, and this saying is true for many people. So prepare a delicious dinner - it's a great surprise no matter how long you've been dating.

      • If you're new to a relationship and you've never cooked for him before, the dinner you cook will be an especially pleasant surprise for him (no matter what you cook). You can then make him breakfast in bed the next morning.
      • Organize a picnic or reserve a table at your favorite restaurant. Having lunch together is a great idea, but if you go to a restaurant that he likes, it will be a sign of attention for him.
      • Go on a food tour within your city! Visit a local brewery for him to try. different varieties beer (in which case you are driving), go to a cafe or let him prepare the meat and cucumbers at the barbecue. Choose something he will definitely like. Be sure to think about your route.
      • Surprise him with a delicious lunch at work. Even if he's too busy to have lunch with you, making a little effort and planning a surprise for him is a great way to show him that you care and love him even when you can't spend time together.
    5. Don't forget about the little things. Many guys are interested in things that seem insignificant to you. Planning some overly intricate surprise (for example, a “quest” you came up with may seem uninteresting to some guys). But things that seem trivial to you can often make guys incredibly excited. So, consider the following ideas:

      • Borrow his car and fill it up.
      • Offer to watch an action movie together that he likes.
      • Make him a big delicious sandwich while he watches TV.
      • Clean his apartment.

    Organize a surprise party

    1. Organize a party somewhere outside your home. A party is a great surprise, especially in a public place where you won't have to spend a lot of time cleaning up. The guy will like it a lot more! You can organize a party at a friend's house, at a bar or restaurant that he likes.

      Think about soft drinks. Again, this definitely won’t be a waste! All the guys love to eat and drink. If you're planning a surprise, stock up on food he's sure he'll like. Find out what he likes and be sure to order or make these party snacks and drinks.

      • If your guy is simple and unpretentious in his tastes, organize a barbecue at the dacha or in the park. Invite a friend of his who is good at grilling meat, making sure there is enough food for everyone.
      • If your boyfriend loves healthy food, go with him to a cafe where he has not been before. Book a table for your friends, order them from the tasting menu, and plan ahead.
    2. Forget about decorations. To make a pleasant surprise for a guy, you don’t need any decorations. However, if you like it, why not. But if it takes too much time and effort, you shouldn’t focus on it. In any case, the guy is unlikely to appreciate how much effort and time you spent on these decorations.

      Don't give the guy any hints. You can even pretend that you don't remember his birthday, or you can organize a surprise for him on an ordinary day. Of course, you can congratulate the guy on the holiday so as not to ruin his mood, but don’t give any hints, the guy shouldn’t guess that there’s already a party waiting for him at home among his friends, tasty food and gifts.

      • In addition, you can organize a party on a different day or for a different occasion when such gifts are not usually provided. For example, this could be a promotion at work. This happy occasion is rarely celebrated, but you can surprise him by throwing a party to celebrate his promotion.
    3. Invite his friends to the party. A friendly attitude towards a guy's friends is a huge plus. Surprise your man by getting his friends together to play a video game or watch football.

      • In addition, you can invite his friends to a cafe, restaurant or sporting event. You will definitely surprise the guy by coming to the meeting with his friends!
    4. Talk to your boyfriend's family. If your partner has a good relationship with his parents, talk to them and be sure to invite them to take part in the surprise. This is quite impressive and also a sign that you are in a serious relationship.

      • It doesn't have to be a huge, noisy party, just invite his friends over for dinner or lunch together, or ask your boyfriend if he'd like to go out for dinner. The guy will be pleased by the fact that you are interested in his surroundings.

    Surprise your man with adult techniques

    1. Meet him from work wearing something sexy. Choose some revealing erotic outfit and greet him in it as soon as he comes home from work. This is a very nice welcome home, especially if you know your boyfriend has had a long and difficult day at work.

      • You don't have to wear something too revealing. Any outfit that makes you look great will be a sign that you've made an effort to pleasantly surprise your boyfriend.
      • The main thing is to make sure that he leaves work alone. If he is not alone, an awkward situation may occur.
      • Better yet, forget about the corridor. Wait for him in the bedroom.
    2. Try a new position . Is sex becoming commonplace? Do your research and give it a try. new technology or a position that will drive him crazy the next time it comes to intimacy. Such a surprise will definitely satisfy him.

      • If you don't feel like trying new positions or introducing novelty in other ways, wake him up with one of the old positions. It's always a pleasant surprise!
    3. Give your guy a relaxing massage . When the guy is minding his own business or relaxing, surprise him with an erotic massage. This will not only relax the young man, but also seriously excite him! Who wouldn't love a surprise like this?

      • Massage doesn't always mean sex. Even if you are not at that stage of the relationship yet, a back massage is... good way pay attention to your man.
    4. Tell him vulgar, exciting phrases. If you usually act rather modestly, a man will be surprised if you suddenly start expressing yourself like a star from an adult film. Let alone offer to watch such a film together. If you think this might confuse your boyfriend or make him feel uncomfortable, just don't overdo it.

      • If vulgar phrases bother you, try asking a guy to say a couple of such phrases to you. Give him a chance to try something new if he's interested.
    5. Exchange vulgar SMS messages all day long. If your boyfriend is having a difficult, stressful day, showing him that you think about him in an erotic way will drive him crazy. Don't forget to hint at what you want to do after work.

      • Be careful with photos. It's one thing if you are in a serious relationship and trust your partner. It's quite another thing to exchange messages with someone you don't know that well, who might use those photos against you in the future if you break up. So think twice.
    6. There are things that you are used to doing. If you're already in a committed relationship, chances are you're past the flirting and teasing stage. Remember how you flirted with each other, what you said. Do it again! Maybe you once forgot to wear underwear under tight-fitting clothes? black dress when you were going to a restaurant for dinner? Remind him of this by repeating this trick with the dress.

    7. Share your erotic fantasies with each other. If you don't know how to surprise your boyfriend in the bedroom, talk to him about it. Finding out about your partner's erotic fantasies is a great way to get closer. You don't want him to turn up his nose at the sight of some strange and unusual object in the bedroom. Always discuss your desires. Try your best to be more open with each other.

      • Don't do things that make you feel uncomfortable. Just because a man wants something doesn't mean you have to do it to surprise him. Be honest with him. In addition, just talking about erotic fantasies can revive and excite a man.

Good relationships do not always mean complete mutual understanding and predictability. Sometimes it is necessary to add a sharp touch to them and do something unusual that will allow you to look at each other in a new way. An excellent option for such a “shake-up” would be a surprise for your loved one. But it is very important to think through everything carefully and organize it correctly so that your gift brings joy and not unnecessary problems.

Which surprise should you choose?

The right choice of surprise is already half the success. You need to find out what can please your boyfriend so as not to get into trouble. In established couples, this problem usually does not arise, since the preferences of loved ones have long been no secret. But if you are dating relatively recently, it will not be easy to predict the reaction.

The most successful surprises

The first thing to remember: a surprise is not a demonstration of your wealth or imagination, it is something you do for your loved one. In relationships with men, it is better to adhere to the rule that everything ingenious is simple. There is no need to come up with incredible gifts and complex delivery scenarios; such a surprise will get boring even in the process of receiving it.

A romantic dinner is a great surprise option

The easiest way is to prepare a romantic dinner for him. Show off your culinary talents, and if you don’t have them, order food at a restaurant, but don’t advertise it. Spend half an hour creating a suitable environment, but do not overdo it; a tidy room and a neat table setting with a minimum of decor, for example, a candle or a small bouquet, will be enough. A man is unlikely to appreciate balls, petals and “romantic lighting” like in an inexpensive brothel. The main thing is to look stunning and hint that this is all for his beloved.

Don’t be afraid to seem banal; the simplest cup of coffee, brewed by your favorite hands and served in bed in the morning, can bring more joy than an expensive and original, but unnecessary gift.

A nice surprise - made with your own hands. Even if you are far from a craftsman, he will appreciate the effort and the fact that you sacrificed your free time for his sake. It is advisable that the gift be practical. By the way, spring-cleaning in his house is also a good surprise.

Inviting your loved one to football is one of the best surprises

More a good option surprise - to show a desire to share his passion. Invite him to fishing, football, billiards, offer to do something he likes together. If he football fan, you can buy tickets to the stadium or organize a viewing in front of the TV with beer and other attributes. Even if his hobby annoys you, be patient for one day. And, of course, we must not forget about intimate surprises. Typically, men respond well to any proposals to diversify their sex life.

And when preparing a surprise, it is necessary to take into account the age, character of the man and his occupation. If a husband comes home in the evening, having worked a shift at the machine at the factory, hungry and tired, and his wife invites him to play in search of a surprise, this is unlikely to make him happy.

What surprises are better not to make?

If you search on the Internet what kind of surprise is best to give to your loved one, you will see thousands of options. But, unfortunately, most of them are not suitable for real life or they turn out to be very much an acquired taste. Agree, not every man will like it if he is given a parachute jump, a pet or congratulations on the big board. Therefore, if you are not sure that the surprise will be appreciated, it is better not to do it.

When making a surprise, think about how to eliminate its consequences

Girls are often advised to organize a search for a gift using notes hidden in the house. The idea is interesting, but only suitable for entertaining small children. An adult man is unlikely to like wasting his free time walking around the house looking for who knows what. The situation is the same with fireworks and air lanterns, especially if you have been living together for a long time and have a common budget. It is unlikely that a man will feel a surge of love for you while watching his money float into the sky, no matter how romantic it may look.

Most men would definitely like it if the woman they loved danced a striptease for them. But girls have complexes and are embarrassed by their imperfect figure and movements. But you shouldn’t be afraid, for your man you are the best, even if you differ from the glossy picture in the magazine.

Often girls are recommended to give their loved one his portrait or their common one. The option is not bad, but not all men like to decorate their homes with their own images. But a portrait printed on a mug is another matter; it certainly won’t gather dust somewhere behind a cabinet.

When lighting candles at home, do not forget about fire safety rules

And the last piece of advice is to observe moderation in everything. If you decide to clean his house, then you don’t need to throw away everything that seems unnecessary to you and change his curtains to pink ones with ruffles. And if you have an idea to diversify your intimate life, you should not immediately undergo hymenoplasty, invite strippers or jump out of a cake.

How to prepare and present a surprise

First you need to make sure that your surprise is what the man needs. If you don't know his hobbies very well, try to study them. The second thing to consider is whether your man likes surprises in general. There are people for whom any deviation from the usual rhythm confuses and upsets them. It is better to warn them in advance that you are preparing something, so that they have time to tune in to the desired wavelength.

In order for the surprise to be truly unexpected, it is advisable not to plan it for a holiday, but to do it on a very ordinary day, if, of course, your schedule allows. Try to ensure that preparation for it does not disrupt the normal rhythm of a man’s life. Believe me, if you forbid him to move normally around the apartment for a couple of days so that he doesn’t see something unnecessary or you disappear somewhere while preparing a gift, this will bring more problems than joy.

Giving a gift incorrectly can ruin the overall impression of it.

As for presenting the surprise itself, it is important to do it correctly, without escalating the situation too much. At one time it was fashionable to wrap a small but expensive gift in a large number of boxes, so that the first box is at least a meter long and wide. At first glance, this is interesting, but patiently picking through packages in search of a gift is more typical for girls. In addition, immediately after receiving the gift, you will have to collect all the waste paper in a pile and take it out of the house, which can ruin the entire solemnity of the atmosphere. Therefore, presenting a surprise should not be delayed too much and create additional problems.

A pleasant surprise is a great way to renew and strengthen relationships. But when preparing it, you need to take into account the interests and wishes of the man and try to please him first of all. In addition, do not forget about a sense of proportion; your surprise should bring joy, and not frighten a man and put him in an uncomfortable position.