Wallpaper with roses in the interior has been used for quite a long time, so these decorative materials has its fans. Let's talk about which color options are appropriate in a modern interior.

Choosing a background

First of all, it is important to choose the right background for the floral wallpaper. The photo shows wallpaper with large flowers. If we consider classic options such finishing materials, then they suggest using a light green, gray, white, pink background.

Attention! A black background on wallpaper with large flowers: peonies, poppies, orchids, irises is appropriate only in spacious rooms.

Selecting flowers

Once the background has been chosen, you can choose the flowers. The photo shows an option for decorating a room with a large floral print. Manufacturers of modern finishing materials offer wallpaper for wall design with fine patterns. Orchids collected in bouquets, single elysium, all this can be found in modern hardware stores.

Advice! Can't decide on a floral print? Choose options that offer small flax with large poppies.

Combined materials with plant prints (pictured) will add romance and tenderness to the room and create a mood.

In addition to the flowers themselves, important additional elements: small flax, birds, waves, geometric shapes, leaves, plant stems. For example, canvases with large poppies can be “diluted” with small patterns. The photo shows an option for decorating walls with flowers.

Floral motifs

One of the varieties of floral patterns is vector stylization. In this case, flowers are replaced with spirals, curls, and other original elements that can visually follow the contours of petals and flower buds.

For example, you can choose photo wallpaper with single orchids, peonies, or other large patterns, which are ideal for the walls of the living room (hallway). In the photo you see wallpaper with a large pattern, which is suitable for decorating the walls of a spacious city apartment.

Style solutions

Interior designers believe that wallpaper with small patterns is universal and suitable for any style. For example, fine linen (pictured) will suit a child’s room or decorate the walls in the parents’ bedroom.

How to choose the right wallpaper with peonies, orchids, and other flowers, see the video fragment

Loft is considered the only interior style that does not allow floral motifs. Orchids, poppies, roses in this style are not suitable for wall decoration; they will simply get lost in the rough “attic” elements. Provence is considered the leader in the use of wallpaper with floral patterns for walls. The photo shows an example of use when decorating walls with materials with large patterns. Sophisticated French style doesn't just mean adding flowers to the wall. Poppies, flax, and elysium should also be present on textiles and in a vase.

Advice! For fans of Provence, designers recommend paying attention to linen, elysium, and roses.

A classic interior is characterized by a choice of wallpaper with a small, repeating pattern (sample in the photo). Among the standard colors, the leading colors are burgundy and red; splashes of black and gold are allowed.

Pop art and shabby chic allow red and yellow poppies; models with peonies and hand-painted imitation are suitable. In the photo there are bright poppies that will highlight the wall.

In a vintage interior, pale linen and elysium are appropriate; they will highlight the wall. Linen in the interior - in the photo.

Attention! Poppies that will decorate the wall should be bright and modern.

It's hard to imagine a design in which natural linen or poppies adorn the wall on which a huge flat panel television is mounted. More harmonious look in modern apartments there are not poppies, but gerberas and orchids on the walls.

He does not deny the use of floral patterns and minimalism. Fine linen and a small stripe of flowers in the dining area are quite acceptable. Poppies can be used to decorate walls in rooms and hallways. Floral print has become a brand of last season, so modern wallpaper manufacturers offer various options. Among the interesting solutions, we highlight collections in which customers are immediately offered two types of wallpaper. For example, bright red poppies can be diluted with plain materials that have a similar texture.

Advice! When selecting flower sizes, consider the available space in the room.

A large pattern is only suitable for large rooms with high ceilings.

Advice! If you wish, you can, as an experiment, use wallpaper with a floral print only to decorate one wall.

When using decorative wallpaper With flowers in the living room, it is important to maintain a certain balance between the walls and the selected textiles. For example, if there are large roses or poppies on the walls, then it is advisable to select a bedspread for the sofa and material for the pillows in the same tone.

In addition to colors, designers recommend paying attention to the dimensions of the furniture. Bulky cabinets are not compatible with large flowers on the walls. When decorating a room in this way, its inhabitants may experience serious psychological discomfort.

Interior experts advise owners of dark furniture to cover the walls in the room with light wallpaper so that the furniture stands out in the interior.

If the floral wallpaper is quite colorful, then you can use the combination method. One wall is decorated with bright materials, and to decorate the remaining walls in the room, materials of calm tones that do not have a pattern are used.

The use of volumetric applique method in interior design is considered a fashionable trend. The essence of the technology is to paste walls with plain canvases and then apply voluminous applications in the form of flowers, butterflies, and leaves on them.

Interesting solution There will be a highlighting of a separate part of the wall with colors, which allows for zoning in the room. For example, with flowers you can create a “wall panel” above the work area, or above the head of the bed.

An additional touch would be the addition of roses or poppies on the wall with a similar pattern on curtains and sofa cushions.

The fashion trends that currently exist in interior design make it possible to fully satisfy even the most capricious property owners. But, despite the variety of materials with geometric patterns offered, the relevance of wallpaper with small and large floral patterns is not lost.

Bouquets in the hallway

When we look at photographs fashionable interiors, in the design of which floral themes were used, there is a feeling of tenderness, femininity, and homely warmth. But professionals are convinced that such stories are universal and suitable for all living spaces in a house (apartment), regardless of who the owner is.

With the help of such decorative materials you can create spectacular and fashionable accents, sophisticated style, and highlight interior items.

Floral interior rules

Professionals have their own opinion on how to use floral themes in apartment design. Let us highlight several basic rules, the observance of which guarantees the achievement of the desired result.

1 rule. It is important to maintain a balance between simple and catchy interior elements. If the emphasis is on a floral theme, then all other interior details should not interfere.

Rule 2. We decided to choose materials for the walls in neutral shades. In this case, we can dilute the monotony with several bright accents, for example, choose eye-catching textiles, bringing contrast and freshness to the room.

Rule 3. Pay special attention to the dimensions of the selected pattern. Large flowers are inappropriate in a small apartment; they will visually “steal” the free space in the room.


Increasingly, floral themes can be seen in city apartments. With correct color balance, selection of furniture, selection flooring, harmoniously fitting into the image, you will become the owner not of a “variegated flower meadow”, but of an elegant and harmonious home environment. An interesting solution is to combine small and light prints when choosing antique and rustic style. Large floral accents are allowed only in spacious rooms. Professional designers recommend that supporters of unconventional design options for residential premises pay attention to photo wallpapers with voluminous flowers and unusual floral patterns.

Floral motifs are a tool that last years designers actively use it. Fashion trends allow the use of floral wallpaper in the interior of a bedroom, kitchen, living room - almost anywhere. However, there are a number important rules, which you need to know and follow when reviving walls with similar coatings. So, what is worth remembering so that the result does not turn out to be overly colorful and elegant?

Wallpaper with flowers: balance

First of all, it is worth assessing the print of the wall covering that will be used during the renovation. If the design is large and bright, the furniture will require such qualities as conciseness and neutrality. Ideally, it will be monochromatic, as well as accessories, which should be few. The space will not look overloaded if the only bright spot is floral wallpaper. In an interior decorated in country style (or similar to it), you are allowed to deviate from this rule.

When thinking about the design of a country room, it is not forbidden to combine wall coverings and furniture with floral patterns. You just need to give up bright color solutions, large prints.

Picture size

Room area - important factor, which should not be forgotten. Flower wallpaper must have a small print, otherwise it will be visually reduced. If there is a large area, the opposite solution is allowed - the size of the picture can be any, from small to large.

An interesting solution for a small room would be one wall covered with a floral pattern. For the rest, plain materials that match the color are used. This option will help to visually “expand” the space.

Shades and designs

Decorating only one wall with “plant” materials and using more laconic options for the other three is a popular solution that has its own rules and limitations. Important point- combination of colors in the interior. Wallpaper with floral motifs includes at least two tones, each of them should look harmonious next to the canvases used for other walls.

A universal option that looks organic in any environment is beige, cream, and white coatings. If the goal is a brighter result, you can choose a tone depending on what shade the color pattern is. For example, blue patterns on a white background will look good paired with blue coverings for other walls.

Not only the combination of colors in the interior plays a role. Wallpaper with floral patterns does not have to be combined strictly with plain wall materials. A striped print can be the optimal companion pattern. You can also consider options such as strict geometric figures, cell.

Create a style

The materials that are used to decorate room walls directly affect the style of the room, which is dangerous to forget about when choosing wallpaper. Large flowers look organic in a modern or boho interior. Whereas for “rural” or classical trends, a small, discreet pattern is more relevant.

Fashion ideas: bedroom

Floral wallpaper in a bedroom interior is always relevant, but when choosing finishing materials it is important to take into account fashion trends. Room in english style- an ideal place to experiment with floral motifs. It would be great if wildflowers act as an ornament; romantic shades are welcome, for example, pale pink, soft blue tones. Fresh flowers as accessories will be a spectacular finishing touch.

The minimalist style of the bedroom will be emphasized by plain coverings endowed with embossed patterns. An alternative solution is to use “plant” wallpaper only as a small insert occupying part of the wall (or one of the four walls completely).

Wallpaper is currently at the peak of fashion. The interior of the bedroom is a great place to experiment with such materials. With their help you can emphasize the romantic style. Also, this idea will look natural in a small child’s room.

Fashion ideas for children's rooms

It is obvious that the atmosphere of joy and ease should prevail in the nursery. Wallpaper with flowers in the interior will help you easily cope with its creation. Bedrooms intended for children are mainly divided into two or three zones. The area that is used for sleeping and relaxing is best decorated with plain coverings made in soft colors.

The playing area, on the contrary, should be decorated with bright materials; large combinations of several colors are allowed. The main thing is that both sections do not “conflict” with each other.

Of course, in the nursery you can use floral wallpaper for all walls. However, it is still better to choose different surfaces, decorating the recreation area with medium-sized, delicate plants.

Fashion ideas: living room

Floral accents will give a fashionable and impressive look to the living room, no matter how big it is. Right choice The brightness and character of the pattern will help to create an atmosphere of pomp or brevity in the room, making the design ultra-modern or classic.

Wide-format coverings will help create an emphasis on one of the walls. It would be great if they have large flowers. This will create the effect of the wall approaching, other design elements will fade into the background. The solution is relevant primarily for modern styles, but can also fit into the classics if you choose the right shades.

You can use wallpaper of different colors in the interior of the living room or go for the effect of a single space. When choosing the latter option, it is best to use light-colored materials decorated with small ornaments. It is also important to pay attention to the frequency of the pattern - it should be large. By the way, such wallpaper looks organically with almost any element of furniture, and there will be no difficulties with accessories.

Fashion ideas: kitchen

It is appropriate to use floral motifs when decorating the kitchen. Despite the soiling of light materials, it is advisable to give preference to floral coverings in light colors. They will effectively help create a sunny atmosphere warm shades, relevant for such directions as Provence, country.

Fashion trends recommend dividing the kitchen space into zones, using different coatings for each. Wallpaper in two colors in the interior will help separate the cooking area from the area where the table and chairs are located. Bright and large patterns are allowed, but only for one of the zones; the other should remain neutral, plain or with a discreet ornament.

An interesting solution that designers often turn to is repeating the “flower” wall pattern in furniture decoration. It's about only about part of the furniture, for example, upholstery of chairs. Alternatively, you can replicate the design with a few colorful accessories.

Fashion ideas: hallway

People who believe that frivolous plant motifs have no place in a room such as a hallway are mistaken. “Buds” can also be located on the walls of the entrance area, and the use of any patterns and tones is appropriate.

If the hallway is small and you want to visually enlarge it, wallpaper in two colors in the interior of this space will be extremely useful. The main rule is that the elements of floristry should be on a pastel, delicate background.

Large flowers as patterns are not prohibited, but the room must be large and well-lit. It is advisable to limit yourself to one wall decorated with such a coating, even if the room has large sizes. In this case, it must be left completely free from nearby furniture.

Large flowers

Large floral patterns are a great choice for those looking to give their space an ultra-modern look. Coatings on which several large plants are applied will help in solving this problem. In most cases, such an ornament occupies the entire wall. Having used such wallpaper to focus on one of the walls, it is better to leave the rest neutral. Experiments with tones and shades are encouraged; the bravest ones can try provocative combinations like purple, blue and white.

Having highlighted one of the walls with a bright coating, you should not crowd it with pieces of furniture. The drawings must be clearly visible, otherwise the result will be the opposite of what was expected or even vulgar.

Accessories will help to “support” colorful wallpaper. For example, you can complement the designs with carpets, curtain ties, in the same colors. If large accents overload the room, you can limit yourself to a couple of small vases.

Original solutions

The “stone flower” wallpaper in the interior looks universal and fits perfectly into any style. It is best to create a design in the spirit of Art Nouveau, Country, and Provence styles using such coatings.

Photo wallpapers have returned to fashion again, including models with floral patterns. You shouldn’t use them to decorate an entire room; it’s better to limit yourself to one wall. Large patterns are currently the most popular; any color is relevant, from red to black.

For those who are afraid to decorate the entire wall surface with floral wallpaper, panel inserts will help. For example, such decor can be easily placed behind the sofa, at the head of the bed.

Another interesting option- interior stickers with floral patterns. With their help, you can liven up the situation without resorting to drastic changes. The products are not only easy to apply, but also quickly removed, leaving absolutely no traces.

Floral wallpaper can save a boring interior or, on the contrary, ruin it. To prevent the latter from happening, it is enough to follow simple rules, suggested above.

So that you do not have to face such a choice, you must clearly understand what results you want to achieve in the interior, and also understand the peculiarities of the impact of floral patterns on the perception of space.

The first thing that comes to mind when looking at photos of wallpaper with flowers in the interior is “femininity” of floral themes. In fact, such plots have long been considered universal and can be used in every room of your home.

Moreover, wallpapers with floral elements allow you to create fashionable and spectacular accents, emphasizing the grace and sophistication of style, which is not always possible to achieve when using wallpaper with scenes on a different topic.

Features of using floral wallpaper

What should you pay attention to when using such wallpaper in home interior design?

Advice: floral wallpaper in the interior with other coatings. It is advisable that other wallpapers be as simple as possible or include patterns that will not compete with floral elements. Then your room will be more restrained and harmonious.

If you are a supporter of innovative design solutions, pay attention to the spectacular ones.

Free one of the walls - and select a large or small plot of a wide format, and your room will be filled with natural freshness and will sparkle with new colors.

By the way, the popularity with floral elements is due to their unlimited possibilities.

Floral motifs can play different roles from a psychological point of view. For example, wallpaper with red flowers in the interior fills the room with energy, delicate pink accents support a romantic style.

Small flowers of pastel colors on the walls represent tenderness and simplicity, calm and promote concentration. Some types of flowers (such as orchid or lotus) on the walls allow emphasize the natural purity and freshness of the design.

Multi-colored floral arrangements emphasize the solemnity home interior. Large flowers set the main tone.

It is not surprising that wallpapers of this type do not leave the leading positions of consumer choice: they are quite symbolic and support the accents inherent in them in the interior.

The floral theme in the house symbolizes spring beauty, youth, lightness and home comfort.

It is worth paying tribute to the decoration possibilities offered by the variety of such wallpapers. Create accents, highlight niches, zone space or brighten the interior you can do it without special effort. And when using floral elements to create small fragments on the walls, you can replace landscape paintings and maintain the integrity of the style of the room.

Decoration of walls in rooms

Bedroom: all the colors of nature on the walls

There are several ways to use floral wallpaper in the bedroom. The simplest option is to create harmonious interior using pastel shades.

With small floral arrangements, often barely noticeable against the general background, they will decorate all the walls in the bedroom space and create a pleasant and relaxing environment.

Another effect possible thanks to the use of wallpaper with flowers in the bedroom interior is the creation of a spring atmosphere.

If you want your room to be warm, cozy and sunny, there is nothing better than choosing wallpaper with colors that are rich but easy to perceive. These can be elements of blue, pink, yellow, green, orange and other colors.

A bedroom with large-sized floral wallpaper can visually decrease in size, which is why such wall coverings it is better to use only in some areas of the room to create accents.

On adjacent walls, hang plain wallpaper in calm tones or choose wallpaper with patterns that do not contradict the floral theme (for example, strict stripes).

Bright and rich wallpaper with flowers in the bedroom can cause discomfort and interfere with restful sleep. To prevent this effect from overloading the interior, stick wallpaper only on the wall behind the bed.

A bedroom design with wallpaper with flowers in bright colors can be made more harmonious if you duplicate these tones in textiles and accessories.

Children's room with floral elements

Bright and springy accents, typical of floral motifs, are ideal for decorating a nursery. Wallpaper with flowers in the design of a child's room allows you to create a positive, creative and relaxed atmosphere.

By choosing wallpapers with abundance bright colors, even the simplest ones, you can create a spectacular atmosphere in the play area, and the child, making associations with sunny spring weather, will feel comfortable throughout the day.

Advice: floral motifs are one of the best options bedroom design for girls of any age.

Since most children's bedrooms are divided into at least two zones (for sleeping and playing), the approach to choosing floral wallpaper for the nursery should be different from other rooms. In the recreation area, it is better to stick wallpaper with delicate and light floral prints.

It is advisable that the floral compositions on the walls be small in size: then the drawings will not put pressure on the eyesight and will set the child up for a relaxing holiday.

Wall decoration in the kitchen

Another room in which wallpaper with such themes can look harmonious is the kitchen. But, despite the fact that a floral theme is always appropriate here, floral wallpaper for the kitchen should be chosen carefully. First of all, in such an interior it is very important to choose the right color. Wallpaper with flowers in the kitchen interior should be quite light, although such coatings are considered more easily soiled than their analogues.

When choosing wallpaper with flowers for your kitchen, consider several design features:

Floral themed room decoration

A living room in any style will look impressive with floral accents. Depending on the brightness and nature of the pattern, the interior of a living room with wallpaper with flowers can be solemn, soothing, strict or frivolous, ancient or modern.

Using floral wallpaper in the living room, you can set the general background. To do this, it is better to use light-colored coatings with small, high-frequency prints. To such suitable for wallpaper any furniture and accessories, as elements of nature on the walls will maintain home comfort.

Using wallpaper with flowers in the living room allows you to achieve stylish accents on some walls. By decorating any free wall, fireplace area or niche in the space with bright floral wallpaper, you can draw attention to separate parts rooms.

If you plan to use it to create an accent, stop at options with large flowers: they will bring this wall as close as possible, so the rest of the interior details will not draw attention to themselves.

Buds and bouquets - in the hallway

The design of the hallway and corridor with the help of such wallpaper attracts many people with its wide possibilities. You can fit wallpaper with flowers of any shades and patterns into these interiors., since the main color load on the space will be provided by the background of the wall coverings.

To make the room look wider and brighter, choose wallpaper with floral elements on a soft pastel background.

Advice: Wallpaper with large flowers in the interior of the hallway is best used only if there is sufficient space and lighting. It is better if a wall decorated in this style is not filled with furniture.

Floral wallpaper in the hallway interior can be hung in different ways. Some people like to decorate the entire room in the same style using only one wallpaper model. Someone will prefer this design. And adherents of luxurious and classic styles will surely appreciate the idea creating spectacular inserts from floral wallpaper framed with moldings.

The color of floral patterns can be any, from pastel colors and ending with bright and rich shades.

Now you know how to emphasize home comfort with floral accents. Wallpapers with nature elements will be are appropriate in your interior, regardless of fashion trends and will make the room as colorful, harmonious and pleasant to perceive as possible.

Depicted on paintings, give to each other for the holidays. And this is not surprising - the world of flowers is bright and diverse, it leaves no one indifferent. In interiors, flowers are found in pots on window sills and, of course, on the walls - in delicate wallpaper patterns. Buds, leaves, stems or whole bouquets can fill a room with colors and give it a special romance. How to choose the right wallpaper with flowers and fill your city apartment with a natural atmosphere - read our article.

Flower wallpaper: varieties of floral motifs

It would seem that everything is simple - wallpaper for walls with a “flowers” ​​pattern, and that’s it. However, floral motifs can manifest themselves in a wide variety of patterns, colors and combinations thereof.

The first component of a floral wallpaper is the background. In the classic version it is white, yellow, light grey, soft green or pale pink. You can also find brighter background colors - red, blue, green, orange, blue. There are also wallpapers with flowers on a black or brown background.

The next element of floral wallpaper is the flowers themselves - they can be large or small, single or collected in bouquets, plain or multi-colored. Single-color buds on a light background have a more delicate look, bright bouquets look playful and fun, and combined wallpaper with large and small flowers in the interior they look very elegant. The color of the flowers is usually natural - pink, red, burgundy, but non-standard black, gold, blue buds can also be found, in accordance with the design concept.

One of the components of wallpaper colors are additional elements - stems and leaves, animals, birds, geometric patterns, stripes, waves. Depending on the type of additional ornament, its color and shape, the impression of the wallpaper may vary. So, a flower can only be a softening addition to squares and triangles. Or create a background for a bright animal print.

A modern type of floral ornament is vector stylization. When we are reminded of flowers by curls, spirals or other elements that visually follow the contours of buds and petals.

Advice! Can't decide on a color? Pay attention to where you yourself can act as a designer. A photo wallpaper with a huge flower in the living room or above the head of the bed in the bedroom will look original and bright.

Floral print in the interior

The minimalist style also does not deny the presence of a floral print, but somewhat limits its colors and combinations. For example, a minimalist dining room might have a vertical floral stripe in dining area.

As for the purpose of the rooms, there are absolutely no taboos for using floral wallpaper. Everything will depend on your personal tastes and preferences.

Wallpaper with flowers is very popular due to its universal view. These coverings are perfect for every home and are guaranteed to complement any interior. The most important - choose them correctly, because not every print with flowers successfully transforms a room.


What should you pay attention to first when choosing these coatings? When choosing wallpaper with flowers, designers advise sticking to a number of simple rules:

  • It is necessary to maintain a certain balance between catchy and neutral interior elements. If wallpaper with flowers is very noticeable, other furnishings should not attract the main attention.

  • It is worth paying attention to the size of the image. Canvases with voluminous flowers are a stylish element, but in no case when the space already feels overly cramped and uncomfortable. For a small space, you can choose wall coverings with small flowers.
  • You need to choose the right ones color combinations. Often, to create a bright accent, they buy coatings with flowers of contrasting colors. This kind of coating attracts attention, but it may not provide the necessary bright impression.

  • Flowers on the wall often set a clear style. It is worth taking this into account when decorating the interior: lightened or small prints are best chosen for traditional and country styles, and catchy floral elements can become serious accents in fashionable decor.
  • The color of the companion wallpaper is chosen to match the image itself, and not the main background. For a snow-white background with rich, large, light roses, you can purchase companion wallpaper in warm red colors.

Wallpaper with flowers for walls will look more stylish against a background of striped and checkered prints. These images have a softness and roundness that balances out the geometric shapes. This decor is perfect for rooms where a man lives. Then this wallpaper will not look too feminine, and the room itself will become more comfortable.

It is extremely important to immediately decide on the desired background. For example, a black background with voluminous flowers (stylish peonies, luxurious orchids or irises) is suitable only for large apartments.

Features of selection

Wallpaper with flowers can be used as bright accents in a residential building, if they do not look too flashy. To make the room comfortable and warm, it is important not to overdo it with decorative luxury. Designers have a saying: “the more luxurious the wallpaper looks, the more simplified the furniture elements, as well as other accessories in the rooms, should be.” When purchasing canvases for flowers, remember this rule.

Good decision For such wallpaper, plain furniture is considered.


  • Wallpaper with large flowers visually makes the room smaller, which is why they are never chosen for small spaces. They can worsen a person’s mental state if, in addition to a huge image, there are many minor large elements in the room. Volumetric wallpaper for walls with large flowers Best suited for large rooms with a minimal set of furniture.

  • The color of the image often depends on the style direction, as well as the availability of free space in the room. What is more of this place and what more interesting idea author, the more saturated the selected colors can be.

  • Wallpaper with small flowers looks most stylish only in small rooms. A print of small flowers can visually expand the area of ​​a room. Ideas with such patterns can often be seen in traditional and ancient styles. However, you can choose them for modern trends, giving preference to rich images.

  • You can decorate rooms with flowers in an even more original way - in this case, a “picture” effect is created in the room. In the center of the room, wallpaper with flowers is glued, they are surrounded by a bright border, thereby highlighting this place among the main wallpaper in a different color.

When choosing wallpaper with flowers, when creating an original interior you need to consider:

  • Harmony of patterns and tones.
  • Balance of print parameters and the room as a whole.

To maximize the beauty of each available flower, you can use 3D coatings. By the way, watercolor wallpaper also copes with this task perfectly. They are not cheap, but they look simply amazing.

Color Meanings

The main nuance when using such wallpaper is to choose a pattern and flowers that are most in the best possible way will express the designers’ idea, emphasizing all the existing positive features in the interior. Among the variety of options, buyers often choose their favorite flowers:

  • Wallpaper with poppies can give the room softness and add a romantic touch. Poppies combine especially effectively with a snow-white or black background. In mythology, poppies represent sleep, so this option can be used when decorating a bedroom.

  • Almost everyone loves roses. These plants symbolize tenderness, passion and a certain innocence, love and friendship (this mainly depends on their color). Roses of pink shades are selected for different rooms. Scarlet and white flowers are perfect for kitchens and large bedrooms. Roses of unusual colors and sizes will perfectly complement a room with unusual decor.

It is very pleasant to look at a wall decorated with pink buds.

  • Wallpaper with large peonies on the entire wall is best chosen for a bedroom or living room. More often they are chosen to decorate rooms in a distinct Asian style, which emphasizes purity and natural beauty. To visually significantly increase the size of the room, it is worth gluing coverings with peonies placed on a “cool” background.

  • Daisies will be the best idea for children's rooms and bedrooms. They will make the environment more lively and give it a comfortable atmosphere.
  • Irises purple or lilac color will help the space become more mysterious and will soothe tired eyes after a hard day. But this kind of coating should not be with voluminous colors, so as not to make the atmosphere in the room heavier.

  • Blue plants in the decor, for example, small bells, will give the room freshness.
  • Gerberas or golden wallpaper with snow-white big flowers will add luxury and solidity to the room.
  • White lush flowers against a background of bright colors are an important element in the decor. Lilies will make the space more balanced, bringing freshness and brightness to it.

  • Light coverings with chic orchids or modest lotuses in the bathroom or living room will emphasize their languid elegance.
  • Wildflowers will add comfort and simplicity. This good idea for a room that is designed without additional decor.

  • Sakura flowers on wall coverings are perfect for interiors designed in oriental styles.
  • Huge bouquets with different flowers are a great idea for a spacious room with a catchy design. If you need to combine several rich tones at once, it is better to purchase canvases with bouquets.

Shade combinations

It is clear that most often wallpaper with flowers stands out on the walls in rich shades that immediately catch the eye of those who enter.

However, nowadays monochrome and two-tone finishing options are becoming more and more stylish.

Neutral two-tone options. This type includes models where the main background and drawings are produced in 2 main colors – they can be both similar and contrasting:

  • White and black;
  • blue and turquoise;
  • light gray and black;

  • black and silver;
  • beige and dark brown.

This type of material is suitable even for exclusively men's bedroom, introducing notes of romance and lightness into it. Using lilac and purple shades, you will rid the room of excessive femininity.

Combined canvases with floral prints will make the room romantic and delicate, and will give a special mood. Designers advise choosing flowers natural, natural shades. When implementing various classic ideas, it is allowed to use colors of black, pink, blue, gold, and red.

Bright hues Wallpaper with compositions of flowers, often barely visible against the general background, will effectively decorate the walls in the bedroom and create an atmosphere of relaxation.

If you want the room to be comfortable and as sunny as possible, you need to purchase canvases with flowers in bright, but very easy-to-perceive tones. They can be elements of blue and pink, canary and light green, orange and other colors. Floral prints play a huge psychological role. For example, coverings with red colors fill the room with energy, while soft pink accents add romance. Small flowers of autumn pastel colors on wall panels give tenderness and simplicity, give peace.

Floral motifs and ornaments

Today, it is considered very fashionable to choose the method of huge appliqués in decoration. The essence of the method lies in covering the walls with coatings of the same tone and gradually applying large applications in the form of flowers, butterflies, and leaves on them.

An original solution There will be a separate area of ​​the wall decorated with flowers, which will help organize clear zoning in the room. For example, with the help of bouquets and buds you can create a “panel” over a place to work or a place to sleep.

Large flowers set the main tone.

In addition to the painted flowers, secondary elements are also important: beautiful birds, various waves, geometric shapes, a fine mesh of snow, huge leaves, fantastic stems. Coverings with voluminous flowers can be “diluted” with a pattern of small flowers. Wallpaper with huge inflorescences will make both one wall and the entire room very stylish, but the rules of moderation should not be violated.

One of the most popular types of ornaments made from floral motifs is considered vector stylization. In this case, the flowers are replaced by spirals or interesting curls, other fantastic elements that visually repeat the outlines of the petals or buds.


Beautiful coverings with flower motifs can be found in the catalogs of many famous manufacturers. The most popular and popular factory brands German, Dutch and Italian companies can be considered:

  • Delicate floral motifs are found in models from the company from Holland. BN International and another Dutch factory - Eijffinger.
  • The Belgian company is famous for its elegant design of flower coverings. Grandeco.

  • Canvases from Germany Marburg with floral patterns can be seen in the Opulence or At Home collections, as well as Colour&Life, and the German company Rasch is famous for its multi-style floral patterns.
  • Company Sirpi from Italy is famous for his more than realistic canvases with original birds and flowers.

Style solutions

You can decorate the room in the following directions:

  • If you want to create a decor in style English cottage or in country style, you just need to combine separate decorative elements into a stylish flower.

  • Loft is called the style that practically does not allow floral elements in its arrangement. Bright orchids or roses in this style are not suitable for decoration; they quickly get lost in the rough features of the loft.
  • The leader in the use of beautiful room coverings with floral images is called Provence. Elegant French style is not just about applying different colors to the wall. Poppies and linen should have a place on textiles and be in vases. In interiors decorated in the Provence style, as well as in some modern styles, you can glue coverings in the form of abstraction with plant elements or canvases with a blurred effect.

Among the usual colors, the most popular are burgundy and red; small splashes of gold and black can be used.

  • The design idea of ​​pop art and shabby chic style allows for the presence of yellow poppies and red flowers; models with loose peonies and imitation of hand painting can be used.

  • Vintage decor uses pale linen and elysium to highlight the wall decor. It is not always possible to create a decor where natural linen or poppies adorn the wall of the room on which a large LCD panel is installed. In this case, it is not ordinary poppies that look more impressive, but fancy gerberas and orchids.