teacher-speech therapist MOU "Secondary school r.p. Ozinki"

1. Design work passport.

    Project title: “Difficult sound - I am your friend.”

    Project manager: teacher-speech therapist Nadezhkina Inna Viktorovna.

    Academic subject: speech therapy.

    Academic disciplines close to the project topic: reading, Russian language, art, technology.

    Project participants: students of the speech therapy center, parents, speech therapist teacher.

    Project type: creative.

    Objective of the project:

    involve every student in active cognitive creative project when creating the book “Difficult Sound - I am Your Friend” - understandable, useful and accessible to children with speech disorders,

    learn to present your work in the form of a book page, choose tools and materials to implement your creative ideas,

    to foster in children an interest in creative interaction when working together.

    Objectives: Development of creative abilities, aesthetic taste, the ability to independently work with various sources in obtaining the necessary knowledge, developing research skills, developing the ability to apply one’s knowledge in practice when creating a creative product - a book, developing the ability to independently make decisions and exchange information, replenish active students' supply of elements of oral folk art.

    Project question: Is it possible with the help of children? speech therapy group and their parents to create a book that would be useful for children with speech disorders?

    Equipment: paints, markers, scissors, paper, stencils.

    The expected product of the project: the book “Difficult Sound - I am your friend.”

    Stages of work:

    Creation of a working group.

    Analysis of existing benefits.

    Choosing a direction of activity.

    Development of the structure of the future book.

    Analysis of the collected material.

    Illustration of selected material.

    Testing in action, exchange of experience.


    Distribution of roles in the project team.

Role of the teacher:

    coordinate the entire process of educational creative activity,

    help children find sources of information,

    be a source of information yourself

    support and encourage student activity in working on the project.

The role of students and parents: creating one page of the book.

    Relevance of the project.

To increase the effectiveness of correctional work in speech therapy classes, along with other types, research activities are used.

Speech disorders in children are almost always accompanied by more or less pronounced impairments in the formation of cognitive, general educational and communication skills. Consequently, project activities should be aimed at the formation and development of children's communication skills, skills of preparing for classes, proper time management, planning and self-control. It is advisable to conduct speech therapy classes with schoolchildren with oral speech disorders according to a program based on the interaction of an adult and a child. Interaction contributes to teaching the speech-language pathologist child to independently search for ways and means of solving his own problems. The child ceases to be an object of pedagogical influence and becomes an active participant in creative activity, the purpose of which is to activate his own resources in the process of learning and development.

The project method provides the child unique opportunity realize your fantasies and combine them with the dream of adulthood. Children of different levels of preparedness are able to work on the project. The main thing is to help the child believe in himself. The child most fully and clearly perceives what was interesting, what he found and proved himself.

A productive type of activity is fertile ground for the implementation of the principle of activity, which is that a person assimilates 10% of what he hears, 50% of what he sees, 90% of what he does.

2. Pedagogical description of the project.

Knowledge acquired without interest, not colored by one’s own positive emotions, does not become useful. During class, the child writes, reads, answers questions, but this work does not affect his thoughts and does not arouse interest. He is passive. Of course, he learns something, but passive perception and assimilation cannot be the basis of solid knowledge. Children remember poorly because learning does not captivate them. You can always find something interesting and exciting in life, in learning the Russian language. You just need to find it and serve it to the children, which will encourage them to make similar finds and discoveries.

In speech therapy classes, children can not only learn something, but also try, experiment, and gain knowledge on their own. Children are natural explorers and take part in various research activities with great interest.

The project does not tell children that they will be solving a specific pedagogical problem. They are told the name and goals of the project, and within a few minutes the children are immersed in the problem of the project and are already drawing, cutting, gluing, and writing something out.

Children, without knowing it, quite independently, activate their knowledge, putting it into practice in an unfamiliar situation.

The main task of a speech therapist is to teach a child to learn. The success of the cognitive activity of a schoolchild with speech disorders depends on the fulfillment of a number of conditions, in particular on ensuring the child’s emotionally prosperous position.

Creating a situation of success in one’s activities is the main condition for cultivating a positive attitude towards learning. Success is inner comfort, the joy that everything is not so difficult and bad.

The teacher helps the teacher achieve effective positive motivation for learning by creating a mysterious, fascinating world for the emergence of cognitive and social motives.

The conceived project “Difficult sound - I am your friend” helps children not only gain research skills, but also gives the speech therapist the opportunity to realize many correctional, pedagogical and educational goals and objectives, involving children in creative activities that correspond to the mental and physical capabilities of children with disabilities. speech disorders.

The project is conceived as a collective activity. For a student facing problems in his studies, cooperation provides an opportunity to receive additional support from children and a speech therapist, overcome fears and self-doubt, and learn to be independent and responsible. Often throughout the school day, such students feel lonely and unsuccessful. It is additional classes with a speech therapist that can and should become a source of joy and self-confidence for them, providing them with the opportunity to feel the support of others. It is in such classes that a student, who himself is experiencing difficulties in his studies, can help another to cope with problems, thus helping himself (remember about himself effective method– “I learn myself by teaching others.”)

Joy, fun, relaxedness, and some mystery attract children. They develop endurance, perseverance, and empathy.

Watching children, you can see how they perk up and try to do the best they can. They respond painlessly to comments and mistakes and try to correct them. Children do not feel tired or experience discomfort.

Upon completion of work on the book, each student organizes a presentation of his/her page in order to summarize the acquired knowledge and skills, increase students’ self-esteem, and give children a mindset for further educational success. Students independently evaluate the results achieved, as well as evaluate the successes and failures of other children.

While working on the project, students develop an interest in speech therapy classes. They learn to plan their activities, use various sources of information, select the necessary materials, express their opinions, create the final product - the material carrier of project activities, evaluate themselves and others. The result obtained proves that there are no mediocre children; you just need to provide the child with timely help and let him believe in his abilities.

Each student in the speech therapy group is the creator of one book page. Children are given a specific creative task, which they complete together with their parents, and the teacher-speech therapist pursues his important correctional pedagogical goals and objectives at each stage. Let's try to describe the value of using each task in working with children in the speech therapy group.

Stage 1. “Choose a picture whose title contains the given sound.”

Corrective goals: To develop the ability to determine the place of a sound in a word, to develop spatial orientation when placing a picture on the alphabet page.

Research objectives: Develop the ability to find several options for solving a problem and choose the most suitable one.

Educational goals: Develop independence when working with educational material, a sense of responsibility in performing one's task.

Stage 2 “Choose tongue twisters and tongue twisters in which the given sound is often found.”

Corrective goals: Develop phonemic awareness and the ability to highlight letters in the text; practice diction, voice strength, expressiveness.

Research objectives: Develop the ability to work with literary sources.

Educational goals: Develop self-control skills.

Stage 3. “Make puzzles with a given letter.”

Corrective goals: Develop spatial imagination when working with letters.

Research objectives: To develop creative imagination, independence in decision making, the ability to defend one’s point of view, the ability to find and correct errors in one’s own work and the work of other children, the ability to provide assistance in a group when solving common problems.

Educational goals: To cultivate aesthetic taste, respect for the work of others and pride in one’s own work.

Stage 4. “Create a crossword puzzle with pictures whose names begin with a given sound.”

Corrective goals : To develop the ability to determine the place of a sound in a word, recognize an object by its contour, and correct fine motor skills.

Research objectives: To develop the ability to select the desired drawing from a given series.

Educational goals: Cultivate accuracy and thrift.

Stage 5. “Design a book page according to the model.”

Corrective goals: Develop spatial orientation; correct fine motor skills.

Research objectives: Develop the ability to work according to a model, find and correct your mistakes, plan your activities, time and resources.

Educational goals: Cultivate pride in your work and the work of your friends.

Pure twisters and tongue twisters develop logical thinking, teach figurative accurate words, help enrich children's vocabulary and automate sounds.

Introducing children to folk art not only helps to enrich children’s speech, but also allows them to become inner world richer. Also, speech material, constructed according to the laws of rhythm and rhyme, serves a specific didactic purpose: to maximally replenish the lexical material with a given sound.

Children are asked to compose a rebus with a given letter only after they become familiar with ready-made rebuses and the rules for their construction. Then the student is given the task of composing a rebus with his or her letter, and the others to guess it. Thus, students create themselves, evaluate the puzzles of other children, having the opportunity to compare their work with others. If the child himself cannot complete the task, then there is the opportunity to turn for help to those students for whom composing the puzzle did not cause difficulties.

Designing the page of the book “Difficult Sound - I am Your Friend” requires perseverance and accuracy. Improving manual motor skills contributes to the development of speech function. This stage also develops the ability to distinguish letters and trains switching attention. Each stage of work on a book should have its own specific product.

All stages correspond to search and creative techniques and help to develop research skills in accordance with the individual and mental characteristics of each child.

Thus,With the help of children from the speech therapy group and their parents, we created a book that will be useful for children with speech disorders,made a presentation of the book “Difficult Sound - I am your friend.” Then we presented this book to first-graders who study at a speech therapy center.

A project to correct sound pronunciation with children in the preparatory group.

"Difficult sound, you are our friend"

« From how my childhood passed,
who led the child by the hand in childhood,
what entered his mind and heart
from the surrounding world - from this
depends decisively on how
Today’s baby will become a human being.”
V. A. Sukhomlinsky


One of the most important areas Correctional work with preschoolers includes the correction of speech disorders, the prevention of speech disorders, early diagnosis, and the preparation of children with speech pathology for schooling. The success of correctional education is largely determined by how clearly continuity is organized in the work of the speech therapist and parents. No educational system can be fully effective if the family is not involved in it. If the preschool institution and the family are closed to each other, then the child finds himself between two fires, which is why close cooperation between the speech therapist and parents is so necessary.

With an adequate position, parents recognize pronunciation disorders as a defect, but a removable defect that requires special work, both by teachers and the parents themselves.

An inadequate position can be different: the defect is not perceived by the parents, that is, the parents do not believe that the child’s pronunciation of sounds suffers. In other cases, parents hear speech errors, but do not attach any importance to them, because they believe that it will “go away on its own,” “they will go to school to learn,” etc., or they are of the opinion that one can live with a defect without any special problems. problems.

During speech therapy work it is necessary:

  • help parents understand how important it is to correctly form their children’s speech,
  • explain and show them what speech therapy work consists of,
  • emphasize the usefulness of reasonable demands on the child, the need to consolidate what has been achieved in the classroom.

The relevance and demand for the project are determined by the real needs of the domestic preschool education and the existing contradictions between:

  • an increase in the number of children with speech disorders and the lack of opportunity to provide correctional and speech therapy assistance to all those in need in a general developmental preschool educational institution;
  • the need for parental participation in the correctional and speech therapy process and the lack of effective interaction technologies educational institution and families in this area.

Based on the above, we see the relevance and significance of the problem of children’s speech development preschool age.

Project participants:teacher-speech therapist, children of senior preschool age, their parents, educators.

Objective of the project:

1.Increasing the level of parental competence in matters of children’s speech development.

2. Setting and automation of the sound “L” in words, phrases, sentences and coherent speech..

3. Determination of the position of a sound in a word.

4.Development of phonemic hearing.

5.Development of fine and gross motor skills.


  • find out the educational needs of parents and their level of competence in matters of speech development, establish contact with its members, and agree on the educational impact on the child;
  • interest parents, use the information and methodological stand “Speech therapist’s corner”
  • develop and accept uniform requirements for parents and children, a common approach to education.

Expected results:

  1. Parents are actively involved in the correctional and developmental process to eliminate children’s speech deficiencies at home and record their achievements in workbooks.
  2. Parents use materials from the information and methodological stand “Speech therapist’s corner”.
  3. The survey revealed an increase in the pedagogical competence of parents in matters of child speech development.

Ways to achieve expected results.

For children

For parents

For teachers

For preschool educational institutions

positive dynamics of speech development;
successful social adaptation in preschool educational institutions and family;
individual approach to each child.

positive assessment of the activities of the preschool educational institution;
readiness and desire to help preschool educational institutions;
using knowledge on children's speech development at home.

positive psychological climate between the speech therapist and teachers;
teachers' interest in creativity and innovation;
satisfaction with one's own activities;
a well-organized system of advanced training;
taking into account positive dynamics in the development of children in terms of speech development when certifying teachers

favorable conditions for the professional growth of teachers;
increased status of preschool educational institution

Possible risks:

The practical significance of the project lies in the fact that the proposed system of step-by-step inclusion of parents in the correctional and speech therapy process, methodological manuals For home use parents, diagnostic material to identify the competence of parents on issues of speech development can be implemented by teachers, speech therapists and interested parents.

Project description: strategy and mechanism for achieving the goal

Work on interaction between a speech therapist and parents on the speech development of children takes place in 3 stages:

Stage 1 - preparatory (information and analytical).


  • Discussion of the fundamental issue and formulation of problematic issues.
  • Selection of game exercises for the development of fine motor skills.
  • Selection of gaming exercises to develop the correct articulatory pattern.

To solve these problems, we begin our work with a survey. Having obtained the real picture, based on the collected data, you can analyze the characteristics of the family and family upbringing of the child, identify the level of competence of parents in matters of speech development, and develop tactics for your communication with each parent. This will help to better navigate the pedagogical needs of each family and take into account its individual characteristics.

Stage 2 - main (practical).


  • Setting the sound “L” introduces sound into independent speech.
  • To develop and test a system of specific individual methodological activities for parents on the speech development of preschool children.

The knowledge and speech skills of children acquired during classes with a speech therapist are consolidated in a playful way in everyday life.

Project means and methods:

  • Conducting workshops, master classes, consultations, home games library, preparation of manuals for individual lessons using ICT technologies.
  • Conducting individual consultations (if necessary);
  • Creation of an information and methodological stand “Speech therapist’s corner” (weekly, theoretical material);
  • Collection and study of information (searching for information on the Internet and other sources).
  • Preparation of a work report and presentation of work results in the form (presentations, publications, etc.)

These forms of work make it possible to involve parents in active participation in the correctional process, presuppose the establishment of trusting relationships between teachers and parents, and awareness by parents of the role of the family in education and upbringing.

Stage 3 - final (control and diagnostic).


  • To analyze the effectiveness of a speech therapist teacher’s work with parents on issues of children’s speech development.
  • Analyze the effectiveness of correctional work with children.
  • Broadcast work experience on this topic to speech therapists and district teachers.

Long-term project implementation plan



Shapes and
working methods



1.Preparatory stage

1. Questioning parents

Children's speech examination

Filling the speech therapy room with PCs


Studying the level of competence of parents in matters of speech development
analysis of speech disorders

Selection of materials by topic " Breathing exercises", "Articulation exercises", "Fine motor skills", etc.

Establishing uniform requirements of parents and speech therapist teachers for a child attending a speech therapy center.

Work planning

Design of individual correctional and developmental work

card indexes

Establishing cooperation, educating parents

Teacher speech therapist

Stage 2


Workshop"Traditional and non-traditional exercises for the development of muscles of the articulatory apparatus."

Protocol, feedback from parents.

Teacher speech therapist


“We play with our fingers, we develop speech

A message about the relationship between speech development and fine motor skills of the hands, recommendations for finger exercises

Protocol of the workshop, feedback from parents

Teacher speech therapist


Open lesson

Individual lesson “Staging the sound L”.

Setting the sound "L"

Individual lesson “Staging the sound L”. Presentation.

Teacher speech therapist

Presentation of health-saving technologies for speech correction and development

Master class for district teachers

"Health-saving technologies

in speech therapy practice"

Teacher speech therapist


Open lesson

Automation of the L sound in open syllables

Individual-subgroup lesson"Tools. Automation of the L sound in open syllables", synopsis,

Teacher speech therapist


Open lesson for parents and kindergarten teachers.

Automation of the sound L based on nursery rhyme material

Subgroup lesson"Tools. Automation of the sound L", notes, game in the graphic editor "Find the sound in the word" for the interactive whiteboard.

Teacher speech therapist

3. Final stage


Project presentation

Introducing sound into speech

Entertainment “Bringing Sounds Home”

Teacher speech therapist


7. T.V. Friday “Speech therapy in tables and diagrams, figures” Rostov-on-Don “Phoenix” 2012.

8. V.V. Konovalenko, S.V. Konovalenko “Automation of sonorous sounds “L, L”.

9. T.A. Tkachenko “Syllabic structure of a word.” Moscow, 2008.

10. O.B. Inshakova “Album for a speech therapist” Corrective pedagogy Moscow, 2010.

11. N.V. Emelyanova L.I. Zhidkova G.A. Kapitsina “Correction of sound pronunciation in children 5-6 years old with phonetic speech disorder in a speech center. St. Petersburg, 2013.

12. T.A. Tkachenko “Developing fine motor skills” Moscow, 2010.


SUMMARY OF INDIVIDUAL Speech Therapy Lesson.

Subject : Automation of sound L.


speech therapist MDOU

kindergarten No. 5


Burmakino village

Chernoglazova I.V.

Goal: automation of the sound L in words and sentences.


Development of articulatory, fine, general motor skills;

Enriching the vocabulary on the topic “Tools”;

Development of attention, memory, thinking

Improving phonemic education;

Development of word formation

Improving the grammatical structure of speech

Equipment: illustration “The steamboat is humming”, noisy drawing “Tools”, ball.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Articulation gymnastics

L. Let's do the articulation warm-up “Two Hunters”

Two "heroes" on the hunt

We walked through a marshy swamp:

Bite the tip of your tongue with your teeth and

Exhale for a long time and clap your fingers

On the cheeks so that a clapping sound is heard.

“We heroes are not afraid

Even wild elephants!”

Pull your lips forward with your proboscis.

They walked and boasted to each other.

Suddenly... the frogs got scared!

Holding your lips in a smile for a long time.

And ran over the bumps

We ran as fast as we could.

Spank wide, relaxed

Tongue on lower lip.

We've already reached the house,

But they were still shaking.

Repeatedly pronounce on one

When exhaling, the reference sound is D – d – d – d...

“Oh,” said one hero.”

The rhinoceros was galloping after me,

Click your tongue.

He took my gun

And he chewed it like a bun!

Chew your tongue, repeating it repeatedly

In this case, the syllable LA.

And when I looked back,

He licked his lips so greedily!”

Lick your upper lip with your wide tongue from top to bottom.

« “Oh!” said the other “hero.”

The kite hovered over me

Flapping his wings terribly,

“Wave, tongue up and down, up and down.

He chatted like a turkey."

Make quick, wide movements

Use the tip of your tongue back and forth across your upper lip.

And since then there has been something for the “heroes”

Don't feel like hunting!

Stick out your lower lip resentfully.

2. Finger gymnastics.

L. Let's do gymnastics for fingers “Fingers are a friendly family”

Fingers are a friendly family,

They can't live without each other.

(We clench the fingers of each hand into fists and unclench them.)

That's a big one!

And this is average.

Nameless and last-

Our little finger, baby!

Woohoo! You forgot your index finger.

So that the fingers live together,

(Alternately raise the fingers of both hands upward.)

Let's connect them

And perform the movements...

(We attach each finger of the hand in turn to the thumb.)

We'll show you the goat's horns

(Let's play with our fingers. We move the index finger and little finger forward, bending the remaining fingers; then we raise the horns to the head)

And even deer antlers...

(We spread the fingers of both hands wide, crossing our arms, raising the branched horns to the head.)

We won't forget about the bunny -

We will use our ears to guide you.

(We move forward the index and middle fingers of both hands, raise them to the head. We move our fingers, tilt them forward, and then clench our fingers into fists and unclench them.)

To speak clearly

You have to be friends with your fingers!

(We attach each finger of the hand to the thumb in turn.)

3. Isolated pronunciation of the sound L.

Game exercise"The steamer is humming"

L. Say the sound L - L - L repeatedly and abruptly while your finger moves along the line. And now, long and drawn out, let’s see which way the finger will go.

4. Automation of the L sound in straight syllables.

Let's repeat the syllables with a change in stress

la – la – la lo – lo – lo

la - la - la lo - lo - lo

la - la - la lo - lo - lo

lu - lu - lu ly - ly - ly

lu - lu - lu ly - ly - ly

lu - lu - lu ly - ly - ly

5. Automation of the sound L in words

L. Say the words

paws crowbar

elk lamp

lama elbow

elbow noodles

spinning spoon

saw lotto

shark boat

school soap

robe blanket


bast bow

oxen moon

tables magnifying glass

fork cleaver

floors pigeon


baby naughty

Sheepskin coat

6. Development of attention.

Games "Confusion" "Fourth Wheel"

L. Let's look at the picture, explain which object is the fourth extra?

D. A boot will be superfluous, because it is a shoe, and a saw, a hammer, a shovel are tools.

7.Development of general motor skills. Agreement of numerals with nouns.

Ball game “1 – 10”

L Count from 1 to 10 (with one of the words of your choice child) chisel, hammer, shovel.

D. One shovel, two shovels, three shovels, four shovels, five shovels, six shovels, seven shovels, eight shovels, nine shovels, ten shovels.

8. Automation of the sound L using the material of a riddle. Development of phonemic awareness.

L. Guess the riddle and learn it.

Here are the needles and pins

They crawl out from under the bench.

They look at me

They want milk.

L. Who is this?

D. Hedgehog.

L. How did you guess?

D. The hedgehog has sharp spines and loves milk.

L. Name the words with the L sound from the riddle.

D. Needles, bench, pin, milk.

9. Getting to know polysemantic words. Improving word formation.

L. What objects, like a hedgehog, also have spines?

D. Christmas trees, pine trees and larch have needles.

L. How are they similar?

D. All needles are sharp

L. What are the needles on a Christmas tree called?

D. Fir tree needles

L. What are the names of pine trees?

D. Pine trees have pine needles.

L. What about larch?

D. And larch is deciduous.

L. What other needles do you know?

D. Sewing.

L. What can you say about a sewing needle? What is she like?

D. The needle is long, thin, sharp, metallic, shiny.

L. What do you do with a sewing needle?

D. Sew with a sewing needle.

L. What do you sew with a sewing needle?

D. A sewing needle is used to sew clothes.

L. What else can you do with a sewing needle?

D. A sewing needle can be used to embroider, stitch, hem, and darn.

10. Summary of the lesson.

L. The sound L thanks you for the lesson, your tongue was dexterous and hardworking.


1. Lebedeva I.L. “Difficult sound, you are our friend!” Sounds L, L. Moscow, 2004.

2. Teach me to speak correctly! Literature, S – P, 2004.

3. Lopukhina I. Speech therapy. Exercises for speech development. Delta. S–P, 1997.

4. Konovalenko V.V., Konovalenko S.V. Individually – subgroup work for sound pronunciation correction. Moscow 1998.

5. Repina Z.A., Buiko V.I. Speech therapy lessons. Ekaterinburg, 2000

6. Maltseva M., Kostygina V. Moy speech therapy album, Yaroslavl, 2001


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MBDOU kindergarten No. 5 “Zvezdochka”


Speech therapy class.

Topic: Tools.

Automation of sound L.

Teacher speech therapist

Chernoglazova I.V.


Target: automation of the L sound based on the poem “Pavel the Clown is an Eccentric”


Activate the dictionary on the lexical topic “Tool”;

Develop phonemic awareness,

Strengthen sound analysis skills

Improve the grammatical structure of speech

Teach creative retelling skills;

Improve the prosodic component of speech

Develop psychomotor functions;

Equipment: an envelope with images of tools: hammer, shovel, saw; game "Fishing"; pictures: shovel, hammer, chisel, brush, crowbar, broom, saw, cleaver; contour images of these instruments in speech therapy notebooks, sound rulers with the symbol of the sound L, an interactive board, figures for retelling the fairy tale “Turnip”.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Organizational moment

L. What time of year? How do we enjoy spring? The spring breeze was blowing and turning, and an envelope flew through the window. Come on, Sasha, look, what's the news inside? Oh, there's a letter here!

2. Development of attention, thinking. Game exercise “Say it in one word.”

Look at the envelope carefully, tell me what objects are depicted?

D. Hammer, shovel, saw.

L. Name the items in one word and tell us from whom we received the letter.

D. We received a letter from the instruments.

L. Let's read the letter:

Hello children! Clown Pavel left us in the swamp! Help, save us from the swamp!

3. Report the topic of the lesson.Today we will help save instruments and pronounce the sound L correctly.

4. Automation of the sound L in a sentence. Development of motor coordination.

Game "Rescuers".

Game "Rescuers"

You need to get items from the swamp. (at the base board game"Fishing". Each of the children, in turn, takes out a picture-tool using a fishing rod, says, showing the others:

La-la-la, I...(name of object) saved the shovel.

Al-al-al, I... (name of object) took out a hammer, etc.

5.Development of phonemic awareness. Determining the position of a sound in a word. Dividing words into syllables. Game exercise “Find the sound in the word.” Working with an interactive whiteboard.

L. Open your notebooks, take pencils. Say the name of the picture, highlighting the sound L in your voice, and connect the picture with the desired sound line with a line.

D. Lllopata. I will connect the shovel with the first sound line, because the consonant solid sound L is heard at the beginning of a word.

Pilla. I will connect the saw to the second sound ruler, because the consonant hard sound L is heard in the middle of the word, etc.

L. Which tool turned out to be superfluous, why?

D. The brush turned out to be superfluous, because there is no L sound in this word.

L. Name and circle with a wavy line the pictures whose names have three syllables.

D. The word shovel, hammer, chisel has three syllables.

L. Guys, you successfully completed the tasks and saved the tools. It's time to meet the clown Pavel.

6. Reading the poem “Pavel the Clown is an eccentric.” Improving the ability to answer questions in poetic lines.

L. Listen to a poem about the clown Pavel.

Clown Pavel is an eccentric.

Does everything wrong:

dug with a crowbar

broke it with a shovel

sewed with a chisel,

hammered with a needle,

sawed with a cleaver,

chopped with a saw,

whitewashed with a broom,

and chalk with a brush!

L. Look at the pictures, answer with the lines of a poem what the clown Pavel did wrong.

D. Clown Pavel was digging with a crowbar, etc.

7. Case management (the instrumental case of nouns). "Game name and show"

L. Correct the errors. In order to better remember actions with tools, depict them with your hands.

D. A nail is driven in with a hammer.

A tree is being chiselled with a chisel.

They break the ice with a crowbar.

They dig the ground with a shovel. Children imitate actions with objects.

A needle is used to sew clothes.

They cut wood with a saw.

Sweeping the floor with a broom.

The walls are whitewashed with a brush.

8. Exercise “!-10-1”. Agreement of noun and adjective with numeral (number, gender, case)

9. Improve the skill of creative retelling. Fairy tale "Turnip"

Clown Pavel offers to tell the fairy tale “Turnip” in a new way. Instead of the traditional characters of this fairy tale, the following appear: a hammer, an elephant, a horse, an elk, a squirrel, a dove, and a bee. Children tell a fairy tale in a chain; during the course of the fairy tale, the speech therapist shows prepared pictures one after another, according to which the storytellers change the words of the familiar text:

D. The elephant planted a shovel. The shovel has grown big and big! He pulls and pulls, but he can’t pull it out. The elephant called the horse, etc.

10. Sharing the poem together.

Let's repeat the poem about Pavel the clown so you can recite it at home.

11. Summary of the lesson.

What task or activity was interesting for you?

L. I, sound L and clown Pavel thank you for your work and look forward to meeting you again.


1. Pozhilenko E.A. A magical world of sounds and words. Vlados. Moscow, 2001

2. Krupenchuk O.I. Teach me to speak correctly! Literature, St. Petersburg, 2004.

3. Lopukhina I. Speech therapy. Exercises for speech development. Delta, S-P, 1997

4. Teremkova N.E. Speech therapy homework for children 5-7 years old with OHP Album 4, Moscow, 2007

5. Lebedeva I.L. Difficult sound, you are our friend! Sounds L, L. Moscow 2004

6. Preparing older preschoolers for literacy. Lesson system, notes, didactic material. Author-compiler O.N. Yeltsova. Volgograd 2009

Project type
Implementation period: During the entire period of sound automation.

Relevance: Involving parents in the correctional pedagogical process important task, not because the speech therapist teacher wants it, but because it is necessary for the development of their own child. The efforts of a speech therapist are aimed at building relationships between parents and children. Project activities makes homework interesting, which has a positive effect on the child’s learning of the material. Such interaction between speech therapist, child and parents increases the level of mastery of the program.

Objective of the project:

Make the learning process interesting and productive.

Conscious understanding of the articulatory structure of a particular sound and high-quality correction of pronunciation defects;

Increasing parents' interest in the correction process;

Expected Result: increase interest in classes and reduce the time required for sound automation.

The content of the work:
Work with children

Study of the pronunciation features of the sound being studied, gradual (as the disturbed sound is staged and automated) design of the games: “Hear the sound”, “One-many”, “Count”, “Give a picture”.

Working with family
Consultation for parents: “Violation of sound pronunciation and its causes.”

Master class: “Articulation gymnastics at home.”

Using a notebook in the process of reinforcing the correct pronunciation of sounds at home according to the instructions of the speech therapist teacher.

Design of the games: “Hear the sound”, “One-many”, “Count”, “Give a picture”.

Project presentation:
Creation of games: “Hear the sound”, “One-many”, “Count”, “Give pictures” and their practical use when doing home exercises.



Speech therapy project “Difficult Sound”

Speech therapist teacher: Lyudmila Igorevna Katkova

Venue: logo center MDOU " Kindergarten No. 41 “Sunny”

Project type : Research, practice-oriented, long-term, individual.
Implementation period : During the entire period of sound automation.

Relevance: Involving parents in the correctional pedagogical process is an important task, not because the speech therapist wants it, but because it is necessary for the development of their own child. The efforts of a speech therapist are aimed at building relationships between parents and children. Project activities make homework interesting, which has a positive effect on the child’s learning of the material. Such interaction between speech therapist, child and parents increases the level of mastery of the program.

Objective of the project:

Make the learning process interesting and productive.

Research and understanding by the child of the position of the organs of articulation when pronouncing the sounds being practiced;
Conscious understanding of the articulatory structure of a particular sound and high-quality correction of pronunciation defects;

Make the automation process productive and interesting;
Increasing parents' interest in the correction process;

Expected Result:increase interest in classes and reduce the time required for sound automation.

The content of the work:
Work with children
Acquaintance with the organs of articulation through the “Tale of the Merry Tongue”;
Use on individual lessons for sound pronunciation correction gaming techniques articulation analysis “Teach a cartoon character to pronounce a sound correctly”, “Explain to a friend correct location organs of articulation..." and others.
Use of the manual “Articulatory patterns of sounds” when analyzing the articulation of the sound being studied;
Study of the pronunciation features of the sound being studied, gradual (as the disturbed sound is staged and automated) design of the games: “Hear the sound”, “One-many”, “Count”, “Give a picture”.

Working with family
Consultation for parents: “Violation of sound pronunciation and its causes.”

Master class: “Articulation gymnastics at home.”

Keeping an individual notebook “Difficult Sound” together with the child.
Using a notebook in the process of reinforcing the correct pronunciation of sounds at home according to the instructions of the speech therapist teacher.

Design of the games: “Hear the sound”, “One-many”, “Count”, “Give a picture”.

Project presentation:
Creation of games: “Hear the sound”, “One-many”, “Count”, “Give pictures” and their practical use when doing home exercises.

Ekaterina Yurkova
Project “Difficult sound, be a friend to children!”

Project “Difficult sound, be a friend to children!”

O mortals, we are to all other sciences

Trying to study so hard

And speech, the only queen of the world,

Are we forgetting? This is who to serve

We all must, for a dear price

Bringing teachers together so that the secret of the word

Having learned, convinced - win!

Project type: educational, practice-oriented

Project participants: speech therapist teacher, children senior group, parents.

Scale: long-term, within the group.


Today, the education development system is in a situation of significant changes.

Teachers are faced with the task of teaching older preschoolers to navigate the flow of information coming to them from everywhere. It is important for children not only to correctly assimilate and structure information, but also to be able to purposefully search for it and select it independently. To achieve these tasks, it is necessary to use innovative teaching technologies. One of these methods is the project method. Project activities are inextricably linked with creative activity, with co-creation.

Sounds - main construction material human speech, and only with their clear, accurate transmission can speech be understood correctly, and therefore serve as a means of communication.

Correct pronunciation is necessary for a child to communicate confidently, further successful learning, competent reading and writing, and harmonious development. According to scientific research, approximately 40% of children in our country, whose speech should be formed, incorrectly pronounce the sounds of their native language, and the number of such children is not decreasing.

Impaired sound pronunciation is not only a cosmetic defect, but also a serious obstacle to a child’s mastery of written language at school. It negatively affects his emotional state, self-esteem, the formation of personality traits, and communication with peers.

According to the results of a diagnosis of the senior group “Dwarfs” carried out in September, out of 25 children, 22 children have problems with sound pronunciation. Which is 88%. (see Appendix 1) Only 12% of children have clear speech. Thus there is a large number of children with pronunciation disorders. In children's speech, sound substitutions, distortion or absence are most often observed. This requires targeted correctional work on the production and automation of sounds. To attract parents to the problem of sound automation, I decided to invite parents to participate in the creation of parent-child projects.


Parents only take an indirect part in automating sounds, not always understanding how to do it, which affects the quality of their children’s sound pronunciation. Often, without the participation of parents, automation of sounds takes a rather long time.


Let’s assume that introducing parents to the sound culture of speech and developing joint child-parent projects will help consolidate the sounds set by the speech therapist in children’s speech and reduce the duration of the sound automation stage.


correction of children's sound pronunciation through child-parent projects to automate sounds.


1. Form and improve children’s sound pronunciation (develop articulatory motor skills, diction, intonation expressiveness, phonemic perception).

2. Involve parents in joint work to form correct sound pronunciation.

3. Teach parents how to create parent-child projects.

Project description: strategy and implementation mechanisms.

Project stages:


Continue correctional work on production and automation of missing sounds in children’s speech.

Conduct a master class for parents “Articulation exercises for making sounds”,

Conduct a workshop for parents on sound automation “Difficult sounds be a friend to children”,

Conduct an open lesson for parents on sound automation,

Conduct individual consultations with parents about the mechanisms for developing a project and the selection of materials for its creation.

Main stage(November December):

Direct creation of child-parent projects,

Project support and assistance in their creation.

The final stage(January February):

Child protection in a group of created projects.

Intermediate diagnostics of sound pronunciation.

Conversations with parents based on diagnostic results.

Co-creation is relevant for preschool children. Without the participation of parents, I think it is impossible to achieve this goal. That’s why I hold parent meetings where we tell them what successes we have achieved. I also conduct workshops, master classes, consultations, where we teach parents how to study at home. The group has a corner “Advice from a speech therapist”, where recommendations are given both on the development of speech sound culture and on other sections of the program. Questionnaires are conducted periodically.

Thus, implementation in educational process such technology as a project method contributes to the development of a free, creative, socially adapted personality that corresponds to the social order for modern stage, on the one hand, makes the educational process preschool open to active parental participation.

Project implementation schedule

Estimated date of the event Name of the event Responsible

September 2015 Diagnostics Teacher-speech therapist

October 2015 Parent meeting“Diagnostic results and planned correctional and speech therapy work for the 2015-16 school year. year". Individual consultations. Teacher speech therapist

October 2015 Master class “Articulation exercises for producing sounds” Speech therapist teacher

November 2015 Workshop for parents on automating sounds in speech “Difficult sounds be a friend to children” Speech therapist teacher

November 2015 Open lesson for parents on sound automation. Teacher speech therapist

November-December 2015 Consulting parents on automating sounds and creating projects;

Direct creation of projects and their adjustment. Teacher speech therapist,

parents, children

January 2016 Intermediate diagnostics of sound pronunciation. Teacher speech therapist

January-February 2016 Conversations with parents based on diagnostic results. Teacher speech therapist

February 2016 Protection of projects in a group. Teacher speech therapist,

parents, children

Expected result:

The quality of sound pronunciation in children will improve;

The participation of parents in joint work with the speech therapist to automate sounds will increase;

Child-parent projects will be created to automate sounds.

Risk assessment and measures planned to minimize the impact of such risk factors:

Difficulties in interacting with parents (using new forms of working with parents, taking into account a person-oriented approach).

Parents lack of time or lack of awareness of the issue of automation of sounds (providing assistance in the implementation of parent-child projects)

Further development of the project:

Publication of the project;

Conducting a master class with teachers on this topic;

This project is expected to be used:

In working with newly arriving children;

Introduction of innovative technologies to improve the correctional and educational process;

Exchange of experience with city teachers;

Participation of projects in competitions, publication of the project.

This project can be used by speech therapists in working with children with impaired pronunciation not only in kindergartens, but also in schools, since there are a large number of children with impaired pronunciation there.


1. Zhukovskaya R.I. Raising a child in the game. M. 1975

2. Osmanova G. A., Pozdnkova L. A. Games and exercises for the development of general speech skills in children. St. Petersburg 2007

3. Pozhilenko E. Introducing children to the environment and developing speech // Preschool education, 2005, No. 1.

4. Mezentseva M. Speech therapy in pictures. M.: ZAO OLMA Media Group, 2011.- 192 p.

5. Skvortsova I. V. Speech therapy games. M.: OLMA Media Group, 2014.-128 p.

6. Bulanovich N. I., Ryzhankova E. N. Learning to pronounce sounds. St. Petersburg : Litera Publishing House, 2007.-32p.

7. Lebedeva I. L. Difficult sound, you are our friend. Sounds R, Rb, (L, L, Sh, Zh, S, Z) Practical guide for speech therapists, teachers, parents. M.: Ventana-Graf, 2015, -32 p.

8. Skvortsova I. V. Grammar in pictures. Sound L. For children 4-6 years old. St. Petersburg : Neva, 2003.

Speech therapy project “Difficult sound, you are my friend. Sound "L".

Theme: “Journey through the land of the sound L”

Target: automation of the sound “L” in syllables, words, sentences.

Tasks: consolidate the correct pronunciation of the sound “L”;

increase parents' interest in the correction process; develop the child’s thinking and creative abilities; develop phonemic hearing and fine motor skills; create positive motivation for the activity;

Technologies used: gaming technology, health-saving technology;

Project type: individual, practice-oriented, research and creative.

Implementation period: during the entire period of sound correction.

Project participants: child, speech therapist, parents.

Expected outcome of the project: correct and conscious pronunciation by the student of the sound “L” in all words and sentences;

Preliminary work: formation of articulatory skills necessary for

correct pronunciation of the sound L; practicing fine motor skills exercises; setting the sound L;

Follow up work: Automation of the sound L in pure phrases, phrases, and coherent speech.

Equipment: Game panel, with islands speech therapy tasks; basin with water.

Project Description


Activities of a speech therapist

Child activity

Organizational moment

Tell me, what sound do we learn to pronounce correctly? What sound were we imitating?

Sound "L".

I imitated the ship's signal. And the ship was made of paper together with you. But the paper ship got wet and could not sail for long. At home I asked my dad to make a wooden ship, I also helped him. Then we tested it in the bathroom with a lot of water. My ship did not sink and I realized that wood does not sink in water, but paper does.

Lesson topic message

Today you and I will travel on the ship that you made together with your dad and we will continue to beautifully pronounce the sound “L”. You will be the captain of the ship. The captain must be strong, dexterous, give commands clearly and clearly. And our tongue must be strong.

Performing articulatory


Exercise for the lips “Smile” Exercises for the tongue: “Spatula”, “Delicious jam”, “Accordion”, “Drum”, “Mushroom”

Doing exercises

Consolidating isolated sound pronunciation

Let's show you how your ship signals?

And so, let's sail! An island is visible in the sea ahead.

Makes the sound L-L-L.

Automation of the sound “L” in syllables.

Let's moor to the island. It turns out to be a singing island. All the inhabitants of this island invite you to sing with them. You are in a cheerful mood, the sea is calm, let’s sail on.

Pronounces syllable rows:

Automation of the “L” sound in words

There is another island ahead. Let's give a signal and moor. Some mysterious island. Probably the inhabitants of this island want to ask you riddles.

Game “Unusual Riddles” Don’t yawn like a yawn, don’t nod with a nod, but rather, use a reflective puzzle, solve the riddles. Riddles-joke with subject pictures: eyes, horse, hammer, lightning, palm, bee, cloak.

Staring eyes, crying eyes, blinking eyes, squinting eyes, winking eyes; -Gurney, cart, skipping rope, neighing, clattering - horse; - Hammer, hammer, knocker - hammer;

Grabbers, smoothers, spankers, squeezers, palm holders; -Flyer, buzzer, stinger, pollinator - bee; -Put on, warmer, waterproof - raincoat; -Sparkle, flasher, scarecrow, threat - lightning.

Child serves signal L-L-L Guess riddles

Development of phonemic hearing and perception

We sail further, there is another island ahead. We give the signal and moor. What awaits us on this island? The inhabitants of this island speak unusually, let's guess what words they wanted to tell us in their language. -UA-PUDDLE -AA - STICK -OA-BOAT -AA - FINS -UOA – T-SHIRT



Now let’s teach the residents how to play the game “In which house is the sound hidden?” You name the pictures and determine where the sound is located (beginning, middle, end)

Guess words using pictures.

Connects pictures with word patterns.


Development of facial expressions and emotions.

"Holiday Island"

A game to develop attention and

coordination of movements “Ear, nose,

shoulder, knee" (adult

intentionally confuses instructions with


Speech warm-up with the ball “Say the opposite”

    The fairy is kind, but Baba Yaga... (evil). -Pierrot is sad, and Pinocchio...(cheerful).

    Papa Carlo is elderly, and Buratino... (young).

The friend is smart, but the enemy... (stupid).

The child performs, trying not to confuse the movements and the adult’s instructions.

Automation of sound -L - in sentences.

We see an island ahead, we moor to the island of “Laughter”.

The inhabitants of this island decided to make us laugh and came up with funny proposals. Listen to them carefully and correct any mistakes.

There is a sky on the moon.

Mom made beets from the salad.

Refrigerator in sausage.

The head is on the scarf.

Kalach ate Slava.

The apple squeezed the juice out of Mila.

Waves float on the boat.

The speech therapist reads an incorrect sentence to the child, and the child tries to correct the error by ear. If difficulties arise, the child can find the picture and, based on it, correct the mistake

Summary of the lesson Reflection.

    Our journey on such a wonderful ship has come to an end for today.

    Did you enjoy traveling?

    How do you think you did in your travel lesson today?

    What was your favorite island task?

But our journey does not end. We will continue “Journey to the Land of the L Sound” in the next lesson.

    Thanks for the lesson

The notes were compiled and conducted by a speech therapist teacher

Sokolova Lyudmila Alexandrovna.