Children perceive reality somewhat differently than adults. They have a reduced reaction rate, attentiveness is not fully developed, and have a tendency to take unjustified risks. For parents, sending their child to school alone is a challenge every day, especially if the child is just learning the route. Let's talk about what a safe road to school and back should be like, how to teach a child discipline while traveling, and also draw a drawing of the correct route.

If you are taking your child by car

Having your own vehicle and the ability to drop off and pick up your child from school at the right time is a definite advantage. However, even under this condition there are several risky points:

  • It is necessary to park the car so that the child can get out of it into a safe area towards the sidewalk - do not allow him to jump out onto the roadway. If the school has a parking slot, take the time to drive your child all the way to the gate. A safe route to school is made up of little things.
  • Always restrain your child in the car, even if he or she is outgrown. This rule applies not only to the road from home to school, but also to any movement along the roadway, and it must be observed. Choose the safest path, the trajectory with the least traffic activity.
  • Don't take risks on the road. Children often copy the actions of their parents - an unjustified risk on the roadway can leave a child in the mind that going towards danger is the right thing to do.
  • Keep the doors locked until you stop. Children may be in a hurry and jump out of a vehicle that is still moving.

A child accustomed to regular “deliveries” sometimes turns out to be unsuited to independently moving along a given route on foot, even if the school is located two steps away. At some point, the car may be unavailable, and you may not be ready to take your child to school by hand. That is why it is necessary to instill knowledge about the rules of the road into him from an early age. Provide timely information about what a safe route means and what is unsafe in individual cases, as well as what measures need to be taken to avoid getting into trouble.

Walking to school safely

In children, the instinct of self-preservation is somewhat primitive. For example, the reaction to moving traffic is slowed down - the child begins to pay attention to the situation on the road only when he approaches it or even begins to cross it (adults assess the danger in advance). Small growth does not allow you to see the whole picture that is happening fully: tall bushes, cars parked on the side of the road, clouds of steam in winter. At the same time, a safe step on the road for a teenager can be absolutely unsafe for a short child.

Modern gadgets and fashion add fuel to the fire. If a child has headphones with music in his ears and a hood is put on his head, he may not see or hear cars. The behavior of adults, in particular parents, has a great influence. If you yourself regularly violate traffic rules and cross the path in the wrong place, do not be surprised that your child will follow a bad example and take the fastest, but not the most harmless road. However, taking into account children's spontaneity, the risk of injury increases significantly - even a seemingly safe pedestrian crossing requires vigilance, which the child may simply not be aware of.

Children who use traffic light buttons are often in a hurry and start moving immediately after pressing. The driver is driving at his still green light and does not expect that a child will jump out in his way. It is necessary to explain the importance of attention to all details, because even at a pedestrian crossing or in the yard there is some risk (there are also plenty of violating drivers).

Rules for a safe road to school

To make the road from home to school safer, teach your child a few basic rules:

  • The higher the speed of the car, the greater the danger from it.
  • Always before going out onto the roadway, you need to stop and look around. Turn off all thoughts and concentrate on the road, its sounds and movement.
  • If visibility of the road is impaired (drifts, bushes, parked cars), you need to find a safer place to cross.
  • Don't run across the road, but cross it. And do this only in a straight line.
  • Give way to vehicles with flashing lights and signals (police, ambulance, fire).
  • Do not pass the bus either from the front (a car may unexpectedly pull out from behind it) or from behind (cars may also drive in the oncoming lane). You must wait until the bus leaves.
  • If there is no pedestrian crossing nearby, then find the safest place to cross the road, making sure there is no moving traffic.

All these rules can be taught to a child in the form of a game or a heart-to-heart conversation. Let him know how important it is to be careful when touching the road and how dangerous driving can be. Using toys as an example, show that the braking path of a car has a certain distance; it cannot stop instantly, especially if it is going fast.

Safe road to school: drawing a route

To help your child safely navigate the route from home to school, offer to draw a diagram of it together, thinking through a detailed plan of steps (sample in the photo). The drawing diagram will be a kind of reference book for the student, where turns, traffic lights, stairs, main objects on the way, and the school itself will be noted. For orientation, you can print out maps from search engines and draw houses and public buildings from them.


When the route diagram is ready, talk out loud with your child what you have drawn so that he recognizes familiar places. Association is an excellent method of learning, especially from hand drawing. For example, when showing a house, remember something: “This is the house where you and I went to visit,” “This is the store where we bought you a bicycle,” etc. Tell us about the traffic lights that come along the way, and about the pedestrian crossings that you must pass.

Distance in steps

You can even calculate the approximate distance in steps that the school is located from your home - this will also improve some mathematical abilities. Just count steps only on paths and streets where there are no cars. Of course, the roadway is not the place for this.

Count the steps from home to the traffic light at which you will have to stop - such a count will allow you to focus on an important point along the way. You can even draw some kind of warning sign on the asphalt near the traffic light with your baby, and with such a drawing you may also inform other children.

Route development

Next, the child draws a line along which the planned entire path would go. You evaluate his choice and correct if necessary, giving reasons for the amendment (example: “There is a lot of traffic here, let’s better cross the road here”). Don’t forget to walk together along the approved route several times - this will help you learn the lesson and remember the pattern of the trajectory. If necessary, it is worth drawing a diagram from the house of your grandmother/aunt/karate class, etc., if they also participate in the common path.

A safe road to school and home largely depends on us - parents. We are mentors, role models, master teachers. Knowing your baby better than anyone else, you can find the right approach to him and choose the words to explain many important rules. Let every child know what it means to be safe and which way is the right way to return home.

Scenario for the extracurricular activity “Safe Road to School.”

Ivanyushina Olga Andreevna, senior counselor of MBOU “Secondary School No. 46” in Bryansk.
Description: The event scenario I have proposed will be useful for additional education teachers, organizing teachers, senior counselors, class teachers, and educators. It can be used in kindergarten and primary school.
Target: The event is aimed at consolidating knowledge about traffic rules.
Analyze children's knowledge about traffic rules using the example of analyzing an author's poem.
Create a plan for students' safe route to school.
Monitor how children comply with traffic rules using the “Honesty Whatman”.

Progress of the event.

Leading: Hello guys. Every day we go to school, to the grocery store, on a visit, or just walk down the street. And on our way we will definitely encounter a roadway. Please raise your hands, those who cross the road on their way to school.
Children raise their hands.
Leading: There are so many of you. Therefore, today we will talk to you about how to make our trip to school safer. And I want to start our conversation with an instructive poem. Listen to him carefully.

Poem “One day in the life of Andrew-HI.”

Today (as always) I got up late for school.
I put on my pants, grabbed my backpack and ran to school.

My path was not far, it seemed.
Railing down, then jump,
Around the corner of the house, turn.
I'm almost at the school gates...

And then my path was blocked by a huge traffic light.

But it doesn't matter that the light is RED
And you can't go...
I hear the bell ringing -
It's time for me to go to class!!!

And so I took a step, another one,
And my head is spinning.
Hit, jump, then fly...
And here I am in the hospital.

What do I want to say, friends?
So as not to run into a RED light,
Get up earlier - not like me!

Leading: So, what happened to Andryukha?
The children answer.
Leading: So what did the boy do wrong?
The children answer.
Leading: You are absolutely right. Under no circumstances should you cross the road at a red traffic light. After all, the car is traveling at great speed. And the driver will not have time to stop her instantly. And what light will we cross the road to?
The children answer.
Leading: Shall we go to the yellow light?
The children answer.
Leading: Guys, think about why Andryukha got hit by a car?
The children answer.

Leading: Right. He got up late. This means the boy simply overslept. Guys, in order not to break traffic rules, let's get up early. And for this you need to go to bed on time and not stay up late.

Leading: Now I suggest taking sheets of paper and trying to draw your own safe route to school. Remember that you should only cross the road in places specially designated for this purpose. Be sure to include them in your drawing.
Children draw.
Leading: Well done. It turned out very beautifully. Now look at the board. There is still a white sheet of paper on it. This is “Whatman of Honesty.” We will definitely fill it out. Every day for a week you will glue green or red circles onto it. If you have never violated a traffic rule during the day, put a green circle, and if you do break it, a red one. At the end of the week we will definitely sum up the results.
Leading: For today I say goodbye to you. And remember, try not to break traffic rules. Your life depends on it!

It’s not difficult to draw a route from home to school and back. It can contain both objects that you directly encounter along the way, and distant ones. We give a lesson on how to draw a general route from your home to school. We are sure that you understand that each child has a strictly individual route. Roads, houses, real estate objects along your path, and pedestrian crossings will be located in your own way. You just have to understand how such a route is built in general terms, what elements it consists of. Well, let's begin!

Stage 1. Draw a general view of our route. On paper we build a large rectangle along almost the entire perimeter of the sheet. These are the boundaries of our route. We divide it into several parts by road lines. Each road consists of two lines. We will have two roads here: one, long, along the sheet, the other, shorter, across, it connects to the long road, but does not intersect it. That is, we have two streets on the route. At the bottom of the left side of the sheet, draw four rectangles. These are houses on your street, one of them, the outermost one, will be your place of residence.

Stage 2. Now we draw the lines of pedestrian paths - sidewalks. These are straight lines, parallel to each other at a distance narrower than the lines of roadways. Here we will depict the outlines of the school. At the top of the sheet we will draw a rectangle - the school yard, and in it we will show the building of your educational institution.

Stage 3. Now we will mark two buildings with crosses: the school and your house. Then, with dotted lines, we will depict your path from school home through the school yard, then along one sidewalk, then crossing the road through a pedestrian crossing, then along another sidewalk, and so on until your house. This is your daily journey from home to school and back.

Stage 4. At this stage, near the sidewalks on different sides, we will draw in rectangles the objects near which we pass along the road. This is a large rectangle - a hypermarket and small squares - shops. They are located opposite each other at the pedestrian crossing. Behind the shops we will mark a distant object with a curved line - the border of the park.

Stage 5. Now let's draw another pedestrian path across the roadway; opposite your house across the road there are three residential buildings similar to yours. Behind them, a little further away, we will place a large oval - this is the stadium. He is also a distant object.

Stage 6. Here we will color our route. Let's make the houses blue. Orange Stadium. The park is green, the hypermarket and shops are lilac, the school is gray. Roads for cars are light gray, sidewalks are dark gray. We will highlight your travel route with a red dotted line.

Stage 7. It remains to apply inscriptions on the elements of our route. Make them crisp black on light objects and white on dark objects.

Extracurricular activity

“The road to school and home. Traffic regulations."

Compiled by:

Svirid L.V.

Primary school teacher


1. Introduce the rules of safe road traffic on the street, create in children an idea of ​​the complexity of traffic at intersections.

2. Develop attentiveness, learn to predict the situation.

3. Foster a critical attitude towards incorrect actions of pedestrians and not repeat them.

Equipment: traffic light model, roadway map, road signs.

Progress of the lesson:

Traffic safety

Every year on the roads

Thousands of people are dying

Dies with them

Lots of little children!

Road Safety

It is very important to comply

And for this it’s good

We need to study traffic rules!

These rules are not complicated

Even children in kindergarten,

People, be careful

Take care of the kids!

Traffic lights and markings,

The signs are different everywhere,

We get marks

For their knowledge in the diary!

People often move

Even if the light is red!

Is it really not getting through?

That there is no passage now!

The road sign means

What should we do and when,

If we follow them -

Trouble will not overtake us!

And with markings on the road,

It's like being in the forest with a compass!

"Zebras", arrows in the turn,

Be on the lookout driver!

Approaching the crossing,

Be doubly careful!

Dies on the roads

So much - so much in war!

Tell me, what is security?

(Children's answers.)

This means protecting yourself from any danger, being careful, attentive, strictly following the established rules, i.e. protect yourself from danger.

“The ABC of Safety” means that you and I, guys, will teach traffic safety rules on roads and streets, or traffic rules for short. Having learned to understand the safety rules, we must strictly follow them.

As soon as you leave your house on the street, you immediately become a participant in traffic.

And if you walk, then who are you?

And if you walk along the road, then you are a pedestrian.

If you are traveling on a bus, trolleybus, tram or car, you are a passenger. The one who drives a vehicle is called a driver.

Do I need to know the traffic rules in our city?

What rules do you know?

Today we will repeat all the rules that we know.

Rule 1: You can cross the street at pedestrian crossings. They are marked with a special sign “Pedestrian crossing”.(Annex 1)

Does our school have such a sign?

When else can you cross the road?

What signs do we still need to know?

Game “Guess the sign” (teacher shows the sign - children guess) (Annex 1)

Rule 2: You must use a crossing with a traffic light.(Annex 1)

Do we have traffic lights in our city?

What do its signals mean?

Traffic lights:

"red man" means: "STOP!" "little green man" means "GO!"

Rule 3: You cannot cross the street at a red light, even if there are no cars.

Game “Traffic Light” (red light - clap, green - walk, orange - squat)

Rule 4: When crossing the street, you should always look: first, to the left, and when you reach the middle of the road, to the right.

The road is not a path

The road is not a ditch

Look left first

Then look to the right.

Rule 5: It is safest to cross the street with a group of pedestrians. (Annex 1)

- Why do you think?

Rule 6: Under no circumstances should you run out onto the road. (Even if you are in a hurry to go to school, get an A in traffic rules.) You must stop before the road.

Why should this be done?

Rule 7: You cannot play on the roadway or sidewalk.

Our Tanya is crying loudly,

Dropped a new ball

The ball hit Moskvich

There is no more ball now.

Games on the roadway

May lead to disaster.

Every guard will say:


Rule 8: If your parents forget which side to go around the bus, trolleybus and tram, you can remind them that:

a bus and a trolleybus at a stop must only be passed from the BACK, and a tram can only be passed from the FRONT. This rule is very easy to remember if you imagine that a bus and a trolleybus are dogs and bite from the front, and a tram is a horse and kicks from the back.

Rule 9: Outside populated areas, children are only allowed to walk with adults along the edge of the road (side) towards cars.

Rule 10. When crossing the road, you must be very careful and monitor the situation on the roadway.


    O.V. Kalashnikova “Journey to the land of road signs and fairy tales”, ed. “Teacher”, Volgograd, 2006

    G.P.Shalaeva “Road signs for little pedestrians”, ed. “Eksmo”, Moscow, 2007.

Aspect analysis

extracurricular activity

on studying traffic rules

"The Road to School"

The date of the: September 30, 2014

Target: protecting the life and health of students, developing in students sustainable knowledge and skills of safe behavior on roads and streets by studying the Rules of the Road; practical training in extracurricular activities of the Rules of the Road.


1. Reveal student knowledge By rules road movement with subsequent systematization and deepening.

2. To develop independent thinking skills and the ability to apply acquired knowledge in practice.

3. Form the habit of crossing the street only when the traffic light is green.

4. Develop an algorithm for safe behavior in the child in certain road situations and reinforce it through play.

5. Removing unjustified feelings of fear of the road and transport.

6. Foster respect for traffic rules, a sense of friendship, and mutual assistance.

Equipment: layouts of traffic lights, buses, road signs, pedestrian crossings, musical accompaniment.

Event participants: students of grades 1-4.

Events dedicated to the topic of traffic rules are always relevant in teaching children. This necessity is dictated by life itself. The school’s task is to make streets and roads safe for small pedestrians. The solution is obvious - any child must understand and master the rules of behavior on the road. At first glance, the traffic rules for children are simple and clear, but teaching children traffic rules is quite difficult. When learning traffic rules with children, it is necessary to take into account how the child perceives the world around him. Classes should be interesting for the child and take place in a relaxed, playful atmosphere. That is why on September 30, 2014, the school held an extra-curricular event “The Road to School”, where elementary school students got acquainted with the Rules of the Road in a playful way. With the help of riddles, poems, models and outdoor games, young schoolchildren studied and learned which part of the sidewalk they should walk on and how to cross the road correctly; how to avoid buses, trolleybuses and trams when crossing the roadway. We learned a lot about safe behavior on the roads. The event took place in a fun and relaxed atmosphere. Musical accompaniment from the films “Pinocchio”, “Little Red Riding Hood”, “The Bremen Town Musicians”, etc. was used. The students gladly answered the questions asked and played games with joy and animation. At the end of the event, during practical training, students easily answered the questions asked and completed tasks aimed at reinforcing traffic rules and the culture of behavior on the road. This indicates that the “Road to School” event was educational, developmental and educational in nature. The goals and objectives set for the organization of this event were achieved and implemented in full.

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Attention parents

Dear parents! Usually you are busy with your own affairs, you have a lot of troubles, you always lack time. And yet... despite your worries, your eternal rush, remember about those who need your help, advice, your care - children and teenagers.

Dedicate a separate walk to the rules of crossing the road. Check whether your child understands them correctly and knows how to use this knowledge in real driving situations. To do this, practice crossing a pedestrian crossing together through a one-way and two-way roadway, through controlled and unregulated intersections.

Walk with your child along the usual route to and from school. Talk about why it is important to walk the same path. Draw your child's attention to all the dangers and hidden “traps” that may lie in wait for him along the way. think over the route so that it becomes safer.

Before making a child’s dream come true and purchasing a bicycle (mokik or moped), parents should pay attention to the area where they live and make sure there are safe places - bike paths, a stadium, a park or a schoolyard.

While allowing children to be restless, it is worth considering that at any moment he can leave his yard and go to a friend or classmate in the next block. Finding yourself on the roadway in a stream of vehicles, even a trained person finds it difficult to navigate in the first minutes of movement, but what can be said about a child - at the same time work with his legs, hold the steering wheel with his hands, control the situation around him and remember to follow safety measures.

In response to any change in the road situation, in the absence of experience and skills, a child may become confused, begin to panic and act inappropriately. We should not forget that a bicycle is one of the most unstable and unprotected vehicles, and even minor collisions can have very serious consequences.

If your child is under 12 years old, they are not allowed to ride in the front passenger seat of a car. The safest place in a car is behind the driver.

During the holidays, it doesn't matter whether your child stays in the city or leaves. It is necessary to use every opportunity to remind him of the rules of the road. Do not leave children unattended on the street, do not allow them to play near the roadway.

Teach children to follow traffic rules from an early age. And don’t forget that personal example is the most intelligible form of learning.

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Most road traffic accidents occur for the following reasons:

arrogance or frivolity, inattention to others,


insufficient experience,

disrespect for other people

negligence in performing one's duties

and, finally, simply due to ignorance and violation of the “Road Rules”.

Slide 5

Road accidents involving children

12 thousand accidents,

557 children died,

Almost 12.5 thousand children were injured

Slide 6

Most susceptible

road injuries

children aged

from 7 to 14 years old,

that is, school age.

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Every road user:

should be more careful

strictly follow the rules,

must be aware of his responsibility for behavior on the road,

be polite and correct towards other drivers and pedestrians.

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A stationary car is dangerous: it can block another car that is moving at high speed, making it difficult to notice the danger in time. You cannot go out onto the road because of parked cars. As a last resort, you need to carefully look out from behind a standing car, make sure that there is no danger, and only then cross the road.

Do not go around a stationary bus, either in front or behind!

A stationary bus blocks a section of the road along which a car can pass at the moment when you decide to cross it. In addition, people near the bus stop are usually in a hurry and forget about safety. From the stop you need to move towards the nearest pedestrian crossing.

Know how to anticipate hidden dangers!

A car may unexpectedly drive out from behind a parked car, house, fence, bushes, etc. To cross the road, you need to choose a place where the road is visible in both directions. As a last resort, you can carefully look out from behind the obstacle, make sure that there is no danger, and only then cross the road.

The car is approaching slowly, but you still have to let it pass.

A slow moving car can hide behind a car going at high speed. A child often does not suspect that another car may be hidden behind one car.

And at a traffic light you can meet danger.

Today on city roads we are constantly faced with car drivers violating traffic rules: driving at high speed, ignoring traffic lights and crossing signs. Therefore, it is not enough to teach children how to navigate when the traffic light is green; it is necessary to make sure that there is no danger. Children often reason like this: “The cars are still standing, the drivers see me and will let me through.” They are wrong.

Children often run across a “deserted” street without looking.

On the street, where cars rarely appear, children run out. The main danger is a parked car!

on the road without first examining it, and end up under a car. Develop in your child the habit of always stopping before going out onto the road, looking around, listening - and only then crossing the street.

When standing on the center line, remember: there may be a car behind you!

Having reached the center line and stopped, children usually only watch for cars moving on the right side and forget about the cars passing behind them. Frightened, the child may take a step back - right under the wheels of the car. If you had to stop in the middle of the road, you must be extremely careful and not make a single move without making sure it is safe.

When outside, hold your child's hand tightly!

Being next to an adult, the child relies on him and either does not watch the road at all or does not watch well. An adult does not take this into account. On the street, children are distracted by all sorts of objects and sounds, not noticing a moving car, and thinking that the path is clear, they break away from the hands of an adult and run across the road. When crossing the road, you should hold your child's hand tightly.

Arches and exits from courtyards are places of hidden danger!

In large cities, places of increased danger are arches through which cars drive out of courtyards onto the roadway. Do not allow a child to run past the arch in front of an adult: he must be held by the hand.

Remember! The child learns the laws of the street, following the example of you, parents, and other adults.

Let your example teach disciplined behavior on the street not only to your child, but also to other children.

Cross the road, observing the traffic rules.

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The following people worked on the presentation: primary school teacher of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 1 Galina Nikolaevna Lazareva and the creative group of grade 4 “A”.

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