Ventilation in the bathroom and toilet, in which an elevated level of humidity is always present, provoking the appearance of mold fungus, must have sufficient efficiency. If in modern and older multi-storey houses, such as Khrushchev, its presence is provided for by a typical project, then in a private house it is necessary to conceive the owner itself at the beginning of construction. Not possessing certain knowledge and not dealing in the subtleties mounting work, it is difficult to install it yourself without errors, but taking into arms the existing rules, it will become possible.

Principle of air exchange systems

Even at the design stage of a private house, it is necessary to adhere to the standards for the installation and operation of ventilation channels for which:

  • The air flow should be located at the bottom, and the extractor from above, as close as possible to the ceiling. To ensure the ventilation of the whole room, they are placed in opposite angles.
  • Their inner surface is made as smooth as possible, and the direction of air movement is carried out in a straight line.
  • On the arranged turns avoid steep bends.
  • The fan cannot be placed near the water, next to the bathroom, sink, toilet.
  • For different floors, separate ducts are paved.

All ventilation systems are divided into the principle of action - with natural traction and mechanical motivation. If the bathroom has modest sizes and its services enjoys a small number of tenants, then the first type of ventilation is equipped, in other cases - the second.

The natural system works due to the difference in the density of air masses and temperature when the heated and easier air, striving up, passes through the exhaust channels and turns out on the street. At the same time, it replaces more dense cold air, entering the room through an air duct system. The greater the difference of values, the higher the potential and better traction.

Such a scheme works well in the winter, but with the onset of warm days the temperature difference becomes minimal and its effectiveness falls. Forced ventilation is deprived of these drawbacks, since the fan is installed in the system, which is responsible for moving air masses.

Ventilation device in a private house

Previously, normal air exchange in the apartment provided natural slits in wooden windows, on the door of the door, and if the private house was from a bar, then also interwetted emptiness. But today, under the erection of housing, modern energy-saving technologies are widely used, which reduce the costs of heating and at the same time preventing free air circulation.

Therefore, many owners leave the door ajar, and in plastic windows use the microwing function, which involves the presence of a small gap. Finding inside, fresh street air warms up and removes through the fireplace pipe, chimney heating or existing ventilation channels. But this scheme is not devoid of shortcomings - dust, midges fall into the house, the noise penetrates, and in the winter, frosty air that provokes the appearance of drafts.

As a modern and affordable solution, many homeowners prefer to install a ventilation valve. The advantages of its use are obvious:

  • providing the necessary air exchange;
  • installation is easy to implement with your own hands;
  • cuts directly into the wall in a convenient place for this.

Depending on the type and equipment of water, electrical system heating the air device provides comfortable conditions Accommodation at any time of the year.

But the full-fledged system will consist of several elements, such as:

  1. 1. Ventilation channel. It is a mine round or square, leading to the roof of the house. To promote the air flow, it disappears anything, they are made as direct as possible. The presence of a horizontal insert is allowed, but a length not exceeding 1-2 m.
  2. 2. Ventilation output - a hole in the wall connected to the channel. To receive large volumes of air, it makes sufficient size, not less than the central duct.
  3. 3. Ventilation grille. Made of plastic, metal, it serves as an decoration and, closing the output, warns the penetration of water, garbage.

Appointment and types of design

Considering the characteristics of the system, several types are distinguished:

  • Exhaust. Air is removed through a special tap channel.
  • Inlet. Air supply to the room is carried out under excess pressure, as a result of which the spent streams are removed out through the mine.
  • Mixed. This system combines the types of ventilation listed above and is the most efficient.

In addition, given the features of the structural elements, they are divided into channels and cutless. In the first case, air supply is carried out using special boxes. This type of ventilation is used if the air flow must be directed to remote areas and to clean it from condensate, dust, other pollutants.

Breakless. In this case, the air flow moves through the air ducts built inside the walls and the bathroom is supplied (assigned) through the hole, usually closed with a decorative grid. Such a device is typical for typical multi-storey houses, in which the ventilated window is located between the bathroom and the toilet, and in one of the rooms there is an output to central ventkalanal.

By installing the fan, you can combine the forced and natural system and get the optimal option - a mixed type of ventilation. If the channel is located far, then they are smooted by rectangular, round or corrugated boxes. The walls made of plastic products are absolutely smooth and do not interfere with the movement of the air, besides, they quench the noise waves caused by the fan operation. Soft corrugated sections are well suited to bypass complex obstacles.

In order for the extract to effectively cope with its purpose, the installation is carried out by following the following rules:

  • the place of its installation is selected opposite from the input door of the wall;
  • the fan is taken to the mine, securely fixed, and all the cracks are filled with sealant;
  • wiring for security purposes is placed closed.

The fan control in the bathroom is connected directly to the light switch, then the smells will be removed immediately, but it is preferable to have a separate switch in the bathroom.

Often in the bathroom on the ceiling are mounted suspended, stretching structures. If the mine is located below their level, then for the ventilation of the space between the ceilings not far from the ventilation hole, the lattice is installed. If the mine is higher suspended ceiling, In the latter, there are several venoforests and install a fan in one of them, and the rest are closed with lattices.

Natural ventilation

The device of this type must be planned at the stage of preparation for the construction of a house or cottage, when drawing up a project, which stipulates the location of all rooms and office premises. The main reason is proper montageWhen there is still special ventilation channels during the construction of walls through their inner design. Usually start from the first floor towards the attic. Ventkanals can be made of bricks, plastic material of a special form.

Planning a gasket natural System Venting, you should adhere to several recommendations:

  • each room must be equipped with air ducts, the installation of which is performed vertically;
  • if the bathroom with the toilet is on the same floor, moreover, then the use of combined hoods is allowed;
  • when several service premises are located close to each other, you can combine their ducts into one common, without incline its output diameter;
  • the walls of the box must be smooth, and there are any obstacles on the way of the air flow.

The presence of natural type ventilation, which provides comfortable accommodation conditions, is required for each private house, other buildings. In the future, the system can be upgraded, additionally installing the fan, and thereby increase its efficiency.

Forced ventilation

Modern system forced ventilation Consists of heat exchanger, filters, fans. Therefore, the air coming from the street is first cleared, and in the cold time it is preheated, and only then it is distributed through the rooms, the exhaust air outwards.

The system includes the following components:

  • The fan that provides the movement of air masses.
  • Air ducts. They are performed from the nozzles of 0.5, 1 and 2 meters long and are used to move air flows.
  • Connecting couplings. With their help, individual sections are collected into a single whole.
  • Rotary taps. Redirect the flow movement in the desired side.
  • Check valve. Prevents the return of the exhaust air.
  • Brackets, fasteners. Mounted on walls and ceiling, they hold the entire design.

To organize an effective drawing in the bathroom, the toilet is enough fans to which the main requirement is presented - the level of noise is not higher than 35 dB. The devices on the bearings have a large resource, and on the sleeves - quieter in operation and more affordable in price.

Axial type fans have average level Noise and well suited for mounting into the chartless system. The centrifugal device is louder than the rest, but has a high performance. Paying attention to the listed characteristics, centrifugal-axial-axis products are more attractive, characterized by low weight, silent and high efficiency.

Several types of connection are common - to the light switch, a separate switch, which is located near the device on the wall (or on its housing), using a motion sensor. The latter works when someone enters the room.

Using the filtering system improves the quality of the incoming air, but it needs constant care and increases operating costs. The filter must be periodically verified for the presence of pollution and change, since the accumulated substances can provoke the reproduction of hazardous bacteria and organisms.

For this reason, forced ventilation is recommended to install air humidity sensors, especially in the bathroom. Then the operation of the mechanism will occur when the specified parameter is reached.

If the installation of forced ventilation is planned only in the bathroom, and the rest of the rooms are simply subject to ventilating, then for these purposes it is advisable to install a chartless system with a fan in it in it. It is fixed on special fastening terminals and connected to the power supply network using a two-housing wire.

Adjustment type ventilation arrangement in the whole house requires the acquisition of special equipment - a special unit responsible for feeding, removal, cleaning, filtering and air heating. The installation site is chosen by the attic or the technical room. Power is calculated by the number of tenants based on the size of the house and the material of the walls, but on average, this indicator is 200-600 m3 / h.

Air ducts are collected by the designer using already ready-made sections, adapters. As far as possible, they are hiding from eyes over suspended, stretched ceilings, removed into the attic. If everything is assembled correctly, then normally working ventilation will provide a good air exchange not only in the bathroom, toilet, but also in the house, and, supporting the necessary level of humidity, will reduce the likelihood of plating on the walls of mold and fungus.

Incorrectly installed ventilation in the bathroom leads to the formation of a fungus and mold. As a result, the owner of the bathroom receive spoiled finishing materials and aesthetically unattractive appearance Rooms. Therefore, the right organization of the ventilation system in the bathroom should pay special attention to how to make ventilation in the bathroom, consider further.

Ventilation in the bathroom: requirements and functions

The process of installing ventilation in the bathroom, first of all, follows the existing ventilation system for performance. The correct exchange of indoors is very important not only for finishing the walls and preserving their attractiveness, but, above all, for human health. Since properly organized microclimate helps to improve the overall condition and well-being of people, in it living.

Bathroom is a closed room, which is under the periodic impact of moisture requiring indispensable removal. To check the already existing system for the correct work, you should simply set fire to the usual match and bring it to the ventilation channel lattice. If the flame went out, the system works properly, otherwise, it needs to be adjusted. The same should be done with a small leaf of paper. If paper, near the grille sticks to it, then the system is in good condition. If troubleshooting is detected in the performance of the ventilation system, first of all, you need to clean the already existing fans and ventilation channels.

For the right ventilation organization, the bathroom should take care of installing the exhaust fan of the desired power. Before installing exhaust fanWe recommend to do such actions to improve the already existing ventilation system:

1. Make the fan setting into the ventilation channel.

2. Install the fan on the surface of the exhaust mine located on the roof.

3. Possible option to install the ventilation valve in the window.

4. To improve heating in the bathroom and to remove excess moisture, heated towel rails, warm water floors or conventional radiators are installed.

Ventilation variations in the bathroom

In an aircraft ratio, ventilation in the bathroom happens:

  • natural;
  • forced.

The first option implies the elimination and circulation of air by naturally. For this, doors are used, open windows. The air moves with a bath to the street by means of a pressure difference. Improved glass windows that have high tightness are promoted by violation of natural ventilation. To solve this problem, it is recommended to purchase windows and doors having parts for microcirculation.

The second option is artificial ventilation, which is created by installing a fan in the bathroom that promotes air circulation. The main function of this system is the discharge of air, that is, pulling it into the street, and new airIt enters the bathroom from the adjacent room. With the help of a forced ventilation system, it is possible to get rid of not only from high humidity in the bathroom, but also from unpleasant smell indoors.

In relation to ventilation assignment, it happens:

  • exhaust;
  • inlet;
  • combined.

The first option implies air removal by ventilation channels. The second type of ventilation is based on ensuring the receipt of new air to the room, with which the air is created in the air. high pressure, Displays the old air along the ventilation channels.

The combined option involves the use of the first two types of ventilation in the same room.

Depending on the design features, ventilation in the bathroom happens:

  • channel;
  • cordless.

Using the ventilation of the channel type, rooms are cleaned, which need intensive air purification from high moisture, steam or foreign odors.

The infantal version of the ventilation involves its suspension by wall holes that have already been installed indoors.

How to check the ventilation system for performance

We offer to familiarize yourself with the instructions for checking the ventilation in the bathroom:

1. Open the window and doors in the bathroom.

2. Take a thin sheet of paper, in the form of napkins.

3. Install it on an existing ventilation hole.

4. If the sheet is tightly kept on its surface, the system works properly.

Otherwise, remove the fan and check the ventilation channel for the presence of garbage or other items.

Instead of napkins use matches, lighters or candles. They should shy at an angle at the mine. It is not recommended to check in too hot day, as the air at this time is quite heavy, and even a serviceable system will not show the correct result.

In order to learn about the need to do the micheology niche in the doors or windows, the above-mentioned actions with closed windows and windows should be repeated.

In the absence of air flow, small lattices are installed on the window or doors.

Tip: Even if natural ventilation works flawlessly, it is recommended to establish forced ventilation in the bathroom, which will accelerate the procedure for outputting moisture from the room and contributes to the preservation of the repair integrity.

Ventilation in the bathroom with your own hands: Fan selection

In the ratio with the installation method, the fans are:

  • channel - installed in air duct systems;
  • radial - mounted on the output part of air systems, is featured aesthetically attractive body.

In the ratio of S. constructive features Fans are:

  • axis;
  • diametral;
  • centrifugal;
  • axial centrifugal.

The first version of the fan implies the injection of the axial stream using the blades, thus it will be possible to create a pressure of more than 40 pa. This fan type is suitable for installation in a chartless system.

Among the advantages of axial fans it should be noted:

  • available cost;
  • ease of installation;
  • high efficiency.

Among the disadvantages, high noise performance, weak pressure are noted.

The second version of the fan is distinguished by the presence of an impeller in the form of a drum. However, such fans do not have a high efficiency.

A centrifugal fan is characterized by a spiral case, which helps to achieve high performance, but at the same time produces enough noise.

Among the advantages, we note:

  • high cost;
  • installation in the channels of which is more than 500 cm;
  • high power;
  • low noise.

Centrifugal axial types of fans are characterized by small sizes, small noise and excellent performance.

Buying a fan is a rather complicated process, during which first of all you need to pay attention to its power. The optimal rate of power for the standard bathroom is the value in a hundred cubes in 60 minutes.

However, this indicator is average. When choosing power, such factors should be guided by such factors:

  • the number of people living in the house;
  • room size;
  • the number of windows and doors in the bathroom and their size;
  • the presence of additional natural ventilation;
  • the frequency of use of the bathroom.

In addition, the noise level is the noise level that reproduces the fan. The most comfortable indicator is forty decibel.

There are fans, with additional features In the form of a timer, automatic on and off. If there are additional funds, it is possible to purchase them, as the use of such a fan - brings maximum comfort.

The hydrostat is a device that is responsible for turning on and off the fan at a time when an elevated level of humidity is present.

Some types of fans are equipped with special protection against moisture ingress, which has an ip designation, the moisture resistance of the device depends on the values \u200b\u200bof the number after marking.

If you plan to install a fan near the shower or bath, it is recommended to choose a device with the highest security class. The case of such a fan provides reliable protection The engine from moisture is thus improving the duration of using the fan.

Ventilation scheme in the bathroom, its arrangement

Most often, ventilation channels are equipped on walls or ceiling. In the absence of air ducts, you should pre-build them, in order to install the fan.

  • install the hood so that it is located opposite the door, thus, it will be possible to increase the air circulation in the room, otherwise, the air flows will move very slowly;
  • further actions should be directed to clean the existing duct from garbage;
  • with too too narrow hole, take care of its expansion by the perforator, if the hole, on the contrary, is quite large, then for its equipment, you should install a fan pipe from plastic, which is fixed in it with a cement solution;
  • to close the cavities in the pipe, it is enough to use the mounting foam;
  • note that the hood is deepened in the hole completely, only the lattice remains on the wall, behind which it is hidden;
  • for mounting, the exhaust is used screws, dowels or materials based on the sealant, the last option is the most successful, since it is able to repay vibrations that occur during the device's operation;
  • the extract must be configured to the electrical network, so a special cable, a power plant, is supplied to it;
  • it is possible an automatic exhaust arrangement option that works exclusively during light on.

Ventilation in the bathroom in a private house: work in space under the ceiling

If the ceiling in the bathroom is a suspended or for its finish, false panels were used, stretch ceiling and other types of materials, as a result of which the sub-flow space has increased, then the ventilation is recommended in the process of repairing the room.

When the ventilating hole is located below the suspended ceiling, it follows in the subtenuation space to equip a small hole, with a grid attached on it, with which moisture from this site will be deleted into the room.

In the presence of ventilation in the sub-fabric space, to organize air circulation between the main ceiling and suspended or tensioning material, you should take care of the arrangement of several lattices that will derive excess moisture.

In addition, the arrangement of a small gap is welcomed, right above the door surface, it will help to improve natural ventilation and extend the life of the ceiling.

Tip: Some bathroom owners remove the thresholds in order to improve ventilation. It is not categorically recommended to do so, since it is that the threshold protects other places from water, when faults that lead to a flood appears.

Note that any ventilation system needs careful care, the fan and its lattice requires frequent washing, as a large amount of dust accumulates on their surface. When faults in the fan work, it should be checked on the absence of corrosion arising from high humidity.

Ventilation in the apartment in the bathroom and the methods of its arrangement

To mount ventilation in the bathroom in the apartment, the air ducts are not required, since they are necessarily present in it.

Installing the fan, in this case, it assumes only the installation of the device itself on the surface of the duct.

If there is a canal in the toilet, between which the bathroom has a wall, it should make one or two holes in it, which will help the air evenly circulate.

Note that some ventilation systems are characterized by the presence of special moves providing both natural and forced ventilation. This option is most appropriate, as it is characterized by good performance.

In the absence of a ventilation channel in the room, you should take care of sending a special box to it, in which the extractor will be installed.

In relation to constructive features, ventilation boxes are:

  • made of plastic - have a round or rectangular cross section, differ in low noise performance, the air is well transported and differ in the ease of installation;
  • corrugated boxes are two types: rigid or soft, applied with a small distance between the ventilation channel or bathroom.

After mounting the box, the fan is installed in it is checked for performance.

High-quality ventilation in rooms, probably, one of the most priority moments that should be discussed in preparing for repair. The bathroom in the apartment is a delicate place and in its intended purpose, and on functionality.

Quality ventilation of the bathroom and toilet will provide a comfortable microclimate in the entire apartment, as the exhaust Ventkanal is either in the combined bathroom or in the toilet. Faulty ventilation in the toilet and the bathroom can harm not only fresh repairs and finishing materials, but also your health.

Types of Ventilation Sanuzla

Ventilation in the apartment in its destination is three types:

  • exhaust (carries out the exhaust air output through the ventilation shaft);
  • inflow (Provides fresh air from the street to the room);
  • mixed (Organizes air movement in the room due to exhaust and supply type).

As a rule, in the bathroom only organize exhaust ventilation . Air flow is easiest to organize in residential rooms.

By construction The ventilation in the bathroom is divided into the Babeless and Channel. Ventilation of the first type occurs due to the hole in the wall, through which the exhaust air enters the overall ventilation channel of the residential apartment building. Channel ventilation is a complex of ventilation equipment, most often in the form of pipes stretching under the ceiling. Suitable for maintenance of large rooms: office buildings, shopping centers, etc.

According to the organization's system Air circulation in the bathroom Ventilation is natural and forced.

For natural (or gravitational) ventilation system The inflow of fresh air is carried out through windows and doorways, and the efficiency of ventilation depends on the difference in temperature and pressure on the street and indoors - the more difference, the better the air exchange is happening. Simply put, fresh air falls into the apartment through the window, but it turns out through the exhaust ventilation channel.

However, natural ventilation in the bathroom does not always cope with its task.

Here are some reasons why the apartment is not ventilated:

  • cluster in the ventilation canal of garbage;
  • tightly closed windows and interior doors.

Check the tightness of the doors in the bathroom simply - under the door there should be a gap through which the newspaper will be held. If the presence of cracks does not suit you, put the door with the ventilation grille.

Blocking the movement of air masses leads to high humidity - a favorable environment for the active life of bacteria that can cause allergic reactions and problems with respiratory organs. Wet air in the bathroom also contributes to the formation of mold and fungal spots. Decoration Materials Start collapse, pipes - rust, the service life of furniture in the bathroom and plumbing will be significantly reduced, the strength of the supporting structures of the house will decrease. All this is fraught with the costs for the next repairs.

The toilet in the apartment also needs high-quality ventilation so that unpleasant odors are not stored and did not give discomfort to your households and guests.

Diagnostics of ventilation status

To check the ventilation in the bathroom and the toilet, you must:

  • open the window in any nearest room and the door to the bathroom;
  • a piece of paper or a napkin is applied to the opening of the ventilation shaft.

Air flow to which nothing hinders should pull the sheet of paper to the duct grille. If this did not happen either the sheet rests weakly, then the system of natural ventilation is violated.

Here are some more factors that will help you understand that ventilation is faulty:

  • the mirror faded hard after taking a bath or soul;
  • it feels heavy, wet air;
  • moisture accumulates on the walls and furniture;
  • there are other types of mold;
  • unpleasant odors do not leave.

You might think that it is enough to clean the channels of natural ventilation and breathe much easier, the unpleasant smells will leave, and the dampness in the bathroom and the toilet will stop spoil your expensive finish and plumbing. However, this is not always enough.

Common myth from the world of ventilation of the premises - the natural extract productive all year round. Even if you do not observe on the walls and mirror surfaces Do not feel, it should be understood that the extractor of natural ventilation works when the air temperature outside the window is significantly lower than the temperature readings indoors. All the rest of the time it does not function.

The principle of operation of the gravitational (natural) ventilation system is in the difference in air density. Warm air is displaced with a cold stream, as it is easier, and is displayed through exhaust channels. This means that getting rid of the damp in the bathroom only in the cold season, provided the open window (or in ventilation mode), which is not always suitable for our frosty winters. Especially since you have to keep the doors open both in the bathroom and in the toilet.

Therefore, for the help you will come forced ventilation bathroom.

Forced ventilation

Forced ventilation of the bathroom and toilet is a reasonable classic alternative. This method of ventilation involves the installation of a fan that will clean the air from unpleasant odors, including from foreign odors from neighboring apartments, entrance and streets.

Types of exhaust fans

To household fans that you can install in your bathroom include:

  • channel;
  • wall.

The wall fan is fixed at the inlet of the exhaust hole, channel - inside the air duct. Both types will provide a discharge of plungel air and high-quality circulation.

By type of design, fans are divided into:

  • Axial (It is axial). Advanced view. Available in price and installation. The axial fan body has a cylinder form, inside the wheel with blades, most often with the check valve. Rotating, the blades "capture" the air and bring it out of the room. The device is mounted at the entrance to the ventilation channel.
  • Radial. The radial fan consists of a motor rotating wheels with blades, and is enclosed in a metal case. It has a spiral shape, visually resembles a "snail".

The fan can have the following set of devices and functions:

  • timer
  • humidity and movement sensors
  • work from the light switch,
  • separate switch key.

The first two options are quite cost and have their inconvenience when used. Motion sensor is most often mounted in the door, which requires additional investments and time. Minus fan with a timer - Ladies you in the toilet, the fan will finish working earlier than you expected. The motion sensor is inconvenient by the fact that under similar conditions (not enough time) will have to open the door so that the sensor worked. It can put you in an awkward position, especially if you have guests in the apartment.

Basic requirements for organizing forced ventilation in the bathroom and toilet

To select a suitable fan, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the requirements of SNiP (building standards and rules) in the SP sections 60.13330.2012 "Heating, ventilation and air conditioning" (updated editorial board SNiP 41-01-2003) and SP 54.13330.2016 "Buildings of residential Apartment "(updated edition of SNiP 31-01-2003). According to the standards of these sections, the volume of vehicles in the sanitary premises should be 25 m 3 / h.

Concerning noise level, Modern fans are distinguished by their low-noise. In individual cases, you can use noise absorbing materials by setting them inside the duct immediately before installing the fan. You can also purchase a practically silent fan, but here you have to spend.

Installation of ventilation in the bathroom and toilet

Even with the availability of ready-made air ducts, the fan installation is better to trust the specialists.

  • The higher the hood is located in the room, the better: warm air is supplanted with cool fresh air rises up.
  • When organizing ventilation, the bathroom in a private house, please note that the fan must be opposite the source of fresh air (opposite the door or in the opposite corner) and further from the water source.
  • Before starting the installation, you should clean the ventilation channel by the Yershik. If the ventilation shaft is littered with a large garbage, call a specialist from the WEKS for cleaning ventilation.
  • If the bathroom is separate, a fan should also be installed in the ventilating box in the toilet (bathroom), but provided that there is no ventilation window between the bathroom and the toilet.

One of the main features of the window between the bathroom and the toilet is natural ventilation. Such windows were popular in Khrushchev.

The fan is mounted into the exhaust hole, fixing the design with self-draws, dowels or construction glue. If necessary, you can expand the exhaust opening to a suitable diameter. Connect all the wires and hide them in a special box to protect against moisture.

When the fan is connected to the lighting system, learn in detail the instructions, turn off the electricity in the apartment and only after that start installing the equipment.

Forced fan in your bathroom and toilet will provide air purity and extends the service life of your furniture and plumbing. Do not forget to serve the fan, periodically wiping dust from the device, rinse plastic parts once a year and lubricating the engine mechanism.

To create a favorable microclimate in a shower room, a high-quality air purification system is needed. Forced ventilation in the bathroom qualitatively performs duties assigned to it. It allows you to normalize the functioning of the room, to save it from dampness, high humidity, which is due not only to comfort, but also sanitary and hygienic standards. It is through the exhaust hole that the space is filled with freshness, which relieves it from various microorganisms.

Checking performance

In order to establish the health of the natural air, it is necessary to adhere to the following evaluation criteria:

  • After bathing procedures, mirrors remained in the room, as well as ceramic tiles and other interior items, which indicates a malfunction of ventilation.
  • The paper brought to the exhaust hole in the toilet is not pressed against the barrier lattice, then this is the second sign of troubleshooting.

Improve ventilation in the room can be given in these ways:

  • cleaning mines;
  • installation of an additional fan;
  • installation of a forced air exchange system.


It is no secret that there are special parameters that regulate the state of hygienic standards. It is for this that is established. Estimated indicator The functioning of the system should be 25 m 3 / h of fresh air to the apartment, if the bathroom is combined, the indicator increases to 50 m 3 / h. These standards directly relate to natural and artificial ventilation without exception.

The natural air movement allows you to provide a freshness bathroom and toilet room, guided by the laws of physics. This means that nature due to the difference in pressure and temperature itself directs air masses to the house. Separately, it is worth noting a fact that causes significant difficulties in ventilation - an obstacle to closed plastic windows Normal functioning of the exhaust hole.

Thus, for better ventilating room, they need to open more often. Artificial system using the installation of additional devices will make this task easily performed. Types of fans are divided into the following:

In addition to this gradation of the ventilation construction, there is another one. It happens:

  • Babeless, i.e. Air exchange occurs on generalized mines of multi-storey or private houses.
  • Channel. This system is characterized by special supply to sites where the intensity is necessary in the process of purification of atmospheric masses from steam, moisture, unpleasant odors and other harmful components.

In this regard, the ventilation in the bathroom and the toilet room is installed along with forced systems, Installation of a fan with a reserved switch is carried out, which makes it use very convenient. This method allows to apply the system even on time to take water procedures or toilet visits.

We choose the model

In order for the exhaust hole worked smoothly at the maximum of its capabilities, it is very scrupulously approach the main functional product - fan. Therefore, it is necessary to learn the individual moments better, which will facilitate the determination procedure with the type of ventilation design.

Noise level

It is quite natural that when working, household appliances produce a certain level of sound. For ventilation equipment, this indicator is always indicated in his passport. Bathrooms and toilet rooms allow you to install the system approximately 35 decibels, which is considered high levels Noise isolated, since this sound is not perceived by human hearing. The fans with higher sound indicators are already considered unsuitable for use due to their irritability.


The instrument for toilet room should have the necessary power, as well as a long safety margin. It is these indicators that corresponds to the fan engine. When inspection, you should immediately pay attention to its device. Ball bearings and installed bushings must be present, on which the duration of the engine operation depends, as well as the level of noise produced. Such models are rightfully considered the most productive, durable, silent.


This indicator is considered one of the most important for the functioning of the entire ventilation system. Due to productivity, you can calculate how much fresh air comes to a bath or toilet space in 60 minutes of its operation. It should be understood that the fan performance is directly related to the following parameters:

  • room area;
  • humidity level;
  • number of active users.

The desired performance of the ventilation equipment can be installed with a fairly simple formula. It is necessary for the total volume of the desired room to multiply on the multiple value of the air exchange, the indicator, which, in turn, is the value of the amount of complete change of the atmosphere in the toilet. For the bathroom, approximate multiplicity will be equal to the indicator from 7 to 10 units.

Today, it is obvious that the technology does not stand still, so the modern market has already been providing innovative instances of the ventilation system with the following functions:

  • automatic connection to the switch;
  • independent work when achieving a certain level of humidity;
  • software installation of tasks on various criteria.

Types of models

Ventilation structures can be equipped with different designswhich significantly improve performance characteristics. They are divided into:

Installation of equipment

To date, almost each of us will be able to install the ventilation design yourself. For successful completion, it is necessary to take into account the literally several useful tips:

  • You need to make sure that there is no clogging of the common air mine, if the answer is negative, then it is worth cleaning.
  • It is best to create a small slot under the door to implement reliable thrust or set the lattice on the doorway.
  • The success of ventilation directly depends on the competently selected equipment. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account the operational qualities of the fan, its safety and functionality.
  • Exhaust models should display atmospheric mass through a special hole in the overall aircraft. This technological hole is in each apartment, as it provides natural ventilation.
  • Before starting the installation, it is necessary to carry out a wire for power supply.
  • Installation of ventilation is carried out only strictly according to the manufacturer's instructions, where all the subtleties of the process are described.

Video instruction

To ensure a normal air exchange in the house or apartment, two components are needed: the influx of fresh air through residential rooms and an outflow of it from technical. Ventilation in the bathroom and toilet is one of the components of the outflow. Therefore, it is necessary to make it right.

On the principle of operation, ventilation may be natural or mechanical, also say - forced. Natural air movement occurs due to wind movement, temperature differences and arising from behind this, pressure drops. When using mechanical ventilation, the air movement is caused by fans.

Stroks of sight of the city man Forced motion is preferable: they have long been accustomed to the fact that life support depends on the availability of electricity. And it rarely disappears in the cities. But in the countryside in winter, turning off the electricity is rather normal. Therefore, probably strive to mainly make systems with non-volatile or at least reserved.

But natural ventilation in the bathroom and the bathroom should have too large sizes. After all, the smaller the speed of air movement through the channel, the greater the air duct section is necessary to ensure the transfer of the required volumes. No one will argue that when the fan turned on the air moves faster. This is even reflected in SNiP: the rate of movement rate for vintsystems with natural circulation is up to 1 m 3 / h, for mechanical - from 3 to 5 m 3 / h. Therefore, for the same room and conditions, the size of the channels will be different. For example, to convey the stream of 300 m 3 / h, you will need:

Therefore, few people today do natural ventilation. Is that in small houses (up to 100 sq. M.). Even in apartments, with the roof channels, bathroom and toilet ventilation are made using fans.

Rules of organization

When the air movement system is needed, you need to remember the basic principle: in order to work everything efficiently, it is necessary to ensure air flow through residential rooms and its flows into technical. From there, he already goes through Ventkanals.

Today the air flow has become a problem: reducing the cost of heating, we cut off almost all sources of its receipt. The windows put hermetic, walls through which the air at least came a little, insulating airproof materials. Third source - entrance doors - Today, too, almost all of all iron, with a rubber seal. It remained, in fact, the only way is to ventilate. But they do not abuse them at all: blows warm. As a result, the problem of dampness is added to the problems of lack of oxygen in the room: there is no tributary, and the outflow is ineffective. Even forced.

If you want the ventilation to be normal, and the walls in the rooms are not "mocking", make ventilation holes. There is such an option on metal-plastic windows, and there are separate devices that are mounted anywhere on the wall. They are with adjustable dampers, different shapes and sizes, outside the lattices are taken outside. Install the best under the windows, above or by batteries. Then they are not visible in the room, and in winter the air coming from the street is heated.

Having ensured the influx, it is necessary to take care that he gets into technical premises through the doors. Therefore, under all the doors there should be a gap: through them the air will flow into other rooms. In the door of the bathroom it is desirable to install the ventilation grille and / or also make a slit of at least 2 cm from the floor. The same rules also apply to other technical premises: the kitchen and toilet. Only in the presence of movement of the air masses ventilation will work.

In the doors of technical premises - kitchens, bathroom, toilet - must be ventilation grilles or valves. Valve even with noise absorption, and the smell with the right organization will not fall into other premises never

Fan and toilet performance performance calculation

To determine what fan to put on a bath with a toilet, you need to calculate the necessary air exchange. Calculation is a whole system, but when installing the fan, it is focused on its characteristics: it provides the required air movement speed. In order not to learn in the calculations, it is a mono productivity on average nomam.

Air exchange rate for different rooms. With their help calculated ventilation in the bathroom and toilet

As you can see from the table (this is from the bottom) for the bathroom in an hour should be "pumping" at least 25 m 3 / h, for a toilet or combined bathroom, the speed should be twice as much - 50 m 3 / h. These are minimal values. In fact, after three (or two) technical premises - the kitchen, the toilet, the bathroom - should go as much air as it goes through the air ventilation.

Calculation of the shapes is carried out in terms of all residential premises and usually exceeds it 1.5-2 times and to ensure the required air exchange of the minimum values \u200b\u200bspecified in the table is not enough. Therefore, the performance of the fans takes at least with a twofold margin, and for kitchens and more: so there will be no unpleasant odors in the apartment, as well as dampness and fungi. Therefore, going beyond the fan in the bathroom with less productivity than 100 m 3 / h better not to take.


First of all, it is necessary to decide on where you will put the fan: in the channel or on the wall. Accordingly, the type: channel or wall mounted. IN wall variants There can also be two types: for installation at the entrance of Ventskanal - they create a greater pressure, and for the infantal installation - the output right through the wall into the street. For the infantal installation, the axial-type fans usually use - they cannot create a pressure of more than 50 pa, the channels are not installed for this reason.

In addition to the performance that you calculated, this characteristic is important as the noise level. What he is less, the better. Well, if the noise level is no more than 35 dB.

Another thing to pay attention is to the level of electrical safety. To use in rooms with high humidity requires the level of protection not lower than IP 44 (indicated on the body of the fan).

Connecting the fan in the bathroom

For the fan operation, it is necessary to power and the main question - how to connect it. There are several possibilities:

  • Connect in parallel with the turning on the lighting. When you turn on the light in the bathroom or toilet, the fan automatically starts. But it turns off, it is also automatically when the light is turned off. For a toilet, this situation is normal, and for the bathroom - not always. For example, after making a hot soul, all pairs will not leave. Therefore, for the bathrooms you can use another way to connect the fan or set a shutdown delay (a special device on which you can set the time interval through which the power will turn off).

  • Turn to a separate switch key or put a separate toggle switch / button.
  • Install a timer that will automatically serve power on the schedule.

The electrical part is the most difficult. You will have to punch in the wall of the stroke, in it "packaging" the power cable, output it in the location of the switch and there is connected depending on the selected method.

Ventcanala check

Installing the fan in the bathroom with your own hands begins after checking the channel status. To do this, remove the grille if it is not yet dismantled, and bring the flame to the hole (candle, lighter) or sheet of paper. If the flame or sheet is consistently pulled in the direction of the channel, the rod is normal. If it stretches, it will be rejected back - the thrust is unstable. In this case, if you live in an apartment building, smells from your neighbors from above or from below can fall to you. Then the smell in the toilet from ventilation is possible. It is necessary to stabilize cravings.

If the flame or sheet is almost not deflected - the channel is scored or blocked. In this case, mold and dampness, as well as unpleasant odors are guaranteed throughout the apartment, and in the bathroom, so be sure.

In case of abnormal traction, residents of high-rise buildings themselves clean the channels or cause operational services. In private homes, in any case, everything falls on the shoulders of the owners. If the channel is unstable, you may have brought it not to take into account the wind rose and the thrust periodically overturns. You can solve the problem by moving the output, but it is not easy. To begin with, you can try to put a deflector (if there is no) or slightly increase / decrease the height.

Features of forced ventilation in the bathroom

When installing the fan during its operation, the amount of air output significantly increases. But due to the fact that the housing overlaps a part of the channel cross section, at another time when the fan does not work, the flow decreases three times. As a result, the overall performance of the ventilation system falls.

That this does not happen, you can install the fan with the air intake lattice below and thus lift the performance to the norm. The second option - when installing it is left between the case and the clearance wall in 1.5-2 cm, i.e. Make legs. In the gap will go air and ventilation will be normal anyway. Read more about this in the video.

By selecting the installation method and the type of grille can be started directly to the installation. The dimensions of the fans can be different. Therefore, every case is individual. But the main steps are standard:

  • On the tile under the housing it is necessary to make a hole. The easiest way is to put the fan and outline. Then special nozzle On a drill or grinder cut the corresponding hole size.
  • Remove the facial panel from the fan. It is attached by one bolt at the bottom. The bolt is unscrewed, the grille was removed. Now visible holes under fasteners. We insert the fan in this form to the place (in the channel), mark on the tile with a pencil or marker of the place where the bolts will be.
  • The drill of the corresponding diameter we make holes in the tile and the wall under the size of the dowel.
  • In the tile, we make an incision where we will skip the power supply.
  • Insert a dowel.
  • Stretch through a special hole on the fan housing electric wires (If no holes, it is drilled).
  • We install in place, tighten the bolts.
  • Connect wires.
  • Check the performance and install the lattice.
  • For wooden toilets, all this is true only in part. Read about

    Ventilation in the bathroom in a private house

    Here the main difficulties may occur when the exhaust channels are appliance. When planning, they can be reduced in one place and then remove to the roof. It is more difficult from the point of view of the inner wiring - the air ducts will have to pull to the right place, as well as more expensive during construction. But the appearance is solid.

    Another way of the device of the ventilation channels: output it through the wall, and then by outdoor wall lift up. According to the rules, for normal thrust with natural ventilation, they must rise above the skate by 50 cm. But one common air duct will be displayed or for each room separate - depends on your desire or on the planning. The picture will be approximately so.

    There is another option: make a mechanical exhaust that will work exclusively from the fan. Then, depending on the planning, one of two options presented in the photo is suitable.

    In the first case (left), the exhaust hole is made directly at the top of the wall (so that the air exchange is effective it should be located opposite the door, mastock, at the top). With such a device, an ordinary wall fan is used. The same figure shows how to reduce the number of necessary channels. If you have a bathroom and toilet room nearby, through a thin partition, then in the partition you can make a hole and set the grille. In this case, the bath ventilation will go through the toilet.

    In the second variant (in the photo on the right) used air duct with a channel fan. The solution is simple, only there is one nuance: if the air duct will end under the sink of the roof (in the photo it is short, but there are long), then the tree will turn around after a while. If this is the conclusion from the toilet, this may not happen, and in the case of the bathroom, the increased humidity will know already in a couple of years. In this case, you can make the air duct "reach" to the cutting of the roof or through the knee to remove up (but lift 50 cm above the roof).