Unlike electric and gas heating units, solid fuel boilers are almost never equipped with circulation pumps, a safety group, or adjustment and control devices. Everyone solves these issues independently, choosing a heating device piping scheme in accordance with the type and features of the heating system. Not only the efficiency and performance of heating, but also its reliable, trouble-free operation depends on how correctly the heat generator is installed. That is why it is important to include in the diagram components and devices that will ensure the durability of the heating unit and its protection in the event of emergency situations.

In addition, when installing a solid fuel boiler, you should not give up equipment that creates additional convenience and comfort. you can solve the problem of temperature differences when rebooting the boiler, and an indirect heating boiler will provide the house with hot water. Have you thought about connecting a solid fuel heating unit according to all the rules? We will help you with this!

Typical wiring diagrams for solid fuel boilers

The opinion that a solid fuel boiler is an obsolete unit covered with dirt and soot is wrong, isn’t it?

The complexity of controlling the combustion process in solid fuel boilers leads to high inertia of the heating system, which negatively affects the convenience and safety during operation. The situation is further complicated by the fact that the efficiency of units of this type directly depends on the temperature of the coolant. For efficient heating operation, the piping must ensure the temperature of the thermal agent is within 60 - 65 ° C. Of course, if the equipment is not integrated correctly, such heating at above-zero temperatures “overboard” will be very uncomfortable and uneconomical. In addition, the full operation of the heat generator depends on a number of additional factors - the type of heating system, the number of circuits, the presence of additional energy consumers, etc. The ones presented below take into account the most common cases. If none of them meets your requirements, then knowledge of the principles and structural features of heating systems will help in developing an individual project.

Open type system with natural circulation in a private house

First of all, it should be noted that open gravity-type systems are considered the most suitable for solid fuel boilers. This is due to the fact that even in emergency cases associated with a sharp increase in temperature and pressure, the heating will most likely remain sealed and operational. It is also important that the functionality of the heating equipment does not depend on the availability of power. Considering that wood-burning boilers are installed not in megacities, but in areas remote from the benefits of civilization, this factor will not seem so insignificant to you. Of course, this scheme is not without its drawbacks, the main ones being:

  • free access of oxygen to the system, which causes internal corrosion of pipes;
  • the need to replenish the coolant level due to its evaporation;
  • uneven temperature of the thermal agent at the beginning and end of each circuit.

A layer of any mineral oil 1–2 cm thick, poured into the expansion tank, will prevent oxygen from entering the coolant and reduce the rate of evaporation of the liquid.

Despite its shortcomings, the gravity scheme is very popular due to its simplicity, reliability and low cost.

Installation diagram of a solid fuel unit in an open heating system

When deciding to install using this method, keep in mind that for normal coolant circulation, the boiler inlet must be at least 0.5 m below the heating radiators. The supply and return pipes must have slopes for normal coolant circulation. In addition, it is important to correctly calculate the hydrodynamic resistance of all branches of the system, and during the design process try to reduce the number of shut-off and control valves. The correct operation of the system with natural coolant circulation also depends on the installation location of the expansion tank - it must be connected at the highest point.

Closed system with natural circulation

Installation on the return line will avoid the harmful effects of oxygen and eliminate the need to control the coolant level.

Design of membrane expansion tank

When deciding to equip a gravity system with a sealed expansion tank, consider the following points:

  • the capacity of the membrane tank must contain at least 10% of the volume of the entire coolant;
  • a safety valve must be installed on the supply pipe;
  • the highest point of the system must be equipped with an air vent.

Additional devices that are included in the boiler safety group (safety valve and air vent) will have to be purchased separately - manufacturers very rarely equip units with such devices.

The safety valve allows the coolant to be discharged if the pressure in the system exceeds a critical value. A normal operating indicator is considered to be a pressure of 1.5 to 2 atm. The emergency valve is set to 3 atm.

You will learn more about this system in our next article:.

Features of systems with forced movement of coolant

In order to equalize the temperature in all areas, a circulation pump is integrated into the closed heating system. Since this unit can provide forced movement of the coolant, the requirements for the level of installation of the boiler and compliance with slopes become negligible. However, you should not give up the autonomy of natural heating. If a bypass branch is installed at the outlet of the boiler, then in the event of a power outage, the circulation of the thermal agent will be ensured by gravitational forces.

The use of a bypass will allow, if necessary, to switch to the natural method of coolant circulation

The electric pump is installed on the return line, between the expansion tank and the inlet fitting. Thanks to the lower coolant temperature, the pump operates in a more gentle mode, which increases its durability.

Video: Tying a solid fuel boiler

Correct installation of a solid fuel boiler in a closed heating system

A huge advantage of solid fuel boilers is that their installation does not require any permits. It is quite possible to carry out the installation yourself, especially since this does not require any special tools or special knowledge. The main thing is to approach the work responsibly and follow the order of all stages.

Boiler room arrangement

The disadvantage of heating units used to burn wood and coal is the need for a special, well-ventilated room. Of course, it would be possible to install a boiler in the kitchen or bathroom, however, periodic emissions of smoke and soot, dirt from fuel and combustion products make this idea unsuitable for implementation. In addition, installing burning equipment in living rooms is also unsafe - the release of fumes can lead to tragedy.

A solid fuel boiler is best installed outside residential premises

When installing a heat generator in a boiler room, several rules are followed:

  • the distance from the combustion door to the wall must be at least 1 m;
  • ventilation ducts must be installed at a distance no higher than 50 cm from the floor and no lower than 40 cm from the ceiling;
  • There should be no fuel, lubricants or flammable substances and objects in the room;
  • The base area in front of the ash pit is protected with a metal sheet measuring at least 0.5 x 0.7 m.

In addition, at the location where the boiler is installed, an opening is provided for the chimney, which is led outside. Manufacturers indicate the configuration and dimensions of the chimney in the technical data sheet, so there is no need to invent anything. Of course, if the need arises, you can deviate from the documentation requirements, but in any case, the channel for removing combustion products must provide excellent traction in any weather.

How to properly install a chimney

When installing a chimney, all connections and cracks are sealed with sealing materials, and windows are also provided for cleaning the channels from soot and a condensate catcher.

Preparing to install a heating unit

Before installing the boiler, select a piping scheme, calculate the length and diameter of the pipelines, the number of radiators, the type and quantity of additional equipment and shut-off and control valves.

Despite all the variety of design solutions, experts recommend choosing combined heating, which can also provide natural circulation of the coolant.

Therefore, when making calculations, it is necessary to consider how a parallel section of the supply pipeline (bypass) with a centrifugal pump will be installed and to provide for the slopes necessary for the operation of the gravity system. You shouldn’t give up on buffer capacity either. Of course, its installation will entail additional costs. However, a storage tank of this type will be able to level out the temperature curve, and one load of fuel will last for a longer time.

Connecting the boiler to a heating system with a dual-purpose buffer tank

Before installing the boiler, it is imperative to provide space and not forget about devices designed to reduce pressure in the system in critical situations. A simple strapping diagram that can be used as a working design is shown in our drawing. It combines all the equipment discussed above and ensures its correct and trouble-free operation.

You will learn even more information about the arrangement of the boiler room and installation of equipment from our article:.

Installation and connection of a solid fuel heat generator

After carrying out all the necessary calculations and preparing the equipment and materials, installation begins.

  1. The heating unit is installed in place, leveled and secured, after which the chimney is connected to it.
  2. Heating radiators are mounted, a heat accumulator and an expansion tank are installed.
  3. A supply pipeline and a bypass are installed, on which a centrifugal pump is installed. Ball valves are installed in both sections (direct and bypass) so that the coolant can be transported by forced or natural means.

    We remind you that the centrifugal pump can only be installed with the correct orientation of the shaft, which must be in a horizontal plane. The manufacturer indicates diagrams of all possible installation options in the product instructions.

  4. The pressure line is connected to the heat accumulator. It must be said that both the inlet and outlet pipes of the buffer tank must be installed in its upper part. Thanks to this, the amount of warm water in the container will not affect the readiness of the heating circuit. We definitely note the fact that cooling the boiler during the reboot period will reduce the temperature in the system. This is due to the fact that at this time the heat generator will work as an air heat exchanger, transferring heat from the heating system to the chimney. To eliminate this shortcoming, separate circulation pumps are installed in the boiler and heating circuits. By placing a thermocouple in the combustion zone, you can stop the movement of coolant through the boiler circuit when the fire dies out.

    Installing separate pumps on the boiler and heat exchange circuits can solve the problem of heat leakage through the boiler when it cools down

  5. A safety valve and an air vent are installed on the supply line.
  6. Connect the emergency circuit of the boiler or install shut-off and control valves, which, when the water boils, will open the main line for its discharge into the sewer and the channel for supplying cold liquid from the water supply.
  7. Install a return pipeline from the heat accumulator to the heating unit. A circulation pump, a three-way valve and a settling filter are installed in front of the boiler inlet pipe.
  8. An expansion tank is mounted separately on the return pipeline.

    Note! Shut-off valves are not installed on pipelines that are connected to protection devices. These areas should have as few connections as possible.

  9. The upper outlet of the heat storage tank is connected to a three-way valve and the circulation pump of the heating circuit, after which the radiators are connected and the return pipeline is installed.
  10. After connecting the main circuits, they begin to install a hot water supply system. If the heat exchanger coil is built into a buffer tank, then it will be enough to simply connect the cold water inlet and the outlet to the “hot” line to the corresponding pipes. When installing a separate indirect heating water heater, use a circuit with an additional circulation pump or three-way valve. In both cases, a check valve is installed at the cold water supply inlet. It will block the path for heated liquid into the “cold” water supply.
  11. Some solid fuel boilers are equipped with a draft regulator, the function of which is to reduce the flow area of ​​the blower. Due to this, the air flow into the combustion zone is reduced and its intensity, and, accordingly, the temperature of the coolant is reduced. If the heating unit has this design, then install and adjust the drive of the air damper mechanism.

    Installing an automatic draft regulator will allow you to control the fuel combustion process

The places of all threaded connections must be carefully sealed using plumbing flax and a special non-drying paste.

After installation is completed, coolant is poured into the system, centrifugal pumps are turned on at full power and all connections are carefully inspected for leaks. After making sure that there are no leaks, fire up the boiler and check the operation of all circuits at maximum modes.

Features of integrating a solid fuel unit into an open heating system

The main feature of open heating systems is the contact of the coolant with atmospheric air, which occurs with the participation of an expansion tank. This container is designed to compensate for the thermal expansion of the coolant that occurs when it is heated. The expander is installed at the highest point of the system, and in order to prevent hot liquid from flooding the room when the tank is overfilled, a drain tube is connected to its upper part, the other end of which is discharged into the sewer.

Open type expansion tank design

The large volume of the tank forces it to be installed in the attic, so additional insulation of the expander and the pipes suitable for it will be required, otherwise they may freeze in winter. In addition, you must remember that this element is part of the heating system, so its heat losses will lead to a decrease in the temperature in the radiators.

Since the open system is not sealed, there is no need to install a safety valve or connect emergency circuits. When the coolant boils, the pressure will be released through the expansion tank.

Special attention should be paid to pipelines. Since the water in them will flow by gravity, the circulation will be influenced by the diameter of the pipes and the hydraulic resistance in the system. The last factor depends on turns, narrowings, level changes, etc., so their number should be minimal. In order to initially impart the necessary potential energy to the water flow, a vertical riser is installed at the outlet of the boiler. The higher the water can rise along it, the higher the coolant speed will be and the faster the radiators will warm up. For the same purposes, the return inlet should be located at the lowest point of the heating system.

Finally, I would like to note that in open systems it is preferable to use water rather than antifreeze. This is due to higher viscosity, reduced heat capacity and rapid aging of the substance upon contact with air. As for the water, it is best to soften it and, if possible, never drain it. This will increase the service life of pipelines, radiators, heat generators and other heating equipment several times.

Pay attention to the article on choosing coolants for heating systems:.

Video: Connecting a solid fuel boiler with your own hands

As you can see, the choice of boiler integration scheme depends on many factors, including the features of the heating system and the need to install additional equipment. If you have successfully understood all the nuances, then you can safely get to work. Finally, I would like to note that heating is one of the most complex and critical engineering systems. If you don't have confidence in your own abilities, don't experiment. Remember that installation errors will sooner or later result in serious problems, so do not hesitate to ask specialists for advice.

The main advantage of solid fuel boilers is energy autonomy. To operate, they do not need anything other than the fuel itself - firewood, peat, sawdust, coal, etc. Installing such a unit is a real way to reduce the cost of heating and hot water supply for a country house, cottage or even a small enterprise. At the same time, you can start saving at the installation and connection stage, simply by doing it yourself. But to do this, you will have to take into account that the requirements for the placement, installation and connection of solid fuel boilers differ from the installation standards for gas and electric heat generators. This means that you will have to arrange the boiler room, the area where the equipment will be located, and the piping in a special way.

Basic requirements for the boiler room

Domestic solid fuel heat generators are installed in separate dry rooms, outbuildings or separate buildings. The dimensions of the boiler room are determined by the dimensions of the unit, as well as the features of its maintenance, however, the smallest allowable area is 7 square meters. In this case, it is necessary to provide a place protected from atmospheric influences for storing the fuel supply - it must be dry before loading.

3D diagram of a heating system with a solid fuel boiler

If the walls of the boiler room are made of flammable materials, they must be covered with a 2.5-3 cm layer of plaster or thermal insulation in the form of an 8 mm layer of asbestos and sheet iron. If there is no fire protection for the ceiling, the distance from it to the boiler body must be at least 120 cm.

The normal operation of a solid fuel boiler is ensured by a stable air flow. Therefore, it is necessary to provide supply and exhaust ventilation in the boiler room. The first channel, measuring 30x30 cm, should go to the bottom of the wall opposite the chimney, and the exhaust hole, whose dimensions should be 40x40 cm, should be located no more than 40 cm from the ceiling. The boiler room ventilation must ensure normal draft. If there is a shortage of it, the boiler’s performance drops, and if there is an excess, it becomes difficult to regulate the fuel combustion process.

Supply and exhaust ventilation and smoke removal in the boiler room

The solid fuel boiler must be installed on a strictly horizontal fireproof (concrete or brick) platform about 7 cm thick. On a wooden floor, such equipment can only be installed with an intermediate brick layer covered with a 3-4 mm metal sheet or at least 5 cm cement screed . The base of a solid fuel boiler should be 10-20 cm wider than the external dimensions of the body, but the sides of the firebox should additionally be equipped with a safety zone at least 40 cm wide.

Installation standards

Requirements for the installation of solid fuel heating boilers are regulated by Fire Safety Standards (FSN) and Construction Norms and Rules (SNiP). It is very important to follow the provisions of these regulations, since not only the efficiency of the heating system being installed, but also the safety of the residents of your home directly depends on this.

General connection diagram for a solid fuel boiler

Basic standards for installing solid fuel boilers:

Connecting a solid fuel boiler from different angles in the photo

If you are not going to involve specialists to install a solid fuel boiler, you will have to prepare for the work yourself.

First of all, you will need special clothing and tools:

  • overalls, leggings and welding mask;
  • welding machine;
  • circular saw with cutting discs for metal;
  • building level and square;
  • set of open-end wrenches;
  • adjustable wrenches;
  • screwdriver with a set of various attachments;

    Locksmith tool

  • tape measure and marker;
  • sealant gun.

To connect the boiler to the heating system you need to additionally purchase:

The most important thing when installing a heat generator is to follow the manufacturer's instructions. Before starting installation work, it is necessary to assemble the heating system and check it for leaks, as well as organize ventilation and a smoke removal system in the boiler room.

Heating systems based on solid fuel boilers must be equipped with open expansion tanks, the function of which is to protect communications from rupture due to overheating of the coolant.

Subtleties of installing solid fuel boilers

The boiler piping scheme is adopted in accordance with the characteristics of the heated object.

You can implement it using one of the following options:

  • boiler in an open heating system with natural circulation and radiators;
  • boiler in a closed system with forced circulation and radiators;
  • boiler with thermal accumulator in a closed forced system with radiators;
  • boiler with thermal accumulator in a closed system with forced circulation and heated floors;
  • boiler with radiators and heated floors as part of a forced circulation system.

The piping of a solid fuel boiler must be equipped with a safety system. The latter includes:

  • heat accumulator or buffer tank;
  • three-way valve for adding cold water;
  • thermostat in the control system.

The safety group of a solid fuel boiler is installed at the outlet, i.e. on the hot water supply line.

Solid fuel boiler safety group

Immediately before installing a solid fuel boiler, it is necessary to carry out a visual inspection and test firing in the open air for about 1 hour at maximum load of the combustion chamber.

According to the requirements of SNiP, after connecting the boiler, a hydraulic pressure test of the system should be carried out for 24 hours.

To do this you need:

  • connect the water, open all taps and shut-off valves;
  • increase the pressure in the system to 1.3 atm (with a control valve);
  • make sure there are no leaks, especially at welded and threaded connections.

If the installation, piping and connection of the boiler are carried out correctly, there will be no pressure losses or coolant leaks. In this case, you can begin to inspect the boiler itself:

First start of the heating system

Before the first heating of the boiler, the pressure in the system should be about 1 atm. Don't forget to open the damper on the chimney. The kindling material is placed on the grate, after which fuel can be loaded into the combustion chamber. After 10-15 minutes from the moment of ignition, the ignition valve should be closed. When the temperature of the coolant in the system reaches 85 ° C, you should adjust the thermostat, and then set the minimum (about 5 cm) gap between the primary damper and the firebox door.

Fire up the boiler

The dampers allow you to adjust the volume of secondary air and thus increase the efficiency of the heating boiler.

Dampers of a classic solid fuel boiler

Installing a solid fuel boiler is not an easy task, but it can be solved. It is important not only to comply with the requirements of regulatory documents, but also to follow elementary logic. And do not forget to use the successful experience of those who have already dealt with the organization of heating systems based on solid fuel heat generators. The most important thing is to ensure optimal operation of heating equipment. After all, its reliability and durability and, of course, the microclimate in the premises of your home directly depend on this.

Correct installation and connection of a solid fuel boiler on video

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Instructions: how to properly connect a solid fuel boiler

The installation of a heating system in a private house begins with the installation of a boiler. Many suburban communities do not have a natural gas pipeline. Instructions on how to properly connect a solid fuel boiler will alleviate this problem.

Necessary conditions for the correct connection of a solid fuel boiler to the heating system

  1. A separate room for the boiler room is selected. The area is about 7m2. A boiler room in a separate building is ideal. Loading fuel into the boiler room can be made easier. It is enough to install a so-called chute in the area of ​​the receiving bunker on the outside where, for example, coal will be unloaded. Having unloaded the fuel into the receiving hopper, the coal is poured down the slope into the boiler room on its own.
  2. It is preferable to place the heating boiler below the 0 floor level. This boiler installation option ensures ideal coolant circulation in the heating system without the use of a circulation pump.
  3. The base for the boiler must be made of a concrete pad with an even top layer. The thickness of the concrete screed is 10 cm. The area of ​​the base under the boiler should be 20 cm larger than the dimensions of the connected boiler. On the furnace side 40-50 cm.
  4. According to SNiP standards and fire safety requirements, the distance between the boiler and the wall is 50 cm. From the side of the combustion opening, firebox, to the opposite wall the distance is at least 1.3 m.
  5. The installed heating boiler should not have gaps between the base and the body.
  6. The boiler must be connected to the heating system with a steel pipe at least 1 meter long at the inlet and outlet of the pipeline. It is incorrect to connect the boiler to the heating system with copper and polymer pipes.

Below is a diagram of the correct connection of a solid fuel boiler.

There are many connection methods. Let's consider one of the simple and reliable connection methods.

A safety group is installed from the boiler on the direct pipeline. After the safety group, a tee for the bypass is installed. Next, the supply is connected to the heating system wiring. Having given up its heat in the heating system, the coolant returns to the boiler through the return pipe. To avoid the main disease in the operation of solid fuel boilers, condensation, which negatively affects the integrity of the boiler, a thermostatic three-way valve is installed, connected to the return line on the bypass, set to a temperature of 50-60°C. When heated, the coolant circulates through a small circuit through a three-way valve. A temperature of 55°C prevents the formation of condensation on the inner walls of the boiler. A circulation pump is installed after the three-way thermostatic valve. As soon as the return temperature reaches 55°C, the three-way valve opens and the heated coolant flows into the heating circuit to the radiators.

Connecting a solid fuel boiler paired with a gas boiler, diagrams and features

The connection diagram for a solid fuel boiler in parallel with a gas boiler differs from the installation of two solid fuel boilers. The requirements for the boiler room, where the main condition is air exchange, also differ:

  • The area of ​​a boiler room with a gas boiler, as recommended by fire authorities and the gas service, is calculated as follows: 1 kW of power - 0.2 m3 with a ceiling height of 2.5 m, but not less than 15 m3.
  • A boiler room with a gas boiler must be equipped with a window with a window, the size of which is 0.03 m2 per 1 m3 of room volume.
  • The entrance door of the boiler room must open only to the street. The door width is at least 80cm.

Gas boilers are available in two versions. Floor and wall. The requirements for installing a floor-standing gas boiler are the same as for a solid fuel boiler. The length of the pipe connecting the chimney and the boiler is no more than 25 cm. If the boiler is coaxial, the pipe for removing combustion products is installed at an angle of -3°. In another option, a gas boiler requires a separate pipe made of ceramic or lined with stainless steel with a hatch to remove combustion products, and a tee with a tap to remove condensate is installed in the lower part of the pipe.

A gas and solid fuel boiler are connected in parallel to the heating system in several ways. The schemes are different, it is not necessary to know them all, it is enough to understand the features that must be taken into account when using this combination of boilers in relation to your premises:

  1. Use the heat exchanger effectively. It will separate the open and closed heating circuits. Connect the boiler to one of the circuits, and connect the second boiler to the second circuit. A solid fuel boiler, capable of raising the coolant temperature to 115°C, heats the secondary closed circuit to which the gas boiler is connected. The gas boiler is adjusted to a temperature of about 50-60°C. The main load will be taken on by the solid fuel boiler. As the fuel burns out, the gas boiler will automatically turn on, heating the secondary circuit of the heat exchanger. The secondary circuit is equipped with a diaphragm expander. A closed expansion tank protects radiators from excess pressure. With this configuration of a connected solid fuel boiler, it is possible to install an open expansion tank directly in the boiler room under the ceiling.
  2. The use of a hydraulic arrow for parallel connection of boilers is used mainly in houses with a large area. The operating principle of this system is as follows. The heating solid fuel boiler is installed first with a circulation pump, for example, 25/60 installed on the return pipe. An MD solenoid valve is mounted on the pipe between the boiler and the pump, which regulates the boiler circulation. Mandatory installation of a configured safety valve on the supply pipe. Shut-off valves are not installed on the supply side. The gas boiler is installed second. Through a tee, the boiler is connected through the supply pipe to the pipe from the solid fuel boiler and then connected to the hydraulic needle. Shut-off valves are not installed on the switch. On the second boiler, a pre-set safety valve is installed on the supply. A closed expansion tank is installed from the hydraulic needle on the return pipeline to the tee. Then, through a tee on the pipe, it is connected first to a gas boiler with the installation of a circulation pump of lower power than that of the first boiler. A valve without a servo drive is installed after the pump. Next, a solid fuel boiler is connected from the tee on the return pipeline. The use of a manifold after a hydraulic switch allows you to assemble several heating circuits with pump groups on each of them. Collectors make it possible to configure each circuit individually according to the loads on heating devices.
  3. Another method of parallel connection of boilers is when a solid fuel heating unit is installed first, a gas heating unit is installed second, and between them a check valve is installed on the supply pipeline, operating in the direction from the first heating unit. A bypass is installed in front of the check valve, connected to a three-way thermostatic valve set to a temperature of 55°C. Between the thermostatic valve and the boiler, a circulation pump of greater power than in a gas pump is installed on the return pipeline. The gas boiler is connected through a tee on the supply pipeline with a solid fuel boiler and then the supply pipeline goes to the radiators. The return pipeline from the radiators is first connected through a tee to the gas boiler. After the tee, it is necessary to install a spring check valve at the boiler. When both boilers are operating simultaneously, you need to adjust the temperature regime on the boilers. The gas boiler is adjusted to a temperature of 45°C. The solid fuel boiler is adjusted to a temperature of 75-80°C. Solid fuel will have priority. As the fuel burns and the temperature in the first boiler drops, the gas boiler will turn on automatically and maintain the set temperature in the house.
  4. Use of buffer capacity. The heat accumulator is a large steel thermally insulated container, the task of which is to retain the heated coolant from the boiler. The maximum load occurs during fuel combustion in a solid fuel boiler. For efficient operation of the heating system, the heat accumulator performs one of the main tasks. But there are big disadvantages in this scheme. It takes from 2 to 4 hours to heat the radiators to the desired temperature. This is where the gas boiler plays its main role. Let's look at the installation diagram. The solid fuel boiler is tied in the traditional way. A safety group is installed on the supply pipeline in front of the bypass. Then a bypass is installed through the tee. Next, the supply pipeline is connected to the storage tank. The bypass is connected to the return pipe through a thermostatic three-way valve set at 55°C. Then, a circulation pump is installed, running towards the boiler, and then the pipeline is connected to the boiler. A working circuit is created, and the coolant in the heat accumulator begins to gradually heat up. From the storage tank, the supply pipeline goes to the heating devices. A three-way valve is installed on it, going to the bypass. From the other outlet of the three-way valve, a circulation pump is mounted on the supply pipe.

After the pump, a check petal valve is installed, operating towards the radiators. Next, the supply from the gas boiler with the supply from the battery is connected through a tee. After completing this work, the direct pipeline is connected to the heating system wiring. From the heating system, the return pipeline is connected through a tee to the gas boiler with the obligatory installation of a spring check valve operating towards the gas boiler. A closed expansion tank is cut in front of the tee to protect the heating system. After the tee, through which the gas boiler is connected via the return, the return pipeline goes to the heat accumulator and is connected to the bypass from the supply pipeline also through the tee. After connecting to the bypass line, the return pipeline is connected to the storage tank. This scheme allows you to quickly heat the heating system. Further operation of the system is designed to prioritize the operation of the solid fuel boiler.

Combined operation of a solid fuel boiler paired with an electric one

The connection diagram for a solid fuel boiler in parallel with an electric one is described in detail and in detail in the video:

Coordinated operation of solid fuel, gas and electric heating boilers

If desired, you can use a fairly simple connection diagram to combine the operation of 3 or more different types of heating boilers in addition to solid fuel, which still remains the most acceptable and economical in terms of consumption of heating resources.


Installation of a solid fuel boiler - connection diagram, installation + Video

Installing a solid fuel boiler now will no longer mean smoke, soot and soot throughout the house. Now such systems have undergone many changes and are worthy of your attention. Why? Let's figure it out together.

This heating device is made mainly of cast iron or heat-resistant steel. Energy is released through the combustion of solid fuel. The materials used are wood, coal, and peat. Modern designs of solid fuel boilers for the home are completely different from the first examples of such boilers. Thanks to the enlarged combustion chamber, it became possible to add a large amount of fuel at once. With today's boilers, you can ensure even 12-hour operation of the equipment without your supervision.

The firewood loading pattern can be vertical or frontal, depending on the design. There are systems with automatic loading. Other similar boilers can be non-volatile, in which the circulation of liquid occurs due to the slope of the pipes, and energy-dependent. The latter will be more economical; in them, water moves through the system under pressure, due to the operation of a special pump. True, in this case, the operation of the equipment depends on the voltage in the network, and the circuit is no longer completely autonomous.

Photo of a solid fuel boiler with automatic loading

Such equipment has a lot of advantages, although it is not without minor disadvantages. Let's look at them all in order. The main advantage is that you can install a solid fuel boiler yourself. Also, unlike gas wiring, you don’t have to run around to different services, wait in queues, obtain the appropriate permits, etc. The next significant advantage is cost-effectiveness.

Compared to a gas solid fuel system, it is 4 times cheaper, and with diesel fuel equipment it is 8 times cheaper. And what can we say about electric boilers, heating a house with them will cost as much as 17 times more than with solid fuel ones.

In the photo - a boiler with a solid fuel system

In addition, such equipment has a long service life, for example, for cast iron boilers it reaches 50 years. Steel units, however, can last you only 20 years, but this is also a lot. Modern devices are equipped with an electronic system, which greatly simplifies control. And don’t forget about maintainability. The operating scheme of such boilers assumes operation without the participation of gas or electricity, so another of their advantages includes partial or complete autonomy.

Now let's talk a little about the cons. Firstly, you will have to put firewood, coal and other fuel into the firebox yourself. It's not difficult, but it will take a little time and effort. Secondly, you will have to constantly monitor the condition of the boiler and, if necessary, clean it of ash formed on the walls and grate.

Correct connection of solid fuel boilers is, of course, necessary, but in order for the equipment to function properly and serve for a long time, it needs proper care. Very often, there are remains of combustion products in the firebox, for example, ash, soot. All this significantly reduces power. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly (at least once a week) clean these deposits from the walls of the firebox. The grate also needs cleaning. To remove unwanted ash, you just need to stir the coals using a special lever. By the way, this simple device will allow for emergency coal discharge if necessary.

Photo of connecting a solid fuel boiler

For proper functioning, you also need to monitor the draft in the chimney and the circulation of liquid throughout the system. For this purpose, the chimney is cleaned once a year. It is very important to properly insulate all areas located in unheated rooms. Otherwise, condensation will form in them, which will not allow combustion products to escape freely. And to improve the circulation of fluid in the system, you should install a pump. It is placed directly in front of the entrance to the boiler when the water returns to it. This will not only have the best effect on thermal characteristics, but will also allow you to save a little. The liquid will move faster and return to the boiler hot, which means less energy will be spent on its next heating.

Please note that installing a solid fuel boiler is a very important task, and any mistake will entail, at a minimum, improper functioning of the system. But if you are not afraid to take risks, let’s turn to our step-by-step instructions.

Such equipment should be placed in a separate room. Basements or ground floors are most often used as a boiler room. Hot coals from the firebox can fall onto the floor, so the base under the boiler must be perfectly level and non-flammable. A concrete slab is perfect. Be sure to ensure that the body is in a strictly vertical position. Its distortions are unacceptable.

You also need to maintain the following distances. There should be more than half a meter between the back surface of the heating unit and the wall. And from the front side of the boiler to other objects and surfaces, a distance of at least 125 cm is maintained. The ceiling height cannot be less than 250 cm, and the volume of the room in which the heating equipment is located must be more than 15 cubic meters. Treat the floor and walls of the boiler room with special fire-fighting agents and take care of a good exhaust system.

In the photo - a room with solid fuel heating equipment

The circuit consists of a radiator, a pipe, a circulation pump, an expansion tank and the heating unit itself. The kit also includes a heat accumulator, air and safety valves, a pressure gauge and a thermostat. Be sure to check the serviceability of all elements when purchasing and give preference only to reliable manufacturers.

We display the unit in the boiler room, adhering to all the above requirements. Pay special attention to the position of the body; it should be positioned strictly horizontally. Therefore, check the prepared area again with a level to see if it is level enough. Then we connect all electric heaters, if any are included in the package. In principle, there is nothing complicated about this, since there is a special place in the boiler itself where the heating element will be located, and next to this element there is a thermostat.

Connection diagrams for solid fuel boilers assume the presence of pipes. It is best to connect them through shut-off valves. The joints are additionally sealed with flax fibers or special plumbing tape. If we are talking about volatile units, then they, accordingly, should be connected to the network. Don't forget about grounding. Next, we install all the devices responsible for the safe operation of the equipment. This is a thermostat, valves, pressure gauge, draft sensor.

Photo of connection diagram for solid fuel boilers

Today it is not at all necessary to lay a chimney out of brick; you can assemble it from special plastic elements. In this case, the diameter of the components is selected depending on the power of the equipment. Therefore, be sure to follow the recommendations given in the operating instructions for the selected boiler. Moreover, this stage is especially important, because the key to high-quality operation of a thermal unit is good traction.

First, we fill the heating circuit with water so that the pressure is slightly higher than the working pressure, and carefully inspect the entire system, especially the joints. This way you will identify all leaks, if any. Then we carefully check whether the internal elements of the firebox are positioned correctly. These include the ignition valve, grates, fireclay stones and plugs.

If the entire circuit is in order, no leaks are detected, then you need to relieve the pressure to operating pressure, adjust the position of the dampers and begin directly operating the heating device. To do this, add and light the fuel, and after 10 minutes close the damper. As soon as the temperature reaches 80 degrees, set the thermostat to the desired level. All that remains is to add firewood in time and enjoy the comfortable microclimate.


Installation and connection of a solid fuel boiler in a private house

Due to their considerable size and weight, heating units that burn solid fuel are available in only one version - floor-standing. But the installation does not require obtaining any permits; the main thing is to comply with basic safety rules and ease of maintenance. We will discuss this issue in this publication: we will look at how to correctly install a solid fuel boiler and connect it to the water heating system of a private house.

Installation instructions

Regardless of what type of TT boiler you bought - direct combustion, pyrolysis or pellet, the installation procedure remains the same and consists of the following steps:

  1. Selecting a specific location in a private house for placing a heat generator.
  2. Preparing the premises for installation.
  3. Supply and exhaust ventilation device.
  4. Installation of heating unit and chimney.
  5. Connection to the heating system (piping) and test run.

An ideal boiler room from our expert Vladimir Sukhorukov. Heavy equipment stands directly on the concrete floor

Note. Depending on the model of a wood-burning or coal-fired boiler, it may be necessary to connect to the electrical network.

The first 3 items on the list relate to preparatory work, which does not at all detract from their importance. If you choose the location of the unit incorrectly and do not provide for normal ventilation, then you will have to solve the problems that arise during operation, in the middle of the heating season. So we suggest looking at each point separately.

Where is the best place to install a TT boiler?

It is noteworthy that to this day no country of the former USSR has developed a specific regulatory document regulating the installation of solid fuel boilers in private and apartment buildings. The main part of the requirements is set out in SNiP “Heating and Ventilation”, certain standards are found in the document SNiP 31–02-2001 “Single-apartment buildings” (for Russia) and in other scattered acts.

An example of installing a pyrolysis heat generator with convenient access to the expansion tank and chimney

For reference. Many online resources send us to read the huge SNiP “Boiler Installations”, without taking into account that its effect extends to heat generators with a capacity of over 360 kW (clause 1.2). Others suggest that we follow the rules for gas heaters. Both options are wrong: the requirements for the placement of domestic TT boilers are not so stringent.

We analyzed the regulatory documentation regarding the placement of wood-burning hot water heaters, added to them the practical experience of our experts and compiled a list of recommendations for the location of the unit:

Advice. Before purchasing and installing a long-burning boiler of the Stropuva type, compare its height with the premises. Consider the location of other large equipment - a heat accumulator, a buffer tank and an indirect heating boiler.

When there is not enough space in the combustion chamber, the boiler is installed closer to the wall to provide passage

In small-area furnaces, move the boiler with the unattended side to one of the walls (minimum distance - 10 cm), and leave an opening at the back with a width of at least 250 mm, as shown in the photo.

About preparing the premises

What needs to be done before installing a TT boiler in the intended room of the house:

  • provide a foundation and, if necessary, cast a concrete foundation;
  • punch holes in the wall for the chimney and ventilation;
  • walls and floors built from flammable materials should be protected from fire with sheets of metal, asbestos cement, basalt cardboard or mineralite.

An example of protecting wooden partitions and floors next to a wood boiler

It is not necessary to tear off the wooden cladding of walls and floors. If the boiler is moved closer to a combustible wall than 38 cm, cover the latter with one of the materials listed above. Place the same sheet on the floor below and in front of the TT boiler with a protrusion of 80 cm. This is protection against heat particles flying out of the open door.

Regarding the foundation required by all manufacturers in the operating instructions, we will give the following recommendations:

Scheme of the foundation for a heavy wood-burning boiler

Advice. Small TT boilers can be placed on a wooden floor. But first you will have to strengthen this area with your own hands by installing additional logs from timber with a minimum cross-section of 100 x 50 mm.

If you plan to install a tank - battery and other heavy equipment in the boiler room, there is no point in pouring foundations for each unit. Make industrial floors - a concrete screed 12 cm high with reinforcement with metal rods with a diameter of 8-14 mm. Tie a mesh with wire with mesh dimensions of 20 x 20 cm and lay it on a bed of compacted crushed stone, as shown in the video.

How to make ventilation in a boiler room

Air exchange in the combustion chamber is organized for the purpose of:

  • provide the solid fuel boiler with the required amount of combustion air;
  • throw out flue gases that accidentally enter the room from the firebox;
  • compensate for the removed air with the same amount of inflow.

For reference. To completely burn 1 kg of wood, it is necessary to supply about 4.6 m³ of air. Combustion of 1 kg of coal will require from 8 to 9 m³, depending on the type and quality.

The following recommendations will help you organize supply and exhaust ventilation in a boiler room with a solid fuel unit:

Calculate the cross-section of the hood enlarged: multiply the heat output of the heater by 8 and get the opening area in cm².

Example. For a 25 kW boiler, the cross-section will be 25 x 8 = 200 cm² or 0.02 m². The dimensions of the exhaust opening are easy to determine - 10 x 20 cm (0.1 x 0.2 m). For inflow, take a 15 x 20 cm grid.

Video: options for placing a heating unit

We install the heat generator and chimney

As such, installing a heating boiler on the floor or foundation is not difficult - the unit must be placed in the design position and aligned vertically using adjustable legs or metal pads. It is not necessary to scrupulously maintain the alignment of the chimney pipe and the hole in the wall: they can be combined without problems by turning the knees.

Important point. To avoid problems with the formation of condensation during operation, it is strongly recommended that the chimney of a wood-burning heater be assembled from insulated pipes - sandwiches. The second option is to make a chimney with your own hands: take an ordinary pipe and cover it with basalt fiber.

Factory and homemade chimney sandwich

The easiest way is to install an external chimney duct of an attached type. That is, attach the pipe vertically to the wall and connect the gas duct from the TT boiler through a tee. In a wooden house, the passage through the outer wall or ceiling for access to the roof is carried out in compliance with fire safety rules using the following technology:

Note. A chimney is laid through a wall made of brick or foam block using a steel liner and seal.

Scheme of assembly and connection of an attached chimney from a sandwich

The correct installation and assembly of a modular chimney is reflected in two connection diagrams, which show external and internal installation through the ceiling.

Minimum head height depending on the distance to the roof ridge

Important note. Make sure that the head of the chimney duct does not end up in the area of ​​wind support on the roof of your or a neighboring house. To ensure stable traction, raise the pipe to the mark shown in the diagram above.

Connecting to the heating system

When the installation of the solid fuel unit and the installation of the chimney are completed, proceed to piping the boiler. The main rule applies here: cold water should not get into a working heat generator (especially with a cast iron heat exchanger). Then, condensation forms on the walls of the firebox due to the temperature difference, which turns into a viscous crust after mixing with soot.

For reference. Sticky deposits are difficult to clean off, and in addition, it significantly reduces the efficiency of a solid fuel installation.

The release of condensate during operation of a solid fuel boiler is minimized using a standard piping scheme with a bypass and a three-way valve set to a fixed coolant temperature of 50 or 55 °C. The water circulates in a small circle until it heats up to the specified temperature, then the valve begins mixing in cold water from the heating system.

All the details of connecting a solid fuel boiler are described in a separate publication. There are also diagrams for connecting the heater with a buffer tank and parallel heat sources - gas and electric.

Advice. When piping the pellet boiler, pay attention to the connection of the control unit and burner. In products of European manufacturers, there is an automatic fire extinguishing system powered from the water supply network. To avoid making mistakes, before installing a TT pellet boiler, you should consult with a technical specialist of this brand.

Your task is to install shut-off valves, an expansion tank for a closed heating system and a circulation pump in accordance with the diagrams, fill the pipeline network and create a pressure of about 1 Bar in it. Next is trial lighting and performance testing. The full range of work on installing a wood-burning boiler is reflected in the next video:


On the one hand, installing a solid fuel hot water boiler is a fairly simple procedure, there are no strict requirements for it and no permission from officials is required. On the other hand, the process is troublesome and time-consuming, associated with a thousand small nuances. However, the homeowner always has a choice: to do all the work themselves or to give some part (for example, piping) to the trained personnel of a specialized company.

Here we have the simplest, and at the same time effective, heating scheme for a private house with a solid fuel boiler. There are no unnecessary components or devices in it; all components of this circuit are working and necessary.

Diagram and composition of a simple heating system for a house with a TT boiler

A simple heating scheme for a private house should contain the following elements:

  1. Actually a solid fuel boiler that generates heat.
  2. A security group that is triggered in the event of an emergency.
  3. An expansion tank or expansion tank that eliminates the change in coolant volume during heating/cooling.
  4. Heating system pipes.
  5. Heating system radiators.
  6. Circulation pump.
  7. Shut-off valves.

That's probably all. The heating scheme of a private house with a solid fuel boiler and minimal equipment in this composition provides a house of a reasonable area with heat in any winter. Naturally, if the house is properly insulated and correctly selected for the volume of the interior of your home.

Features of this heating scheme with a TT boiler

There are several important points that can affect the performance of your heating system with this design.

Firstly, everyone knows this; there should be no shut-off valves between the heat generator itself and the safety group. That is, not only on the main supply pipe, but even on the pipe that connects to the main pipe.

Everyone seems to know this, but quite often you see exactly the ball valve that stands on the pipe. Those who have done this say: “What’s wrong? I never close it."

But, as you know, a gun hanging on the wall never fires either. This is true, by the way.

Secondly, with such a TT scheme, the boiler must be equipped with a mechanical draft regulator.

This is the simplest device that is screwed into the upper outlet pipe of the boiler. The regulator is connected with a chain to the ash door - the simplest combustion control device is ready.

Without it, there is a high probability of the system boiling. You are distracted for a while, the firebox is going on without you. Without a regulator, combustion cannot be regulated by anything. And the regulator itself covers the vent and limits the air flow into the boiler firebox.

Thirdly, this is an axiom - the circulation pump is installed on the boiler return, and not on the supply line. It seems to have been written hundreds of times already. And in the next photo we see how some comrade installs a central heating unit right at the outlet of the boiler.

That's actually all the most important points for the simplest one. If you want to install a buffer tank in this system or install a heat accumulator along with the TT boiler, then read the material at the link. There are also diagrams there that will help you understand the first approximation.

The main advantage of solid fuel boilers is energy autonomy. To operate, they do not need anything other than the fuel itself - firewood, peat, sawdust, coal, etc. Installing such a unit is a real way to reduce the cost of heating and hot water supply for a country house, cottage or even a small enterprise. At the same time, you can start saving at the installation and connection stage, simply by doing it yourself. But to do this, you will have to take into account that the requirements for the placement, installation and connection of solid fuel boilers differ from the installation standards for gas and electric heat generators. This means that you will have to arrange the boiler room, the area where the equipment will be located, and the piping in a special way.

Basic requirements for the boiler room

Domestic solid fuel heat generators are installed in separate dry rooms, outbuildings or separate buildings. The dimensions of the boiler room are determined by the dimensions of the unit, as well as the features of its maintenance, however, the smallest allowable area is 7 square meters. In this case, it is necessary to provide a place protected from atmospheric influences for storing the fuel supply - it must be dry before loading.

If the walls of the boiler room are made of flammable materials, they must be covered with a 2.5-3 cm layer of plaster or thermal insulation in the form of an 8 mm layer of asbestos and sheet iron. If there is no fire protection for the ceiling, the distance from it to the boiler body must be at least 120 cm.

The normal operation of a solid fuel boiler is ensured by a stable air flow. Therefore, it is necessary to provide supply and exhaust ventilation in the boiler room. The first channel, measuring 30x30 cm, should go to the bottom of the wall opposite the chimney, and the exhaust hole, whose dimensions should be 40x40 cm, should be located no more than 40 cm from the ceiling. The boiler room ventilation must ensure normal draft. If there is a shortage of it, the boiler’s performance drops, and if there is an excess, it becomes difficult to regulate the fuel combustion process.

The solid fuel boiler must be installed on a strictly horizontal fireproof (concrete or brick) platform about 7 cm thick. On a wooden floor, such equipment can only be installed with an intermediate brick layer covered with a 3-4 mm metal sheet or at least 5 cm cement screed . The base of a solid fuel boiler should be 10-20 cm wider than the external dimensions of the body, but the sides of the firebox should additionally be equipped with a safety zone at least 40 cm wide.

Installation standards

Requirements for the installation of solid fuel heating boilers are regulated by Fire Safety Standards (FSN) and Construction Norms and Rules (SNiP). It is very important to follow the provisions of these regulations, since not only the efficiency of the heating system being installed, but also the safety of the residents of your home directly depends on this.

Basic standards for installing solid fuel boilers:

Connecting a solid fuel boiler from different angles in the photo

What do you need to install a solid fuel boiler yourself?

If you are not going to involve specialists to install a solid fuel boiler, you will have to prepare for the work yourself.

First of all, you will need special clothing and tools:

To connect the boiler to the heating system you need to additionally purchase:

The most important thing when installing a heat generator is to follow the manufacturer's instructions. Before starting installation work, it is necessary to assemble the heating system and check it for leaks, as well as organize ventilation and a smoke removal system in the boiler room.

Heating systems based on solid fuel boilers must be equipped with open expansion tanks, the function of which is to protect communications from rupture due to overheating of the coolant.

Subtleties of installing solid fuel boilers

The boiler piping scheme is adopted in accordance with the characteristics of the heated object.

You can implement it using one of the following options:

  • boiler in an open heating system with natural circulation and radiators;
  • boiler in a closed system with forced circulation and radiators;
  • boiler with thermal accumulator in a closed forced system with radiators;
  • boiler with thermal accumulator in a closed system with forced circulation and heated floors;
  • boiler with radiators and heated floors as part of a forced circulation system.

The piping of a solid fuel boiler must be equipped with a safety system. The latter includes:

  • heat accumulator or buffer tank;
  • three-way valve for adding cold water;
  • thermostat in the control system.

The safety group of a solid fuel boiler is installed at the outlet, i.e. on the hot water supply line.

Immediately before installing a solid fuel boiler, it is necessary to carry out a visual inspection and test firing in the open air for about 1 hour at maximum load of the combustion chamber.

According to the requirements of SNiP, after connecting the boiler, a hydraulic pressure test of the system should be carried out for 24 hours.

To do this you need:

  • connect the water, open all taps and shut-off valves;
  • increase the pressure in the system to 1.3 atm (with a control valve);
  • make sure there are no leaks, especially at welded and threaded connections.

If the installation, piping and connection of the boiler are carried out correctly, there will be no pressure losses or coolant leaks. In this case, you can begin to inspect the boiler itself:

First start of the heating system

Before the first heating of the boiler, the pressure in the system should be about 1 atm. Don't forget to open the damper on the chimney. The kindling material is placed on the grate, after which fuel can be loaded into the combustion chamber. After 10-15 minutes from the moment of ignition, the ignition valve should be closed. When the temperature of the coolant in the system reaches 85 o C, you should adjust the thermostat, and then set the minimum (about 5 cm) gap between the primary damper and the firebox door.

Installing a solid fuel boiler is not an easy task, but it can be solved. It is important not only to comply with the requirements of regulatory documents, but also to follow elementary logic. And do not forget to use the successful experience of those who have already dealt with the organization of heating systems based on solid fuel heat generators. The most important thing is to ensure optimal operation of heating equipment. After all, its reliability and durability and, of course, the microclimate in the premises of your home directly depend on this.

Correct installation and connection of a solid fuel boiler on video

Solid fuel boilers are now often used to heat homes. Their efficient operation, simple design and availability of fuel have done their job - the boilers are still popular. But many consumers today are interested in one very important question: which connection diagram for a solid fuel boiler is better? Not everyone can immediately understand the essence of the question posed, because when connecting the boiler to the heating system, it is simply connected by two pipes to two circuits: the supply and return coolant. Everything is correct, but not everything is as simple as it might seem at first glance. Let's figure it out.

Strapping schemes

Let's start with the fact that additional functional devices and equipment are never installed in the design of solid fuel boilers. They have neither a circulation pump, nor an expansion tank, nor an automation unit. All these devices must be installed outside the unit on the heating system side.

Therefore, the simplest scheme for piping and connecting a solid fuel boiler is a simple connection of its pipes with the pipes of the heating system of the house. Pay attention to the picture below and you will immediately understand what we are talking about.

Simple connection diagram

As you can see, this scheme contains all the necessary instruments and devices that contribute to the efficient and efficient operation of heating as a whole. And the solid fuel boiler itself occupies the main place in it. By the way, when the task arises of installing a solid fuel boiler with your own hands, this particular scheme, as the simplest, is chosen by the consumer right away.

Complex circuits

But let's start from the operation of a solid fuel boiler, from its functionality. It should be noted that manufacturers of this type of heating equipment always make one very important note in the instructions. The unit will operate efficiently and for a long time only if the coolant at the inlet to the device has a temperature of at least +60°C. Why is this so important?

  • This avoids a large temperature difference in the heat exchanger, which increases its service life. This is the first.
  • Secondly, in this way the process of condensation of wet vapors inside the fuel combustion chamber can be prevented. This means that the soot deposited on them on the walls of the firebox and inside the chimney will not turn into tar.

What needs to be done to prevent these unfavorable factors from occurring? Option one is to install a mixing unit. Of course, this is said loudly, it is simply necessary to install a jumper near the boiler connecting the supply circuit of the heating system with the return circuit. If you look at the first picture, this pipe jumper will be installed between the circulation pump and the expansion tank and directed upward to the supply circuit.

Schematic diagram of connection

The circuit will operate as usual. But as soon as the temperature inside the return drops below +60°C, you can open the jumper and add a small volume of hot coolant to the return circuit, thereby leveling the temperature to the required level.

And another diagram for connecting a solid fuel boiler. To achieve full compliance with the power of a heating unit of this type, it is necessary to constantly add firewood to the firebox of the device. And the more often you do this, the more intensely it works. In any case, in this way you achieve full compliance with maintaining the required temperature conditions inside the building.

The method is not the most convenient, because it firmly ties you to the heating unit. What can be suggested to avoid such inconveniences? To do this, you can install a buffer tank in the piping circuit. With its help, the entire heating system is divided into two parts. The tank separates the solid fuel boiler from the radiator heating system.

  • Firstly, the buffer tank is a kind of accumulator in which coolant with high thermal energy will accumulate.
  • Secondly, at the peak of operation of the solid fuel boiler itself, the water in the tank will take excess temperature from the coolant.
  • Thirdly, when the unit’s performance decreases, the opposite will happen. The water will give up its heat to the cooling coolant.

The figure below shows this diagram of the piping and installation of a solid fuel boiler. Let's be honest, this is not the simplest scheme, requiring a careful approach to the implementation of the installation work.

Trim scheme with buffer tank

All experts unanimously say that solid fuel boilers are heating equipment that is difficult to control. It is very difficult to optimize the temperature regime with them. Either it works to the maximum, raising the temperature to +100°C, or it decreases to a minimum. And this frequency can occur several times in a short period of time.

To avoid this, it is necessary to provide another mixing unit during the installation of a solid fuel boiler, which will work to lower the temperature of the coolant. Let's take the figure above as a basis and make one addition. To be more precise, we will install another pipe jumper. It will be installed after the buffer tank in front of the heating radiators, and will connect the return and supply circuits.

Pipe isolation along contours

Emergency circuit device

When solving the problem of coolant overheating, all manufacturers of solid fuel boilers approach this problem differently. But everyone has the same cooling principle - supplying cold water to the heat exchanger from the house’s water supply network. Here are some solutions to this issue:

  • An additional heat exchanger is installed in the firebox next to the main heat exchanger, which is connected on one side to the water supply and on the other to the sewerage system. The contact of two devices makes it possible to reduce the temperature of the coolant in the main heat exchanger.
  • Installation of a small heat exchanger inside the main one. The connection is made according to the same scheme. In fact, a small device can be classified as a “shut-off valve”.
  • The heat exchanger is easily connected to water supply and sewer networks. To do this, a four-way valve and a built-in sensor are installed in the design of the heating unit, which monitors the temperature of the coolant inside the heat exchanger. When the temperature rises to a critical value, the valve simply lets cold water from the water supply directly into the heat exchanger. Two types of water with different temperatures are mixed. The heat exchanger also has an outlet pipe, which discharges part of the coolant into the sewer. Let's face it, it's a dubious scheme, but such solid fuel boilers are produced.

Attention! There is another very important point that concerns the installation process of solid fuel boilers. When switched off, the circulation pump built into the heating system creates a situation in which the coolant begins to boil. And since power outages in suburban villages are common, this situation becomes problematic. Therefore, we recommend installing a bypass near the pump, which will switch the heating to natural circulation of hot water.

These are the schemes used today. It is their analysis that answers the question of how to connect a solid fuel boiler correctly? All proposed schemes are not very complicated; they require special attention from the installation manufacturer. Here it is important to correctly connect each device in accordance with its intended purpose.

Bypass installation

By the way, additional units are often inserted into such circuits. For example, to maintain continuous heating of the coolant. The system will have not one boiler, but two. Most often, an electric and solid fuel device are installed, so the connection diagram of the electric boiler to the solid fuel boiler is made in parallel. This is an important point.


From the article you were able to see that installing a solid fuel boiler with your own hands and its correct connection depend on the goals you set for heating. There are many schemes, the choice is yours, but be sure to take our recommendations into account. It would be better if it were more complicated, but the entire system would be easier to operate.