Pea soup is traditionally made with smoked ribs, but it can also be made with any other meat. My family, for example, like it with beef. But many people don’t know how to properly cook pea soup so that the peas are boiled, so let’s get down to the step-by-step recipe so that you can pamper your loved ones with delicious pea soup.

Pea soup - a simple recipe with meat

To prepare pea soup with beef we will need:

  • 0.5 kg beef meat;
  • 1 cup peas;
  • 3 large potatoes;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 carrot;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt, spices;
  • greens (optional).

How to cook pea soup with meat

1. If we want the peas in the soup to boil well, it is better to soak them overnight. It is also advisable to buy split peas, the kind that come in halves. Wash the peas and soak them overnight in water.

2. In the morning, wash the meat and put it on the stove to cook.

3. When the meat boils, drain the first broth, wash the pan and again pour water into it into which we place our meat. Place the pan on the stove, not forgetting to add salt.

4. Add peas to the pan with meat. They will cook at the same time. When foam appears, remove it.

5. While the beef and peas are cooking, peel and wash the potatoes, cut them into cubes.

6. When the meat and peas are cooked, take out the meat, cool it a little and divide it into portions.

7. Pour potato cubes into the pan with peas. Let it cook.

8. At this time, saute the vegetables: peel the onion, cut it finely. Peel the carrots and grate them. Pour vegetable oil into a hot frying pan, add carrots and onions to it. Add allspice and favorite spices. You can also add here.

9. When the potatoes are cooked, add sautéed vegetables and chopped meat to our pea soup. Let the soup boil and remove from heat.

The pea soup is ready, pour into plates and serve with herbs. The peas cook well, the soup turns out very tasty and tender.

Bon appetit!

Peas are one of the healthy foods necessary for the normal functioning of the body. Dishes made from it, such as pea soup with meat, help to improve the digestive tract system and also saturate a person with essential vitamins and minerals. After all, it contains vitamins B, A and C, as well as iron, magnesium and calcium and other components that have a positive effect on the nervous system and the functioning of the heart muscle, thereby ensuring excellent well-being.

Let's look at how to properly prepare healthy pea soup with meat according to a simple and understandable recipe.

List of products needed to prepare pea soup

All ingredients must be fresh so that the taste is at its best.

Preparatory work

Since peas take a long time to cook to make them soft, which can be uncomfortable, it is best to soak them in water for four hours before cooking. To do this, pour one liter of water into a container with peas and leave for the above time.

It is also better to prepare the meat in advance, namely, boil it for thirty minutes, drain the water. This is done so that all harmful substances and toxins are removed from the meat. But you still need broth, and to do this, boil the meat again in one and a half liters of water for about fifteen minutes, then remove it from the pan and cool until you can touch it with your hands. The broth for pea soup is ready. All you have to do is wait for the peas to swell, because they increase in volume and water, if necessary, needs to be added so that they are still saturated with moisture.

Cut the boiled meat into small pieces of any shape so that you can put it in the soup and leave it in some container until you wait your turn to cook.

And so, four hours passed, the peas were swollen and the broth was in the pan. We need to prepare the vegetables. We clean the potato tubers and cut them into cubes, first along, then across, fill with water so that they do not turn black and leave until the water boils. Then we wash and peel the carrots and grate them on a fine or coarse grater, whatever your heart desires. Next, prepare the onion, also peel and finely chop; here, too, you can trust your imagination and cut as you like. Fry the onions and carrots in a frying pan with butter, only lightly, control this process until the fried vegetables smell pleasant. The vegetables are ready for further operations.

Prepare the spices so that they are on hand. We put on the table salt, pepper and any other seasonings that you usually put in pea soups.

The preparatory work has been completed, now you can begin the actual work of preparing pea soup with meat.

Now you need to adhere to the description below, because it also contains the secret of a tasty and healthy soup.

Recommended technology for preparing pea soup

Take a saucepan, pour in the broth or use the container with the broth in it for pea soup. Place on the fire or electric stove and wait for it to boil. Then carefully put the peas in there and set to cook. Initially, in order for the water with peas to boil faster, you need a gas burner, or
Set the electric heating element to a higher temperature, and monitor without leaving the stove when the process begins, otherwise the soup may spill onto the work surface and will need to be cleaned up as quickly as possible.

When the soup begins to boil, stir it and then reduce the temperature. This is recommended to avoid spillage from the pan. But you need to cook for about fifteen minutes, the peas should be boiled, but even if they do not completely soften, there is nothing to worry about, they are still under the influence of high temperatures and will still cook as expected.

Add salt to the pea soup, boil for another minute, then lower the meat and maintain the same temperature for another five minutes. Stir everything periodically so that the peas do not burn to the bottom of the dish, otherwise the smell will be bad, and the soup will be impossible to eat. Add the potatoes, extend the boiling for another three minutes, then lower the prepared fried mixture of onions and carrots and boil for another minute, this is enough to preserve the vitamins in the vegetables.

Next, add black or red pepper to the pea soup with meat, this is up to the amateur, and you can also add any spices. The bay leaf is added at the end of cooking and left in the soup for ten minutes, and this is enough for it to have flavor, then you can throw it away rather than leaving it in the soup for a long time.

How to serve pea soup correctly

Soup with peas and meat is served with fresh sour cream, and sprinkled with fresh or dried parsley or dill leaves. Greens will give the dish a beautiful and appetizing look, and it is also nutritious for the body. Rusks made from rye bread will also work, by the way, because pea soup in combination with them is simply magnificent. All products must be fresh and then the dish will not lose its taste.

How to make pea soup with meat delicious

In order for it to be tasty and healthy to cook pea soup with meat, you need to slowly, without rushing, throwing all thoughts out of your head, focusing them specifically on preparing your dish. The fact is that quick cooking does not provide the opportunity to put your soul into such an important matter so that the energy of love radiates from the soup. The saying is true that if you rush, people will laugh at you.

Pea soup with meat should be prepared in such a proportion that everything is eaten fresh at one time, and not stored in the refrigerator for a week, it is still unknown what substances it may be saturated with there.

Soup in general, and pea soup with meat in particular, is a valuable food product that we gradually begin to forget and eat all sorts of pizzas and cheeseburgers, but they are also more expensive and at the expense of health, in addition. Think about it. Take care of your health, because its condition depends on what we use internally.

Read about how to properly dry meat at home.

Pea soup is one of the main soups of Russian cuisine, just like or. In earlier times it was mainly cooked lean. Nowadays, there is a wide variety of meat products, allowing you to add whatever you like. It's rare that anyone doesn't like this soup. Firstly, it is very tasty even lean, secondly, it is very filling, thirdly, it is low in calories, of course, if you don’t put fatty pork or smoked sausage in it. Let's cook it using several different recipes.

How to cook pea soup - recipes with photos step by step

Pea soup tastes best with smoked meats, be it ribs or sausage. So we'll cook with them. And of course, Lenten soup. Now you can’t live without it, and it’s delicious, see for yourself.



  • Dry peas - 1 cup
  • Onion - 1 medium head
  • Medium carrots - 1 pc.
  • Garlic - 1 clove
  • Any smoked meats - 200 g.


1. Sort out the peas, rinse them and soak them in cold water overnight at room temperature.

2. In the morning, wash the peas and fill them with one and a half liters of cold water. Place the peas on the fire and bring to a boil. No salt yet.

3. Don’t forget to remove the foam at the beginning of the boil. Remove the foam, cover with a lid and cook the peas at a low simmer until soft. Cooking time depends on the type of peas, but on average it is 1 hour.

4. Cut the onion into small cubes, cut the carrots into strips or grate them. Finely chop the garlic; you can first crush it with the flat side of a knife. We cut the smoked meats into pieces that are convenient for you.

5. Cut off some pieces of fat from the smoked meats and melt it in a frying pan. Try to cut the fat into thin pieces so that later it is not felt separately, but almost all of it is rendered out. Instead of fat, you can pour a little vegetable oil.

6. The fat has melted a little, add chopped smoked meats to it. Choose the degree of frying yourself. You can fry it deeply, until crispy, you can fry it slightly, you can fry it so that the fat is slightly rendered, in general, see for yourself. In each version, it will be a new taste.

7. Add the onion and fry it for a couple of minutes until transparent.

8. Add carrots to the smoked meats and onions. We will fry until the carrots and onions are slightly fried.

9. At the end, add a clove of chopped garlic. By the way, vegetables can be fried separately from smoked meats. You will also get a different taste.

10. The frying is ready, the peas are boiled. By the way, if your peas stubbornly refuse to boil, this also happens, add a quarter teaspoon of soda when cooking them and everything will be fine. Place the roast into the soup.

11. Salt the soup and cook for about 20-25 minutes.

12. Five minutes before the end of cooking, add a couple of bay leaves and let cook for another 5 minutes.

Our soup is ready. Serve with croutons or breadcrumbs and herbs.

Bon appetit!


  • Carrots - 2 pcs.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Potatoes - 5 medium potatoes
  • Peas - 300 g.
  • Ribs - 500 g.
  • Pepper
  • Bay leaf
  • Greenery


1. Wash and soak the peas. The water should be 5 centimeters higher than the peas. Place overnight at room temperature. If you don't have time, set it for a couple of hours. If you have even less time, set it for 15 minutes, and during cooking, add a quarter or half a spoon of soda. Depending on the amount of water and peas.

2. Drain the settled water from the peas and rinse with cold water so that the starch does not leave the peas.

3. Of course, you already rinsed it before soaking, but rinsing it a second time won’t hurt. This will remove any remaining foreign particles. Let the peas drain. Look how beautiful, clean, large and soft the peas have become.

4. Take a 5-liter saucepan, pour about 3.5-4 liters of water and pour the peas into it. Close the lid and put on the fire so that it begins to cook. Bring to a boil and reduce the heat to below medium, just so that the peas slowly simmer.

5. Cut the potatoes into small pieces and fill them with cold water so that they don’t turn black and set them aside for now.

6. Cut the onion in half, then cut each half into 2 parts. Cut into thin slices.

7. We also cut the carrots in half, then into two more parts and cut them into quarter rings like the onion. You can grate the carrots or cut them into rings. How do you like.

8. Pour a little vegetable oil into the frying pan, wait until it warms up and add only the onion there for now, as if kneading it in your hand so that it separates. The onion should not become very golden. It should become soft and that's it. But if you like fried onions, then good for you.

9. Sprinkle freshly ground black pepper or a mixture of peppers on top of the onion. When frying, this will give the onions a subtle aroma and taste. Sprinkle with pepper when the onions just start to cook.

10. When the onion becomes soft, add the carrots. Mix everything. You can reduce the heat and stir-fry for a few minutes. The carrots will remain a little hard, that's okay.

11. We prepared smoked ribs for the soup.

12. Where the rib goes, we cut it according to its thickness, and between the ribs, where the meat is, we cut off a not quite thin plate and cut it lengthwise. Again, you can slice however you like, but don't cut too thick.

13. Place the ribs on top of the carrots in the pan. They need to be fried with carrots so that they stick together on both sides, so that the fat that begins to evaporate on the ribs simmers.

14. When the ribs are lightly fried on one side, you need to turn them over. You can turn over just one ribs, or you can mix all the contents at once. The ribs are ready on both sides, you can turn off the heat and set the ribs aside for now.

15. When the peas boil, you must skim off the foam. And in general, throughout the preparation of the soup, the foam must be constantly removed as it forms, so that the soup is light.

16. When the peas are cooked, you can try, usually 25-40 minutes is enough, add potatoes to it. Now you need to add salt, throw in a few black peppercorns and a couple of bay leaves.

17. Now we will make croutons. Cut the loaf, maybe yesterday's, into thin slices, and then cut them into squares. Place parchment paper on a baking sheet, pour out the sliced ​​pieces of bread and place in the oven to dry until nicely colored.

18. Chop the greens.

19. When the potatoes are completely cooked, add our fried ribs to the soup. Boil for another 10 minutes until the roasted carrots are completely cooked.

20. Our soup is ready. This soup is served with croutons. They are served directly on the plate, but at home everyone can pour it for themselves.

21. Sprinkle with herbs, well, now it’s completely ready and decorated. Beauty.

Bon appetit!


For a 3.5 liter pan. you will need:

  • Dry peas - 400g.
  • Potatoes - 3 pcs. small potatoes
  • Onion - 2 small onions
  • Carrots - 1 medium
  • Parsley - 40-50 g.
  • Dill - 40-50 g.
  • Garlic - 1/2 head
  • Salt, vegetable oil, bay leaf, red hot pepper.
  • Spices: dried purple basil leaves, savory (you can replace it with thyme, marjoram).


1. Rinse the peas several times with cold water. Place in a saucepan. Pour water into the pan, not reaching the side a couple of centimeters. You need to leave room so that when the soup boils, it doesn’t splash out. Be sure to stir the peas as they may stick to the bottom. Cook over medium heat without covering with a lid.

2. Peel and wash the vegetables. Blend the onion in a blender into small pieces, not puree. You can chop finely with a knife.

3. We grate the carrots, but if you like, you can also cut them into cubes or circles with a knife.

4. Peel the greens from large, hard stems and chop them into small pieces.

5. Foam has already begun to appear in the pan. It must be removed and also removed during the cooking process every time it appears. Skim off the foam before a strong boil begins. When the soup comes to a boil, reduce the heat to medium-low. If only the soup was slowly boiling.

6. Wait for the peas to cook. It is difficult to say the exact time, because it depends on many factors, including the peas themselves. Approximately after 30 minutes, start trying. The peas should become soft. So our peas have boiled, skim off the foam, add salt, cover with a lid, be sure to have a hole in it or don’t cover it tightly so that steam can escape. Reduce the heat and leave to simmer.

7. After 10-15 minutes, taste the peas; if they are cooked, add the diced potatoes. Close the lid and cook until the potatoes are ready.

8. Pour about half a centimeter of vegetable oil into the frying pan, let it warm up and add the onion. Fry the onion until golden brown.

9. When the onion is ready, add carrots to it. Lay out the carrots, add a little salt so that the carrots give juice. Set the heat to below medium if the pan has a thin bottom and to medium if it is thick. Fry thoroughly, on average 4-5 minutes. Fry until the carrots are as soft as you like.

10. Check the potatoes, they are almost ready. We put our roast in the soup. Let it boil for a couple more minutes and add spices.

11. Squeeze all the garlic into a separate cup, grind the dry basil leaves into powder with your hands so that it is as fine as possible, until on a separate saucer. If there are no leaves, add basil powder. But of course the leaves give a special aroma. We add all the spices to the soup. Pour in the basil, add a leaf or two of bay leaves if you like it spicy, directly crush the hot pepper into bunches if dried or finely chop if raw. Wash your hands immediately, otherwise you may accidentally wipe your eyes and then you will cry for a long time. Add savory or marjoram or thyme at the tip of a knife. We spread the garlic.

12. Reduce heat, taste the soup for salt and pepper. The last thing we add is greens. Leave a little greenery for decoration. We interfere. Cover with a lid. Turn off the fire. After 5-10 minutes you can serve.

The soup is ready.

Pour into plates, garnish with some herbs and serve.

Lenten - but delicious!

Bon appetit!

I would like to hear your opinion about soups. Share, write comments. I will be grateful.



1. Wash the green peas thoroughly and fill them with cold water for two hours. It is most convenient to soak the peas overnight. Place the finished peas in a saucepan and fill with cold water. We send it to the fire.

2. Wash the potatoes, peel them, wash them again and cut them into cubes or as you like.

3. We also cut the smoked sausage into cubes or into wedges, as you like.

4. Meanwhile, the peas began to boil. Remove the foam and cook for 30-50 minutes until the peas are softened.

5. While the peas are cooking, prepare the frying. Pour sunflower oil into a frying pan, heat it up, add finely chopped onions and grated carrots. Stir and fry until the vegetables are soft, 5-7 minutes.

6. Our peas are boiled, add potatoes and cook until the potatoes are ready.

7. When the potatoes are ready, add fried onions and carrots, chopped smoked sausage, 2-3 bay leaves, salt and pepper to the soup. Bring to a boil and cook for 10 minutes over low heat.

8. Add chopped dill, boil for another minute and turn off the heat.

Pea soup with smoked meats is ready.

Bon appetit!

  1. Video - Pea soup with meat

  1. Video - Pea soup puree

Bon appetit!

It is extremely important that our daily diet includes hot first courses. They improve digestion, thereby tuning the body in the right way. Below you will find recipes for making pea soup with meat. Although this dish is very simple, it is filling and tasty.

How to cook pea soup with beef?


  • dry split peas – 1 cup;
  • beef – 450 g;
  • carrots – 200 g;
  • onion – 250 g;
  • potatoes – 400 g;
  • bay leaf – 2 pcs.;
  • greenery;
  • salt.


First, wash the peas well. You need to wash it until the water runs clear. After that, pour it into a saucepan and fill it with water for 2 hours. Place the washed beef in a saucepan, add salt, throw in bay leaves and cook until tender. Then we take the meat out of the pan and cut it into small pieces. Peel the potatoes, wash them, cut them into cubes and place them in the broth. Add the swollen peas and place on the stove. Peel and chop the onions and carrots. Fry vegetables in vegetable oil. The resulting roast is added to the soup 5 minutes before the end of the cooking process. Add chopped herbs, let the soup brew for 15 minutes, and then serve. By the way, they go great with pea soup. They need to be added to the plate right before serving.

How to cook pea soup with meat in a slow cooker?


  • chicken meat – 400 g;
  • split peas - 1.5 cups;
  • onion – 130 g;
  • potatoes – 300 g;
  • carrots – 150 g;
  • salt;
  • spices;
  • vegetable oil.


Wash the chicken meat and cut it into pieces. Peel the potatoes and cut them into cubes. We sort out the peas and rinse thoroughly under running water. Finely chop the peeled carrots and onions. In the multicooker, select the “Baking” mode and fry the carrots and onions until lightly browned. Add chicken, potatoes and washed peas. Fill with hot water, salt, add spices. Close the multicooker and cook the soup in the “Stew” mode for 2 hours.

Pea soup with smoked meat



Fill the pre-washed peas with water and leave to swell for a couple of hours. After that, transfer it to a 4-liter saucepan, fill it with hot water and after boiling, reduce the heat to minimum, cook for 40 minutes. Salt to taste, add the smoked meat cut into pieces and cook for another 15 minutes. Then add the potatoes, cut into cubes. Lightly fry the chopped onions and carrots. We add it to the soup when the rest of the ingredients are almost ready. Boil for 5 minutes and turn off. Rub pieces of white loaf with garlic, cut into cubes and dry in the oven. When serving, add a little herbs, grated cheese and cheese to each serving.

Pea soup recipe

See the detailed recipe for pea soup with meat. Your family will definitely appreciate this delicious soup. Discover the secrets to making the perfect split pea soup

1 hour 30 minutes

77 kcal

5/5 (6)

Today you will learn how to cook pea soup with meat. This is a very very tasty and satisfying dish. Peas were used as a storehouse of protein and vitamins in Rus'. Since the Slavs fasted, they needed to find an alternative to meat.

To maintain their strength, they prepared dishes from peas and other legumes. There is an opinion that this soup was first prepared in Asia. Now it’s difficult to say which specific country this dish came from. Only one thing can be said with certainty: this soup is still popular. Let's start cooking.

Delicious pea soup with pork

My recipe for pea soup with pork will complement its photo. To prepare this dish, we will need a frying pan, a grater, a knife and a medium saucepan. Let's look at step-by-step preparation.


How to choose ingredients

I want to tell you how to properly cook pea soup with meat, in this case pork. First of all, you need to know how to choose meat. Meat on the bone, ribs and brisket are suitable for soup. The freshness of meat must be determined by color.

The pork should be a uniform, pink color. The elasticity of meat is also a sign of freshness. If you press with your finger, the dent should disappear immediately.
Now we choose peas. There are several types of this product: ground into powder, finely crushed (chopped), crushed in halves and whole. For soup, it is best to use peas, split into halves.

Pea powder cooks faster, but it is not suitable for preparing first courses. It will settle to the bottom of the pan and burn, so you will have to stir it constantly. It is not advisable to use pea chaff for food.

Producers crush grains spoiled by pests into cut pieces. As for whole peas, they hardly absorb moisture, so they will take a very long time to cook. And most likely it will remain firm.

Potatoes are difficult to choose based on appearance. But connoisseurs can distinguish its varieties. I recommend using proven potatoes for this soup that you have already purchased. Dark spots inside the root vegetable, unfortunately, are only noticeable when peeling. This is a sign of frostbitten potatoes. It can be eaten, you just need to cut out everything that has darkened.

Step by step recipe

Video recipe for making pea soup with meat.

I invite you to watch this video. It shows a simple recipe for pea soup with meat.

Pea soup with beef

I present a classic recipe for pea soup with beef and my photos. This soup takes about two hours to prepare. I’ll tell you how to speed up the cooking process a little later. We will have approximately 5 servings. To prepare the soup, we need a frying pan, a knife, a cutting board and a saucepan.


  • Onion – 1 piece.
  • Beef – 350 g.
  • Vegetable oil - to taste.
  • Peas - 1.5 cups.
  • Potatoes – 3 pieces.
  • Carrots – 1 piece.
  • Salt - to taste.
  • Dill – 1 bunch.

How to choose beef

I usually advise choosing products in the store rather than at the market. But this applies to spontaneous unofficial markets, where there are no documents for goods. When choosing meat, the supermarket is not the best option.

As a rule, frozen meat is sold there, and it is difficult to say how long it has been stored. And at a good meat market there is a large selection, the main thing is to know how to identify a quality product. The beef should be red in color without mucus or foreign odors.

The fat should be white. Elasticity also matters; fresh meat springs back when pressed with a finger. That is, it quickly restores its shape.

Step by step recipe

Video recipe for making pea soup with beef

I invite you to watch a video of making beef and pea soup.

Recipe for pea soup with lamb

This soup takes 1.5 hours to prepare. We will get 4-5 servings. We will need a saucepan, a knife and a cutting board. There are no potatoes in this recipe. Since the meat and peas have a very rich flavor, they will be the main notes in this soup. We will also not fry the onions, we will simply add them raw to the soup.


  • Lamb – 300 g.
  • Onion – 1 piece.
  • Peas - 3/4 cup.
  • Salt - to taste.
  • Spices - to taste.

Step by step recipe

Subtleties of cooking

Peas are a fairly tough product and need to be cooked for a long time. To shorten the cooking time, you can soak it in water overnight. But there is another option. You need to pour hot water (not boiling) over the peas and add a teaspoon of soda.