1.1. A speech therapy center in the preschool educational institution is organized in order to provide timely assistance to children with impaired development of oral speech.

The main tasks of the speech therapy service are:

- correction of various speech disorders in preschool children;

- preventive work to prevent speech disorders in children by promoting speech therapy knowledge among preschool workers and parents (legal representatives).

1.2. A speech therapy center at a preschool educational institution is opened by order of the head of the educational institution on the basis of data from a survey of children and the identification of those who need speech therapy assistance, if at the beginning of the school year there are 20-25 children with various disorders in the development of oral speech.

1.3. The activities of the speech therapy center are regulated by the Charter of the preschool educational institution and these Regulations.

1.4. The direct management of the work of the speech therapy center in the preschool educational institution is carried out by the head of this preschool educational institution.

2. Organization of speech therapy work

2.1. Enrollment of children in remedial classes is carried out by a speech therapist of this preschool educational institution based on the results of a survey of children at the beginning and end of the school year. When enrolling, the nature and severity of speech disorders, the age of children are taken into account. First of all, older preschoolers are enrolled. Children with severe speech disorders (OHP, dysarthria, alalia, stuttering) and mental retardation should be referred to specialized institutions (groups). If parents refuse to transfer a child with a complex speech pathology to a special group, the speech therapist is not responsible for the complete elimination of the defect.

2.2. The load of a speech therapist teacher at 1.0 rate provides for simultaneous work on speech correction from 12 to 16 children, from 20 to 25 children during the year.

Children are withdrawn from the number of those involved in the speech therapy center throughout the school year as speech disorders are corrected.

Children are also admitted to the speech therapy center throughout the school year as places become available.

2.3. The job responsibilities of a teacher-speech therapist should include work only with children with speech pathology.

2.4. The terms of correctional work depend on the severity of speech disorders, the individual and personal characteristics of children, the conditions of education in a preschool educational institution and the family. They can vary from 2 - 3 months to 1.5 - 2 years or more.

2.5. The main organizational form of correctional work in a speech therapy center is individual lessons. The frequency and duration of individual lessons is determined by the nature and severity of the speech disorder, the age and psychophysical characteristics of the children (from 3 to 5 times a week). The duration of the classes is from 10 to 20 minutes. The time allotted for an individual lesson with a child increases if the speech therapist himself takes the child from the group and takes the child to the group at the end of the lesson.

Group classes are organized as needed at certain stages of speech therapy work, if there are children of the same age who have speech disorders similar in nature and severity. Duration subgroup lessons from 15 to 30 minutes, depending on the age of the children, the frequency of the performance is determined by the severity of the impaired components of speech (phonetic-phonemic, lexical-grammatical).

2.7. The weekly workload of a speech therapist teacher in working conditions at a preschool speech therapy center is 20 hours, of which 16 hours are devoted to direct correctional and speech work with children, and 4 hours to organizational, methodological and advisory work with the teaching staff of the preschool educational institution and parents.

2.8. Responsibility for children attending classes at a speech therapy center rests with the speech therapist teacher, educators of those groups whose children study at the speech therapy center, and the administration of the educational institution.

Annex to the Charter I approve

Director of MBOU secondary school No. 64

V.A. Akhmatova


about speech therapy

I. General provisions

1.1. This Regulation on the speech therapy service was developed on the basis of the Instructional Letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated December 14, 2000 “On the organization of speech therapy work in general educational institutions”; Letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated January 22, 1998 No. 20-58-0 7in / 20-4 "On speech therapists and psychologists in educational institutions."

1.2. Speech therapy service is a necessary component of the general school education system, which ensures the development of the personal, intellectual and professional potential of society.

The main goal of the speech therapy service is to provide special correctional and developmental assistance to students of the school who have various disorders of oral and written speech.

The main tasks of the speech therapy service are: diagnosis and correction of violations of oral and writing, as well as timely prevention and overcoming of poor progress due to them; promotion of special knowledge among teachers and parents. The organization of the activities of the speech therapy service allows you to eliminate or mitigate speech and psychological disorders, contributing to the main goal of pedagogical activity - the education of a comprehensively developed personality.

1.3. The speech therapy service carries out its activities in close contact with parents, ensuring the necessary level of their awareness of the tasks and specifics of speech therapy correctional work to overcome poor progress due to speech disorders.

1.4. In his activities, a speech therapist is guided by: the Constitution and laws Russian Federation, decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation and education authorities at all levels on education and upbringing of students; the Convention on the Rights of the Child; Regulations on the school psychological-medical-pedagogical council, decisions and the city psychological-medical-pedagogical commission, job description.

II. Directions of activity of logopedic service.

2.1. The main activities of a speech therapist teacher are:




Consultative and educational;

Organizational and methodological;

Research - analytical.

2.2. The diagnostic activity of the speech therapy service consists in a comprehensive speech therapy examination of the oral and written speech of students; collection and analysis of anamnestic data; psychological and pedagogical study of children; differential diagnosis of speech disorders; processing of survey results; forecasting speech development and corrections; completing groups and subgroups based on diagnostic data; drawing up a long-term plan of correctional and speech therapy work for each group; scheduling classes; preparation of the necessary documentation for participation in the work of the school psychological, medical and pedagogical council.

2.3. The correctional and developmental activities of the speech therapy service are aimed at the development and improvement of speech and non-speech processes, the prevention, correction and compensation of speech disorders, the development of the cognitive, communicative and regulatory functions of speech. The work is carried out at the phonetic, lexical and syntactic levels. It is carried out in the form of individual, group (4-6 people), subgroup (2-3 people) speech therapy classes according to the schedule approved by the director educational institution. The results of speech therapy work are noted in the student's speech card by the time of graduation and are brought to the attention of the class teacher, school administration and parents.

2.4. The preventive activity of the speech therapy service is aimed at the implementation of interaction in the work of a speech therapist teacher, a teacher-psychologist, subject teachers and parents to identify children at risk; prevention and overcoming of secondary disorders in children caused by a primary speech defect; protection of neuropsychic health of children; adaptation of children to school, the creation of a favorable emotional and psychological climate in the teaching and student teams, in the family.

The preventive activity of the speech therapy service is carried out in the form of speeches at parent meetings, methodological associations of teachers, consultations on the correction of students' speech, individual and subgroup classes with students. The teacher-speech therapist, when identifying children at risk, relies on the diagnostic data of a psychologist and doctors, organizes a corrective and speech therapy impact, taking into account these data. At correctional and developmental classes, a speech therapist teacher should apply psychocorrectional techniques for the development of mental functions, and conduct psychotherapeutic work with students.

2.5. Consultative and educational activities consist in increasing the level of professional skills of teachers of an educational institution and the awareness of parents about the tasks and specifics of speech therapy correctional and developmental work and measures to improve the performance of students with speech impairments during school and extracurricular time. Consultative and educational activities are carried out through messages, reports at the pedagogical councils of an educational institution, school meetings of methodological associations; parent meetings, individual and group consultations, talks, seminars, open classes, a speech therapy stand for parents and teachers with interchangeable material, exhibitions of speech therapy literature, etc.

2.6. The organizational and methodological activities of the speech therapy service are aimed at increasing the level of speech therapy competence of a speech therapist teacher, ensuring communication and continuity in the work of a speech therapist teacher, teachers and parents in solving problems of overcoming speech underdevelopment in students, increasing the efficiency of the correctional speech therapy process, improving the program and methodological equipping the correctional speech therapy process.

2.7. Organizational and methodological activities include: development of guidelines for speech therapists, teachers and parents on the provision of speech therapy assistance to children, long-term planning; study and generalization of best practices; experience exchange; search for the best means of correcting the speech of children; production and purchase of visual and didactic material. To this end, a speech therapist teacher takes part in the work of pedagogical councils, pedagogical conferences, methodological associations of teachers and speech therapists, conducts theoretical, practice-oriented seminars, open speech therapy classes, attends Russian language lessons, reading and speech development, speaks at parent meetings.

2.8. Research and analytical activities are carried out in the form of self-education, monitoring, research, analysis of the results of their own correctional and developmental work in all areas.

III. Organization of speech therapy work

3.1. Students with various impairments in the development of oral and written speech in their native language (general speech underdevelopment; phonetic and phonemic underdevelopment; phonemic underdevelopment; pronunciation defects - a phonetic defect; stuttering; speech defects caused by a violation of the structure and mobility of the speech apparatus (dysarthria, rhinolalia); reading and writing disorders due to general, phonetic-phonemic, phonemic underdevelopment of speech).

First of all, students are enrolled in speech therapy classes, whose speech deficiencies prevent the successful assimilation of program material (children with general, phonetic-phonemic, phonemic underdevelopment of speech).

Admission of students with phonetic disorders is carried out throughout the academic year as places become available.

As students with general, phonetic-phonemic and phonemic underdevelopment of speech graduate, new groups are recruited.

2.2. Identification of children with speech disorders for enrollment in speech therapy classes is carried out from September 1 to September 15 for newly arrived younger students, and from May 15 to May 30 for students receiving special speech therapy assistance during this academic year.

All children with identified speech defects are registered in the list of those examined for subsequent distribution into groups depending on the speech defect.

For each student enrolled in speech therapy classes, a speech therapist fills out an examination protocol, a speech card.

Graduation of students is carried out throughout the academic year as defects are eliminated.

3.3. The main form of organization of speech therapy work is group classes. Students with a homogeneous defect structure are enrolled in groups. Groups of students from different grades are allowed.

3.4. The occupancy of a group or subgroup of students with primary speech pathology is determined on the basis of the instructive-methodical Letter "On the work of a speech therapist teacher at a secondary school" by A.V. Yastrebova, T.P. Bessonova:

With general speech underdevelopment (OHP) and reading and writing disorders caused by it - 3-4 people;

With unsharply expressed general underdevelopment of speech (NVONR) and reading and writing disorders caused by it - 4-5 people;

With phonetic-phonemic (FFN) or phonemic (FN) underdevelopment of speech and reading and writing disorders caused by it - 5-6 people;

With flaws in pronunciation - 6-7 people;

Stuttering children - 3-4 people.

Groups of students of the first grades are completed separately, depending on the duration of education of children in the primary level of a comprehensive school.

Individual classes are held with children with severe speech disorders: OHP level 2; violations of the structure and mobility of the articulatory apparatus (rhinolalia, dysarthria). As these children develop pronunciation skills, it is advisable to include them in the appropriate groups.

3.5. Speech therapy classes with students of a general education school are held during hours free from lessons. Correction of pronunciation in grade I children with a phonetic defect that does not affect academic performance can be carried out during classroom classes (except for Russian language and mathematics lessons). Students who do not attend extended day groups come to classes from home. Pupils who attend extended day groups are sent by educators to speech therapy classes from any regime moment in accordance with the schedule of speech therapy classes.

3.6. Periodicity and duration speech therapy classes depends on the mode of operation of the institution and is determined by the severity of the speech defect. Corrective and developmental speech therapy work with each group of children is carried out:

General underdevelopment speech; reading and writing disorders caused by them - at least 3 times a week;

FFN and FN, reading and writing disorders caused by them - 2-3 times a week;

With a group of stutterers - 3 times a week;

Phonetic defect - 2 times a week;

Individual lessons with children with severe speech disorders - at least 3 times a week.

The duration of the speech therapy frontal lesson with each group is 40 minutes; with a group of smaller occupancy (subgroup) - 25-30 minutes; individual lessons with each child - 20 minutes.

3.7. The duration of correctional and developmental education for children with FFN and reading and writing disorders due to phonetic-phonemic and phonemic underdevelopment of speech is approximately 4-9 months; the term of correctional and developmental education of children with OHP and impaired reading and writing due to general underdevelopment of speech is 1.5-2 years.

3.8. During consultation hours, a speech therapist works to clarify the established speech therapy conclusion, gives recommendations to students and their parents on correcting a phonetic defect; consults with teachers on the control regime for the elimination of a speech defect; draws up the necessary documentation.

3.9. After the end of the speech therapy lesson, the speech therapist is obliged to accompany the children to the study room, the place of the walk, etc.

The teacher-speech therapist uses the time of breaks between group and individual lessons in order to: check written work, prepare visual material for the next lesson.

In the absence of a student at school due to illness, a speech therapist teacher can use this time to conduct a lesson with another student, observing the sanitary and hygienic requirements for the weekly workload of students of different ages, or for the following methodological purposes:

    visiting classes in general education classes;

    attending speech therapy classes with another teacher - a speech therapist in their general education institution;

    execution of intermediate or final documentation;

    preparation of didactic and electronic materials, visual aids;

    visiting the school library, a methodical office for professional self-education;

    consulting on professional issues from the deputy director for educational work, the methodologist of the district CEC, the head of the district methodological association.

3.10. The teacher-speech therapist systematically maintains the following documentation:

    A magazine with a list of students who have impairments in the development of oral and written speech according to the pattern established in the Letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated December 14, 2000 No. 2 “On the organization of the work of a speech therapy center of a general educational institution”.

    Speech card for each student with speech disorders enrolled in speech therapy classes.

    Schedule of speech therapy classes, certified by the director of the school.

    Journal of attendance and classes with students.

    A long-term work plan for each group of students.

    Overall plan methodical work on the academic year.

    Students' workbooks.

    Notebooks for individual lessons for the correction of sound pronunciation (found by students).

    A card file of a speech therapy room with a list of equipment, educational and visual aids located in it.

IV. Functions of the head of a general education institution and a speech therapist teacher

5.1. Direct supervision and control over the work of a speech therapist is carried out by the head of the educational institution.

5.2. The teacher-speech therapist, the class teacher and the head of the educational institution are responsible for the mandatory attendance of speech therapy classes by students.

5.3. The teacher-speech therapist participates in the complex diagnostics of students; ensures the assimilation by students of the basic educational minimum; maintains the necessary reporting documentation, timely submits it to the deputy director for educational work.

5.4. The speech therapist provides systematic communication with the deputy director for educational work and class teachers of students with speech disorders, attends lessons in order to develop the correct speech mode in the classroom.

5.5. The school administration is responsible for the equipment of the speech therapy room, its sanitary maintenance and repair of the premises.

Regulations on speech therapy center

General provisions

1.1 This regulation was developed in accordance with the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation", the Charter of the institution, based on the letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia of December 14, 2000 No. 2 "On the organization of the work of a speech therapy center of a general educational institution".

1.2.N. This Regulation regulates the activities of the speech therapy center in the organization.

Tasks of the speech therapy center

2.1. Timely identify violations in the development of oral and written speech of students; determine their level and nature.

2.2. Eliminate these violations.

2.3. To disseminate special knowledge on speech therapy among teachers, parents (legal representatives).

Organization of activities of a speech therapist

3.1. A speech therapy center is created for students who have impairments in the development of oral and written speech:

General underdevelopment of speech at different levels;

Phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment of speech;

Disadvantages of pronunciation - phonetic defect.

3.2. First of all, students with impairments in the development of oral and written speech that prevent the successful development of general education programs are enrolled in the speech therapy center.

3.4. The maximum occupancy of the speech therapy center is no more than 20 people (rural educational institution) for each student, the speech therapist fills out a speech card.

3.5. The release of students from the speech therapy center is carried out during the entire academic year after the elimination of their violations of oral and written speech.

3.6. The terms of speech therapy work are directly dependent on the degree of severity of speech disorders in children, their individual and personal characteristics. They can vary from 6 months to 2 years or more.

3.7. Classes with students are conducted both individually and with a subgroup and in a group. The maximum occupancy of groups is set depending on the nature of the violation in the development of oral and written speech of the student.

3.8. The frequency of subgroup and individual lessons is determined by the severity of the violation of speech development. Private lessons are held at least twice a week. The duration of a group lesson is 40 minutes, the duration of an individual lesson is 20 minutes (taking into account the movement of children). The topics of group and individual lessons with students and their attendance are reflected in the journal of optional and speech therapy classes.

3.9. If it is necessary to clarify the diagnosis, students with speech disorders with the consent of their parents (legal representatives) are sent by a speech therapist teacher to the appropriate medical institution for examination by specialist doctors (neuropathologist, child psychiatrist, otolaryngologist, ophthalmologist) or to a psychological, medical and pedagogical commission. Responsibility for the obligatory attendance of students at the speech therapy center lies with the teacher-speech therapist, classroom teacher, head of the MOU secondary school, parents (legal representatives).

3.10. A speech therapist works 5 days a week. The weekly workload of a speech therapist teacher is 20 hours (1 position), of which 18 hours are devoted to direct corrective and speech work with students, and 2 hours to organizational, methodological and advisory work with teaching staff and parents. All benefits and benefits (duration of the next vacation, increase in the rate wages by 20%, order pension provision) provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation for teachers of urban and rural educational institutions.


Head of MDOU

"Kindergarten "Forest Fairy Tale"



3.4. The weekly workload of a speech therapist teacher in the conditions of a speech therapy center is 20 hours, of which 18 hours are devoted to direct correctional and speech therapy work with children and 2 hours to organizational, methodological and advisory work with preschool teachers and parents.

4. Acquisition of a speech therapy center

4.1. The speech therapy center enrolls pupils of a preschool educational institution with various speech disorders:

phonetic disorders (NPZ);

a long-term work plan for a speech therapist teacher for the academic year, which includes activities with the teaching staff, parents, self-education, etc.;

· speech cards children with a plan individual work;

work schedule and cyclogram for the use of working time, approved by the head of the preschool educational institution;

logbook of children's attendance at speech therapy classes;

schedule of individual and subgroup classes;

Analytical reports of the teacher-speech therapist for the academic year;

log book of preventive work;

individual notebooks of children, in which the interaction of a speech therapist teacher and parents is recorded;

a passport of a speech therapy room, which includes a list of available equipment and manuals;

proper instruction.

9. Management of the speech therapy center

9.1. The work of a speech therapist teacher is supervised by the head of the preschool educational institution.

10. Logistics

10.1. For the work of the speech therapy center, a separate room is allocated that meets the sanitary and hygienic requirements, requirements fire safety and adapted for individual and subgroup classes with children, consultations for parents. The cabinet is equipped necessary equipment according to general requirements applied to the equipment of the speech therapy room.

10.2. Financing of the activities of the speech therapy center is carried out in accordance with the current legislation and municipal regulatory legal acts, according to the type of institution.

10.3. The activities of the speech therapy center of the preschool educational institution, which are not provided for by this Regulation, are regulated by the current legislation of the Russian Federation, other regulatory legal acts, the Charter of the preschool educational institution, registered in the prescribed manner.